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Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by tiwiex(m): 11:14am On Dec 01, 2017 |
slimfairboy:For once. Someone is articulating the superior argument many of us have been shouting. The kingdom of heaven is not for sale. The reason we seem to pay tithes is to have a fruitful life on earth. More like scare tactics. It seems not a requirement for eternal life which should be our focus. So all dis preaching is for vain and temporary needs? Freeze is on point. 8 Likes |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by diggz: 11:14am On Dec 01, 2017 |
AK481: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Odani: 11:15am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Elnino4ladies: Non can back up their claims but y |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by OBIGS(m): 11:16am On Dec 01, 2017 |
This pastor is Pained. His doing it old school. His like since I don't have a good argument let me assassinate his character. But unfortunately it's not working cos light always outshines darkness. God bless FRZ 7 Likes |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by jayloms: 11:17am On Dec 01, 2017 |
When atheists argue and label these men of God as fraudsters, I don't get angry, I only pray that God's mercy and grace will bring them to a point where they'll cry father ".. be merciful to me a sinner" Luke 18:13 They argue that there are many prosperous folks out there who don't pay tithe, but what they fail to understand is that, tithing goes beyond financial prosperity, it transcends to other areas of life. There are many whose tithes have spoken for them in health - not because they pray more than other christians, but because they obey. There are many whose Generations to come are secured already and will never know what is called lack not because they have left huge inheritances for them, but just because they obeyed and did as God instructed in His word. Now, Who will lay a charge against God's elect? It is God that justifies Romans 8:33 So, why are we passing judgments and castigating these men of God. Or is this part of the Bible not worth our obedience? " I will give you Pastors after mine own Heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding" Jeremiah 3:15 My question is: Is DaddyFreeze a Pastor? Is He interpreting the scriptures with earthly wisdom when we know the scriptures were written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit? Can Human understanding survive the things of the Spirit? I am so sure daddyfreeze and his freethesheeple gang would have labeled the Prophet Elijah a fraudster when he said to the widow of zarephath "...make for me first" 1 king 17:13. Every humble believer's daily cry should be: ".. that I may know thee" Exodus 33:13. Even Paul at a point prayed the same in Phil 3:10. I'm sure when they brought the woman caught in the act of adultery to Jesus, they thought their judgment would be His judgment, but they were greatly humbled and left with great disappointment. May God help us all. Amen. 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by lastmessenger: 11:18am On Dec 01, 2017 |
quiverfull:what principle is to be learnt from the tithing law ? 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by InvertedHammer: 11:19am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Khaliyah: It proves that tithing was in existence before the advent of Christ and made solely for the JEWS. Christians are the followers of Christ and not bound by the archaic Jewish law of tithing. Archaic? Yes. Because modern Jews do not tithe. No where in the bible would you see gentiles bound by Jewish laws. The message of Christ spread across all continents but the greedy scammers/fraudsters/hustlers continue to attach the Jewish old doctrine of tithe because it is beneficial to them and them only. The bible is self-explanatory but some feeble-minded fellows depend on the selfish interpretation of the bible by the likes of Adeboye and his ilks. God does not speak to these fellows. If in doubt, check out their annual vague predictions that vary from one pastor to the other. God cannot be that confused. They are purely religious criminals and should be treated as such. / 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by martineverest(m): 11:20am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Khaliyah:ur number 7 point just made all ur points useless....... Y stop at vs 8 when verse 12 of that chapter says tithing is "useless" 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by sucess001(m): 11:23am On Dec 01, 2017 |
MhizzAJ: He wasn't the one who attacked o. Someone attacked him and he defended...shuuu 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by alt3r3g0: 11:23am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Odani: Matt 23:23
So tithing is in the new testament and endorsed. I personally will not tithe in a churh if i feel it will be used for Pastor's largese. I'd rather give to a charity and leave the Church to one that practices what it preaches. |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by IamIBK: 11:25am On Dec 01, 2017 |
seguno2:the bible is a sacred word bro, and our understanding of it differs... I won't barter words with you bro, I'll just say do what you understand and stop condemning what other do Cos it ain't in line with what you believe... I hope God continue to show himself to us more and more as we engage in his words... Amen |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by aspirebig: 11:25am On Dec 01, 2017 |
The matter don wear trouser.... Just two days back.....I went to meet my Pastor and told him that ....there is this boy I gave money to work but he did not finish the work and disappear ...and stopped picking my calls. those olden days na to go put juju for their house one time...and leave the rest .. the money involve plenty .and I have fully paid the boy ... now we are Christians. does it mean that we will allow people to just " chop our money and go Scot free always "...I said I should not revenge but leave it for God to judge. ...I said ok The next thing the Pastor asked is " do you pay your tithe" .....I answered that " yes but not often" which I true anyway because I tend not really believe the tithe thing...since BIble said "God will bless who he will bless and curse who he will curse" So I started asking the Pastor questions .about to the tithe and how biblical it is ....the man confused and rescheduled our meeting for the next day. ...that next day was even worst .....he was not able to answer my questions nor biblically convince me....this is a "senior Regional Pastor