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Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only - Romance (18) - Nairaland

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Nobody: 1:28pm On Nov 05, 2014
No shock here fredii, where do u stand, where do u belong, the truth hurts and could be heart broken too.am loved by somany. And if it will take me to pull op. Or killjoy's ears to talk to them, I will do it, the bible says in the heart of a child there is foolishness, but the rod of correction will drive them out, and also I believe u have heard of the saying "spare the rod and spoil the child" its not may nature to curse, my apologies, but if calling u. That will make u wake up, I will over and over again, take the food u can chew frddi and keep the rest, what I mean is learn ur lesson, n leave the teacher's mistakes out of ur learning!
Op is not a kid...he detests marriage. His decision...he sees it as ur lot. Prove him and others wrong.


Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by porka: 1:32pm On Nov 05, 2014
readers discretion adviced:

7. You get to focus on your dreams without distractions. Like I said earlier, a man's career is his lot (or curse). As s man if you haven't got a successful career, you will probably die unhappy and unproductive. The compromise you have to make to keep her happy will retard you from achieving your dreams to the fullest. Pleasing a woman and pursuing your dreams are mutually exclusive. don't get married.

disclaimer: its ironic when people say honesty is a virtue yet can't bear to hear (or read) the truth.

nota bene: I am not prejudiced towards women. I hate all equally.

What do you need a career for really?

It's extremely mainstream, very antithetical to your avowed unmainstreamness.

Just lazy around and beg to feed.

Charities, governments, people of good will always find something for beggars.

You'll be happier and be remembered.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by kccarew(f): 1:33pm On Nov 05, 2014
Whether a gran pa likes it or not, he will remain a child to his parents, where do u ferdii stand, where do u belong

Op is not a kid...he detests marriage. His decision...he sees it as ur lot. Prove him and others wrong.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by BigBashiru: 1:33pm On Nov 05, 2014
I never believed in marriage.....

the issue is how can i get a good fuucckkk and still have good standing with judeo christianity. i think il just hv a girlfriend/ partner.

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Dcmg(m): 1:34pm On Nov 05, 2014

You don't have the money
What is money?
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by kccarew(f): 1:36pm On Nov 05, 2014
And come to think of it op is only toying with so many of u, topic to trend for long here on NL, that's his plan remember!!!

Op is not a kid...he detests marriage. His decision...he sees it as ur lot. Prove him and others wrong.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Nobody: 1:36pm On Nov 05, 2014
1. Differences are bound to be, but managing ur differences wit maturity, wisdom and understanding keeps marriage going. Your mindset to forget ur differences and move ahead wit ur partner is important. Unmarried men too have differences. (It depends on who ur partner is and how divinely favored u are)

2. Love is not what u think it is. Love is not negative so it can't be a sickness. It is not a MEANS to achieve but an END that is been achieved. Love is an advanced level of affection, POSITIVE feelings, inner friendliness and comfort u achieve after combining well wit someone else. (It depends on who u are, who ur partner is and how divinely favored u are)

3. Is like saying d cock and d hen does not need egg. Children are blessings for continuity. Need for child is not only for our joy and comfort, but for both the parent, children and human existence. If Obama's dad chose not to have a child, definitely we won't know abt the existence of Obama lineage in Kenya or Africa, neither wil a son of d Obama be d 1st black American President. (It depends on who u are, who ur partner is and how divinely favored u are)

4. Matrimonial family, matrimonial sex, matrimonial home management, family fun and joy are totally different versions. Diamond is a precious stone, but u won't compare it with ordinary stone. Don't forget (It depends on who u are, who ur partner is and how divinely favored u are)

5. Please get it right that Marriage and Family making are matrimonial investments dt yields comfort, financial returns and joy of continuity. Marriage is like account opening (contract) wit an investment bank, while family raising is ur savings as investment (yield). It is totally wrong and poverty will make a poor man thinks dt savings for future depletes someone's wealth. Woman, marriage, sex, children upbringing, family expenses are all needed for this special investment. We need patience, endurance, Godliness and mutual understanding for all investments. I've seen poor bachelors, rich couples and even richer couples with kids. Hence wives and children don't deplete wealth. Again, (It depends on who u are, who ur partner is and how divinely favored u are).

