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How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat - Webmasters (3) - Nairaland

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Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by joinnow: 8:23am On Mar 22, 2017
Dude should take the 3billion offer. Anyhow you look at it, he's made for life.
Pesin see 3billion dollar reject it
Na wa
May bi people from him village they follow am for back.

For collect the 3billion $ and forbe for Don add him name for top 20list

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Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by bobo65(m): 8:25am On Mar 22, 2017
LIKE if you think Mark Z is a thief , SHARE if you think he is innovative

Mark has always been stealing, right from d invention of Facebook

Watch "the social network" for more info

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Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Mattex001(m): 8:26am On Mar 22, 2017
I guess he saw great potentials in the App and that's why he refused to sell it off. Mark will always do all he can to stay at the edge and get rid of rivals regardless of what it might cost him.

He's the boss of Social Media, talk about Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp. He owns it's all


Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by martineverest(m): 8:29am On Mar 22, 2017
Evan made a good decision not to sell at 3billion dollars, today Snapchat is worth almost 30billion dollars, that's a man with vision. Mark keeps buying everything and anything up, smart but greedy AF.

However, I believe Snapchat is big enough to go to a battle of wits with Facebook, its high time someone started using mark's tactics against them. Recall, comparing Facebook and Snapchat, Snapchat had a faster shoot in growth and fortune. Evan and Bob can leverage on that and begin to build an empire around Snapchat with more functionalities, branching out like Mark did.
snapchat will die when Facebook fully add snapchat features to Instagram and Facebook especially... Instagram stories is already in the reducing snapchat users and attracting them to Instagram. Some celebrities are already complaining that the number snapchat followers is reducing
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nobody: 8:36am On Mar 22, 2017
Am still trying to wrap my head around this part " mark offered to buy snapchat for 3 billion dollars but Evan refused".
He created something that money can't buy.
Know your Worth.
Snapchat is worth over $25billion now

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Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by nkemjacob2(m): 8:36am On Mar 22, 2017
this re country dat re keen to make her citizens billionaires......
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by ruggedtimi(m): 8:39am On Mar 22, 2017
Am still trying to wrap my head around this part " mark offered to buy snapchat for 3 billion dollars but Evan refused".
good move by evan...cos he has made that money already.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Nobody: 8:40am On Mar 22, 2017
whether he likes it or not, snapchat is dying
You say?
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by ibietela2(m): 8:45am On Mar 22, 2017
he wanted to buy it 3billion dollars before but they rejected it

More than what he bought Instagram
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by TosineGuy(m): 8:55am On Mar 22, 2017
abeg when will facebook owner buy 2go?
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by skarz: 9:06am On Mar 22, 2017

More than what he bought Instagram
it was when he tried to buy it that Snapchat became popular and more expensive

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Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Caseless: 9:08am On Mar 22, 2017
Buhari is a career phool.
this chubby ugly girl sef.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Xzbit91: 9:18am On Mar 22, 2017
Dude should take the 3billion offer. Anyhow you look at it, he's made for life.
Dude, that was in 2013, Spiegel is already worth $4b in his latest IPO of snap which is the biggest in history since Facebook. I'm talking about his individual worth not the worth of his company Snap. If he had accepted the initial offer, he would pocket just $790m

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Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Xzbit91: 9:21am On Mar 22, 2017
Am still trying to wrap my head around this part " mark offered to buy snapchat for 3 billion dollars but Evan refused".
Yes, that was in 2013, snap is worth more than $25b right now
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by JeffreyJamez(m): 9:23am On Mar 22, 2017
Didn't Snapchat recently launch a very successful IPO? Check your facts

Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by stealthtiger(m): 9:27am On Mar 22, 2017
I pray they do not go down like Snaptu did
Snapchats IPO is likely the most expensive tech IPO. Surging 44% in Stock debut. So they're doing well. Having snap features on fb is a no no. The snap features on whatsapp contradicts whatsapp stance as a smart messaging app. Zuckerberg should just concentrate on his ambitions in IoT and drone provided Internet
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by TheEminentLaity: 9:27am On Mar 22, 2017
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by JeffreyJamez(m): 9:29am On Mar 22, 2017

Snapchats IPO is likely the most expensive tech IPO. Surging 44% in Stock debut. So they're doing well. Having snap features on fb is a no no. The snap features on whatsapp contradicts whatsapp stance as a smart messaging app. Zuckerberg should just concentrate on his ambitions in IoT and drone provided Internet

