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A Discriminating Experience In Poland - Travel (9) - Nairaland

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Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 5:11pm On Sep 22, 2015

I lived in Poland too, never had any problem except this one undecided
The wave of immigrants through Eastern Europe is probably making them to take strange measures. Notwithstanding, it is not an excuse to put you in that horrible position. Very unprofessional of the officers.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by pansophist(m): 5:15pm On Sep 22, 2015

The wave of immigrants through Eastern Europe is probably making them to take strange measures. Notwithstanding, it is not an excuse to put you in that horrible position. Very unprofessional of the officers.

Na true you talk bros. I was quite surprised at the comments on this page. I have lived in Poland for at least one year and frequently travel via polish airport due to its connection to many European countries. This is the first time I have experienced such an extreme unfair treatment, and some of my best experiences are with Polish people, even my ex girlfriend. the comments surprised me really.

Wonder why people or Nigerians perceive them in such way internationally.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 5:34pm On Sep 22, 2015

How does my parents actions affect my relationship with people.I hate it when people just conclude things as if you have any clue about what it feels like to look different in a place like Nigeria.You can't go to some parts of the town without people looking at you like another creature.Maybe I will ask my dad or mum what they did to them.
Don't give in to those idiotic talks from morons. There is a guy in this forum called MadCow1, who is possibly suffering from mad cow disease, mentioning to sacrifice me to the gods and abusing my parents. Most of them are ignorant!
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by ferdyabu(m): 5:54pm On Sep 22, 2015

Don't give in to those idiotic talks from morons. There is a guy in this forum called MadCow1, who is possibly suffering from mad cow disease, mentioning to sacrifice me to the gods and abusing my parents. Most of them are ignorant!
Thanks Bro,I really admire your level of reasoning. I appreciate...Cheers

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Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by otiigba1(m): 5:55pm On Sep 22, 2015

I lived in Poland too, never had any problem except this one undecided
then that means your encounter with them poles may not have been because you are dark skinned, in my opinion.

Some times some folks can be irritatingly enthusiastic/overzealous
doing their jobs. Especially at the airport, perhaps that's what happened. Once i was at mellbourne Australia the Airport one of the immigration officer interrogated and scrutinized me to extent of my disbelieve. And he weren't even white, he was indian. So you see? This things happen. besides they would say they are just doing their job. Some times even on my way back here in the UK i get the same treatment at the airport ( i don't even carry a nigerian passport)
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by guiddoti: 6:05pm On Sep 22, 2015
There's nothing like racism again.
The blacks destroyed racism with rap music.
90% of the whites in America call other whites "NIGGA"
now tell me if it's still racist to call a black Nigga, when all the whites call other whites Nigga.

Tell that to people who haven't traveled out of Nigeria.
Racism died a long time ago

oga how many countries have you been? what are you saying? no racist or what?
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by otiigba1(m): 6:12pm On Sep 22, 2015
oga how many countries have you been? what are you saying? no racist or what?
don't mind that youngster, perhaps just because he is associating with few young white friends like him he claims there is no racism.

Its usually the grown up/older white folks who are racist the young ones don't care. About colour.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Caspian22(m): 6:28pm On Sep 22, 2015

It is more of stereotype than actual racism. The officers are very unprofessional or ignorant. Why don't you study in English speaking nations? Like the UK, Canada, USA, Australia with better infrastructure and social life. For your information, Poland is not usually regarded as a western nation. So be warned!

Its the price bro.. My preferred choice is canada but poland is cheaper. And i researched abt a sckul dere dat will accept me directly in2 300 med afta i've finishd gettin my paramedical degree. I don't knw anytin abt canada
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 8:11pm On Sep 22, 2015

Racism is intentionally preventing someone from getting employment because of their race. Or by intentionally not giving them a loan because of the color of their skin. Prejudice is just not liking them, and even if I was prejudice towards them, I'm not in any position to ruin their careers or livelihoods. Racism on the other hand, can have that effect. That's the difference.
You took the words out of my mouth. I think its crazy for one to think that a black acting in a racially insensitive manner and a white doing same is the same thing. A black cant be racist because we do not have any control or edffect on the outcome of their lives. A black person can stand on the street with a sign that says I HATE WHITE PEOPLE, and white people will walk by with a smile and say 'well, thats your opinion'. A white person being racist will stop your black arse from getting into a school or public place, a good job, or even getting good service in a public place. You see?


Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 8:12pm On Sep 22, 2015

You took the words out of my mouth. I think its crazy for one to think that a black acting in a racially insensitive manner and a white doing same is the same thing. A black cant be racist because we do not have any control or edffect on the outcome of their lives. A black person can stand on the street with a sign that says I HATE WHITE PEOPLE, and white people will walk by with a smile and say 'well, thats your opinion'. A white person being racist will stop your black arse from getting into a school or public place, a good job, or even getting good service in a public place. You see[/b]?

Thank you for getting it.

