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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Almost Perfect#nlwriters (239807 Views)
The Connection Is Now..( For All Nlwriters) / Aja 2 (story Of The Dogs) #nlwriters / Secrets #nlwriters (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by sotozo(m): 4:50pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
bibijay123: comes in with my Kuli Kuli and Chilled Kunu.... Na we get am 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by veekid(m): 4:57pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
[quote author=bibijay123 post=50473841][/quote] Kinda |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by shigo20(m): 6:39pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
Nice piece.......can't wait for more update |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Twizzy30(m): 8:14pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
Oya give us update. More power to your elbow maam |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 8:46pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
Chapter Two Dedicated to Iomoge2. Congrats Mama Zoey! Mabel I heard Serwa screaming for me, i wondered what she wanted as i flipped through a fashion catalog on the kitchen counter. I saw a gown i liked, i folded that part as a reminder. I was heading towards the door to see what my daughter wanted when i heard the buzz of my phone, i went back into the kitchen to answer the call. " Hey baby girl, what time is that shindig? " i asked, stirring the boiling tomato stew on the cooker. Serwa came into the kitchen wearing a long face, i removed the phone from my ear." Mami Serwa go call daddy. Tell him to come take the trash out and tell him the stew is ready. " Sorry Sweetie," i said into the mouth piece." I was talking to my little angel. So the party is at seven pm tomorrow. Cool, see y'all tomorrow! " Tade walked into the kitchen with Serwa in his arms. He placed her on the kitchen stool and raised up her gown. Her knee was bruised, he went out of the kitchen and returned with a first_ aid kit. I stared at the purple bruises in surprise. " How did that happen Serwa?" I asked. " I fell off my bike," She moaned." I was calling for help but you didn't come Mama" " Oh dear. Mummy was on a call" " Sorry baby boo, daddy will make it better." Tade dressed it while she cried and wrapped her arms around his chest. I went to them and lifted her into my arms. I rocked her until she fell asleep and i took her to her room. I served the food while Tade took out the trash. He washed his hand and came to dinner. We ate in silence until i felt uncomfortable with the quietness. " What's on your mind?" " Serwa" he replied tersely. " What's wrong with her?" I asked, browsing through an e.rotic site on my phone, the story i was reading the previous day was about a young couple who were trying out kinky stuffs.I wondered if Tade would be game for it. " Mabel this is the third time she's bruising her knee " he said worriedly. " Tade, she's a kid. Didn't you get your knees skinned as a child?" I asked. " I will caution her to be more careful when playing. The food is good baby" he said. " Thank you baby" i replied with a smile, " I have to be at Rose's bar opening night tomorrow. It's 7 pm till dawn" " Tomorrow is Serwa' s play at school. Have you forgotten? " " No i didn't. Rose will never forgive me if i am not at the opening of her new bar." " Serwa will be hurt if you are not there to see her perform." " What time is the play?" " It is 5 pm_ 7 pm." " Wow. Silly me! I agreed to shop with Arianna for her wedding tomorrow noon and i also want to attend Rose's opening. I will just be too stressed out to attend the play, i will have a talk with Serwa and i have to get her a new toy or something to appease her. " Alright" he said. He was a very calm, peaceful and quiet man. He was so loving and understanding. He was a gentleman and i felt so lucky to have him. After our dinner i woke up Serwa and fed her. Tade read her a bed time story while i brushed my teeth, showered and got into bed. Tade came in and switched off the light, he pulled back the duvet and got into the bed. He drew me closer to his strong muscled body, his nose was buried in my hair while his hand caressed my ass lightly. " Bell, since we couldn't travel for Christmas because of your famous party we have to travel for easter." He said. " Hmmmn" i murmured, mentally planning what to wear to the shindig. He squeezed my ass, kissing my neck. " Tade " i said. " Hmmn baby," " Not tonight please. I need my energy for tomorrow's activities. You know how i get after sex, i would want more and more until i have sapped out my energy" i said, but the truth of the matter was i had given myself several orgasm earlier in the day. " It's been a while" he said. " This weekend is all yours baby. I promise to ride you sore". He sighed and shifted back." Night Bell," " Night, my handsome Nigerian Man," TBC 16 Likes 8 Shares |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by folarmi(f): 8:56pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
