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5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by vito30(m): 7:28am On Jan 09, 2018
Please help us steal china’s Destiny to help Nigeria
lol...Its 'people hate what they dont understand, fear what they can't conquer'

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by krushdripper(m): 7:30am On Jan 09, 2018
As far as I'm concerned, this destiny snatching thing is scam.

NO ONE can snatch my/your destiny.

what they do is put a spiritual mark on you so that people of the underworld can be tormenting and spoiling things for you.

All you need to go for is cleansing if you're experiencing any persistent or suspicious negativity in your life and never let ill luck demoralise you instead it should motivate you.


Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by histemple: 7:35am On Jan 09, 2018

This is just to help and enlighten you, your destiny cannot be stolen if you have nothing to do with the Kingdom of darkness, if you don't dabble in their stuff for protection or go to them for any help, but one can unconsciously have covenant with them through belonging to a satanic church or living in a satanic house, or associating with occult people, that is why you need to verify the type of church you belong, and by the way, destiny or glory can be stolen without the thief knowing he or she has stolen one destiny, by receiving gifts, cash ,food, etc ones destiny can be transferred in the spiritual to the giver , if the receiver is spiritualy week or the giver is a very strong hungry and ambitious person, we all see each others glory in the spirit realm and interact without being conscious of it, also people attending white garment churches do things that make spiritual forces transfer other peoples glory to them, glory can be transferred temporarily or permanent, in the case of giver and receiver it can be temporary like in the case of a father that is being blessed for taking good care of his children or wife, husband and wife use each others glory, your boss uses your glory temporarily unless he is occult , that is why Jesus said its more blessed to give than to receive, and one needs to be holy to use his or her glory or the glory of others that you are entitled to such as your children or spouse unless you steal it through occult means, and for the record some people are naturally holy and are not easily influenced by evil while some are not, if you belong to the not easily holy gang then you need to work on it, by living in a very spiritually holy environment with very little evil in the atmosphere such as developed countries, chose your church prayerfully because many churches will make you unholy, even mfm or any other deliverance church where demons and witches are being summoned daily, you may need to do your deliverance and get out ,not stay permanently, rccg is the only one in my experience that help with holiness, or you come to Islam, I had to convert to Islam to finally solve the issue of holiness, praying 5 times daily and attending the mosque at least twice daily as a woman, learn the Quran and the devil and all its agents will flee from you, check my profile for my conversion story, meanwhile babalawo I don't really know what you are doing with God but I will tell you this, God says He will use idolaters and anyone associating anything with Him as firewood for hell.

Wow! Thanks for taking your time to put this together. Sometimes, this spiritual things gets someone even more confused.


Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by castrol180(m): 7:37am On Jan 09, 2018


E jowo eyin baba se a le fi gas se aseje abi
ki a fi jo ise?
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by TheAlchemist: 7:49am On Jan 09, 2018
She also recalled that THE NEXT MORNING, Obesere INFORMED her that HE WAS GOING FOR A MEETING.
In her words, “[b]He raped me and afterwards inserted a ring he wore into my private part and I started bleeding. [/b]He hurriedly left me in the room saying he had an appointment to fulfill.
“I could not bear the trauma and the bleeding and I reported the matter to the police.”


Things surely are happening, may we not experience coded evil!
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by planetzoom: 8:04am On Jan 09, 2018
Even if all the five categories combined touch me with their occultic materials,it can't affect my destiny. I remembered in 2013 I came across someone with such evil ring,and I told him to his face,if you shake me with that evil ring,you may die in seven days,coz I carry in.me the power of yehoshua.

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Nobody: 8:04am On Jan 09, 2018
Why is it only in nigeria that you can steal destiny's

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by rodrirodri(m): 8:12am On Jan 09, 2018
Baba... is there a remedy to this...... what chance do one have to reclaim that which has been stolen......
Masturbation will attract succubus and incubus to your friend.

Tell your friend to fortify his Ori. He should meet a strong Babalawo to do that for him.

Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by adontcare(f): 8:25am On Jan 09, 2018
If you want to know true Christian clergies and other true religions clergies? Investigate their private life and you will see things that will surprise you because most of them live a two sided life.

I repeat, be careful who you allow to touch your head. Your head is sacred because there are some destinies (Ori), once stolen and it can't be recovered ever again

Just pray your original destiny (Ori) can be recovered if truly it was stolen.

There's no harm in trying. I will advise you seek immediate spiritual help to see if you can recover your Original destiny (Ori).

babalawos I need spiritual help, can u help me?
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by hakeem4(m): 8:32am On Jan 09, 2018

lol...Its 'people hate what they dont understand, fear what they can't conquer'

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Babalawos(m): 8:40am On Jan 09, 2018
IFA Greetings

To start with; hell doesn't exist. These may have come as a surprise to you but it is the truth.

So why will Babalawos go to a place like hell that doesn't exist?

From my experience as a Babalawo, hell only exist to those that believe it exist.

Hell is an illusion of the mind and it will become your reality when you believe it by being hell conscious; thinking about hell all the time and wishing people hell like what you are doing now on Nairaland.

You will definitely go to hell because your mind is hell programmed.

So if you don't reprogramme your mind from hell, you will eventually go to hell when you die.

Because your believe becomes your reality. Be careful what you believe!

If your third eyes are opened like mine, you will see earth bound spirits trapped on earth because of their believe and unfortunately most of them are Christians.

If you don’t believe me, come to my shrine today and I will give you water to wash your face for free, your third eyes will be opened immediately and you will see earth bound spirits. Your perception of life will change forever.

Most of the things you read in the Bible are not true. Only few are true.

The Bible has been altered and several books taking out of it.

Babalawos, Olorisas, Orisas initiates and Traditionalist don't care what your God thinks or feel about them.

We only care what our divinities (Orisas) and ancestors thinks about us and we live according to their laws.

For those Babalawos and Orisa initiates that have attained enlightenment, they go to the realm of the ancestors and watch over their loved ones on earth and those that have not attained enlightenment, reincarnate.

There is no hell in my religion, only heaven and reincarnation.

There is no devil or satan in my religion. Esu is not devil or satan. Esu is the divine massager, the God of cross road, the God in charge of power and authority (ase), the God in charge of darkness, the God that understands all languages....

We serve Almighty God through His Ministers (Gods And Goddesses).

So stop comparing my religion and your religion.

They are not the same because it is like trying to compare orange and apple.

You have alot to learn about my religion and spirituality in general.

You don’t truly understand who a Babalawo is, do you?

Now let me enlighten you; A Babalawo is a father of secrets, a man that has undergo rigorous spiritual, psychological, herbal, divination, magical and occult training and initiations.

We are not bad, Nollywood is just giving us bad reputation and something need to be done about Nollywood quick before things gets out of hand.

Thank you for reading, leave your comments



This is just to help and enlighten you, your destiny cannot be stolen if you have nothing to do with the Kingdom of darkness, if you don't dabble in their stuff for protection or go to them for any help, but one can unconsciously have covenant with them through belonging to a satanic church or living in a satanic house, or associating with occult people, that is why you need to verify the type of church you belong, and by the way, destiny or glory can be stolen without the thief knowing he or she has stolen one destiny, by receiving gifts, cash ,food, etc ones destiny can be transferred in the spiritual to the giver , if the receiver is spiritualy week or the giver is a very strong hungry and ambitious person, we all see each others glory in the spirit realm and interact without being conscious of it, also people attending white garment churches do things that make spiritual forces transfer other peoples glory to them, glory can be transferred temporarily or permanent, in the case of giver and receiver it can be temporary like in the case of a father that is being blessed for taking good care of his children or wife, husband and wife use each others glory, your boss uses your glory temporarily unless he is occult , that is why Jesus said its more blessed to give than to receive, and one needs to be holy to use his or her glory or the glory of others that you are entitled to such as your children or spouse unless you steal it through occult means, and for the record some people are naturally holy and are not easily influenced by evil while some are not, if you belong to the not easily holy gang then you need to work on it, by living in a very spiritually holy environment with very little evil in the atmosphere such as developed countries, chose your church prayerfully because many churches will make you unholy, even mfm or any other deliverance church where demons and witches are being summoned daily, you may need to do your deliverance and get out ,not stay permanently, rccg is the only one in my experience that help with holiness, or you come to Islam, I had to convert to Islam to finally solve the issue of holiness, praying 5 times daily and attending the mosque at least twice daily as a woman, learn the Quran and the devil and all its agents will flee from you, check my profile for my conversion story, meanwhile babalawo I don't really know what you are doing with God but I will tell you this, God says He will use idolaters and anyone associating anything with Him as firewood for hell.


Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Babalawos(m): 8:42am On Jan 09, 2018
The divinities and ancestors will help you through me. Yes we can help you!

babalawos I need spiritual help, can u help me?
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Babalawos(m): 8:44am On Jan 09, 2018
Through IFA. If IFA can't help you, then nobody can help you

Baba... is there a remedy to this...... what chance do one have to reclaim that which has been stolen......
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by odofinerujeje(m): 8:50am On Jan 09, 2018
Aboruboye ooooo

Nice one, hummmm many people dont understand this life you are 110% correct

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by adontcare(f): 8:50am On Jan 09, 2018
The divinities and ancestors will help you through me. Yes we can help you!

how do I reach u?
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Topshow2010(m): 8:51am On Jan 09, 2018
Masturbation will attract succubus and incubus to your friend.

Tell your friend to fortify his Ori. He should meet a strong Babalawo to do that for him.

Kudos to u ,can u pls shed more light on wat u meant by succubus and incubus?,Tnx.

Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by guiddoti: 8:52am On Jan 09, 2018
Osheey op!

Me singing in sunny Ade voice
*nothing can tamper with my destiny..
Good destiny I choose from God*

"God asked satan, have you considered my servant, Job."
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Babalawos(m): 8:53am On Jan 09, 2018
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by miracle007: 9:00am On Jan 09, 2018
This is a very simple issue, just be on fire for the Lord n no power hatched out of hell can touch u, can someone steal the destiny of Jesus Christ with ring or handkerchief? As he is so are we, the problem is that most christian don't know who they are, they lack fire. I remembered when I encountered a native Doctor, he knelt down before me n I was giving him instructions. Read Hosea 4:6. A true Christian is not ordinary, we are born of the Spirit of God.

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by HappyScent: 9:02am On Jan 09, 2018
Babalawo cant deliver you from stolen destiny,Only God in heaven can do that through our lord jesus christ to recover it,go to any bible beliving church,like mountain of fire.if you go to babalawo they will tell you to buy alot of festish this to carry out sacrified for you,at the end its still not clear,but if you come to jesus christ,through a bible beliving Church,u wont buy anything,he will forgive u,your sin and heal and deliver you.
God bless you


Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Babalawos(m): 9:15am On Jan 09, 2018
A native doctor is not a Babalawo, anyone that sells dogoyaro or agbo to treat maleria is considered a native doctor.

It wasnt a Babalawo you encountered?

Do you know who is a Babalawo?

I don't think you do?

I hate when Christians try to belittle other religion, all in the name of preaching and converting people to their religion.

Do you know how many popular reverend Fathers, Prophets, Pastors, Apostles knee in my shrine to talk to me?

But you will not hear me post such or their pictures online.

But Christians nor go let us hear Word.

If na Christians, them for don upload pictures and testimonies taya, all in the name of winning souls but violating their customers (church members) privacy.

Christians make una try get sense

This is a very simple issue, just be on fire for the Lord n no power hatched out of hell can touch u, can someone steal the destiny of Jesus Christ with ring or handkerchief? As he is so are we, the problem is that most christian don't know who they are, they lack fire. I remembered when I encountered a native Doctor, he knelt down before me n I was giving him instructions. Read Hosea 4:6. A true Christian is not ordinary, we are born of the Spirit of God.


Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Hahnemann: 9:20am On Jan 09, 2018

NO it is not true. In ATR, broom is a strong spiritual weapon for banishing evil and it is not used for stealing peoples destiny. Destiny stealer or snatcher charm must have physical contact with the victim in other for it to be effective. So using an enchanted broom to sweep someone's premises can not steal the persons destiny.

1* For example; if a taboo is broken by a family member like a mother having sex with another man that is not her husband or a father having sex with his daughter or a mother having sex with her son or a brother having sex with his sister.... etc brooms are used to sweep the evil out of the premises where the taboo breaker stays. This is accompanied by ebos and incantations (prayers) prescribed by the Oracle.

2* The second example of the spiritual and occult use of brooms in ATR; brooms are used to torment witches during interrogation by flogging the witch with brooms to confess all her atrocities.

3* The third example of the spiritual and occult use of brooms in ATR; brooms are used to confused armed robbers from robbing a building. When armed robbers comes into a fortified broom building, they will start to sweep the premises with the medicinal broom until the owner of the broom charm releases them from the spell of the medicinal broom. This particular medicinal armed robber confusing broom is short, have cowries, piece of red cloth and it is placed on top of the entrance of the building.

4* The fourth example of the spiritual and occult use of brooms in ATR; a single broom stick is what is needed to prepare Magun (thunderbot). The single broom stick is hidden in a place where the wife normally pass and as soon as she crosses it, she is under the spell of Magun (thunderbot). Any man that have sex with a woman that has Magun (thunderbot) will get stuck to her until the owner of the charm which is normally her husband releases her from the spell of Magun (thunderbot).

Thank you for this information, i hardly bliv spiritual things before but i ve experienced things that start to make me know that spiritual things really exist.

I will b careful from now henceforth

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Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Babalawos(m): 9:24am On Jan 09, 2018
You are welcome


Thank you for this information, i hardly bliv spiritual things before but i ve experienced things that start to make me know that spiritual things really exist.

I will b careful from now henceforth
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by kennykane1(m): 9:44am On Jan 09, 2018
This one na clear Guyman priest smiley) But far better than those thieves in religious robe stealing with God's name!!
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by charming1111(m): 9:46am On Jan 09, 2018
Please help us steal china’s Destiny to help Nigeria
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by kennykane1(m): 9:47am On Jan 09, 2018
Babalawo cant deliver you from stolen destiny,Only God in heaven can do that through our lord jesus christ to recover it,go to any bible beliving church,like mountain of fire.if you go to babalawo they will tell you to buy alot of festish this to carry out sacrified for you,at the end its still not clear,but if you come to jesus christ,through a bible beliving Church,u wont buy anything,he will forgive u,your sin and heal and deliver you.
God bless you

Me think MOF should first deliver themselves off of Lagos streets!!
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by rodrirodri(m): 9:49am On Jan 09, 2018
How do one contact ifa
Through IFA. If IFA can't help you, then nobody can help you

Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by rodrirodri(m): 9:50am On Jan 09, 2018
Only a fool won't believe in spiritual things......
You are welcome

Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by phemmyfour: 10:35am On Jan 09, 2018
Babalawos! Can you exchange Messi's destiny for Ahmed Musa's own so that Nig can go far in the World cup
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Nobody: 10:36am On Jan 09, 2018
pls reply my mail i seriously need help
blunt help kwa bikoo be carefull o
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by Nobody: 10:38am On Jan 09, 2018

E jowo eyin baba se a le fi gas se aseje abi ki a fi jo ise?
ina igi or stove ni ki e lo
Re: 5 Signs Your Destiny (ori) Has Been Stolen Or Snatched by sirBLUNT: 10:42am On Jan 09, 2018
blunt help kwa bikoo be carefull o
lol yes oo i want to update my destiny

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