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What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? - Education (3) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Education / What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? (27805 Views)

Hardest Course(s) You Did In School As An Undergraduate. / How To Enjoy The Course You Hate. / Why You May End Up Not Practising The Course You Studied In School (2) (3) (4)

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Nobody: 7:11am On Aug 22, 2016
The lecturers.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by peterphd(m): 7:13am On Aug 22, 2016
Chemical engineering

Transport phenomena

3rd year.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Niyil: 7:14am On Aug 22, 2016
That should be econometrics then.

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by DVMtuppence(m): 7:14am On Aug 22, 2016
medicine and surgery
course tittle: Anatomy and Human physiology

to all medicine aspirants, MBBS isn't beans o. u av to be studious -my advice
plz Wat level are you?
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Sogen2(f): 7:15am On Aug 22, 2016
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Shollay20(m): 7:16am On Aug 22, 2016
fine and applied arts

difficult course.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Donwizbro(m): 7:16am On Aug 22, 2016
Maths 102. I missed ma 100level days sha.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by akins56(m): 7:16am On Aug 22, 2016
Honestly i can't remember taking any difficult course, i regard all courses as equal threat, and attack with enormous forces no matter the unit involved.

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by cruz419(m): 7:16am On Aug 22, 2016
Never really had a tough course in skol but d few dat I will assume tough are those that d lecturer were bent on making u fail,, except u d what dey want lyk blocking d course, and dat was monetary economics in my 300l
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Sogen2(f): 7:16am On Aug 22, 2016
SOS 211 (as it was then titled) Technical Drawing
University Course
200 Level UNAAB, 2001.
In fact, it was not a course but a mirage
For an Animal Science Student like me.
I shared testimony at Chapel when I scored 42E in the course
Over 100 students from different departments had carry over.

SOS 211, only God knows how I had a B.

Technical Drawing, I really didn't like that course, had an E and was happy, at least I didn't carry it over.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Adebaba1(m): 7:17am On Aug 22, 2016
Process control and dynamics
500l Ist semester
Chemical engineering
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Win95: 7:17am On Aug 22, 2016
medicine, 400l
pathology/pathophysiology embarassed embarassed cry cry cry
I thought anatomy and the rest were hard until I met pathology
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by alfredb(f): 7:18am On Aug 22, 2016
Have been given admission to study biochemistry. Any difficult course?

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by docjeph(m): 7:18am On Aug 22, 2016
Course: Industrial Chemistry/Petrochemicals.
Course Title:Particulate Mechanics(chm 401) & Advance Analytical Chemistry(chm 405).
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by greatestman(m): 7:20am On Aug 22, 2016
100Level - - - - - - - Electricity and Electromagnetism D
300 Level--------------Electrical Machine I & II A&C
500 Level---———— Industrial Control. E
Thank God No carry over..
Now a full blown graduate(Serving)
B. Tech Ed. Electrical Technology
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by LarryBeryl(m): 7:21am On Aug 22, 2016
ECN 203- Macro economic analysis
First Semester.
Year 200+
Actually there are just five topic on the course content
The lecturer came to class just two times and ended the class.
The exam was computer based
The questions were terribly hard.
In fact i'm sure the questions were imported from Pluto.
He had set over 500 questions, no two people had same set of questions.
(Mr Yakubu) now Dr Yakubu....... I respect him till date.

Pls where are you to write your ideas in a computer based test? Economics is a course that involves the application of theories and analyses to solve economic problems. Pls abeg oooo can you do that using a computer based test? 2times in class? ha! no presentation on anything? That's why some universities should be assigned some courses. Economics and subject or objective questions do not correlate. Macro economics analysis for that matter. Oga pls, if you really like yourself go back to library to master Micro and Macro economics everything else is coined from those two monsters.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by samx4real(m): 7:21am On Aug 22, 2016
They are all Engineering courses!

1. Technical/Engeering Drawing (It wasn't hard but it was very stressful)--- (year1 &2)

2. Transport phenomena (Full of calculations)---You go derive formular tire. (Year 3)...

3. Strength of Material (year2)--- Its not too hard but its worth mentioning.

4. Gas Engineering (year5)... An extension of natural gas engineering... Is d hardest course I ever did. Why?... It's full of differnt types of lengthy derivations (I can't even remember any of them now), cause am not employed in d industry yet.

