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Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by xertyy: 6:19pm On Aug 22, 2015
It may interest you to know that #Shisha smoking is quite becoming the fastest trend now in parties, clubs, bars, and even some homes.Also known in some countries as narghile, hookah or goza; #Shisha is a waterpipe wit a bowl, a hose, a smoke chamber & a pipe/mouthpiece.Specially made tobacco is heated & the smoke passes through water, absorbed into a hose connected to a mouthpiece for the smoker, The origin of #Shisha is disputed, some say Turkey or India but it's accepted it came from Middle East/Asia. Shisha is global now though.

Shisha smoking is a way of smoking tobacco, sometimes mixed with fruits or molasses sugar, through a bowl & a hose with a mouthpiece. The hose connects the flavored smoke from substances being burnt in the bowl to the lungs of the smoker through the mouthpiece Shisha pipes use tobacco sweetened wit fruits or molasses sugar which makes shisha smoking a more pleasurable experience than cigarettes
Popular #Shisha flavors include apple, mango, strawberries, coconut & mint. This gives the smoked tobacco a sweet smell & smooth taste.The presence of the fruits & flavor makes the #Shisha damp, so the tobacco is burnt with wood/charcoal to bring out its smoke & aroma. The sweet scent, the pleasurable taste &the awesome feeling is the reason that #Shisha smoking is now a regular habit for many people. For some people, a Friday evening is not complete without at least one hour of #Shisha smoking. For others it's up to 3or4times a week.
Now because of the flavors, the sweet aroma & nice taste, there's a gross misconception that #Shisha is NOT harmful, unlike cigarettes.
Others say since the tobacco smoke has passed through water,all the toxic chemicals in the #Shisha hav been filtered out. This is a lie.I need to be very assertive in stating categorically that #Shisha smoking is a destructive habit regardless of the smoke being flavored. Despite the fact that #Shisha is flavored &passed through water, the carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) &nicotine remains very present.
regular #Shisha smokers should know they are at risk of the same medical problems as cigarette/tobacco smokers. The nicotine present in #Shisha smoke is very addictive & things may degenerate that the smoker may need the #Shisha every day.

According to a W.H.O research, the amount of smoke inhaled in one hour of #Shisha smoking is the same as smoking 100-200 cigarettes.People smoke #Shisha for longer periods than they smoke cigarettes. Just 1 puff of inhaled #Shisha smoke is like smoking a whole cigarette.

It's hard to imagine but its true. Just one hour of #Shisha is same as smoking abt 100-200 cigarettes. Yet ppl smoke #Shisha for hours. The wrong assumption that Shisha smoking is harmless compared to cigarettes is the reason why many engage in reckless #Shisha smoking.Just like cigarettes, #Shisha smoke contains toxic agents like tobacco, nicotine, tar, Carbon monoxide, and heavy metals like Arsenic.The nicotine content of #Shisha is very addictive and may lead to a smoker being dependent. That's why they feel incomplete without it.Shisha smokers are at risk of heart disease, respiratory problems, various cancer types & in women, possible problems in pregnancy.
Is herbal #Shisha safe? NO. It is not. Shisha, whether herbal/not, usually contains tobacco & that is the cause of many medical issues.And even if u find a tobacco-free #Shisha, the smoke u inhale from the wood/charcoal contains Carbon monoxide that destroys the lungs.
Are fruit-based #Shisha safe? NO as well. Whether fruitbased or not, Shisha contains tobacco rich in smoke containing many toxins.

Also before You start feeling "This #Shisha talk is none of my business", do u frequently visit bars/clubs where there's a lot of Shisha smoking? If u go to bars/clubs with friends where there's lots of #Shisha smoking, u are a secondary smoker, even if the tube isnt in your mouth. Shisha tobacco and smoke are medically known to contain carcinogenic agents that may cause lung cancer, oral cancer & bladder cancer. Babies born to pregnant women who smoke #Shisha weigh less at birth & are at higher risk of respiratory problems, than other babies.
The American Lung Association, the British Heart Foundation and the W.H.O all say that #Shisha smoking is medically harmful to smokers.

So after saying all the harmful consequences of #Shisha smoking, the solution is to STOP smoking. Let me give simple tips that may help.
1. Make up your mind to stop. That's the first step & the most important step. Be determined to stop, even if u fail at first.

2 Try to avoid friends, occasions, bars & parties where u know u wont be able to say no to smoking. Think of ur health & stay determined

3 Always remember smoking, or drinking, is not synonymous to "class" or "being rich". It is ignorant people that reason that way.

4 Cut down on alcohol. It has been found that some types of alcohol eg beer, usually makes smoking taste so good. Just stay away.

5 Identify times u crave #Shisha. Try to distract yourself. Walk away. Dance. Go online. Chew a gum. Make a call. Anything else but smoke.

6 Make friends with non smokers. That way u reduce temptation. Never envy smokers/see smoking as somethin u miss. Only think of ur health.

Credits : Dr Olufunmilayo.
Compiled By : @The_LexNelson
Posted by xertty

Lalasticlala seun

69 Likes 16 Shares

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by 2el(m): 6:21pm On Aug 22, 2015
Very useful...


