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Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Joshthefirst(m): 11:46pm On Feb 16, 2016

I decided not to make any major comments on your post because I do not want to be drawn into winding arguments, and Ishilove had already created an alibi by saying I was engaging in semantic word play to deceive or to confuse people, but I realize that if I refuse to say anything I will inadvertently be promoting ignorance of the Bible, this runs against my purpose here, which is to open as many eyes as YAH permits. And please for the records, don’t you ever accuse me of heresy again, don’t you ever! Because you are just plain ignorant!

[b]I used the etymology of the word ‘worship’ to explain what worship means, worship means the acknowledgement of worth, a woman acknowledges the worth of the man God has placed over her as her husband and her crown by submitting to him, this act of obedience to God’s commandment is her worship and adulation and veneration of God. You pay obeisance or you worship God by obeying his commandments. You cannot worship God abstractly, you cannot worship what you cannot see, you cannot venerate what is unseen, in Deuteronomy, Moses told Israel not to bow down or scrape to idols because it was a most foolish thing to do, how do you as a human being bow to lifeless wood and stone and rocks? Israel was commanded to worship the unseen God by carefully obeying His commandments, to love God and to love one’s neighbours, and this by showing love and mercy to your fellow human beings, when you show love and kindness and mercy to your fellow human beings, you are venerating God, this is worship. You got it completely wrong and twisted because you did not understand the meaning of worship, and you do not need to gather in hundreds in order to hold formalized worship services, 2 or 3 people and God is in their midst.
The words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life, to obey God’s commandments is to live in truth and in spirit, to obey God, to submit to him is your worship[/b]

A Man represents authority over a woman, I have said severally that the marriage between a man and a woman is the smallest microcosm of the relationship between God and Man. Christ redeemed both the man and the woman does not destroy the order and hierarchy of the world, Christ is over His church as the man is over His wife. A good man will take care of his wife like his own body, he has her back 25 hours out of 24 hours every day and 8 days out of 7 days, the woman submits to her God fearing husband because he is a man that is divinely directed, if she does not submit, she will err and she will be punished. God has the back of a God fearing man 8 days out of 7 days of the week. Love submits, but submission is not expressly demanded from the man, if finally he has to use the veto power in the home, his woman must submit to him. Of course the woman may be better educated and/or have a bigger worldview than her husband, a wise man recognizes this fact and will see reason with his wife and will not try to bludgeon his wife to submission to his own ultimate stupidity and foolishness.
A man sins and a woman sins, quite right, but we are talking about a marriage relationship here, in marriage, the man is a god to his wife, he will provide her spiritual guidance and direction and the woman must submit to it because it is through her husband that she will connect to God, just as the church connects to God via Christ, if she sees God in her pastor rather than in her husband then something is fundamentally wrong with that marriage, a woman must see God through her husband not through her pastor.[/b]

A woman’s offering to God must be through her husband not through her pastor, and that offering can be used for whatever purpose. My position is informed by women who make donations to churches and pastors, because they see God in pastor rather than in their husbands, I stated clearly that if she is looking for something, she should give those offerings to God not through pastor but through her husband. A wife’s offering through her God fearing husband is a sacrifice to God and is as good as presenting it to God Himself, the man is at liberty to dispense it as he wills, of course a wise husband well informed of his wife’s reasons will dispense wisely. And church is not necessarily only a place or gathering for formalized worship, if the husband and wife are one person, then with another person joining them, you have a church already.


This is a load of ignorant bullshit.
Adam was a god to Eve in the sense that Adam got the law from God and it was his duty to teach the law to his wife Eve. Adam and Eve is not the story of a single man and woman but the story of Israel and her fall allegorically presented in Genesis, the fall (and redemption) of Israel recorded from the beginning, in the nature of God, declaring the end from the beginning. When Adam and Eve fell, they both became naked, Adam lost God and automatically Eve lost God too, powerful Adam who controlled the world became powerless, he became ordinary, the serpent to whom they lost power became their husband, the husband of Adam and Eve. And Adam did not rule animals: birds of the air, beasts of the field, creeping things, cattle, are terms used to describe the beastly nature of the men of those times who did not have the law of God as their operating software, Adam was the first man to discover the law of God which is symbolically presented as the creation of man or God breath into man and man became a living being or do you not know that the Word of God is the Spirit of God? Before the law, only beasts existed, the law of God inside Adam is what made him a living being, this Word of God inside Adam made him a living soul.
And yes originally, Adam did not rule over Eve, you do not rule over the one you love, rather he provided guidance and direction and headship to her, but when they both fell, Adam lost God and Eve without spiritual support devolved, they both were naked (unprotected by God) and they both became wife to the serpent, to be ruled over!
Adam is the allegorical name for the rulers (or gates) of Israel, Eve is the allegorical name of the masses of ancient Israelites.[/b]