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Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 8:49pm On Sep 22, 2015

Its the price bro.. My preferred choice is canada but poland is cheaper. And i researched abt a sckul dere dat will accept me directly in2 300 med afta i've finishd gettin my paramedical degree. I don't knw anytin abt canada
Okay. Is it not cheaper in Germany? I read graduate courses are almost virtually free in that country.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Caspian22(m): 10:51pm On Sep 22, 2015

Okay. Is it not cheaper in Germany? I read graduate courses are almost virtually free in that country.
Wow! I'll browse abt it. But it's med&surg am goin 4.. I hope its ok. Thnks
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by madjune(m): 3:56am On Sep 23, 2015

Indeed, they are rhetorical questions. You are a learner. Please...!

rhetorical what? Go and learn what that word truly means...learner.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by free37: 9:29am On Sep 23, 2015
Soo bad.
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by pansophist(m): 4:54pm On Sep 23, 2015
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by Nobody: 7:21pm On Sep 23, 2015

Classic MWF.

What is MWF ?

I need to take a course in 21st century text lingo

Modified - I just saw your earlier post ( Muslim while flying ).
Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by MRBrownJ: 12:16am On Sep 24, 2015
i was once punched by a total stranger in Poland simply because i was walking in a night supermarket with 2 female friend (one on each hand). the guy punched me and started throwing racist insults at my friends and I, i broke a bottle n that fools head and the police was called. when they arrived, they saw that idiot bleeding from the head and they simply handcuffed me, even though my friends were telling the police exactly what happened. as these bastard police were leading me away, the store manager ran and call the police to come and view the video surveillance tapes... thats how my black aaass was saved from ending up in some small polish city's police station.

some countries in east Europe have big racism problem, and although you might never see it on a daily basis, it is just a street corner away, so long as you find yourself there at the wrong day/time!


Re: A Discriminating Experience In Poland by marriedvirgin: 2:32am On Sep 24, 2015
I know what you are talking about.I remember the time when ebola was at its peak in Africa last year.Here in the US the segregation was serious.People would even look at you and frown as if to say you don't deserve breath.I am surprised to see my fellows blacks even trying to buy houses here in US.I can never and would never do such a thing.ALL my investments must be done back home.If not of the opportunities here I don't know what else I would be doing here

It was before my departure, I was patiently queuing about to board a flight from Katowice (Poland) to Eindhoven (Netherlands) at 07.15 am. While waiting, I was approached by a male employee who asked me about an unknown baggage found somewhere around the airport, I courteously replied that its not mine and I suggested that he should make a public announcement about it before passengers began to board the aircraft. When it was my turn to board, I approached the passenger service assistant and gave him my ID and mobile boarding pass but to my dismayal, he explicitly stated that I will not be allowed to board while asking me to wait at the corner for his boss to handle the situation. He wouldn’t listen to my subsequent plea as he rudely separated me from the curiously observing queuers, as I waited for the arrival of his supposed boss.

Three minutes later, the middle-aged boss arrived and as expected, collected my ID and interrogated me with the same question asked by the previous vicenarian employee, I repeatedly told him that I knew nothing about the baggage but he wouldn’t accept this as the truth. He further claimed that I was caught on camera dropping the bag and he would release the video to me if I keep denying, I was amazingly shocked at such magnitude of lie against me. I ask if I could see the video, wondering if I was mistaken for someone else, He agreed to show me but inferred that I wont be able to board the flight because after the nitty-gritty, the plane would be late on arrival, then its was dawm on me that this is getting serious. I replied angrily that if I miss my flight, I would sue the legal-person(s) involved. On hearing this, he immediately facilitated my boarding and directed me to the boarding gate. I asked again if I could see the video where I was caught dropping the baggage but he refused and reminded me that I am delaying the flight, in an attempt to diverge my pending questions. I was vehemently mortified. As I entered the plane from the front door, I noticed the fear and irritation gripping the passengers due to my chagrin. I approached to my assigned seat number, the passenger next to me wanted to be sure if I should be sitting close to her, as she was scared. I have never been publicly humiliated to this extent before. Throughout the whole trip, I was filled with so much anger, being victimized, guilt, and disregard. I wondered why I was handpicked and accorded such degrading treatment; I strongly believed it’s because of my phenotypically dark skin as I am the only ''non white'' on the flight, since no public announcement was made to inform if someone misplaced the baggage.

I have been a denizen in Poland and I have never experienced such degrading treatment throughout my time there. This treatment created a deep hole in my heart and brought to my awareness the reserved prejudice deeply rooted in the heart of the airport workers who ganged up and treated me so unfairly due to my dark skin. It is expected of public workers to be competent with customer’s relation skills, especially in airport serving passengers from all parts of the world. This experience has made me unnecessarily sensitive as I was made to tacitly understand I would have to prove my innocence if I’m unluckily present in any mix-up situation, that I will be assumed guilty by default with the burden of proving myself innocent resting on me, that this experience is but a mere trigger of an existing presupposition. The most painful part is that my feelings were completely ignored and at the very least of my expectation, no apologies issued to the aggrieved.

I am writing this letter without prejudice, and all I ask for is that the necessary authorities should equip its employees with customer relationship skills and method in reaching coherent conclusions without subjecting anyone to an inhumane treatment, and also as a deterrent from this happening to subsequent passengers.

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