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Who Is The Antichrist? - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:05pm On Dec 16, 2016
The bear is raised up on one side to represent the fact that Persia was stronger than the Medes. Those two powers were allied together in their domination of the earth. The three ribs probably symbolize the three provinces of that kingdom— Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. Then in 331 B.C. Medo-Persia went down, and the third world empire arose. According to the prophecy, “dominion was given to it.” Verse 6. It was “like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads.” Verse 6. Any schoolboy who has studied his lessons carefully in ancient history will know that Greece arose as the next world ruler. Alexander the Great came marching from the west, laying the world at his feet in a very short time.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:08pm On Dec 16, 2016
The four wings of the leopard denote the exceeding speed with which Alexander subdued the nations. Within eight years, he had completely subjugated the world and sat down to weep because there were no more worlds to conquer. But he could not conquer himself; he died as a young man of thirty-three at the height of his power. At his death the kingdom was divided among his four leading generals: Cassander, Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy. The four heads of the beast represent those divisions of his empire. This brings us to the year 168 B.C. and the downfall of the Grecian empire in that very year. So far, every detail of the prophecy has been fulfilled exactly.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:11pm On Dec 16, 2016
The Terrible Fourth Beast

Now let us notice the rise of the fourth beast, which is “the fourth kingdom upon earth.” Verse 23. Although Daniel had seen living wild beasts like those portrayed in the first three prophetic symbols, he had never seen anything resembling the fourth terrible beast. This is the way the Bible describes it: “After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it … and it had ten horns.” Verse 7. As we have already learned, this symbolizes the fourth world empire, which was the iron monarchy of Rome. The extension of its cruel domination of the earth has been well documented in the pages of ancient history.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:14pm On Dec 16, 2016
But this powerful nation was also to be divided, as verse twenty-four indicates, “And the ten horns
out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise.” Please notice that this is God’s interpretation of the ten horns on this animal. Rome would be divided into ten distinct areas. By following the course of history we discover that the exact fulfillment did come in the year 476 A.D. Fierce tribes came sweeping down from the north country, and overwhelmed the territory of Western Europe, dividing it finally into ten parts. Those parts, of course, correspond to the ten toes of the great image of Daniel 2. All students of history are well acquainted with
the names of those tribal conquerors of Western Europe in 476 A.D. They were the Anglo-Saxons, Alemanni, Heruli, Vandals, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Suevi, Lombards, Burgundians and Franks.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:18pm On Dec 16, 2016
Seven of those tribes are still in existence to this very day, having grown into modem nations. They survive on the map of Europe as significant twentieth century powers. Three of them disappeared from the stage of history, as we shall learn in just a moment.

The Little Horn

Now we are prepared to read the next verse of the prophecy and find out the meaning of the little horn in the vision of Daniel. “I considered
the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Verse 8. Here we must be very, very careful, indeed. We must not make the mistake of falsely identifying the little horn power, because it will prove to be the great antichrist power of history.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:20pm On Dec 16, 2016
In order to avoid all mistakes of identity, it would be well first to consider the nine characteristic marks described in the prophecy itself. These marks of identity will enable us to be absolutely sure of the interpretation. We dare not guess or speculate concerning the historical identity of this “little horn” of prophecy. First of all, the little horn came up among the ten. This places it geographically in Western Europe. Second, it came up after the ten arose, because it came up “among them.” Since the ten arose in 476 A.D., the little horn would have to begin its reign some time after that date. Third, it would uproot three of the ten tribes as it came to power. The eighth verse says that before the little horn, “there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots.”

