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What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? - Education (2) - Nairaland

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by AbuSaad39(m): 6:36am On Aug 22, 2016
In high institution toughest courses I offered.

#Process calculations
The two courses crack my brain.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by muller101(m): 6:36am On Aug 22, 2016
Theory of plasticity and elasticity. 500l. 2nd sem. I so much hate that course.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Deeman87: 6:36am On Aug 22, 2016
I love that course.
Wow good 2 knw dat...one man's food is anoda man's poi..........
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by free2ryhme: 6:37am On Aug 22, 2016
Make una come see as children dey display their shame grin

After you read ur engineering and science. You go dey drag administrative and secretariat jobs with students wey read management and art

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by muhsain299(m): 6:38am On Aug 22, 2016
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by OreoPaschal(m): 6:38am On Aug 22, 2016
Animal/Plant Biochemistry. I offered it when I was in 200lvl managed to have a C. Did la creame la poure cheesy

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by ameer2: 6:39am On Aug 22, 2016
Cosc301.. Data structures & Algorithms... Damn.dt course was magic.

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by GoldenJAT(m): 6:43am On Aug 22, 2016
just imagine political science students doin statistics then!!we failed and failed again except 4 very few dt managed 2 scale through....and 1 other course titled comtemprary political somethin somethin....u go sleep by force 4 class...as d lecturer kukuma no help matter join
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Fryzi(m): 6:43am On Aug 22, 2016
God will never forgive me if I don't table down dis one, I even went as far celebrating it when I got a D after a floor of massive carryover. All other courses were beasts though buh dis one was d most dreaded because of d lecturer who took it

Course: Mathematics

Course title: Mth 204 (ODE)

Level: 200

Semester: 1st

Thank God I m done!

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by franklin000(m): 6:43am On Aug 22, 2016
For those in English department or Lingustics.....SYNTAX...especially xbar theory,Standard theory,revised standard theory and government and binding, TGG,Optimality theory....God helped us then!!!
Syntax is a bastard generative syntax is the worst especially in final year
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by samx4real(m): 6:44am On Aug 22, 2016
Gas processing!
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Nobody: 6:45am On Aug 22, 2016
I graduated from the Department of Production Engineering, University of Benin this very last session. Instead of listing my toughest departmental courses which some persons might not be familiar with, I'll just state the general ones common to all departments which I believe some engineering graduates here are familiar with;

Faculty - Engineering

1. Course - PRE571 & PRE572( Engineering Economics and Administration)... This course gave every final year students nightmare, it's not as if it was very difficult, but the lecturers who took it then didn't help issues at all.

Semester - First and Second.

2. Course - MEE211 and MEE212 (Engineering Mechanics)... Hehehe, I believe this one speaks for itself. This one is the most difficult course in 200L, if not the most difficult in the Whole of Engineering self. People fail tire, remember the time of Ariave and co.

Semester - First and Second

3. Course - MEE351 and MEE352 (Engineering Thermodynamics)... This one na the Boss of all boss, I can remember I had D in this course but yet I was very happy because D then was like A. lol

Semester - First and Second

Thank God I was still able to graduate with a strong 2.1 though! it was not really easy for me.


Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by seunoni34(m): 6:45am On Aug 22, 2016
Phy 102 in futa. I dreaded that course like a vampire.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Jarus(m): 6:47am On Aug 22, 2016
PSY 204 - A psychology course I borrowed in 200L. Everything there was abstract and sounded Greek.

I just couldn't understand it. To make matters worse, the exam was going to be fill-in-the-gap, so I had no option than to cram. Cramming made it more difficult. No note, we were just given like a 50 page material.

That semester, it was this course and other courses. I spent more thxn half of my entire study time that semester on that course. I was slways sweating, sometimes almost crying, having head ache, anytime I read that course.

I ended up scoring 67B.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by faorex(m): 6:47am On Aug 22, 2016
Mat 241- Ordinary Differential Equations. It was actually easy but the carry over rate no be small.

