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Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered - Religion - Nairaland

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Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by iliyande(m): 7:43am On Oct 08, 2017
The devil's strategy in deceiving believers is to make them doubt the faithfulness of God in answering prayer. Satan would have us believe God has shut His ears to our cry and left us to work things out for ourselves.

A Few Encouragements and Warnings Concerning Prayer.
When You Are Down, and Satan Whispers In Your Ear That God Has Forgotten You, Stop His Mouth With This:

"Devil - it is not God who has forgotten, but it is me. I've forgotten all His past blessings, or else I could not now be questioning his faithfulness."

Here are some good reasons God may not be answering your prayers.


Maybe God isn’t answering your prayer or prayers because you hold a grudge against someone who has hurt you. If you’ve not forgiven them, then you have an obstacle between you and God. Jesus once addressed this situation when He said “whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses” (Mark 11:25), so “if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matt 6:15).

Christ will not even communicate with a wrangling, jangling, unforgiving person. God's law of prayer is clear on this matter, "Lift up pure hands without wrath or doubting" (1 Timothy 2:cool. By not forgiving the sins committed against us, we make it impossible for God to forgive and bless us. He instructed us to pray, "Forgive us, as we forgive others."


The psalmist nails this down nicely by writing,“If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened” (Psalm 66:18), because “If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination” (Prov 28:9). Even further, Isaiah wrote, “When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not listen; your hands are full of blood” (Isaiah 1:15). This last verse was written to Judah, however the same principle applies that if we are living in sin, God will not answer our prayers.

Wrong Request

James tells us that “You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions” (James 4:3). I heard one man say that he was playing the lottery and praying to God to make him the winner so that he could help the poor in his community, but does God really need to use someone’s gambling winnings to help the poor? Doesn’t God own the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:1)? Why would he answer a prayer for someone trying to do something that He can do Himself? God may not answer our prayers if our heart’s not right with Him and we’re asking for the wrong reasons. God will not give us something that will hurt us.
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The devil's final strategy in deceiving believers is to make them doubt the faithfulness of God in answering prayer. Satan would have us believe God has shut His ears to our cry and left us to work things out for ourselves.

I believe the greatest tragedy in the church of Jesus Christ today is that so few now believe in the power and effectiveness of prayer. Without meaning to blaspheme, multitudes of God's people can now be heard complaining, "I pray, but I get no answers. I've prayed so long, so hard, without any results. All I want is to see a little evidence of God changing things. Things go on as usual - nothing happens. How long must I wait?" They no longer visit the secret closet because they are convinced that their petitions, born in prayer, are somewhere miscarried at the throne. Others are convinced that only Daniel, David, and Elijah types can get their prayers through to God.

Let us be careful not to charge God, as did Job, with being slothful; and unconcerned about our needs and petitions. Job complained, "I cry unto thee and thou dost not hear me; I stand up, and though regardest me not" (Job 30:20).

His vision of God's faithfulness was clouded by his present difficulties, and he ended up accusing God of forgetting him. God rebuked him soundly for it.

Asking Not According to God's Will.

We are not at liberty to pray at random for whatever our selfish minds conceive. We are not permitted to come into his presence and vent our silly notions and mindless ramblings. If God signed all our petitions without discretion, He would end up giving His glory away.

There is a law of prayer! It is a law meant to weed out beggarly, self-centered prayers - while, at the same time, making it possible for honest seekers to ask in confidence. In other words, we can pray for whatsoever we will, as long as it is his will.

"If we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us" (1 John 5:14).

The disciples were not praying according to God's will when they prayed with vindictiveness and revenge. They petitioned God thusly, "Shall we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?" Jesus answered, "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of" (Luke 9:54, 55).

Job, in his sorrow, begged God to take his life away. What if God had answered such a prayer? Such praying was contrary to the will of God. The Word warns, "Let not thy lip be hasty to utter a matter before the Lord."

Daniel prayed the right way. First, he went to the Scriptures and searched out the mind of God. Having gotten clear direction, and sure of God's will, he runs to God's throne with a mighty assurance. "And I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer" (Daniel 9:3).

We know too much about what we want and too little about what He wants.

Our Prayers Can Be Aborted When They Are Designed to Fulfill an Inner Lust, Dreams, or Illusions.
"Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lust" (James 4:3).

God will answer no prayer that would add to our honor or assist our temptations. In the first place, God answers no prayer of a person who harbors lust in his or her heart. All answers are dependent on upon the plucking out of our hearts the evil, the lust, and the besetting sins.

"If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me" (Psalm 66:18).

The test of knowing whether or not our request is based on lust is very simple. How we handle delays and denials is the clue. Prayers founded on lust demand hasty answers. If the lusting heart does not get the thing desired, quickly, it whimpers and cries, it swoons and faints - or it breaks out in a spell of murmuring and complaining, finally accusing God of deafness.

Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not" (Isaiah 58:3).

The lustful heart cannot see God's glory in His denials and delays. Yet did God not get more glory by denying Christ's prayer to save His life, if possible, from death? Shudder to think of where we would be today had God not denied that request.

God, in His justice, is obligated to delay or deny our prayers until they are purged of all selfishness and lust.

Could it be there is one simple reason why most of our prayers are hindered? Could it be a result of our ongoing flirtation with a lust or besetting sin? Have we forgotten that only those with clean hands and pure hearts can set their feet on His holy hill? Only a total forsaking of a pet sin will throw open the gates of heaven and unclog the blessings.

Instead of yielding, we run from counselor to counselor - trying to find help to cope with despair, emptiness, and restlessness. Yet, it is all in vain because sin and lust have not yet been plucked out. Sin is the root of all our problems. Peace comes only when we surrender and forsake all lust and secret sin.

Our Prayers Can Be Denied When We Show No Diligence to Assist God in the Answer.

We go to God as if He were a kind of rich relative who will support us and give us all we beg for, while we lift not even a hand to help. We lift our hands to God in prayer, then put them in our pockets.

We expect our prayers to get God to working for us, while we sit idly by, thinking to ourselves, "He has all the power; I have none, so I will simply stand still and let him do the work."

It sounds like good theology, but it is not. God will have no idle beggars at His door. God won't even allow us to be charitable to those who on earth refuse to work.

We cannot go about all day long giving in to our lust and evil desires, then run into the secret closet at night to pray for a miracle of deliverance.

Secret sin causes us to lose ground with God in prayer, because unyielded sin is actually siding with the devil. One of God's names is "Revealer of Secrets" (Daniel 2:47). He must bring to light the hidden secrets of darkness, no matter how saintly the one who tries to hide it. The more pains one goes to in hiding sin, the surer God is to expose it. The coast is never clear to secret sin.

"Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance" (Psalm 90:cool.

God will protect his own honor above the reputation of those who sin in secret. God exposed David's sin in order to keep His own honor before ungodly men. And David, who was so jealous of his own good name and reputation, even today stands before our eyes exposed and still confessing - every time we read about him in the Scripture.

No - God will not allow us to drink from stolen waters, then attempt to drink at His holy fountain. Not only will our secret sin find us out, it will deny us God's best and bring on a flood of despair, doubt, and fear.

Don't blame God for not listening to your prayers if you're not listening to His call to obedience. You will end up blaspheming God and accusing Him of negligence, while all along you'll be the culprit.

Our Prayers Can Be Aborted by Not Expecting Much to Come of Them.

He who expects little from prayer will not have much power and authority in prayer. When we question the power of prayer, we lose it. The devil is trying to rob us of hope by making it appear that prayer is no longer effective.

How clever Satan is, as he tries to deceive us with lies and unnecessary fears. When Isaac was brought the false news that Joseph had been killed, it sickened him to despair, even though it was a lie. Joseph was alive and prospering, while all this time his father grieved in sorrow - having believed the lie. So Satan is trying to deceive us today with lies.

Unbelieving fears rob the believer of joy and confidence in God. God does not hear all prayer - He hears only believing prayer. Prayer is the only weapon we have against all the fiery darkness of the enemy. That weapon must be used in great confidence, or else we have no other defense against Satan's lies. Gods' reputation is at stake.

Our lack of patience is proof enough we don't expect much from prayer. We leave the secret closet of prayer, ready to go on muddling our way through - and we would even be shocked if God did answer.

We think God has not heard us because we see no evidence of an answer. But of this you can be sure - the longer a prayer is delayed, the more perfect it will come forth at last. Also, the deeper the silence, the louder the answer.

Abraham prayed for a child, and God answered. Yet, how many years went by before he held that child in his arms? Every faithful prayer is heard the moment it is prayed, but God chooses to answer in His own way and in His own time. Meanwhile, God expects us to rejoice in the naked promises and feast on hope while we wait for the fulfillment. Also, he wraps His denials in the sweet package of love, to prevent us from falling into despair.

We Attempt to Prescribe How God Should Answer.

The only person we lay down terms to is the one we don't trust. Those we trust we leave to themselves to do what is right. It all boils down to a lack of trust.

The believing soul, after he has unburdened his heart in prayer to the Lord, resigns himself to the faithfulness, goodness, and wisdom of God. The true believer will leave the shaping of the answer to God's mercy. Whatever way God chooses to answer, the believer will welcome it.

David prayed diligently for his household, and then committed all to God's covenant - "Though my house be not so with God, yet He hath made with me a covenant" (2 Samuel 23:5).