Lol read this http://fortune.com/2017/03/21/snapchat-snap-ipo-wall-street/. Before you say the stock is doing well.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by ebby9z(m): 9:30am On Mar 22, 2017
Dude should take the 3billion offer. Anyhow you look at it, he's made for life.
Its too late. The chance has passed. Mark has nothing to gain by buying snapchat anymore. Days of snapchat are numbered
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Oluwasaeon(m): 9:31am On Mar 22, 2017

Snapchats IPO is likely the most expensive tech IPO. Surging 44% in Stock debut. So they're doing well. Having snap features on fb is a no no. The snap features on whatsapp contradicts whatsapp stance as a smart messaging app. Zuckerberg should just concentrate on his ambitions in IoT and drone provided Internet

I think that's the way Zuckerberg is, tried doing same to Twitter.
'The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend'
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by almarthins(m): 9:38am On Mar 22, 2017
Buhari is a career phool.

And you what are you?
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by davidif: 9:41am On Mar 22, 2017

Its too late. The chance has passed. Mark has nothing to gain by buying snapchat anymore. Days of snapchat are numbered

But Snapchat just had the biggest IPO in tech history. Apparently investors think differently than you do.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by davidif: 9:43am On Mar 22, 2017

Pesin see 3billion dollar reject it
Na wa
May bi people from him village they follow am for back.

For collect the 3billion $ and forbe for Don add him name for top 20list

But I heard that Snapchat is now worth 25 billion today so apparently they made the right decision. KNOW YOUR WORTH!!!
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by LORDI(m): 9:44am On Mar 22, 2017
Zuckerberg doesn't stand a chance against snapchat.
Even after the introduction of "stories to whatsapp and instagram it still doesn't stand a chance...
Here my reason
1.even though whatsapp now has story feature as snapchat, whatsapp is a more or less private communication platform,however one need to be in your contact before you can view them. Here snapchat has an edge over them.
2.secondly instagram stories to me is Wack,its showing on the top, I barely view instagram stories because sometimes they are invisible to me.
Beside snapchat has cool features like the bitmoji,and filters, snap can clearly handle the competition.
If Evans is wise, this is the time for him to step up his game.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by joinnow: 10:10am On Mar 22, 2017

But I heard that Snapchat is now worth 25 billion today so apparently they made the right decision. KNOW YOUR WORTH!!!

is worth 25b in paper
but the ipo sold never reach 3billion self as at march 2.
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by pacespot(m): 10:16am On Mar 22, 2017
It's all fair in a business world, so far it is growing the empire.

Facebook also did this to Twitter with Facebook's Live, which copied a live video broadcast tool, Periscope, owned by Twitter.

But I think there are certain lines no one would cross especially when a product can be patented. American government has a way of getting back to hegemon's like Facebook.

They did it with fines for Microsoft in late 90s, when the company was more concerned with killing off competitors than providing a better service to people.

But my also concern is that, I think Facebook is a tool in the hands of CIA due to its humongous database. They use it to identify your personal information in their intelligence service to government, so that is why Americans want the platform to keep thriving.

I heard people saying Snapchat should sell off, Americans are not Nigerians. These people care more about legacy than money. Even Facebook can't kill Snapchat because Snapchat is unique, its superior lens is still unmatched by Instagram.

Snapchat is a goto place for sharing your stories in short and sweet videos, which makes the platform to now see over 10 billion videos watched every day. Instagram is still more of photos than videos. Though both platforms appeal to a quite similar demography, they differ in this area.

Snapchat just needs to keep reinventing on some features to personalize the experience for users, and it will be fine.


Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by gazilion: 10:36am On Mar 22, 2017
Nigerian youths are busy snapchating, instagramming and Facebooking their lives away.

You and I are busy Nairalanding too smiley
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by ebby9z(m): 10:40am On Mar 22, 2017

But Snapchat just had the biggest IPO in tech history. Apparently investors think differently than you do.
Yes, they do for now. But with the increased battering by Mark, they might start to think differently especially if Snapchat doesnt add unique features
Re: How Mark Zuckerberg Is Slowly Killing Off Snapchat by Larrylarex(m): 10:41am On Mar 22, 2017
I see all the traits of John D. Rockefeller (Sn) in this Mark guy. Bloody monopolist! Buying up all start-up competitors and killing ALL potential threats! Piuni is coming to give all of them a run for their money because I'm sure if you can earn hundreds of dollars because people liked your post on a FREE internet platform. You won't remember all these Facebook and whatsapp rubbish again. Piuni is the future of technology. Won maa sa're!

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