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THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller - Literature (6) - Nairaland

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"Blood In The Ring" A Crime Thriller By John Mfon. / FEIRE - A Romance Story / Jailbird Readers, I Brought You Episode 71 To Episode 92 (Click And Enjoy) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 8:06pm On Apr 09, 2018
Tanks a lot boss. Jah bless
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 10:21am On Apr 10, 2018

® 18+ SNVL

© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman


Effe knocks on the guest room door.



My Prince, please open the door. I know you’re angry with me but please hear me out.

There is absolutely no movement from within, and Effe’s heart sinks. She is so traumatized. Junior had been her only fortress for so long, and she can’t bear to lose him.

His rejection is really killing her.

She wipes tears from her eyes as she slowly sits on the floor and leans her back against the wall.



I stopped prosecuting your Daddy, my prince. When you told me to love him if I really really really love him, I listened, because I really really really love that man. It’s just that when I met him, I had never done that licking-face thing with any man. But he was doing it with other women, and it hurt my heart so bad. But he has promised to stop. So we’re in love again, Prince. Today they’ll take him to prison and it will break my heart!

Effe stops because her tears are uncontrollable. She hugs herself and weeps, her soul breaking.

After a while she sits up and grits her teeth.


That Auntie Baaba said Daddy beat her, so they’re taking Daddy to prison. I will appeal for Daady, but I need to be strong. I can’t be strong if you’re angry with me, My Prince.

Again Effe’s tears choke her, and that is when the door opens, and Junior comes out.

His face is broken, awash with tears.



I’m sorry, Mommy. I really really really didn’t want to make you sad. Forgive me Mommy.

Effe cannot speak.

She holds out his arms and Junior runs to her. They hold each other tightly in their pain and darkest hour, giving each other strength.


(voice muffled)

Transformer Baaba can lie! Daddy will never beat her. She’s a woman! Daddy will never hit a woman!


Yes, my love. But the people don’t believe Daddy.


THAT’S because she changed to Transformer Baaba. She is very wicked oh, like really really really evil like Megathron. But when she changes to cool Baaba she’s really really really nice like Optimus Prime.

Effe freezes.

Slowly she pushes Junior back and stares at him, her breath bated.



What’re you talking about, my Prince?


Aunt Baaba is like the Transformers, Mommy. She can change oh! She can change into good Cool Baaba and also into really really wicked Transformer Baaba, especially if she’s angry. See, see, Mommy, if she wanted to do licking-faces with Daddy and Daddy says no, she will change into Transformer Baaba at once whiiiiiiiiiim!! The other time I spent the night with Daddy and she came here, she changed to Transformer Megathron Baaba and was screaming aaaaaaahhhh, oooooooohhhh, yeeeeeeessss, oooohhhhh!

Junior is giggling, but Effe is staring at him, dazed and very cold, her mind working overtime....

Suddenly everything makes sense now!



My God! That is it! That is why she beat the lie detector! She suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder! My dear God!


Disso what? Eh, Mommy! But I know how to make her change from Transformer Baaba to Cool Baaba –


(cutting in sharply)




You just need the key, okay? The key is what made her angry, ok?

As Junior speaks Effe begins to tremble.

She stands up shaken.



Come on, my love. Let’s go and save Daddy. I have a terrible plan!!


Jonathan Afful turns away from the full-length dressing-mirror and smiles at Elaine.

She is still lying naked in bed, tired from their dawn love-making which had been violent and wild, both of them excited about the upcoming incarceration of Chris Bawa.

Afful is fully-dressed in a flowing white agbada, and he sits on the side of the bed, bends and licks her left nipple and runs a hand between her thighs, caressing her tenderly.

She closes her thighs on his hand and giggles sexily.


Go, Jon. The boys have been waiting long enough.


You sure you don't wanna see him sent to prison, Sweety?


No, darling. I'm preparing a special edition tonight. Found a man who's going to expose even more filth about Chris.



Ohhhhh! What's it going to be? Go on, tell me!



Oh, you'll find out tonight. You would be in the studio, wouldn't you?



Does the Pope has a useless dick? Of course, I'll be there! Wouldn't miss it for anything in the world! Alright, see you then, baby.

He gets up and leaves the bedroom.

Elaine stares at the ceiling, and she sighs heavily.


