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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! (33436 Views)
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Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by thehomer: 3:24am On Apr 08, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: A God who orders the genocide of humans is not worthy of being followed by humans. Saying otherwise means that some genocide should be accepable to humans. I hope you never find yourself on the wrong side of Shiva in destroyer form. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:29am On Apr 08, 2016 |
PastorAIO: Blasphemy! If you have children at all you would have understood the need of them having set times according to their ages, when they go to bed and parents especially if one of them is on a night shift does not have to abide by those house rules. It is either you flouted your house rules when you were under your parents and which is most likely what contributed to your rebellious attitude and blasphemy against God. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by DeepSight(m): 4:54am On Apr 08, 2016 |
thehomer: You seem to have changed. You write rather long posts these days. I seem to remember you as a one liner man. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by AgentOfAllah: 5:44am On Apr 08, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog:You betray the temperament of a cognitively dissonant person, even to the extent of arguing that a genocide is not a genocide because it was ordered by your god. Let's be clear on one thing, a genocide is a genocide, is a genocide, is a GENOCIDE irrespective of who gives the order or the moral implications of such an order. So what you really wish to suggest is that the genocides ordered by your god are morally acceptable since your god ordered them. As a human, I find this disposition questionable and disgusting, and I think you're sick to try to justify genocide. 8 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by nnamdiosu(m): 6:58am On Apr 08, 2016 |
Logicbwoy: you're very correct sir. but thank GOD you said people not GOD. whether you regard him or not, God is still God and whether you agree or doesn't remove one strand of Glory from his glorious glorification. despite what you've said about him....he still loves you.and has a wonderful destiny for you. pls let the pain go. God bless you 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by PastorAIO: 9:31am On Apr 08, 2016 |
OLAADEGBU: Whether it is femi you blast or you want to blast tunde, or blast jeremiah, that is your own wahala but thank you for giving me the opportunity to repeat my point. The morally reprehensible acts are committed by humans (his/her so called children) so they are the ones who stay up late according to your metaphor. What would you say to parents that tell their children to be in bed by 8 and then tell them in the next breath to go out till 1 am? 3 Likes |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Princewell2012(m): 9:35am On Apr 08, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: Yes, i have to take it too far, even farrer than this, hence you were insisting that God does not observes his own law. How reasonable is that, telling us to do what he cannot do? Am done with you on this subject. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by PastorAIO: 9:37am On Apr 08, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: But your God still orders people (the devices) to act contrary to the manual/ morality. Now let's stick with your analogy. A man buys/manufactures a petrol fuelled car. The manual says 'put petrol in the fuel tank'. But then the man decides that since he is the all powerful maker of the car then if he likes he can put diesel in the fuel tank. What will happen to the car? This will give you an idea what will happen to one who follows immorality and illogicality in the believe that his God excuses it. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by PastorAIO: 9:40am On Apr 08, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: So did he disobey his own laws in this instance or not? 1 Like |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by PastorAIO: 9:47am On Apr 08, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: How can your God be 'right'? Right and wrong are moral categories and your god is above morality and not bound by it. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by OLAADEGBU(m): 9:57am On Apr 08, 2016 |
PastorAIO: The person who said that you are the same as sonoflucifer may not be wrong after all. ![]() This is what Jesus said to the sons of lucifer: "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, you believe me not" (John 8:44-45). |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Nobody: 10:03am On Apr 08, 2016 |
OLAADEGBU:But Satan never murdered any one. God did. A whole lot. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by PastorAIO: 11:51am On Apr 08, 2016 |
OLAADEGBU: But what if the murderer and the liar are not bound by moral laws? 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by ifenes(m): 11:57am On Apr 08, 2016 |
Shouldn't a god lead by example? 1 Like |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by dblackninja: 12:08pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
