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Dont Replace Friends With Siblings. by Tomisblog(m): 9:59am On Dec 20, 2016
Good morning friends, I hope you guys had wonderful nights yesterday. This morning as I woke up I was searching in my head for topics to write but the inspiration wasn't just coming, and all of a sudden I thought " why not share my experience"

I'm sort of an introvert, and this has taught me so many things in this life. Today I'm going to write about having your siblings as best friends.

It's not as if I don't have friends, but I just don't tend to replace them with my siblings. Lemme tell you a short story.

I have a brother, and all he does is go out and stay with friends all the time from 9 am till sometimes 12pm "that's if he wants to come home" he doesn't seem to miss his siblings cos he already replace us with his friends. Don't mistaken me, I'm not asking you not to have friends, but making it affect your relationship with your family is what makes the whole situation a bad one.

There are so many things you can do with your siblings that your friends can't offer you. Learn from them cos they also have knowledge of things, interact with them .

Even if you can't stand them doesn't mean you should ignore them all day.

Okay, cos you're in the university doesn't mean you shouldn't call your little siblings, ask a little or two about what they are doing? I don't know if it's being an introvert that makes me want to stay with my siblings all day, but I have that feeling that staying with your siblings more than your friends all day makes that memory when you want to flash back about each other.

Recently I had this friend, I always went to his house to just stay, chat, and do boring stuff I can always do with my siblings. I just don't like it when people scold their siblings simply because their friends are around , that's wrong.

You can have friends, but staying longer with your friends than siblings doesn't make your relationship strong, it only weakens it.

There are so many things you can do with your siblings, you can even combine your friends together with your siblings
.. lol . It makes things even more fun. Each time I visit my friends house, he doesn't always interact with his siblings , always putting his friends first, forgetting that he met his siblings before friends.

Any ways, that's all I have for today. I'll keeep on updating it on my blog @ http://tomisblog1497..com.ng/2016/12/why-you-dont-need-best-friendswhen-you.html


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Re: Dont Replace Friends With Siblings. by samincredible44(m): 10:08am On Dec 20, 2016
Op u are a wise man,blood is thicker than water
Re: Dont Replace Friends With Siblings. by Tomisblog(m): 10:11am On Dec 20, 2016
Op u are a wise man,blood is thicker than water

Thanks ...

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