Oh, Chris! We could've been so happy together. Now look at what you've brought on yourself, for choosing Effe!

Steve, Crankson and Nana Bosomtwum are waiting in the living-room.

Afful shakes the hand of a subdued Crankson.


Hey, cheer up, Bro! That stupid dude is getting twenty-five years in the can today, and the GojuFist Grandmaster title will be stripped from him. We're back in business, bro.


Yeah man! Let's go. Don't wanna miss the sight of that crazy asshole being marched off to jail!

Steve shakes a little cocaine unto the back of his right hand and sniffs, and then he whoops with absolute joy.



Whooooooooraaaaah!! Isn't today a happy day? Mr. F***** Bawa off to prison for twenty add years, more than enough time to bang that pompous lawyer’s sweet ass! She’ll come crawling to me, mark my words!


(laughing loudly)

The p**** is yours, bro! You won the p**** back! Marry her and slam her like a boss! Let her be your b****, man!

Crankson takes the glass phial from Steve and shakes some cocaine unto the back of his left hand and sniffs it clean.


(in bliss)

Shit, this shit is good! Yeah, Steve, marry Effe and give her some damn anal! She'll know who's the boss!

Afful takes the phial and they walk out, still talking and laughing loudly.


Stan climbs the stairs and opens the door.

He walks into the spacious living-room and sees his parents there already.

His father is watching events on the television with old Reuben Essel.

His mother is dressed in a dark kaba and slit with covering cloth, and Stan sees from her puffy face and eyes that she has been crying a lot.

Stan stops and looks at his mother gravely, then he walks forward and hugs her.


Stop killing yourself over that boy, Mama. He will send you to your grave. Let it go.

Fresh tears glisten on her lashes.


Sure, sure, son. Just like I should also let you go if you get into trouble, right?

Stan scowls darkly.



That's hitting below the belt, Mom.



Is it, Stan? For years I allowed myself to be swayed by your hatred, Stan, and by my husband's apparent dislike of Chris.


(looking up angrily)

That's absolute nonsense, Lois! What's gotten into you? That boy has always been a rebel! He made his damn bed, let him lie in it! Stop dragging us into the mire with him!



I don't hate him, Mama!



Oh, you do! You do hate him so, Stan! You and Diana! You've hated him because Roland loved him more than any other member of this family, and you couldn't take it, could you?

The door has opened now, and Diana comes in. She stops and looks at her mother with shock on her face.


What's going on here?


(hurt badly)

Mother thinks we hate Chris, and she alone loves him. Can you believe that?


What? Mama!



Don't Mama me! You wanted Chris to be cut off from this family. We're a Christian family, the core of the Church, because your father is the pastor. We couldn't forgive that boy, and we couldn't even pray for him! We've never ever forgiven him for Roland's death, myself included, and so we made him the Black Sheep of this family. We've abandoned him, and we've disowned him. For years, he has never known the love of a family! He only relied on the strength of the love between him and Effe... but now what do we see? Even Effe left him, and he was all alone, but she has done the right thing, in the end, and showed him some love. We all failed, except for the love of his little boy who stood in church and did what we should all have done as a family: he stood up for Chris. But not anymore for me, okay? You can go on hating him! You can go on disowning him! But whatever you do you can't change the blood running through him! He's a Bawa, your brother, and YOUR SON, Brand! I may not see him again, because I know he's going back to jail, but I'm going to the court, and I'm going to support him, because he is my son!

She leaves the room hurriedly, brushing angrily past Diana in the doorway.

Stan sees that his father is deeply affected, and he looks haunted. He sees sudden tears in Diana's eyes, and he sees that Diana's lips are trembling violently.

She turns away and reaches for the door.


(in a choked voice)

Di! Where are you off to?

Diana does not respond. She bangs the door behind her and races after her mother.



Wait! Mom, please wait!

Mrs. Lois Bawa stops and turns, and her heart is so crushed that it shows on her face.


Please, Diana, don't try to stop me!

Diana stops in front of her mother and embraces her fiercely as tears course down her cheeks.


No, Mom! I just want to go and support my brother too!

The two women are now weeping fiercely, and slowly they walk to Diana's car.

