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The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt - Literature - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt (6156 Views)

Ocean Of Secrets: The Flow (ocean Of Secrets Saga; Book 2) / THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller / A Hunt - A Military Thriller by Abraham Adekunle (2) (3) (4)

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The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 9:33pm On Jan 02, 2018
Hello, my people.

Happy New Year. I wish you success and a blissful 2018.

While many might think I'd gone off the radar, well, I was busy working on the second book in the A Hunt series. And while I might have loved to post everything here - more than two hundred pages - I've published it on Amazon KDP and enrolled it in KDP Select, which binds me that I can only distribute my book elsewhere in another format - print, audio, etc.

But nonetheless, for people who will be interested in reviewing the book on Amazon, you'll get the book for free. Yes, free. But all you have to do is send me an email at Abraham@AbrahamAdekunle.com

Sveen, duch12, queenitee, pnet22, sod09, emazy10, nikz, hadow, Honeydawealth, Creeza, EvaJael, oluwatosin070, Whiydhee, donobecs, Davidpaul, MichaelBlake40, Eyinimofeoluwa, JohnGainsville, marvwhite, DiegoNakel, ebby9z, Matherson, emperormossad, Nostradamus, Longjohnsilver, jayeoba92, dhesire, itopat007, PoliticalThuG, itsandi, Freeezzz, oppsyij, ADECULATE, Omobolaji20, loverboi97, ladyverere, Superkid201, Ikdbabie, jagugu88li, Awesome35, Ayoshewa12, chii8 ....

Most of you guys asked me to inform you when The Chase is out. Here I am fulfilling my promise. Just send me an email via Abraham@AbrahamAdekunle.com and I'll forward you the book in PDF format with instructions on how to review the book on Amazon.

Meanwhile, here's an excerpt from The Chase:

Oremeji Street, Shogunle Bus Stop, Oshodi, Lagos. Wednesday, April 19th, 2017. 9:00 AM.

Peter and Simon strolled down the street adjacent to Agege Motor Road. The sun had risen from the east and it shone directly on them in its yellowish radiant beauty. The street was almost deserted except for occasional pedestrians.

Simon shielded his eyes from the sun with both hands. His not-fitted-but-not-oversize red T-shirt stretched taut over a pair of brand new black jean trousers that hugged his ass and a pair of sparkling white trainers with few red stripes. He felt more athletic than ever. “Should have bought sunglasses, too.”

Peter threw him a glance from behind his multi-color sunshade. He had a smirk and he lifted his eyebrows and lowered them almost simultaneously. “That’s where my supercomputer brain beats yours.”

And it was true. Donning a purple polo top on a pair of dark blue jean trousers and completing the equation with a black pair of sneakers could guarantee a day or two of not changing clothes and still looking presentable. In fact, had Simon not swooped the last stock of black jeans at the boutique, he would’ve gone for it. “I give you just six hours. Your shoes would be looking like my ass. And that shirt— Ah, we’re even going to a mechanic workshop. Black oil stains won’t be bad.”

“Don’t worry,” Simon said. “You’re still going to need me.”

“You bet. How about now?”

They had reached a one-story building with fence as low as half the height of the ground floor. Over the fence, Simon could see his dad’s mechanic standing outside, in front of his open dark garage, wearing a sleeveless top and a pair of shorts with lots of protruding pockets. His name was Afeez. The Toyota Corolla sat inside the garage, back facing outside.

Afeez was approximately six feet tall, sported a trimmed beard, and was overly blackened by engine oil and mechanical dirt that it’d be hard to guess his age. He owned the house and worked from home. So, as he stood upright with arms crossed before his chest, standing at the back of the Corolla, Simon knew the boss was talking and something was definitely amiss.

It took Simon about a minute to become animated again while Peter looked on.

Afeez gestured with his hands for them to come in. They entered the gate and approached him.

Peter put on his best look for the past twenty-four hours. “Good morning, sir.”

“Morning,” Afeez answered disinterestingly. He appeared not to be blinking. He turned, gestured with his hands for them to follow him, and walked into the garage.

The two followed behind, Peter careful enough to put a reasonable distance between him and Afeez.

“Some people don’t like you,” he said, reaching for a switch on the wall a couple of meters away from the car.

As Afeez flipped the switch, the garage lightened up. There was a table in front of the Corolla with a calculator-like device on it. Only the device had a huge screen instead of buttons, and it was several inches deep. Beside the device were three tiny black boxes—the size of a phone camera.

“What does it look like?” Afeez pointed to the big device.

