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God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by valdes00(m): 9:43am On Dec 03, 2017

People like your are called sure clients
Hahahahahaha that got me cracked up


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Adebowale89(m): 9:44am On Dec 03, 2017
don't know if Muslim pay tithes but I want to believe they don't yet dangote continue progressing

I might be wrong though but most of the successful Muslims that don't pay tithes and still progressing. are they more human than will Christians?


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by donbenie(m): 9:44am On Dec 03, 2017

G.O also was taught by some person I hope you read that..There was a time he had problem believing thesame thing he now affirms.

Even Paul had same problem about some doctrines he later woud die for.
So all he has to back him up is his personal convictions and what his God told him and that should be treated as the Gospel Truth..


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Gmart22: 9:45am On Dec 03, 2017
it saddens my heart ..that African have enlsaved africans through religion. In Europe ..when you mention church to them they laugh. how much more offering and yet they have the best systems you can ever imagine. Our problem is more Physical than Spiritual
What Christians need is personal conviction.

Only a sheep would do something because their G.O says it's right.

These people are fighting so hard. Things would never be the same again.

Thanks to minds like FRZ who've made things clearer to Nigerians.

But trust me a lot of them won't still adhere, like the poster above me.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by akeensbussy(m): 9:46am On Dec 03, 2017
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." Aramaic Bible in Plain English For The Spirit is God, and it is fitting that those who worship him worship in The Spirit and in The Truth.”
John 4:24 KJV

Not in money nor tithe...

That passage of the bible says it all.


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Nobody: 9:47am On Dec 03, 2017
All hypocrites! The theme of the new testament ( or better put, new convenant) has no single record of Christ's followers giving one-tenth of earnings (tithe) at any time. Rather Christ demanded you give up all your possessions and follow him, which even your pastors can not obey, but instead horning on an old law to rob the gullible to their own damnation.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by opesky74: 9:47am On Dec 03, 2017
Hebrew7: 6-9

6And those descendants of Levi who receive the priestly office have a commandment in the law to take tithes from the people, that is, from their brothers, though these also are descended from Abraham.

7) But this man who does not have his descent from them received tithes from Abraham and blessed him who had the promises.

8 ) It is beyond dispute that the inferior is blessed by the superior.

9) In the one case tithes are received by mortal men, but in the other case, by one of whom it is testified that he lives.

I rest my case!
You people still don't know how to read the bible, you don't come here posting excerpt of 2 to 3 verses, but you have to read the whole chapter to understand what it says. Further in that chapter, it talked about the law being imperfect, hence a need for change, which is why Jesus christ came. Just read your bible properly

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by tuoyoojo(m): 9:48am On Dec 03, 2017
this Tithing thing is simple

if you want to pay, pay

if you don't want to, keep your money

we are free moral agents God would never force you to obey his commands

the people who are shouting about how Tithing enrich pastors have not been faithful or regular Tithes. if u and ur generation stops Tithing it would not affect the work of God

the money is not your own. I Tithe and I see how doors open for me

whether u believe in gravity or not it doesn't stop u from falling
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Ghostmode2two(m): 9:48am On Dec 03, 2017
Very Sensitive Issue. All man must trend carefully
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by cosby07: 9:49am On Dec 03, 2017
God is THE ONLY BOSS that will fire you but still let you keep working. If you don't believe this ask Saul. He was anointed only for 2 years but was a king for 40 years. Meaning, he was only sitting king for 38 years.


Somebody help me pass this message to Pastor Adeboye.


Pastor Adeboye used to be a MOG I respect growing up as a young Christian but on this topic, I lost respect for him especially when he says things not a sound doctrine. If every Christian claim God told me without us having a way to verify in the word, do you know how many issues we'll have in the body of Christ today?

Pastor Adeboye should swallow his pride and accept biblical truth and sound Christian doctrines.

