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The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) - Food - Nairaland

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Recipe: How To Prepare Nigerian Afang Soup / How To Prepare 'AFANG SOUP'... / See The Big Snake That Was Killed For Pepper Soup -- ( Pics) (2) (3) (4)

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The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 7:09pm On Jun 15, 2015
Hello people! Yes finally I decide to also open a thread here,lool.
Anyway its been a while I've had good soup to eat,upper week I battled to make oha soup even though I'm a full blooded ibibio lady from Uyo gan gan(trust me I got it right)
So I decided today to make small afang soup for"one" as I don't hav anybody around now to share with me,siblings are not around. Pls note this afang isn't the "elemi meje" type o,I jus do as my power fit,for dos of una wey wan yab me.
Oya enof of the talk,let d pics begin to roll! *winks*

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Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 7:26pm On Jun 15, 2015
Pic 1:Waterleaf,washed with salt to take out excess water(I cldnt get dos dry waterleaves,dis one had extra water hence d scrubbing wit salt)
Pic 2:afang already blended at the market(who has time to pound afang?!)Note I'd already added crayfish and cameroon pepper to it,so I'll have to watch it when I'm adding during cooking
Pic 3:nfi,isam,periwinkle,watever u guys call it,lol! I had to go for d "de"shelled ,I cnt stat to cut dos shelled ones. It washed already to remove sand and pieces of shell
Pic 4:stockfish head,and one small piece of smoked fish by d side*winks*lool!

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Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 7:40pm On Jun 15, 2015
Pic 1:blended pepper
Pic 2:blended crayfish(note I already had some in d ground afang)
Pic 3:seasoning(I use knorr and tasty cubes)
Pic 4: salt(to taste)

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Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 8:02pm On Jun 15, 2015
Meat already on fire,seasoned wit salt and knorr and some onion slices,boiling
Pic 2: stockfish insid water,to soften a bit and will soon be washed and added to d boiling meat
Pic 3:palm oil
Pic 4: yes I had to put dis,good old fufu!without dis,my afang soup isn't complete,looool!


Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by dektron: 8:10pm On Jun 15, 2015
hi udy
how u de
hmm this looks delicious
no eat am alone oh

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Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by Begonia(m): 11:21pm On Jun 15, 2015
Nice one op but where's the picture of the cooked soup?
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 5:59am On Jun 16, 2015
I'm back! Lol
Pic 1:added my stockfish to the already boiling meat,and then let it steam for a little while
Pic 2:added my already washed and scrubbed waterleaf to remve excess water wch is usually very slimy,can affect d consistency of d soup. I also added my periwinkles,then cover and let it steam for some time
Pic 3:stir the content of pot
Pic 4 :at dis stage I add my alreadey ground afang leaves(note again,der is crayfish and pepper already added to dis mixture)


Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 9:07am On Jun 16, 2015
Pic 1:afang added
Pic 2:adding my blended pepper and salt. Note that it shdnt be much because of d ones added in d afang during blending
Pic 3:adding seasoning(knorr cubes and salt)
Pic 4: finally added my palm oil

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Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 1:00pm On Jun 16, 2015
Finally drawing to a close,lol
Pic 1 :all ingredients added,now I'll cover and let it steam for a few minutes
Pic 2:now stirring everythin togeda,hmm my soup is takin shape,yummy! Lol
Pic 3:added a bit of water cos it was too thik(I hate thick soups!) And then tasted for more salt,peper,maggi if need be to add more
Pic 4:almost done,jus turn ur heat to lowest,cover and let it simmer a bit


Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 1:18pm On Jun 16, 2015
And yes finally,food is served,loool!
Come and join me ,enough to go round*winks*
Note:forget all my shakara about been hungry,I cldnt go beyond one wrap of fufu o,except maybe I done waka d whole lagos on empty stomach ,before I can attempt two wraps!
Bon apetite!

54 Likes 3 Shares

Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by Nobody: 5:01pm On Jun 16, 2015
Mouth watering... You just made me hungry for nothing.