JAILBIRD is completed here - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird


Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 10:38am On Apr 10, 2018
Tanks boss..
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Tosodan(m): 4:27am On Apr 12, 2018
I am very happy i am reading dis one in a live term story God bless d writer
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 11:59am On Apr 13, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Jeff Atakora is speaking.
He has been giving his closing statement for about five minutes now, facing the jury as he speaks clearly and concisely, basing his final arguments on the overwhelming evidence against Chris Bawa.
The courtroom is hushed.
The television cameras are rolling, alternating between the stony-faced jury, Judge Ossom Annor, Chris, Baaba and the spectators.
...so, as you can see, Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, we've proven to you beyond reasonable doubt that Mr. Chris Bawa did brutally force himself on Miss Baaba Brooks against her consent, and not only raped her, but beat her up mercilessly as well. You have heard from our credible witnesses who have nothing to gain by lying, and how their stories were consistent with each other. It is a very important principle that people in our society be held accountable for their actions, and in this case Mr. Chris Bawa needs to be held totally accountable for his undesirable actions against Miss Baaba Brooks. We are a nation of laws, and everyone must follow those laws, and it is part of what makes our nation great. The notion of accountability has a great place in our criminal and justice system, and we have to face the consequences of our own actions. Maybe the Defendant had a bad day, and maybe he was stressed beyond comprehension. Maybe he was drunk, or even under the influence of drugs, but I would ask you, in conclusion, that you find him accountable for what he did to a fellow human being, a woman who could be your sister, your daughter or even yourself... and that is, guilty of rape. Thank you.
He feels weak, a bit dizzy, and has to hold on to the guardrail in front of the jury stand for a moment to get his bearings.
This has been a most difficult case, because there is still that gnawing sensation in his guts that something just is not gelling.
He turns, and he does not look at Chris.
Chris’ eyes are half-shut as he sits silently.
The silence and the tension is thick.
Judge Ossom leans forward and looks at the jury.
The Defence Counsel has intimated that he will make no closing statements. Mrs. Helen Boateng and your fellow jury members, it's now time. We go for a recess as we await your verdict.
A severe-looking woman sitting in the middle of the jury gets to her feet.
Thank you, Your Honour. We are all of a mind that our decision shall not take more than a few minutes. So, if you'll indulge us, kindly hold on to the recess as we have a short discussion right here.
Alright, Mrs. Boateng. You're excused.
There is absolute tension as the jury members get up and go through a door behind them.
And then there is excited chatter everywhere.
Junior, snivelling, is sitting between Effe and Eyram a couple of rows behind Chris.
Rupert and Wailer Vroom are sitting behind them.
Please, can I go to Daddy now?
(brushing tears from her cheek)
No, no, not now, my dear. Just a little longer.
The minutes drag slowly.
Soon the time will come, and Chris will be taken away, and that will be the end.
Effe finally turns her head and looks at Chris.
Her face is already tortured, but when she sees how torn he is, how painful his face is, how hurt he is, how absolutely crushed he is, and how his soul is on his face as he cries silently, she feels a sudden tearing pain in her heart, and she bows her head as she fights the urge to go to him and take him in her arms.
Sitting beside Atakora is Baaba Brooks. She reaches out and touches his hand gently.

