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I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke - Romance - Nairaland

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I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:15am On Oct 23, 2015
angry. All these NL girls that are so materialistic.

I've been home for the holidays for over 9 weeks. All my little savings have been dissipated.

I'm scared of approaching a girl cos i usually dont have any tangible cash on me.

Ladies, why wont you take a guy serious if he doesnt spend on you?.
It's nerve racking.

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by benedictnsi(m): 8:18am On Oct 23, 2015
My friend, go and Hustle..... No one loves a broke nigga this days........ Even your friends and relatives won't be comfortable with your low life esteem

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by Freciprocal: 8:18am On Oct 23, 2015
No Romance without Finance!


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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by Nobody: 8:21am On Oct 23, 2015
angry. All these NL girls that are so materialistic.

I've been home for the holidays for over 9 weeks. All my little savings have been dissipated.

I'm scared of approaching a girl cos i usually dont have any tangible cash on me.

Ladies, why wont you take a guy serious if he doesnt spend on you?.
It's nerve racking.

You are the one having the wrong idea that all girls are materialistic and hence resulting in your fear of approaching any.

Look, everything shouldn't be about flaunting your wallet in their presence or showering gifts and showing off when you first meet a girl.

The first thing a girl sees when you approach her is your confidence. If you are confident enough to walk up to a girl and talk to her confidently, them you have slightly won her over. You can proceed from there.
If you are someone who is friendly and "interesting", you can ignite friendship and from there things will add up.

Trust me, it's not always about money. There are other things girls need in their lives.

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by donholy28(m): 8:24am On Oct 23, 2015
Focus on making money and everything shall be added onto u.. including girls

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by kiddkash(m): 8:27am On Oct 23, 2015
go beg ATM for money, works for me

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by lasheez(m): 8:27am On Oct 23, 2015
Guy you've not even played the reggae you started playing the blues.All you need is packaging and repackaging.There is always some girl for some boy out there.Besisides you are just a student and it is not expected for you to work.Why are you allowing your complex control you?Is it a must for you to impress every gal with money?Well if you still want your complex to control you then my advice to you is to wait until you start plucking money from the trees.

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by wristbangle: 8:29am On Oct 23, 2015
Op if you are serious about your predicament, don't ever have this notion that all ladies are materialist. Though money remains one of the most ingredient factor to grease a relationship but thinking your money can get any lady is a pure scam because if you flaunt it too much when you hit jackpot, you will be seen as a scapegoat or glorified maga.

To be forewarned is to be forearm. Have a nice day.

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:29am On Oct 23, 2015

You are the one having the wrong idea that all girls are materialistic and hence resulting in your fear of approaching any.

Look, everything shouldn't be about flaunting your wallet in their presence or showering gifts and showing off when you first meet a girl.

The first thing a girl sees when you approach her is your confidence. If you are confident enough to walk up to a girl and talk to her confidently, them you have slightly won her over. You can proceed from there.
If you are someone who is friendly and "interesting", you can ignite friendship and from there things will add up.

Trust me, it's not always about money. Their are other things girls need in their lives.

Nice point bro. So after exchanging numbers, you use your saliva to take her on a date?

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by sinaj(f): 8:30am On Oct 23, 2015
R u also broke mentally

Dere r Lotta gurls out dere dat will appreciate u coz of wot u gat upstairs nd ow u behave too nd nt jux money!

U guyz shud correct dat mind set

17 Likes 3 Shares

Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by cruzyteejay(m): 8:30am On Oct 23, 2015
Like you just came back from Yankee..........if not you wouldn't have asked this,anyway to your question

Relationship is now business(in Nigeria),any girl you meet now will state that your unique aim is just to 'chim chum chii' which is Mostly the aim of some naija guys,so the ladies now have the mentality of 'HE IS COMING FOR MY BODY SO AMA GO FOR HIS MONEY'which is correct in some cases......in summary,relationship is now more like olosho business just that its not a public one,its called SHORT TERM "PRIVATISED OLOSHO" ranging from when the relationship started to the time they broke up,and i won't blame the ladies for this cus it won't be fair if you are only giving and don't take any,which is far far far from what love is

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:30am On Oct 23, 2015
go beg ATM for money, works for me
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by Rapsodee(m): 8:31am On Oct 23, 2015
Some girls are after money nowadays not love,in fact to them you spending money for them is the definition of true love but baba naa u no go gree for them.Imagine you just asking them to come and see or visit you lasan!,the next thing they will open mouth and say is "Anything for me?",like say I be father Christmas even though Christmas is nearwink....but if you are smart enough with some whyning and a little amount of money to do packaging,you shall overcome.


Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by BreezyCB(m): 8:31am On Oct 23, 2015
Go find beta work


Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by cruzyteejay(m): 8:32am On Oct 23, 2015
Focus on making money and everything shall be added onto u..
including girls

low IQ
no offense,that's just the truth about your comment

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:35am On Oct 23, 2015
go beg ATM for money, works for me
Lool. Troll grin

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by donholy28(m): 8:35am On Oct 23, 2015

low IQ
no offense,that's just the truth about your comment
no problems... leave money and focus ur high IQ on chasing girls


Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:37am On Oct 23, 2015
Guy you've not even played the reggae you started playing the blues.All you need is packaging and repackaging.There is always some girl for some boy out there.Besisides you are just a student and it is not expected for you to work.Why are you allowing your complex control you?Is it a must for you to impress every gal with money?Well if you still want your complex to control you then my advice to you is to wait until you start plucking money from the trees.

