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Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 5:14am On Nov 23, 2017
Why fight a guy for calling you a goat? Look in the mirror, if you didn't see a goat, then move on

epic !!!!

grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by iblawi(m): 6:39am On Nov 23, 2017
War scenario between Sudan vs Nigeria

We all know that Nigeria has a population advantage over Sudan. 185 million vs 39 million.
In terms of economy, Nigeria has a bigger economy of $394 BN vs $118 BN of Sudan.
Sudan is a richer country in GDP per capita.

According to GFP Nigeria ranks 4th in Africa whereas Sudan ranks 8th. However, GFP is bulshit as it doesn't have accurate figures of Sudan and thinks that the country with more tanks is more powerful without taking into account the models of tanks. So a country with 100 T55's is stronger then a country with 90 Leopard tanks. which any person knows is Bullshit.

lets start with land forces. Even though Nigeria has a bigger population, it has a much smaller standing/trained army. Sudan has a larger standing army. accoridng to GFP, nigeria has more AFV's compared to Sudan. However, it doesn't take into account the number of AFV's produced in Sudan locally under the IMC. In addition to AFV's, Sudan produces tanks such as Chinese T85 under the name Bashir 1 and Russian T 72 under the name zubeir. It is the 3rd largest ars manufacturer in Africa. the most powerful asset of Nigerian land troops are the T72 MBT's. Nigeria has about 35 of them. Sudan has many more T72s and as of just last year, ordered an additional 170 T72's. So Sudan has the advantage in number of tanks and self sufficience in local arms manufacturing which is more than enough to take a country like Nigeria. However, due to Nigerias larger population and ability to recruit a lot more militias as well as a smaller geographic size, I think the ground battle would be pretty balanced.

Secondly, in the air. I will not take into account the potential acquisition of Su 35 fighter jets for the Sudanese air force at this point. We know negotiations are taking place since march this year, but whether they have been actually delivered (as claimed by news channels) yet still needs to be seen within the next wek or so. Nigeria depends fully on the Alpha jets and Mil mi 24s for its fight. the Alpha jets are jokes compared to Sudans mig 29's and su 24's. Nigeria has about 11 Alpha jets whereas Sudan has about 35 Mig 29's. Nigeria has below 15 mil mi 24's whereas Sudan has +50. So in terms of the air, Sudan would dominate the skies over Nigeria. Even if Nigeria gets Pakistani made JF 17's, which I doubt in the near future, the Sudanese air force would still have the edge. It is very likely that Sudan will get a number of Su 35's before 2020 which would mean game over for Nigeria in the air. but even without the su 35's, Sudanese mig 29's have proven very effective. Nigeria air defence is at the same level as that of Sudan. In conclusion, the skies are for Sudan to take.

Finally, the waters. This is the field where Nigeria has an advantage. Nigeria has a couple of frigates which were donated to them by the US which would be very useful in a water fight with Sudan. Due to 20 years of economic sanctions, Sudan navy is practically non existent. other then a few high speed patrol boats produced locally, there is nothing much to mention on Sudans side. There is however a plan to rebuild the Sudanese army from scratch after the embargoes were lifted last month. However, to develop a navy will take years. So in conclusion at this point, the waters are for Nigeria to take.

Overall, a war between Nigeria and Sudan would most likely be on land. Therefore, it would be a much balanced war where Nigeria takes advantage of its population size and Sudan would depend on its tank numbers more than ever before. However, Sudan always has the umbrella of its air force in the skies. That would support its ground forces and hit Nigerian targets even inside Nigeria. Obviously, Chad would be under siege as the battle wages between the 2 powers. As mentioned earlier, Nigeria owns the waters. However, Nigeria navy is not the type that can last very long outside its own waters. getting to the Red Sea alone would be a big challenge and even if it did somehow get near Suakin or port Sudan, would it be able to survive against the waves of Sudans air force and missiles? I do not think that Nigerian army can get to Sudanese territory or whether the Sudanese army can reach Nigeria. However, the Sudanese air force has the ability to reach Nigerian skies and if it gets the Su 35s then Abuja is not a far distance. Both Sudan and Nigeria have not been in a major war against a neighbour. Nigeria has done some small scale peacekeeping across Africa whereas Sudan has been battling in countries like Yemen and Lebanon. both countries have in modern age faced nothing but internal insurgents. South Sudan seceded from the North under a democratic vote and not a military victory. Since the Sudanese army left the south, all you have to do is open CNN and judge.