KingEbukasBlog: Let me first of all laugh cos the topic & post is very funny ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Let me just make a few note here, it may come in any direction: *You said the federal law consists of representatives that pass and enforce laws. Thank you. I then begin to wonder, are these legislatures above the law they make? Does the law they themselves make still applicable to them? * You said "Divine Law that is given by revelation is higher than any human law. It is not set by man although many laws of man derive their authority from divine law" - how does this prove that the "Diven law giver" is above His laws? - Even Jesus (who you referred to as equally God) said he didn't come to abolish the laws, but to fulfill them *You kept mentioning natural laws. Let's take gravity as an e.g. You know it's laws. Now what happens if gravity wakes up one day & decides to break it's laws? What will happen to gravity? Any consequences for it?? ![]() * The law mandates “70 miles per hour” as the maximum speed at which a vehicle can travel on a certain road. Okay. And you went on to say The highway patrolman who exceeds 70 miles per hour is not guilty if he does this to catch a driver who is speeding. True he's not guilty. Why? Because part of their law gave them authority to by pass some of the laws given to civilians. I don't think you know the police code very well. He becomes subject to that same law when after maybe eating a donut decides to drive home recklessly at 90 miles per hour for no reason. -Or let's say the code that gives them the license to kill. & because of that they feel Almighty & Most High and go about killing people recklessly. They will also be subjected to the civilian law about murder. -About confiscation that makes the policeman not a thief - He becomes a hard-core criminal when he decides to put the confiscated goods in his pocket. That's why I said you don't know anything about the police code Let me not waste time by going into your other points like jurisdiction, & other bla bla bla. Let me just round off by noting down 2 more things. * The excutioner is not a murderer- Agreed (we can exempt moses and other men written in the bible who are following the rules of their god from punishment in one sense Yes the executioner is not a murderer because he's following the rule of the judge (in carrying out the execution) who in turn is following the rule of the law (in passing out the sentence). - But his law explicitly said "Thou shall not Kill" Yet he gave them command to go and kill innocent people in their own land... ![]() +You also have to know that the judge or let me say the chief judge is also subject to the law. He can also not pass a sentence outside the jurisdictions of the law - that's why someone will do something & will go free because the law can't hold him for that particular thing- rather the law will be modified later to accommodate it. --You can only condone his acts (the god of the Israelites) if like he said in his 1st commandment (I am the lord your god don't worship any other god beside me) also made another rule, the 11th commandment - I am the lord your god, only me have the authority to kill, and I can kill you anytime I want because I created you and you should fear me, the lord thy god ** A mad king while subject to the law, objects himself from the law, commanding his soldiers to go & commit atrocities (killing his people, looting, raping, converting their goods - they will oblige because if anyone objects, he will have his head). What happens in such a kingdom? With time rebellion arises & the mad king is often consumed. Dying shamelessly... ![]() I don write too much here... ![]() I don't even know why you fed your self with this nonsense because even my Christian brothers over here all agreed that God is subject to His laws. That He's holy & righteous...& quoting some bible passages. Repent Op for the kingdom of God & that of Satan is at hand CC: sonOfLucifer ![]() 2 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by thehomer: 4:50pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
DeepSight: The length of my posts depend on what I'm responding to. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by thehomer: 4:51pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
nnamdiosu: As long as you think God is a person or ever was a person, then he is guilty as charged. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Kay17: 5:20pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
We ought to take note that God can delegate his amoral stance to his agents or self appointed agents. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Kay17: 5:22pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
@joshthefirst Don't you find it awkward that the foundation of your moral universe could alternately appear as it's destruction. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by DeepSight(m): 5:27pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
thehomer: Ah, Dr. Homer, Something has infected you. Its either a woman or alcohol. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Rawblings(m): 10:39pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
Awesome!!!! malvisguy212: |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by thehomer: 11:04pm On Apr 08, 2016 |
DeepSight: Why not both? By the way, why do you refer to me as Dr.? |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Joshthefirst(m): 12:00am On Apr 09, 2016 |
