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Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 1:22pm On Sep 22, 2015

When I speak of peddlers am not talking of street peddlers, but drug transporters. Check statistics, a huge among of drugs distributed around the world transit from South America to West Africa and onward. Preferentially through airports that are considered less secure. An example within Nigeria is the new attention drug traffickers give to the New Enugu International airport which they consider less secure.

So maybe you do not know that transiting drugs through airports is a major career in Nigeria. An yes, the transporters are not the owners, just the mules. And the standard practice is to pass through weak airports and also abandon the bag if discovered. So it's highly likely the bag in question contained drugs.

As to your passport, the typical security person will keep in mind that it could be false, your look first probably identifies you as Nigerian.

Let's take the duty of protecour collective wealth and good image, it is worth a lot. Terming everything racisim is behaving like ostriches.
This is total bullsh*t! Did you even read the OP at all? The abandoned baggage is claimed to be dropped there with video evidence and when the person in question requests for the video they refuse. It has to threaten them with the law before they have to let it go. Please, stop speculating from a very wrong perspective. Another thing, you carry this guilty conscience with you. It is clear in your post.

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Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 1:24pm On Sep 22, 2015

My mum is white and my dad is from Bonny island,Rivers state.I have experienced discrimination when I was living in Nigeria because they thought that I wasn't black enough or look exactly like them.
You are a Nigerian. The people tend to like mixed race a lot but some can be discriminating at times. I am in your shoe as well. Human beings are terrible.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by spiralwedge(m): 1:24pm On Sep 22, 2015

.............................."Nigeria's bads are similar to that of Hell Fire Kingdom.........

Thats too harsh...............One day, you will chew your words.

my brother, that's the bare truth.

and chewing my words ONE DAY? that's my prayer too.
I'm hopeful and optimistic for Naija, but I can't deny the fact.... (at least not after being to several other countries).
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by madjune(m): 1:25pm On Sep 22, 2015
You must be mad! What has tribal marks got to do with this? Do you see where the Polish sh*ts complain about them rather than the bag and identifications? angry angry angry lipsrsealed

Obviously, you answer questions with questions and don't look very well...

Why ask if I am mad when you saw my name?

Take things calmly...racism abound in the western world.

Don't fuse so much over it...that's just the way we met it.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 1:28pm On Sep 22, 2015

Obviously, you answer questions with questions and don't look very well...

Why ask if I am mad when you saw my name?

Take things calmly...racism abound in the western world.

Don't fuse so much over it...that's just the way we met it.
Indeed, they are rhetorical questions. You are a learner. Please...!
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by arabianights: 1:28pm On Sep 22, 2015

my brother, that's the bare truth.

and chewing my words ONE DAY? that's my prayer too.
I'm hopeful and optimistic for Naija, but I can't deny the fact.... (at least not after being to several other countries).

How comfortable are you there? lets be sincere.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by spiralwedge(m): 1:31pm On Sep 22, 2015

How comfortable are you there? lets be sincere.
every country has pros and cons.
the discussion is not about me.
I'm out. cheers
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by arabianights: 1:34pm On Sep 22, 2015

every country has pros and cons.

the discussion is not about me.

I'm out. cheers

tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue cheers,mate.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by ferdyabu(m): 1:42pm On Sep 22, 2015

Na lie !!!! they adore half castes in that region.who are you fooling? may be your mum or dad offended them
How does my parents actions affect my relationship with people.I hate it when people just conclude things as if you have any clue about what it feels like to look different in a place like Nigeria.You can't go to some parts of the town without people looking at you like another creature.Maybe I will ask my dad or mum what they did to them.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by ferdyabu(m): 1:48pm On Sep 22, 2015

You are a Nigerian. The people tend to like mixed race a lot but some can be discriminating at times. I am in your shoe as well. Human beings are terrible.
I was bullied several times and it wasn't funny.I remember going to Borokiri area in Port Harcourt alone to visit my cousin and I was robbed by some guys because I looked nothing like them.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 1:55pm On Sep 22, 2015