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 5:35pm On Jun 16, 2015
Loool! I'm sorry pls,its not intentional mbok! Ok come and small*dishes small into a soup bowl and hands over*
Mouth watering... You just made me hungry for nothing.
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 5:37pm On Jun 16, 2015
Hiya! I'm fine!abg colet ur share b4 e finish,lol
hi udy
how u de
hmm this looks delicious
no eat am alone oh
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 6:04pm On Jun 16, 2015
Its there na! Lol! You ddnt wait for me to finish uploading. And with network ish,uploading will be a big issue
But do chekc,you will see d final product,lol
Nice one op but where's the picture of the cooked soup?
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by dektron: 7:00pm On Jun 16, 2015
Hiya! I'm fine!abg colet ur share b4 e finish,lol
hehehe ok oh
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by Begonia(m): 10:31pm On Jun 16, 2015
Its there na! Lol! You ddnt wait for me to finish uploading. And with network ish,uploading will be a big issue
But do chekc,you will see d final product,lol

It looks good.
Hope it hasn't finished embarassed
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by xcesswag(m): 8:41am On Jun 17, 2015
Omg.....i like a lady dat can cook.....especially local dishes....kudos


Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 12:50am On Jun 18, 2015
Omg.....i like a lady dat can cook.....especially local dishes....kudos
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by Nobody: 10:22am On Jun 19, 2015
Na two days you take cook this your afang soup , you started on the 16th and ended on the 17th ( as evident from the dates on your post ). Anyways it's done now and I want my own share and remember say my name na Oliver Twist.

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Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 1:05pm On Jun 19, 2015
Hahahaha,sm1 really folowed me. Hmm my broda if u knew d process of cooking,snapping and uploading those pics,u go hail me small,lol! Yeah I still hav some left,rememba na only me dey eat am,so if can't finish like dat. So I can send ur share for u o.
By d way I rememba dis moniker frm one of my oda thread o,d friend who gave me a yoruba name ,and also got me curios abt his faith or lack of it(abi na religion sef*scratches head)I still wld lik to see u someday sha and asks my questions o. By d way ,ur name na "Jamiu" jo no be Oliver twist,lmao!
Na two days you take
cook this your afang soup , you started on the 16th and ended on the 17th ( as evident from the dates on your post ). Anyways it's done now and I want my own share and remember say my name na Oliver Twist.
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by Nobody: 2:14pm On Jun 19, 2015
Hahahaha,sm1 really folowed me. Hmm my broda if u knew d process of cooking,snapping and uploading those pics,u go hail me small,lol! Yeah I still hav some left,rememba na only me dey eat am,so if can't finish like dat. So I can send ur share for u o.
By d way I rememba dis moniker frm one of my oda thread o,d friend who gave me a yoruba name ,and also got me curios abt his faith or lack of it(abi na religion sef*scratches head)I still wld lik to see u someday sha and asks my questions o. By d way ,ur name na "Jamiu" jo no be Oliver twist,lmao!

Lol , funny you. Good memory too and I see you haven't lost that humorous side to you. Your Afang soup looks delicious ( looks can be deceiving though ) so my name as long as the Afang soup is still available is Oliver Twist , after I can revert back to Jamiu.
Your questions are welcomed and I hope I can satisfy your curiosity. Have a wonderful day.
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by rawtouch: 3:31pm On Jun 19, 2015
please hope I didn't arrive late because if this soup has finished you will make another one for me
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 5:24pm On Jun 19, 2015
Almost o,lool. Hurry while stocks last,looooool!

It looks good.
Hope it hasn't finished embarassed
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 5:29pm On Jun 19, 2015
Erm....wait lemme count how many mouths are on the queue o,hahaha! Ehn if e finish I fit cook anoda for u ,but erm u go pay me o,lol! Heck I can turn dis to a biz venture o,jus be cooking for dos who are too lazy or too busy to cook. *seriosly considering it*
please hope I didn't arrive late because if this soup has finished you will make another one for me

1 Like

Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 5:51pm On Jun 19, 2015
Dis one looks isn't deceiving jo,u wan try me,don't o,lol!

