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"Blood In The Ring" A Crime Thriller By John Mfon. / FEIRE - A Romance Story / Jailbird Readers, I Brought You Episode 71 To Episode 92 (Click And Enjoy) (2) (3) (4)
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THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 3:14pm On Dec 23, 2017 |
THE JAILBIRD Chris Bawa, an incredibly handsome and strong thirty year old man is pardoned by the President for being of good behavior and released from the Grand Castle Prison after serving five years out of his ten year sentence. During his years in prison, he was not visited by any of family members and even the love of his life, Effe neglected him all through his imprisonment. His release comes as a shock to everyone and nobody is willing to accept him; a criminal who dealt with drugs, gruesomely paralyzed an innocent young girl and raped his wife's bestfriend. The love of his life - his wife Effe welcomes him from prison with the divorce papers which he had been avoiding while he was in prison. She plans to get married to his bestfriend after the divorce. Inspector Danso Cuger is still mad at Chris for blinding one of his eyes and is desperate to make him return to prison and rot there. Only two people welcomed him from prison, Eyram his ex-wife's twin and Junior his son who both showed love to him. He tries to get back on track with his life, but with Miss Brooks and other crime temptation in his way, prison is calling again. Inspector Danso Cuger and other enemies are still desperate to make him return to jail, Chris finds it very difficult to stand. And when everything seemed to fall back in place, when his life seemed to be going smoothly again, the life of the one who showed him true love is threatened. It makes him go wild and uncontrollable and whenever he does, he falls into big trouble. Would the Jailbird return to jail? Source: 4 Likes 1 Share
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 3:52pm On Dec 23, 2017 |
Episode 1 ® 18+ SNVL © Aaron A-A No part of this work should be copied or used without the writer's permission. GRAND CASTLE PRISON The small metal gate at the side of the gigantic main prison gates opens, and a tall huge man emerges from the prison. He stops for a moment and looks around him with hard bitter eyes. His face is incredibly handsome, and he looks absolutely powerful as he stands there surveying his surroundings. He is wearing a pair of black jeans, an old pair of loafers, and a threadbare checked shirt. His name is CHRIS BAWA, and he is thirty years old. He has been in prison for five years, and he has just been released. His handsome face is grim, and his eyes are bitter-hard as he walks forward slowly. There are a few prison warders around. Since it is not a visiting day, the car park of the Grand Castle prison is virtually empty save for about five cars belonging to some of the prison officials. Chris looks at the long road that descends from the Grand Castle Prison towards the roadside. It is quite far, and he has a long way to walk since no one has come to meet him. He hasn't really expected anyone to be present, anyway. He breathes the air of freedom very deeply, and then he starts to walk away. A few of the prison wardens greet him and wish him well. He is about fifty metres away from the main prison entrance, walking towards the roadside, when a black police jeep suddenly appears, coming from the direction of the main road to the prison. The jeep veers and covers the width of the road, blocking his path, and immediately a tall bald-headed man wearing a police Chief Inspector's insignia and rank braids emerges from the jeep. He is wearing a police cap, and a black eye-patch across his left eye. He is obviously one-eyed. The Chief Inspector pulls out his pistol and points it at Chris, and he has a nasty look on his face. He is Chief Inspector DANSO CUGER. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER (hissing angrily) And where the hell do you think you're going, you little piece of shit? Trying to escape, right? Get down on the ground right now before I pump my bullets into you! Chris stops and looks calmly at the policeman, but his eyes are very dark with fury. He makes no attempt to obey the man's command. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER Get down now, Chris Bawa! On your damn face! This is your final warning! I'll shoot you dead, motherf***er! Down on the ground, hands behind your back! NOW!!! CHRIS (calmly) Go ahead. Shoot. His calm voice infuriates Cuger beyond measure. He draws back the hammer on his revolver, and just then he sees two prison officers coming hard towards them from the prison. One is a beautiful prison warder, 30-year-old BAABA BROOKS. The other is the portly bespectacled fifty-five year old prison chaplain, Chief Superintendent JON FII. Both of them look totally alarmed when they see Cuger covering Chris with his gun. BAABA (shouting) Put down your gun, Sir! JON FII (alarmed) Good heavens, Cuger! What do you think you’re doing? CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER (sounding a little confused) I saw this inmate leaving, Sir. To the best of my knowledge, he still has five years to serve. He was given ten years imprisonment, Sir! He's served only five! Why did you let him out? JON FII (indignantly) Really, Chief Inspector! Remember you're just a resident Police Officer, and not part of the top-level issues that we handle here. You've been off on your annual leave, and some few things have changed since you've been away! Mr. Chris Bawa has been released! Cuger Danso's face darkens with a mixture of incomprehension, shock and hatred. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER (hoarsely) Released? He's been released? But... how? I mean... why? What happened? JON FII Holster your gun, Danso! Yes, he's been released! His case has been under review for some time now, and whilst you were away, he was part of the prisoners pardoned by the President of the country! Cuger shoves his gun angrily into its holster and regards the chaplain with hard eyes. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER (angrily) Are you sure, Sir? This man was imprisoned for using cocaine and being drunk on alcohol, and for causing a terrible road accident! He was also convicted on aggravated assault against his uncle, and against a man of the law, and that's me! He made me blind in my left eye, Sir, when I was arresting him, in case you've forgotten. Goodness me, cases involving hard drugs do not receive presidential pardons! I suspect foul play here! JON FII Don't be silly, Cuger! Mr. Bawa had cocaine on him, yes, but it was proved he was using it personally, not selling it, and he certainly wasn't a cocaine supplier! As for making you lose your left eye, that was unfortunate, but you can see he served five years, and he's a changed man. He's been released! If you have any problems with that you can go to the Commandant to verify and peruse the release documents! Cuger regards Chris darkly for a moment, and then he walks forward deliberately. He takes off his police cap and rips off the eye-patch covering his left eye. The eye is busted, and so it is shut, and the skin of the eyelid looks very black and disfigured. He stops in front of Chris and speaks through clenched teeth. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER (voice spilling with hatred) It's not over, you damn piece of menstrual clot! You're not reformed. You will NEVER be reformed, boy. You are, and always will be, a criminal. You don't belong to society, Chris Bawa. You cost me an eye, and I'll make sure you pay for it. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye. I'll be behind you from now, boy. Every step you take I'll be there. If you sneeze I'll be there. If you shit I'll be there! I'll bring you back to prison, motherf***er, if it's the last thing I ever do! JON FII (with indignation) Chief Inspector! That's an awful thing to say! That's quite inappropriate! I'll make sure the Commandant hears about this! Cuger gives the Chaplain a very dirty look. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER Run along and tell him, Sir! He gets into his jeep and speeds angrily away, leaving the Chaplain and Baaba to stare after him with absolute shock. BAABA (shaking her head sadly) I've always known that man hates Chris, Sir. You're privy to the bad things he did to Chris inside that prison, aren't you? The Chaplain nods, his face still reflecting his shock. JON FII I'm flabbergasted! I'm perplexed! Such hatred all bottled up inside that man, eating him up like a corrosive acid! I'll make sure the Commandant hears about this! BAABA He never forgave Chris for making him lose his eye, Sir. That's what has made his anger and hatred fester for so many years. Chris begins to walk away again. Immediately the Chaplain steps in front of him. JON FII Hold on, Chris, my son. I came after you to give you this. He proffers a white envelope towards Chris, who looks quite startled. CHRIS (calmly) What's that, Sir? JON FII Oh, a little pocket money. Something to get you through today, if need be, son. Nothing much. Just pittance. Two hundred Ghana Cedis, boy. At least it can buy you some food for today. Chris reaches out and takes the envelope, and sticks it into his back pocket. CHRIS (in his soft, deep voice) Thanks, Sir. That's very much appreciated. The two men shake hands, and Chris starts to walk away again. Baaba reaches out and takes his arm. He looks at her without expression. BAABA Chris, my shift has ended. I'm headed to Achimota. I can give you a lift if you're going in that direction. CHRIS (softly) I would appreciate that very much, Miss Brooks. I'm going to Madina, and so I can drop off on the way. BAABA (smiling now) Okay then. Wait for me and let me get my car. When she walks away the Chaplain draws close to Chris, takes his upper arms and looks earnestly at him. JON FII You have been through hell here, Chris, during these five years you've been here as a prisoner. I saw how Cuger and his bad friends tried to break your back, but you remained strong, and today the dear Lord has seen it fit to listen to our prayers, and you have your freedom back. It is a new beginning, my boy. I've heard terrible things about you, prior to your imprisonment, and I tried my best to make you a good man. Don't disappoint me, my son. Go out there and live a clean life. Make me proud. If I see you coming back to this prison, let it be because you're visiting me, and not because you're coming back as a convict. May the good Lord be your helper! Chris nods, and he sees tears glistening in the Chaplain's eyes. CHRIS Thank you, Sir. I appreciate all that you did for me in there. The Chaplain nods, squeezes Chris' arms, and then he turns and quickly walks back into the prison yard. Baaba's Toyota Corrolla pulls up, and Chris opens the door and slides into the air-conditioned interior. As she drives away neither of them sees Cuger emerging from the shadow of the visitors' lounge and glaring after the car as his teeth grind together angrily. He takes out his phone and dials. The phone is answered on the third ring. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER (through clenched teeth) Hey, McBaiden, where are you? The voice at the other end belongs to Sergeant ATO MCBAIDEN, another police attachment at the prison, and Cuger's best friend. MCBAIDEN (jovially) I dey Auntie Mansa e der. I dey chop some fufu, my paddy, plus some serious goat meat. CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER (angrily) You were right, bro. The people released Chris. He just left! MCBAIDEN (explosively) Shit! Hell no! For real? CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER For f***ing real, man! Took me completely by surprise. Charley, this thing irks me so f***ing bad, man! MCBAIDEN (voice low and sinister) Dude, you think he's gonna be a problem? CHIEF INSPECTOR CUGER Chris Bawa will always be a problem, my paddy. I want you here ASAP, man. I think we must do some planning. That boy took my f***ing eye, and I’m going to make him pay big time. MCBAIDEN I dey on my way dey come. The fufu sef no dey sweet me again. f***ing Chris... like we for kill am. But it's never too late, bro, never too late! to be continued Read more here: 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 3:53pm On Dec 23, 2017 |