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by yrret: 6:45pm On Aug 22, 2015
This is educative.


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by ivyT(f): 7:57pm On Aug 22, 2015
No picture sef
its like u 'some pple' d push they needed to start smoking this shiiittt!

1 Like

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Delphi(m): 8:15pm On Aug 22, 2015
The smoke from shisha is enormous and repugnant. I was amazed when I saw a couple at a hotel in Egypt smoking shisha recurrently while their child of about 3years seated beside and gaping attentively. The sight was awful. Cancer has refused to abate as a result of the new but harmful practices that people have come to evolve. To help safeguard the health of mankind considering the volume of smoke emanating from shisha, it is incumbent on WHO in conjunction with the UN to label shisha smoking an illegal and illicit act worldwide.


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by xertyy: 8:22pm On Aug 22, 2015
Yes of course! Even in northern part of Nigeria..70-80 percent do shisha! And its totally harmful
The smoke from shisha is enormous and repugnant. I was amazed when I saw a couple at a hotel in Egypt smoking shisha recurrently with their child of about 3years seated beside them. The sight was awful. Cancer has refused to abate as a result of new but harmful practices that people have come to evolve. To help safeguard the health of mankind considering the volume of smoke emanating from shisha, it is incumbent on WHO in conjunction with UN to label shisha smoking an illegal and illicit act worldwide.


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by mrbillz(m): 8:28pm On Aug 22, 2015
Just love my life... "In Akon's voice" Dont smoke, dont drink dats why i dont be at bar babe!

5 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by xertyy: 8:33pm On Aug 22, 2015
You womanise? cheesy
Just love my life... "In Akon's voice" Dont smoke, dont drink dats why i dont be at bar babe!

7 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by mrbillz(m): 9:00pm On Aug 22, 2015
You womanise? cheesy

1 Like

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by dominique(f): 7:50am On Sep 20, 2015
So it contains carbon monoxide, nicotine just like ciggarette yet some people will say they can never touch a cigarette but they can puff away on sisha all night.
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by veekid(m): 7:51am On Sep 20, 2015
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Vock(m): 7:51am On Sep 20, 2015
Tell them, but I can't just imagine myself puffing and inhaling smoke into my body system,when I'm not crazy in the head. Why smoke when music and books can give you the high?

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Leyemoshood: 7:51am On Sep 20, 2015
I dont take it grin
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Dygeasy(m): 7:52am On Sep 20, 2015
Whatever it is people find in inhaling and puffing out smoke beats me. It doesn't even do the job of good food. You go dey puff smoke like say you be dragon... I don't just understand lipsrsealed undecided

47 Likes 11 Shares

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by damton(m): 7:52am On Sep 20, 2015
pls. what are the harmful effect of Ijebu weed.


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by adamshuaib(m): 7:53am On Sep 20, 2015
Wat ov weed
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Okworigeorge(m): 7:53am On Sep 20, 2015
Something must surely kill a man
#Shisha stand for sale
PM me


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Badbreathcure81(m): 7:53am On Sep 20, 2015
angryokay noted grin
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by valdes00(m): 7:54am On Sep 20, 2015
Chai, and Samuel say shisha go dey for him bday party today... abi wic kind wahala b Dis.... ehn, I go stop after today's own

7 Likes 1 Share

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by mznuez(f): 7:54am On Sep 20, 2015
Cigga de kill? Who e don kill?


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Nobody: 7:54am On Sep 20, 2015
Lalasticlala takenote grin
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by mznuez(f): 7:54am On Sep 20, 2015
Cigga de kill? Who e don kill?
My grand dad is still strong and healthy


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by hemartins(m): 7:54am On Sep 20, 2015
I used to think shisa is a special type of suya.

anyways, smokers are liable to die young.


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Mrphilia: 7:55am On Sep 20, 2015
Thank God for delivering me out of the hands of Shisha...Happy Sunday

1 Like

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Dygeasy(m): 7:56am On Sep 20, 2015
Cigga de kill? Who e don kill?
My grand dad is still strong and healthy
Go do a check on his liver.. He might seem healthy now but I do pray when the effects take their toll on him, he doesn't make his children spend fortunes on surgeries and organ transplants.


Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by efilefun(m): 7:56am On Sep 20, 2015
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by LMAyedun(m): 7:57am On Sep 20, 2015
Tell them plsss
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Nobody: 7:57am On Sep 20, 2015
Mehn sisha is good for your health because of its great lead to the grave grin

1 Like

Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by ribbit: 7:57am On Sep 20, 2015
I love me a hooker
Re: Harmful Effects Of Taking Shisha by Nobody: 7:57am On Sep 20, 2015
The smoke from shisha is enormous and repugnant. I was amazed when I saw a couple at a hotel in Egypt smoking shisha recurrently with their child of about 3years seated beside them. The sight was awful. Cancer has refused to abate as a result of new but harmful practices that people have come to evolve. To help safeguard the health of mankind considering the volume of smoke emanating from shisha, it is incumbent on WHO in conjunction with UN to label shisha smoking an illegal and illicit act worldwide.
Imagine somewhere in the middle east, after fine dining, they started bringing shisha to everyone as if it was a digestive smoke...

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