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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / The Devil Wears Okrika (640854 Views)
The Devil's Love (a Tale Of A Rapist) By John Mfon / A Walk With The Devil (Vol. 1) By Devilpen / The Devil In The Suit (2) (3) (4)
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Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Oyindawealth(f): 7:52pm On Jul 26, 2017 |
souloho19:oh Yeah!!... Will do dat right away..... Supizino dear!! Come see... My crush av started 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Hadampson(m): 8:45pm On Jul 26, 2017 |
souloho19: ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Samexdx(m): 10:40pm On Jul 26, 2017 |
souloho19:Thanks detective 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by bakeuhappy: 10:46pm On Jul 26, 2017 |
souloho19:smiles I'm not a bro, I'm a woman and I'm sure it would.keep it up sir 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Nobody: 11:08pm On Jul 26, 2017 |
I'm here! Thanks for the mention. The title though, why won't the devil wear okrika when the recession is biting hard on everyone except politicians. 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Hadampson(m): 11:19pm On Jul 26, 2017 |
KimberlyWest: You are very funny |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by supizino(m): 11:39pm On Jul 26, 2017 |
Oyindawealth:hmm souloho19 take ur time o i no dey joke with my bae o 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by queenitee(f): 12:39am On Jul 27, 2017 |
souloho19:I just saw your mention, thanks 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by meneski(m): 6:42am On Jul 27, 2017 |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:47am On Jul 27, 2017 |
Amarachi was 21 years of age. She was the most sought after lady in Amaife. Her beauty had no equal. She had a face well defined with all the right angles. Clear brown eyes shaded under full lashes and a full mouth. Her father: Dé Nwachukwu was one of the three leaders of the community and he was tired of receiving visitors all asking for his daughter's hand in marriage. Amarachi had been clear: she planned to finish her education before any thought about marriage would cross her mind. Her father knew she was intelligent and very strong willed and so he didn't force her. Moreover he had a high regard for education and wanted his two daughters to be well educated. Presently, Amarachi was in the compound: in the kitchen stirring a pot of soup over a fire. She touched the spoon to her hand and tasted it. "More salt" she said to her friend. Oluchi was her best friend. Had been her best friend since childhood. They had been inseperable and did everything together. Oluchi passed the bowl of salt to her. "Did you hear about Chisom?" Oluchi asked as her friend sprinkled salt in the food. "I heard, so so bad...they said her mother fainted when she heard" "My God, she was the only child....who found her?" "It was little Ndidi and her sister" Oluchi replied setting up another fire "Who is this devil? What kind of terror is this?" Amarachi asked worriedly "That is the third girl in four weeks" Oluchi replied striking the matches. The two friends talked for some minutes about their peaceful community that was getting more dangerous by the day. "Ehen....Paul is coming back tomorrow" "Paul? Oh...your brother" "Yes he's coming from Lagos, and he can't wait to see you" Amarachi raised an eye brow "really" "Yes..we would go and pick him at the park, pleeeeaaasssee" she added batting her lashes playfully when her friend hesitated. Amarachi rolled her eyes "Oh..all right" °•°•°•°•° The devil walked round the market square, enjoying the clear sky and the cool breeze. His appetite had been satisfied temporarily. Very soon he would need to have another girl again. Very very soon. He had someone on his mind. She had been hunting his dreams recently. He waved at a woman selling oranges, flashing her a charming smile and licked his lips in anticipation as he thought about Amarachi. Sweet Amara..... 24 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:48am On Jul 27, 2017 |
Divepen1 I see you, thanks boss |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:49am On Jul 27, 2017 |
bakeuhappy: Forgive me, thanks for following 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:50am On Jul 27, 2017 |
KimberlyWest: Welcome on board. Lol, the devil doesn't wear Prada anymore |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by alarmednigerian: 10:47am On Jul 27, 2017 |
Thank for the update, just want to correct something. "You keep using had instead of has" For instance "her beauty had no equal and she had a face well disjointed" 2 Likes |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by honourable356(m): 12:17pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
Souloho comes again with a bang... I can voucher for him, you won't be disappointed. He proved it before and he will do so again. Do you remember this...? Freeeeeeeeeedom...... I do. Show us what you are made of dude.. Ladies and gentlemen, you are in for one hell of a ride... Every seconds counts. Watch out. Your anticipation would be insatiable . 7 Likes |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by queenitee(f): 1:32pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
meneski:Been working o, how have you been? |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by queenitee(f): 1:35pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
Don't let anything happen to Amara o 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by meneski(m): 1:38pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
queenitee:Am fine... Just missed you. |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by queenitee(f): 1:58pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
meneski:Me too. What's up with our story *last gang standing* |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by meneski(m): 2:12pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
queenitee:Stucked!!! As in the story no gri move again... |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Nobody: 3:56pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
thumbs up More update pls Following........ 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by nabla(f): 4:05pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
am here o,hadmpson shift let me siddon 2 Likes |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by OlufemiWhit(m): 7:57pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
Another wonderful story......keep it up bro 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by queenitee(f): 8:18pm On Jul 27, 2017 |
meneski:Why!!! No na, what happened? |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:29am On Jul 28, 2017 |
alarmednigerian: Thanks for ur observation, I wasn't really conscious of it..would be more aware henceforth. Jah bless |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:30am On Jul 28, 2017 |
