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He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls - Romance (5) - Nairaland

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Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by jaybee3(m): 12:05pm On Jun 15, 2016
I’m finding it hard to understand/correlate your quest for knowing what’s up with your current relationship and your subtle brag on how much of a hot commodity you are.

Fact is:
You have no proof whatsoever to conclude he lied about being tied up,

You seem to have some insecurity issues cos I just can’t comprehend how one can jump from a position of uncertainty to conviction without having any shred of evidence,

You are actually confused considering the fact that you’ve left room for some sort of comparison whilst being in a relationship albeit at its infancy,

You are desperate even though you are trying to come across as nonchalant. You just don’t throw in the fact that other guys are asking for your hand in marriage if you aren’t desperate to get married

Having said the above, you really need to give him a break and stop acting all desperate by saying sorry or trying to force him to ignore your insecurities. Going forward, if he indeed doesn’t deem your apology to be sufficient enough then simply get the move on.

Relationships isn’t a do or die affair so love yourself and make the relationship work for you first


Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Fresia01(f): 12:08pm On Jun 15, 2016
silent treatment... d guy wan break up with u ooo...if u love him jux continue pressing... let d word " I don't want u" come directly from him.....I ve been in ur shoes several times...saw condom in my bf' s house, saw a woman' s necklace in his car front seat , saw a picture of him with a lady and d exact nail d girl in d picture had I also saw in his car...I ve seen a whole lot..I talk... I rant....I wanna call it quit buh I always remember what both of us have been try and I always calm down...most times guys don't like ranting women...even when they are at fault..wen u try to rant nonstop they will now turn d tables on u and make u look like an overbearing girlfriend... I learnt to hold my peace even wen I knw he is cheating... jux be good to him..nice n caring...talk to him about what u suspect about him wen u guys are on a good n romantic mood...let me stop here..


Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by femi4: 12:13pm On Jun 15, 2016
Thanks so much for the comments@all
Send your pix to me immediately. I want to verify something
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Duru009(m): 12:18pm On Jun 15, 2016
Y are most girls sooooo insecure in a relationship.....
If u know u cannt trusth him. Y stay in a relationship claiming u luv him.

Whats luv without trusth?
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Obeenah(m): 12:19pm On Jun 15, 2016
Haba. This is where women get it wrong. Don't mean to come if rude sister, however I find your comment bias.

Woman just assume a standard rule for all men. He doesn't call or text back then he has some other woman gaining his attention. Which could be true but not exactly true.

The question here should not be about waiting on the guy to call but for the op to call this said guy and get a true standing of where the relationship is headed. If he evades the the question or need to talk then by all means move on if you must.

You Don't try to make it work and then assume he is avoiding you? Has the op considered if the guy was really hurt by her unfounded allegations?

Different ppl deal with hurt differently, maybe he just doesn't think you are being sincere with your apology.

My 2kobo.

Sister, we all know that a lot of men are Playa. Not all of them but most of them are toasting five different women at the same time. Your womanly instinct mostly is correct. So follow it. When a guy declined to call you back or text you back simply because he still have a handful of women on his list. Move on and find a man who deserved u the most.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by doveda: 12:19pm On Jun 15, 2016

Tushgirl, you were the dvm** that was insulting on Miss Nairaland thread. I told you then that you had issues. See your life outside. Insecure thing! I pray he doesn't reply you. Before you stifle his life with your insecurity: P

Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Obeenah(m): 12:22pm On Jun 15, 2016
Babe. You say you stay with a cheating guy because of what you have been through?