Episode 2 ©Aaron A-A ACHIMOTA ROAD Baaba has joined the main road towards Achimota, and she keeps casting furtive glances at Chris. Chris is reclining back in the seat, head back, eyes closed, hands lying limply on his thighs. Baaba looks at his long eyelashes, his thick brows, his sensuous lips, and once again she is struck by how absolutely handsome he is. She sighs and rummages in a CD pack in a compartment under the car's player. She selects a compact disc and slots it into the car's CD player. Very soon the smooth sounds of AZ Yet's "Last Night" fills the interior of the car. He opens his eyes, turns his head and looks at her. BAABA (voice strained) Listen, Chris, I'm not really in a hurry. I can pass through Madina and drop you off if you wish. His eyes search her face, and his face remains expressionless. When he speaks his voice holds a little tint of uncertainty. CHRIS What's going on, Baaba? She raises her eyebrows at him. BAABA With? I don't understand your question, Chris. CHRIS (looking intently at her) You've been good to me ever since you were transferred to the Grand Castle prison two years ago. You've always treated me with respect even when your colleagues were doing their best to break me. Surely you've heard the bad stories about me! So what's this? Why are you so good to me? She bites her lower lip. She looks ahead for a while, her hands gripping the steering-wheel so tightly that her knuckles almost show white. When she looks at him briefly again he notices how fragile she is looking, and how beautiful she really is. For a moment her lips tremble, and then she gives him a sad little smile. BAABA You mean it? You want honesty. CHRIS Honesty, yes, Baaba. What you have been doing for me, your immense help and encouragement these two years go beyond mere kindness. There's something more, and I want you to tell me what it is. She hesitates for a moment, and then she nods almost imperceptibly. BAABA (softly) You're right, Chris. But I don't think now is the time to talk about that. I'll see you again after today, won't I? He looks at her for a long time; there is no smile on his face. CHRIS Do you want to? She looks at him again, and her expression is as frank as it is direct and honest. BAABA Yes, Chris. I want to see you again. CHRIS Okay. Then you will. BAABA So I take you to Madina? CHRIS Alright, Baaba. I would appreciate that very much, thank you. She smiles at him, and they listen to the music for a while. Suddenly she starts, and turns to him again. BAABA Oh, I almost forgot. Please, my handbag is in the back seat. Can you reach it? Chris turns and picks up the beautiful black handbag and proffers it to her. BAABA No, look inside the side pocket. There's a phone in there. He unzips the side pocket and brings out a beautiful Samsung Note 4 phone. He again extends it towards her. She shakes her head without looking at him, and a little smile plays around the corners of her beautiful lips. BAABA You keep it, Chris. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday last year, but you know, prison rules. It is for you. Fixed a sim card in it for you too.... and oh, I stored my number on it too. Chris puts the bag on the back seat again. He presses power button on the side of the phone, and the surface of the phone lights up. The wallpaper is a picture of a smiling Baaba. He looks at her without a word and swipes the screen. The phone lock appears, and he turns to her. CHRIS (softly) Password? BAABA (looking suddenly demure) What? Oh, yes, the password is BBBB. CHRIS (nodding) For Baaba. She laughs then and shakes her head. BAABA You can change the wallpaper, you can change the password, Chris. That was just an initial setup requirement and I just used the settings on my own phone ... and oh, yes, I've loaded some credits on it. They look at each other for a while, and then she smiles, and his eyes also soften as a sweet little smile plays around his lips. BAABA I love your dimples, Chris. He gives a little laugh then, and holds up the phone. CHRIS (softly) Thank you, Baaba. I really appreciate it. This must have cost a fortune. Really appreciated. She smiles happily and reaches out suddenly and squeezes his hand. BAABA You're welcome, Chris. He looks deeply at her. CHRIS (softly) You know I'm married, right? She nods once and turns her attention to the road again. They are now at the Toll Gate. She takes out a one cedi note and pays the toll fee at the booth although the attendant recognizes her and tries not to take the money. Chris reaches into his top pocket and takes out a lovely wedding ring, and slips it unto his ring finger. As she drives along again she speaks softly, and her voice is a little bit frosted over, and shakes a little with hidden emotion. She looks once at the ring on his finger, and her jaw tightens perceptively as she continues to speak. BAABA (voice frosted) Yes, Chris, I know you're married. I also know your wife filed for divorce almost as soon as you went to jail. I know that Mrs. Effe Bawa has not made any secret about her wish that you sign the divorce papers so that she can marry the man who was once your best friend, Mr. Steve Hollison, who invariably was also your best man at your wedding. I have always wondered whether your wife and your best friend were having an affair behind your back even when you two were married because frankly I find their behaviour absolutely disgusting. And oh, yes, I forgot to add that she never once visited you in prison these five years. That's no news. You were a public figure, Chris, and everybody knows your story. And oh, did they tell you that she has been saying over and again that she took off her wedding ring the day you went to prison? She has written you off, Chris, baby! She's now in an intimate relationship with your best friend and just waiting for you to sign the divorce papers for her so that she can marry him. They're certainly making love every night, so don't you think that ring on your finger is really absurd? He looks at her, and she sees the torture in the depths of his eyes, and the sudden pain that rips through his soul so that his handsome face becomes a tortured mask of pain. She realizes that she has just hurt him deeply, and she reaches out to take his hand but he draws his hand back sharply. BAABA (remorsefully) I'm sorry, Chris. I didn't mean to hurt you. He leans his head back and closes his eyes, and does not speak to her again until they reach Madina. He makes her stop once, and he enters a gift shop and returns shortly afterwards pushing a little gift-wrapped package into his pocket. When they get to his destination he begins to get out, and then he stops and turns to her. His eyes are still sad, and there is pain deep down in the depths of those beautiful eyes, and without meaning to she leans across suddenly and gently rubs his right cheek. BAABA (contrite) I'm really sorry, really. I don't know what came over me, Chris. He nods, but he does not try to smile. CHRIS Thank you very much. For everything. Very much appreciated. BAABA You're always welcome, Chris. He gets out of the car and walks away. He does not look back. She looks after him for a moment and then she sighs deeply. BAABA (in a sad voice) Why do you affect me so, Chris Bawa? She engages gear and drives away. JAILBIRD continues tomorrow…. Read more episodes on 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 10:28am On Dec 25, 2017 |
Episode 3 ©Aaron A-A EFFE'S RESIDENCE The taxi stops in front of a very beautiful two-storey building inside a private residential area in Madina. Chris, sitting in the front passenger seat, sees that there are a lot of cars parked in front of the building. The building is enclosed with high walls, and has electrified wire lines on them. The walls have spaces in-between filled with marvellous grid metals. Through the spaces Chris sees that it has a beautiful spacious lawn and yard, and there are some cars in there too. The gates of the house are splendid gold and silver sliding metal, and next to the gates is a smaller gate and a security post. He sees two uniformed security men outside. There is music and laughter filtering from inside the house. Chris can see some adult guests and a lot of children moving around the yard, and he can hear excited voices coming from the pool area. The taxi driver looks at Chris and speaks. Taxi driver We're here, boss. Twenty cedis, please. Chris nods absentmindedly. He reaches into his breast pocket and brings out a twenty-cedi note and pays the driver. He gets out of the car and remains standing as the taxi executes a U-turn and speeds away. After a moment Chris crosses the street and heads for the gates where the security men are standing. They regard him warily, and one of them moves to intercept him. Security 1 Hold up, Sir! What do you want, please? ChRIS Visiting. Can I go in? SECURITY 1 Not without an invitation card, Sir. The birthday party is strictly by invitation, please. CHRIS I want to see the owner, Effe Bawa. SECURITY 1 (looking confused) She's not a Bawa, Sir. This is Madam Effe Kedem's house. You must be lost. The little gate opens just then, and a group of people come outside. One of the men is holding an expensive-looking camera. He is dressed in a white designer trousers and shirt outfit. There are two other men and three women with him. There is also a little boy of eight who is accompanied by some of his friends. The little boy is in black jeans and a very beautiful T-Shirt. He is holding unto the finger of one of the women. She is a very beautiful woman indeed. She is built like an angel. She is fair, with classic curves and a skin so perfect it seems to radiate its own inner glow. She is in a beautifully-designed white dress, and she is laughing with happiness. She bends and kisses the little boy on the cheek, but the boy is no longer laughing. He is not even looking at his mother anymore. His eyes are gaping wide with a shock so profound that for a moment it appears as if he is carved from stone. The woman looks at her son, suddenly appalled by his stillness, and then her eyes follow her son's gaze, and she also sees Chris for the first time. The boy steps past his mother and walks with trembling legs towards Chris. He stops and gazes up at the tall handsome man with eyes still bulging, still filled with disbelief. He and the man look exactly the same, and it is evident that they are blood-related, a father and a son. He is CHRIS BAWA, JUNIOR. His father is Chris, and his mother is the amazingly beautiful woman, EFFE KEDEM. JUNIOR (voice unsteady, trembling) Daddy? Chris looks down at his son whom he has not seen in five years. When he was taken to prison Junior was three. That the boy has recognized him, after all these years, after all this time, when he had just been still a baby and could barely speak, hits Chris so hard that for a moment he cannot speak. To hear the boy calling him 'Daddy' is more than his heart can take. He looks down at the boy, and his face is overcome with emotions so strong it threatens to tear his heart apart. Slowly he gets down on one knee. When he speaks his voice is a whisper. ChRIS (tightly, emotionally) You remember me, my Champ! Tears suddenly bursts through the boy's eyes like exploding waterfalls. He is so overwhelmed that he begins to tremble uncontrollably, and then he steps forward and clamps his arms around the neck of his father. Chris embraces his son and buries his face in his neck, and his huge frame trembles with the power of his emotions. Still stunned, Effe walks forward slowly. The man with the camera steps beside her, his face also looking absolutely stunned. He is 35 years old, and his name is STEVE HOLLISON. He puts his free arm across Effe's shoulders as she steps forward. Effe (shocked) Chris? Is that you? CHRIS!! Chris slowly disengages his son's arms and looks up at Effe. Slowly he stands up, his eyes never leaving her face. His eyes are extremely sad as he looks at Steve's arm across his wife's shoulders. CHRIS (softly) Hello, Effe. EFFE (anger replacing her shock) What the hell are you doing here, Chris? Did you escape from prison? Is that it? You dared to escape from prison? JuNIOR (still crying) Mommy stop! Mommy stop it, please! It is really really really Daddy! Steve shakes his head and smiles, but there is still shock in the depths of his eyes. Steve Jeez, Chris, man! You were sentenced to ten years, and you have done how many years, five? Don't tell me you stupidly escaped prison because of Junior's birthday, man! When Chris looks at Steve there is no disguising the absolute disgust and fury he feels towards the man. ChRIS (sadly) Steve, my best man at my wedding, now with my wife, wanting her as his wife. Well, that's classic, isn't it? There is so much pain, so much misery, so much suffering in his soft voice that for a moment there is absolute silence. It is Steve who gives a shaky little laugh and points a finger at Chris. STEVE C'mon, man. Don't blame anybody for your woes. You had your chance with Effe, and you messed up her life. And from the look of things you have messed up real bad again, because here comes the police. Seems to me you did escape from prison! Damn it, man, how stupid can you be? Indeed a black police sedan with flashing lights and screaming siren has appeared down the street, and it is coming very fast towards them. Junior grips his father's hand desperately. JuNIOR (voice agitated and anxious) Come, Daddy! I will hide you! Please don't let them take you away again! Tears of anguish are falling down in torrents down the boy's face again. Many more guests have appeared from the house, and they are all watching now. One of them is a tall, beautiful dark woman. She is 28 years old ELAINE BOATENG. She is Effe's best friend, and had been her maid of honour at their wedding. She is a television programme hostess. She steps forward and looks at Chris with venom. Elaine (acidly) Jesus Christ, Chris! You never learn, do you? You choose today of all days to break out of prison and mess up your son's birthday? Now you're going to leave the poor boy distraught and heartbroken. You're such a pig, Chris, and I damn detest you! JUNIOR (screaming) Aunt Elaine! Don't you insult my Daddy! ELAINE (placatingly) Oh, Junior, I'm sorry, but- JUNIOR (acutely agitated) Shut up, shut up, shutupshutupshutup!! Tears come to Effe's eyes. She rushes to her son and gathers him into her arms even as he struggles to free himself from her arms. EFFE (voice filled with pain) It's okay, my precious, it's okay! Take it easy! Please, don't do this! Don't stress yourself up, prince! Her angry eyes drive through Chris' heart like hot daggers. The police sedan comes to a halt and two burly policemen jump out with their guns drawn. They come towards Chris with very dark looks. Police officer 1 Okay, Chris, raise those hands, gently. You're coming with us. JUNIOR (screaming) No, no, no! Please don't take my Daddy away! Chris looks down at his son and smiles sadly. CHRIS It's okay, Champ. It's okay. He turns and faces the policemen. POLICE OFFICER 2 You heard the sergeant, Chris! Put your hands up. We're taking you in. Don't let this get nasty! CHRIS (acidly) For what? I have done nothing wrong. It's my son's birthday, and I came to give him a gift! POLICE OFFICER 2 (with a smirk) Well, you see, that's just the problem, dude. By being here, you're breaking the law, and we enforce the law! CHRIS (calmly) What law? Any law says I can't visit my son? POLICE OFFICER 1 (with a chuckle) Yes, pal. You can’t visit your son. Your ex-wife took a restraining order against you. You can't come within two hundred metres of them, and from where we're standing, seems to us you're less than two hundred metres away! Chris turns stunned eyes to Effe. CHRIS (heart breaking with pain) You took a restraining order against me? For what? I've never hit you, I've never put your life in any danger! Why? Why did you do a thing like that? Effe's face is tortured now. Twice she tries to speak, and twice her voice fails her. She sees his pain, and sees his torture. She sees his shoulders drop, and she sees the fight go out of him like a deflated ball, and suddenly her anger evaporates, and she feels only a great sense of guilt. JAILBIRD continues tomorrow…. Read more here: 6 Likes 1 Share |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 10:31am On Dec 25, 2017 |
4 © Aaron Ansah-Agyeman POLICE OFFICER 1 Get them up, man. I'm losing my patience here. Chris looks at them with sad eyes. CHRIS You got here pretty quickly. She called you, right? ELAINE (viciously) No, Effe didn't, Chris! I called the police! You're a lawbreaker, and jail breaker, and you're going back to jail! POLICE OFFICER 2 (calmly) Let's go, Chris. Now. Chris nods numbly. CHRIS Yeah. I'll go with you. But you don't put no handcuffs on me, not in front of my boy. STEVE (with scorn) Unbelievable! Shouldn't you have thought of that before breaking jail, Chris? POLICE OFFICER 1 You don't make no demands here, buddy. Slap the cuffs on him, Joe! The second police man holsters his gun and takes out a pair of handcuffs. CHRIS (voice deadly) One of us is going to die today if you bring that thing near me. His voice is so cold, so sinister, so absolutely venomous, that the two policemen exchange sudden looks of unease, and a sudden silence reigns again. The policeman gives a shaky laugh, clips the handcuffs back to his belt, and brandishes his gun again. POLICE OFFICER 2 Come on then, pal. We don't have the whole day. Chris walks away towards the police sedan. Junior breaks free from his mother's arms and rushes towards his father. He clamps his arms around his father's legs, and Chris quickly falls to his knees and grabs his son by the arms. JUNIOR (voice absolutely broken) Let me go with you, Daddy, to prison! And that is what finally breaks Chris. His son's words cut into him so deeply, and in that moment it breaks his spirit like no betrayal has ever been able to. He looks at his son, and then tears slowly form in his eyes as pain suffuse him. CHRIS (softly) I'm not going to prison again, Champ! I promise you that. He reaches into his pocket and brings out a small gift-wrapped box and extends it. One of the policemen steps forward with his gun, but the other one motions him to stay away. Junior takes the box and, still crying, rips off the wrapping. Inside the box is a beautiful Ben 10 watch which Chris had purchased from the gift shop earlier. Junior does not need to speak. He pulls the golden watch, given to him by Steve, off his wrist without a word and drops it, and then he extends his arm towards his father. Chris puts the Ben 10 watch on his son's wrist, fixes the locket, and then he stands up. Quickly he walks towards the police sedan. JUNIOR (weeping heartbreakingly) Daddy! Please don't go! Daddy, please! Chris is blinded by tears, and so he does not look back. He enters the sedan, and the policemen enter too. The car moves away, lights flashing, sirens wailing. Junior turns and runs inside the house, and his mother follows him. Steve looks at the golden watch he had given Junior as a birthday gift and now lying broken on the street. His jaw tightens with fury. STEVE (bitterly) Stupid ungrateful little brat! EFFE'S RESIDENCE Effe runs after her son. Some of the people who have come for the birthday party quickly step out of her way. She races into the living-room which is filled with her guests, and sees Junior rushing up the stairs. A distinguished-looking man in his late sixties with iron-grey hair comes towards her. Beside him is a beautiful middle-aged woman. They are KEN KEDEM and IVY KEDEM, Effe's parents. KEN KEDEM (worried) Effe! What's wrong with Junior? He looks agitated. Effe pauses briefly, and it is clear that she is also very much affected. EFFE It's Chris, Dad. He came around. IVY KEDEM (hoarsely) What? Chris? Chris Bawa? EFFE (unsteadily) Yes, Mom. He w-was- out-outside just now. KEN KEDEM (shaking his head with incomprehension) What? But he's supposed to be in prison. Where's he now? Still outside? EFFE No, Dad. The police came for him. They took him away. IVY KEDEM (clasping horrified hands to her cheeks) Goodness me! Did he escape from prison? EFFE (agitated) I don't know, Mama! My guess is that he did. Excuse me, Junior saw him. I've to attend to him. I'll be with you soon. Effe rushes up the stairs after her son. Ken and Ivy exchange horrified looks. Ken is a retired Supreme Court Judge. He takes out his phone, opens to the Contacts section, searches for a name, selects it, and dials. He puts it to his ear and waits. KEN KEDEM Hello, Fii. How're you, my brother? Happy New Year to you. It's been a while. He laughs as he listens to the other man, and then he puts a hand to his brow. KEN KEDEM Yes, yes, they're all fine, thank you. Listen, Fii. I just heard Chris Bawa came around my daughter's house, but he was taken by the police. Has he escaped from prison? Are you in a position to tell me? He listens for a while, nodding his head once, and then he thanks the man at the other end and cuts the call. People are looking anxiously at him. IVY KEDEM Well? What did he say? Did Chris break jail? KEN KEDEM (shaking his head) No, no. Seems he benefited from the President's Christmas pardons. They said he's been on very good behaviour these five years, so he was also pardoned. He's a free man. IVY KEDEM (hoarsely) Oh, no! No, no, no! This can't be! Not when my daughter is so close to finding happiness again! My God, why didn't that boy just die in prison! KEN KEDEM (sharply) Hush, Ivy! What's wrong with you? You're a Christian, remember? Don't wish ill for a fellow human! Effe is a big girl, you know. She can handle her affairs pretty well by herself. Meanwhile Effe enters her son's room. He is lying on his bed, still clothed and wearing his shoes. He is curled into the foetal position, and as she stands in the doorway she can see his body heaving with the depths of his tears. On the walls are framed pictures of him and his father, ranging from when he was a new born baby to his third birthday. In all the pictures Chris is holding his son and smiling that incredible smile of his, the one that dimples his cheeks and used to fill her heart with such tremendous joy. She had tried to take down the pictures several times, but Junior always threw tantrums, and so she had finally acquiesced and allowed him to keep them. She sits on the bed beside him and although he resists at first, she draws him into her arms and holds him tight. EFFE (tenderly) My Prince, I know you're very upset, but you have to be brave for me, okay? Remember our motto for this year? Perseverance, Junior. We never give up. It's okay now. JUNIOR (holding her tightly) I m-miss my D-Daddy! D-don't send him to p-prison! EFFE (tears in her eyes) Hush, my Prince! I didn't send him to prison! You'll see him again, I promise! He leans back and looks at her, and she is agonised to see his pain-filled, tear-drenched face. JUNIOR (pitifully) You promise, Mommy? You promise that this time you'll let me visit Daddy in prison? Effe's face is tortured. Her eyes are haunted. She does not know what to say, but just then the door opens and Ken Kedem comes in, and he looks at them. KEN KEDEM (softly) I called the Chaplain at Grand Castle Prison, my dear. Chris didn't escape from prison. He was set free. Mother and son turn and stare at him. Junior bounces off the bed and races to his grandfather. JUNIOR (excitedly) Really, Grandpop? Daddy is really really really free? They're not taking him to prison again? Ken tussles the boy's hair and smiles at him gently. KEN KEDEM No, Junior. He's free. The boy gives a screech of happiness and races out of the room. Effe stands up and faces her father. He sees the pain and torture on her face. EFFE (tremulously) Is it true? KEN KEDEM Yes, my love. Full presidential pardon for good behaviour. Effe's lips begin to tremble. Her whole frame trembles. She reaches out with a trembling hand and holds the bedpost, and shakily she sinks down on the bed again. EFFE (voice unsteady) He's changed, Dad. Physically. They did something to him. All that fat is gone, and he looks muscular now, meaner, and his eyes, Dad! I can't forget that look in his eyes when the cops told him I took a restraining order against him. KEN KEDEM (shocked) You did? When? Why? EFFE (now crying) When he was taken away, Dad! Five years ago! I've forgotten all about it until I heard them saying it today! I was hurt, and I was angry, and I was bitter for what he did! At that time I positively hated him! I hate him even now, Dad, but I'm sorry he found out I took a restraining order against him. It killed him, Dad. Ken walks forward and sits on the bed beside her. Jailbird continues Source: 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 10:32am On Dec 25, 2017 |
