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Boys Night Out Discussions - Family (172) - Nairaland

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Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 7:51pm On May 02, 2016

Loool they talk a good one but most of them are like that popular Sean Tizzle song

You should see them drooling over old Papa RMD cheesy grin grin
cheesy grin
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 8:34pm On May 02, 2016
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 8:36pm On May 02, 2016

The more I think about it, the more I realise that may be we are beating Tbillz too much. The guy is a useless guy quite all right, but Tiwa isn't a saint either. Okay, so Tiwa fires Tbills as manager and he has no other source of income. What is he expected to do? Apply for a job at First Bank, MTN or Shell? I don't think he will get in anyway. Tiwa only funded his lifestyle because of her own image as well. She didn't want her husband driving a 1999 Honda Accord. Even if that is all he could afford, she would have willingly bought him the Benz because of her image. Let's get this straight, she bought him those things for herself so that she could continue to post pictures on Instagram and get all the likes.
But let's look at the story more closely. Tbillz and Tiwa built the rand "Tiwa Savage" together. They both contributed to what she is today. If this happened in the UK, he can sue Tiwa and get some money off her. He left everything he was doing to build the Tiwa Savage brand, got used to the lifestyle and now she just fired him and divorced him, and he now has nothing. I tell you, if this were abroad, he would have a strong case.
The only reason why we are all dissing Tbillz is because he is a guy. If the story were turned around and Tiwa was the guy and he just divroced his wife and manager who invested alot in him, we will view the case very differently. It's very easy for women to play the victim card in a divorce case.

Finally This is someone who understands where I am coming from 100%

If this were to be US Teebillz would be popping champas right now because he just hammered and he would be free to every carry more babes with Tiwa paying for it. Its the same thing that happens when we have celebrity divorce cases where the low life wife is cleaning the husband out and NL women would tell us thats the benefit of living in a civilized society

1. Teebillz is a useless guy and everyone knows it I would never advise my sister nor my daughter to even wave to someone like that. But Tiwa chose to marry him because he fits into the brand. Do you think Tiwa would have married a guy who drives a 2011 Honda and worked with ECOBANK who doesnt have time to turn up at parties and doesnt have an instagram account? Teebillz fits her idea of the bad boy celebrity to complete the Nigerian Beyonce narrative

Its like Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian marrying baggage filled guys like Lamar Odom and Kanye West. When she married a "normal" guy like Kris Humphreys you know what happened, Or Alicia keys and Swizz Beats

Just like DBanj wont just marry a normal fine girl who works as customer service with Glo.

The brand Tiwa Savage was built together, We have women who meet a rich man and claim half of a rich guys wealth even though they werent there when he was building it but now a guy whom Tiwa herself admitted sourced his personal fund to launch her first video.

If the story had been a lady sacrificed her school fees to sponsor Olamide into limelight and later Olamide claims she is lazy, stealing his money etc Everyone would condemn the guy for dumping the person who lifted him up


Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 8:41pm On May 02, 2016

The more I think about it, the more I realise that may be we are beating Tbillz too much. The guy is a useless guy quite all right, but Tiwa isn't a saint either. Okay, so Tiwa fires Tbills as manager and he has no other source of income. What is he expected to do? Apply for a job at First Bank, MTN or Shell? I don't think he will get in anyway. Tiwa only funded his lifestyle because of her own image as well. She didn't want her husband driving a 1999 Honda Accord. Even if that is all he could afford, she would have willingly bought him the Benz because of her image. Let's get this straight, she bought him those things for herself so that she could continue to post pictures on Instagram and get all the likes.

But let's look at the story more closely. Tbillz and Tiwa built the rand "Tiwa Savage" together. They both contributed to what she is today. If this happened in the UK, he can sue Tiwa and get some money off her. He left everything he was doing to build the Tiwa Savage brand, got used to the lifestyle and now she just fired him and divorced him, and he now has nothing. I tell you, if this were abroad, he would have a strong case.