Mat 213- Algebra. I'm just hoping to pass that course I swear angry

And analysis and strength of material still dey for 200L embarassed
are you studying architecture??
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Spongia1(m): 6:50am On Aug 22, 2016
MTS 311 Groups and Rings. I had a carryover and then scored 41 in my final year. I felt like a genius. Mathematics Department, FUNAAB, God go punish you, I swear


Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by babyfaceafrica: 6:51am On Aug 22, 2016

Syntax is a bastard generative syntax is the worst especially in final year
lolzz...am telling you....if you see carry over men...you go fear...but then some peeps really blasted...few though..when I mean blasted..60 was the highest..lol
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by bullseye90(m): 6:52am On Aug 22, 2016
Engineering Metallurgy, 1st Semester 500L.
I hate dat course ehh...I manage to have an E. Come and see d rate at which students carried it over!

it was my favorite. had an A. it depends on your lecturer. it was tedious n voluminous but serious reading with God made us scale through. which school by d way?

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by oluwasegun682(m): 6:54am On Aug 22, 2016
Course: Accounting Course Title: Bussiness Statistics Level: 200 Business and Accounting students can can testify
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Deeman87: 6:54am On Aug 22, 2016

it was my favorite. had an A. it depends on your lecturer. it was tedious n voluminous but serious reading with God made us scale through. which school by d way?
I agreed wit u sir. FUTminna
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by andreawills96(f): 6:58am On Aug 22, 2016
Dept economics
Course code: eco 306
Title: econometrics
Level: graduate

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Nobody: 6:59am On Aug 22, 2016
medicine and surgery course tittle: Anatomy and Human physiology
to all medicine aspirants, MBBS isn't beans o. u av to be studious -my advice


Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by soleexx(m): 7:01am On Aug 22, 2016
Cosc301.. Data structures & Algorithms... Damn.dt course was magic.

Simplest Course ever...but lots of stories
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by industrious: 7:03am On Aug 22, 2016
Plenty o

Fluid mechanics

Electromagnetic field theory..

The stupid static and theory.

Infact all the mech engr courses at 200 level for a computer engineering student... Imagine

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by bullseye90(m): 7:06am On Aug 22, 2016
fluid mechanics (Mr youngson ukaru a.k.a adiaba).....bad lecturer made d course tedious

engineering economicstaught by a visiting prof from Futo. the man make d thing hard die.

thank God I passed them and graduated in unit time.
hmmm UNIUYO department of mechanical engineering una try
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Emempaul(m): 7:06am On Aug 22, 2016
300level n 500level agric biochemistry
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by patrickedwin: 7:06am On Aug 22, 2016
advanced robotic programing....
this is where I prove to the medical student what it means to study computer engineering!
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Moblord(m): 7:06am On Aug 22, 2016
Engineering 200L MTH212 Mathematical methods I
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by soleexx(m): 7:07am On Aug 22, 2016
If you studying then right course in school and its truly your heart desire course...To be Honest you will easily make good grade in all subject.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by whizqueen(f): 7:08am On Aug 22, 2016
ECN 203- Macro economic analysis
First Semester.
Year 200+
Actually there are just five topic on the course content
The lecturer came to class just two times and ended the class.
The exam was computer based
The questions were terribly hard.
In fact i'm sure the questions were imported from Pluto.
He had set over 500 questions, no two people had same set of questions.
(Mr Yakubu) now Dr Yakubu....... I respect him till date.
Omo better by far cheesy

Yakubu and Dr Ijaiya made that course look so scary and difficult. I had 62 B, until then I realized it was 2 units course. I was angry eh angry

Mine was ACC301 Advanced Financial accounting, I know your mind you're like just ordinary FA undecided but heck! Syllabus covered group account, published financial statement, statement of cash flow and few IASs infact more like the ican Financial reporting just lesser IASs. Some schools cover that syllabus in two courses but no thanks to Unilorin smiley I ended up having A in the course, 74 infact. I read like mad asin I was almost going to kill myself with tutorials. Fast forward to second semester, ACC 302, I was feeling like baddo in FA until them nack me C. My head come straight. sad

Chill people... before someone attack Unilorin now, they drilled us well enough OK. FR in ican was an easy pie for me. Passed once without stress cool

Proud Alumnae,
Better by far wink

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by jaybee3(m): 7:08am On Aug 22, 2016
Digital signal processing

You can't pass the course if you are average in maths

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by uyplus(m): 7:10am On Aug 22, 2016
Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

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