Peter squinted and took a few minutes of hard look before it hit him. He slowly mouthed the words, nearly inaudible. “Ka… boom.”

Afeez frowned. “Kaboom? This is kaboom?”

Peter stared at him and formed inaudible words. “A bomb.”

Simon read Peter’s mouth, took a hard look at the device, and then his jaw slackened.

“Finally,” Afeez said, “some people are talking sense. Let me save you the stress of figuring out the remaining three. One of them is a tracker. Two are wireless cameras.” He leaned back on the Corolla’s hood on the left side, Peter and Simon to his left.

“Simon,” he began, and Simon did flinch, “I don’t work in my garage anymore. Apart from emergency, I only accept cars here from special customers. Your dad is one of them and to me, since you’re his son, you’re also a special customer.

“But look what you did. You bring a car with a bomb here and a friend I’m sure you don’t even know. Me, my wife, and my children sleep directly up.” He pointed to the ceiling. “You came here to find out if your plan has worked, eh?”

He stood upright and faced them. Peter and Simon entered pleading mode. They positioned themselves as if to genuflect, their hands stretched forward like a goalkeeper.

“No, no, no,” Simon said. “We didn’t rig the car, but we know who.”

“You want me to believe that?” Afeez’s eyes had reddened and Peter had a gazillion reasons that the mechanic was looking for any scrap metal to hurl like a projectile.

“If we’re lying,” Peter said, “why would we rig a camera inside the car?”

“Outside the car!” Afeez yelled. “Very obvious. You want to see when I’ll be very near the car so the bomb can tear me to pieces first.”

“Wo, wo, wo,” Peter said. “You said you found the cameras outside the car. What about the bomb and the tracker?”

“Outside the car! Don’t play games with me.”

“We’re not.” Peter looked at Simon. “If Jones rigged the car outside, that means he couldn’t get in.”

“What are you talking about?” Afeez asked.

“Or maybe he didn’t want us to suspect anything,” Simon said.

Peter turned to Afeez, no more pleading, his eyes hard and cold. “Mr. Afeez, put emotions aside. Were you able to disable the devices?”

“Uh-huh. Mission failed. You happy now?”

“For you, yes. But for us, no.”

“Oh, so you’re not happy your plan failed?”

Peter lurched forward a couple of steps. “No!!! Jones meant to kill us, not you.”

Afeez flinched but didn’t move. Simon grabbed Peter’s hand but Peter yanked it off. Simon looked outside and saw that the noise hadn’t attracted neighbors.

“I know what you’re thinking, Mr. Afeez. Nowhere we can run to because you’re ex-military. You’ll smoke us out or even jail our families till they produce us.”

Afeez lifted his eyebrows and cocked his head.

“Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you he told me.” He pointed to Simon. “But before you do the smoking out and jailing and torturing, could you please hear our side of the story?”

Afeez stood still for a while, maybe a minute or two. To Peter, it seemed like forever, like it wasn’t going to end. Finally, Afeez went to the table, perched one of his buttocks on it, and said, “You’ve got five minutes.”

When Peter hesitated to talk, he said, “Four minutes fifty seconds.”

Peter sighed. “Okay, here’s how it began.” And he told him a modified edition of the original story.

The story was that Peter and Simon met in a hotel near a crime scene. They decided to go out together. Unknowingly, Simon parked his car opposite the crime scene to pick a call.

Bad news, soldiers were in charge. They would’ve killed them had they not swiftly open and car and surrender. That didn’t stop them from peppering the car with bullets, though.

They took them and the car to Ikeja Cantonment where the lieutenant in charge of the investigation lied against them that they barged into the building they were investigating. That building would be Nnamdi Tech.

A superior officer, a major, somehow discovered the truth and set them free. That lieutenant must have rigged the car and who knows how many people he must have rigged a bomb in their car.

Afeez swallowed the story, hook, line, and sinker. But he asked, “What is the name of that major?”

“Major Mark Muhammed,” Peter replied.

“You said the name of the lieutenant was Jones, correct?”


“Do you know his last name?”

“No. We just heard his colleagues calling him Jones.”

“And your name is?”

“Peter Adewale.”

Afeez sighed for the first time since they arrived. “I’ll deal with that officer. Meanwhile, I had to put up the ruckus to get this from you. I hope you don’t mind?”

“No. I understand.”

Afeez nosed around in one of his pockets with a hand, extracted a key, and tossed it to Simon. “You’re lucky I had finished fixing the car before I found those stuff. Otherwise, you would’ve had to wait for some hours.”