Those who prescribe to God how and when to answer actually limit the Holy one of Israel. Since God will not bring the answer in the front door, they are not aware of His coming in the back. They trust only in conclusions and not promises. But God will not be bound up to time, manner, or means of answering. He will forever do exceedingly, abundantly more than we ask or think of asking. He will answer with health, or grace that is better than health. He will send love, or something beyond it. He will deliver, or do something even greater.

He desires that we simply leave our requests lodged in His powerful arms, cast all our care upon Him, and go forth with peace and serenity to wait His relief. How tragic to have so great a God and so little faith in Him.

No more of "Is He able?" Away with such blasphemy! How that must grate on the ears of our almighty God. "Can He pardon? Can He heal? Can He work a work for me?" Away with such unbelief! Come, rather, to him "as unto a faithful Creator." When Hannah prayed through in faith, she "rose from her knees to eat, and her countenance was no more sad."

You see, faith should have a good memory. Our rash and hasty words are results of our forgetting His past benefits. With David, we should pray:

"This is my infirmity, but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High, I will remember the works of the Lord, surely I will remember Thy wonders of old." (Psalm 77:10,11).


We alone are the losers if we do not get back to watching and praying. We become cold, sensuous, and playful when we avoid the secret closet of prayer. What a sad awakening there will be for those who carelessly harbor secret grudges against the Lord for not answering their prayers, when all along they have been slothful. We have not been effectual and fervent. We have not shut ourselves in with Him. We have not put aside our besetting sins. We have asked mostly to consume it on our own lust. We have been materialistic, lazy, unbelieving, doubtful - and then we wonder why our prayers are not answered.

When Christ returns, He will not find faith on the earth, unless we get back into the secret closet, shut in with Christ and His Word.

Time is short; the day of the Lord is at hand. Should we not then be watching and praying?

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by MhizzAJ(f): 7:57am On Oct 08, 2017


Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by truth4u: 8:08am On Oct 08, 2017
You lied.....some people are just lucky, favored or whatever you call it while others are disdained, hated, unlucky and unfavored... Perhaps, even retribution from people past lives are unable to explain while some are favored and others unfavored.....

You people should stop deceiving people with all these Christian bla bla bla


Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by shurley22(f): 9:36am On Oct 08, 2017
Truee....although I've come to realise there are some things you don't need to pray for before having them, that I believe, is Favour


Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Nobody: 9:36am On Oct 08, 2017
May God answer our prsyers.

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by WowSweetGuy(m): 9:37am On Oct 08, 2017
Let me keep quiet sha but prayers no too dey work or God choose who to bless

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by sonofluc1fer: 9:37am On Oct 08, 2017
Even God the Almighty no fit answer every prayer now.

Prayer is just spiritual lottery. grin

22 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by allanphash7(m): 9:42am On Oct 08, 2017
Big ups bro
Even God the Almight no fit answer every prayer now.

Prayer is just spiritual lottery. grin
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by HayZee06(m): 9:44am On Oct 08, 2017
Even God the Almighty no fit answer every prayer now.

Prayer is just spiritual lottery. grin
Lottery u say undecided

1 Like

Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by sonofluc1fer: 9:45am On Oct 08, 2017

Lottery u say undecided
That guy looks hideous. A Nigerian politician?

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by bedspread: 9:47am On Oct 08, 2017



Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by manci(m): 9:48am On Oct 08, 2017
long write up reading award if you read and understand it all happy Sunday to my Christian girls friends and my aunty, aunty Rita.
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Nobody: 9:49am On Oct 08, 2017
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by JamesReacher(m): 9:51am On Oct 08, 2017
Lmaooooooooo! see terms and conditions

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by HayZee06(m): 9:52am On Oct 08, 2017

That guy looks hideous. A Nigerian politician?
Yes grin
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by holysainbj(m): 9:53am On Oct 08, 2017
Don't assume to know what God thinks or his reasons sad
That being said
Wrong caption
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by AngelicDamsel(f): 9:53am On Oct 08, 2017
Always make your request specific, so that the answer is measurable....... Many times we pray and get answers from God, but we don't notice it because we ask for so much at a time that the answer comes but we are busy asking for more...........pray specific prayers and see the difference
Most importantly always give thanks!...... It shows faith!

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Tchiman(m): 9:55am On Oct 08, 2017
For sometime I have been wondering why many Christians pray yet many a time their prayers are not being answer. I began to seek answer to this mystery until one man powerful man of God by name Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak revealed the reason behind this in one of his messages I listened to which is actually true.