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:24pm On Dec 16, 2016
Fourth, the little horn would have “eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.” Verse 8. This indicates that a human being would be at the head of the power represented by the little horn. Fifth, “he shall be diverse from the first (horns).” Verse 24. This means that the little horn would be a different kind of power from those purely political kingdoms that preceded it. The sixth characteristic is revealed in the first part of verse twenty-five, “And he shall speak great words against the most High.” Another verse says, “speaking great things and blasphemies.” Revelation 13:5. At this point, let’s define from the Bible the meaning of blasphemy. In John 10:30–33, Jesus was about to be stoned for claiming to be one
with the Father. The Jews who were going to kill Him said, “For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.” According to this text, it is blasphemy for a man to be accorded the place of God.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:26pm On Dec 16, 2016
Now let us read another definition of blasphemy. Jesus had forgiven a man his sins, and the scribes said, “Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” Mark 2:7. Clearly, Jesus was not a blasphemer, because He was God and He was able to forgive sin. But for a man to make such claims would constitute blasphemy, according to the Bible’s own definition. Now we come to the seventh point of identity, found also in verse twenty-five, “and shall wear out the saints of the most High.” This tells us that the little horn is a persecuting power. It will make war with God’s people and cause them to be put to death. The eighth mark is also given in verse twenty-five, “and think to change times and laws.” Apparently, in its bitter opposition to the God of Heaven, in speaking great words against Him, this power also seeks to change the great law of God. This move of the little horn could only be an attempt to make a change. Obviously, man can never alter the moral law of God.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by akintom(m): 9:27pm On Dec 16, 2016
Eschatology is one the religious gimmicks, designed to preoccupy the religious minds with futuristic tales. So that they will be under the illusion of something bigger than them.

With this, they hope for an illusionary bliss, that they looked forward to easing the challenges that be in the world.

According to the legend...

* in the heaven, Satan poked god face, god couldn't handle Satan

* in the garden, Satan took over Adam and Eve, yet god couldn't handle Satan.

* in Rome, Satan executed the rebellious nazarene, god abandoned the rebel. Satan had a spectacular show of the rebel.

*in 21st century, Satan has been tormenting the followers of the rebellious nazarene, god is hiding, and promising apocalyptic intervention.

Religious folks are dupes!
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:28pm On Dec 16, 2016
A Rule of 1,260 Years

The ninth, and final identifying mark, in verse twenty-five, tells us exactly how long this little horn would exercise authority in the earth, “and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” Here we are faced with a strange expression. It is actually a prophetic term that the Bible itself explains. In Revelation 12:14, we read these words concerning the same time period, “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” Now read verse six, which describes the same event. Instead of saying, “a time, times, and half a time,” it says, “a thousand two hundred and threescore days.”

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:30pm On Dec 16, 2016
Thus we see that the two periods of time are exactly the same. By comparing these Scriptures, we understand that a time is a year in Bible prophecy, times is two years, and half a time is half a year. This gives us a total of 3 1/2 times, or 3 1/2 years, because 3 1/2 years is exactly equal to 1,260 days. We are using, of course, the Bible year of 360 days. We are now ready to apply another great principle in the interpretation of prophecy. Please notice that always in measuring prophetic time, God uses a day to represent a year. In Ezekiel 4:6 we read the actual rule, “I have appointed thee each day for a year.” Further support of this is found in Numbers 14:34. This method of reckoning time must always be applied in the study of Bible prophecy. This means, then, that the little horn power would rule for 1,260 years, instead of merely 1,260 days.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:34pm On Dec 16, 2016
An Exact Fulfillment

We have before us now a list of nine specific characteristics, which have been lifted out of the seventh chapter of Daniel in description of the little-horn power. There is only one power in all history that meets the description given here. In other words, God closes every other option, and forces us to the only possible conclusion: the Catholic Church alone fulfills all the points of identity established in Daniel 7. Let us take a quick look and notice how clearly this is done. First of all, the papacy did arise in western Europe, at the very heart of the territory of the pagan Roman Empire—in Rome itself. Second, it did come up after 476 A.D. It was in the year 538 A.D. that a decree of Emperor Justinian went into effect that assigned absolute preeminence to the Church of Rome. These are facts of history that can be verified by any authoritative historical source.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 9:50pm On Dec 16, 2016
Third, when the papacy arose, it was opposed by three of the tribes that had taken over at the collapse of the Roman Empire. The Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli were Arian powers that strongly opposed the rise of the Catholic Church. The armies of Rome marched in to uproot and completely destroy these three tribes. The last of the three was destroyed in the very year 538 A.D., when Justinian’s decree went into effect. Fourth, the Catholic Church did have a man at the head of its system. Fifth, the papacy was a diverse kind of power from the other political kingdoms before it. It was a religio-political system quite unlike anything that had been seen in the world before that time. Now we take a look at the sixth characteristic— the speaking of great words and blasphemy against the Most High. Does the papacy meet this description?

