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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna (9220 Views)
Nairaland Interschool Debate Fourth Edition Participation Thread / Nairaland Interschool Debate 3RD EDITION -Winner- Obafemi Awolowo University (2) (3) (4)
Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 5:55pm On Jan 31, 2016 | A warm evening to you all and welcome once again to NISD. Tonight, we have as topic, Open University (Online University or Distant Learning): The panacea to Nigeria's Literacy Challenges. And the schools for tonight’s debate are: Supporting – ![]() Federal University of Technology Minna (FUTMINNA) is a Federal Government established educational institution founded in 1983. FUTMINNA specializes in technological education. The University is a designated Centre of Excellence in Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering and has a core competence in the development of vaccines and drugs. Vice-Chancellor: Professor Musbau Adewumi Akanji, FNSBMB Vision Statement: The University strives to become a world class and Nigeria's leading University recognized for its excellence in capacity building and service delivery. Mission Statement: Federal University of Technology, Minna as a specialized University is committed to the training of skilled and innovative work-force that would transform Nigeria's natural resources into goods and services, driven by entrepreneurship and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to positively affect the economy and thus the quality of life of her people. Meet the debaters, ►TopeQs ►Djhack1 ►Hamzeiy ►Darex1 ►Timcy01 And opposing, [img][/img] The Delta State University, Abraka - Popularly known as Delsu. The creation of Edo and Delta States in August 1991 and the conversion of the main campus of the then Bendel State University, Ekpoma to become Edo State University in December 1991 necessitated the establishment of an autonomous Delta State University, Abraka on 30th April 1992 by the then Executive Governor of the State, Olorogun Felix Ibru. The Vice Chancellor of the University is Professor Victor Peretomode. And Delsu Motto - Knowledge, Character and Service. Meet the Delsuites representing their institution. ► Epaul ► Jeremyaaa09 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 5:58pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
DEBATE RULES Kindly read. 1.) The recommended font size is the default size (size 8.) and the colour is the default colour (black). 2.) The essay should be in maximum of 1000 words. 3.) The use of SMS language and abbreviations are strictly forbidden. 4.) All materials used should be properly referenced at the end of the essay. 5.) All essays must be submitted on the stipulated date and time. 6.) Sole representatives are not allowed during the competition, both representatives must be present. 7.) All representatives are to engage in rebuttals and give answers to questions raised by the judges and the audience. 8.) Word counts should be strictly adhered to. 9.) Mindless lifting is outrightly discouraged 10.) Defaulters will be penalized when caught |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 5:59pm On Jan 31, 2016 | PROCEDURES 6:55 -- Debaters (Jeremyaaa09, Epaul, TopeQs, Djhack1, Hamzeiy, Darex1, Timcy01) and judges (Ishilove, HerexG, Ask4bigneyo) register presence 7:00 – The organizer, Fynestboi declares the debate open 7:00 - 7:30 -- Debaters post their arguments within 30 minutes, maximum word limit is 1000 7:30 – 8:30pm – Rebuttals - A debater takes on his opponent’s view, puncturing his or her points - This the debater does by quoting the said comment and then countering it with his or her own views. 8:20 – 8:40pm – Judges post questions to debaters either on what the debater has posited or revolving around the debate topic, albeit, this is not compulsory, it is acceptable for a judge not to have questions for the debaters... Judges with questions should please be specific as to which debater they are posting their questions to. E.g “Mr X, could you expatiate what you meant by subsidy? or ...., kindly give examples to your claim that the removal of fuel subsidy is justified. 8:40 – 9:00pm – Debaters respond to questions raised by judges 9:00 – 9:20pm – Two questions will be entertained from the audience i.e. viewers and this will be based on ‘fastest fingers’. After the 2 questions, other questions will be attended to after the debate or perhaps, if the debater is free during the debate to respond to them, he or she can do so, however, points will not be awarded after the 2 questions. 9:20 – 9:30pm – Debaters respond to audience questions and concludes their arguments. Debaters who were not asked any questions can still conclude his/her arguments during this time. 9:30 – 9:40pm – Judges compile their scores and mail to coordinators with a copy to 9:40 – 10:00pm - Coordinators announce results, after which the thread will be thrown open for regular Nairaland discussions. |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 5:59pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
DEBATE MODALITIES 5 points to be awarded to each criteria. 1. Presentation (opening, flow, paragraphs, grammar, punctuations, word count, closing,) 2. Logic of arguments 3. Strength of facts, examples, cases. 4. Persuasiveness 5. Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the subject 6. Rebuttals and response to questions raised by the judges and the audience |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 6:00pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Fynestboi: Simply put, we need sponsors for the debate. THANKS.. Sponsors: ►Ymodulus ► Ifyalways ►Jarus ► ► Jaybee3 ► All judges GIVEAWAYS ![]() ► A hard copy of the book "The Road to Victoria Island" authored by Mr. Jarus to the debaters of the winning school. ► A soft copy (ebook version) to be given to each debater of the second placed team. ► Best debater to be invited to JarusHub Networking Event - an avenue to meet and dine with some Lagos professionals in a top restaurant in Lagos (This meet holds on every last Saturday of every month, and the debater is free to choose the month he prefers from June to December 2016). Courtesy: JarusHub Career Consulting |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 6:01pm On Jan 31, 2016 | Please while the submission of the essay is going on, only the contestants, coordinators, Chairman and Supermods (if need be) can post. Let us all comply, as defaulters might attract 3 hours ban (duration of the essay submission). You can however comment simultaneously at the planning thread. Thank you. Come and witness the mother of all e-Essay Competition on the biggest Section of the biggest online forum in Africa.. |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Fynestboi: 6:08pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
