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Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing - Religion (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 12:32pm On Dec 01, 2017

Lol I wouldn't say so, I would rather say that acted of the will of God cus I can't judge them. It's then left for to discern between truth/false by d help of the Holy Spirit

which will of God? So you are telling me God will send his ministers to be in competition with one another?


Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Khaliyah(m): 12:32pm On Dec 01, 2017

circumcision carried out vtoday is purely for medical reasons and have nothing to do with religion.Pastors do not poreach that tithing is optional else we wont be having this argument.They say those who don't pay tithes are cursed.
Sir But if circumcision of Old has medical benefits in dis new dispensation, don't you think tithing can also have benefits too?
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by MrImole: 12:33pm On Dec 01, 2017

Lol, where did I blasphemed against God..
Please point it??

Stop minding the moröns.
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Khaliyah(m): 12:35pm On Dec 01, 2017

which will of God? So you are telling me God will send his ministers to be in competition with one another?
That's human factor na, or you want to say all churches in the world are competing with each other. That's just their human mistake NAND ignorance
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Khaliyah(m): 12:35pm On Dec 01, 2017

Stop minding the moröns.
Thanks Sir but calling names aren't nice tho
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 12:39pm On Dec 01, 2017

Sir But if circumcision of Old has medical benefits in dis new dispensation, don't you think tithing can also have benefits too?

tithing having medical benefits? Pastors can go ahead and preach tithing according to mediacl reasons provided they don't link it to anything in the bible or telling them God will bless them for tithing.

Preaching tithing for religious reasons will be going against God's word in the letter to the Ephesians.If you tithe for religious reasons then you are obligated to obey the whole law

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Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 12:42pm On Dec 01, 2017

That's human factor na, or you want to say all churches in the world are competing with each other. That's just their human mistake NAND ignorance

That's the proof that no God called them.Did the Apostles have different churches in the bible.Was the church of peter different from the church of Paul etc


Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by enonche85(m): 12:45pm On Dec 01, 2017

Would it be OK if the name is changed from tithe to offering?

Tithe is different from offering.

2 Chronicles 31: 5-12

Nehemiah 10: 37-38

Malacai 3: 8-10
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by goodnews777: 12:45pm On Dec 01, 2017
This idiot has entered another chapter. So many ignorant people are being sent to hell by his twisted theology without training. JESUS says his enemies called him a glutton and a drunkard , does that mean he was a glutton? No, a drunkard? No, encouraged tax collectors? No. Mr freeze JESUS enemies called him other names too. They even said he had the power of beezelbob a demon, all lies. You are not what your enemies called you. If he drank wine, it must be wine without alcohol , unfermented wine. Freeze will now full the feeble minded individuals into thinking he is telling the truth.

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Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Nobody: 12:48pm On Dec 01, 2017

Wow, I just paid my tithe today grin. I guess I love been a sheeple. It's huge.

Freeze is wasting his time. No True Christian will stop paying tithes unless they were not True before. The more he fights it, the more tithers increase. The church of Jesus grows by persecution.

I paid my tithe today and I will get an 100 FOLD return. Freeze the dead, keep gathering the dead.

Isn't it funny, it's only those who weren't tithing or even serving God that are taking this personal? Dencia too shocked

In 2016 a MMM participant would have said the same...

Very soon I'm sure you will change your stance on this issue. Bless up.


Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by goodnews777: 12:51pm On Dec 01, 2017
It's not tithing that is the problem but the use of the money collected. Mr. Freeze what you are not telling you narrow minded followers is that JESUS spoke good of a widow woman who gave more than all. Do you know what she did? She gave all she had. Elijah asked the shunamite woman to make food for him first from the little she had. Those who continue to give tithe know what they are getting but there is damnation for church leaders who collect tithes mainly for their personal use.
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by MrImole: 12:53pm On Dec 01, 2017

whether 100million people pay it still dosent make it right according to me.

Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by starz100: 12:56pm On Dec 01, 2017
it will sound like an argument, freeze is misleading people, find d right church, pay ur tithe,leave d rest to God, tithe payment is 100% biblical
100%? Show me where the early church Apostles asked the Churches to pay tithes or where the Apostle Paul collected tithe from the members of the church at Ephesus, Galatia etc


Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by MrImole: 12:57pm On Dec 01, 2017

They are "known frauds" in the UK and they have not been arrested and prosecuted even with the stringent laws in the UK that does not favour anybody with connections as may obtain in Nigeria? If UK could arrest and jail a Nigerian "untouchable" like James Ibori, then what has stopped them from arresting a "known fraud" like Ashimolowo? O boy just park one side there with your baseless and dumb accusations. It is simpletons and sheeple like you who don't even study the bible for themselves that idiots like freeze will deceive, not me! Imagine a stark unrepentant sinner like freeze trying to teach born again Christians how to follow God? Nonsense!
Please ignore the rettards.
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 1:00pm On Dec 01, 2017


unless you provide a biblical backing for Christian tithing whether 100million are doing it doesn't make it right
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by drunkpunk(m): 1:02pm On Dec 01, 2017

wen did the men of god all star score 1 goal wey i kno kno.

baba e be like u don touch my oshogbo weed..

daddy freezer 15 vs 0 men of god all stars

Bros no be lie. I don touch am o. Lol
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by MrImole: 1:02pm On Dec 01, 2017

Good point....To each as they are lead.