New Living Translation
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.
Acts 2vs42

Tithe wasn't taught by the Apostles to the early church and not everything written in the bible is for Christians

you don't need daddy G. O to tell you to pay tithes, with this your write up, pardon me, if you are in CHRIST truly, please read your Bible from Genesis. Forget the argument, read with open mind, ask God for wisdom knowledge and understanding. But if you read with Biased mind well, be it unto you according to your faith. Tithe has been in existence from the beginning. Thank you

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Slaveman343: 9:49am On Dec 03, 2017
Chai this man is such a big crook. What does he take us for? blind fools or what. When did God start contradicting himself?

Look, he doesn't even respect God and he wants respect from us. Receive sense sheeples.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by lloyds(m): 9:50am On Dec 03, 2017
God bless Pastor E.A Adeboye, and strengthen him more to the end in Jesus name.

I thank God for his life.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Lordspenzo(m): 9:50am On Dec 03, 2017
God is THE ONLY BOSS that will fire you but still let you keep working. If you don't believe this ask Saul. He was anointed only for 2 years but was a king for 40 years. Meaning, he was only sitting king for 38 years.


Somebody help me pass this message to Pastor Adeboye.


Pastor Adeboye used to be a MOG I respect growing up as a young Christian but on this topic, I lost respect for him especially when he says things not a sound doctrine. If every Christian claim God told me without us having a way to verify in the word, do you know how many issues we'll have in the body of Christ today?

Pastor Adeboye should swallow his pride and accept biblical truth and sound Christian doctrines.

New Living Translation
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.
Acts 2vs42

Tithe wasn't taught by the Apostles to the early church and not everything written in the bible is for Christians
Not everything written in the bible is for Christians..this is so true

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by lloyds(m): 9:51am On Dec 03, 2017
Chai this man is such a big crook. What does he take us for? blind fools or what. When did God start contradicting himself?

Look, he doesn't even respect God and he wants respect from us. Receive sense sheeples.

You are the one that needs to receive sense.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Armorall: 9:51am On Dec 03, 2017
I challenge our dear Pastors on this. Christianity started with Christ, and it's Churches started with Peter. All these are found only in New Testament of the Christian Bible.
Even Christ said he came to correct some of the practices of the old Testament.
The method of taking some percentage of the Farm Harvest are only but Jewish Tradition, which also was inherited by our forefathers.
I hereby challenge our dear Pastors or Father or Eyes in or of God to clarify us where Tithe is enforced or is written in the New Testament which is the beginning of Christianity and also which was where Christan Religion departs from other Religion.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Dantedasz(m): 9:52am On Dec 03, 2017
Setiments,reverse psychology, blackmail and spellbinding at work.
Just show me the scripture that supports tithing/tithes, it is not rocket science.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Slaveman343: 9:54am On Dec 03, 2017

You are the one that needs to receive sense.
You must either be a pastor or a spam bot. No normal human takes side with a criminal.

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Nobody: 9:54am On Dec 03, 2017
He is yet to prove to me what ALMIGHTY GOD needs my weak NAIRA for...??

That's I pay God, so that he can sustain me...

When God was erecting mountains and valleys..., caves, Rivers, he never asked for money
PASTOR, PLEASE choose your words, especially when you have nothing meaningful to say

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by sureheaven(m): 9:55am On Dec 03, 2017
Going to church, paying tithes and offerings is a thing of option. If u don't believe in what baba said, don't go to his church, go to somewhere else or better still establish ur own church and serve ur God the way u believe instead of giving urself headache or criticize him always.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Nobody: 9:56am On Dec 03, 2017

Adeboye has a reserved and roped off VIP section waiting for him in hell.

You can follow him to hell

Come,does it mean ur skull is paining u & ur senses contains excessive condemned engine oil undecided undecided #spit!
Tithe or no tithe,I can't argue on whether without it u can't make heaven...
Why I picked out on u is when u mentioned God don't still speak to people after Jesus ascension !
That comment of urs test excessive stupidity & lack substantial base to back up ur proof .
U just picked a line on a Bible verse,funny enough,u don't even know the actual interpretation of the Bible verse...
It's still the same person that will shout" don't judge " because the bible say don't judge when u raise a topic condemning girls wearing trouser to church here,but has finally condemned Pastor Adeboye to hell fire already because what he said does not sit well with him .....
#DoubleStandardHypocrite !!
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by bobkezel(m): 9:56am On Dec 03, 2017
This man is going insane as days goes by, just because of money. F00lish man.