Thanks man. But you dont really gettit. Would it just end with packaging?? Shey you would make her feel special na ... And money dey involved
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by naijaboiy: 8:37am On Oct 23, 2015
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by CountDracula(m): 8:38am On Oct 23, 2015
Go and play nairabet and stop self-pitying if u need a babe seriously. By d tym u play 600 tyms u shud have hammered abit


Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by cruzyteejay(m): 8:39am On Oct 23, 2015
Dere r Lotta gurls out dere dat will appreciate u coz of wot u gat upstairs nd ow u behave too nd nt jux money!

when i saw 'UPSTAIRS' i was like,would she ask for your semester results?


Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:40am On Oct 23, 2015
R u also broke mentally

Dere r Lotta gurls out dere dat will appreciate u coz of wot u gat upstairs nd ow u behave too nd nt jux money!

U guyz shud correct dat mind set

Ofcos there are such girls around. But surely you'll get intimidated when rich dudes with cars are going for her. And you know that subconsciously she's liking the attention of the rich guy. And you've got nothing to offer.

Anyways..on to the next one.

It's not always that a pretty lady comments on my thread grin
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by Nobody: 8:41am On Oct 23, 2015
go beg ATM for money, works for me
Hahaha...picturing that literally..dt's just crazy!!
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by lasheez(m): 8:44am On Oct 23, 2015

Thanks man. But you dont really gettit. Would it just end with packaging?? Shey you would make her feel special na ... And money dey involved
No one is saying you wouldn't spend a little some some.What my packaging here means is for you to make her like you first before thinking of spending thats all.

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:44am On Oct 23, 2015
Bro,Most girls are after money nowadays not love,in fact to them you spending money for them is the definition of a true love but baba naa u no go gree for them.Imagine you just asking them to come and see or visit,the next thing is "Anything for me?",like say I be father Christmas....but if you are smart enough with whyning them and little amount of money,you shall overcome.

@bolded. Soo true my guy. One quiet shy girl i recently got acquainted to.... i walked her home one day. And i was like, will you come for choir practise? She said..maybe.
After seeing her off...few mins later..she sent her younger sister to tell me to keep sth for her. LOL grin


Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by cruzyteejay(m): 8:45am On Oct 23, 2015
no problems... leave money and focus ur high IQ on chasing girls

you misinterpreted what i said,i was trying to state that"it is intellectually 'low'(hmm oboi see English)for you to set girls as a priority on why you should make money
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by Mowetey(m): 8:47am On Oct 23, 2015
R u also broke mentally

Dere r Lotta gurls out dere dat will appreciate u coz of wot u gat upstairs nd ow u behave too nd nt jux money!

U guyz shud correct dat mind set
bravo!!! i seldomly hear ladies think this way, well thats only if u could match ur words with action.
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by Nobody: 8:47am On Oct 23, 2015

Nice point bro. So after exchanging numbers, you use your saliva to take her on a date?
There are several places to meet up nd discuss where yhu don't have to pay or do anyfin really expensive. If she's genuinely interested in yhu,she wouldn't mind. What's most important is finding a common ground...having interesting things to talk bout or do together. That's surely a nice start.

#Philosopher Quëën#

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:48am On Oct 23, 2015
Like you just came back from Yankee..........if not you wouldn't have asked this,anyway to your question

Relationship is now business(in Nigeria),any girl you meet now will state the your unique aim is just to 'chim chum chii' which is Mostly the aim of some naija guys,so the ladies now have the mentality of 'HE IS COMING FOR MY BODY SO AMA GO FOR HIS MONEY'which is correct in some cases......in summary,relationship is now more like olosho business just that its not a public one,its called SHORT TERM "PRIVATISED OLOSHO" ranging from when the relationship started to the time they broke up,and i won't blame the ladies for this cus it won't be fair if you are only giving and don't take any,which is far far far from what love is

Lool..you're quite right.

So bottomline..i'll stay out of relationships....or even talking to girls i see on the street grin

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:49am On Oct 23, 2015
Go and play nairabet and stop self-pitying if u need a babe seriously. By d tym u play 600 tyms u shud have hammered abit

Lool. Betting's till i get back to school.
Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by dharay99: 8:50am On Oct 23, 2015
Go and play nairabet and stop self-pitying if u need a babe seriously. By d tym u play 600 tyms u shud have hammered abit
yhu qe† any be††er si†e
wey I fi† qe† be††inq †ips & forecas†.?

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Re: I'm Scared Of Approaching A Girl Because I'm Broke by SmokingGunZ(m): 8:50am On Oct 23, 2015
No one is saying you wouldn't spend a little some some.What my packaging here means is for you to make her like you first before thinking of spending thats all.

But Igbo girls are too materialistic sad

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