Lol , funny you. Good memory too and I see you haven't lost that humorous side to you. Your Afang soup looks delicious ( looks can be deceiving though ) so my name as long as the Afang soup is still available is Oliver Twist , after I can revert back to Jamiu.
Your questions are welcomed and I hope I can satisfy your curiosity. Have a wonderful day.
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by TheSonOfMark(m): 7:36am On Oct 18, 2015
Pic 1:Waterleaf,washed with salt to take out excess water(I cldnt get dos dry waterleaves,dis one had extra water hence d scrubbing wit salt)
Pic 2:afang already blended at the market(who has time to pound afang?!)Note I'd already added crayfish and cameroon pepper to it,so I'll have to watch it when I'm adding during cooking
Pic 3:nfi,isam,periwinkle,watever u guys call it,lol! I had to go for d "de"shelled ,I cnt stat to cut dos shelled ones. It washed already to remove sand and pieces of shell
Pic 4:stockfish head,and one small piece of smoked fish by d side*winks*lool!

The shelled periwinkle tastes better and it's more nutritious. Even at that, a meal of afang isn't complete without the distinctive sounds of shelled periwinkles being sucked out. Nostalgic, huh?

In most street markets where a sizeable number of Akwaibom women are present, the shelled periwinkles are always cut at the end and washed to remove most of the mud. All you have to do is wash the periwinkle thoroughly and discard the water until it is clear.

Your meal looks tasty though. God knows I'd kiss the knuckles of an Akwaibom young woman who keeps the home and business fronts well. AFANG ALL THE WAY! smiley

15 Likes 2 Shares

Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 8:40am On Oct 18, 2015

The shelled periwinkle tastes better and it's more nutritious. Even at that, a meal of afang isn't complete without the distinctive sounds of shelled periwinkles being sucked out. Nostalgic, huh?

In most street markets where a sizeable number of Akwaibom women are present, the shelled periwinkles are always cut at the end and washed to remove most of the mud. All you have to do is wash the periwinkle thoroughly and discard the water until it is clear.

Your meal looks tasty though. God knows I'd kiss the knuckles of an Akwaibom young woman who keeps the home and business fronts well. AFANG ALL THE WAY! smiley

Hahahaha,see this ayin eka telling me how to handle "nfi" of cos I know na. Jus sayin I ddnt hav dat luxury of time. Yes I do see alrdy cut ones,but trust me from experience,some are not fresh. And then u find som tiny little tins insid not big enof to suck out. Dos ones are by luck tho. You sound like ur a gud cook urself? That's pretty cool. Happy sunday! smiley
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by Nobody: 8:52am On Oct 18, 2015

Hahahaha,see this ayin eka telling me how to handle "nfi" of cos I know na. Jus sayin I ddnt hav dat luxury of time. Yes I do see alrdy cut ones,but trust me from experience,some are not fresh. And then u find som tiny little tins insid not big enof to suck out. Dos ones are by luck tho. You sound like ur a gud cook urself? That's pretty cool. Happy sunday! smiley
Im a good cook too embarassed
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by Nobody: 8:53am On Oct 18, 2015
Hmmm. Food looks good. Just wish I can download and print.
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by walemoney007(m): 10:53am On Oct 18, 2015
Wetin they special for this afang soup sef,how is it diffrent from efo..the day I chop am,I no like am jawe
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by udysweet(f): 11:56am On Oct 18, 2015
Wetin they special for this afang soup sef,how is it diffrent from efo..the day I chop am,I no like am jawe
Of cos its diferent?do u expect efo elegusi and efo riro to be d same evn tho dey both hav efo ni? Bet u ate d one dat wasn't prepared well,or its just not ur thing. Evn dat ur efo sef,I sure u nev chop beta one. Me wey be ibibio cook efo riro,u go trip,lol! I cook it a lot way bak in school cos dos pple had lovely iru!
Re: The Chronicles Of My Afang Soup(pics) by walemoney007(m): 12:20pm On Oct 18, 2015

Of cos its diferent?do u expect efo elegusi and efo riro to be d same evn tho dey both hav efo ni? Bet u ate d one dat wasn't prepared well,or its just not ur thing. Evn dat ur efo sef,I sure u nev chop beta one. Me wey be ibibio cook efo riro,u go trip,lol! I cook it a lot way bak in school cos dos pple had lovely iru!
the lady that prepared the one am talking about nah calabar girl o..i no too like efo sha,xcept the efo get egunsi

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