The odds would say Sudan would hurt Nigeria, but its up to the reader to judge.

stay tuned for next war scenario, Nigeria vs Ethiopia........ grin

There is a lot you missed out dummy.

Who even recognize Sudan as a state? Don't get things twisted when it comes to war 3 things matters and not 1 you dummy. Influence, funds and techology and not the old mig 29 jets that we can easily track with our satellites long before they arrive. We beat you hands down with the 3.
If you think you've got a chance to hurt Nigeria in a war is like a dream that can't come true. What does gdp per capita have to do with war. Sudan can't sustain a war with Nigeria because you can't fund it. You might be a arm producer but there are many others ready to sell better arms to Nigeria (thanks to oil money). Your old mig 29 can't fly over Chad/Cameroon to Nigeria and even if it does all major economic activities happen in the southern part of Nigeria. There is practically nothing in the north eastern Nigeria. You fool talk about education/literacy level. What is the quality of education in Sudan? Who even recognize it?

Pics below shows the difference between Southern part of Nigeria and the third pic shows North eastern city Maiduguri, Borno state capital and last pics a North Eastern village.

I want to know what we stand to lose if you get to north east Nigeria. Chad's capital N'Djemena is less that 150km from our border. They won't be stupid to let you use their country.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Jkay187(m): 6:57am On Nov 23, 2017
OK moving on now.

Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by DonBobes(m): 7:02am On Nov 23, 2017

There is a lot you missed out dummy.

Who even recognize Sudan as a state? Don't get things twisted when it comes to war 3 things matters and not 1 you dummy. Influence, funds and techology and not the old mig 29 jets that we can easily track with our satellites long before they arrive. We beat you hands down with the 3.
If you think you've got a chance to hurt Nigeria in a war is like a dream that can't come true. What does gdp per capita have to do with war. Sudan can't sustain a war with Nigeria because you can't fund it. You might be a arm producer but there are many others ready to sell better arms to Nigeria (thanks to oil money). Your old mig 29 can't fly over Chad/Cameroon to Nigeria and even if it does all major economic activities happen in the southern part of Nigeria. There is practically nothing in the north eastern Nigeria. You fool talk about education/literacy level. What is the quality of education in Sudan? Who even recognize it?

Thank u my brother
U jst sed my thots

1 Like

Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Jkay187(m): 7:05am On Nov 23, 2017

1 Like

Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Hrmnn: 7:54am On Nov 23, 2017
Benin is currently holding army exercises.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Ibrahimanees: 8:00am On Nov 23, 2017
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Seened: 8:46am On Nov 23, 2017
So much disgusting comments on here.
Flat nose? really? How old are some of you guys on here? Why act like kids, and the guy that won't stop bashing South Africa, You guys need to stop showing your ignorance to the world.
And you guys should learn to ignore stupid comments, entertaining such will only keep it alive.
Sudan is more powerful than Nigeria.
See? Nigeria didn't disintegrate upon me saying that, did she? Why fight a guy for calling you a goat? Look in the mirror, if you didn't see a goat, then move on. Squabbles over irrelevant comments, ugh .


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by giles14(m): 8:54am On Nov 23, 2017
Hello there Racist person, Arab wannabe.
looks a bit like PF2 lav
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 9:27am On Nov 23, 2017
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by jteku(m): 9:51am On Nov 23, 2017
Off topic.

Pic 2
C-17 Globemaster in QATAR AIRWAYS colours.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Cannonleo(m): 10:05am On Nov 23, 2017
Too many Nigerians with HIV.... shame coming from aparant giant of africa hhhhhh

your a total demented twist of fungus weed .

Now scamper off chicken
who even let this dimwit here biko
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by ssaengine: 11:09am On Nov 23, 2017
Off topic

SA Agulhas II. South Africa's arctic research and supply vessel. Owned by the Department of Environmental Affairs.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by overhypedsteve(m): 2:48pm On Nov 23, 2017

There is a lot you missed out dummy.

Who even recognize Sudan as a state? Don't get things twisted when it comes to war 3 things matters and not 1 you dummy. Influence, funds and techology and not the old mig 29 jets that we can easily track with our satellites long before they arrive. We beat you hands down with the 3.
If you think you've got a chance to hurt Nigeria in a war is like a dream that can't come true. What does gdp per capita have to do with war. Sudan can't sustain a war with Nigeria because you can't fund it. You might be a arm producer but there are many others ready to sell better arms to Nigeria (thanks to oil money). Your old mig 29 can't fly over Chad/Cameroon to Nigeria and even if it does all major economic activities happen in the southern part of Nigeria. There is practically nothing in the north eastern Nigeria. You fool talk about education/literacy level. What is the quality of education in Sudan? Who even recognize it?