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by obyrich(m): 9:56am On Dec 03, 2017
God is THE ONLY BOSS that will fire you but still let you keep working. If you don't believe this ask Saul. He was anointed only for 2 years but was a king for 40 years. Meaning, he was only sitting king for 38 years.


Somebody help me pass this message to Pastor Adeboye.


Pastor Adeboye used to be a MOG I respect growing up as a young Christian but on this topic, I lost respect for him especially when he says things not a sound doctrine. If every Christian claim God told me without us having a way to verify in the word, do you know how many issues we'll have in the body of Christ today?

Pastor Adeboye should swallow his pride and accept biblical truth and sound Christian doctrines.

New Living Translation
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer.
Acts 2vs42

Tithe wasn't taught by the Apostles to the early church and not everything written in the bible is for Christians
If Christ our chief priest did not collect tithe, if the early disciples including the learned Apostle Paul did not preach or collect tithe, pray tell who are these people God is talking to in this generation about the importance of tithe in Christian living?

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Saintinoo(m): 9:57am On Dec 03, 2017

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O
sheeple spotted.


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Thylord(m): 9:57am On Dec 03, 2017

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O
Trashy rubbish.


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by AngelicBeing: 9:58am On Dec 03, 2017

My father! My father!!

Ride on sir!

Tithing dates far back before the Mosaic law. It is a covenant practice born out of revelation and insight into the deep things of God.

Father Abraham gave tithes.
Jacob gave his tithe.

And if we are Abraham's children and are now partakers of Abraham's blessings, then we must equally engage the deeds of Abraham (Hebrews 7).

Many are busy shouting, "we are now under grace, and not under the law, therefore the law should be done away with". Is this only regarding tithing?

I hope grace has now nullified the law that says thou shall not kill, thou shall not commit fornication, thou shall not lie, thou shall not worship any other god besides me, etc.

Many have become abusers of grace because they don't understand what grace is and what it has come to do.

Grace is the divine ability to do God's will without limitation where ordinarily, men would fail. Grace rides on the wheels of Mercy.

It is this mercy (divine pardon) that everyone enjoys today as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. That is why, when many ought to have died instantly after committing a sin, they live on. Mercy suspends at outright almost instant consequence for sin and gives many chances for repentance.

The death of Jesus didn't abolish tithing because if it does, then it also abolished the sin of murder, idolatory and fornication.

His death only grants us divine pardon from the immediate consequences of sin.

I stand with Daddy G.O
Gbam tongue
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by EricMason(m): 9:59am On Dec 03, 2017
I don’t think anybody is saying tithing is wrong, I think from freez perspective is how it’s been used by the church ⛪ leaders or elders. Yes givers give tithe to the church or organization, what do they use it for? Buy private jets and mansions and living a 5 star first class lifestyle that none apostle in the Bible has ever lived? Come on religion
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Johnrake69: 9:59am On Dec 03, 2017
how come Jews don't pay tithe?

considering that they have not paid tithe since the destruction of the temple in 70AD that is 70 years after the death of Christ.
if the jews (the people following the Mosaic Law) are not paying tithe as the old testament suggest because the temple has not been built and their rabbi do not collect tithe then who does your pastor pay tithe to?
does he pay tithe to God? how?

how come God need money before he can bless you or open your way for you?
when tithe is not money in the first place.
don't forget that Adeboye can't prove tithe with Bible.

In our sinful nature do you think we can really do anything to deserve God's blessing? We strive by his grace. If you look into the lives of the Men God bestowed blessings upon blessings on. It was God that qualified them for a blessing they didn't quality themselves. God chose Jacob from birth, he changed the story of Jabez.
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Nobody: 9:59am On Dec 03, 2017
Self-destruct mode activated.... Finally Nigeria will be great very soon.


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by shadeyinka(m): 10:00am On Dec 03, 2017
Fake pastor.