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 10:04pm On Dec 16, 2016
We need only to be reminded that the Catholic Church has ever attributed to itself the power to forgive sins. As to the great words, let me quote from an article by F. Lucii Ferraris, contained in the book Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica Juridica Moralis Theologica. This book was printed at Rome and is sanctioned by the Catholic encyclopedia. Listen to these claims: “The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted, that he is not a mere man, but as it were God and the Vicar of God. The Pope is, as it were, God on earth, chief king of kings, having plenitude of power.” Volume VI, pp. 2529. These are only a few of the words that the Bible defines as blasphemy. Thus, the papacy meets the marks of identity as the little horn power.

Coming now to the seventh point of identity, we find that history supports the prophecy concerning papal persecution. Everyone who has any knowledge of the Middle Ages is acquainted with the fact that millions of people were tortured and killed by the Catholic inquisitions. From a book written by a Catholic cardinal, which also bears the sanction of the Church, we read, “The Catholic Church … has a horror of blood. Nevertheless when confronted by heresy … she has recourse to force, to corporal punishment, to torture. She creates tribunals like the Inquisition. She calls the laws of the state to her aid. … Especially did she act thus in the 16th Century with regard to Protestants. … In France, under Francis I and Henry II, in England under Mary Tudor, she tortured the heretics.” The Catholic Church, The Renaissance and Protestantism, pp. 182-184.

We could multiply statements like this from historians, both Catholic and Protestant, that describe the horrible tortures of the papal authorities upon Protestants. Thus we can see the complete fulfillment of this description of the little horn.

The eighth mark, as given in verse twenty-five, concerns the attempt to change God’s laws. Does this apply to the papacy? Please note this: the Catholic Church has removed the second commandment from her doctrinal books and catechism, because it condemns the worship of images. The tenth commandment is then divided so that they still have ten commandments. But two are against coveting, and there is none against idolatry. In this way, the papacy has thought to change the law, but unsuccessfully. God’s law cannot be changed.

Finally, we come to the ninth identifying mark, which tells us exactly how long this papal power would exercise its authority in the earth. We discovered that it would be for a period of 1,260 years. Is this according to the record of history? Remember, that we have noted how the papacy began its reign, by order of Justinian, in 538 A.D. By counting down 1,260 years from this date we are brought to the year 1798. In that very year the French general, Berthier, marched his armies into Rome and pulled the Pope off his throne. He was carried away into exile, and all the properties of the Church were confiscated.

The French Directory government decreed that there would never be another Bishop of Rome. As far as the world was concerned, and by all outward appearance, the Catholic Church was dead. After exactly 1,260 years, in fulfillment of the prophecy, she lost her control of the world. Thus, the final point is clearly fulfilled in the papacy, and in it only.L

Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 10:16pm On Dec 16, 2016
The Beast and Little Horn

Identical You may be wondering what all of this has to do with the beast of Revelation 13. We are now
ready to identify that strange, composite animal described in the book of Revelation. Let us read
the description of that beast once more, which has the body of a leopard, the feet of a bear, and the mouth of a lion. “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.” Verse 5. Notice, please, that this beast is doing exactly the same thing as the little horn of Daniel. Verse five continues, “And power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.” How long is forty-two months? Exactly 1,260 prophetic days or years—the same as the 3 1/2 times of Daniel’s prophecy. Concerning the beast, we read further, “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them.” Verse 7. This beast is also a persecut- ing power. In other words, the beast of Revelation 13 is the very same power as the little horn.
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 10:19pm On Dec 16, 2016
Both are symbolic of the papacy. This is God’s graphic illustration of the papal power, as it came up to exercise arbitrary authority over the earth for 1,260 years. Further similarity is found by reading Revelation 13:3, “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” As we have already established, the deadly wound was given in the year 1798 A.D., when the French armies carried the Pope away into exile. But that wound was to be healed, and finally the whole world would give its allegiance to the papacy again. That prophecy has been fulfilled very, very vividly before our eyes. It was in the year 1929 that Mussolini executed the Concordat of 1929 with the Pope, restoring the properties that had been taken away from the Church.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 10:21pm On Dec 16, 2016
At that time, the Pope was actually made king once more, and the Vatican City was set up as a political sovereign power. From that day to this, the strength of the papacy has been advancing with tremendous strides. At this present time most of the countries of the world have political representatives at Vatican City. The incredible influence of the papacy in world affairs is attested to by the headlines in today’s newspaper. Almost every utterance of the pope is published to the ends of the earth, and millions and millions of people look to the papal power as the greatest influence in politics today. Yes, the wound has certainly been healed, and the world continues to follow after the beast.