The only reason why we are all dissing Tbillz is because he is a guy. If the story were turned around and Tiwa was the guy and he just divroced his wife and manager who invested alot in him, we will view the case very differently. It's very easy for women to play the victim card in a divorce case.

Except for one thing - fraud. Tbillz effectively defrauded his client.

That is grounds for termination and even prosecution. Interestingly, it's the story of multiple entertainers esp rappers. Their managers were ripping them off. Same even happened with beYonce and her dad.

Unfortunately for tbillz, he is an unsympathetic fellow , with his babymama baggage , his lousy Instagram persona (shittin on the haterz), and the silly suicide drama.
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 8:44pm On May 02, 2016

That your guy for take the job tbh. I know I would. It literally made no sense to come back when a job was not waiting for him back home and I expect his wife to have understood that.

You dont know with women especially when they wanted things done their way.
They have 3 kids oldest 10, The wife told him then his 10yr old son was starting to misbehave getting poor grades in school and reports he was fighting getting suspended

It was serious gbege before the guy decided to come back also because she claimed she was stressed with 3 kids, he hired a live in Nanny after a while she said Nanny wouldnt do because the kids werent listening to nanny and "I didnt have the kids with Nanny". I dont want my son to become another American statistics of black boys

All the blackmail and family meeting where they gave the guy an ultimatum. And she was like we would manage whatever we have. Money isnt as important as the life of your kids.

If na you dey in this position and your wife gave you this kain preaching wetin you for do?
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 8:51pm On May 02, 2016
some malicious humor

this should be tiwas next cover


tbillz tbillz tbillz

At first we started out real cool
Taking me places I ain't never been
But now, you're getting comfortable
Ain't doing those things you did no more
You're slowly making me pay for things
Your money should be handling

And now you ask to use my car
Drive it all day and don't fill up the tank
And you have the audacity
To even come and step to me
Ask to hold some money from me
Until you get your check next week

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Silly me, why haven't I found another?
A baller, when times get hard, I need someone to help me out
Instead of a scrub like you, who don't know what a man's about

Can you pay my bills?
Can you pay my telephone bills?
Do you pay my automo' bills?
If you did then maybe we could chill
I don't think you do
So, you and me are through

Can you pay my bills?
Can you pay my telephone bills?
Do you pay my automo' bills?
If you did then maybe we could chill
I don't think you do
So, you and me are through

Now you've been maxing out my card
Gave me bad credit, buyin' me gifts with my own ends
Haven't paid the first bill
But instead you're headin' to the mall
Goin' on shopping sprees
Perpetrating to your friends like you be ballin'

And then you use my cell phone
Callin' whoever that you thinks at home
And then when the bill comes
All of a sudden you be acting dumb
Don't know where none of these calls come from

When your mommas number's here more than once

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother
Silly me, why haven't I found another?
A baller, when times get hard, I need someone to help me out
Instead of a scrub like you, who don't know what a man's about


Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 8:53pm On May 02, 2016

I am sure she was tolerating his misdemeanors till he literally became a nuisance on her neck. Her real error was marrying him she made a grievous mistake there

It depends on the nature of the business. If her stealing is the kind that can land me in police net she would be fired with immediate alacrity. I would rather pay her a fixed amount for her upkeep while she has zero access to the business. The other shenanigans was just her way of taunting him. At what point did he apologize for his actions? What did the man do to earn back her trust?

Look at the bold and compare it to what she did. How was he supposed to get the money she was asking him for

Would Yobo be asking Adaeze for light bill money when he knew she has no job other than to twerk on instagram. If he asks he is just trying to embarrass her and probably shame her out of the marriage
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by edwife(f): 8:57pm On May 02, 2016

So if both are playing away matches, then what is the point of the marriage. They are both deceiving each other that they have a marriage they do not really have. I am sure the woman will know her husband is playing away, but I guess her career is more important. The man will also suspect his wife too.

They have both chosen their career already so it is difficult to advice them. If is was me sha, one week in four months is too long to keep a marriage for such a long time.

