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Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. - Jokes Etc (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Jokes Etc / Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. (63055 Views)

Hilarious Photo:- See What This Man Wrote On The Change Over Of Gen To NEPA / Hilarious Picture Of Man Sleeping In Fridge / Breaking: “i Will Increase Nysc Allowance To N39,800″ – Gen. Buhari (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Nobody: 6:31am On May 10, 2015
Seun, lalasticlala, obinoscopy, ishilove: Rule 8 Violated

How did this make front page for goodness sake?

The picture is neither Buhari, nor is this a vault.

It is not only against your rule 8, but this is purely misleading and a misrepresentation.

I do hope you know the implications

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Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Chubhie: 6:32am On May 10, 2015

Sorry to ask dear. But what do you stand to gain?
What's wrong with girls of today
Only if you understand the amount of sugar daddies waiting to prey on such young impressionable maidens. The beauty of technology is that not even the dad nor mum will grasps that their daughter has gone nuclear digitally.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by PLEXPLEX(m): 6:34am On May 10, 2015

Naturally, you 'don't' mean to insult her, but, that's what you just did.

You, at least, have to appreciate her sense of humour.

Some people r so funny. Now who has solicited for ur advice or who has made them adviser on nairaland?
Everyone has reasoned y they re on nairaland so i dont know y anyone ll be disturbing themselves on how that lady is campaigning or not campaigning.

What is their problem for God seek? Some people re really busy bodies not minding their business
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Charliiee(m): 6:36am On May 10, 2015
I wanted to ask same question, but i kept my peace... pple re contesting miss world or is Seun promising any ransom to a winner? ...... let's I forget, please not EVERY GIRL
lool @ ransom, u wan kidnap the winner? U don't have to be bitter girl, aint their fault u fugly.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by solid3(m): 6:37am On May 10, 2015

Sorry to ask dear. But what do you stand to gain?
What's wrong with girls of today

Guy, over maturity is worrying you. Are comparing your age with hers? If a child of 10 does not do what his agemate are doin and tryin to do what you do wont you be bothered?

Swerve abeg.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Nobody: 6:37am On May 10, 2015
Who dash monkey plantain. Below is where the froggy eyed crook is headed.

Alison residence....

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Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by whytepawn1(m): 6:43am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.
bia twaci... who are you competing against, cos its just twaci here! twaci there!. for what its worth i think you have won already.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by 1stola: 6:49am On May 10, 2015
Sorry to ask dear. But what do you stand to gain? What's wrong with girls of today
Thanks. Vote kor, vite ni.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by 1stola: 6:51am On May 10, 2015

If I may ask, must you win the contest?

Take it easy and let your "campaign managers" do the campaigning for you. It is their job.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Bollinger(m): 6:53am On May 10, 2015
The vault would get filled up when he resumes office, by magic

Let me tell you a story. George W Bush, was at one time the most hated man in America. He was hated more than Jimmy Carter and Nixon, which, to Americans is a big deal. He was singled out as the main reason the economy was tanking and why the country was spending close to 1 billion a month fighting two wars. Unknowingly, it was his vice president pulling all the strings and leading the president in the wrong path. Yes Bush was that stu.pid. It was so bad that Americans would have voted a Russian as president to lead them. Then comes this brilliant, slick, handsome black guy who knew how to say and promise the right things. Americans were hooked. To them they had seen enough suffering and were ready for CHANGE. Obama wins the presidency and his true agenda comes to light; the gradual transformation of America into a semi socialist state, the destruction of the middle class and the gay agenda all for political gain. Now, Obama is probably the most hated President ever.

I have said it many times. Nigerians have selective amnesia. Most Nairalanders are like 12 year old who don't realize that what is happening with Buhari, happened when Obasanjo came into power as a civilian. People were so tired of Military rule that they were ready for CHANGE. I remember we used to say that Nigeria's time had come. I mean, this was a guy who was on death row and had a miraculous rescue. To add to that, he was being prepped to be president. It was like a fairy tale. We all have seen the end result of that blunderous mistake.