I know this is not easy for you, Mr. Atakora. But I thank you very much for doing this for me.
All sounds die down as the door opens and the jury members troop in.
They take their seats, and their eyes focus with hard intents on Chris Bawa.
Judge Ossom sighs and sits forward.
He raps sharply with his gavel, and the silence in the room is complete.
Has the Jury reached a decision?
Mrs. Helen Boateng gets to her feet.
Yes, we have.
Have you written it down as I requested?
Yes, Your Honour, we have.
And your verdict?
Mrs. Helen Boateng unfolds the little paper in her hand, and her hard eyes focus on Chris Bawa for a moment.
The jury finds Mr. Chris Bawa guilty on all counts, and requests the stiffest, maximum punishment for him. Other recommendations for monetary and other compensatory packages for Miss Baaba Brooks are contained in our brief.
There is rapturous applause and screams in the courtroom.
Thank you, members of the Jury. Can I please have your brief?
The paper is handed to a Court Clerk who takes it to the Judge, as people still continue to applaud.
Judge Ossom bangs his gavel down repeatedly on the sound board until there is absolute silence.
He looks at the sheet of paper, and then he sets it down and looks down at Chris.
Will the accused please rise?
Ben Buabasah stands up, and after a while Chris stands up too.
The judge fixes him with hard eyes.
Do you have anything to say, Mr. Chris Bawa, before I pass judgement?
Chris is no longer crying.
His cold eyes meet the Judge's, and he speaks slowly.
Do your worst, Judge.
Even the Judge gasps.
It is unthinkable how he shows no remorse and is so rude even now. Everyone is shocked.
Effe sees the proud angle of his head, his proud shoulders, a man who will never bow to another man, and she smiles sadly to herself.
That is her man.
In all my career, I don't think I've met any man as cold and as evil as you, Mr. Chris Bawa. I'm tempted to think that you're not quite human. You were given a presidential pardon, and instead of using your freedom to put your life back on track, you turn around like a pig and returns to the bog. I don't have words to describe you, and I'm tempted to think words are wasted on you. So be it. For this heinous crime against Miss Baaba Brooks, and having been found guilty by this court, I hereby sentence you to twenty-five years of hard labour at the Nsawam Prisons. Get this filthy man out of my sight!
There is more applause and more screams as two policemen approach Chris.
One is Danso Cuger, and the other McBaiden.
Danso smiles nastily as he puts a hand on the butt of his holstered gun, and McBaiden handcuffs Chris' hands behind his back.
In the audience Afful, Steve and Crankson are laughing.
Mrs. Lois and Diana are weeping.
Eyram is weeping as Rupert holds her tightly.
Effe is cold.
She can barely move, and though she fights hard, tears slowly well up in her eyes and spill down her cheeks.

What happens next? Chris ' Judgement is ready.
JAILBIRD continues

Read more here - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird


Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 12:00pm On Apr 13, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Sergeant McBaiden has taken hold of Chris' arm and is leading him away.
Chief Inspector Cuger is following with his hand still on the butt of his gun.
Judge Ossom has closed the file and is preparing to stand up.
Mommy? Should I do it now?
Effe, heart beating, shifts her body for Junior to stand up.
Now, Junior, my Prince, go!
Suddenly the shrill voice of a little boy startles the crowd, and the Judge looks up to see a little boy running down the walkway towards the front.
(weeping, screaming)
All eyes turn to him.
Junior rounds the table and approaches Chris, who has now stopped and is looking at Junior with horror all over his face.
Dear Lord, Champ! What're you doing here? You shouldn't be here!
Junior wraps his arms around his father's thighs.
Don't leave me, Daddy! Please don't leave me!! Please, please!!
Get the boy away from here! Please!
Cuger holds Junior's arm and tries to wrench him away roughly.
Without warning Chris spins and crashes a foot into Cuger, and he flies back and smashes the floor heavily.
Sergeant McBaiden, suddenly scared, steps back and pulls out his gun and aims it at Chris' head.
