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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by bjdon: 8:08am On Apr 05, 2016
Why does he always talk of the last 16 years. What of all the years of Army govt including the Abacha govt of which he was a part? The way the man talks you would think Nigeria got independence on 1999.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by ajepako(f): 8:10am On Apr 05, 2016
Buhary is a joker. cheesy

Yes but not in the league of Baba Suwe or Dejo Tufulu..

At least those ones are funny enough to induce laughter.. grin grin grin
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by tuke: 8:11am On Apr 05, 2016
Things are hard, yes. We knew from last year that this year might be tougher, and the policy makers warned us to prepare our minds towards such, yes.

We made a disastrous mistake not building financial buffers or infrastructure to cushion the effect of such a sharp decline in the price of our major forex earner even though we knew too well just how volatile the oil market is.

Today, we are paying a huge price for the indiscretion of our leaders past.

Solutions are being worked on and we are hopeful before long, the indices would start looking upwards. We aren't in this alone fellas, every other major oil exporter is feeling the pinch as well.

Funny how people insist CBN open its doors to all forex applicants, that that is the panacea to our present hardship. Dudes, it is projected if that is done, what we have as reserves can't even sustain us for three months!! It is simply not an option!

This situation will pass, I believe.

Lastly, the president needs to have a second look at Adesina. Dude doesn't seem to be playing his role like the nerd he is.
Dude, i beg your pardon. Leadership with an acute view as this is problem. Get on the streets in Lagos and try recounting this view of yours for response, then tell the story. Without sentiments, let's say it, this is F9.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by 9jatatafo(m): 8:12am On Apr 05, 2016
PMB is part of the past leaders. To me he did worst as we are suffering more under his administration. APC is always apportioning blame

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by booblacain(m): 8:12am On Apr 05, 2016
If you've ever sat with an old man before its only stories of the good old days you will be hearing. - opribo
Quote of the day.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Ayanko(m): 8:13am On Apr 05, 2016
[size=14pt]Soon, he will blame Cameroonians or Ghanaians. grin grin grin grin grin
Where are the so called PDP people now? They are ALL in APC doing the same thing of looting Nigeria, while pretending to be fighting corruption.

By the way, Buhari got more money than OBJ or yar'Adua. yet both Presidents got down to doing the real work of building Nigeria than junketting from one part of the globe to the other on visits the VP or the External Affairs Minister would have achieved better results.

Buhari isn't even ashamed of visiting a foreign country and hosting press conferences with that country's Minister of external affairs, when Nigeria has a Minister of external affairs and indeed other Ministers! Yet, he is supposed to be a President, not a Minister!

Buhari is a regretful disgrace on Nigeria.
[color=#006600][/color] Don't forget he is also a minister in his cabinet, last time I check petroleum minister.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by tivta(m): 8:14am On Apr 05, 2016
I just hope majority of those who supported him will remember all these come 2019 cause I fear Nigerians have short term memory...


Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by mkoabiola: 8:15am On Apr 05, 2016
The blame game continue
Yeye de smell


Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Ugobxt(m): 8:16am On Apr 05, 2016
If he keeps blaming the past Government then he has no good Agenda for we Nigerians. Before he came into power he said he knew what was wrong with Nigerians that he will fix as soon as he can.

And everytime i wake up he is still not satisfied blaming the past administrations. He is a total failure.

In Mourinho's voice. SPECIALIST IN FAILURE.


Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by omenka(m): 8:22am On Apr 05, 2016
what solutions re that Bro stop defending these government pls, like j martins said, let these government give us a time frame, we can't just be suffering everyday, haba......
If PDP still has fans after all they did in 16years (just take a good look at the country they handed over), then I'd be damned if I turned my back on Buhari in less than ONE year.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Tessie01(f): 8:23am On Apr 05, 2016
Mr president sit down and work. quit playing the blame game which I hàte and stop travelling. you promised to tackle the problems in Nigeria which you're yet to fulfill. Wailer

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by omenka(m): 8:27am On Apr 05, 2016

Dude, i beg your pardon. Leadership with an acute view as this is problem. Get on the streets in Lagos and try recounting this view of yours for response, then tell the story. Without sentiments, let's say it, this is F9.
What were the legacies Jonathan left behind when oil was selling for record prices?? Like I said, I'd be damned if I abandoned Buhari over a crisis which is no fault of his in under less than a year on the saddle when PDP still has fans after 16 years of misrule.

A single bridge, Jonathan couldn't build in 4years, yet people expect Buhari to turn Nigeria into an El dorado in less than a year.

I'm sorry if you find my position offensive, but I also find that of PDP fans insulting as well.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Myself2(m): 8:29am On Apr 05, 2016
This idiotic president has forgotten so soon that he was also a past leader.

Mumu hari is a disgrace,an incompetent buffoon,a reetarded dullard who has no idea whatsoever about how to provide basic governance to Nigerians.May God save us from this epitome of incompetence

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by oglalasioux(m): 8:31am On Apr 05, 2016
The last time I checked he was one of them.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by KingAdeOluomo1(m): 8:34am On Apr 05, 2016
Shall we cont pointing fingers and things keep getting worst for the masses eeeeeh
My question is when will this Gov stop complaining and face the problem at hand
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by onatisi(m): 8:36am On Apr 05, 2016
To say buhari has lost is just overestimating him,he simply doesn't have it in him,it was never there in the first place and this was what we were warning Nigerians about him before the election.buhari hasn't got the mental acumen or ability to govern Nigeria in this present age.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by onatisi(m): 8:36am On Apr 05, 2016
I was terribly wrong about buhari and I sincerely apologize to all those who corrected me then when I said buhari was smarter and more intelligent than Femi adeshina and other z**bies , but now I can see he has just the same IQ ad them if not lower.
For how long shall we continue blaming past governments for this man complete and total inability and ineffectiveness?