Cc: Mimzyy
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 10:24pm On Dec 16, 2016

At this point, we are prepared to ask another question concerning this appropriation of power on the part of the beast. Where did she receive the authority to rule over the world for 1,260 years and to persecute so many millions of people for their faith? The answer is found in Revelation 13:2, “And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Notice that the power comes from the dragon. But who is the dragon? Revelation 12:7-9: “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 10:28pm On Dec 16, 2016
The dragon, of course, is Satan himself. But when did Satan deceive the whole world? When he was cast out of heaven, there were only two people on the earth, and they represented the entire world. By deceiving Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Satan led all the world astray and came into temporary possession of the earth. The great controversy between good and evil, which had started in heaven, was now transferred to this planet.

A Prediction of Enmity

After the fall of man, God pronounced a curse upon each participant in that original transgression. In Genesis 3:15, we read of the curse that was placed upon the devil or the dragon. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Here is a prophecy of the age long struggle that would exist between the dragon and the woman, and between the seed of the dragon and the seed of the woman.
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by OLAADEGBU(m): 6:03pm On Jan 05, 2017

Who is the antichrist? Does the Bible give enough information for us to be able to identify the antichrist?

Suggested answer:

Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 6:11pm On Jan 05, 2017

Suggested answer:


The suggested answer you gave can only serve to confuse those looking for answers. The article claimed that the Bible does not say anything specific about where the antichrist will come from. This is a lie! The Bible gives us all the information we need about the antichrist, who he is, where he will come from(he's been here since before the dark ages) and what he will do.

Holy men of GOD and discerning people throughout the ages have identified the antichrist. Martin Luther, John Huss, the Calvins, Tyndale, Wycliffe, Isaac Newton all knew who he is.
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 6:14pm On Jan 05, 2017
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by mohamedali(m): 7:01pm On Jan 05, 2017
Who is the antichrist? Does the Bible give enough information for us to be able to identify the antichrist?
This is him blieve me ...every massenge worry about Nazareth Chris

Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by petra1(m): 7:27pm On Jan 05, 2017
The dragon, of course, is Satan himself. But when did Satan deceive the whole world? When he was cast out of heaven, there were only two people on the earth, and they represented the entire world. By deceiving Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Satan led all the world astray and came into temporary possession of the earth. The great controversy between good and evil, which had started in heaven, was now transferred to this planet.

A Prediction of Enmity

After the fall of man, God pronounced a curse upon each participant in that original transgression. In Genesis 3:15, we read of the curse that was placed upon the devil or the dragon. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Here is a prophecy of the age long struggle that would exist between the dragon and the woman, and between the seed of the dragon and the seed of the woman.

are you an adventist?

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Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by DoctorAlien(m): 7:30pm On Jan 05, 2017
are you an adventist?

Why asking?
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by orisa37: 7:51pm On Jan 05, 2017
Every Selfish human.
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by orisa37: 7:55pm On Jan 05, 2017
Nothing is useless unless you're nothing!!!
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by orisa37: 8:07pm On Jan 05, 2017
Sonoflucifer and Otemanuduno are recommended to desurrect(plunge) into Hell. To be later joined by Francis!!!
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by orisa37: 8:11pm On Jan 05, 2017
If you don't know CHRIST, you're anti Christ!!!
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by orisa37: 8:13pm On Jan 05, 2017
Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by otemanuduno: 8:13pm On Jan 05, 2017
Sonoflucifer and Otemanuduno are recommended to desurrect(plunge) into Hell. To be later joined by Francis!!!
Pls give me the date I'll plunge into hell. Anyway, hell is not for unbelievers in Yahweh(Satan), but for the believers in him who make mistakes.
Niklatians 12:8
8. For they who think of demons and hell shall appear in hell and see the demons which they think about. And he who does not believe in all these things shall not also experience them.