Nice one bibijay......been ur ardent follower although a quiet one........ keep d good work up and may ur creative juices keep flowing 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by veekid(m): 9:13pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
Hungry for more #no_shaking 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 9:21pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
folarmi: Amen. Thank you dear 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by crazygod(m): 9:35pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
Which kain wife be this Mabel sef? She's just selfish. Me I wan kerewa and u dey tell me rubbish..... Tade too gentle for my liking. Choi ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bummybummy(f): 10:10pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
bibijay123:tnx 4 d mention, am wit u follown u bumper to bunmper 2 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 10:20pm On Oct 24, 2016 |
crazygod: lol you is not a gentleman 3 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Twizzy30(m): 12:21am On Oct 25, 2016 |
Am beginning to like this Mabel ooi. Choi, she go spoil man kini ![]() |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Jay542(m): 6:55am On Oct 25, 2016 |
Bibijay123 nice one. Mabel is making sense sha ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Girl360(f): 11:48am On Oct 25, 2016 |
Interesting |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 1:40pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
* Continues* Dupe " Hello dear," i said into the mouth piece of my phone." You sound so down, what is wrong?" I asked, Uche and i had been dating for only few weeks but i knew a lot about him. How his voice rises a notch when he's excited about something but doesn't want to share it. I also knew how his voice drops a notch when he's sad about something." Are you at home? i am on my way to your place now." I disconnected the call and walked out of my room into our living room. My mom was knitting a shawl while watching a christian home movie. " Mom, please can i borrow your car for few minutes?" " Yes but be careful please." She replied, " Are you going far?" " No ma" " Sha be careful." She said. " Thank you Mom" i said, picking up the car key beside her. I drove down to Uchenna's gate and parked. I dialed his line and he walked out of his gate while the phone was still ringing. He opened the door of the car and got in. " Uche, what's wrong?" i asked. " How are you?" He said. " Let's talk about you. You sounded so down over the phone and right now you don't look yourself." " I got yet another letter of rejection. This is my third year of being unemployed, i am fed up." " Is that what got you so moody?" I asked, " You will get a good job at the lord' s own appointed time. God does not forsake his own, please keep up your faith dear." " Thank you" he replied. " How do i cheer you up?" " Keep me in your prayers" " You are already in my prayers. So how else do i cheer you up? want to go see a movie?" " No. I will be fine" " I heard there's a new comic movie in the cinema. Laughter is good for the soul and you need a good dose of it." He laughed. " Says who? i only need to sleep it off" " As your personal doctor, i say you need it" i ignited the car" Buckle your seat belt sir and enjoy the ride." " Yes Ma'am" ******************************* Funmi " Mummy, please can i get two hundred naira from you? i have an interview tomorrow but the money i have on me won't be enough to take me to and fro." " Oloun Oba ngbo, i have no money on me. Go inside your room and pray about the interview " She replied, turning a pot of Amala with omorogun. " Mummy i have prayed and fasted, i only need the money to add up my transport fare" " Are you deaf? i said i don't have any money on me. I told your father to ask for salary increase but he has refused. You are a graduate and a woman, i can't be using my money to feed your younger ones and also feed you too. Did you ask God to provide the transport fare before the interview?" She asked, portioning the Amala into little bowls." I am sure you did not" I walked out of the kitchen, seething in anger. My mother wasn't your ideal loving and caring pastor's wife or mother. She believed everything should be handed to her family either by God or the church members. She would often waylay well to do people in the church and seek for assistance even when she lacked for nothing. I made my way out of our five bedroom bungalow. I walked into the sunny afternoon, my shirt was damp with sweat by the time i got to Dupe's gate. I let myself in and knocked on the door, Mummy Dupe ushered me in with a warm smile. " Pele Funmi. The sun is just something else this days" I laughed. " At least it is better than rain o mummy. Good afternoon ma" " Afternoon my