Eyram and Effe have both come near them now, and both are weeping.
Danso gets to his feet grunting with pain, and he has drawn out his gun and approaching Chris with evil intents in his eyes.
There is a shocked silence in the room, and the television cameras are capturing it all.
Judge Ossom shouts suddenly.
Hey, hey! Put those guns away! Put them away immediately!!
The two policemen exchange looks, and then they look at the Judge, and they reluctantly holster their guns.
Alright, Effe and her sister, kindly take your seats, now!! Are you responsible for this shit, Effe? I swear that if you are I’m gonna lock you up too!
Effe hesitates.
Your Honour-
Sit down, Lawyer! You too, lady!
Effe nods, turns on rubbery feet, and goes back to her seat. Eyram reaches out and touches Chris arm as her tears flow, and then she turns and goes back to her seat.
Junior moves forward again and wraps his arms around Chris' thighs again, and he is still crying.
Hello, little man. Please look at me.
Junior looks up at the Judge.
You're a very very very bad man! You're taking my Daddy from me!
Judge Ossom's face becomes sad immediately.
He gets up and slowly walks out behind his dais and walks down to join them.
I'm really sorry, young man. Please what's your name? I'm Ossom Annor.
I'm Chris Bawa, Junior.
Judge Ossom holds out his hand.
Pleased to meet you, Junior.
Junior shakes his head violently, still weeping.
I don't wanna! I don't wanna shake your hand! You're mean to my Daddy! You wicked bad old man!
Judge Ossom sighs.
I know you’re really hurt, Junior, and I understand you love your Daddy. Will you be okay if I allow you to speak to your Daddy for a few minutes?
Junior looks at him hopefully.
Yes, please! Oh yes, please! Can I?
The judge smiles sadly.
Yes, Junior, go ahead.
Junior steps back and wipes his face with the back of his hand.
Chris' hands are still handcuffed behind him, and he drops slowly to his knees and looks at his son.
He cannot take this.
He is a hard man, a warrior, a fighter who has never had it easy in life, but his one weakness is his son, and he cannot take it when his son is hurt.
Junior moves forward and throws his arms round his father's neck, and he weeps bitterly.
Hey, hey, Champ. It's okay, my boy. You gotta be brave for me, son. If you're not strong Daddy cannot be strong. Remember our motto?
Dom spiro spero, once we breathe we hope!
Yes, Champ! I'll always love you Champ, but you gotta be strong for me now, otherwise I'll have no hope.
Junior stands back and looks at his father. He speaks in a soft lost voice.
You promised me, Daddy, that you will never ever ever leave me! You broke your promise to me Daddy!!
(face torn)
No, no, no! Champ! I'll never break my promise to you! You know that! I'll never do that!
Then why're they taking you away? Why did you do this bad thing and they're taking you away again? Why, Daddy? Why??
Many in the spectators are weeping now.
Judge Ossom shakes his head sadly.
Jesus, Mr. Bawa! Just look at how you've broken your son's heart! Are you proud now? You disgust me!
Junior turns harshly on him.
Hey! Don't insult my Daddy!!! It’s between us, Senior and Junior! Please don’t let me tell my Daddy to Goju your face!
The Judge smiles sadly and holds up his hands.
Chris takes a deep breath, and then he grits his teeth and speaks gently.
Listen, Champ. You need to go home now, please. Later you can come and see me, and I'll tell you everything, okay? I promise.
No, no, no, Daddy! I want to know now!! Tell me now! Why did you break your promise, Daddy? Don't you love me, Daddy?
I never broke my promise, son! I'll never break a promise to you!
So please tell me what happened, Daddy? Please, okay, please please please please please plea-
Okay, alright, Champ. You remember the day Mommy was travelling and she said goodbye to me?
Yes, Daddy. I left with her. She dropped me at school.
Yes. Well, immediately you left with her, Steve came to see me.
Uncle Steve? He's a very bad man. He wants to marry Mommy. The other time I heard him telling somebody on the phone that if he and Mom gets married he will let me go and stay with Grandpa and Grandma.
Effe's face expresses deep shock.
She gets up and approaches them.
Yes, Mommy, Uncle Steve said that!