6. Divorce is a challenge to some marriages. Sometimes, we do have issues wit our banks, telecom service providers (mtn, airtel, glo or etisalat) but that does not mean that their services are totally useless. Challeges are to be resolved. Bachelors too end friendship, business partners seperates, even artises (Dbanj & Don Jazzy. Tuface, Black face and Faze etc). So, d fear of divorce shouldn't scare you from marriage. (It depends on who u are, who ur partner is and how divinely favored u are).

7. U are not a man if u can't juggle balls. Managing affairs effectively makes a complete man. Dangote, Adenuga, Otedola, Jim Ovia, etc are all married with children. Tell me one bachelor that is richer than any of these happy fathers. U need to see Otedola wit his darling DJ Cuppy. Family affair doesn't crumble business affair. Once again (It depends on who u are, who ur partner is and how divinely favored u are).

U are not an astronaut unless u experience the space out of this atmosphere. Get married and experience d full joy of life.

Set ur goals, be plain, be hard working, seek Allah's favour to get d right partner and be Godly. Take lessons from d Quran and bible and ur ways shall be thorough. Maa Salam.a
Look around, no money no honey. Is that d meaning of love?

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by BigBashiru: 1:39pm On Nov 05, 2014
one other funny thing, all my friends that are married, when I ask them how they are enjoying married life, they just keep silent.


Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Nobody: 1:39pm On Nov 05, 2014
And come to think of it op is only toying with so many of u, topic to trend for long here on NL, that's his plan remember!!!
I hate what I see in marriages. So y wld i want to be in it? If I must have a kid...I know what to do.


Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by deavicky(m): 1:40pm On Nov 05, 2014

as a matter of fact, d good tins marriage has to offer to a man r tins he can enjoy while still single. wot I withheld r more downsides to marriage. my parents r separated n seem happier that way. my friends Dada died of heart attack caused by his wife, look marriage shud be a no go area for a man who intends to live eida happy or long or both.
I now see where u got ur tot from(broken home).U will never know what it means to have a good woman by side as ur wife.

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by plainol(m): 1:42pm On Nov 05, 2014
with what u av written, u can wake up one and say " I don't need father and mother" and u go into d kitchen , take a knife and just kill them. u can do d same for your siblings, friends, oga, school, and so on.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by kccarew(f): 1:47pm On Nov 05, 2014
Then change It, remember how many times thomas failed to Build a bulb, 999times, and got it right at the 1000th times, what am saing is, u don't have to to it the same way u have seen it go. I told my friends, my parent made all the mistakes in their marriage so I can learn from it and not make any at all

I hate what I see in marriages. So y wld i want to be in it? If I must have a kid...I know what to do.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by SWG1: 1:53pm On Nov 05, 2014
He that finds a wife finds what? a good thing and obtained favour from sight of God.

Op, you are only entitled to your opinion if uv not really found a wife or Maybe ur operating outside God's principles and favour.

We are not meant to marry out of feelings or solely Cos of sex. So don't tell me stories about stale sex.

Infant Il revist this thread when I have ample time.

watch out for season 2 lol
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Ignatio(m): 1:55pm On Nov 05, 2014
There's truth in what op said. It's career before marriage for me.

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by olusipimp(m): 1:59pm On Nov 05, 2014
Ops,you've already said it all cos I've already purported it in ma heart dt I'm not getting married but 2go adopt two kids n live ma life...imagine ma ex telling me 2hurstle and start spending all ma earnings on her while she sits home snapping wit different guys n tells me they're just a mere friend and dt I should sell all ma shares,empty ma bank accounts n spend on her cos all what girls knw is money dt d future will cater for itself.......I've make it a point dt no marriage,adopting kids a must n point n kill of diff girls is a revnge

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Meklex(m): 1:59pm On Nov 05, 2014
I totally agree with what the OP posted, girls be acting like they own everything. A handful of boobs and well shaped butt ain't enough these days to make a reasonable guy FALL in love....... Jeez, I hate that sentence, 'fall in love'.... It's truly a fall for the realistic guy.

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by ARico(m): 2:11pm On Nov 05, 2014
Thanks op. I love this thread.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by wisemanG: 2:12pm On Nov 05, 2014
op, life is a battlefield wher only the serious minded are victorious. The truth is most of us are living outside the truth wher our light is coming from. Marriage is not d first priority in life. When your situation is far more important than your dream and goal u are living without destination. Marriage is just a slice of life. The most important is your dream and goal. Achieve ur dream and goal before thinking abt settlin down with a woman.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Nobody: 2:21pm On Nov 05, 2014

Going through your responses with Op...that's absolutely BRILLIANT cool

Awwwh thank you smiley

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Nobody: 2:22pm On Nov 05, 2014

Not a bit, he's a pathological pessimist.