Exactly what many people are going through.If you tell one to slow down and wait,they will make you their enemy. I am not saying people shouldn't work but we need to know what is priority and what is not, how can we blend our career with family?
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by TV01(m): 8:58pm On May 02, 2016
1. The wife uprooting from London to Angola or Venezuela most likely would lose her career and would resent the husband for making her not achieve to her potential
That is, sacrifices have to be made to maintain the union and she doesn't want to be the one to make them? So she is disgruntled.

2. Same with the husband, As we have found out many women respect men they can look up to financially, If this guy was in Angola, he would be making bank and at least maintain his respect but if he comes to london and can retrain but for a job significantly lower than he would have been making e.g Making 170-200k a yr in Venzuela as per expatriate parole but in London can only get a 40K job as a school teacher. The wife would be okay with it for the short term until later the joint income cant maintain her previous lifestyle and she would remember its the husband dragging her back and how would her a top exec be married to a mere school teacher
That is, sacrifices have to be made to maintain the union, he has made them, she doesn't like the outcome, so she is disgruntled.

At the end of the day, having to make sacrifices for the union is not that big a deal - IFF they are both committed to it. If one partner has a transactional attitude, on any metric, any kind of trauma means you are skating on thin ice. That's a "fair-weather" union - hope it don't rain dude grin

There is literally no solution here, as she is a "transactioneer", but as a man his best option would have been to force the route that means he makes bank, which over the long-term slightly mitigates his risk.

But all such talk will be moot if a man chooses right. I hope we don't meet the kind, and if we do, we don't see the situation. Like I said earlier, many spouses are "contingent good spouses".

I have a real life experience with a friend, he went to Florida for a contract job and his wife was working in Texas too a stable career. The wife was always complaining how the distance is affecting the family, after the contract they offered him an extension in FLorida, he declined because of his family, he got back to Texas after 6 months he hasnt gotten anything and the wife is now starting to wahala him that he isnt making money.

He is like Guy, for say I know I for don take that Florida offer and all these yawa for no dey happen. Unfortunately the offer is no more on the table and in this economy its not like job grows on the tree
Well if he didn't know his spouse before, he does now. He should act accordingly in future to keep his marriage.

I believe in the sanctity of marriage - once in, you do your utmost to make it work, maintain and improve it. It may sound cheesy,but one of the roles of a spouse is to love away any hard outer shell, their insecurities, hurt, bitterness and past trauma. Choose wisely, KYS (know your spouse grin), but always be ready to bear the burden if it comes - after all, trauma could happen after the marriage. It is what it is.

Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Kimoni: 8:59pm On May 02, 2016

You dont know with women especially when they wanted things done their way.
They have 3 kids oldest 10, The wife told him then his 10yr old son was starting to misbehave getting poor grades in school and reports he was fighting getting suspended

It was serious gbege before the guy decided to come back also because she claimed she was stressed with 3 kids, he hired a live in Nanny after a while she said Nanny wouldnt do because the kids werent listening to nanny and "I didnt have the kids with Nanny". I dont want my son to become another American statistics of black boys

All the blackmail and family meeting where they gave the guy an ultimatum. And she was like we would manage whatever we have. Money isnt as important as the life of your kids.

If na you dey in this position and your wife gave you this kain preaching wetin you for do?

cheesy grin grin grin grin
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 9:00pm On May 02, 2016

You dont know with women especially when they wanted things done their way.
They have 3 kids oldest 10, The wife told him then his 10yr old son was starting to misbehave getting poor grades in school and reports he was fighting getting suspended

It was serious gbege before the guy decided to come back also because she claimed she was stressed with 3 kids, he hired a live in Nanny after a while she said Nanny wouldnt do because the kids werent listening to nanny and "I didnt have the kids with Nanny". I dont want my son to become another American statistics of black boys

All the blackmail and family meeting where they gave the guy an ultimatum. And she was like we would manage whatever we have. Money isnt as important as the life of your kids.