I was bullied several times and it wasn't funny.I remember going to Borokiri area in Port Harcourt alone to visit my cousin and I was robbed by some guys because I looked nothing like them.
I don't think that is because of your skin color. The Nigerian society is full of bullies and thugs who would want to intimidate you to feel good(inferiority complex). That is just based on showing their primitive side. I don't actually think the bullying part is because of your skin color. They are annoying bunch of primitive people. I am sorry for your situation and I have seen some calling me names like half-breed, sacrificial lamb for the gods, eba-eating albino, insulting my parents, etc here because of being different.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Crieff(m): 2:02pm On Sep 22, 2015

Its not discrimination if they had valid reasons for it and they were following security protocol. If they had no reasons for that other than the fact that he is black, then that is discrimination. How on earth you can conclude that the above is patronizing is beyond me. Keep sentiments aside please.

Bear in mind that they claimed to have video footage which the OP didnt get to see as he was told that he would miss his flight if they had to show it to him. Perhaps you expect them to hold up the flight for him (anything else would be discriminatory right?). As difficult as it might seem to believe, some people have a hard time telling black people apart (like some people have a hard time telling some Asians apart). Perhaps someone else ( a person of color) dropped a bag at the airport and they thought it was him and decided to check! Perhaps they just wanted to harass him for no reason. Either way, we do not know enough to conclude that it is racism.

At least the OP did not miss his flight. I missed mine but you dont hear me shout racism because I know the reason my passport was subjected to such intense scrutiny.

You haven't gotten it yet.

They claimed they saw him with that baggage on the CCTV footage. If hr was truly the one, why were they quick to let him go when he threatened them with litigation?

I'll expect that if he was truly the one, his protestations or threats of litigation will be secondary to keeping the security of the airport and the people in it.

However, the OP made us understand that when he threatened them with litigation should he miss his flight, they were jittery and they did not only facilitated his leaving that place, they encouraged him to leave.

The allegation against the OP was a lie. They were looking for a scapegoat and they knew enough not to mess with him definitely because he wasn't obsequious. I still assert that OP is being modest labelling this discrimination and your approach is patronising. Read the OP's account again.


Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by moski5(m): 2:07pm On Sep 22, 2015
Sorry bro

Dont let it go Even if you wont file a suit get a lawyer involved and other organizations and bodies Cite or legally pursue due to psychological effects

If you let it slide something worse may happen to someone else or ....
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Crieff(m): 2:16pm On Sep 22, 2015

An you also changed your looks from appearing Nigerian.lol

Let me make it simple. Some one abandoned a bag with drugs, the security are looking for the person fast. They zoom in on Nigerians, cause from experience Nigerians are majorly involved in transiting drugs. Shikina

Excuse me, your post reeks of incomprehension.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Totfulguy: 2:34pm On Sep 22, 2015
It was before my departure, I was patiently queuing about to board a flight from Katowice (Poland) to Eindhoven (Netherlands) at 07.15 am. While waiting, I was approached by a male employee who asked me about an unknown baggage found somewhere around the airport, I courteously replied that its not mine and I suggested that he should make a public announcement about it before passengers began to board the aircraft. When it was my turn to board, I approached the passenger service assistant and gave him my ID and mobile boarding pass but to my dismayal, he explicitly stated that I will not be allowed to board while asking me to wait at the corner for his boss to handle the situation. He wouldn’t listen to my subsequent plea as he rudely separated me from the curiously observing queuers, as I waited for the arrival of his supposed boss.