The same thing is happening again. Jonathan phucked things up so badly that Nigerians are ready for anything and anyone to take the helm of power without examining things closely enough. Buhari is a man, who under normal circumstances would never had made president, but because Nigerians are so desperate, they let unreasonable expectations, false hope, and naivety erode common sense. The guy is smart though; he knew Nigerians weren't desperate enough, that is why they never voted for him in previous elections. NOW WE ARE. Don't get me wrong, Jonathan is no better. He probably the dumbest we ever had, but the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know. But in Buhari's case, we know the angel, and you'all still voted for him. I can guarantee you, what happened with Obama and the democrats will never happen again in America. You can already smell the CHANGE over here. In the last elections, the Republican party swept almost all the seats. The worst thing you can ever do is make a life changing decision when you are desperate. That is how 419 thrives; they hook you when you are desperate and have unrealistic expectations. Can Nigerians ever learn from history?
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by freshdude99(m): 7:00am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.
Do I know you or have we met before?
Familiar face tho
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by ozo13(m): 7:01am On May 10, 2015
grin wat do u mean by campaign managers. Do u mean ppl like temi temi ? See punching....

If I may ask, must you win the contest?

Take it easy and let your "campaign managers" do the campaigning for you. It is their job.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by PassingShot(m): 7:04am On May 10, 2015
grin wat do u mean by campaign managers. Do u mean ppl like temi temi ? See punching....

grin cheesy
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Bollinger(m): 7:05am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.

Like i said; 12 year olds. Let the world burn, Nigeria's economy collapse or the Naira be 300 to 1 dollar; as long as she's miss Nairaland, everything is fine.

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Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by mazeltov(m): 7:05am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.
do you believe in change? If yes, you have already had one vote
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by OkikiOluwa1(m): 7:06am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.
Your profile doesn't v pic.
Let's see ya good looks
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Nobody: 7:14am On May 10, 2015
60% popularity 20% looks, 20% campaign
really? thats it shocked
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Sanguine77(m): 7:14am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.
Why should I vote for you?
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Mixty: 7:15am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.

lol...GEJ and Buhari

I am not a romancelander but you have certainly won my vote cos you are the only one I see campaigning everywhere.

Please be changing your pictures. Been using the same display picture for like at least week now. at least 2 pix a week should be it during this campaign period. i don't follow the thread...make sure we are aware of the voting date.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by IamOpemipo(m): 7:15am On May 10, 2015
lool @ ransom, u wan kidnap the winner? U don't have to be bitter girl, aint their fault u fugly.

Ur reply was killin, jus saw d ransom'..lol
Som peeps wnt jus mind dia biz u knw
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by haywire1: 7:16am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.

Why should I vote u??

Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Rilwayne001: 7:17am On May 10, 2015
Sorry to ask dear. But what do you stand to gain? What's wrong with girls of today
#5000 airtime.
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Okeikpu(m): 7:22am On May 10, 2015

Sorry to ask dear. But what do you stand to gain?
What's wrong with girls of today
Dem follo follow oyibo pple footsteps..... Wt dat oyibo/Brazilian hair on dea empty head,dem hardly think like Africans real future mamas (╯︵╰,)
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Nobody: 7:23am On May 10, 2015
Government palava, Hmm, GEJ why na? Anyways d personal palava on ground nw is dt guys pls i also nid ur vote as miss nairaland 2015. Vote 4 me n also like my post n i'll send u 100naira credit. Tnx guys. Lv u all.... wink
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by espn(m): 7:24am On May 10, 2015

Kindly vote me for Miss. Nairaland 2015. Thanks smiley.
it shows how jobless and focusless dis generation is..i wish we can channel dis same energy to something productive..SMH for dis generation of IDIOTS. U better face ur studies..nd b4 u talk..i graduated 5yrs ago..mtschewww.


Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by ahizih(m): 7:25am On May 10, 2015

lool easy na
im sure there's something for the winner cheesy
Face your studies
Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by haywire1: 7:25am On May 10, 2015

Do I know you or have we met before?
Familiar face tho

Agbaya grin grin grin


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Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by espn(m): 7:27am On May 10, 2015

Sorry to ask dear. But what do you stand to gain?
What's wrong with girls of today
r u surprised? Something is wrong with youths all over d world..but it seems our over reliance on d western culture has eaten deep into our thinking faculty..i wish we can channel dis kind of energy..time and resources into something better..o ga oo.

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Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by haywire1: 7:28am On May 10, 2015
Government palava, Hmm, GEJ why na? Anyways d personal palava on ground nw is dt guys pls i also nid ur vote as miss nairaland 2015. Vote 4 me n also like my post n i'll send u 100naira credit. Tnx guys. Lv u all.... wink

Chisos shocked shocked, oracle escape From shrine shocked shocked

Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by OmomejiS: 7:28am On May 10, 2015
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Re: Hilarious Picture Of Gen Buhari Inspecting Nigeria National Treasury Vault. by Nobody: 7:29am On May 10, 2015
LWKMD..this OP can't be serious. I even think say na Allison Madueke prison hin dey inspect.

seems to me ur momma shares a bunker there,too...

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