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What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by aramadaokunrin(m): 8:33pm On Oct 12, 2017 |
1999 Constitution for Nigeria: the 68-Item Exclusive Legislative List These are the areas the powers reserved exclusively for the central government are defined. This means that only the central or federal government can legislate on the subjects in the exclusive list. Interference of the regional or state governments on matters in the exclusive list can be declared null and void and unconstitutional: 1.Accounts of the Government of the Federation, and of offices, courts, and authorities thereof, including audit of those accounts. 2.Arms, ammunition and explosives. 3.Aviation, including airports, safety of aircraft and carriage of passengers and goods by air. 4.Awards of national titles of honour, decorations and other dignities. 5.Bankruptcy and insolvency 6.Banks, banking, bills of exchange and promissory notes. 7.Borrowing of moneys within or outside Nigeria for the purposes of the Federation or of any State. 8.Census, including the establishment and maintenance of machinery for continuous and universal registration of births and deaths throughout Nigeria. 9.Citizenship, naturalization and aliens. 10.Commercial and industrial monopolies, combines and trusts. 11.Construction, alteration and maintenance of such roads as may be declared by the National Assembly to be Federal trunk roads. 12.Control of capital issues. 13.Copyright 14.Creation of States 15.Currency, coinage and legal tender 16.Customs and excise duties 17.Defense 18.Deportation of persons who are not citizens of Nigeria 19.Designation of securities in which trust funds may be invested. 20.Diplomatic, consular and trade representation. 21.Drugs and poisons. 22.Election to the offices of President and Vice-President or Governor and Deputy Governor and any other office to which a person may be elected under this Constitution, excluding election to a local government council or any office in such council. 23.Evidence 24.Exchange control 25.Export duties 26.External affairs 27.Extradition 28.Fingerprints identification and criminal records. 29.Fishing and fisheries other than fishing and fisheries in rivers, lakes, waterways, ponds and other inland waters within Nigeria. 30.Immigration into and emigration from Nigeria 31.Implementation of treaties relating to matters on this list 32.Incorporation, regulation and winding up of bodies corporate, other than co-operative societies, local government councils and bodies corporate established directly by any Law enacted by a House of Assembly of a State. 33.Insurance. 34.Labour, including trade unions, industrial relations; conditions, safety and welfare of Labour; industrial disputes; prescribing a national minimum wage for the Federation or any part thereof; and industrial arbitration. 35.Legal proceedings between Governments of States or between the Government of the Federation and Government of any State or any other authority or person. 36.Maritime shipping and navigation, including – (a) shipping and navigation on tidal waters; (b) shipping and navigation on the River Niger and its affluents and on any such other inland waterway as may be designated by the National Assembly to be an international waterway or to be an inter-State waterway;(c) lighthouses, l ightships, beacons and other provisions for the safety of shipping and navigation; (d) such ports as may be declared by the National Assembly to be Federal ports (including the constitution and powers of port authorities for Federal ports). 37.Meteorology 38.Military (Army, Navy and Air Force) including any other branch of the armed forces of the Federation. 39.Mines and minerals, including oil fields, oil mining, geological surveys and natural gas. 40.National parks being such areas in a State as may, with the consent of the Government of that State, be designated by the National Assembly as national parks. 41.Nuclear energy 42.Passports and visas 43.Patents, trademarks, trade or business names, industrial designs and merchandise marks. 44.Pensions, gratuities and other-like benefit payable out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund or any other public funds of the Federation. 45.Police and other government security services established by law. 46.Posts, telegraphs and telephones 47.Powers of the National Assembly, and the privileges and immunities of its members 48.Prisons 49.Professional occupations as may be designated by the National Assembly. 50.Public debt of the Federation 51.Public holidays. 52.Public relations of the Federation 53.Public service of the Federation including the settlement of disputes between the Federation and officers of such service. 54.Quarantine 55.Railways 56.Regulations of political parties 57.Service and execution in a State of the civil and criminal processes, judgements, decrees, orders and other decisions of any court of law outside Nigeria or any court of law in Nigeria other than a court of law established by the House of Assembly of that State. 58.Stamp duties 59.Taxation of incomes, profits and capital gains, except as otherwise prescribed by this Constitution. 