If na you dey in this position and your wife gave you this kain preaching wetin you for do?

i guess women don't know what they want

it doesnt seem like a big deal to me, because my dad was in saudi arabia for ten years and was home one month a year. from when i was ten.
this was the norm for most doctors in nigeria in the 90s.
it was kind of hard on my mum, in retrospect, but we more or less turned out fine.
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 9:06pm On May 02, 2016

Except for one thing - fraud. Tbillz effectively defrauded his client.

That is grounds for termination and even prosecution. Interestingly, it's the story of multiple entertainers esp rappers. Their managers were ripping them off. Same even happened with beYonce and her dad.

Unfortunately for tbillz, he is an unsympathetic fellow , with his babymama baggage , his lousy Instagram persona (shittin on the haterz), and the silly suicide drama.

The fraud thing is merely an accusation. I am sure Tbillz will give you a very different account of the story. Couples argue over money, so it is nothing new and does not always end in divorce. Bottom line is that Tbillz did not help himself with his baggage and the way he broke the story on Instagram accusing his mother in law and cursing his father. What an idiot, even contemplating suicide.

But Tiwa was also very quick to retaliate with a lot of vengeance with that interview. And if this were in the Western world, Tiwa will most certainly pay for it. Just two years into the marriage, she is now a mega-star with alot of money and he is left with absolutely nothing. If the case was reversed and Tbillz was the mega-star and tiwa had nothing; we will all be asking for Tbillz head.
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by TV01(m): 9:08pm On May 02, 2016
When I say more than 80% of 9ja female population are dumb and that they love for the wrong reason, they take it personal and start hurling invectives.
I have often said on here - and with a straight face cheesy - that 90% of women would be well served by having their fathers/elders pick their spouses for them, or at least have the veto on who they bring home. I'm am truly humbled by received societal wisdom and well-worn traditional paths. Go to the communities that retain theirs, their marriage cultures remain strong.

Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 9:11pm On May 02, 2016
i guess women don't know what they want

it doesnt seem like a big deal to me, because my dad was in saudi arabia for ten years and was home one month a year. from when i was ten.
this was the norm for most doctors in nigeria in the 90s.
it was kind of hard on my mum, in retrospect, but we more or less turned out fine.

Life is changing nowadays. Maybe your mom was a civil servant who priortized the family over her career, Maybe had more help or a support system where many uncles can stand in for your dad and flog/discipline you on his behalf

But a young naija family in Yankee, both couple ambitious and no support system of community helping you train...
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 9:11pm On May 02, 2016

If this were to be US Teebillz would be popping champas right now because he just hammered and he would be free to every carry more babes with Tiwa paying for it. Its the same thing that happens when we have celebrity divorce cases where the low life wife is cleaning the husband out and NL women would tell us thats the benefit of living in a civilized society

The brand Tiwa Savage was built together, We have women who meet a rich man and claim half of a rich guys wealth even though they werent there when he was building it but now a guy whom Tiwa herself admitted sourced his personal fund to launch her first video.

If the story had been a lady sacrificed her school fees to sponsor Olamide into limelight and later Olamide claims she is lazy, stealing his money etc Everyone would condemn the guy for dumping the person who lifted him up

It's always easy for women to play the victim card and that is why laws in the western world are protective of women. Tbillz is now suddenly lazy, but when he sold his car to pay for Tiwa's first video, he wasn't lazy and useless. I am sure Tbillz paid more than 1.5 million for that video. Now he gets fired for "stealing" 1.5million naira.