Three minutes later, the middle-aged boss arrived and as expected, collected my ID and interrogated me with the same question asked by the previous vicenarian employee, I repeatedly told him that I knew nothing about the baggage but he wouldn’t accept this as the truth. He further claimed that I was caught on camera dropping the bag and he would release the video to me if I keep denying, I was amazingly shocked at such magnitude of lie against me. I ask if I could see the video, wondering if I was mistaken for someone else, He agreed to show me but inferred that I wont be able to board the flight because after the nitty-gritty, the plane would be late on arrival, then its was dawm on me that this is getting serious. I replied angrily that if I miss my flight, I would sue the legal-person(s) involved. On hearing this, he immediately facilitated my boarding and directed me to the boarding gate. I asked again if I could see the video where I was caught dropping the baggage but he refused and reminded me that I am delaying the flight, in an attempt to diverge my pending questions. I was vehemently mortified. As I entered the plane from the front door, I noticed the fear and irritation gripping the passengers due to my chagrin. I approached to my assigned seat number, the passenger next to me wanted to be sure if I should be sitting close to her, as she was scared. I have never been publicly humiliated to this extent before. Throughout the whole trip, I was filled with so much anger, being victimized, guilt, and disregard. I wondered why I was handpicked and accorded such degrading treatment; I strongly believed it’s because of my phenotypically dark skin as I am the only ''non white'' on the flight, since no public announcement was made to inform if someone misplaced the baggage.

I have been a denizen in Poland and I have never experienced such degrading treatment throughout my time there. This treatment created a deep hole in my heart and brought to my awareness the reserved prejudice deeply rooted in the heart of the airport workers who ganged up and treated me so unfairly due to my dark skin. It is expected of public workers to be competent with customer’s relation skills, especially in airport serving passengers from all parts of the world. This experience has made me unnecessarily sensitive as I was made to tacitly understand I would have to prove my innocence if I’m unluckily present in any mix-up situation, that I will be assumed guilty by default with the burden of proving myself innocent resting on me, that this experience is but a mere trigger of an existing presupposition. The most painful part is that my feelings were completely ignored and at the very least of my expectation, no apologies issued to the aggrieved.

I am writing this letter without prejudice, and all I ask for is that the necessary authorities should equip its employees with customer relationship skills and method in reaching coherent conclusions without subjecting anyone to an inhumane treatment, and also as a deterrent from this happening to subsequent passengers.

Young man (or old man)...I know you were upset by what happened to you and this may evoked the grammarian in you. But isn't there a simpler way to express yourself than with this big and poorly aligned commotion of an essay. It will always be easier to say "chew" than "masticate". The simpler the better.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by dabossman(m): 2:58pm On Sep 22, 2015
While I sincerely feel the Op's pain; I honestly find it hard to get angry at issues of racism these days. If our own brothers with the same skin colour don't even treat us like humans or hate us simply because of a difference in tribe, then why do we expect the white man to treat us better? Like someone said here, we need to be more united, but sadly, we are not. And the world is watching.

Luckily, I've not encountered any form of racism in my travels. If/when I do, maybe I'll be just as angry as the OP. Or maybe I'll just say "what the heck. Even my own country men and fellow Africans aren't any better". Until then.

TRIBALISM is worse than RACISM.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by DerMeister: 3:03pm On Sep 22, 2015
The stupidity is strong with this one!


Racism is intentionally preventing someone from getting employment because of their race. Or by intentionally not giving them a loan because of the color of their skin. Prejudice is just not liking them, and even if I was prejudice towards them, I'm not in any position to ruin their careers or livelihoods. Racism on the other hand, can have that effect. That's the difference.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by arabianights: 3:09pm On Sep 22, 2015

How does my parents actions affect my relationship with people.I hate it when people just conclude things as if you have any clue about what it feels like to look different in a place like Nigeria.You can't go to some parts of the town without people looking at you like another creature.Maybe I will ask my dad or mum what they did to them.

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin Dont flatter your self. We have millions of half castes in Nigeria as well as very light skinned people that look white.
In your region, we have many half castes who dont even know their fathers ( this is very common).

