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Settled - Autos (3) - Nairaland

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SETTLED: / 2001 Mazda Tribute ES ** Settled ** Pre-ordered By Piedpiper Of NL (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Settled by Nobody: 4:43pm On Jun 30, 2015
chai, the rust is too much oo angry angry


Re: Settled by betandwin8484: 1:18pm On Jul 01, 2015
chai, the rust is too much oo angry angry

MMM no words to explain that
Re: Settled by betandwin8484: 1:20pm On Jul 01, 2015
op sorry
Re: Settled by golden1000: 8:24pm On Jul 15, 2015
There are always lessons to learn ın car sales and ın a car purchase's. Many tımes we may wonder whose fault ıt ıs , the seller or the buyer's.
Well from my personal experıence both the paınful one's and the good one's (as ıt regards my dıfferent car purchases) ı can confıdently conclude for myself that both the buyer and the seller are ressponsıble when thıngs go wrong, although ın certaın cırcumstances one could be more responsıble than the other.
Re: Settled by golden1000: 8:43pm On Jul 15, 2015
In all thıs there are lessons learnt. Osama10 has certaınly learnt alot from the paınful aftersales expenses of fıxıng an unınspected car. Phemmy has learnt that a seller cannot be dısconnected from the after sales experıence of the buyer. And we the spectators on thıs thread have learnt how sometımes good thıngs can go wrong and how to be careful the more as ıt regard car purchases.


Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 7:54pm On Jul 24, 2015
Re: Settled by seangy4konji: 8:04pm On Jul 24, 2015
Flooding cars....

I will never buy pre order....See all those rust men...u will spend till you sell that car gbanjo...i swear...

What is this mehn


1 Like

Re: Settled by FastShipping: 8:08pm On Jul 24, 2015
Flooding cars....

I will never buy pre order....See all those rust men...u will spend till you sell that car gbanjo...i swear...

What is this mehn


How can you judge that all pre-order vehicles come with rust? Have you ever had a single complaint against Calculusx autos? Buy any vehicle from or through Calculusx and go to bed. Your vehicle will be in Lagos within 35-42 days after purchase. We don't play around with the way we handle business.


Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 8:22pm On Jul 24, 2015
Re: Settled by oseri(m): 8:46pm On Jul 24, 2015
CALCULUSX is the name when it comes to pre-order.
It's not an advert, check his profile and thread.
Calculusx all the way.... grin


Re: Settled by chukel(m): 9:30pm On Jul 24, 2015
Expenses so far with parts 225k
Re: Settled by mexxy1(m): 9:36pm On Jul 24, 2015

How can you judge that all pre-order vehicles come with rust? Have you ever had a single complaint against Calculusx autos? Buy any vehicle from or through Calculusx and go to bed. Your vehicle will be in Lagos within 35-42 days after purchase. We don't play around with the way we handle business.

True. I'm a LIVING TESTIMONY. grin

1 Like

Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 10:03pm On Jul 24, 2015
Re: Settled by Carshopper(m): 10:06pm On Jul 24, 2015

O boy you dey shout? grin

Parts bought with the previous mechanic around Eliozu flyover & workmanship was 250k.(8 Coils, 8 Plugs, Brain Box/Programming, Engine Filter, Cabin Filter etc) if I could still remember all.

By first week of August I hope this nightmare would have been over. wink

Osama, r u based in PH?
Re: Settled by chukel(m): 10:10pm On Jul 24, 2015

O boy you dey shout? grin

Parts bought with the previous mechanic around Eliozu flyover & workmanship was 250k.(8 Coils, 8 Plugs, Brain Box/Programming, Engine Filter, Cabin Filter etc) if I could still remember all.

By first week of August I hope this nightmare would have been over. wink
na dat car u de work for o!
Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 10:16pm On Jul 24, 2015
Re: Settled by Carshopper(m): 10:18pm On Jul 24, 2015

Port harcourt & Warri.

Any goodies?

Lol...anytime u in PH, holla ur boi.
Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 10:23pm On Jul 24, 2015
Re: Settled by betandwin8484: 10:53pm On Jul 24, 2015
Expenses so far with parts 225k

shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked shocked lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed lipsrsealed
Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 12:51am On Jul 25, 2015
Re: Settled by PrestigeMotors: 1:36am On Jul 25, 2015
This is serious.....