Please drop your comments if you're reading |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by kunbeex(f): 11:31am On Dec 25, 2017 |
sorry oooo, but have actually read this story it's a chris-effe romance, sey d person wey write this story give u permission make u post am |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 6:12pm On Dec 25, 2017 |
kunbeex:Yea, he did. |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Hantonia(f): 1:37pm On Dec 26, 2017 |
Followin Contine Merry Xmas 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by bimberry1307(f): 9:04pm On Dec 26, 2017 |
following, but please let's know how the updates are going to be. daily? weekly? particular days in a week? merry Christmas and a prosperous new year ahead. 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 6:32am On Dec 27, 2017 |
Hantonia:Welcome |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 6:32am On Dec 27, 2017 |
bimberry1307:Same to you dear. I intend to post daily |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 6:34am On Dec 27, 2017 |
Episode 5 © Aaron Ansah-Agyeman KEN KEDEM What he did was awful, yes, and now he's got a criminal record, yes. But he never physically hurt you, dear. I know he betrayed your love and your trust, and he hurt you very bad, but your son loves him unconditionally, and I believe Chris also loves his son, unconditionally. EFFE (hoarsely) Oh, Daddy! Junior loves that man so much! He's always fought with me for not taking him to visit his father in prison. God knows I tried to take that away- KEN KEDEM (sharply) Effe! Don't ever say that again! You can't break the ties between father and son! Who knows, maybe through that love Chris can change! EFFE (passionately) Chris can NEVER change, Dad! I gave him my heart, my soul, my time, my EVERYTHING! He had all the chance to change, but he never did! He didn't even TRY! That's why I can never forgive him! I hate him, Daddy. With all my soul! KEN KEDEM (sadly) Fair enough, love. But do not try to block him from his son. Tomorrow, if you can, go and cancel that restraining order. He gets up and heads for the door again. EFFE Dad? He stops and turns to her. KEN KEDEM Yes? EFFE Where did they take him? Where would they take him? KEN KEDEM Well, it's evening now, too late for a judge to hear his case. They should let him go and let him report in the morning, or they can decide to lock him up and arraign him tomorrow. EFFE (her voice low and broken) He didn't know, Dad. KEN KEDEM Didn't know what? EFFE That there was a restraining order against him. He was so shattered! KEN KEDEM (sadly) Well, if he didn't know, IF no one bothered to tell serve him with a copy in prison, then it’s a big shame. Mind you, the law takes effect as soon as he was released, and not knowing about it doesn't absolve him from the offence, but this one is different. He should've been served. Okay, I'll rouse Joshua Darkwa to look into it and see to it that he is released right away. EFFE (tremulously) Thank you, Dad. Please do that for me. I would be very grateful. I don't want him to spend another night in a cell somewhere because I placed a restraining order on him. Ken nods and leaves the room, closing it gently behind him. He is sure that his daughter needs a little time alone. Effe stands up and goes to the window. She remains standing, and then the tears slowly spill down her face. She remembers his pain-shattered face. She remembers that he had still been wearing their wedding ring although she had filed for divorce and received a divorce five years ago. Chris had refused to sign the divorce papers despite the numerous times their family lawyer, Joshua Darkwa, had presented them to him in prison. EFFE Damn you, Chris! Damn you to hell! Why now? Dear Lord, why now, Chris? EFFE'S RESIDENCE Junior emerges from the bathroom. He is in his blue pyjamas designed with images from BEN 10. Effe pulls back the top cover sheet of the bed for him and he gets into bed. He curls up and she draws the spread over him and she notices that he is still wearing the wristwatch his father had brought him. EFFE (gently) Honey, are you not taking off the watch? JUNIOR (voice muffled) I want to sleep with it, Mommy. She hesitates for a moment, tries to speak, and then she keeps quiet. She kisses him on the forehead, reaches over and presses the dangling button that switches off the bright light and turns on the soft-shaded one. EFFE Sleep well, honey. Angels guard you. He says nothing, and she hesitates for a moment, then sighs worriedly. She gets up from the bed and walks toward the door, but she stops suddenly when she hears his muffled voice. She is alarmed instantly, thinking he is crying, and she hurries back to the bed, but she sees his hands clasped in front of his closed eyes, and realize he is saying a prayer. JUNIOR ...and I thank you God, for bringing my Daddy back. Take care of him and please, please, pleeaaase God don't send him to prison again. Guard over Mommy, guard over Daddy and guard over me and all grandpas and grandmas. Amen. EFFE (voice trembling) Amen. Good night, honey. JUNIOR Nighty night, Mommy. She turns to the door again, but then his voice arrests her. It is soft and almost trembling, and she realises that her son's heart is in pain. JUNIOR Social studies teacher told us that people are taken to prison to pay for the bad things they do to other people, Mommy. Effe goes rigid. She turns and goes back to stand looking down at him. EFFE Yes, that's right, honey. JUNIOR So if people come back from prison they're free from their bad things? Effe sighs and sits on the bed again. She reaches out and brushes a loving hand down his cheek. EFFE I know where you're headed with this, honey. Listen, it's late, and it has been a very busy day for you, okay? You rest for me. Tomorrow is Saturday, and I promise we will talk about this thing, okay? Junior bites his lower lip and even in the dim light she can see how pained he looks. JUNIOR But Daddy is back, Mommy. You said he did some bad things and they locked him up. He's back. That means he's no longer bad! Why didn't you take him back? Why do you still want to marry Uncle Steve? It is Effe's turn to bite her lower lip. She sighs softly. EFFE Do you remember that favourite cup of yours that got broken? The Ben Ten one? JUNIOR Yes, Mommy. EFFE Do you remember how you were so unhappy about it that you fixed it all back with your glue gun, and yet when you poured water in it that cup leaked all over the place? JUNIOR Yes, Mommy. EFFE (gently) Well, sometimes life is like that, honey. No matter how well you fix something, sometimes it never really gets to be the way it used to be. That's what happened to your Daddy and me, honey. Junior looks pensive for a while, and then he sighs unhappily. JUNIOR (sadly) Mommy, I think the problem with that cup was that we used glue to fix it. Grandpa said if we had clay, we could have fixed it and heated it and it would've been as good as new. I think if we use the proper things to fix the bad things, it can be just like the way it used to be.Maybe you just didn't use the right stuff to fix that thing with you and Daddy. Maybe you also used glue and not clay. Effe is stumped for words. She sits quite still for some time, unable to speak, and when she looks at him again she realizes that he is asleep. She stands up and feels unsteady on her feet. She walks out quietly and closes the door. Elaine and Steve are in the living-room, both holding tall glasses of chilled white wine. Steve drains his cup and walks towards her. STEVE (raising worried eyebrows) You look stressed. Is Junior alright? Effe laughs shakily and tosses her hair off her face. EFFE It's funny. You always think of them as babies, as little tots you need to protect. And then they just say something that makes you wonder if some adult has been feeding them something aside from fairy tales. Steve takes her in his arms. STEVE (gently) He wants you with his father, doesn't he? He doesn't want you with me, does he? Effe laughs shakily and put a hand on Steve's chest. EFFE He didn't talk about you, my love. But yes, he wants his father. Elaine snorts and shakes her head with something approaching fury. ELAINE (hotly) Well, ain't that a tad unbelievable? After all that you've done for him, he still prefers his sorry ass of a father over you? Jeez! Effe leaves the circle of Steve's arms and frowns darkly at Elaine. EFFE (a little angry) He's a kid, Elly! He remembers the good times he had with his father! Granted, Chris turned out to be a damn bad peach, but as a father he was the best! Don't blame the little boy for loving him! ELAINE (shouting) AND DON'T YOU BLAME ME FOR HATING CHRIS EITHER, EFFE! CHRIS RAPED ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? HE RAPED ME, YOUR BEST FRIEND, YOUR MAID OF HONOUR! SO DON'T YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR HATING HIM!! STEVE (sharply) Hey, hey, hey, Elaine! That's enough! Look we're all a bit stressed here! Why don't we call it a night, huh? By tomorrow everything we will be okay. ELAINE (draining her cup violently) I hope they take his rotten ass back to jail, the damn ape! She sets her cup down with a bang. EFFE (calmer now) He's not going back to jail, Elaine. Dad called the Chaplain at the prison. Chris is free. The President gave him a reprieve. STEVE (stunned, trembling) Damn it! He didn't escape from prison? EFFE No. He was released. A Presidential pardon for good behaviour. ELAINE (absolutely rattled) A pardon? A presidential pardon for a guy who beat up an old pastor and almost maimed him for life? Pardon for a man who was so chocked up with cocaine that he knocked down a poor girl who lost one of her legs? Pardon for a man who has refused to say sorry for any of his dastardly behaviours? Pardon for a man who raped his own wife's bridesmaid? Pardon for a man who busted the eye of a law-enforcing officer? Well, if that ain't shitty then I don't know what the hell it is! STEVE Hey, Elaine! Calm down! THE JAILBIRD continues Episode 6 is ready here: 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 12:22am On Dec 30, 2017 |