[b]There are leaders Adam and there are followers Eve, you are just messing up the Word, what is the business of Mathew 20 here? We are talking about marriage where God has established a hierarchical relationship and you are talking about Jesus and his disciples, are both scenarios related? Was Jesus Illustrating marriage? Have you forgotten that Paul said he does not suffer a woman to usurp authority over a man in the congregation 1 Tim 2:12? And just so you know, an addendum information, the gospel of Jesus Christ as told by Mathew Mark Luke and John is a condensed story, the character of Jesus Christ in those stories represented as one man is actually a number of men, Jesus Christ is not one person, Jesus Christ is 144,000 persons! And everything in the gospels is presented allegorically, symbolically and in illustrations.
He gave the Holy Ghost to men and women, did he destroy the hierarchy in marriage? You are quoting absent coherence, linking unrelated stories and making a mess off the Bible![/b]

Continue to pin unrelated stories together, are you sure your purpose here is not to deceive people like Ishilove? Come unto me all ye that labour… is marriage the subject here? Anybody can come to Christ but in a marriage, a married woman will access Christ via her husband just as the Church accesses God via Christ, abi don’t you pray in Jesus name in your church? For women who do not have husbands, there is always a male authority she can defer to, her father is there, and then her pastor can be there too, but for a woman who is married, her husband will perform that duty. This is why God places a lot of premium on widows because He understands the difficulty they face absent their heads

Exodus 22:22-24
Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child.
23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry;
24 And my wrath shall wax hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless.

I question your purpose fundamentally on this thread, and don't you ever accuse me of heresy again, ever!


Abeg the important thing I want to point out is that the story of Adam and Eve is the historical fact of the origins of the human race. It is not an allegory, and you are really misinterpreting a lot of stuff. Thank you.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 2:06am On Feb 17, 2016

Mr president had made a very good piont.

What you don't know is bigger than you. I understand him quite clear. He has a very good knowledge of the bible.
Of course he does. MrPresident1 did mention that 'people like Ishilove' can be easily fooled.

My husband, with all his foibles, warts and all is the representative of God on earth. I connect to God in heaven through my husband when I submit to him. Every morning I must kow tow to him, sing the 'Hallelujah Chorus' and lick his balls.

Even the one wey Paul no even talk, our darling MrPresident1, purveyor of knowledge and all round bible scholar, assigned to show the way to 'people like ishilove', don talk join.

Got it.


Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Princewell2012(m): 7:04am On Feb 17, 2016

Of course he does. MrPresident1 did mention that 'people like Ishilove' can be easily fooled.

My husband, with all his foibles, warts and all is the representative of God on earth. I connect to God in heaven through my husband when I submit to him. Every morning I must kow tow to him, sing the 'Hallelujah Chorus' and lick his balls.

Even the one wey Paul no even talk, our darling MrPresident1, purveyor of knowledge and all round bible scholar, assigned to show the way to 'people like ishilove', don talk join.

Got it.

Hmmmm, now I know you totally misunderstood him.
Is ok.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Nobody: 8:51am On Feb 17, 2016
[b]MrPresident1 only exposed the irrationality of following some primitive culture in our current societies.

It is obvious that the Bible promotes Jewish old cultural morals and the basis for adhering to them is "Yahweh the God of fore-father, Abraham, said so". Every other religion in the world also has moral teachings that conforms to the culture of its original race. Our African religious morals were deduced from our beliefs, and the "gods of our land" was the authoritative backing.

These are some of the reasons we can't adopt these old-fashioned cultures as standards for living our lives.

If you all(christians) are true to your beliefs, no girl or woman will be speaking on this matter... There were no women-prophet in the Bible, how could there be? No one would listen to a woman...
I know many of you are already warming-up to prove me wrong with Esther and the likes... We know they are not Prophets.

Women were not only instructed to submit, there were only but wives and concubines to men.

Paul also stated that they should not speak in the church. grin I don't blame him either, women can be a lot of trouble.

But for the sake of respect to our own intellect, let us agree that the Bible was fashioned to suit the culture in old jewish traditions, like every other religion in the world. Even the whites still maintained their culture after adopting Christianity. They had a culture of respecting the Lady of the house, and they were authoritative at that. Since the white introduced their own version of christianity to us, we can all see where our defence for women rights emanated from.

I'm sometimes accused of being too blunt. This is how I best present my position on issues like this. [/b]

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Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 8:53am On Feb 17, 2016

Hmmmm, now I know you totally misunderstood him.
Is ok.
I see sarcasm is lost on you.