They are both players and this is all a game. Tbillz is a slowpoke for sure and he will be looking for another foolish rich girl to marry. Tiwa will soon start dating someone with more cash and swag and the game will continue.
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Kimoni: 9:13pm On May 02, 2016

Finally This is someone who understands where I am coming from 100%

If this were to be US Teebillz would be popping champas right now because he just hammered and he would be free to every carry more babes with Tiwa paying for it. Its the same thing that happens when we have celebrity divorce cases where the low life wife is cleaning the husband out and NL women would tell us thats the benefit of living in a civilized society

1. Teebillz is a useless guy and everyone knows it I would never advise my sister nor my daughter to even wave to someone like that. But Tiwa chose to marry him because he fits into the brand. Do you think Tiwa would have married a guy who drives a 2011 Honda and worked with ECOBANK who doesnt have time to turn up at parties and doesnt have an instagram account? Teebillz fits her idea of the bad boy celebrity to complete the Nigerian Beyonce narrative

Its like Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian marrying baggage filled guys like Lamar Odom and Kanye West. When she married a "normal" guy like Kris Humphreys you know what happened, Or Alicia keys and Swizz Beats

Just like DBanj wont just marry a normal fine girl who works as customer service with Glo.

The brand Tiwa Savage was built together, We have women who meet a rich man and claim half of a rich guys wealth even though they werent there when he was building it but now a guy whom Tiwa herself admitted sourced his personal fund to launch her first video.

If the story had been a lady sacrificed her school fees to sponsor Olamide into limelight and later Olamide claims she is lazy, stealing his money etc Everyone would condemn the guy for dumping the person who lifted him up

Tiwa would have married whoever she fell in love with that tickles her fancy. Women don't analyse men deeply like you guys do before marriage and that is probably our greatest weakness. The Kardasians are different, everything about them is business, even the air they breathe would be sold if possible.

But I get the commercial angle you guys are coming from, and I guess it's valid but on a second thought, he was duly paid for all his efforts, so isn't this new angle pure sentiments?
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Nobody: 9:18pm On May 02, 2016

The fraud thing is merely an accusation. I am sure Tbillz will give you a very different account of the story. Couples argue over money, so it is nothing new and does not always end in divorce. Bottom line is that Tbillz did not help himself with his baggage and the way he broke the story on Instagram accusing his mother in law and cursing his father. What an idiot, even contemplating suicide.

But Tiwa was also very quick to retaliate with a lot of vengeance with that interview. And it this were in the Western world, Tiwa will most certainly pay for it. Just two years into the marriage, she is now a mega-star with alot of money and he is left with absolutely nothing. If the case was reversed and Tbillz was the mega-star and tiwa had nothing; we will all be asking for Tbillz head.

well, he who is down fears no fall. i guess for tbillz it was a case of if there is no more milk for me , i will kill the cow [the brand]

so tiwa strikes back and quickly, in a way that will ensure she controls public sympathy.

if public sympathy turns against her, those endorsements will die. she has taken full control of the narrative.


looks like she has won the first round
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 9:19pm On May 02, 2016

cheesy grin grin grin grin

What do you think the guy in question should have done?
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 9:25pm On May 02, 2016
Tiwa would have married whoever she fell in love with that tickles her fancy. Women don't analyse men deeply like you guys do before marriage and that is probably our greatest weakness. The Kardasians are different, everything about them is business, even the air they breathe would be sold if possible.

But I get the commercial angle you guys are coming from, and I guess it's valid but on a second thought, he was duly paid for all his efforts, so isn't this new angle pure sentiments?

Na only JJC guys go believe that. Over 85% of women analyze men critically before they marry thats why over 90% of women marry up. If it was random we would have like a 50-50 spread of marrying up and marrying down at inception of the marriage.

It's only men who stupidlyy fall in love . Women as someone once said here are constantly negotiation upwards. They start dating the village wrestler, dump him for the man who has a shop in town, next dump him for the richer guy who has a bigger shop in Lagos and finally dumps him for the rich guy who just flew in from Europe

If Tiwa just met Teebillz today when she is a millionaire and he is broke, they would never marry max dem go sleep together

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 9:26pm On May 02, 2016

I have often said on here - and with a straight face cheesy - that 90% of women would be well served by having their fathers/elders pick their spouses for them, or at least have the veto on who they bring home. I'm am truly humbled by received societal wisdom and well-worn traditional paths. Go to the communities that retain theirs, their marriage cultures remains strong.