Episode 6 © Aaron Ansah-Agyeman Elaine wheels on him, her face filled with the wrath of a real angry woman. ELAINE Don't tell me to calm down! You're not the one who got raped! I don't care what it takes, but I'm going make sure Chris Bawa is taken back to jail to serve the rest of his sentence! You watch me! She picks up her handbag and snatches her car keys from a hook on the wall. She storms out of the house without another word. Steve walks to the beautifully-designed bar and pours himself a tall glass of scotch. He uses a spatula to scoop ice from an ice bucket into his drink. He swirls it thoughtfully and drinks half of it. STEVE Want a drink, Princess? Effe shakes her head. She walks almost unsteadily to an immaculately-finished sofa and sits down. Steve watches her carefully. STEVE Is he going to be a problem for us? Effe looks at him almost numbly. EFFE What? STEVE Chris. He's back. He used to be your husband, and my best friend. I was his best man at your wedding. You've divorced him, and we're planning our wedding. Now he's back. I want to know if he's going to be a problem to our plans. Effe looks at him for a long time, and then she stands up and walks towards him. She stands very close to him. Her eyes are steady as she looks at him. EFFE Chris is dead to me, Steve. I chose you. You and I were friends before he came along. Your parents and my parents have always wanted you and I to marry, to seal the friendship that has existed between our two families for ages. You went to school, brought your school mate home, and I ended up falling in love with your friend. He turned the script on its head, and strained the relationship between our two families. He had his chance, and he not only humiliated me, he tore my heart to shreds. You were there, you helped me, and you were a rock and a fortress for me. Finally, we've decided to get together again. I keep my promises, Steve. Chris is dead to me. And I will marry you! Steve smiles with happiness. He empties his glass and sets it down. A step brings him close to Effe. He takes her in his arms, and she does not protest when he kisses her. However, when his hand moves up to cup her delicious right breast, she stands back away from him, and shakes her head sadly. STEVE (exasperated and sad) Why, Effe? Why? He's out now! I saw the way he looked at you! We need to make love, Effe, my darling! You need to give me that assurance! You need to be mine in every way, so that it makes you committed! I was prepared to wait until our wedding before touching you, but you said it yourself: Chris is back, and he's turned the script on its head! Let me make love to you, my darling! I love you so, Effe. Tears brim in Effe's eyes as she takes another step back from him. EFFE (tremulously) I can't Steve, darling! You know I can't! STEVE (hurt, pained) And why the hell not, Effe? Why? Are you still playing games with me? Does he affect you that much? Damn it! Why not? EFFE (voice trembling) Oh, Steve! No, he doesn't affect me! But you know me. I'm a hundred percent faithful to my partner! Before I make love to you my marriage to Chris must end! STEVE (exasperated) But it has ended! You have been granted your divorce by the court! You have signed the damn papers! What else do you need? EFFE (voice breaking down) Oh, Steve! Please don't do this! You know Chris refused to sign the divorce papers! Until he signs them, I'm still his wife, much as I hate it, and I can't be unfaithful in that capacity! STEVE That is bullshit, darling, and you damn well know it! Once the divorce was granted you're free! You don't need his signature! Once you've signed yours, it's over! Hell, are you saying if he refuses to sign the damn papers in twenty years you still wouldn't marry me? That's a damn excuse! EFFE I want him to sign those divorce papers, darling. You know me well, and you know how important some little things like these are to me. STEVE For five years I told you to take the damn papers to him in prison and make him sign them, but you refused to visit him in prison! So what are you going to do if he refuses to sign the papers? Check into the nearest Catholic Church as a nun, maybe? EFFE (in pain) Stop hurting me, Steve, please! Look, it's good he's back. I'll send the papers to him myself, and I'll let him sign them! And then we'll get married, sweetheart. Steve pours more drink. His hand is not steady, and he spills some of the drink. He drinks it straight and walks towards her. STEVE Do that, darling. Do that for me. Let's get married. I can't wait any longer, ok? He brushes his lips against hers, and then he takes his car keys from the hook. He turns towards the door. EFFE Good night, Steve. He pauses and looks at her darkly, grinding his teeth. He is suddenly so filled with fury that it shocks her. STEVE (in a furious snarl) Oh, it's like that now, is it? EFFE (puzzled) Like what? What're you talking about? STEVE Instead of 'Good night, darling' you now say 'Good night, Steve'? Just because Chris is back? She sees that his extreme jealousy has come to the fore. She is getting angry herself, but she strives to keep her cool. EFFE Stop being childish, Steve. Good night. He glowers at her for moment, and then he nods and opens the door furiously, slamming it shut behind him. Effe sinks into a chair and hugs herself. She shuts her eyes, and she sees those eyes! Eyes that had always held love! Eyes that used to worship her! Eyes that she used to love so much! Chris' eyes! But she sees the shock in them now. The excruciating pain! The unbelievable explosion of bitter gall as he asks her again why she had taken a restraining order against him! The tears seep beneath her eyelids, and with a tiny cry of despair she gets up and pours herself a drink. She takes a sip, and another, and then grimaces with disgust. She walks to the beautiful kitchen and pours the drink down the drain. She returns to the living-room and picks her phone. She dials. A grumpy, sleepy voice answers. It is the voice of JOSHUA DARKWA, their family attorney of many years. He is 57 years old, and more of a family member now. JOSHUA (sleepily) Effe, my dear. Is it about that Chris issue ? EFFE Sorry to wake you up, Uncle Josh, but yes, it is. Dad told me he'll inform you to get Chris out. I was just wondering if you were able to see to it. JOSHUA Well, I tried. It seems the arresting officer walked off with the key to the cell, and there was no way to get him out. They promised me, though, that as soon as the officer returned they would release him. EFFE (horrified) But that's so unfair, so unlawful! What if they don't release him? JOSHUA Calm down, my dear. I'm sure they would. Early tomorrow morning I'll go over there myself and verify. EFFE (softly) I'll like to come along, Uncle Josh, if you don't mind. JOSHUA No problem, dear. I'll come pick you up. EFFE Thank you. Thank you very much. JOSHUA Always a pleasure. Please get some sleep now. Effe walks dejectedly up the stairs to her room. She undresses and takes a long bath. Naked, she walks to her bed and slides under the sheets. Sleep takes a long time to come, because she keeps seeing his eyes ...filled with pain, filled with torture. She keeps hearing his voice, over and over again: you took a restraining order against me? Why did you do a thing like that? She buries her head in her pillow. Her shoulders shake as the sobs slowly rocks through her soul. EFFE (sobbing softly) Damn you, Chris Bawa! Damn you to hell! JAILBIRD continues... Read more : 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 8:39am On Dec 30, 2017 |
Episode 7 © Aaron A-A CENTRAL POLICE STATION The police station is hot and humid, even that early in the morning. There are a lot of people milling around, and the noise levels are in decibel regions too high for the ear. Thankfully, Mr. Darkwa takes Effe from the bustle and hustle of the main office and directs her to an office marked DISTRICT COMMANDER. The man inside is a uniformed police captain. He is huge, and has a really big head. He has a florid face and full lips. He gets up and extends his hand. COMMANDER Joshua Darkwa! You bad old man! It's been a while! Joshua laughs and shakes the hand of the police man. JOSHUA Ei! Papa Commander! Been a while, yes. Up and downs taking over our social lives, right? This is my daughter, Effe Kedem. Effe, this is the best police commander in the whole of Ghana. He's Allan Davidson, my childhood buddy. The police man shakes Effe's hand, looking at her appreciatively. COMMANDER Of course, of course, I recognise her. The lovely Effe Kedem, Ghana's top ranking lawyer, so good that even the Attorney General hires her often to handle cases. I hear you've never lost a case yet, right? Welcome, madam! Your photos in magazines don't do you justice. You're even more beautiful than in those mags! Effe laughs shyly, and sits on the chair the police man indicates. He offers them drinks, but they politely refuse. Joshua goes straight to the point. JOSHUA It's about what I called you this morning, Allan. Chris Bawa was arrested yesterday at Effe's house. You promised to look into it when you get to the office. COMMANDER (popping a gum into his mouth) Yes, yes. I did check on it. Apparently they claimed they could not find the cell key. It was quite unfortunate, you see. I ordered them to break in the cell immediately, but then one of the officers showed up, and he claimed the key fell in a crag in the floor or something, and they just managed to bring it out. EFFE (softly) So Chris spent the night in a cell? The police man looks apologetically at her, and it is apparent that he is under a lot of discomfort. He leans forward earnestly. COMMANDER That is the case, madam, unfortunately. I must apologize because the boy is straight out of prison, and he claims he wasn't even served with the restraining order. He knew nothing about it. It's quite unfortunate, but sometimes these sad things occur. Effe's lips tremble. She does not understand why she is so upset. The fact that Chris had hurt her more than her heart could take still doesn't make her feel happy that he has spent his first free night after five years in prison locked up again in a cell. All due to the fact that she had taken a restraining order against him and forgotten all about it. JOSHUA So where's he now, Allan? You let him leave? COMMANDER (shaking his head) Oh, no. You told me you wanted him to do something for you first, so I let them keep him. I'll let them bring him in. He lifts a receiver from a red phone on his desk and dials. He listens for a while, and then commands that Mr. Bawa should be brought in. Effe looks at Uncle Joshua questioningly, but he is chatting happily with the Commander and so she just waits. The door opens after a while, and Chris enters. He is wearing the same clothes he had been wearing the previous day, and he looks dirty, and there is an unsavoury odour around him. However, looking at him, Effe is once again quite shaken by the sight of him. He has gone to prison five years ago as a fat man. Not obese, but fat. Chris has always been extremely handsome, but five years of prison has changed him so completely. The fat is gone, leaving him with a hard muscled frame that has turned him from a fat handsome man into an incredibly toned handsome and sexy man. Effe does not see the incredible image of a man that her former husband has become. Her heart simply bleeds at the kind of hard labour he has been forced to go through to change his physique so much. In her anger and bitterness, in her wrathful fury, she had refused to visit him even once in prison, and she realizes, quite suddenly, that she feels absolute regret for that act now. She had only been interested in killing him from her life, and the life of her son. She had only been interested in getting her career back on course, and reshaping the life that his dastardly acts had torn to shreds. His eyes are cold as he looks at her, and she can feel his fury sizzling in the air. They all stare at him. His hard eyes settle on the Commander. CHRIS Can I go now? His voice is slow, deep and gentle, just like she remembers it. She gets to her feet and approaches him. Her eyes look haunted. COMMANDER You're free to go, Mr. Bawa. The attorney here has something for you, and after that you're at liberty to go anywhere you wish. EFFE (softly) I'm sorry, Chris. I didn't know they were going to keep you here overnight. His hard eyes slam into her, and she is surprised to see they hold as much fury, almost hatred, like she had felt for him the other day. CHRIS You didn't know? Yeah, damn right! Don't pretend with me, Effe! EFFE (shocked, hurt) What're you insinuating, Chris? You're not by any chance trying to say I knew something about this whole thing, are you? CHRIS (jaws working angrily) So why're you here? What are you doing here if it's not to see to it that I don't go anywhere after my release without signing it? EFFE (aghast by the level of his anger) Sign what, Chris? I decided to come here to see to it that you're set free! Your son made me promise! Chris shakes his head at her and walks past her. She turns dazedly, and that is when she sees for the first time that Uncle Joshua is standing up, and he is holding a shiny folder, and she realizes that it is her divorce documents. She sighs with abject frustration. She hadn't known he was bringing them! So that is it! Chris thinks she has made the police detain him overnight to force him to sign the divorce papers. JOSHUA (briskly) Listen, Chris, you've given me a hell of a time over these papers. For five years I've been trying to get you to sign them, and you were downright rude in your refusal. Listen, I've