honourable356: Honourable welcome sire I really missed ur uplifting comments Good to have you here |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:31am On Jul 28, 2017 |
debbycreamy: Thanks sis top of the morning to you |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:31am On Jul 28, 2017 |
nabla: Welcome on board 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:32am On Jul 28, 2017 |
OlufemiWhit: Thanks boss, welcome |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by souloho19(m): 7:38am On Jul 28, 2017 |
CHAPTER 2 Dé Nwachukwu patted the young boy on the head as he dropped the jug of palm wine. "Thank you my son" "Yes sir, Dé John would be outside soon" The young boy hurried inside the house. There was something intimidating about Dé Nwachukwu. Maybe it was his piercing eyes or the fact that his mouth never turned upwards when he smiled. Especially not this morning when he seemed to be in a bad mood. Dé Nwachukwu folded both arms on his cane and tapped his foot impatiently. He was in a state of distress. His village was in a state of distress. Three of their daughters had been abused! Raped mercilessly, beaten and given a dishonourable death. Where the gods asleep? Who could be behind such devlish acts? Dé Nwachukwu sighed and shook his head in dismay. Too many questions had been plaguing him this past month but no answer was forthcoming. Now three families had been thrown into grief and the worst thing was he feared for more families, he feared for the young daughters of Amaife. He feared for his two daughters- Dé john moved the curtain aside and stepped out. He was a very tall man and he and his friend Dé Nwachukwu always cut a contrasting picture as one was tall and the other short. Dé john had his pipe in his mouth. This was his trademark look, he had on a singlet and a wrapper tied round his waist. He sat down on the bench across his friend. He also looked gloomy. "Dé, I won't greet you good morning because there's nothing good about this morning" "I agree" Dé Nwachukwu nodded, finally picking up the jug of palm wine and pouring the contents into a cup. "What I'm wondering is where Pà Kenneth is" Dé john commented, puffing on his tobacco pipe. "He told me he had a meeting with Bartholomew" Dé John scoffed "the pastor? What is he doing running after churches now?" Dé Nwachukwu sipped from his cup "apparently a crusade is coming from another state and the pastor plans to host them" "Is that what we need right now?" Dé john asked in disgust "Well it appears the gods have forgotten us, so maybe that's what we need" Dé Nwachukwu replied, his voice rising a bit. "We need to call a meeting. Our women are getting scared" "I can't argue with that, very soon they would all lock themselves indoors" Dé john agreed helping himself to the jug. "Maybe that's the best thing" Dé Nwachukwu said. Frankly, he was getting worried for his daughters Especially Amarachi, she was widely regarded as the gem of the village and now more than ever her father was worried for her safety. The three girls that had been murdered had things in common: they were beautiful, they were in their early 20s.... "We need a concrete solution my friend" Dé john brought him back to the present "yes I agree...we need to rally our youths" •°•°•°• The team of youth leaders consisted of 5 people. The head was Osi who was the youth pastor, his right hand man was an extremely thin man known as Gregory, he was the assistant pastor of the youth church and Osi's close friend. Then there was Bukky, she was the official secretary and had the responsibility of editing the monthly editions of the church's "on fire" magazine. The last was Ovie a.k.a Biggie. Ovie was the treasurer in charge of managing and recording the finances and expenses of the youth church. If Gregory was slim, then Ovie was the complete opposite. He was outspoken and lively and Osi personally thought he was fun to be with. That Sunday, Osi had announced that they had an emergency meeting after the service and so they waited. "Please I don't have to remind you of the contributions we talked about" Bukky announced settling down into a chair. She lowered her voice, looking pointedly at Ovie "concerning Osi's birthday" "I didn't forget" he shrugged "Lemme sha remind you guys" "What is this meeting for anyway?" Gregory asked, he was seated on the edge of the desk. There were only three chairs in Osi's office after all and Ovie was tucked comfortably in two while Bukky sat across the table in Osi's chair. Osi himself was nowhere to he found. "I wouldn't be surprised if somebody didn't call this meeting to remind the rest of us about a certain contribution for a particular birthday present" Ovie jabbed his thumb at Bukky when he said "somebody" Gregory chuckled and Bukky rolled her eyes. Before she could speak, the door opened and Osi stepped inside "You're all here.....good" He entered the office and shut the door gently. "What's going on?" Ovie asked immediately. Osi glanced at him. He paced round the small office "we're going to spearhead the uplifting crusade" "Are you serious?" Gregory asked sitting up "What do you mean we?" Ovie asked Osi stopped pacing and looked at his friends "yes Greg...I'm very serious and Ovie I mean in the four of us" "Just us?" Bukky asked "Well, the deacon is going too...I've been in a meeting with him and the Reverend all afternoon. We leave for Amaife tomorrow" "Amaife! I've never heard of it before!" Ovie exclaimed "Yesterday was my first time too, Ovie I need a statement of our purse contents immediately...there's so much to do" "But tomorrow....why weren't we told sooner, to have adequate time to prepare?" Bukky asked, getting up to offer the chair to Osi. He remained standing. Truth be told, his mind was far away. The deacon had thrown some not so subtle shares at him during the meeting and Osi could easily tell that the deacon was rooting for him to mess up and for the crusade to be a failure. For the first time he began feeling the weight of the responsibility. But he was determined to strive under pressure not cave under it. "Don't forget we are not here to serve men...we have a lot to do...Gregory you have calls to make, we need visiting ministers for the duration of one week, Bukky the fliers and tracks and paperwork..its so many...Ovie let's know how much we need!" They all got to work. They were a team, a unit and division of labour was essential for success. 22 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Kimkardashain(f): 7:45am On Jul 28, 2017 |
just saw this now,
following. 1 Like |
Re: The Devil Wears Okrika by Nobody: 10:02am On Jul 28, 2017 |
Souloho can i tel u sth abt u? U faithful 2 ur readers. U no dey starve us at al. Kudos 2 Likes 2 Shares |
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Deceitful Couple / False Pretenses <1ST POSITION, ROMANCE STORY OF THE YEAR AWARD, 2013> / All In A Circle.....(A crime story)
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