90% you say?, pls 99.9% of them would be served if their parents pick spouses for them. It's disheartening how these girls have rubbished the institution of marriage by basing their choice of men on the one with the fattest account or the most "swaggerlicious", this is peculiar to the younger ones.
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Kimoni: 9:27pm On May 02, 2016

What do you think the guy in question should have done?

He should have taken up the offer. The family will turn out fine. She wanted to have her way at all cost, and she did exactly what she needed to do. That's the power of a woman and that's why I laughed. What she did is very familiar cool

Meanwhile Dayo, did you see Kaffy's husband birthday message to her? What do you think? He is deeply in love with her and vice versa?

1 Like

Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Kimoni: 9:29pm On May 02, 2016

Na only JJC guys go believe that. Over 85% of women analyze men critically before they marry thats why over 90% of women marry up. If it was random we would have like a 50-50 spread of marrying up and marrying down at inception of the marriage.

It's only men who stupidlyy fall in love . Women as someone once said here are constantly negotiation upwards. They start dating the village wrestler, dump him for the man who has a shop in town, next dump him for the richer guy who has a bigger shop in Lagos and finally dumps him for the rich guy who just flew in from Europe

If Tiwa just met Teebillz today when she is a millionaire and he is broke, they would never marry max dem go sleep together

Did Kaffy marry up?
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Kimoni: 9:30pm On May 02, 2016

well, he who is down fears no fall. i guess for tbillz it was a case of if there is no more milk for me , i will kill the cow [the brand]

so tiwa strikes back and quickly, in a way that will ensure she controls public sympathy.

if public sympathy turns against her, those endorsements will die. she has taken full control of the narrative.


looks like she has won the first round

She's winning all the rounds. Wanna bet?

Did you see Freeze make a U-turn after listening to Tiwa and all she had to say? She probably said just 1/100th of all she had to say.
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 9:31pm On May 02, 2016

Na only JJC guys go believe that. Over 85% of women analyze men critically before they marry thats why over 90% of women marry up. If it was random we would have like a 50-50 spread of marrying up and marrying down at inception of the marriage.

It's only men who stupidlyy fall in love . Women as someone once said here are constantly negotiation upwards. They start dating the village wrestler, dump him for the man who has a shop in town, next dump him for the richer guy who has a bigger shop in Lagos and finally dumps him for the rich guy who just flew in from Europe

If Tiwa just met Teebillz today when she is a millionaire and he is broke, they would never marry max dem go sleep together
Bro, e no go even see her pant. I can bet it with you, now that TBillz is out of the way, she's going to marry way up. She's probably going to end up with someone in the league of Don Jazzy or son of a billionaire.
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by TV01(m): 9:32pm On May 02, 2016
They are both players and this is all a game. Tbillz is a slowpoke for sure and he will be looking for another foolish rich girl to marry.
He probably fumbled his best chance of making good. No one of her status will look at him again. Whatever he does now in the same vein will be with a much less viable prospect. He'll only make it good on his own hustle - and hardly anyone with the connections to help will touch him. Even then is obvious character flaws will probably ruin it.

Tiwa will soon start dating someone with more cash and swag and the game will continue.

Bro, e no go even see her pant. I can bet it with you, now that TBillz is out of the way, she's going to marry way up. She's probably going to end up with someone in the league of Don Jazzy or son of a billionaire.
This is but scene 1. It's not over by a long shot. For her, I see a "Jenny" type situation. Her "brand" can't afford for her to be rollin' with a small boy - no matter how much swag. And the men of the requisite status to marry her, will be few and not want the risk or the baggage. Date perhaps, not marry. Before marriage she was also close to last chance, I don't see her prospects are now improved.

And as ever, the children go un-remarked upon. Divorce is always lose all round. Whatever the divorce advocates say. It would have been better all round for them to work it out, and even better for her to have not made such a calculating, but short-term decision to marry him.

Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 9:33pm On May 02, 2016

He should have taken up the offer. The family will turn out fine. She wanted to have her way at all cost, and she did exactly what she needed to do. That's the power of a woman and that's why I laughed. What she did is very familiar cool

Meanwhile , did you see Kaffy's husband birthday message to her? What do you think? He is deeply in love with her and vice versa?