Yeah, it's okay.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 9:02am On Feb 17, 2016

Paul also stated that they should not speak in the church. grin I don't blame him either, women can be a lot of trouble.

Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Nobody: 9:07am On Feb 17, 2016
My point exactly.grin No offence.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Princewell2012(m): 9:10am On Feb 17, 2016

I see sarcasm is lost on you.

Yeah, it's okay.

Pride goes before a fall. Proverbs 16:18.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 1:00pm On Feb 17, 2016

Pride goes before a fall. Proverbs 16:18.
cc MrPresident1 grin
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by ChappyChase: 3:11pm On Feb 17, 2016

cc MrPresident1 grin
You've been discussing this topic for close to a year now, don't you think you should let it rest? Haba!!
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 3:55pm On Feb 17, 2016

You've been discussing this topic for close to a year now, don't you think you should let it rest? Haba!!
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 3:59pm On Feb 17, 2016
you probably would be housing a slave in place of a wife. My ignorant opinion as you would say.

Bolded, you convict yourself as you rightly should.

Marriage between a man and a woman is the smallest unit of the representation of the relationship between God and Israel (or man). You should read the thread again, and stop advertising your ignorance.

Or is Israel who is married to God enslaved to God?
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 4:31pm On Feb 17, 2016

Yes Master lord

Your sarcasm is not unnoticed. The husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church. The man submits to God, His woman submits to him, all submissions are acts of obedience, veneration, adulation, and worship.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by KingEbukasBlog(m): 4:35pm On Feb 17, 2016

Your sarcasm is not unnoticed. The husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church. The man submits to God, His woman submits to him, all submissions are acts of obedience, veneration, adulation, and worship.

Does she sing praises to him all morning and pray to him before she sleeps at night ?
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 4:45pm On Feb 17, 2016
Abeg the important thing I want to point out is that the story of Adam and Eve is the historical fact of the origins of the human race. It is not an allegory, and you are really misinterpreting a lot of stuff. Thank you.

The earth is billions of years old, yet the story of the Bible is dated to have begun about 6,000 years ago.

Adam is not the first human on earth, rather Adam is the first man to be created in the image and likeness of God, the breathe of God is the Spirit if God and the Spirit of God is the Word of God. When God gave the Word to Adam, it was allegorically presented as God breathing into man and man becoming a living soul. Any man without the knowledge of God is a beast.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 4:46pm On Feb 17, 2016

Does she sing praises to him all morning and pray to him before she sleeps at night ?

And where have I stated or implied this?
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 4:53pm On Feb 17, 2016

Of course he does. MrPresident1 did mention that 'people like Ishilove' can be easily fooled.

My husband, with all his foibles, warts and all is the representative of God on earth. I connect to God in heaven through my husband when I submit to him. Every morning I must kow tow to him, sing the 'Hallelujah Chorus' and lick his balls.

Even the one wey Paul no even talk, our darling MrPresident1, purveyor of knowledge and all round bible scholar, assigned to show the way to 'people like ishilove', don talk join.

Got it.

God deals with husbands; God is the husband of Buhari, Buhari is the husband of Ministers, Ministers are the husbands of Perm. secs, Perm secs are the husbands of Directors and so on until you get to the man is the husband of the wife which is the smallest unit of the relationship between God and man.

I have no further point to make to you on this matter wink grin
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 4:59pm On Feb 17, 2016

cc MrPresident.1 grin

Pride? Why you accuse me of pride

Was Jesus Christ a conventional fellow? Did He not stand all the conventional theories of His day on their heads? Do you not agree with Him over 2000 years later?

Ishi, take your time o angry
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by KingEbukasBlog(m): 5:10pm On Feb 17, 2016

And where have I stated or implied this?

Lol ... It was a joke ....

But you are literally saying that the man is God . Here is your statement :

The man submits to God, His woman submits to him, all submissions are acts of obedience, veneration, adulation, and worship.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 5:24pm On Feb 17, 2016

Lol ... It was a joke ....

But you are literally saying that the man is God . Here is your statement :

Haba, but this is what I said na

The husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church. The man submits to God, His woman submits to him, all submissions are acts of obedience, veneration, adulation, and worship.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Princewell2012(m): 5:42pm On Feb 17, 2016

cc MrPresident1 grin

Now tell me the truth. Is like you have fell in love with mr president1. grin
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 6:14pm On Feb 17, 2016

Now tell me the truth. Is like you have fell in love with mr president1. grin
Yes o, I have fallen head over heels for our dear MrPresident1.

My love for him is like copied assignment; I just can't explain it. grin grin
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 6:19pm On Feb 17, 2016

God deals with husbands; God is the husband of Buhari, Buhari is the husband of Ministers, Ministers are the husbands of Perm. secs, Perm secs are the husbands of Directors and so on until you get to the man is the husband of the wife which is the smallest unit of the relationship between God and man.