Yeah who hurt him sad

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by lahit14(m): 2:23pm On Nov 05, 2014
I will marry.
I will live long.
I will sleep with one woman(my wife) for the rest of my life.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from God..

Lol, no be small tin!!
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Nobody: 2:24pm On Nov 05, 2014
That one na your business Op...God that created marriage had reasons why he created it and asked us to multiply and fill the earth. Didn't your parents marry? Abi na runs them use born you? OK i understand you don't want a respectful and reasonable life? Let me tell you Mr... You gain more respect when people know you have a family (wife and kids) It shows you are responsible and can take responsibility. Everyone can't be like you, and if you've decided not to marry or have kids, then continue sleeping around with Prostitutes and wait for when HIV will come. Is that what you call life? Sorry bro, i don't agree with your statement above. In as much as life isn't easy and issues might arise between a husband and wife, mature once settle it and call it a mistake never to happen again. You have said your mind and that is your opinion. I want to marry, have my own kids or even adopt, train them with and in the fear of the lord and conquer my generation. Thank you.
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by ChukChinCol(m): 2:28pm On Nov 05, 2014
Life is too short to spend the rest of it with a woman with sagged tits, care free attires and predictable life style...thats another name for boredom!


Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by BigBashiru: 2:29pm On Nov 05, 2014
Another deterrent to marriage is only old cargos over 26 seek it. thats why cheating rate is high. those that are ripe for marriage @ 22-24 keep doing shakara and jumping from man to man. Why should i settle for 32 year old female after all those years of deprivation for "Gods insitution". God never said i shouldnt be with someone young and hot so all ye marriage proponents, go fuuccckkk yourselves okay!

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by missrock(f): 2:30pm On Nov 05, 2014

Nothing scares Women more than knowing that they might live their whole life single..

I propose all guys should embark on mariage strike all this send me recharge card none sense from ladies would die naturally.

Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by yemtoy4: 2:31pm On Nov 05, 2014
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by missrock(f): 2:32pm On Nov 05, 2014
God himself knew he did a great mistake by bringing Eve.
Everything was going on fine until eve landed and brought confusion,temptation and disobedient that God becos of Eve had to Curse human with sufferings.When Eve came,suffering started.That's the reality.

am afraid i agree with you

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Opijay: 2:34pm On Nov 05, 2014
Mtcheew. See you contradicting urself o! Nos 4. Ur mama loves u die. Abeg o! If ur mama no marry,she go born u? Abi dem adopt u ni?. If ur father,jus like u're advising decided to stay single,where u for dey?
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Princecalm(m): 2:34pm On Nov 05, 2014
So the fuss is all about not finding a perfect lover.well nobody ever stated a law that marriage is compulsory.
*prays God gives me an understanding,loving and caring woman.*
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Misogynist2014(m): 2:35pm On Nov 05, 2014

I don't like stupid questions,they lead to unwanted arguments. Don't worry,keep worshiping your God.
Don't pity me! I've got nothing to loose. angry
Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by Dcmg(m): 2:36pm On Nov 05, 2014

Obviously, you and killjoy are not practising Christians. My reason, is this: why will you both completely denounce something God instituted by himself and said it was a good thing? Nothing good in life comes easy, likewise marriage. It takes hard work to make marriage successful, and it's very possible. Many of the men we celebrate today as achievers will tell you that their wives are the bedrocks of their success.
Again, every man needs sex. It's wired in our nature. How do you justly hope to enjoy sex outside marriage? It is immoral to have sex outside marriage. If you refuse to get married, but can hold yourself, then there is no problem with it. But the problem is that you have no such plans.
Remember we will all stand before God's judgement throne and give account of our lives.
God instituted marriage bla bla bla.Why din't his son Jesus Marry?
See,not everybody will marry.Some people have a greater purpose than marriage.

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Re: Seven Reasons Why You Should Never Get Married - For Guys Only by emmanbol: 2:38pm On Nov 05, 2014
Personally, for now, I am not also gonna get married. I think this issue is more of personality of a person. Somebody like me, I am too free to be tied down to just one woman, just my kids, just same vagin.a. I see it as selfishness sef to get married. Also, this idea is gonna be embraced by few people because few people have a fully open mind.

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