That means you have seen someone who played that card previously. The guy sef don wise up he is now saying he \is going to Naija to chase contracts. If the wife likes she can cry blood he wont bulge for what his eyes saw in these last 1yr


Did Kaffy marry up?

How much is Kaffy worth? Minus the cameras most people on this forum might even be richer than Kaffyand I dont know what the husband does.

Blindly I can guess the man is probably richer than her because thats the general pattern with many females
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by TV01(m): 9:34pm On May 02, 2016

Na only JJC guys go believe that. Over 85% of women analyze men critically before they marry thats why over 90% of women marry up. If it was random we would have like a 50-50 spread of marrying up and marrying down at inception of the marriage.

It's only men who stupidlyy fall in love . Women as someone once said here are constantly negotiation upwards. They start dating the village wrestler, dump him for the man who has a shop in town, next dump him for the richer guy who has a bigger shop in Lagos and finally dumps him for the rich guy who just flew in from Europe

If Tiwa just met Teebillz today when she is a millionaire and he is broke, they would never marry max dem go sleep together
Exactimundo - except that they tend to think short-term and want it right now. Reapers, not sowers.


1 Like

Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 9:34pm On May 02, 2016
She's winning all the rounds. Wanna bet?

Did you see Freeze make a U-turn after listening to Tiwa and all she had to say? She probably said just 1/100th of all she had to say.

Public opinion is already on Tiwas side, the fastest way to lose credibility is to slightly even criticize Tiwa in this situation, Who knows what frezze saw in those 24hrs between the 1st and 2nd post

1 Like

Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by raumdeuter: 9:38pm On May 02, 2016

Bro, e no go even see her pant. I can bet it with you, now that TBillz is out of the way, she's going to marry way up. She's probably going to end up with someone in the league of Don Jazzy or son of a billionaire.

I know the son of a very rich man who met Tiwa way back like 5yrs ago and the way the girl was "jumping" at him, He knew he could have gotten play if he wanted. But he was used to many girls he just passed on the opportunity
Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by NashvilleTN: 9:41pm On May 02, 2016

Bro, e no go even see her pant. I can bet it with you, now that TBillz is out of the way, she's going to marry way up. She's probably going to end up with someone in the league of Don Jazzy or son of a billionaire.

I can bet you she will soon start rolling with a billionaire's son or a billionaire himself. I predict Musa Danjuma, he's divorced Caroline. I am just looking at the previous posts and I can see that raumdueter did a terrific job of analyzing the story. To me, the interview gave Tiwa away. It was so obvious she was seeking public sympathy and she got it. Let's just wait for her next move.

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Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Bolade005: 9:41pm On May 02, 2016

I know the son of a very rich man who met Tiwa way back like 5yrs ago and the way the girl was "jumping" at him, He knew he could have gotten play if he wanted. But he was used to many girls he just passed on the opportunity
They're all the same with just few exceptions. It's all about the money to most of them.

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Re: Boys Night Out Discussions by Kimoni: 9:42pm On May 02, 2016

That means you have seen someone who played that card previously. The guy sef don wise up he is now saying he \is going to Naija to chase contracts. If the wife likes she can cry blood he wont bulge for what his eyes saw in these last 1yr

grin grin grin grin what has his eyes saw? Women play this old trick everyday, not necesarily the same situation but using the same old tricks to get what we want. Emotional blackmail maybe. I may agree with TV here when he says a man should do what's best for the family and not just act to please the woman.

How much is Kaffy worth? Minus the cameras most people on this forum might even be richer than Kaffyand I dont know what the husband does. Blindly I can guess the man is probably richer than her because thats the general pattern with many females

Maybe not as rich as Tiwa cuz of Tiwa's endorsements but she's also not doing badly for herself as a mega star. The hubby is one of P-Square dancers or back up singer...not sure but she is way higher than him in social status and earnings.
Pls read the birthday message and let me have your thoughts.

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