dear, how is your mother?" She asked, walking towards the kitchen. She came back with a tray of cold mineral, biscuit and groundnut which she gave to me. " She's fine, Thank you ma" She resumed her knitting." Your friend is not at home o. She has become Willy willy, always disappearing". " Where did she say she was going ma?" " She didn't tell me anything o. She only said she wasn't going far." The sound of a car driving into the compound brought a smile to the older woman's face. " Speak of the Angel" She said. Dupe walked in with a yellow shopping nylon filled with things. " Mom, i got you something " she said, " Funmi! It was just like i knew you were here, mom take." she brought out a little white bowl of salad. " Oshey. Hope nothing happened to my car sha?" " Haba mummy! Funmi, come jare. Let's go to my room" I carried my tray and followed her. I sat down on the bed. She picked some nuts off my tray and threw it into her mouth. She emptied the nylon on the bed, she pushed some bars of chocolate towards me. " Where did you go?" " I went to see a movie with Uche." " So it's Uche," " Yes it's Uche, " she replied with laughter." How about we all hang out this Saturday?" " I am broke" " Who said it would be on you? what's up with you?" " I have an interview tomorrow " " Wow, congrats girl! the job is already yours" " Amen.I don't have enough fare" Dupe dug into her purse and brought out three five hundred naira notes, which she placed beside me. " Will that cover it?" " It is more than enough. Thank you Dupe," " What are you wearing to the interview?" " I want to wear my blue skirt with a black blouse" She sighed." Do you want me to be honest with you?" " Yes, sure." " You should wear something classier, you will also be assessed by your look. Your hair is...." " What is wrong with my hair?" i asked, touching my natural afro with my hand. " Your hair is fine, don't get me wrong o. Other applicants especially the females will most likely be on well tailored pant trouser and fitted shirt. Their weaves or braids, plus the make up will make them a better candidate. No matter how brilliant or intelligent you might answer an interview question, your look also matters. It could mar or make your interview" " So indecent dressing will get me the job? " i asked," i have prayed about it, I will go there and answer the questions to the best of my abilities and leave the rest to God". " Alright. Guess what?" She asked mischievously. " What? he kissed you.....isn't that what you want to tell me?" She grinned. " By the way, shebi Uche is not working yet? Who paid for the movie and everything? " I asked. She laughed." I did." I couldn't help laughing." You have become maga, maga for omo ibo" She kicked my leg playfully while i continued laughing. I went for the interview the next day, the interviewer was a man in his sixties or thereabout. He spent less than thirty minutes with me unlike the other ladies whom he took his time interviewing. I answered all his questions correctly and to the best of my abilities but he never called me back. TBC 16 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 1:57pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
chommieblaq 3 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by veekid(m): 2:33pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
Nice one ma'am 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by shigo20(m): 3:26pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
Anoda one yaff land 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by dominique(f): 3:29pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
Ipob yoot hooks up with afonja, this is gonna be interesting ![]() ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 3:55pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
veekid:. this one you are acting all formal so ehn...Thank you o 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by veekid(m): 3:59pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
bibijay123:Isn't this what you wanted ![]() |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 4:17pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
dominique:I am not knowing what you mean 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Nobody: 5:50pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
I hate Marbel ![]() Dupe and Uche I like! ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by frankcris(m): 6:14pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
bibijay123:thanks for the mention. |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by ClassCaptain(m): 6:26pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
Dope work here 1 Like 2 Shares |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Topscoque(f): 6:50pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
Kudos...... Keep it rolling 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Fidelismaria: 8:10pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