If you were a true Christian as you claim, you will know the verse that states "no one comes to the father unless through me".

God does not speak directly to men since Jesus ascension.

There are no more prophets after Jesus and so whoever you spoke with is not th God of Bible but the same evil spirit that possessed Mohammed
1 Corinthians 12:29
Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?

1 Corinthians 14:29
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.

1 Corinthians 14:37
If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.

Ephesians 4:11
And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by alfsalami: 10:00am On Dec 03, 2017
Lying against God for the sake of money ! Nothing like God convincing you , smart man, tithing ended with the mosaic dispensation, simple .

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Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by HeyCorleone(m): 10:00am On Dec 03, 2017

This Open Heavens of today December 3, 2017 and was written at least a year before now.


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

READ: Proverbs 3:5-7
3:5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
3:7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

To experience exploits in your life, you must have a personal relationship with God. You must believe that He lives and love Him with all your heart. You must also learn to trust in Him. That command to pay tithes on your earnings simply places a demand on you to trust in God. Your response to this command shows the level of trust you have in Him. If you can pay your tithe correctly, it shows that you trust God for your livelihood, but if you find it difficult to be faithful in doing this, it simply shows that you trust more in your earnings than in God to sustain you. After I became newly born again and we were taught to pay tithes, I laughed and said in my mind, “These people do not know that I am a mathematician. If 100% is not enough for me, how can 90% be enough after I have paid 10% as tithes? Thank you very much! Even though these people are not educated, they still want to use their smartness to take 10% of my income from me. Let them try and take it”. However, down the line, God convinced me by Himself and I observed remarkable changes in my life.
In those days, I was a lecturer in the university. I had a car but was afraid to drive in Lagos, so I got a driver. At the end of the month, I would pay my driver his salary, but by the middle of the next month, I would have to borrow money from him to buy petrol (gasoline). This happened month after month. I continued to struggle with my finances and even had to spend all my earnings. However, when I started paying my tithes, I suddenly realised I did not need a driver anymore, because boldness came from nowhere and I could now drive myself. Also, I did not have to visit hospitals again because I now had the Great Physician as my doctor. My children did not fall sick again, and that leakage in my finances was blocked off. All of a sudden, doors of opportunities began to open to me because I trusted the Lord. Are you still struggling with tithing? If you are, it only shows that you do not trust God to take care of you. The truth is, whatever you are paid may never be sufficient to meet all your needs because you are limited to that source, whereas you are open to various devourers. In contrast, when you tithe, you will have access to resources beyond your income because God’s storehouse will be opened to you, and He will also block every source of losses in your life. It is a matter of choice. Why don’t you start trusting God from today by paying your tithes faithfully?

It is shocking to know that quite a number of God’s children cannot trust God with their finances.

Psalm 93-101
Nahum 3:5-19

1.Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee.
Take my moments and my days,
Let them flow in endless praise.

2.Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.

3.Take my voice and let me sing,
Always, only for my King.
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.

4.Take my silver and my gold,
Not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use
Every pow’r as Thou shalt choose.

5.Take my will and make it Thine,
It shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is Thine own,
It shall be Thy royal throne.

6.Take my love, my Lord, I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store.
Take myself and I will be
Ever, only, all for Thee.

What I believe God needs is not tithe but rather works of charity.

There's this hymn that goes thus
"Whatsoever you do to the least of my brother
That you do unto me
When I was hungry you gave me to eat
When I was thirsty you gave me to drink
Now enter into the home of my father"

The hymn has other verses but none highlights tithing. It talks about doing stuff for ordinary people - the less privilege in the society. Those who are naked, those in prison and all that with the one promise of "entering into the home of my father".

Jesus also said the same in the Gospel of Matthew 25:31—46 .. He never mentioned giving to a pastor or anything or that He won't bless you of you don't give to him.


Re: God Himself Convinced Me Tithing Was Right - Pastor Adeboye by Nobody: 10:01am On Dec 03, 2017
Let us settle this issues If you are for tithe click like If you agree tithe is a scam click share
the share has it

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