60.The establishment and regulation of authorities for the Federation or any part thereof – (a) To promote and enforce the observance of the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles contained in this Constitution; (b) To identify, collect, preserve or generally look after ancient and historical monuments and records and archaeological sites and remains declared by the National Assembly to be of national significance or national importance; (c) to administer museums and libraries other than museums and libraries established by the Government of a state; (d) To regulate tourist traffic; and (e) To prescribe minimum standards of education at all levels. 61.The formation, annulment and dissolution of marriages other than marriages under Islamic law and Customary law including matrimonial causes relating thereto. 62.Trade and commerce, and in particular – (a) trade and commerce between Nigeria and other countries including import of commodities into and export of commodities from Nigeria, and trade and commerce between the states; (b) establishment of a purchasing authority with power to acquire for export or sale in world markets such agricultural produce as may be designated by the National Assembly; (c) inspection of produce to be exported from Nigeria and the enforcement of grades and standards of quality in respect of produce so inspected; (d) establishment of a body to prescribe and enforce standards of goods and commodities offered for sale; (e) control of the prices of goods and commodities designated by the National Assembly as essential goods or commodities; and (f) registration of business names. 63.Traffic on Federal trunk roads. 64.Water from such sources as may be declared by the National Assembly to be sources affecting more than one state 65.Weights and measures. 66.Wireless, broadcasting and television other than broadcasting and television provided by the Government of a state; allocation of wave-lengths for wireless, broadcasting and television transmission. 67.Any other matter with respect to which the National Assembly has power to make laws in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. 68.Any matter incidental or supplementary to any matter mentioned elsewhere in this list. CONCURRENT LIST: These areas are where powers are shared jointly by both the central and regional or state governments as stipulated in the constitution. Even though both governments can make law on matters that fall under concurrent list, the central government is supreme. This means that in case there is a conflict of law made by both, central government law will supersede that of the regional or state governments subject to all matters on concurrent list, including health, education, agriculture, road, housing. RESIDUAL LIST: These areas are the leftover powers not included in either the exclusive or the concurrent list. If powers in the residual list are left for the regions or states as is done in some constitutions, that will render the central weak and vice versa. In some constitutions, residual powers are exercised by both levels of government. Such matters in the residual list in Nigeria include chieftaincy matters. 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by pappy4real(m): 9:11am On Oct 13, 2017 |
all meant to confuse us and keep d cake to themselves 1 Like |
Re: What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by aramadaokunrin(m): 5:15pm On Oct 13, 2017 |
In more simple terms: "Exclusive power," refers to the powers of the federal government alone. Examples of exclusive power/federal power are those regarding matters of defense, foreign affairs, overseas trade, etc. "Concurrent powers," are those powers which are shared by both federal and state governments, both may act or intervene, but the federal government overrides the state if there is conflict. "Residual powers," are those that are left to, or designated to the states. In other words, everything that is, "left over." Examples of residual powers are those regarding civil law, urban planning, property issues, etc. 14 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by ibietela2(m): 11:00am On Apr 14, 2019 |
Thanks for this.. That's why we are moving slowly |
Re: What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by MorataFC: 3:55pm On Mar 19, 2020 |
aramadaokunrin:Gbam |
Re: What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by Kubernetes: 5:14pm On Mar 19, 2020 |
The 1999 Constitution for Nigeria allows for a 68-Item Exclusive Legislative List These are the areas the powers reserved exclusively for the central government are defined. This means that only the central or federal government can legislate on the subjects in the exclusive list. Interference of the regional or state governments on matters in the exclusive list can be declared null and void and unconstitutional: See below for detailed list. |
Re: What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by cocolacec(m): 10:05pm On Nov 05, 2020 |
Nigerians are very ignorant regsrding the power vested in the federal Govt. |
Re: What Is The Difference Between The Exclusive And Concurrent List by dontbothermuch: 9:05pm On Apr 26, 2023 |
aramadaokunrin:Thanks. They just keep confusing people |
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