JAILBIRD is completed here already -- www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird

1 Like

Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 3:24pm On Apr 13, 2018
Tanks a lot boss..

Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 6:00pm On Apr 15, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman


Effe drops to her knees, distraught, and takes Junior’s hands.
Please, Junior! I'll never do that to you. Never ever! Why didn't you tell me you heard Steve saying that? But, like I said this morning, that’s over!
Junior looks at her, and she sees the torment in his eyes.
It tears her soul out. She touches his face gently, and he smiles at her before turning to his father.
What did Uncle Steve do, Daddy?
He showed me some documents in a yellow file. It was a doctor’s file, Champ. It said you are not my son. It said -
(screaming, cutting in)
How could you believe that, Daddy? I'm your son! I look like you, Daddy! My face looks like you! My body looks like you! Even my dicky looks like yours, just that mine is small boy small and yours is big man big! That is why your weewee is big and mine is thin weewee!
There is a burst of laughter in the courtroom, and even Judge Ossom smiles at that.
(turning to Effe)
Am I not Daddy's son, Mommy?
Effe puts a hand on Chris’ shoulder.
Chris-Love, Eyram told me that you found out about the In Vitro I was planning to do. I’m very sorry I didn’t tell you about that earlier after I gave birth to Junior. You see, the gynaec told me I wasn't producing enough eggs to get pregnant. I was desperate, my love, because your Mom was always going on about grandchildren and I couldn’t get pregnant. The pressure was too much and I was scared you would leave me if I didn't give you a child. Doctor Anaman suggested the IVF as an option. He said he would use eggs from Eyram, but I told him I would never accept any sperm from Steve, and he understood, and used a sperm from the Sperm Bank. Never Steve’s! However, soon afterwards, about a month before the procedure, a miracle happened because I realized I was pregnant, my love, with Junior, naturally with you, finally. So we never even began the IVF at all. It wasn’t necessary.
Effe looks at Chris' tortured face, and she shakes her head sadly.
I was pregnant, Chris, and I didn't know it. Doctor Anaman found out I was indeed pregnant with your child, Chris. I told Eyram that I couldn’t go ahead with the In Vitro because I was pregnant for you, and it wasn't necessary anymore. I never went ahead with it! Why didn't you call me? Why didn’t you speak to me? Why did you accept that story without asking me?
I called you, several times. Your phone was off. I was so scared, so terrified. I was hurting badly, and that was when Baaba showed up at the house, when I was most vulnerable.
Oh, yes, my phone went off that morning and I put it in my bag, but it slipped out of my bag, and so it wasn't until I came back to Accra after leaving the seminar in Takoradi, that I found it in the car.
So, Daddy, I'm your son! I'll always be your son!
Chris nods, and shuts his eyes.
Yes, Champ. But I didn't know that day, and when I called Auntie Eyram she confirmed it, and she would've told me the truth, but I threw my phone away because I was so hurt and scared that I might lose you. The fact that you were not my son really hurt me, Champ.
Tears fall down Junior's cheeks as he once again puts his arms around his father's neck.
I understand, Daddy. If I'm told I'm not your son I'll be really really really sad too! But you should know that even if I’m not your son I’m still your son because I really really really love you and I don’t want any other father.
Yes, I was really sad. I went into my room, you know, at Auntie Eyram's house. Well, I was very hurt. I thought your Mommy has lied to me, okay, and so...
Chris voice trails off. He cannot speak.
You did the face-licking things with Aunt Baaba?
Chris shakes his head vehemently.
Judge Ossom nods his head. Of course they know Chris cannot tell his son that he raped Baaba.
No, Champ. She really wanted to do it, but I told her to leave because I only wanted to be with your Mom. Baaba wouldn’t listen to me, and wanted to stay with me. I was angry, and I told her to leave my room because your Mom and I were going to get married. To convince Baaba, I showed her the rings I bought for your Mom and me.
