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Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? - Romance (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by misspicy(f): 4:01am On Dec 17, 2015
u are relating... talk on. its good to spy once in a while helps to make d love stronger self & satisfy intellectual curiosity too. which kind of love wey no get jealousy Na foreign love o....wora amai doing sef . I actually violated my standing order not to comment on Lomance thread...#Vanishes
@bolded,thank you for that word,I think that is what its mostly about

lol@violated,tonguetongue God catch you,you cannot help but be drawn to our lomance banter gringringrin

BTW wch section do you belong?
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Jephz(m): 4:13am On Dec 17, 2015
okay ... do you knw heart attack?? if yes again "okay" cheesy
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by SamuelIgurube(m): 4:15am On Dec 17, 2015
[quote author=Odunharry post=41042925]
lol.. like I said there are things that brings about suspicions..It Jus don't develop overtime you know.. [true talk[color=#990000][/color]]
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by misspicy(f): 4:16am On Dec 17, 2015
It's only those who are guilty of shady deals that don't support it because they believe that as they don't check their partner's phone he/she shouldn't check theirs too and from there they too can hide anything they want to.
It's only those who are guilty of shady deals that don't support it because they believe that as they don't check their partner's phone he/she shouldn't check theirs too and from there they too can hide anything they want to.

misspicy post41074143: illustration 101 :
so I have a bf,he locks his phone and doesn't care about my phone too,in short he doesn't touch it,I later discovered I was the side chick......
I would have saved myself the relationship stress if I had snooped earlier

bro were you there when it happened? grin

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by misspicy(f): 4:18am On Dec 17, 2015
Miss Spicy Biko dethrone that Ndukwu pishure wey dey ya frofile abeg b4 u give person heart attack... umuaka game egbukwanu mmadu one day here o. abeg hurry
done grin
kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa kwakwakwakwakwakwa

ndukwu pischure dey gif you erection abi tonguetongue
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Jilo83(m): 4:19am On Dec 17, 2015
I do and continue to do
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by MrBUN86(m): 4:45am On Dec 17, 2015
She saw a number saved in my phone with 'swt hrt' (My kid sister). She got annoyed and could not listen to my explanation and dtz d end of it.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by CoCoLav(f): 4:59am On Dec 17, 2015
Every time I have ever checked it, I have seen stuff that will save me from a lifetime of deceit and misery, so I'm gonna keep checking.


Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by arnold123: 5:02am On Dec 17, 2015
Na normal thing bros, my baby go kill that girl if she catch am o! Lol, I am her little baby
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by MzPecs(f): 5:12am On Dec 17, 2015
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by banio: 5:14am On Dec 17, 2015
The surest way to catch a cheating partner is going tru their phone
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Snoolv360(m): 5:17am On Dec 17, 2015
Nah palava you dey find, I think instead of doing that use that time to do something meaningful . If you feel your partner is doing some things that you don't like with with his or her phone I believed you know it's not a do or die affairs like Nigeria politics.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Nobody: 5:44am On Dec 17, 2015
For me it's a case of ' Car parked at owners risk'.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by princeayito(m): 5:45am On Dec 17, 2015
It not bad,if only you dont hv a skeleton in your cupboard
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by repogirl(f): 5:50am On Dec 17, 2015
There's actually no need. Why would you be insecure in your relationship ? Communication is key.
there's no point in communication, if your partner is a liar or not ready to communicate. It's
It's also not insecurity, its just to make sure. It evens helps you understand the type of person you are with from the type of chats he/she has with friends.

Someone who has nothing to hide will not password or hide his/her phone from his/her partner. Whoever does that certainly doesn't want the partner to find out something he/she is hiding. Simple.


Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Okunlola359(m): 6:23am On Dec 17, 2015
It is an end time Today's relationships: You can touch each other's private parts, but not each other's phones. That's private!!! Katikati

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Reptyle(m): 6:23am On Dec 17, 2015
Do you think going through your partner's phone once a while is right and can you allow your partner go through yours??

As for me , use to hate the habit though I don't have problem with anyone going through my phone until I discovered something years back..

My opinion is simple, Check if you want to check especially if you feeling suspicious or you getting less affection and time from ur partner.

Only people who have something to hide will not allow you check and I don't see what's there to hide form my partner except I have an ulterior motive

why I think it's right if you want to is simple..
It can save from cheating partner, deceitful relationship, heartbreak, disease, forced pregnancy etc etc

CAVEAT Be prepared and be strong to take or face anything you see..

Going through your partner's phone is neither right nor wrong. If the intent is altruistic, then it isn't wrong. But if it is for some sinister reason or based on suspicion, then it isn't advisable.

In this life we live, the suspicious soul that is looking for something to fuel or justify their suspicion will always find it.