He said the reason why our prayers are not answer most times is because of the MOTIVE behind the prayer. Many a time we pray for selfish reasons...take for instance we need financial breakthrough, which of course is a little thing for God to do, but the question is "are we going to use the wealth for the advancement of the kingdom of God or to show off?...If the reason of your prayer is not, first of all to glorify God, then you are not ready for your prayer to be answered...

Motive behind our prayers, is the reason why most prayers are not answered because God sees and reads your mind!!

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by steveyoungwealth: 9:56am On Oct 08, 2017
I'm coming
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by NSK4U(m): 9:57am On Oct 08, 2017
There is nothing like wrong request in prayer if such request is not hurting another person.......
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Nobody: 9:58am On Oct 08, 2017
l think its because of....
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by hopefulLandlord: 9:58am On Oct 08, 2017
there are actual scientific studies on prayer. Not one has ever shown any connection between prayer and real world outcomes. The only connection is that people who pray BELIEVE that their prayers are answered mostly because humans are designed to ignore all the facts that don't fit their beliefs. But the FACT is, we have studied prayer and it appears to have zero effect on anything. Unfortunately, every time some religious notion is disproven, religious people simply pivot to saying that God's plan is impossible to divine. AND YET, for some reason, the Bible commands us to pray which makes no sense AND has a scientifically proven lack of effect. People don't really believe in prayer. They know it's random. They are just scared of their mortality and can't accept that bad things happen for no reason. It's sad.


Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Jodha(f): 10:01am On Oct 08, 2017
Thanks op ive learnt so much....
The op is right ....if yhu believe...yhull recieve...

Sin is the only obstruction to our prayers.....provided yhu pray according to the will of God and not yhur will...
the will of God towards us can never be evil but good...the bible says.."his thoughts towards us are of good and not of evil"..

So we should always pray for the will of God to be accomplished in our lives..

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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Uhomanbulus110(f): 10:01am On Oct 08, 2017
Sin or is not yet time to answer such prayers we should be patience to wait for the right time to come
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Pearllait(f): 10:06am On Oct 08, 2017
For sometime I have been wondering why many Christians pray yet many a time their prayers are not being answer. I began to seek answer to this mystery until one man powerful man of God by name Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak revealed the reason behind this in one of his messages I listened to which is actually true.

He said the reason why our prayers are not answer most times is because of the MOTIVE behind the prayer. Many a time we pray for selfish reasons...take for instance we need financial breakthrough, which of course is a little thing for God to do, but the question is "are we going to use the wealth for the advancement of the kingdom of God or to show off?...If the reason of your prayer is not, first of all to glorify God, then you are not ready for your prayer to be answered...

Motive behind our prayers, is the reason why most prayers are not answered because God sees and reads your mind!!


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Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by einsteino(m): 10:07am On Oct 08, 2017
For sometime I have been wondering why many Christians pray yet many a time their prayers are not being answer. I began to seek answer to this mystery until one man powerful man of God by name Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak revealed the reason behind this in one of his messages I listened to which is actually true.

He said the reason why our prayers are not answer most times is because of the MOTIVE behind the prayer. Many a time we pray for selfish reasons...take for instance we need financial breakthrough, which of course is a little thing for God to do, but the question is "are we going to use the wealth for the advancement of the kingdom of God or to show off?...If the reason of your prayer is not, first of all to glorify God, then you are not ready for your prayer to be answered...

Motive behind our prayers, is the reason why most prayers are not answered because God sees and reads your mind!!

lol so our motive of acquiring wealth should be to advance churches and invariably profit the likes of Johnson suleiman? Only a rare breed of gullibility would make someone accept such stupidity! which church is bill gates funding? if your hypothesis has any substance, showoffs like Mayweather should be a pauper yet he keeps making more money.

Put in your very best, work hard, use your brain and key in to areas of your competitive advantage. God rewards efforts not tithes or funding some non charitable churches. Mind you, a huge percentage of people who flock to churches in search of prosperity would die poor but pastors never lack as these folks keep funding them in the hope of a breakthrough. so if u really want to prosper, become a pastor or focus on your hustle.


Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by jimcollins136: 10:08am On Oct 08, 2017
The reason you need to pray more and often to stand a chance of being answered.
Even God the Almighty no fit answer every prayer now.

Prayer is just spiritual lottery. grin
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by aguiyi2: 10:08am On Oct 08, 2017
OP, prayer is Good but only God knows his ways or have you seen God and talked to him before?.His ways can never be like the ways of men so the reasons prayers are answered or not is basically above our mortal reasoning.


Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by Nobody: 10:11am On Oct 08, 2017
boost special

You are a caused fellow. Lala please this guy needs to be banned for life. He's a scammer
Re: Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered by sonofluc1fer: 10:13am On Oct 08, 2017
The reason you need to pray more and often to stand a chance of being answered.
I stopped praying when I realised I was just talking to myself.

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