Pics below shows the difference between Southern part of Nigeria and the third pic shows North eastern city Maiduguri, Borno state capital and last pics a North Eastern village.

I want to know what we stand to lose if you get to north east Nigeria. Chad's capital N'Djemena is less that 150km from our border. They won't be stupid to let you use their country.
clap for this guy abeg, he is too funny. You track the jet then do what? Commence national last prayers? Serious people defended their country unserious people stole the money to be used for defending their country and then try to convince other idiots that will later believe them that the country is safe against external aggression. Even Senegal will give us a run for our money with our present capabilities.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by iblawi(m): 3:31pm On Nov 23, 2017
clap for this guy abeg, he is too funny. You track the jet then do what? Commence national last prayers? Serious people defended their country unserious people stole the money to be used for defending their country and then try to convince other idiots that will later believe them that the country is safe against external aggression. Even Senegal will give us a run for our money with our present capabilities.

That info is worth more than anything they have. It not only S-300 that brings down aircraft. Look the pic below and tell me how Sudan will fly to Nigeria and back without help from Chad. Warfare is not the regular story book you read bro. Many unexpected things happen.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 5:25pm On Nov 23, 2017
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by SupremeCourt: 5:30pm On Nov 23, 2017

Statistics of payed hacks. Look not gonna pet you to bed. Pained southie masquerading as an Arab go to bed. A Sudanese would be ashamed to see the thrash you are spewing on nairaland. Sudan ke.

That Taharqa999 guy is high on Sudan brewed ogogoro, most of his data are fake from Wikipedia that people manipulated. Google Sudan on IMF or World Bank database. Sudan is cash broke to the grave, $ 50 billion foreign debt, $ 200 million forex reserve like poor Eritrea. Sudan poverty rate at 50% of population, industrialization at 2% of GDP, the rest is mostly cattle and corn. Since South Sudan broke free from them, no oil to put in the oil refinery they built, so they must envy Nigeria swimming in 200 billion barrels of crude oil, bitumen, condensate and gas combined. His 35 mig-29 is actually only 13 second hand mig-29 on global aviation records. The su-35 jets we are told they got is likely the new loan from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Flying sukhoi flanker jets while drinking gari and groundnut. Their navy has been brain dead since Somali pirates reduced them to level below Ijaw speed boat militants. Their skinny army is doing mercenary errand boy for Gulf Arab states in Yemen in exchange for more cash loans to survive. When Nigerian army commandos raid their Sudan air force bases capture the place, their su-35 will land in the hands of SBS and AFSF and surrender. They will regret borrowing money to buy air superiority with a dead navy and mercenary army. Maybe we should leave the guy alone and avoid his impending derailment of the thread.


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by tdayof(m): 5:34pm On Nov 23, 2017

ru sure about this part ?

He's actually right. I know CSTD linked a radar system to a Nigerian satali.te (exact sat is what I'm not sure about).

I don't really know how this works but . Som.e things are better left untold before DSS carry person grin

IMO. The guys from DHQ are watchful of Cameroon and Chad. What I don't know is why we don't just get some ADS from China.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by newafricaken254: 6:12pm On Nov 23, 2017
there are reports Al Shabaab video propagandist, kenyan Ahmed Iman Ali flees the terror group after fall out with alshabaab commanders who want him executed

Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Odunayaw(m): 6:41pm On Nov 23, 2017

He's actually right. I know CSTD linked a radar system to a Nigerian satali.te (exact sat is what I'm not sure about).

I don't really know how this works but . Som.e things are better left untold before DSS carry person grin

IMO. The guys from DHQ are watchful of Cameroon and Chad. What I don't know is why we don't just get some ADS from China.
Make person de look like agbado na the way sometimes grin

Sometimes I can't just put a button on why DHQ refuses to get ADS. I have looked at it politically,monetarily even "threat-ically". I can't just understand undecided
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Odunayaw(m): 6:43pm On Nov 23, 2017
. Even Senegal will give us a run for our money with our present capabilities.
grin you say this like a field/venue will be chosen and then respective armies will come and play 90mins war or something grin
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by golfsierra: 7:06pm On Nov 23, 2017

Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Nobody: 7:48pm On Nov 23, 2017
Augustine is talking to himself again shocked shocked shocked


Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by newafricaken254: 7:57pm On Nov 23, 2017
First photo,i can see a single Galil and several M-16A2 assault rifles with 30 bullets magazine
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by tdayof(m): 8:50pm On Nov 23, 2017
Make person de look like agbado na the way sometimes grin

Sometimes I can't just put a button on why DHQ refuses to get ADS. I have looked at it politically,monetarily even "threat-ically". I can't just understand undecided

In terms of threat. We really need a good ADS. I doubt if NAF is even thinking about it

Probably by 2019 except we can buy something not included in the budget.

