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The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community - Religion - Nairaland

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The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by ElRey01: 12:13am On Nov 28, 2014

Muslim parents demanded the abolition of pork in all the school canteens of a Montreal suburb. The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval,has refused, and the town clerk sent a note to all parents to explain why...

“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and Quebec, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that's where they chose to immigrate. “They must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Quebec. “They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who so generously welcomed them. “They must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (whereas the reverse is not true, in that Muslim states do not accept non-Muslim immigrants).

“That no more than other nations, Canadians are not willing to give up their identity, their culture.

“And if Canada is a land of welcome, it's not the Mayor of Dorval who welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian-Quebecois people as a whole.

“Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec) with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain. The municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia. “For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Shariah. “If you left your country for Canada, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Canada than elsewhere.

“Ask yourself the question, just once, “Why is it better here in Canada than where you come from?”

“A canteen with pork is part of the answer.”


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Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by ULSHERLAN(m): 12:16am On Nov 28, 2014
I love this reply. Muslims should learn to adapt to places and not force places to adapt to their lifestyle

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Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by ElRey01: 12:40am On Nov 28, 2014
This Mayor's construction is so subtle but hits harder than a bulldozer....thank you for being a true leader who will not mince words to please some set of people. You have spoken and I believe they heard it LOUD AND CLEAR!!!

A friend of mine and her friends who reside in Dubai and shear the Christian faith said that they don't have any freedom of worship there.


Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Nobody: 12:42am On Nov 28, 2014
This is how they start, first off, they will say remove port from canteen meals. Then from there, implement sharia and finally they will pick up arms and declare Canada as Islamic Caliphate.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Nobody: 12:48am On Nov 28, 2014
See how terrorists wan over-run my beloved country where I school.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by White007(m): 3:23am On Nov 28, 2014
In time Islam will become extinct. Living in the 21st century having an 7th century mindset is counterproductive to the extreme. Muslims will have to learn to adapt to the times or perish.

Mayor may you days be long on earth. You have said it all, nothing to add.

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Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Nobody: 5:29am On Nov 28, 2014
Hitting the nail at the head.
Take it or leave it.
Islam is the worst virus that has infected the world.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by true2god: 6:58am On Nov 28, 2014
Hitting the nail at the head.
Take it or leave it.
Islam is the worst virus that has infected the world.
I agree with you, it is the worst virus.

It is shocking that immigrants who fled their arabian Islamic hell-hole to have a better life in Europe and America are always trying to undermine constituted authority in the name of religion. It is high time those countries tried deporting them en-mass anytime they come up with their obnoxios 'sharia-compliant' demands.

If Islamic way of life is the best, why struggle to come to the west en-mass.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by joseph1832(m): 7:13am On Nov 28, 2014
Wow! A fantastic reply from the mayor. I still wonder when these muslims will learn not to shove your beliefs down peoples throats.

All you hear them say is, 'its unislamic' they forget not everyone is muslim, they even act as though your beliefs and opinions doesn't matter.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by moab191: 5:16am On Mar 27, 2015
All of you who actually believe that the mayor of a city with a 10% population of Muslims (that's more than all of the Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs combined) are STUPID, racist, ignorant fools. This email has been floating around the internet for almost -3 years-, the lie first perpetrated as the words of the mayor of Brussels, Belgium.

It's the friggin' INTERNET - when you see stupid shit like this, you should just try and google it. A quick google search of this story finds many links to telling that this story is false. The other links are to idiot blogs like this one where even bigger idiots (see above) say stupid, racist crap like the comments here.

Don't be stupid. Don't be ignorant. Grow the Bleep up.


Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Nobody: 7:06am On Mar 27, 2015
All of you who actually believe that the mayor of a city with a 10% population of Muslims (that's more than all of the Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs combined) are STUPID, racist, ignorant fools. This email has been floating around the internet for almost -3 years-, the lie first perpetrated as the words of the mayor of Brussels, Belgium.

It's the friggin' INTERNET - when you see stupid shit like this, you should just try and google it. A quick google search of this story finds many links to telling that this story is false. The other links are to idiot blogs like this one where even bigger idiots (see above) say stupid, racist crap like the comments here.

Don't be stupid. Don't be ignorant. Grow the Bleep up.

It doesn't matter to them that the story is fake or fabricated. As long as it makes them feel happy, they will keep reposting and sharing it. It is the intrinsic nature of those poor deluded fellows.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Ifeann(f): 8:32am On Mar 27, 2015
Brave man if true
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Nobody: 8:42am On Mar 27, 2015
All of you who actually believe that the mayor of a city with a 10% population of Muslims (that's more than all of the Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs combined) are STUPID, racist, ignorant fools. This email has been floating around the internet for almost -3 years-, the lie first perpetrated as the words of the mayor of Brussels, Belgium.

It's the friggin' INTERNET - when you see stupid shit like this, you should just try and google it. A quick google search of this story finds many links to telling that this story is false. The other links are to idiot blogs like this one where even bigger idiots (see above) say stupid, racist crap like the comments here.

Don't be stupid. Don't be ignorant. Grow the Bleep up.
bro, pls check ya wisdom level, its fast depleting.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by true2god: 8:58am On Mar 27, 2015
All of you who actually believe that the mayor of a city with a 10% population of Muslims (that's more than all of the Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs combined) are STUPID, racist, ignorant fools. This email has been floating around the internet for almost -3 years-, the lie first perpetrated as the words of the mayor of Brussels, Belgium.

It's the friggin' INTERNET - when you see stupid shit like this, you should just try and google it. A quick google search of this story finds many links to telling that this story is false. The other links are to idiot blogs like this one where even bigger idiots (see above) say stupid, racist crap like the comments here.

Don't be stupid. Don't be ignorant. Grow the Bleep up.
Is the write-up sumarizes the characteristics of muslim immigrants or not? Recently Theresa May warned that the British govt will start getting rough with muslims if they refuse to start behaving reasonably.

Are muslims the only immigrants and\or minorities in europe or the west in general?
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Nobody: 1:05pm On Mar 27, 2015
Lol. See what I mean?

The 3 musketeers are here.

Hello 3 musketeers.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by true2god: 4:04pm On Mar 27, 2015
Lol. See what I mean?

The 3 musketeers are here.

Hello 3 musketeers.
You muslims are the most lawless people on earth, looking for special priviliges in foreign lands (building mosques, 'prayer' rooms, forcing halal foods on indigenes) but will never give foreigners any chance in muslim countries to build churches, chapel, freely buy bibles, etc.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by Nobody: 4:40pm On Mar 27, 2015
You muslims are the most lawless people on earth, looking for special priviliges in foreign lands (building mosques, 'prayer' rooms, forcing halal foods on indigenes) but will never give foreigners any chance in muslim countries to build churches, chapel, freely buy bibles, etc.


PS, you could have at least answered my hello first.
Re: The Mayor Of Dorval In Quebec, Canada Responded To The Muslim Community by tartar9(m): 6:37pm On Mar 27, 2015
Islam is Islam and its not changing for any reason.Muslims will never follow or adapt to any other Godless lifestyle except the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).if this story is true,which I doubt it is even as the rightful demands of the Muslims is rejected there is still no problem as long as no one is forcing them to eat the pork.

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