This is the story of how i started tithing. I just started serving then, allowee was roughly 10k. I was low on cash and pondering how i was going to get to the next pay day if i gave 1k out of the about 2k5 i had left. I had just gotten a job and so i had to pay transport to work, If not would have limited my movement. What i had would definitely not have been enough even if i did not pay the tithe.

And God said i should test Him. And so i did...saying if i get stranded, then i would have every justification never to do so again. Before that week ended, i was paid half month salary (because i had worked 2 weeks). This was a one man company and i was the only staff so its not like they had a structure on ground. Since then (over 10 years) my finances have never looked back.

About a year later when I wanted to leave the one man company, i told God that i wanted my current salary to be my tithe...and He did much more...My basic alone solved it minus other benefis.

In my case, it works for me. I dont believe anyone should be compelled to give or do it grudginly.

I pray for God's blessings too o...

Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by eph12(m): 1:04pm On Dec 01, 2017

Tithe is different from offering.

2 Chronicles 31: 5-12

Nehemiah 10: 37-38

Malacai 3: 8-10
Are you for or against tithe?
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 1:06pm On Dec 01, 2017

Are you for or against tithe?
there is nothing like for or against tithe.We are for the bible.what does the bible teach
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 1:06pm On Dec 01, 2017

I pray for God's blessings too o...


was this what Bill gates and Dangote practised?

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Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by eph12(m): 1:07pm On Dec 01, 2017

there is nothing like for or against tithe.We are for the bible.what does the bible teach
I read Jesus was a drunkard according to FRZ is that true?
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Briteiyobo1(m): 1:08pm On Dec 01, 2017
@Freez I stand with you my brother, they won't call the well to do members of their church to help the needy among them, but they can collect tithe, offering, building, kingdom seed and so many more. Honestly many of the so called god of men are gullible set of humans.
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by MrImole: 1:11pm On Dec 01, 2017

was this what Bill gates and Dangote practised?

I wouldn't know...

Just like you too
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PaChukwudi44(m): 1:14pm On Dec 01, 2017

I wouldn't know...

Just like you too

then your theory of tithing is balderdash.If this people got so rich without tithing then those useless pastors preaching devourers should bury their heads in shame.

I know they didn't because this two are not even Christians to begin with let alone paying tithe to one useless pastor


Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by artade: 1:16pm On Dec 01, 2017
...and typical of them, quotes no scripture in answers. These guys are glorified fraudsters. They are worse than the pharisees of Jesus days.

Lol, freeze keeps winning grin

Pastor wants to talk about tithe but already knows he has no argument so does the typical Nigerian's method of attacking the character of freeze since he can't fight the message grin

None at all grin grin

Freeze is really tormenting these people. grin


Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by secpowell: 1:19pm On Dec 01, 2017
This is a real indication that freeze of a guy is an anti Christ, agent. Even the devil knows how to quote the Bible verse.
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Meritocracy: 1:24pm On Dec 01, 2017
[quote author=goodnews777 post=62882450]This idiot has entered another chapter. So many ignorant people are being sent to hell by his twisted theology without training. JESUS says his enemies called him a glutton and a drunkard , does that mean he was a glutton? No, a drunkard? No, encouraged tax collectors? No. Mr freeze JESUS enemies called him other names too. They even said he had the power of beezelbob a demon, all lies. You are not what your enemies called you. If he drank wine, it must be wine without alcohol , unfermented wine. Freeze will now full the feeble minded individuals into thinking he is telling the truth.[/quot

Tithing pastor sighted

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Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Lucasbalo(m): 1:25pm On Dec 01, 2017

Been a while...where the heck have you been?
What's up Buddy?. Still out here doing my thing in the Windy City trying to take care of business and the broods. Hope things are clicking for ya.
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by PETUK(m): 1:28pm On Dec 01, 2017

it has absolutely nothing to do with christians
why would you say that?
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Meritocracy: 1:28pm On Dec 01, 2017
Some idiot sheep will borrow money and still calculate 10% of the borrowed money and give it to pastor as a tithe. Does God spend money or fly jets.


Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by Lucasbalo(m): 1:30pm On Dec 01, 2017
Read Malachi 3 vs 8-12, emphasis on vs 10....thanks
You all keep donating your life savings for the two bit hustlers parading to be God's spokesmen on Earth while they are living an extravagant lifestyle while the sheepish are wallowing in abject poverty. I am a Pentecostal and I used a lot of my personal wealth to help the less fortunate but not to help the cause of some greedy pastors.
Re: Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo And Daddy Freeze Exchange Words Over Tithing by enonche85(m): 1:32pm On Dec 01, 2017

Are you for or against tithe?

I agree with God's words in the bible passages stated.

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