run out of patience with you. If you force my hand, I'll set the full rigours of the law against you, I will- CHRIS (angrily, bitterly) Cut the drivel, Lawyer! Just show me where to sign. Joshua stares open-mouthed at Chris. It is evident he has not been expecting that. Quickly he pulls the sheets out of the folder and quickly opens to a page. Effe's signature is on that page, and besides it is the dotted unsigned lines with Chris' name below. Joshua hands Chris a pen, and then Effe moves suddenly and lays a hand on Chris' hand. She is trembling, and when she looks at him her eyes are filled with a strange emotion. EFFE (gently) Chris, this is not why I came here. You must believe me. Much as I want you to sign them, I came here because Junior wanted me to. I didn't ask them to detain you. He looks at her, and she sees that there is no longer anger in the depths of his eyes, only a great sadness. His eyes mirror his horror, his sudden acceptance of the fact that his wife is gone, and that his life as he has known it is gone. His eyes hold the grim realisation that indeed, his happy life with Effe, and his son, is gone forever. CHRIS (sadly) Quit the hypocrisy, Effe. It doesn't suit you. He knocks her hand aside. And turns away from her. He lays the document on the desk. EFFE (following him) I don't want you to sign them here, Chris. Take the document home, read it, and sign. I want you to know that's not the reason why I came here this morning. Chris turns to her, and when he looks at her there is no anger or bitterness on his face. There is no acrimony. It is the face of the young reckless boy she has fallen helplessly in love with. It is the face of the boy who used to do nothing but stare at her with unbelievable love and adoration on his face. It is the face of the boy who has walked her home on many occasions, adoring her with his eyes and stripping her with those beautiful eyes. CHRIS (sadly) Take the document home? What home, Effe? What home? That brings tears to her eyes immediately. She knows, as she faces him, that indeed he has no home. He had always said she was his home. His words hurt her, and drives a sudden painful lump in her throat. Her defences spring up, and she speaks without thinking. EFFE Don't ask me, Chris! You decided to rape my best friend because evidently I wasn't enough for you! You made yourself homeless, so please stop putting the blame on me! He looks down immediately, but not before she sees the abject pain in his eyes, and the glint of tears swimming in those proud eyes. She knows she has hurt him, and she reaches out, but she draws her hand back again. He sits down and quickly signs the spaces where Uncle Joshua points out to him. Effe feels the emotions building up uncontrollably within her. This is it then, finally. He is signing the divorce papers, cutting off the ties, collapsing the bonds of their marriage. She had signed her portion with anger and resolute determination five years ago. But now, watching him, realizing that it is all over between them, she is filled with a pain she has not expected. She can see that as he signs the final page his hand is shaking, and his jaw is working. She knows these signs, because she knows him so much. It tells her that he is greatly in pain, and as he puts the pen down and begins to stand up two drops of tears from his eyes fall down on the divorce papers. They are like seals. They indicate that finally, the ties are broken. He turns away from them and throws his head back, evidently trying to stop the tears from falling down his face. Effe draws both her lips inside and she trembles tremulously as the tears fall down her cheeks unheeded. Her body shakes. Seeing him in torment still has the ability to bring out the strongest emotions from her. He turns and heads for the door without a word. Joshua speaks, and even his voice is unsteady. JOSHUA Listen, Chris. There's the question of alimony to address. Effe has always earned more than you, and now it seems you don't even have gainful employment. Now- Chris pauses at the door and speaks without turning. CHRIS I don't want anything from her. He opens the door, and Effe moves forward suddenly and reaches out, touching his arm. He flinches sharply from her, as if her hands are burning coals, and for a moment as he turns and looks at her she sees a dislike so strong, a hatred so putrid, that for a moment she freezes with complete shock. EFFE (softly, voice unsteady) I don't want us to be enemies, Chris, please. You know I tried, and gave you my all, my soul and my very breath. You hurt me as I've never been hurt before, and you gave me love as I've never been loved before... and you're the father of my son. I don't want hatred between us. Slowly the hatred fades from the depths of his eyes, and what creeps into his eyes is just that hurt again, the little-boy-lost expression she knows so much, and which mostly had been cured, in the past, by holding his hand and leading him to bed, holding him gently and speaking tenderly to him as she made sweet love to him. CHRIS My things. My clothes. If they're still in the house, I'm going to need them. JAILBIRD continues Read more: 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Hantonia(f): 9:56am On Dec 30, 2017 |
Hmm Speechles 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by IAmXcessiz(m): 3:33pm On Dec 30, 2017 |
Trying to play the scenario in the commander's office made mii have goosebumps 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 1:12pm On Dec 31, 2017 |
The Jailbird - Episode 8 ® 18+ SNVL © Aaron Ansa-Agyeman Effe hesitates, and for a moment she wishes he had not asked her that, of all things. She wishes she didn't have to answer him. She wishes there is a way of minimizing the pain, because she knows him very much, and she knows her answer is going to hurt him very much. EFFE (Looking away from his sad eyes) I parked them, Chris, everything that belonged to you, and I took them to your new house at Haatso. He nods, and when she looks up she sees the tears shimmering deep in his eyes, and she sees his jaws working hard. CHRIS I see. The new house I built. You took everything of mine out of your home, the moment I was jailed, and you deposited them in my house. You knew I was jailed for ten years and you took my stuff to that unoccupied house? That's quite a statement, Effe, quite a statement. She reaches out blindly to touch him again, but he takes a step back away from her hand. She hesitates for a moment, and slowly drops her hand. EFFE I'm sorry, Chris, but you must understand that I was very angry and very hurt then. I was shattered by your betrayal, Chris, and I reacted with that pain. CHRIS Okay. At least you didn't dump them outside. And the house, you still have the keys? Effe hangs her head again and takes a deep breath. Once again she wishes she can spare him the pain, and she resents the sudden feeling she is having. He is making her feel like a heartless bitter wife, and she hates it so much. He just cannot absolve himself from blame. He has to understand how it was for her, the bitterness she had to endure. EFFE (harshly, tears in her eyes) For God's sake, Chris! Stop judging me! How do you think I felt, dealing with so many of your atrocities at the same time? You raped my best friend, someone I considered a sister! You beat a poor old man almost to the point of death! You sniffed your damn cocaine and almost killed an innocent little girl when you hit her with your car! She lost a leg, Chris! I was at the crest of my career, making a name for myself in a prestigious law firm! And suddenly my name is all over television, the wife of the crazy GojuFist coach! My career suffered, my life suffered, your son suffered! Do you think it was a bed of roses for me, damn you? Chris stares at her without moving. He just nods again and runs a hand through his hair. CHRIS I just asked for the keys to my house, Effe. I have nowhere else to go. She wraps her hands around her upper arms and takes a deep shuddering breath. Yes, the keys to his house, a house he had built with every cedi he had earned as a coach for the professionals of the deadly kick-boxing sport known as GojuFist. He had built it for them, and just when it was completed life had taken a cruel twist, and he had been arrested. Out of pain she had taken all his stuff to that house, locked it up, and given the keys to Chris' father. Oh, how she has come to regret that single act! Oh, how she wishes she isn't here now to give him the terrible news. His words reverberate in her mind over and over again! I have nowhere else to go, I have nowhere else to go! How can she tell him about what his father had done when he got the keys and documents to the house? How can she continue to hurt this boy who is suddenly out of prison and is going to face the hatred of a lot of people? EFFE I gave the keys to your father, Chris. He just looks at her. He tries to speak, but he says nothing again. He silently walks out of the door and shuts it behind him. Effe stares at the closed door. She puts a hand to her lips and sinks helplessly into a chair. She makes no sound as her tears fall hard, and her shoulders shake. JOSHUA (Kindly) It's okay, Effe, my sweet. It's okay. It's over now. He signed the papers. It's over now. Allan Davidson shakes his head sadly, and wipes his eyes as if he has tears in them. COMMANDER Is it really over, Josh? Divorces are always nasty. Remember, matters of the heart are always a b****...sorry for my language, madam. SOMEWHERE IN MADINA The watch he had bought as a birthday gift for his son had cost one hundred and fifty cedis, and he had paid with the part of the two hundred cedis Reverend Jon Fii had given him. The taxi driver to Effe's house had taken twenty cedis. Chris therefore has exactly thirty cedis in his pocket. Chris is feeling very hungry when he walks out of the police station. He has not eaten since leaving prison. He crosses the street and walks along with a heavy heart until he sees a 'hausa koko' stand. He sits down and buys three cedis worth of hausa koko porridge and kose. He eats slowly, and afterwards buys a bottle of water. He joins two tro-tro cars, and by the time he reaches Haatso he has twenty-three cedis on him. From the roadside to where he had built his house five years ago is quite a distance, but he walks. He enjoys the walk, and the feel of the free air on his face. He drinks in the clean air, and enjoys every step he takes. Life in prison had been a life of death. Chief Inspector Danso Cuger had ensured that his stay had been fraught with danger and pain... and it had really been hard for him. This is his first free walk in a while, and the air of freedom is his constant companion. He is alive, and that is what is important. He remembers a sermon Jon Fii had preached once in prison, titled Dom Spiro, Spero. Jon had told them the Latin phrase meant "Once I breathe, I hope." He is breathing now. Life is upside down, because without Effe and Junior, life is not worth living. But as long as he is breathing, there is hope for the future. The house he has built is a thing of beauty. He had wanted his wife and child to have the best, and he has put every cedi in it. It is a flat house, but it is huge, built with intricate state-of-the-art designs and inputs. He stands in front of the house and admires its upper terraces which are visible above the walls and the gate. He frowns suddenly when the gate suddenly rattles, and then it slides back gently on electronic rails. At the same time a huge dog inside the house lets out a furious bark. Chris finds himself looking at a fat, short man in an expensively-cut suit. He is bald and has a great moustache which is completely grey. The dog is making a lot of noise as a middle-aged woman appears behind the man and heads for a sleek Toyota V8 parked in the yard. A fat teenage girl also hops excitedly towards the car and opens its back door. The man is startled to see Chris, and he raises his eyebrows with an unsmiling face. MAN (voice unfriendly) Hello? Looking for something? Chris looks at him coldly and with a little incomprehension. CHRIS Sorry, I didn't know it was occupied. The fat man frowns