As for me, I go to either the Chumorld or the Clumoid to continue my life, or I get reincarnated to the earth.

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Re: Who Is The Antichrist? by otemanuduno: 8:18pm On Jan 05, 2017
It's no longer obama

You guys created a media frenzy on the "666" chip that time, shouting the end has come.

Then you turned to the pope after he made concessionary statements about gays.

Now obama is gone, the pope's no longer a likely suspect and you're back to your guessing games eh

Assuming Hillary Clinton won the US ELECTION, she would have been named the anti-she-christ. cheesy
Wilgrea7, don't forget my dear Niklas was accused also of being an Antichrist millions of years back and they hated his doctrine called the Niklatian Doctrine.


Niklatians 12: 1-22

1. Now Niklas began to declare to many, saying, use your heads, or else you shall be in bondage to men who say that they are men of God.
2. For God does not favour some men above another to call them men of God. For if there are men of God, then from whom came all other men?
3. I have heard some here who speak of the world as a place owned by two personalities of almost equal powers. But I say it is not so. For the world is a part of the universe and everything on earth is connected to the universe.
4. And the Universe is God and they are not separated. And God, being the Universe is whom we see at the opening of our eyes and he is us, manifesting himself in all possible manners.
5. And in closing our eyes, we see the inner universe also. And both the outer and the inner universes define our beliefs and realities.
6. And whatever we believe upon shall be made real to us. For one who made demons for himself in the outer universe shall see demons in his inner universe, which are the dreams and the visions he shall see.
7. Therefore let everyone be careful with what he believes, for he who believes a god is subject to the god whom he believes. And his inner universe is shapened by the imagination of the god whom he believes upon.
8. For they who think of demons and hell shall appear in hell and see the demons which they think about. And he who does not believe in all these things shall not also experience them.
9. And he who thinks that he can exploit the universe shall exploit it to a great extend, yet no one can explore the whole of the universe, because God Almighty, who is the universe, cannot be totally explored.
10. For when any thinks that he has found the limit of God, he shall be surprised to know that he has not even begun. For the gods have paraded themselves as God Almighty for billions of years now.
11. And the homos have learnt about the gods, calling them the attributes of God Almighty.
12. Now indeed all the gods are only an insignificant branch of God Almighty, therefore all the knowledge which we think we have acquired are less in comparison to a drop of water in an ocean.
13. Now is the time whereby we shall seek God in ourselves rather than in the sky, for God Almighty has diffused into us all.
14. Now some came to Niklas and said, shall the world not come to an end very soon? Why do you bring all these suddenly to us? And you do not speak of these topic which everyone speak about, saying, the world shall end soon.
15. And Niklas said, the noise of a world coming to an end shall last for more than two millenniums and it shall hinder development of the earth. For it shall limit thoughts and productivity.
16. But in the second millennium shall the homos arise and shake themselves off their delusions of a world coming to an end. But rather, the world of findings and development shall begin when the world of religious deceptions shall start to come to an end.
17. For I tell you the truth, the earth shall remain more than two millenniums from now. And in 2016 years from this time that I speak shall the son of truth arise and conquer lies and deceptions.
18. And he shall open way for many to go. And they shall abandon fear of death for the development of their brains and their world.
19. And they shall love the world as it is. And they shall care for the things that are in the world; the flowers of nature and the waters and the precious stones.
20. And they shall love themselves also.
21. And the users of the brains shall be moral people, doing what is good to themselves and to their neighbours. And they shall not join to fight wars of religion. But the religious fanatics shall remain so, killing others for their gods, even as our forefathers do in Juda and in Roma and in many parts of the world.
22. But the brain users shall not be found doing this, for a great renewal has come upon their heads.

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