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Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Fynestboi: 6:58pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
[size=15pt]Open University (Online University or Distant Learning): The panacea to Nigeria's Literacy Challenges. [/size] |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Fynestboi: 7:00pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
7:00 – The organizer, Fynestboi declares the debate open Like yesterday we deliberated and created a platform where online intellectual relationship will abound among not only university undergraduates, but also polytechnics, college of education to put away discrimination among undergraduates, and in turn create a platform that exist beyond the internet world, and now we are here with loads of testimonies, amidst turbulent challenges, discouragement, and unfathomable storm and yet we stood/stand strong. I am elated to welcome you all to the third chapter of "The book" Nairaland Interschool debate to the participants I appreciate the time and determination you put into this intellectual exercise, and to the Coordinators I don't know how to appreciate you I will just say I love you all, and to judges for sparing out of your busy offline schedule time to attend to us I say we are forever indebted to you sir/ma, to the audience keep energizing the participants both with your support and all, to the owner of this site, my boss Oluwaseun I say thank you. With no much ado, I say once again welcome to the third edition of Nairaland Interschool debate Elimination stage. I hereby declare this debate open. I wish all participants Best of luck. Thanks.. # gives the mic to the Coordinator(Luxanne) ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Ask4bigneyo(m): 7:00pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Present 1 Like |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Ishilove: 7:01pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Present 1 Like |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 7:02pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Thank you Fynestboi ![]() Team FutMinna, are we present and ready? You can post your essays now ![]() Cc, TopeQs, Djhack1, Hamzeiy, Darex1, Timcy01 |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by TopeQs: 7:06pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Good day Mr. Chairman, erudite judges, the coordinators, the moderators, accurate time keeper, distinguished audience. my name is TopeQs, representing Futminna. I'm here to support the notion that Open University (or Online University or Distant Learning) is the panacea to Nigeria's Literacy Challenges. Before I go any further, I'll like to explain what is, distance learning is a method of studying in which lectures are broadcast or lessons are conducted by correspondence, without the student needing to attend a school or college, and according to Wikipedia, distance education or distance learning is the education of students who are not physically present at a school. Courses that are conducted partly through distance education and partly on-site are referred to as hybrid or blended education. Distance education solve a lot when it comes to improving literacy challenges. It makes it easier for a determined learner, especially the working class ones, to be able to split his/her tight schedule to be able to get learning Moreover, this distance learning also helps those whose only chance of getting a degree is the internet as it reduces the cost of this type of education sometimes as it becomes easier to get a degree from a foreign university, here in Nigeria through the internet. . According to a research in the UK. . Benefits of Distance Learning Attaining a higher education qualification opens up new opportunities in life and at work. Our students tell us that they have achieved promotions, pay rises, increased confidence or job security. All as a result of studying their qualification via distance learning. Here are a few of the benefits you can also achieve: 1. A UK university qualification that is held in high esteem worldwide. 2. Flexibility to balance work, life and your studies together. 3. Up to 60% less academic fees than UK universities and other distance learning providers. 4. Significant career return on investment as you do not have to take a break from work to study. 5. Contextualise your learning and put theory into practice in the workplace – an extremely attractive attribute to employers. 6. Browse all your learning materials, access discussion forums and interact with fellow students and tutors whenever and wherever you choose. Access everything you need via your iPhone, iPad or Kindle, using ilearn – RDI’s virtual learning environment. 7. Employer commendation for your ability to focus and apply yourself, and for the valuable work experience you have gained throughout your studies. 8. Share knowledge and experience with students across the globe, building your professional network. 9. Membership of the International Management Academy and all the career-enhancing benefits that go with this worldwide academic community. 10. Tap into Professional Career Pathways that help you map out your career goals and achieve them. However The main advantage of distance learning is that it allows you to fit your learning around your work and home life. You can usually also set your own pace of study. It is your decision as to when and where you study. It doesn't matter where you live – you can gain a degree from anywhere in the world. Studying by distance learning has the benefit of allowing you to develop your career without having to leave employment. It also means that you can apply new knowledge and insights to your working life while you are still studying, with many students choosing to tackle work-related topics in their dissertations. Distance learning in Nigeria increases literacy, time has always been a thing everybody don't seem to have much of so when we get to work, school at the same time it also.helps very much as people who claim the reason they do not So want to go back to school is because they do not wanna quit their job, then distance learning comes in to that