In all I would advice you to take your Engineering Mathematics, physics and chemistry (year 1) very serious... They are d basic of all engineering courses, if you don't pass them you won't do well as you progress!

NDU Representing!
Wishing you all d best in your Educational career!
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Kinsworld42(m): 7:23am On Aug 22, 2016
For those in English department or Lingustics.....SYNTAX...especially xbar theory,Standard theory,revised standard theory and government and binding, TGG,Optimality theory....God helped us then!!!
lolz i know that feelings though, studying structures of words. Then what will happen when you meet morphosyntax? that is combination of two different courses as one, its hell I tell you...
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by ERONX(m): 7:24am On Aug 22, 2016
AMERICA CONSTITUTIONAL LAW IN MY 1ST YEAR, it was so difficult because i had to learn new statute and sections under the American law which was entirely different from the Nigerian law.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by TheSociopath(m): 7:26am On Aug 22, 2016
fluid mechanics
My best ever course!! Even my Prof. had to call!
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Jhanny(m): 7:27am On Aug 22, 2016
History and international studies..
Intro to history(his 101) and history of Asia..dat course no be here,had to start watching Chinese movies just to cram their names..
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by TheSociopath(m): 7:28am On Aug 22, 2016
Linear Algebra, Functional Analysis, Stochastic Processes. B.Tech Maths

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by ogb12(m): 7:29am On Aug 22, 2016
Chidex2442 Advanced Enzymology BCH432, plant biochemistry BCH 318, Bioenergetics and chemical kinetics BCH 313 ......
Chidex 1 door I see u o.
It's ogboyshinton noni
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by LuckyLadolce(m): 7:29am On Aug 22, 2016
If you are an undergraduate or a graduate, let's know the toughest course(s) you did or you are doing in school.

Let your submission be like this:

course: engineering

course title: technical drawing

level: 200

semester: 2nd semester

you can mention as many courses as possible.

that's just an example, i didn't study engineering. I'm an aspirant.

what's the purpose of this thread? It is so that aspirants can take the course seriously when they become undergraduates.

Cc: lalasticlala. I trust you on this one.
wow! babe, this has been on my mind since... but no one to share it with.. Operations Research was my nightmare.. God! I almost most give up! Though I thought I could handle it without tutorials but I was wrong. Until I attended tutorials before I dealt with it. Glory be to God now.. we are here. Have a nice day.
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Nobody: 7:31am On Aug 22, 2016
Electromagnetic Field Theory.
it's a course in advanced physics, but we were forced to do it in our Engineering curriculum

i never looked at physicist the same way after that course
That is actually an easy course in physics. Any electrical or magnetism are usually the easiest in physics because they are not abstract concept.

300 level, Quantum mechanics - Physics dept.

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Nobody: 7:31am On Aug 22, 2016
I never liked Electrical courses...they gave me magrine....

EEE 201/202

EEE 231/232

If you are an Engineering student @LAUTECH , you'd definitely know how heavy these courses are.

B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
......when it moves, its mechanical.


Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Emempaul(m): 7:31am On Aug 22, 2016
Have been given admission to study biochemistry. Any difficult course?
d name of d course itself is difficult grin
Have been given admission to study biochemistry. Any difficult course?
d name of d course itself is difficult

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by oyedeley2ky: 7:32am On Aug 22, 2016
Quantum physics
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by umehmj(m): 7:32am On Aug 22, 2016
circuit theory mehn and FORTRAN

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Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by ayokunlei(m): 7:33am On Aug 22, 2016
lord knows I hate the following courses
Statistics ( Basic statistics.)
Physics (physics for life science)
Mathematics.(foundation of mathematics.)

I will not tell anybody my level.

but read your books when you are admitted.

Funny.. Bros, for you to hate basic math and sta, you too lazy to study
Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by Rosheedah(f): 7:33am On Aug 22, 2016
Studied pharmacy @Unilag
i hated all Pharmacognosy courses plus d lecturers were sadists angry angry
God and ONLY God helped me scale through o
All ye aspirants. ...pharmacy no be shere shere....prepare HARD embarassed


Re: What's The Toughest Course You Did/you Are Doing In School? by umehmj(m): 7:34am On Aug 22, 2016
I never liked Electrical courses...they gave me magrine....

EEE 201/202

EEE 231/232

If you are an Engineering student @LAUTECH , you'd definitely know how heavy these courses are.

just score 40 and you'll celebrate like you made an A. actually it's A equivalent to other courses

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