Well you seem satisfied to get married and not complain about your man's philandering ways. Good thing you know this fact ahead of time. I'm sure you won't mind having several wives come after you in marriage?

silent treatment... d guy wan break up with u ooo...if u love him jux continue pressing... let d word " I don't want u" come directly from him.....I ve been in ur shoes several times...saw condom in my bf' s house, saw a woman' s necklace in his car front seat , saw a picture of him with a lady and d exact nail d girl in d picture had I also saw in his car...I ve seen a whole lot..I talk... I rant....I wanna call it quit buh I always remember what both of us have been try and I always calm down...most times guys don't like ranting women...even when they are at fault..wen u try to rant nonstop they will now turn d tables on u and make u look like an overbearing girlfriend... I learnt to hold my peace even wen I knw he is cheating... jux be good to him..nice n caring...talk to him about what u suspect about him wen u guys are on a good n romantic mood...let me stop here..
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by victorazy(m): 12:24pm On Jun 15, 2016
Sister, we all know that a lot of men are Playa. Not all of them but most of them are toasting five different women at the same time. Your womanly instinct mostly is correct. So follow it. When a guy declined to call you back or text you back simply because he still have a handful of women on his list. Move on and find a man who deserved u the most.

How did u know his hand was full of women? Were u with him? U be witch?
Didn't read the writeup where she said all sort of things to the guy? Why tagging him a player, did he sleep with her? If he is a player wouldn't he have exercised faith to sleep with her first before ignoring her? The truth is that (The guy no REALLY like the girl)and he is kind enough to show her sign than decieving her.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by hervin(m): 12:27pm On Jun 15, 2016
Someone gave him your bbm pin, then you started feeling something for him in April, someone you haven't seen yet. Why not tell us that "You started feeling something for him when he started patronizing your bank accounts and your phones with recharge cards". E-love comes from bank alerts and recharge cards. That's what you fell in love with. Next post please(NOTE: make it a sensible one)

Chaii... You wicked oo grin grin grin
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Ekii(f): 12:28pm On Jun 15, 2016
Your instincts may be right but your approach was wrong. You do not out rightly accuse him the way you did until you've got your facts. Remember, you both have been dating online until you finally met. He's not going to be all that you imagined him to be and vice versa. You won't rush it and if you are finally convinced he's who you think he is, simply call off maturely.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by HaneefahRN(f): 12:29pm On Jun 15, 2016
we went out one day and kept staring and girls that were dancing.

So? undecided

Work on your insecurity issues . Don't give yourself HBP over nothing
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by anyicash(m): 12:30pm On Jun 15, 2016

You must be married because this is wisdom talking here. The OP is still immatured and accordingly, still lives in fairy tales world.

She is accusing the young man of infidelities without any proof whilst roaming in the world of admirers and brooding potential suitors.

OP my advice is that you reexamine yourself and sort out your insecurities. You are not ready for a relationship or even marriage. Deal with yourself first, before you invite someone else into your life.

Taking a cue from the comment above, life is not a bed of roses, likewise marriage or relationship. It is tough work and serious commitment. It is not where you expect things to be handed to you or go your way or where you lick ice cream all the time.

Just sort out yourself please
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by ileogbenfidel(m): 12:31pm On Jun 15, 2016
I haven't slept with him
then no strings attached let go u guys were just friends
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Ofemmanu1: 12:32pm On Jun 15, 2016
All you need is patience. He'll come back soon.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by anyicash(m): 12:35pm On Jun 15, 2016

You must be married because this is wisdom talking here. The OP is still immatured and accordingly, still lives in fairy tales world.

She is accusing the young man of infidelities without any proof whilst roaming in the world of admirers and brooding potential suitors.

OP my advice is that you reexamine yourself and sort out your insecurities. You are not ready for a relationship or even marriage. Deal with yourself first, before you invite someone else into your life.

Taking a cue from the comment above, life is not a bed of roses, likewise marriage or relationship. It is tough work and serious commitment. It is not where you expect things to be handed to you or go your way or where you lick ice cream all the time.

Just sort out yourself please
You just hit the nitty-gritty of the whole situation, that is another wisdom talk right here, You have said it all, hope it goes down to OP's mind thoroughly for decision making.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by firstolalekan(m): 12:40pm On Jun 15, 2016
I haven't slept with him
But you have woken up with him abi? grin

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Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by bayinq25(m): 12:40pm On Jun 15, 2016
Sister, we all know that a lot of men are Playa. Not all of them but most of them are toasting five different women at the same time. Your womanly instinct mostly is correct. So follow it. When a guy declined to call you back or text you back simply because he still have a handful of women on his list. Move on and find a man who deserved u the most.
please don't spoil our market for us o.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by OLAJADON: 12:40pm On Jun 15, 2016
[quote author=tushgirl post=46584676]Good day all,
I met a guy around February,initailly someone gave him my bbm pin so we were chatting but I wasn't into him then(because I haven't seen him then),i would always ignore him or reply sometimes....i. Began to feel something for him toward April ending so the chat and calls were regular...we started dating and the relationship was going on smoothly,we met and I fell in love immediately...my feelings for him was so strong,i told him him I felt and he told me same too.