I have no further point to make to you on this matter wink grin

Semantics shemantics

*rolls eyes*

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Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Princewell2012(m): 6:30pm On Feb 17, 2016

Yes o, I have fallen head over heels for our dear MrPresident1.

My love for him is like copied assignment; I just can't explain it. grin grin

grin grin
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by mcsnup: 7:41pm On Feb 17, 2016

The earth is billions of years old, yet the story of the Bible is dated to have begun about 6,000 years ago.

Adam is not the first human on earth, rather Adam is the first man to be created in the image and likeness of God, the breathe of God is the Spirit if God and the Spirit of God is the Word of God. When God gave the Word to Adam, it was allegorically presented as God breathing into man and man becoming a living soul. Any man without the knowledge of God is a beast.
now my suspicion is not misplaced. "knowing so much yet knowing nothing" a knowledge so empty yet proudly spirited.

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Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by TruthHurts1(m): 8:11pm On Feb 17, 2016

Semantics shemantics

*rolls eyes*

God is the husband of PMB?!? You mean the Almighty is......I can't bring myself to say it.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by TruthHurts1(m): 8:19pm On Feb 17, 2016
[b]MrPresident1 only exposed the irrationality of following some primitive culture in our current societies.

It is obvious that the Bible promotes Jewish old cultural morals and the basis for adhering to them is "Yahweh the God of fore-father, Abraham, said so". Every other religion in the world also has moral teachings that conforms to the culture of its original race. Our African religious morals were deduced from our beliefs, and the "gods of our land" was the authoritative backing.

These are some of the reasons we can't adopt these old-fashioned cultures as standards for living our lives.

If you all(christians) are true to your beliefs, no girl or woman will be speaking on this matter... There were no women-prophet in the Bible, how could there be? No one would listen to a woman...
I know many of you are already warming-up to prove me wrong with Esther and the likes... We know they are not Prophets.

Women were not only instructed to submit, there were only but wives and concubines to men.

Paul also stated that they should not speak in the church. grin I don't blame him either, women can be a lot of trouble.

But for the sake of respect to our own intellect, let us agree that the Bible was fashioned to suit the culture in old jewish traditions, like every other religion in the world. Even the whites still maintained their culture after adopting Christianity. They had a culture of respecting the Lady of the house, and they were authoritative at that. Since the white introduced their own version of christianity to us, we can all see where our defence for women rights emanated from.

I'm sometimes accused of being too blunt. This is how I best present my position on issues like this. [/b]

Paul always pointed out that the whole essence of Christianity is that it accomodates everyone, both Jew and Gentile. And the scripture passage on how women ought to conduct themselves in Church was addressed to all Christians be they Jew or Gentile. In fact I believe it was contained in his Epistle to the Church in Corinth and the Corinthians were gentiles.
The point is that it will be dangerous for us to start cherry-picking through scripture taking what pleases us and discarding whatever we don't like under the dubious guise of saying that it is Jewish culture.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 9:06pm On Feb 17, 2016
now my suspicion is not misplaced. "knowing so much yet knowing nothing" a knowledge so empty yet proudly spirited.
Contribute to the topic and stop trying to sound intelligent wink
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 9:22pm On Feb 17, 2016

God is the husband of PMB?!? You mean the Almighty is......I can't bring myself to say it.
Don't embarassed angry

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Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by Ishilove: 9:25pm On Feb 17, 2016

Pride? Why you accuse me of pride

Was Jesus Christ a conventional fellow? Did He not stand all the conventional theories of His day on their heads? Do you not agree with Him over 2000 years later?

Ishi, take your time o angry

Your own don pass Jesus own angry
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 9:25pm On Feb 17, 2016

God is the husband of PMB?!? You mean the Almighty is......I can't bring myself to say it.

God is the husband of Israel, in the Bible Israel is depicted as a woman. Now God leads Israel through Adam, Adam is the codename for the rulers of Israel, Eve is the code name for the masses of Israel (I am not talking about the fake jews of today but the ancient israelites), God's spirit was in Adam to provide spiritual leadership and guidance to the masses of Israel, in effect, Adam was God in this relationship. It was a marriage relationship wherein Adam the leaders were married to Eve the masses. Adam and Eve were commanded to bear children meaning go and teach other people the ways of God, both of you provide spiritual guidance and leadership to the masses of the world symbolically presented as be 'fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth'. Adam and Eve as one were supposed to be the husband of the world, but they fell.
Re: Woman, Your Husband Is Your God. by MrPresident1: 9:30pm On Feb 17, 2016

Your own don pass Jesus own angry
You never read that part wen Jesus talk say greater works shall His followers do abi? grin

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