“Our luck, then,” Simon said. Truth be told, he was glad that they wouldn’t endure another three-hour conversation with the mechanic. He opened the car, leaned on the door, and pointed at the table. “You sure you can take care of that?”

“Leave it to me.”

“Of course, you’re ex-military. You know those stuff well more than us.”

“Do me a favor, Simon. Whenever you feel like talking about me, seal up your mouth.”

~ ~ ~

By the time Simon wheeled out the Corolla onto Agege Motor Road, he asked Peter, “What do you have to say about that stunt you pulled back there?”

Peter laughed. “Once bitten, twice shy.”


Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 9:35pm On Jan 02, 2018
A deadly agent
A deadly pursuit

Peter Adewale and Simon Coker were set to be secret service agents in three weeks.

But the situation became complicated when they discovered that Jones, the director of The Jones, an undercover intelligence agency under the Nigerian Intelligence Agency, was pulling strings at Nnamdi Tech, the case he was supposed to assign to them exclusively.

Jones' three contractors had to be sorted. Peter and Simon had to team up with John, Qazim, and officers at the Ikeja Army Cantonment. Honorable Daniel's wings had to be clipped.

And a deadly chase between Peter and Jones all through the way from Victoria Island in Lagos to Ikenne in Ogun State, which left devastating catastrophe in its wake, will leave you breathless to the end.

Coming Soon: The Cleanse (A Hunt Series Book #3)

Adesina12, Aitee1, soleski01, Creeza,
Lawlahdey, sexybbstar, jagugu88li,
ADECULATE, Amenaghwon, okorro1,
Simplebea, Nmaglit,, osleek, xamster,
sirOrubebe, Bobbybube, julietogbo,
Osman1966, chii8, tonye72, Winters22,
omamush, Twinkle004, debra101,
samyfreshsmooth, mozb, prinxxdave,
cutietee, kinah, IamLukas, harameede99,
ladySuperb, dominicnuel, sod09,
chara019, teel123, Pureheart91, Mobecs,
latbas, Babsopey, opal4real, Mobecs,
latbas, AndyAustin, kingsmith4,
ladyverere, KunkeAkinola, mrsuccessful,
JMK9600, Michelle55, Audrinakane,
Smooth278, Ashley87, Sonamjs, orluuchi,
brighttech95, DavidPaul, Kaycee625,
Perfectionist11, skillz121, samwise180,
Lastking147, suffy834, Prinxxdave,
emmynku, aryan28, bossy512, nikz,
BlissfulJef, Michelle55, sunshine46,
IemFava, segunjowo, harrygold, estie92,
clitx, tusinsola, yusufibrahim,
Oyindawealth, harunablezin, EpBerezi,
chade, bentube, JeffreyJamez, boffinjay,
chukslawrence, Akposb, yewande1234,
Ikdbabie, dimeji877, bossy512,
yinkaellamz, tonye72, domido,
mendel04, remiseyi, pricelesslove,
Profmaojo, Sparkles003, tyreal,
Emmayur, ToluLolu0122, Daniyomex,
anasbeaut, saraphina, Ansasan, CherylM,
miriam1868, Fadamb, Niwdog,
JohnGainsville, pweetyz, Jsaviour,
abefe99, 1marking, Ayoomolabake,
Ayamconfidence, Hadampson,
rachealfst, Stephengee12, jane1234f,
mhizgap, naetocm, lord3plex, Slimbae,
SammieLowkey, Tinaflux, darkid1,
domido, hyuga, Olusojisorunmu,
Supizino, princ007, Topscoque,
olaoreofe, stez, maran1983,
smokeydrinky, greatface, mhizv, omoere,
Owulufelix147, Afz9095, Domance,
greeeneyes, nimat158, boldnbeautiful,
heema, stez, cooleo, bummybummy, ,
missyadorable, Vikthor, Kamelot77,
RoyaleR, Hman92, 1marking,
johnkennedy18, Zackari, iamadonis2,
yettielicious, Teespice, prisiliveth,
preciousuweh, Igweminho, janetade,
imranMotunrayo, priestchurch, surddick,
mutuality, tiffanyfan, marvwhite, Tinu02,
Epberezi, Matrix001, Nathblessing,
MrShine, , heatflux, uniknet, donobecs,
tijehi, queenitee, meneski, missmossy,
Ofez, Queensiju, dominique, donteanz,
iamharkinwaley, Ayoshewa12,
maran1983, Olusojisorunmu, Olubee22,
Lexxyla, stephmiracle, heemah, ftosino TiffanyJ Kimkardashain bibijay123
Chumzypinky petermuller Chipappii
stephenGee12 EvaJael ghostwritter
marianneada SheWrites Lleigh Clemzy16
Jagugu88li, ladysuperb, queenitee, Lleigh,
hadampson, haramedee99, girlhaley,
creeza, ikombe, biafrabushboy,
TheBlessedMAN Adesina12
jagugu88li lawlahdey allylic nmaglit hadampson, divepen1 deji124 ayambae nikz abeffe99 bimberry1307 olubee22

1 Like

Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 11:42am On Jan 03, 2018
You can also drop your email here and I'll contact you.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by hadow(m): 5:31pm On Jan 03, 2018
You can also drop your email here and I'll contact you.

Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by isyboi12(m): 12:30am On Jan 04, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Horladan(m): 6:18pm On Jan 04, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by bigbauer(m): 12:03am On Jan 05, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by URANTAALLWELL(m): 6:00am On Jan 05, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 7:59pm On Jan 06, 2018
Thank you all for your response so far. I saw all the emails and the ones you've dropped in my inbox, too. I'll reply you sooner. My free promotion days on Amazon will start on 15th of this month, so I'm marketing it for that day. Kindle free book promotion runs for five days, so you'll be able to own it on Amazon, too.

Please bear with me.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 7:23pm On Jan 08, 2018

Guys, check your email address.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by bigbauer(m): 10:08pm On Jan 08, 2018
Thanks I've gotten it
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by bigbauer(m): 10:09pm On Jan 08, 2018
Thanks I've gotten it

Guys, check your email address.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by oppsyij: 12:36am On Jan 09, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by hadow(m): 11:43am On Jan 09, 2018

Guys, check your email address.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by donkelz(m): 5:54pm On Jan 09, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Emanuel1997: 6:19pm On Jan 09, 2018

will be especting bro
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 2:58am On Jan 16, 2018

will be especting bro
Sorry it came late, but check your email.

Also, both A Hunt and The Chase are currently free on the Amazon Kindle store here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078X86YVT/ref=series_rw_dp_sw/

Grab your copy while it lasts.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by reykhana(m): 10:58pm On Jan 16, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by donkelz(m): 7:23pm On Jan 17, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by oppsyij: 10:08pm On Jan 17, 2018
bro....aint got the mail yet mailope2004@gamil.com thnkz
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by seun0225(m): 3:00am On Jan 28, 2018
When are you going to be starting the chase here on nairaland
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 1:04pm On Jan 28, 2018
When are you going to be starting the chase here on nairaland
That would be sometime later, maybe two months from now. It's on Kindle Select, an exclusive publishing platform of the Kindle Direct Publishing platform (http://kdp.amazon.com) Upon enrollment, 90 days would have to elapse before I can publish or share the book elsewhere.

However, I can send you a free copy in exchange for an honest review. You should get my mail in a bit.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by seun0225(m): 1:41pm On Jan 28, 2018

That would be sometime later, maybe two months from now. It's on Kindle Select, an exclusive publishing platform of the Kindle Direct Publishing platform (http://kdp.amazon.com) Upon enrollment, 90 days would have to elapse before I can publish or share the book elsewhere.

However, I can send you a free copy in exchange for an honest review. You should get my mail in a bit.
I shall wait for the mail then. But please be fast about the mail. Cos the thriller is wow. And i want to read the story faster. More grease to your elbow. Keep up the good work cos the heavens is your limit
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Abra4real(m): 3:04pm On Jan 28, 2018

I shall wait for the mail then. But please be fast about the mail. Cos the thriller is wow. And i want to read the story faster. More grease to your elbow. Keep up the good work cos the heavens is your limit
I've sent you some emails.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by Nobody: 10:13pm On Feb 10, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by nady94: 12:00am On Feb 11, 2018
Please I wouldn't mind getting a copy
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by ladyverere(f): 8:40am On Feb 20, 2018
A deadly agent
A deadly pursuit

Peter Adewale and Simon Coker were set to be secret service agents in three weeks.

But the situation became complicated when they discovered that Jones, the director of The Jones, an undercover intelligence agency under the Nigerian Intelligence Agency, was pulling strings at Nnamdi Tech, the case he was supposed to assign to them exclusively.

Jones' three contractors had to be sorted. Peter and Simon had to team up with John, Qazim, and officers at the Ikeja Army Cantonment. Honorable Daniel's wings had to be clipped.

And a deadly chase between Peter and Jones all through the way from Victoria Island in Lagos to Ikenne in Ogun State, which left devastating catastrophe in its wake, will leave you breathless to the end.

