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Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses - Religion (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses (44441 Views)

Bishop Oyedepo: It's Wrong To Allow People In Market And Not In Church / Jehovahs Witnesses that believe they are the only True Christians.Please come in / Jehovahs Witnesses Suicide Rate 5 To 10 Times Above Average (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by rottennaija(m): 9:59am On Mar 19, 2017


Please, make your write nice. Bold some headings, for easy reading. The write up is already well arraigned, but bold the subheadings, just like is found on the jwsurvey.org website, it will be presentable and easy to understand by the readers

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by bugativeron: 9:59am On Mar 19, 2017
This post is totally misleading. You take a decision to be baptised as a Jehovah's witness through water baptism by yourself no body ever force anyone to be. Even parents dont make that choice for their children. If you decided to abandon the truth which the organisation is after baptism, you will be excommunicated by your family member and fellow witnesses. You are deem fit to mix wit other people but witnesses hold on strongly to the bible quote, that whoever abandon the truth is worse than and unbeliever and you should not associate with such. Because he willingly abandon the truth.
On issue of blood the bible admonishes us to abstain from blood, because it is life itself.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by KINGOFJAPAN: 9:59am On Mar 19, 2017

Also, most of they so called Awake magazines usually in fact 80% of the articles criticize the Catholic Church and they tell lies and black mail the church by twisting the history of most of the doctrines of the Catholic Church, a church which existed decades before their own, which to me is totally bad, it's the more reason I don't even listen to them when they come to preach to me, I just bring out my rosary when they see it they flee.


They don't blindly criticize the Catholic Church. Most, if not all, of their articles about the Catholic Church are actually true.
The Catholic Church of today is way different from that of centuries back. I


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Handsomecole(m): 10:01am On Mar 19, 2017
Tell me a story. You are not a Catholic I presume so you can't tell me about a church I was born in. Thanks

They don't blindly criticize the Catholic Church. Most, in not all, of their articles about the Catholic Church are actually true.
The Catholic Church of today is way different from that of centuries back. I
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by martineverest(m): 10:01am On Mar 19, 2017
i worship in pentecostal churches,ironically,i only allow witnesses and catholic to preach to me


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by eitsei(m): 10:02am On Mar 19, 2017
I never read my course works finish sef

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Lincoln275(m): 10:02am On Mar 19, 2017
its a longyyy
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by omobritiko: 10:03am On Mar 19, 2017
In short, most countries with powerful leaders do so much against human right.
And this attack is always on religion, Christian actually.

If they protest, i pray it doesn't result into catastrophe. God bless who love God!

Haha...I see no difference btw those witnesses and jihadist...they just don't use bombs yet...I support crack down on any religion that do more harm than good,you should do the same
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by DavidEsq(m): 10:04am On Mar 19, 2017
OP, pls, wats with the child rape cover up, u are referring to as a part of the religious practice of JW? Pls elucidate.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by DavidEsq(m): 10:05am On Mar 19, 2017

Haha...I see no difference btw those witnesses and jihadist...they just don't use bombs yet...I support crack down on any religion that do more harm than good,you should do the same
Pls in such a situation, it wld be beneficial to always be very clear, precise with the necessary details. What do u mean by "more harm dan good"? Wats the "more harm" ish?
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by DavidEsq(m): 10:09am On Mar 19, 2017
This post is totally misleading. You take a decision to be baptised as a Jehovah's witness through water baptism by yourself no body ever force anyone to be. Even parents dont make that choice for their children. If you decided to abandon the truth which the organisation is after baptism, you will be excommunicated by your family member and fellow witnesses. You are deem fit to mix wit other people but witnesses hold on strongly to the bible quote, that whoever abandon the truth is worse than and unbeliever and you should not associate with such. Because he willingly abandon the truth.
On issue of blood the bible admonishes us to abstain from blood, because it is life itself.
I wld be very grateful if we cld talk more on this blood and excommunication ish. Cld we talk on watsapp?
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by DavidEsq(m): 10:12am On Mar 19, 2017


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by paulGrundy(m): 10:14am On Mar 19, 2017
OP, pls, wats with the child rape cover up, u are referring to as a part of the religious practice of JW? Pls elucidate.

Go thru my profile topics


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by KINGOFJAPAN: 10:14am On Mar 19, 2017
Tell me a story. You are not a Catholic I presume so you can't tell me about a church I was born in. Thanks
Like I said earlier the Catholic Church of before is way the different frim the one of today.
I'm talking about a church that was influenced by pagan rituals and beliefs,a church that waged military conflicts against non catholics, a church that instigated the inquisition, imprisoned or killed "heretics" and "witches".
Denying the crimes of the Catholic Church makes you just another biased Catholic.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ekanDamie: 10:14am On Mar 19, 2017
The blood transfusion thing is why I don't like them
are you a Christian? if you are, have you ever tried to find out more if their stand is justified or not? no one really wants to die, even Jesus would have loved to continue on earth, but, doing the right thing even tho it meant dieing is an act me n u are leveraging on today. so, ask urself why JW face death in obedience to God


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by rottennaija(m): 10:15am On Mar 19, 2017
This post is totally misleading. You take a decision to be baptised as a Jehovah's witness through water baptism by yourself no body ever force anyone to be. Even parents dont make that choice for their children. If you decided to abandon the truth which the organisation is [/b]after baptism, you will be excommunicated by your family member and fellow witnesses. You are deem fit to mix wit other people but witnesses hold on strongly to the bible quote, that whoever abandon the truth is worse than and unbeliever and you should not associate with such. Because he [b]willingly abandon the truth.
On issue of blood the bible admonishes us to abstain from blood, because it is life itself.