effect. References : 10 Likes |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 7:09pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Right on time TopeQs, and your teammate? @ Team Delsu, Get ready to post your essays after Team FutMinna Cc, Jeremyaaa09, Epaul |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Nobody: 7:21pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Good evening Distinguished chairman, Distinguished panel of judges, ever present moderators and coordinators of this great and impacting online essay competition, my co-debtors and awesome readers. All protocols dully observed, I am Djhack, a student of Project management department of the Federal University of Technology Minna, representing Futminna in this debate. I am here to support the topic which says, Open university (online university or distant learning) the panacea to Nigeria literacy challenges. I will briefly like to define the terms of the topic. Distance education is a field of education that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the aim of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional setting such as a classroom. In Nigeria, the emergence of distance education dates back to external examinations organised by Universities of London, Cambridge and Oxford, which provided opportunities for Nigerians wishing to acquire western education. Although these universities allowed Nigerians to take examinations, none of them provided tuition to prepare students for its examinations. Therefore, the need to fill the gap created due to lack of tuition led to the patronage of correspondence institutions abroad by Nigerians. Thus, early Nigerian graduates went through the University of London correspondence institution examinations. During this period, other Nigerians took advantage of correspondence courses offered by British institutions such as Rapid Results College and Wosley Hall to acquire their general certificate in education which was a prerequisite for admission into university. The first official recognition of distance education by the Nigerian government came in 1959 when as a prelude towards independence; the Federal Ministry of Education inaugurated the Ashby Commission. The Ashby Report submitted in 1960, recommended the establishment of University of Lagos with a department for correspondence courses. Later on, some universities such as University of Ibadan and Ahmadu Bello University were providing extension services to their catchment areas. The Ahmadu Bello University Institute of Education also introduced the Teacher in –Service Education Programme to raise the quantity and quality of teachers in Northern Nigeria. According to Adegbite and Oyekanmi (2010), the University of Ibadan also inaugurated distance education in 1988 in an attempt to meet the needs of the ever increasing applicants for university education through distance learning programme. When the National Council of Education ruled that the National Certificate of Education (NCE) should be the minimum qualification for teaching at primary school level, the Ahmadu Bello University Institute of Education, started the NCE by correspondence programme. The launching of the Universal Primary Education in 1976 led to further recognition of the distance learning mode as a veritable means of promoting teacher education. Towards this end, National Teachers Institute (NTI) was established by the Federal Government in 1976 as the first institution providing distance education courses designed to upgrade under-qualified and unqualified teachers. An attempt to establish an Open University in Abuja was truncated and was replaced with a dual-mode institution established as the University of Abuja. At the University of Abuja, the Centre for Distance Learning and Continuing Education (CDLCE) was set up and mandated to provide distance education component of every programme that the University would provide. However, the strong commitment of the Federal Government to distance education led to the establishment of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) in 2002. As of today, the National Universities Commission has approved the following universities as dual mode institutions; namely: University of Ibadan, University of Lagos, University of Abuja, Obafemi Awolowo University, University of Maiduguri and Federal University of Technology, Yola. The dual mode institutions combine both the conventional and distance education programmes. In some of these institutions students come for residential programmes when the regular students are on vacation. Only the National Open University of Nigeria is the only uni-mode University in Nigeria. The National Teachers Institute is another type dedicated to distance learning in Nigeria. However, shortages in critical areas of manpower demand, the need to meet unsatisfied demand for higher education as well ability to acquire further education while on the job make distance education imperative and important in Nigeria today.The Commonwealth of Learning International (2001) identified major reasons for strong and growing institutional commitment to distance education in Nigeria as follows, Institutions see potential for it to expand their reach and scale of operations, They regard distance education programmes as a strategy to absorb large number of students who cannot currently be placed in face-to-face programmes due to their various responsibilities, They see it as a means to provide education to working students and adults of all age group in Nigeria. The revised National Policy on Education (2004) articulated the goals of open and distance education as to Provide access to quality education and equity in educational opportunities for those who otherwise would have been denied, Meet special needs of employers by mounting special certificate courses for their employees at their work place, Encourage internationalization especially tertiary education curricula, Ameliorate the effect of internal and external brain drain in tertiary institutions by utilizing experts as teachers regardless of their locations or places of work, The demand for university education and on the job training remains unabated in Nigeria. According to Aderinoye (2002) the imperativeness of distance open education could be rested on its ability “to provide dual mode learning processes that will take care of the educational needs of those that are qualified for university education but could not be accommodated for lack of space in the existing tertiary institutions. The