Kay17:No. And that is because I do not find this appearance at all In my understanding and examination of the nature and character of God, I find him an embodiment of goodness. But note that God is not all good, he is also Justice. And by the basis of his way of salvation, he always takes sides. To the children of Israel he was good, but not to the Egyptians who suffered plagues and had their children killed by the death-bringer To the crossers of the red sea he was good, but he was not good to the men that drowned. God is good, but he is also a consuming fire. He brings blessings, he also brings calamity. He does all in his perfect justice. Not just that, but as this article explains, His rules, his moral laws, were created for us, not for himself. So it would be foolish of us with our myopic limits, to apply same moral laws to judge the character of God sparingly, looking to find faults in only actions and events we have problems with, and ignoring and rejecting the whole picture. One main problem, is that although you do not believe God exists, you try to use logic disprove or tarnish his "imaginary" entity, you attack him like he exists, but[b](listen carefully now,) you do not come at him with the clear image of the magnanimity of his being. If you want to logically tackle God, then do it truthfully, even if you believe he is imaginary. Come at him, understanding you are coming at the eternal consciousness. The omnipotent, omnipresent, the omniscient. The one who knows the future of every life he takes, and every life he gives. The one who is able to give life again, after it has been taken away. [/b] (Note carefully every emphasis) This is the source of all your problems. The blunder of the first commandment. Having a false image of God. An idol you think you can dance with or threaten or put on trial. And most of the apologist's work is educating the charge bringer on the true motive of God's action and the true image and person of the supreme deity inferred from the very nature of universe. PS:next time you and your folks bring up biblical allusions, also do good to see who is behind every action you judge. I, (and many others I'm sure) am tired of going around in circles correcting ediotic flaws and misconceptions borne of dogmatic hatred, especially from plaetton. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by DeepSight(m): 3:29am On Apr 09, 2016 |
thehomer: Obviously you have a PHD in existential issues. That's why. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:45am On Apr 09, 2016 |
sonOfLucifer: In case you are unaware of the resume of your father, Jesus spelt it out. ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:47am On Apr 09, 2016 |
PastorAIO: In as much as they are created they are bound by God's Moral Law. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by OLAADEGBU(m): 3:49am On Apr 09, 2016 |
ifenes: God has the absolute morality that no one can attain to except by His grace. |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Objectives: 7:50am On Apr 09, 2016 |
AgentOfAllah: This seems to be the problem, deep seated strong obligation to defend obvious holes associated with already accepted ideas of what justice should be, You find that such persons who try in every way to justify what their god has done, will still mock and ridicule other religions for the exact same thing. I liken religion to a spoon, use it to play drums when you want to have a swell time, use it to eat when you are hungry, use it to scoop milk when thirsty, use it as a weapon when you are scared, or when you want to scare, One spoon. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Kay17: 8:23am On Apr 09, 2016 |
Joshthefirst: You mentioned God is an embodiment of Good but not all good because he is just as well. Does this imply Justice involves some form of necessary evil like communists combating reactionaries? Now if Justice isn't a necessary evil, then it must be good and it would mean God being just, he is still good. Being good is obviously by consistently acting good. Acting good is being moral and subjecting oneself to a prevailing table of values or moral law. Which will be at variance with what the OP is saying. 2 Likes |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by Nobody: 8:30am On Apr 09, 2016 |
Your argument is not good enough. OP. 1 Like |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by johnydon22(m): 10:13am On Apr 09, 2016 |
Hahahahaha I love this thread ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Reasons Why God Is Not Subject To His Own Laws ! by MrPresident1: 10:48am On Apr 09, 2016 |
I have been reflecting on this thread, God Himself is the law because the law is the breathe that was breathed into Adam that made Adam a living being. God cannot exist outside His law because the law is His Spirit, His very essence, so God cannot be divorced from from what is inherent to Him, God trancends the law, He is the Law, and it is impossible for Him to sin. The law was given to us to be kept by us for our own good, the whole essence of the law is to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and soul and life and might, and to love your neighbour as thyself. God is love, He is the Law and the Law is Him, as it is written, the Word was God, and became flesh and we beheld His glory. God is the Law. 1 Like |
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