We were suppose to meet last week but he suddenly text me and told me about a meeting he was to attend so I accused him going to see other girls and not the said meeting.
I told him my mind,how I felt he is a womaniser,i said many things but I never insulted him,i later called and apologise even when I know he might have been with another girl that weekend....i have been begging this guy since Friday,he said he had heard bit he refused to ping or call me
I'm not exaggerating but I get admires everyday..i have someone seeking for my hand in marriage,a very comfortable person.

Nb:This guy don't have much,but I still don't c care.

Pls talk sense into my head,insult me,i want to forget about him totally.

Mods help a sister out


before i jump to conclusion
have he been acting funny before; cheated on u or u jxt said those words out of jealousy.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Reeberry: 12:40pm On Jun 15, 2016
Just move on with your life. I hate men who can't keep to one.
Why concluding when you know nothing?
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by fpeter(f): 12:41pm On Jun 15, 2016
You didn't have any proof to accuse him of cheating, remember you were just starting the relationship so I guess he was still trying to know you.
Then for you to have accused him without proofs and in your own words "said many things" although you claimed not to have insulted him but we
know how some "sayings" maybe as good as outright insults. This dude must have advised himself to avoid future wahala, maybe he was trying to
choose between you and another lady and he chose her. Your attitude must have set off a red flag for him to run before he was neck deep into you. Your attitude portrayed jealousy so IMO just forget about him because he has moved on and I'm sure thanking God for dodging a bullet.

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Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by bayinq25(m): 12:43pm On Jun 15, 2016
Just move on with your life. I hate men who can't keep to one.
cheating men date women not men,it makes cheating universal.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by bayinq25(m): 12:47pm On Jun 15, 2016
That why I said he doesn't have much,he has never send me money or cards.
I just have this feelings for him
just picture what the person who gave him your pin must have said about you. I won't spoil his market but guys i'm a guy, I do the same.He probably has 5pins of your kind he's chatting with. Good luck... I pray you don't end up at redeemed camp.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Tynasparks(f): 12:54pm On Jun 15, 2016
Sister, we all know that a lot of men are Playa. Not all of them but most of them are toasting five different women at the same time. Your womanly instinct mostly is correct. So follow it. When a guy declined to call you back or text you back simply because he still have a handful of women on his list. Move on and find a man who deserved u the most.
nice one madam
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Hydra1(m): 12:55pm On Jun 15, 2016

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Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Brightgem(f): 12:56pm On Jun 15, 2016

you've not sleep with him and he behaved like that because of your accusations- that seems to show he's a correct guy. Don't mind those who said you should just move on. I can bet that unless you change that you sense of paranoia, even the next guy might run away. One of the greatest turn-off for a guy is for you to bring on allegations that seems obvious you wanna manipulate him with. And it seems that was clearly your agenda: accuse him of infidelity, throw tantrums (even when you know you are just preemptive), he pleads his cause and you raise a "bar" on him for monitoring. Interestingly, you have used that to "cow" him in and he now begins to proof that he's not having sexual relationship with any and every girl you see him around with. Dear, you're grandly insecure with that perceptions about men and such an obsession can make you always behave irrational. That could have been the reason why he's re-assessing his love for you.
Just expunge obsession from your heart - no human being is worth to be obsessed on otherwise, you might murder a guy if you suspect him of fornication or if he actual does.
note: We actually marry by faith.
I kind of doubt this poster has much strong intellect to understand all this grammer u just dropped. The jaga jaga post makes me doubt her intelligence plus a name like Behind girl. D post is just silly, from how they met to where they are now. He is just not interested anymore sef...
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by makydebbie(f): 12:58pm On Jun 15, 2016
grin grin you are the best joor!....
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by olanrewaju99(m): 12:59pm On Jun 15, 2016
Hold on for a while don't call him for the main time am sure he will call you but anytime he calls apologize to him for jumping into conclusion and study him very well.

Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by Brightgem(f): 1:05pm On Jun 15, 2016
silent treatment... d guy wan break up with u ooo...if u love him jux continue pressing... let d word " I don't want u" come directly from him.....I ve been in ur shoes several times...saw condom in my bf' s house, saw a woman' s necklace in his car front seat , saw a picture of him with a lady and d exact nail d girl in d picture had I also saw in his car...I ve seen a whole lot..I talk... I rant....I wanna call it quit buh I always remember what both of us have been try and I always calm down...most times guys don't like ranting women...even when they are at fault..wen u try to rant nonstop they will now turn d tables on u and make u look like an overbearing girlfriend... I learnt to hold my peace even wen I knw he is cheating... jux be good to him..nice n caring...talk to him about what u suspect about him wen u guys are on a good n romantic mood...let me stop here..
I hope u dnt plan to marry this u boyfriend with all the wonders ur seeing, pls place a higher level of value on urself, what have u been through that is new under the sun. I almost died making sacrifices for one goat I was near marrying only for him to be asking pipo dat his friend are telling him to date someone else. u can never give enuf to some pipo, while to some the little u give they will adore u for it. I think u are insulting urself to b seeing all that an sticking around.

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Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by bejeria101(m): 1:06pm On Jun 15, 2016
Clap for yourself muntula,keep taking advice frm your daft friends,u just shown him your dumb womaness,go get a new bf u have alot of admirers u said so yourself. If you women have a brain kindly use it NL isnt the place to solve your drama.
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by gfm01: 1:09pm On Jun 15, 2016
Good day all,
I met a guy around February,initailly someone gave him my bbm pin so we were chatting but I wasn't into him then(because I haven't seen him then),i would always ignore him or reply sometimes....i. Began to feel something for him toward April ending so the chat and calls were regular...we started dating and the relationship was going on smoothly,we met and I fell in love immediately...my feelings for him was so strong,i told him him I felt and he told me same too.

We were suppose to meet last week but he suddenly text me and told me about a meeting he was to attend so I accused him going to see other girls and not the said meeting.
I told him my mind,how I felt he is a womaniser,i said many things but I never insulted him,i later called and apologise even when I know he might have been with another girl that weekend....i have been begging this guy since Friday,he said he had heard bit he refused to ping or call me
I'm not exaggerating but I get admires everyday..i have someone seeking for my hand in marriage,a very comfortable person.

Nb:This guy don't have much,but I still don't c care.

Pls talk sense into my head,insult me,i want to forget about him totally.

Mods help a sister out

well dnt take it too far cuz,I believe one thing dat if God is trying to safe his children something will happen to make us nt to be a victim. I wish we can talk privately here is my bbm pin 23967BD3 or whatsapp 08037354722
Re: He Refused To Call Or Ping Me: Nairalanders I Need Your Word Of Advice Pls by PROPHETmichael: 1:12pm On Jun 15, 2016
Good day all,
I met a guy around February,initailly someone gave him my bbm pin so we were chatting but I wasn't into him then(because I haven't seen him then),i would always ignore him or reply sometimes....i. Began to feel something for him toward April ending so the chat and calls were regular...we started dating and the relationship was going on smoothly,we met and I fell in love immediately...my feelings for him was so strong,i told him him I felt and he told me same too.

We were suppose to meet last week but he suddenly text me and told me about a meeting he was to attend so I accused him going to see other girls and not the said meeting.
I told him my mind,how I felt he is a womaniser,i said many things but I never insulted him,i later called and apologise even when I know he might have been with another girl that weekend....i have been begging this guy since Friday,he said he had heard bit he refused to ping or call me
I'm not exaggerating but I get admires everyday..i have someone seeking for my hand in marriage,a very comfortable person.

Nb:This guy don't have much,but I still don't c care.

Pls talk sense into my head,insult me,i want to forget about him totally.

Mods help a sister out


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