Oh, yeah! The diamond rings you showed me? The ones you and Mommy were going to use again to get married when she returned from Takoradi? The ones you said I shouldn't tell her yet?
Chris nods.
Yes, Champ. Well, Aunt Baaba got angry over that.
(looking horrified)
No, no, no, Daddy! If you make Aunt Baaba angry she will transform. Have you forgotten I told you about Transformer Baaba and Cool Baaba?
Yes, I do remember, Champ. She was very angry, and I turned my back to her. She might have hit me or drugged my drink because I don’t remember anything else after that because I lost consciousness. The next thing I remember was that I woke up on the kitchen floor, and the police was around, and they said I had done bad things to Aunt Baaba, and no one believes me, and so they're sending me back to prison.
There is silence in the room.
Effe is staring at Chris with horror on her face.
My God, man, how could you lie to your own son like that? You really are a beast, and unscrupulous!
Junior, what did you say? What do you mean about transforming and cool Baaba?
Junior giggles as Effe winks secretly at him.
He remembers what they had planned and rehearsed in the car that morning on their way to the court.
Oh, not transforming, Mommy. Transformer Baaba and Cool Baaba. Have you watched the Transformers movies, Mommy?
Yes, yes, when the cars can transform into giant fighting robots?
(laughing now)
Yes, yes. Like Megathron and Bumblebee And Optimus Prime! It is like that with Auntie Baaba. If you make her angry she turns into mean Transformer Baaba, but when you're good to her she changes to Cool Baaba. When Daddy told her the diamond rings are for Mommy and not for her it made her mad, and she changed into Transformer Baaba.
My God! What are you talking about, boy?
Is that why they're sending you to prison, Daddy? Because of what Transformer Baaba said?
Yes, Champ.
Oh, but that's so bad! When she becomes Transformer Baaba she is fun! She can lie papapaaa! Ei, she can lie oh! I told you I can let her change, didn't I? You need to find the key, and you can make her change.
And you know the key, Junior? The wedding rings are the keys, right?
Yes, yes! The wedding rings. Where are the wedding rings, Daddy? I'll make her change right now!
I didn't see the rings again. I asked the policemen, but they didn’t see them.
(sadly, scared)
Oh, no! The rings are the key, Daddy! You must have them. If you don’t have them she will never never ever change and I can’t help you!
No, no! Junior, I warned you never to go near her again! It’s okay, my boy. Mommy will appeal, and she’ll get me out of prison.
(weeping pitifully)
No,no, no, no! I promised Mommy I’ll help you. We planned it in the car! I really really really don’t want you to go to prison! Let me have the rings, Daddy!
His son’s tears and anguish brings tears to Chris’ eyes, and he looks desperately at Effe.
Effe is weeping silently as she reaches for Junior. She can taste the bitterness of disappointment in her mouth. She looks across at Baaba, who is sitting demurely and smiling as if she is gloating.
Effe Kedem! I’ll have you suspended from the Bar! You’re behind this? You put your son up to this? You exposed him to this pain? To say I’m disappointed in you would be putting it mildly, woman!
Effe jumps to her feet and faces the Judge.
Well, she lied, Your Honour! I obtained Chris’ phone records privately from a good friend this morning. It showed there had been no calls between him and Baaba for three days prior to the day in question!
Well save that for your appeal, Lawyer! Right now we’re done! Inspector, take that man to prison! It is over!
Cuger drags Chris to his feet.
Junior is screaming and weeping still holding his father.
Effe looks at Baaba.
She sees that Baaba looks very happy and smug.
Effe approaches Baaba.
The crowd is making a lot of noise.
MacBaiden is trying to pull Junior off Chris, but the boy fiercely resists.
Leave him alone! Leave that boy alone. Let his mother try and take him!
All eyes turn to Effe, who is now standing in front of Baaba.
Baaba’s face is innocent and sweet, and she slowly pops a gum into her mouth and smiles beautifully at Effe.
She proffers her paper pack of lemon-flavoured chewing gums to Effe.
Care for some gum, Miss Effe Kedem?