Coming Soon: The Cleanse (A Hunt Series Book #3)

Adesina12, Aitee1, soleski01, Creeza,
Lawlahdey, sexybbstar, jagugu88li,
ADECULATE, Amenaghwon, okorro1,
Simplebea, Nmaglit,, osleek, xamster,
sirOrubebe, Bobbybube, julietogbo,
Osman1966, chii8, tonye72, Winters22,
omamush, Twinkle004, debra101,
samyfreshsmooth, mozb, prinxxdave,
cutietee, kinah, IamLukas, harameede99,
ladySuperb, dominicnuel, sod09,
chara019, teel123, Pureheart91, Mobecs,
latbas, Babsopey, opal4real, Mobecs,
latbas, AndyAustin, kingsmith4,
ladyverere, KunkeAkinola, mrsuccessful,
JMK9600, Michelle55, Audrinakane,
Smooth278, Ashley87, Sonamjs, orluuchi,
brighttech95, DavidPaul, Kaycee625,
Perfectionist11, skillz121, samwise180,
Lastking147, suffy834, Prinxxdave,
emmynku, aryan28, bossy512, nikz,
BlissfulJef, Michelle55, sunshine46,
IemFava, segunjowo, harrygold, estie92,
clitx, tusinsola, yusufibrahim,
Oyindawealth, harunablezin, EpBerezi,
chade, bentube, JeffreyJamez, boffinjay,
chukslawrence, Akposb, yewande1234,
Ikdbabie, dimeji877, bossy512,
yinkaellamz, tonye72, domido,
mendel04, remiseyi, pricelesslove,
Profmaojo, Sparkles003, tyreal,
Emmayur, ToluLolu0122, Daniyomex,
anasbeaut, saraphina, Ansasan, CherylM,
miriam1868, Fadamb, Niwdog,
JohnGainsville, pweetyz, Jsaviour,
abefe99, 1marking, Ayoomolabake,
Ayamconfidence, Hadampson,
rachealfst, Stephengee12, jane1234f,
mhizgap, naetocm, lord3plex, Slimbae,
SammieLowkey, Tinaflux, darkid1,
domido, hyuga, Olusojisorunmu,
Supizino, princ007, Topscoque,
olaoreofe, stez, maran1983,
smokeydrinky, greatface, mhizv, omoere,
Owulufelix147, Afz9095, Domance,
greeeneyes, nimat158, boldnbeautiful,
heema, stez, cooleo, bummybummy, ,
missyadorable, Vikthor, Kamelot77,
RoyaleR, Hman92, 1marking,
johnkennedy18, Zackari, iamadonis2,
yettielicious, Teespice, prisiliveth,
preciousuweh, Igweminho, janetade,
imranMotunrayo, priestchurch, surddick,
mutuality, tiffanyfan, marvwhite, Tinu02,
Epberezi, Matrix001, Nathblessing,
MrShine, , heatflux, uniknet, donobecs,
tijehi, queenitee, meneski, missmossy,
Ofez, Queensiju, dominique, donteanz,
iamharkinwaley, Ayoshewa12,
maran1983, Olusojisorunmu, Olubee22,
Lexxyla, stephmiracle, heemah, ftosino TiffanyJ Kimkardashain bibijay123
Chumzypinky petermuller Chipappii
stephenGee12 EvaJael ghostwritter
marianneada SheWrites Lleigh Clemzy16
Jagugu88li, ladysuperb, queenitee, Lleigh,
hadampson, haramedee99, girlhaley,
creeza, ikombe, biafrabushboy,
TheBlessedMAN Adesina12
jagugu88li lawlahdey allylic nmaglit hadampson, divepen1 deji124 ayambae nikz abeffe99 bimberry1307 olubee22

Wow Abe! Well done. I have been waiting for the chase for so long. I wondered what was happening. Great job.
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by officialflex(f): 4:47pm On Feb 21, 2018
oluwayimikaflex@gmail.com pls I want
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by sinachi1(f): 5:45am On Feb 27, 2018
pls I won't mind getting d mail too cos dis ur books sounds so wow. Mmasinachimbah@yahoo.com
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by abovenani(m): 2:55pm On Mar 01, 2018
pls contact me with the story @ abovedw001@gmail.com
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by AccessCash: 4:22pm On Mar 01, 2018
Re: The Chase: A Military Crime Thriller (A Hunt Series Book 2) Excerpt by JMK9600(f): 12:29pm On Mar 22, 2018
adejumoke9600@gmail.com . That is my mail. Expecting my PDF

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