I really doubt you are facing discrimination in your region or even Nigeria as a whole.With all due respect ,please check your attitude could be the reason.I dont know you, yes but one thing i doubt for sure is you being discriminated due to your colour.Not in Federal republic of Nigeria if anything, your region likes whites as well as half castes
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Caspian22(m): 3:09pm On Sep 22, 2015
OP i might end up studying in poland sumday... Is the discrimination dat bad
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 3:28pm On Sep 22, 2015
The stupidity is strong with this one!

Nah it's you that is stupid. Either you're a non black person looking to stir up trouble, or you're a delusional negro who is ignorant to the point of no return. I clearly stated the difference between racism and prejudice, yet you still disagree like the dimwitted baboon that you are.


Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 3:31pm On Sep 22, 2015
OP i might end up studying in poland sumday... Is the discrimination dat bad
It is more of stereotype than actual racism. The officers are very unprofessional or ignorant. Why don't you study in English speaking nations? Like the UK, Canada, USA, Australia with better infrastructure and social life. For your information, Poland is not usually regarded as a western nation. So be warned!
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 3:41pm On Sep 22, 2015

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin Dont flatter your self. We have millions of half castes in Nigeria as well as very light skinned people that look white.
In your region, we have many half castes who dont even know their fathers ( this is very common).

I really doubt you are facing discrimination in your region or even Nigeria as a whole.With all due respect ,please check your attitude could be the reason.I dont know you, yes but one thing i doubt for sure is you being discriminated due to your colour.Not in Federal republic of Nigeria if anything, your region likes whites as well as half castes

My friend,
I've tried not to reply your comments,
But I couldn't.the guy talk about his experiences,and you kept argueing that he's lying,but you are still doing exactly the same thing which he's talking about.or do you not know that name callings are racism too,you've used the words half cast two or three times and oyibo once,and still Nigerians are not racist?.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by arabianights: 3:43pm On Sep 22, 2015

My friend,
I've tried not to reply your comments,
But I couldn't.the guy talk about his experiences,and you kept argueing that he's lying,but you are still doing exactly the same thing which he's talking about.or do you not know that name callings are racism too,you've used the words half cast two or three times and oyibo once,and still Nigerians are not racist?.


The topic pasted above is you right? you used the word "white man" yet you claim my using the word oyinbo is racist?

Subject to interpretation,my dear.Cheers and have a wonderful week ahead
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 3:51pm On Sep 22, 2015


The topic pasted above is you right? you used the word "white man" yet you claim my using the word oyinbo is racist?

Subject to interpretation,my dear.Cheers and have a wonderful week ahead

What are you trying to say?first I never said am racist or not,beside everyone that knew me here,knows that my wife is white and my kids are mix race,so what are you trying to say?
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by arabianights: 3:55pm On Sep 22, 2015

What are you trying to say?first I never said am racist or not,beside everyone that knew me here,knows that my wife is white and my kids are mix race,so what are you trying to say?

Big deal. you made reference to my choice of words and i highlighted the fact that you also used the word white man which is the same as oyinbo, right? but you interpreted mine to be racist.

So point taken? if my using of such words comes off as racist then so is yours

cheers mate wink
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by ZianaJordana(f): 4:10pm On Sep 22, 2015
My Nigga.
That's not even racism.
When you see a real racism, you won't be able to narrate your ordeal to anyone.
The just wanna see your ID & make sure you wasn't the one who dropped the bag.
Who are you to tell him his experience wasn't racism? And why was he the only one to be checked, and just so happened to be black? Furthermore, this clearly isn't an isolated incident, as others have said they've had similar experiences.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by aniffy4eva(m): 4:30pm On Sep 22, 2015
@ pansophist

You can make a video like this......

If you can push it, you never know.....they may end up paying you for damages.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by otiigba1(m): 4:51pm On Sep 22, 2015
But i ve been to poland numerous times, never had any problems undecided
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by pansophist(m): 5:07pm On Sep 22, 2015
But i ve been to poland numerous times, never had any problems undecided

I lived in Poland too, never had any problem except this one undecided

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