darkly and with sudden suspicion. MAN Didn't know it was occupied? What's that supposed to mean, young man? Before Chris can speak the woman, obviously the man's wife, walks forward and stands beside her husband. WOMAN (looking shocked) My God! It's you really! MAN (turning to his wife) You know him, sweetheart? WOMAN (still looking shocked) Yes, yes. He's pastor's youngest son. MAN (equally startled now) Pastor Bawa? WOMAN Yes, dear. MAN His last son? Didn't I hear he's in prison? The woman digs an elbow into her husband's side gently to shut him up, and she smiles at Chris, but it is a false smile. It is evident that she is suddenly very scared. WOMAN Chris Bawa, right? Chris nods without speaking. WOMAN (giving a shaky laugh) Well, I'm Sandra Bediako. This is my husband, Fred. We're members of your father's church. Chris nods again, and he feels the pain rising up somewhere deep in his chest again. He is suddenly a little scared, and he feels the desperation rising up in his stomach. CHRIS Glad to make your acquaintance. Are you renting the house? MR. BEDIAKO (with a hard angry chuckle) Renting? What in the name of hades is that? Look here- His wife digs an elbow into his side again, this time a little bit harder, and the man gulps with a little pain, looking at his wife with bitter eyes. MRS. BEDIAKO Cool down, darling. Actually Chris owned the house, you remember, don't you? Mr. Bediako glares at Chris, and then his expression softens a little. MR. BEDIAKO (brusquely) Look, son, I understand your discomfiture. Well, let me elucidate you, and bring you up to scratch, because I can see you're obviously distraught. I've heard about you. I only joined your father's church two years ago, but my wife has been a member for more than ten years. Yes, I heard you were in prison, quite unfortunate, quite unfortunate, really. But the truth of the matter is that your father, Reverend Brand Bawa, sold this house to me four years ago. It hits Chris hard. It hits him so hard that for a moment his legs go weak and he almost crashes to the ground. His breath comes in short wheezes, and he fights hard for control. He stares at them with impotent rage and desperate despair. This is his home, his house, built with his sweat, with every cedi he had earned. Sold! By his own father! Mrs. Bediako and her husband exchange little looks of worry. MRS. BEDIAKO I'm very sorry, Chris. But yes, that's what happened. You can pick up the issue with your father, if you want. Chris fights for control. He looks at them after a while. CHRIS I see. You're right, it's my father I have to confront over this, not you. But, my things were put in there. At least that's what my ex-wife told me. Would you happen to know what happened to them? Once again the couple exchange scared and guilty looks. The dog in the house lets out a series of deafening barks. MR. BEDIAKO Susan, shut up that mad dog! The fat girl gets out of the car and races around the house. MRS. BEDIAKO (softly) Well, yes, Chris, there were stuff in there. Two days before we moved in we came here, and your Dad had brought everything out of the house and dumped them right here, outside! MR. BEDIAKO (worried) Gee, sweetheart! Is it necessary to tell him all that? MRS. BEDIAKO Yes, honey. He deserves to know. People came for your stuff, Chris, when your father dumped them outside. Maybe he felt you would need new things by the time you came back. This time Chris hangs his head. His house is gone. All his possessions are gone. His wife and son are gone. He is free of prison, but he has just entered a more terrible prison, a worst kind of hell. His heart beat with a pain so terrible he feels he is going to faint. Without a word he turns and walks away, and they watch him go with guilty expressions on their faces. JAILBIRD continues Read more: 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Charminee(f): 1:46pm On Dec 31, 2017 |
I'm rili enjoying this. And i feel sori 4 chris 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Kenjoshua10(m): 6:37pm On Dec 31, 2017 |
Really enjoying this story fill so sad for chris 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 7:34am On Jan 01, 2018 |
Kenjoshua10: Charminee:Maybe it's too early to feel sorry |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 7:50am On Jan 01, 2018 |
9 © Aaron Ansah-Agyeman MRS. BEDIAKO Poor boy! Her husband looks sharply at her. MR. BEDIAKO Poor boy? According to what I heard he was quite a little devil in life, dear! His wife nods sadly. MRS. BEDIAKO Yes, that's true. But you must admit he might be deeply shattered by the realization that his own father sold his house and dumped his stuff outside for people to pillage, dear. MR. BEDIAKO Frankly, I don't give two hoots about him. Come, we're running late for the programme. Let's get out of here. GOLGOTHA HEIGHTS INTERNATIONAL CHURCH The Central Auditorium of the Golgotha Heights International Church is filled to capacity, as usual. It is a huge church, a sprawling three-storey edifice that rises majestically into the air. It also has an underground pool area for baptismal occasions. Main church activities take place on the ground floor. The second floor is an equipped conference centre, whilst the topmost floor are the offices and administration. A high wall divides it from the other half of the plot where another beautiful building is. That one is the home of the much revered REVEREND BRAND BAWA. The church compound has a recreational area a little distance from the church, and this area has a restaurant, an Internet hub, research library and a beautiful garden. The car park is a well-demarcated area which is also two-storey. It is Sunday, and the church auditorium is crammed as the congregation listen, enthralled, to the powerful message of the man of God. He is sixty-four years old, medium-built, with a broad shoulder crammed into an excellent grey suit and white shirt. His tie is a grey designed luxury with dots that match his suit to perfection. He is standing on a raised platform, the background wall decorated to depict Jesus Christ's ascension to heaven. The beautiful deep sofas behind him are taken up by some elders of his church and his wife, MRS. LOIS BAWA. In the congregation are Effe Kedem and Junior. Steve Hollison is present, and so is Elaine Boateng and her husband, JONATHAN AFFUL, who is a Director at FINE GOJU, the current best GojuFist promoting company in the country. They have all been long time members of the church. Effe's parents are also present. Also present are Reverend Brand's two older children, STAN BAWA, who is married, and DIANA BAWA, the oldest, also married. Sitting behind Effe is EYRAM KEDEM, Effe's twin sister who is a doctor. Reverend Bawa is nearing the climax of his sermon. That Sunday, either by a freak of manipulation of nature by forces unknown, or by the most stupendous of all coincidences, he is preaching about one of Jesus' parables, THE PRODIGAL SON, and he is telling them about the power of loving one another in a pure way that enables the heart to forgive wrongs totally. His choice of message has at first surprised Effe, but then she reasoned that maybe Chris had gone home to his parents, and by some twist in divine intervention, father and son had made up the bad blood that had for a long time characterised their relationship. It is unusual for people to get up and walk around when the man of God is preaching, and so the auditorium is charged with emotions as the hearts of the people receive the message. Hands are raised to the expensive ceiling, and hands are clutching hearts in total obeisance to God. The cries of 'amen' and 'hallelujah' are paramount. There are even tears in the eyes of most of the listeners. And then the huge glass doors open, and a tall, muscled, handsome mean-faced man is suddenly standing in the doorway. He is still wearing the pair of black jeans, checked shirt and loafers he has brought out of prison. The auditorium is such that there is an upper terrace assessed by stairs, and the ground interior. When he enters he begins to walk down the aisle towards the glass pulpit where his father is preaching. The man of God, holding a microphone, has raised a Bible and is just screaming out the divine blessings of forgiveness when he sees his youngest son walking towards him. He chokes on the word, and he remains frozen, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets with total shock and disbelief. For a moment people begin to murmur with concern, sure that the man is having some sort of attack. Then heads slowly begin to turn as it becomes evident that the man of God is rather being affected by the entrance of the new man. The people on the upper terrace facing the door are standing up, some craning their necks. There is a sudden murmur as the new man is recognized as the pastor's prodigal son, the jailbird who has brought so much disgrace to his family. Those who know him begin to point him out to others. Effe, who has been whispering to a sleepy and tired Junior, telling him that they will go home soon, is the last to experience the intense and charged atmosphere in the room, but she hears Eyram's quick intake of breath behind her, and a moment later Eyram speaks. EYRAM (shocked) Good grief! Is that Chris? Goodness me! Effe looks up instantly and turns, and sees Chris halfway to the pulpit. Jonathan Afful, a powerful compact man with close-cropped hair, has been rubbing Elaine's inner thigh secretly, and she has been glaring at him fiercely to stop, and when he hears Eyram's voice he also turns, and quickly drops his hand from Elaine's thigh. AFFUL Hey! This is gonna be damn interesting, what the Bleep! Gaddemn! ELAINE (fiercely) Jon! You're in church! Stop spewing your profane drivel! Steve also turns, and his face instantly flares into lines of stunned incredulity and intense dislike. STEVE This guy never learns, does he? Junior, intrigued by the turning of heads, climbs onto his seat, sees his father, and shouts. JUNIOR (loudly, excitedly) Daddyyyyyyyy! Mom, it's Daddy! Daddyyyyyyyy! He struggles to get down but Effe, suddenly uncomfortable with the sudden stares, holds him tightly. Up on the platform Mrs. Lois Bawa suddenly stands up and her trembling fingers touch her lips. She is trembling badly, and her throat goes dry all of a sudden. MRS. LOIS Chris? Oh, dear Lord! In the front row Stan Bawa has been sitting with his wife and daughter, and far to his right is Diana and her husband. Stan also turns, and then with a little curse he gets to his feet. His wife tries to hold him back, but he shrugs free and moves to meet his brother. Reverend Bawa quickly puts down his Bible, overcoming his shock, and he speaks sharply. REV BAWA Stan! Stan Bawa, also of medium-built and powerful, pauses and turns round. He looks exactly like his father. He is so different from his brother Chris, who has always been tall and extremely handsome because he looks like his mother. He is the only one who took after his mother. STAN Yes, Dad? REV BAWA Sit down, son. Let him come. Stan glowers at his brother hotly, and then he reluctantly turns back and sits down. Chris' expression doesn't change. He walks forward until he reaches the platform, and then he turns to the stairs and climbs up onto the platform. He walks towards his father, and the older man turns to face his son. His mother, tall and elegant, walks forward until she is standing by her husband's side. Her eyes are furious now as she glares at her son. MRS. LOIS Chris, Chris, Chris! Always a rotten apple! How can you do this to your father, Chris? Couldn't you have waited? When I heard from Mrs. Bediako that you went to their house I was sure you would come over, but did you have to do it like this, at service, with the whole congregation present? Chris looks at his mother, and his eyes are sad. CHRIS Yes, mother. Here! I was also pretty sure that you would also take your husband's side, as usual, and support him for selling my house. That seems to hurt the woman, and suddenly the angry glint in her eyes dulls. Unfortunately, the man of God's microphone is still turned on, and what the two of them said is heard by the whole congregation, and suddenly the whole place