I don't check my wife's phone and I don't really like her checking my own. Doesn't mean however, that I don't let her use my phone if she needs to.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by matrix199(m): 6:29am On Dec 17, 2015
Some years back, my lady was having an issue with her phone, I gave her a spare phone. Some weeks later, she was careless to let the phone drop in a bath tub, the phone cldnt power anymore. She later bought a new fone, so I asked her to bring the faulty phone so I cld give it to a phone technician for repair. But with the computer hardware training I got in computer school, I was able to fix the phone myslf, and it powered. After the phone booted, I went thru it, and what I saw on the BBM eh! Asin, my BP rose to 530/240mmHg.

So, if you don't want to develop Cadio-Vascular Disease, I'll advise you steer clear of ur partner's phone, so ur days may be long!
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by missyadorable(f): 6:29am On Dec 17, 2015
Do you think going through your partner's phone once a while is right and can you allow your partner go through yours??

As for me , use to hate the habit though I don't have problem with anyone going through my phone until I discovered something years back..

My opinion is simple, Check if you want to check especially if you feeling suspicious or you getting less affection and time from ur partner.

Only people who have something to hide will not allow you check and I don't see what's there to hide form my partner except I have an ulterior motive

why I think it's right if you want to is simple..
It can save from cheating partner, deceitful relationship, heartbreak, disease, forced pregnancy etc etc

CAVEAT Be prepared and be strong to take or face anything you see..

One of the first rules I clearly define in my relationship: You don't touch my phone(s) and I dont touch yours...Use passwords,pattern lock,voice lock if you wish,Am not interested in your phone(s)...My friends, colleagues n family members can go through my phone,if I have a password,I will give them.But a man am romantically involved with be you boyfriend/fiance/husband has no business going through my phone neither do I have anything to do with his phone.


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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by sholexy1: 6:29am On Dec 17, 2015
Actually there is not wrong in both parties doin it cox it always abt strengthing the trust u both shared but the moment it starts one of u will see somtin thats not there n will attach importance to it thus causing a misunderstanding the best thing is dont even think abt it at all u both need to act blind for the love u both shared
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by charlesdavis(m): 6:34am On Dec 17, 2015
Checking a ladys phone? Naaaaaa; the last tym i tried dt shiit; ended up wt a cardiologist.. embarassed embarassed embarassed
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by missyadorable(f): 6:35am On Dec 17, 2015

okay bro

i pirru him too grin

illustration 101 :
so I have a bf,he locks his phone and doesn't care about my phone too,in short he doesn't touch it,I later discovered I was the side chick......
I would have saved myself the relationship stress if I had snooped earlier

Lol..You are a side chic until a man marries you...The main chic is a wife,not some Girlfriend who serves as a forkmate!

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Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by missyadorable(f): 6:46am On Dec 17, 2015

I agree with that toasting aspect, my ex goes through my phone all the time and whenever he sees other toasting me he gets upset, I told him he isn't married to me so my options are opened, that I won't chase other suitors. He said he can't compete.

You are reasonable! That's how they will date you,marry they won't! But will be vexing if other guys are toasting you...Na girlfriend for life person come this world to do?mtcheeew!
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by Laredojohn(m): 6:50am On Dec 17, 2015
Hmm..it all depends sha...if we at a stage we have nothing to hide, nothing wrong, that's the advanced stage where by certainty is high we getting married, not longer cock and boo relationship, but if we are still in the preliminary stage, were we are still learning to tolerate each other, early stage, where our certainty of being together forever is still dicey we rather do not, so we wouldn't start doubting or raising too many questions in the early part of the relationship... #myopinionimightbewrong, say urs, dnt quote me.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by oleeee(m): 6:55am On Dec 17, 2015
A woman who doesn't go through her man's phone is a happy woman.( Jet li:2006)
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by layinks60: 6:55am On Dec 17, 2015
No, it's outrightly wrong..
It's a huge violation of your partner's privacy.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by rose4flower(f): 6:59am On Dec 17, 2015
The last time i checked my husband phone dat was when i realised i av been living in fool paradise. wat i discovered almost broke our home even up til now i stil find it hard to believe him.

All d same i stil snoop once in a while to check if he has kept his promise.


Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by whytepawn1(m): 7:01am On Dec 17, 2015
Right! in short very Right especially if you don't trust your partner undecided
what's the point of continuing in a relationship if trust is absent?.
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by tolutweety(m): 7:03am On Dec 17, 2015
Every time I have ever checked it, I have seen stuff that will save me from a lifetime of deceit and misery, so I'm gonna keep checking.

Now I see why you kept asking for my fone all the times we were together. undecided
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by nwadiuko1(m): 7:06am On Dec 17, 2015
I don't check her phone and I don't expect her to check mine
Re: Going Through Your Partner's Phone..right Or Wrong? by ishiamu(m): 7:08am On Dec 17, 2015

I agree with that toasting aspect, my ex goes through my phone all the time and whenever he sees other toasting me he gets upset, I told him he isn't married to me so my options are opened, that I won't chase other suitors. He said he can't compete.

I won't go tru ur phone sweety kiss kiss kiss kiss

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