Bibijay123 my favourite nairaland writer I love d way u engage ur readers Make sense Back to d tori Mabel I like Tade I dislike (too gentle) we yoruba boys re not dat gentle na Uche I dislike (igbo nd a he hoe) Dupe I hate (fallin for an igbo he hoe) Funmi ......(yet to determine) but am quite sure she gon go bad |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 8:11pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
" Continues" Mabel Tade had been grinning all day and stealing looks at me, i deliberately brushed my body against his whenever i walked by him . There was a twinkle in his eyes and he was whistling at the moment while we both packed Serwa's overnight bag that she would take along to her granny's. I picked up the fancy pink bag, Serwa got on her father's back and we went out of the house. My parent's house was only a thirty minutes drive from ours. The gateman let us in, calling out greetings cheerfully. I pressed the doorbell and my mother, opened the door, smiling at us warmly. " Akwaabaa, " Mami said, kissing my cheeks. " Thank you Mami" i said, giving her a kiss too. " Good evening Ma," Tade said. " Good evening son, where's my princess?" Serwa popped out her head behind her father. " There she is!" Mami said, laughing." Come to Nana, " She opened her arms and Serwa ran into it. " Where's dad?" " He's upstairs" " How are you Mami?" I asked. " I am fine dear" She replied. " Here's Serwa's overnight bag" i said, handing it to her. " Won't you stay for dinner?" " We had an early dinner" i replied." Serwa, come give Mama a kiss" i squatted, she kissed my cheeks and hugged her father." Goodnight Mami, say hello to dad" " Good Night ma," Tade said. We walked out of the house, I held his hand signaling him to stop. " I suddenly feel thirsty, " i said. " Go in for a drink of water" " A minute please," I said going back inside. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mami stuffing the overnight bag into the freezer. She whirled around and gave me a smile." Mami! What are you doing?" " Nothing dear, just keeping this bag safe" " In the freezer? Serwa' s clothes and toys are in there" " Oh silly me!" She laughed, " I thought i was putting it into the wardrobe. I will take it upstairs, where is that husband of yours? i haven't seen him for ages" " Not funny Mami, please take the bag upstairs" I said, filling a tumbler with chilled water. I gulped it down while she went out of the kitchen. I rinsed out the tumbler and went outside. " Set?" Tade asked. " Yes" He drove out of the compound into the lonely streets illuminated by the street lights. i inserted a Nicki minaj CD into the car set. I reached my hands into my blouse and un clipped my bra. I caught a smile on his face. " Geez, Bell what are you doing?" " Giving you a preview" We both laughed, i reached over and unzipped his jean. My soft hands massage him gently and he groaned in bliss. " I see you are making good on your promise" he said in a hoarse voice, taking the route to the beach close to my parent's house. He pulled over half way there. " I see someone is too hot to drive" I freed his pe.nis from his boxers, and lowered his seat backwards. My shorts was already on the car mat. I straddled him, twerking on his exposed member. I raised up my blouse and fed him a ni.pple, he bit on it gently making me arch my back in ecstasy. His middle finger found my c.lit. He rubbed on it gently in a circular motion. " Baby," He whispered, pulling down my thong. He squeezed my ass while suckling on my ni.pple. " I want to lick you badly," he sunk his finger into my pvussy, he pulled it out in a slow motion and sunk it in again until he found that spongy pleasure spot. " I want to taste you on my tongue, " " You will love, but i can't wait anymore " i said, sliding his hard dick into my hot hole. He raised up my ass slowly and brought it down on himself, we both groaned. His hands drew my boobs closer and his mouth captured both ni.pples. I rode him until we came, mine first and his closely behind mine. " I love you Mabel," he groaned. " I love you too Tade," " Is there more where this came from?" He joked, caressing my back. " You bet" i said, sliding down to take him into my mouth. " Happy Weekend baby," Tbc 15 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 8:13pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
ClassCaptain: Thank you boss 2 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 8:15pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
jagugu88li: lol @ the bullying part 1 Like |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by bibijay123(f): 8:17pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
Fidelismaria: I can't believe you dislike Uche, n u hate Dupe for falling for an ibo guy? ibo peeps r cool o n nice too 3 Likes |
Re: Almost Perfect#nlwriters by Fidelismaria: 8:19pm On Oct 25, 2016 |
bibijay123: No they re not Dey re d most tribalistic people on earth 1 Like |
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