The navy 2x LST on orders as confirmed by the budget should also neccesitate a call for corvette or a frigate. However I think the navy has a plan for this but not included in the budget because the Senate said it will work on releasing a special fund for that.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Odunayaw(m): 9:04pm On Nov 23, 2017

In terms of threat. We really need a good ADS. I doubt if NAF is even thinking about it

Probably by 2019 except we can buy something not included in the budget.

The navy 2x LST on orders as confirmed by the budget should also necessitate a call for corvette or a frigate. However I think the navy has a plan for this but not included in the budget because the Senate said it will work on releasing a special fund for that.

based on this year's Airman magazine There was an outline of the NAF vision for the coming years and it included establish more radar sites. Hopefully they add missiles to it (or else we are stuck with detect- intercept-neutralize concept)
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by overhypedsteve(m): 10:00pm On Nov 23, 2017

That info is worth more than anything they have. It not only S-300 that brings down aircraft. Look the pic below and tell me how Sudan will fly to Nigeria and back without help from Chad. Warfare is not the regular story book you read bro. Many unexpected things happen.
that's true. Many unexpected things happen bro. Like Russia or America refusing to sell you emergency air to air missile or a platform to mount it. Like Sudan upgrading one of its cargo plane to an aerial refueling platform and entering West African airspace to carpet bomb Abuja or everything that we hold dear in the south. Please tell me one single way that you will deter this sort of aggression and tell me how the unexpected will ever favor us in this kind of war. Two flankers are heading to Abuja, what will you do? You ve seen them, you know they are coming what will you do? That is what I asked you to tell me not all this stories of the unexpected. People are arming their country you think they don't know big English like you, or you think people in other part of the world that are defending their nation have not seen the word "unexpected" in a dictionary before?

Even if Sudan was to fill a civilian cargo plane with barrel bomb and fly it into Nigerian airspace escorted by its flankers armed with Air-Air missiles we still won't be able to drop the cargo plane before the barrels start rolling
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Kalapizim(m): 10:35pm On Nov 23, 2017

In terms of threat. We really need a good ADS. I doubt if NAF is even thinking about it

Probably by 2019 except we can buy something not included in the budget.

The navy 2x LST on orders as confirmed by the budget should also neccesitate a call for corvette or a frigate. However I think the navy has a plan for this but not included in the budget because the Senate said it will work on releasing a special fund for that.

well a mid level Naval officer once told me the Navy had a functioning ADS back in 2014, of course its not a 100% percent source.
we just might get shocked
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by tdayof(m): 10:40pm On Nov 23, 2017
well a mid level Naval officer once told me the Navy had a functioning ADS back in 2014, of course its not a 100% percent source.
we just might get shocked

Air defense system should be in control of the Airforce. Except he's taking about a naval based Air defence capability. NNS unity and others do not possess missiles on board but I can quote the CNS saying the navy has anti air warfare capability.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by iblawi(m): 11:00pm On Nov 23, 2017

Air defense system should be in control of the Airforce. Except he's taking about a naval based Air defence capability. NNS unity and others do not possess missiles on board but I can quote the CNS saying the navy has anti air warfare capability.

Even the airforce guy that left here said we have ADS but he didn't mention the type.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by Kalapizim(m): 11:12pm On Nov 23, 2017

Air defense system should be in control of the Airforce. Except he's taking about a naval based Air defence capability. NNS unity and others do not possess missiles on board but I can quote the CNS saying the navy has anti air warfare capability.

yeah you are right, however what he mentioned wasn't ship based like the ones installed on NNS Aradu and co. The navy has been known to operate Anti- Aircraft Batteries. But like I said earlier, its not an official source.
Re: African Militaries/ Security Services Strictly Photos Only And Videos Thread by tdayof(m): 11:22pm On Nov 23, 2017

Even the airforce guy that left here said we have ADS but he didn't mention the type.
Those guys left simultaneously. They once talked about an order restricting them on social media.

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