Truth is based on your believes and what you choose to say it is. He may have been baptised based on what he learnt then and believed. However, if he later finds them to be wrong, he has the right to leave that truth. That idea of organisation is truth no longer applies to him. You can no longer apply the idea of truth to him. He left because it wasn't truth to him.

So you cannot stop him from his family because you believe what he doesn't.

And by the way, the Bible only said Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. It didn't say that the organisation is the truth.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by DavidEsq(m): 10:17am On Mar 19, 2017

Go thru my profile topics
OK, doing dat now. See WAEC homework cheesy.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by maximunimpact(m): 10:17am On Mar 19, 2017
JWs almost turned me to atheist, after brainwatching bible students into believing other religions are apostates, you now agree to be a witness only to find out their shaky and dark foundation built on lies and 1914. You begin to wonder if any religion truely worship God, at this point any religious talk is a turn-off ------welcome to atheism.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Nobody: 10:19am On Mar 19, 2017
Anytime any day, I prefer Jehovah witnesses than the so called religion of peace but members are sucide bombers and volunteer murderers. Mr Putin sir, the good people of the world needs you to crush ISIS jihad people only.
ask your mom who is your real dad

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by ekanDamie: 10:19am On Mar 19, 2017

Haha...I see no difference btw those witnesses and jihadist...they just don't use bombs yet...I support crack down on any religion that do more harm than good,you should do the same
its understandable if you don't like the witnesses, but don't you think u are being extreme?
can u mention a communal clash JW Ave ever been involved with let alone terrorism?you may think the doctrine are abnormal but DAT does not relate them to bombers, b more realistic brov.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Longcucumber(m): 10:19am On Mar 19, 2017
It's too long abeg. Summary pls
truth be told,you are one of the basic challange we have in this country.what is long there.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by musa7m(m): 10:20am On Mar 19, 2017
The blood transfusion thing is why I don't like them
2nd...dem dnt beliv in hell fire.....
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by paulGrundy(m): 10:21am On Mar 19, 2017
OP, pls, wats with the child rape cover up, u are referring to as a part of the religious practice of JW? Pls elucidate.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Nobody: 10:29am On Mar 19, 2017
the writer of this article is seriously confused.


Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by abdulaz: 10:29am On Mar 19, 2017
My main grouse with Jehovah's witnesses is this blood transfusion issue..I work with patients that have Chronic Kidney Disease and they usually require blood transfusion due to the nature of the disease.
When a new patient comes and I see the person is a JW,I know his/her time on this earth is not long again.I've seen at least 5 patients die due to refusal to take blood. Last one was one fine 23 yr lady. Both she and her husband adamantly refused blood. She died on the dialysis machine.
The only one that I know survived was because the husband loved her more than their religion. She was unconscious on the machine,we told him her only saving grace was blood. He thought long and hard and agreed. He however said we shouldn't put the blood transfusion sticker in her case note and throughout the process,no family member came to see her on the machine.
Till today,even the woman does not know she had blood..thinks her faith made her whole.

So touching.

If I was the husband to the girl, I would have told her let me see if she would commit suicide. Non.sense sheeples.

This is why I hate religious doctrines, it brainwashes the mind to the extent that the person lacks total rational thinking.

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by kevoh(m): 10:29am On Mar 19, 2017
My main grouse with Jehovah's witnesses is this blood transfusion issue..I work with patients that have Chronic Kidney Disease and they usually require blood transfusion due to the nature of the disease.
When a new patient comes and I see the person is a JW,I know his/her time on this earth is not long again.I've seen at least 5 patients die due to refusal to take blood. Last one was one fine 23 yr lady. Both she and her husband adamantly refused blood. She died on the dialysis machine.
The only one that I know survived was because the husband loved her more than their religion. She was unconscious on the machine,we told him her only saving grace was blood. He thought long and hard and agreed. He however said we shouldn't put the blood transfusion sticker in her case note and throughout the process,no family member came to see her on the machine.
Till today,even the woman does not know she had blood..thinks her faith made her whole.
Very smart husband! smiley

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by xynerise: 10:30am On Mar 19, 2017

are you a Christian? if you are, have you ever tried to find out more if their stand is justified or not? no one really wants to die, even Jesus would have loved to continue on earth, but, doing the right thing even tho it meant dieing is an act me n u are leveraging on today. so, ask urself why JW face death in obedience to God

Jesus showed example by dying for you and me so why shouldn't we save others with our blood?

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Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Stylz69(m): 10:31am On Mar 19, 2017
JW... turned a friend of mine into a zombie. She was my gf until one JW in the guise of door to door visit snatched her and married smiley.. for fun I'd send her birthday, Easter and Christmas greetings. Come to think of it, we grew up reading My book of bible stories which was a JW publication so I guess they aren't that bad after all but I still don't like them
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by MadCow1: 10:31am On Mar 19, 2017
Thank God I am in the Witness Protection Program. grin
Re: Why It Is Wrong To Ban Jehovahs Witnesses by Originalsly: 10:32am On Mar 19, 2017
The blood transfusion thing is why I don't like them
Not a JW..... but the Bible does not support blood transfusion.... blood is life..... the same why the blood of animals should be drained before eating the meat. I guess it's OK to store your own blood and reuse in a transfusion....but not the blood of another person. What I don't understand with JWs is they are against blood transfusion but support organ transplant..... when organ transplant cannot take place without blood transfusion.
@topic.... Russia is a secular state.... like China... so forget about religion/organisation... no difference. I guess if the JWs met at their place of worship... no problem.... but fanning out and going from door to door... peeking in people's homes.... nooooo..... more like a spy network.... that's not happening!


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