Don't always get deceived by pictures, request for vin before you purchase any car, go for clean title cars

Fhemmmy i don't know you, but something should be done quickly, so buyers don't conclude you deals only on rust cars... More grace


Re: Settled by kakakibuy(m): 1:41am On Jul 25, 2015
This is serious.....

Don't always get deceived by pictures, request for vin before you purchase any car, go for clean title cars

Fhemmmy i don't know you, but something should be done quickly, so buyers don't conclude you deals only on rust cars... More grace

Go and delete this fraudulent and misleading thread you just started.



Re: Settled by FastShipping: 1:49am On Jul 25, 2015
This is serious.....

Don't always get deceived by pictures, request for vin before you purchase any car, go for clean title cars

Fhemmmy i don't know you, but something should be done quickly, so buyers don't conclude you deals only on rust cars... More grace

You are a scammer.


Prestigemotors is KingsAutos. Do business with prestigemotors at your own peril.


Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 5:39am On Jul 25, 2015
Re: Settled by betandwin8484: 6:20am On Jul 25, 2015

The thing reach to surprise oh, you can imagine the junk people can open their eyes and sell to a fellow human.

My brother take heart, we all learn our lesson at one point in life.. wink wink wink

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Re: Settled by TheMadame(f): 7:21am On Jul 25, 2015
Looking at the pictures of leakage and rust on the second page of this thread just did my nut in.
How can human beings be so wicked to another being.
A dealer actually sold you(osama10) this pile of crap as a vehicle and you accepted it?
This is extremely saddening and the height of wickedness.
Looking at the rust on that car made me realise that the vehicle is a danger to the driver of the car as well as other road users.
@Osama10, You must be a sickler for punishment,2011 to 2014, and you kept going back for more? How do you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result?
Shocking and mind boggling.

9 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Settled by otunbakolawole(m): 8:53am On Jul 25, 2015
Fhemmmmy, this is messed up! Chai! Yea, he Osama didn't bring out this issues at the time of delivery, but with this kind of rust, Hell No!

Osama, best advice is to sell the car, and go get a new one, else, you will continue to change things, it's not worth it


Re: Settled by BONES488: 9:35am On Jul 25, 2015
Fhemmmmy, this is messed up! Chai! Yea, he Osama didn't bring out this issues at the time of delivery, but with this kind of rust, Hell No!

Osama, best advice is to sell the car, and go get a new one, else, you will continue to change things, it's not worth it

Sell to whom?


Re: Settled by Bugatie(m): 9:49am On Jul 25, 2015
It beats my "normal" sense of judgement that you've been doing business with Fhemmy since 2011, right from your first, second, third and even fourth car purchases with all these discoveries and you still continued, abi na jazz?

There are also testimony threads you opened commending and recommending him to customers, haba!

For me, these complaints are belated and your true intentions not so clear.

Well for Fhemmy, your baba dey strong, walahi


Re: Settled by alexisalex2: 11:06am On Jul 25, 2015
It beats my "normal" sense of judgement that you've been doing business with Fhemmy since 2011, right from your first, second, third and even fourth car purchases with all these discoveries and you still continued, abi na jazz?
There are also testimony threads you opened commending and recommending him to customers, haba!
For me, these complaints are belated and your true intentions not so clear.
Well for Fhemmy, your baba dey strong, walahi

Auto section is dead on arrival.

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Re: Settled by Osama10(m): 12:28pm On Jul 25, 2015
Re: Settled by Nobody: 12:36pm On Jul 25, 2015
Looking at the pictures of leakage and rust on the second page of this thread just did my nut in.
How can human beings be so wicked to another being.
A dealer actually sold you(osama10) this pile of crap as a vehicle and you accepted it?
This is extremely saddening and the height of wickedness.
Looking at the rust on that car made me realise that the vehicle is a danger to the driver of the car as well as other road users.
@Osama10, You must be a sickler for punishment,2011 to 2014, and you kept going back for more? How do you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result?
Shocking and mind boggling.

Couldn't have said it better kiss, abi na jazz dem take jazz u, 2011 to 2014?......it is better for me to see what l am paying for, l see the car, inspect it, bring in my professional mechanic to assess the car before l pay my cash, instead of relying on an online dealer, who will see plenty fault in a car, hide it and sell it to you and you take your hand buy trouble.....

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