o"no be small pastor .... I asked him that what about people that pay their tithe and still get robbed and duped...or lose their properties and other things and people that don't even go to church but prospers very well .. the man no fit answer me. My pastor even said some pastors asked members to pay tithe but they don't pay tithe that good? Go to YouTube and watch different white Pastors videos against tithe...plenty of them ...this is the people that brought the gospel to black man. He only said that it is not by force to pay the tithe when he saw that I don't believe him.I asked my Pastor that where is it to pay one tenth of my income monthly in the Bible...the man dey look like Locazade. ... All na wash .....Pastors are not God ... there are mere humans like you ....stop being your bible and understand it . .tithe is contrary to Jesus teachings and his death as a redemption of sins. BIble said Jesus died that we may have life" in abundance" that is unconditionally. ..... Not this ponzi stuff like. ... Gh tithe and Ph blessing # how naa...where e dey for bible like that? 4 Likes |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Danladi7: 11:25am On Dec 01, 2017 |
AishaBuhari:Mention that Islamic scholar ma! |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 11:27am On Dec 01, 2017 |
alt3r3g0: that passage refers to the levithical tithe which was still in force when that statement was made.That was before Jesus died on the cross of calvarly therebyabolishing the jewish law. The early church never practised tithing.There is no record of Christian paying tithes anywhere in the bible. 6 Likes |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Atk1nson(m): 11:28am On Dec 01, 2017 |
XTLikeNat777: Who are you to judge a fraudster, MMM, a prostitute, gays? They don't put a gun to anyone's head 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 11:29am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Danladi7: imam wahhabi |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Danladi7: 11:33am On Dec 01, 2017 |
PaChukwudi44:where and when? |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Khaliyah(m): 11:34am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Teacher1776:So are churches not helping widows and orphans? I know pastor Chris okotie used to give orphanages two hundred thousands every Sunday back then, don't know how he is doing it now. For the fact that media doesn't carry them doesn't mean churches don't give. I recall that pastor Matthew Ashimolowo gave 91 cars on a single day. So please be informed churches give. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by kinibigdeal(m): 11:34am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Lucasbalo: Been a while...where the heck have you been? |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PETUK(m): 11:34am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Uyi168:Sheeple is what they call them 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by FRESHG(m): 11:35am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Khaliyah(m): 11:36am On Dec 01, 2017 |
InvertedHammer:If you say so sir, no problem! |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PETUK(m): 11:37am On Dec 01, 2017 |
tiwiex:how about Malachi 3? |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Nobody: 11:38am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Daeylar: you are entitled to ur opinion tho,, but the really truth out their is come this Sunday multitude of worshippers across d world Will still pay,,,1billion of daddy freeze + plus a million of you cannt stop what we believe in. He obviously reads d bible with is degree brain ... yu cannt use ur bsc brain to decipher God's word. we all av choice who to listening to ,follow daddy freeze and if we others decide to follow ordained pastors what's the noise for.. how many pastor av call daeylar to beg 4 money,. he even said Jesus drank alcohol ,,alol ,, is Jesus now the son of man ![]() 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 11:38am On Dec 01, 2017 |
PETUK: it has absolutely nothing to do with christians 1 Like |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by NovusHomo(m): 11:38am On Dec 01, 2017 |
Elnino4ladies: "SLEEPLESS NIGHTS" |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Nobody: 11:38am On Dec 01, 2017 |
I've kinda seen tithing as a way ignorant people show off in the church. If the Pastor asks you to sell all you have and give to the poor and become a pastor, would you consider? Parable of the Rich man! He didn't say sell all you and give to me did he Mark 10:17-31New Living Translation (NLT) The Rich Man 17 As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. 19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.’[a]” 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.” 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 22 At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions. 23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!” 24 This amazed them. But Jesus said again, “Dear children, it is very hard[b] to enter the Kingdom of God. 25 In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” 26 The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked. 27 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” 28 Then Peter began to speak up. “We’ve given up everything to follow you,” he said. 29 “Yes,” Jesus replied, “and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, 30 will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. 31 But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.[c]” 4 Likes |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 11:38am On Dec 01, 2017 |
ericsmith: whether 100million people pay it still dosent make it right. 2 Likes |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by aigboeben(m): 11:40am On Dec 01, 2017 |
martineverest:Why don't you check vs 11. According to the Priesthood of Melchisedec Abraham tithed. And Jesus is after that priesthood 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by chukxie(m): 11:41am On Dec 01, 2017 |
enemyofprogress: It's pathetic indeed! |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 11:42am On Dec 01, 2017 |
aigboeben: where in the bible did the apostles practise this form of tithing? 2 Likes |
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Khaliyah(m): 11:42am On Dec 01, 2017 |
martineverest:But tithing has Been in existence long before the Law, so it's not applicable to vex 12. Tithing and circumcision were before the law that's why they are still being practiced, or you think circumcision should stop too because of the Law? |
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