goes silent. The man of God looks at his son with a calculated look in his eyes. Suddenly he holds out his arms towards Chris. REV BAWA (tenderly) Come into my arms, my dearest son! I was informed that you were released from prison on a presidential pardon. Come, son, embrace your father who has missed you so! Chris does not move. Instead a steely look comes into his eyes as he appraises his father. CHRIS (softly) Cut the bullshit, father. There is a collective gasp of shock and horror in the auditorium. MRS. LOIS (alarmed) Chris! Are you out of your mind? He looks at his mother and fixes her with the coldest stare from his soul. CHRIS You really think if I had come to your house your husband would've welcomed me back with open arms? His mother is trembling, and her hands are tight angry fists at her sides, but she does not reply. She is horrified inside at the sight of her son. He had been fleshy before going to prison, but he has changed so completely. He is all brawn and sheer muscle now, a perfect image of the perfect man, more handsome than ever, but a certain emotion is touched within her, a mother's love that never completely dies, and her heart bleeds at the kind of hard life he has had in prison to turn him into what he is now. REV BAWA (without emotion) If that is the way it is, Chris, then there's nothing to say. Why are you here? Is it your house? CHRIS (coldly) Yes, sir. My house. You sold it. Why? The silence is so thick that a pin dropping would have sounded like a bomb. The man of God looks at his son, and he shakes his head sadly. REV BAWA Well, you hurt a girl when your car crashed into her, because you were high on cocaine, my son, and also very drunk when you were driving. Secondly, you beat up your uncle, your own mother's brother, very badly, and he was also in the hospital. You refused to render an apology, even when you were advised by the judge that doing so would reduce your prison sentence. You didn't say sorry for any of these acts! There is loud murmuring in the church. Accusing and angry fingers are pointed at this sinful prodigal son who can come to church and mess up the life of their revered prophet. Cruel tongues wag, and as Effe listens, her heart bleeds with a mixture of humiliation and anger at Chris. Chris takes a step towards his father, and the auditorium is suddenly hushed again. Everybody can see that he is very angry, and very hurt, and for a moment it looks as if he is going to attack his father. EFFE (in a soft whisper under her breath) Please, Chris. Please no, don't do it! CHRIS (tautly) And what has that got to do with you selling my house? The reverend throws his arms in the air in angry exasperation. REV BAWA What has it got to do with it? Is that what you asked? I sold your house to get money to meet the medical bills of these two persons you hurt! Do you know that poor girl is still in a wheelchair? Do you know she'll never walk again? I give her money every month, Chris my son! That is the responsibility you left me. And I'm a responsible man! I sold your house to take care of the mess you left behind! Once again there are murmurs of approval from the congregation again. CHRIS (coldly) Is that the reason why you also threw my things out of the house? My clothes and everything that belonged to me? You threw them out, my possessions, everything I ever owned, and people took them away. Was that also to pay for medical bills, reverend? The room is hushed again. JAILBIRD continues More Episodes are available here: 4 Likes |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Nobody: 7:55am On Jan 01, 2018 |
I have promised myself not to start any other story of oyin till Tarasha ends. After getting me hooked on it like cocaine the story is still on with more suspense and intrigues you want to still add another and kill me patapata. God is watching you oyin. 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Nobody: 9:07am On Jan 01, 2018 |
![]() 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Jonesboi(m): 11:35am On Jan 01, 2018 |
Cnt bliv tears re cu;im down my cheek nw ![]() 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by jobbers: 1:53pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
oh 1 Like |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by itsandi(m): 6:48pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
Interesting update ![]() Happy New Year ![]() |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by danfidel01(m): 11:42pm On Jan 01, 2018 |
Guys let me assure you fully!!!! You can't afford to wait for updates from OP, Just go straight to the website he provided ( The story is too interesting to be waiting for updates. |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Jonesboi(m): 12:32am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Wen d nxt chpter dey cum out abeg? |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 9:54am On Jan 02, 2018 |
10 © Aaron Ansah-Agyeman Eyes now swing to the man of God. He tries to speak, but nothing comes out. That is new to the congregation, and it blows them off. No one knows that the revered pastor threw out his imprisoned son's things. Mrs. Lois Bawa suddenly sees the pity on the faces of the congregation, and sees that it is going to affect her husband's ministry. She quickly steps forward, angry eyes boring into her son. MRS. LOIS (furiously) He didn't throw out your things, Chris! I did! I was sickened by the atrocities you committed, not only against my brother, your own uncle, but in harming that poor girl too! I was hurt, I was angry, and I was humiliated. God forgive me, but in that instant I was not a pastor's wife, definitely not a Christian. I was a hurt and humiliated mother, and I was human! I'm sorry now! I wish I hadn't done that, but I couldn't help it! There are murmurs of approval from the congregation, and once more the anger is directed at Chris, and the reverend breathes a sigh of relief, once again saved by his wife. Chris looks at his parents for a long time, and then he speaks quietly. CHRIS You have done well. His words are like a whiplash that makes his mother wince inwardly. She looks stunned, and for a moment tears glitter in her eyes. Chris then reaches into his pocket and brings out a twenty, two and one cedi notes. He walks forward and drops them into the glass offertory tank standing on the platform which already contains some offertory money. He straightens and looks at his parents again. CHRIS You sold my house. You threw my stuff out. I just put all the money on me into your offertory bowl, father. Now, as I stand here, I don't have any money on me. All I have are these clothes I'm wearing. They are the clothes I was wearing when I went to prison. They're the same clothes I'm wearing now. Like I said, you have done well. He turns and slowly descends from the platform. Every eye is on him, and they are all mostly filled with anger and hatred. Junior, aware that his mother's attention is now focused on what is happening, suddenly slips from her grasp. He picks up a lunch bowl on the floor and quickly runs towards his father. EFFE (sharply) Junior! Come back, Junior! Stan Bawa stands up and looks at his brother with venom. STAN (icily) God forgive me, Chris! But I hate you! I really hate you! Junior, who has reached them, looks at his uncle with sudden tears in his eyes. JUNIOR (tearfully) Why do you hate my Daddy, Uncle Stan? His little voice, loud and clear, carries through the church, and its innocent hurt tones cuts through most hearts, reminding them suddenly that they are in church, and they are supposed to be Christians who should show love. Stan looks down at Junior, and his face is contrite immediately. STAN (voice filled with sincere remorse) Oh, Junior, I'm sorry, son! I didn't mean to- He reaches out to hold the boy, but Junior shies away from him, and then he stands in front of his father and looks at the broken man looking down at him. JUNIOR (in a strong but trembling voice) I don't hate you. I love you, Daddy! Chris cannot speak. He looks down at his son, and he cannot see his son because sudden tears blind him. He is strong against the hatred of his family, but his son's love breaks his back, and for a moment his legs almost does not support him. He nods, and then he steps quickly past his son, and walks on, and his son runs after him, shouting, crying, and telling him to stop. Chris stops, turns and falls to his knees in one swift motion. Junior runs into his father's arms and embraces him tightly. Chris crushes his son to his chest, and buries his face in his son's neck ...and then Chris cries like a baby. He doesn't make a sound, but his huge body shakes as his heart is broken to bits by the love of his son. Effe, who has been following her son, stops and looks on. Chris gently pushes Junior back. The little boy reaches out and wipes tears from his father's cheeks, and then he picks up his lunch box from the floor. He opens the box and brings out a big sandwich and a sachet of Fanmilk. JUNIOR This is for you, Daddy. Chris smiles through his tears. He takes the sandwich and breaks it into two. He hands half to his son and then he takes the Fanmilk. CHRIS (lovingly) There's a problem, Champ. How're we gonna share this one? It's soft, if I cut it up.... JUNIOR Wahalaaaaa!! Chris laughs then. CHRIS (smiling) You know what? You keep the Fanmilk, Champ. I'll eat the sandwich. JUNIOR No, Daddy. I want you to have it. I have a lot at home. Chris hesitates, and then he bites the Fanmilk, sips, takes a bite of sandwich, and then he stands up. He nods at his son. CHRIS (tremulously) I love you, Champ. Junior does not speak because tears are falling down his face again. It breaks Chris' heart, and he turns away quickly and leaves the church auditorium. Effe walks forward, at first intending to hold Junior, but the boy shrugs her hands aside and walks back dejectedly towards where he had been sitting. After a moment Effe turns and leaves the church. She sees Chris walking towards the entrance, and she begins to run after him. When Chris walks out of the huge gates of the church he sees Baaba's car parked across the street, and she is leaning against it. She is dressed in a fetching white skirt and blouse suit with a black inner, and she looks very beautiful indeed. He looks at her for a long time, and then he pushes the rest of the sandwich into his mouth and drinks all the Fanmilk. He opens a dustbin near the entrance, drops the empty sachet, and then he crosses the street and stands in front of her. She smiles into his face. BAABA Hello. CHRIS Are you stalking me? She smiles gently. BAABA No, Chris. I'm a member of the church too. When I saw you in that drama with your father I suspected you might eventually need a lift somewhere, so I drove out to wait for you. Chris gives a shuddering breath, and a look of such sheer dejection crosses his face that the smile drops from her kind face, and she moves forward and suddenly puts her arms around his neck and holds him tightly. Chris holds her, grateful for her warmth and her kind heart, and for being there. He hugs her tightly, and when Effe comes out she sees them like that. She gives a sudden intake of breath, and stands looking at them. They do not see her as they eventually part and enter the car, and Baaba drives away. Effe recognizes the painful thuds of her heart, and on her face is a stunned incredulous look. She had not felt that way in a very long time! She had not felt those pangs, and had even forgotten how it feels like to have those jealous bouts! She gives a shuddering breath, and as she turns away there is a little furrow of worry on her beautiful forehead. She knows that at that stage of her life, the last thing she should be feeling is jealousy ...over Chris, the man who had humiliated and hurt her so, the man who had ripped her heart to pieces! EFFE (hoarsely) I'm not going to allow you to do this to me, Chris! Not again, not ever! JAILBIRD continues Tomorrow More episodes are available on 4 Likes |
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Charminee(f): 10:46am On Jan 02, 2018 |
Oyinprince:Don't tell me u want to make him the vallian. |
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