desire of this category of students that are locked out of universities, despite the possession of minimum entry requirements can only be realized through open and distance education. This is because the issue of carrying capacity is alien to open and distance education. With deployment of modern technology, it is possible for a single open and distance learning university to absorb all students currently enrolled in all Nigerian universities as well as those that are denied admission because of lack of space. Why choose distance learning? the benefits of distance learning are that it allows the students to fit the learning around work and home life, the students can study at their own pace and doesn’t matter where you stay in Nigeria. As with a full time degree, students may find that they gain useful, transferable skills such as planning and research and it costs less than a full time degree. In conclusion, the federal and state government of the federation place high premium on education in Nigeria, the recognize it as a weapon against ignorance and as a means of raising an enlightened, lively and very industrious citizenry in order to reduce the rate of illiteracy in Nigeria. Distance learning should be given the full support its needs in terms of favourable policies and finances to educational institutions to promote and upgrade their canters of learning, administrative training of instructors, the future of distance learning and education in Nigeria as a whole will be bright and it will be shown with the increase in the number of students enrolling in distance learning classes, and has a greater potential to deliver educational opportunities to less privileged Nigerians and for a prosperous future. Thank you. REFERENCES Adegbile, J.A & Oyekanmi, J.O (2010): Adequacy of facilities provided by the University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre, towards meeting distance leaners’ educational, social and psychological needs. Aina, O.I(2007) Alternative modes of financing higher education in Nigeria and implications for university governance, In Babalola and Emunemu(ed). Issues in higher education: Research evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Revised Edition, Lagos: Bolabay Publications. Awe, A.B (2012): Barriers to distance learning at the National Open University of Nigeria. Journal of Education Review 15(4). 10 Likes |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Fynestboi: 7:26pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
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Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 7:34pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Glad you both made it out tonight @ Team FutMinna, Team Delsu seemed not like it. Well, let us give them some minutes, after which, the judges can start countering your arguments or questioning them. Cc, Jeremyaaa09, Epaul, TopeQs, Djhack1. Ishilove, HerexG, Ask4bigneyo. |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Nobody: 7:36pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
luxanne:ok... 1 Like |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 7:59pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Alright, the judges should get prepared and post their counter arguments and questions by 8pm. Other judges and coordinators are also free to. Cc, TopeQs, Djhack1. Ishilove, HerexG, Ask4bigneyo. |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Fynestboi: 8:15pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
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Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by HerexG(m): 8:21pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Present |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by TopeQs: 8:26pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
what else are we supposed to do........where is team delsu |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Nobody: 8:28pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
TopeQs:...waiting on them too bro |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Fynestboi: 8:34pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by Ask4bigneyo(m): 8:40pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Distance learning paves way for Examination malpractices. I need you to prove me wrong. Cc: Topeqs Djhack1 |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by luxanne(f): 8:41pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
TopeQs: Djhack1: Its quite unfortunate Team Delsu couldn't be present for the debate. It therefore means that, they have been disqualified from the competition. We shall however take questions from the judges and the audience, that is, if they have any. And if they do not, we shall go ahead and automatically qualify you (Team Futminna) for the quarter finals. |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by HerexG(m): 8:45pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
TopeQs: Well done TopeQs, nice piece you have got there. You seem to have stressed more on working class people who still want to be educated , now my question is how will someone working with an O level qualification, earning so low, be able to afford the high Distance or Open university fees ? |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by TopeQs: 8:50pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
HerexG: for someone with O level, there are distance learning courses that are been taught only on weekends, for someone like that, they have to work part time during the week and sponsor themselves for the weekends schooling. 1 Like |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by meforyou1(m): 8:51pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
FUTMINNA my Alma mata show them how we do it 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by HerexG(m): 8:55pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
TopeQs: You seem not to understand my question well, the person is working but still earn so little how then would such person afford the high fees of distance learning, don't you think the aim of establishing the institution is defeated if the unlearned can't afford it. |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by dennisworld1(m): 8:58pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
luxanne:why dont u inform team delsu |
Re: Nairaland Interschool Debate Third edition winner 4: Futminna by danduj(m): 9:03pm On Jan 31, 2016 |
Futminna no fall my hand o 1 Like |
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