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by onatisi(m): 8:36am On Apr 05, 2016
I was terribly wrong about buhari and I sincerely apologize to all those who corrected me then when I said buhari was smarter and more intelligent than Femi adeshina and other zombies , but now I can see he has just the same IQ as them if not lower.
For how long shall we continue blaming past governments for this man complete and total inability and ineffectiveness?
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by awa(m): 8:37am On Apr 05, 2016
If PDP still has fans after all they did in 16years (just take a good look at the country they handed over), then I'd be damned if I turned my back on Buhari in less than ONE year.

Dear Omenka,

I have always paid special attention to your comments in this forum and I used to see you as a great Social Crusader but your comment quoted above fall ways below your reputation.
Obviously there's nothing wrong with your diehard loyalty for anybody but at same time be bold enough to correct your Master.
Despite what you people benefitted from attending Aso Rock get-together for eJournalists or Freelancers, yet posterity will ask us our input(s) in bettering this nation.
Just for the records, I don't dislike PMB nor support PDP wasted years. Instead of rubbing insults on our collective intellectuals few occasions he is in Nigeria PMB should share his own determination to make the present better. PMB is not performing to justify that hype which ushered him into power.

May God give wisdom to lead us aright.

By the way, today is my birthday and I wish you could hit like to wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Thanks for your birthday wishes.

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by uracocksucker: 8:39am On Apr 05, 2016
Buhari is a clown but even more laughable are the dimwits and /or liars applauding him ....what a freaking joke
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by onatisi(m): 8:39am On Apr 05, 2016
I just hope majority of those who supported him will remember all these come 2019 cause I fear Nigerians have short term memory...
good observation. Nigerians have extremely low memory retention ability most especially when given 5 cups of rice plus 1000 naira .

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by swagaholic: 8:39am On Apr 05, 2016
If PDP still has fans after all they did in 16years (just take a good look at the country they handed over), then I'd be damned if I turned my back on Buhari in less than ONE year.
these ain't abt pdp or apc, these abt nigeria, what is buhari doing differently from past leaders Or his doing them secretly The thing is, we need to know his policies nd if it's what we can all endure nd wait for...... we all want a better nigeria, but is buhari qualified to take us there?? Don't be sentimental bro... have a lovely day!!!

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Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by greatiyk4u(m): 8:41am On Apr 05, 2016
He is also a past leader isn't he?

He is, so he is equally blaming himself
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by greatgolis90: 8:42am On Apr 05, 2016
Mr President, fulfil ure campaign promises, dats all we require of U. Dwelling on d maladministration of d previous regime, particularly dat of 1999 to '15 makes U a wailing president or perhaps a demagogue who exploit any fora 2 expand/exagerrate on d monetary corruption of d past governments. The truth is dat, U are responsible to we d citizens whom d sovereignty solely resides, accept Ure blunders n make clue full decisions 2 salvage us 4rm d present economic crisis.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by sweetkerosine: 8:46am On Apr 05, 2016
he is one of the past leaders nah......mtcheeeeeeeeeew
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by DauraDullard0(m): 8:47am On Apr 05, 2016
If PDP still has fans after all they did in 16years (just take a good look at the country they handed over), then I'd be damned if I turned my back on Buhari in less than ONE year.
Who is PDP and which 16 years are you talking about? 90% of the APC were part of the PDP and the much acclaimed 16 years. Are you this slow?

Peradventure you've chosen not to remember, Nigeria witnessed unprecedented growth between 1999-2015, compared to what happened between 1980-1999 of which your Lord and Master had a slice.

I wonder why you APC e-Rodents are forbidden from talking about Nigeria from 1980-1999. Nigeria wasn't in existence then


Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Nobody: 8:50am On Apr 05, 2016
I am just watching this cinema called Buhari in 3D, the way PDP is gonna come back in 2019 will shock Nigerians because he's giving them a smooth express for a come back. Did Johnathan ever blame obasanjo for a single day instead when things went bad he rallied around his minster for solutions even if he was never perfect in so many areas. This man is travelling too far. He should go to ordinary Ghana for a 1 week visit and see how things work there.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by BushidoBlue(m): 8:51am On Apr 05, 2016
what solutions re that Bro stop defending these government pls, like j martins said, let these government give us a time frame, we can't just be suffering everyday, haba......

Is like you no know Omenka..

He can never see anything wrong in Buhari or APC
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by Gkemz: 8:53am On Apr 05, 2016
Six months alone is enough for any responsible government to fix whatever disorder caused by previous administration but this government have already spent one year still playing blame games.
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by sleek29(m): 8:55am On Apr 05, 2016
Ostrich,how long would keep hiding your head in the sand. Blaming others for everything is not what leaders are made of. Obama met a country in recession, he didn't go about blaming the past leaders, he went to work!!!.

I always knew a 73yr old had nothing to offer in a very dynamic 21st century. May God help us
Re: Buhari Blames Economic Woes On Past Leaders by BushidoBlue(m): 8:59am On Apr 05, 2016
Who is PDP and which 16 years are you talking about? 90% of the APC were part of the PDP and the much acclaimed 16 years. Are you this slow?

Peradventure you've chosen not to remember, Nigeria witnessed unprecedented growth between 1999-2015, compared to what happened between 1980-1999 of which your Lord and Master had a slice.

I wonder why you APC e-Rodents are forbidden from talking about Nigeria from 1980-1999. Nigeria wasn't in existence then

That's Omenka for you.

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