JAILBIRD is completed here - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird


Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 10:21pm On Apr 15, 2018
Tanks a lot boss.

More sir
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Nobody: 3:31pm On Apr 18, 2018
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 8:11am On Apr 20, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Listen, Baaba. Junior doesn’t want his father to go back to prison. Frankly, I don’t want Chris to go to prison either because if that happens I’ll lose Chris and Junior. So I’ve decided to make a great sacrifice.
Baaba looks at Effe and scowls darkly.
She chews her gum rapidly, and her eyes are suddenly not so sweet anymore, but hard and calculating.
Come on, Effe, what do you think you’re doing? It’s over. Please give it up.
Effe ignores him.
Baaba, I don’t want to lose my son. So I’m giving up on Chris. I don’t really think you want him in prison too. You’ll also lose him, because he hates you now. So, this is my plan, Baaba. I’m convinced you have the wedding rings Chris bought for me, but I don’t want it. I don’t want to marry Chris anymore. You can have him all to yourself. In fact, if you bring the rings right now you and Chris can get married right here. Judge Ossom will officiate and you can walk out of here as Mrs. Baaba Bawa. Mrs. BB. That sounds really nice, doesn’t it?
Baaba stops chewing immediately.
She narrows her eyes at Effe. She slowly takes out the gum and presses it on top of the table.
Are you making fun of me? Do I look like a fool to you, you ugly little b****?
No, no, no! Baaba, you want to marry Chris, don’t you? He made your body sing, didn’t he, with that sweet touch of his? Think about it! If he goes to prison we’ll both lose him. But I’m ready to let him go for my son’s sake! You’ll have him all to yourself, and have beautiful children. I can make him marry you right here if you bring the rings! But if you don't give me the rings he cannot marry you!
He raped Baaba! He's a liar! Get away from me! Chris Bawa raped Baaba! Babs also hates him! He doesn’t love me! He’ll rot in prison and no woman will have him! No pussy for Chris, no p**** for Chris!
Her voice is so high, so filled with hatred, so putrid with the decay of her feelings that it shocks everybody.
My good gracious!
Effe shrugs and turns away.
Alright. It seems to me you don't really want to marry my Chris. You hate him. I’ll marry him now, and I’ll go and work at the Nsawam prison and be with him all the time. We’ll make love every night. Your loss, Baaba!
LovePeddler! S**t! B***h! Prostitute! Harlot! Chris doesn’t love you! He raped Baaba! Chris raped poor poor Baaba! Chris will rot in prison!
Veins stand out on her neck, and her lips are frothing as she screams, and at that moment there is nothing ladylike about her.
She looks so much like a wild animal that all those watching, in the court and on televisions across the country, stare at her with absolute shock. Stunned out of their wits.
Effe dips her hand into her skirt pocket and brings out her wedding bands.
Chris and Junior are now standing side by side, looking at Effe with awe.
Effe puts her arms around Chris’ neck and kisses him deeply.
Baaba jumps to her feet instantly, her voice emitting a low snarl, her fingers hooked like claws.
The judge stares at her with a sick feeling in his guts.
Oh, my God!
Effe looks at Chris lovingly.
Chris-Love, do you still have your wedding ring?
Chris looks confused, but he nods.
In my back pocket, Princess.
Effe reaches into Chris’ back pocket and takes out the ring.
She walks up to the puzzled Judge.
Please, Judge, would you marry us off again and allow us to have our honeymoon at the Nsawam Prison?
(in a fierce whisper)
What game are you playing, Lawyer? You’re really trying my patience today.
Effe looks at him desperately, and she is panting with the depths of her passion.
Please trust me, sir! I’m convinced she suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Multiple Personality Syndrome?
Yes, sir. That’s why she was able to beat the lie detector. There are two distinct personalities living in her mind, and she switches between them at moments convenient to her. If my hunch is right, she’ll not allow me to marry Chris.
The judge frowns as he takes the rings from Effe
This better work, Counsel, otherwise I’m sending you straight to prison too.
Trust me, sir, please. I beg of you.
The courtroom is midnight silent as the confused spectators look on.
They are all mostly looking at Baaba whose facial expression is getting darker by the minute, her rage evidently mounting as she breathes audibly.
Release Mr. Bawa.
Looking absolutely enraged, Cuger once more unlocks Chris’ handcuffs.
Alright, Effe and Chris, come and stand in front of me. I’ll marry you off, and you can have one month honeymoon at home before Mr. Bawa goes to prison to begin his sentence.
Baaba is watching them like a trapped animal, and then suddenly she moves forward with a sudden burst of speed, her face twisted out of shape with basic putrid acid.
Wait! Stop it this instant! Chris, my love, don’t marry that stinking LovePeddler!
Everybody stares at her.
Because her voice has changed!
Her voice has become deep and heavy and very passionate.
(under his breath)
Awurade Nyankopon!
I’ll be damned!
Baaba opens her handbag and takes out a stunning glass box.
She presses a button, and the lid slides open, revealing the three lovely diamond-studded rings Chris had bought, and which he thought were lost.
Baaba grabs Effe’s shoulder and turns her around.
Her face is sweaty and nasty, and she glares at Effe with a desperate animalistic wildness.
Alright. Here are the rings. Chris is mine. I accept your offer. I’ll marry Chris now. Look at my rings. Here! Aren't they beautiful? They're for me and Chris. We're going to get married. Chris darling, I’m here. Let’s get married.
Effe cannot believe her eyes.
The judge cannot believe it.
The members of the jury just stare with absolute trepidation.
The crowd has never seen anything like it.
The silence is so thick that a feather dropping would have sounded like an exploding bomb.
Ohhhh yeaaah! Transformer Megathron Baaba! I told you! I really really really told you the ring is the key, Mommy!
We're going to get married! Me and Chris, my darling! He loves me, only me! Don’t you, my love?
Yes, he loves only you Auntie Baaba.
Oh, Lord, no! No, no, no, no!
Effe takes the glass case and looks at Baaba, trying to keep the shock out of her face.
But you can't marry Chris just yet, Baaba!
(screaming, demented)
AND WHY THE HELL NOT? You told me you’re leaving him for me! Don’t make me angry!
Because you told lies about Chris, Baaba, and he's going to prison. I understand you were hurt and angry because he rejected you and told you he bought the rings for me. You have to tell the truth, Baaba, then the judge will free Chris, and you can get married and spend the rest of your life with him. He’ll be all yours!
Baaba turns to the judge.
There are conflicting emotions on her face.
Her eyes are shifting, and crafty. Sweat glistens on her face, and she licks her lips repeatedly.
Judge Ossom walks up to her and puts a kind hand on her shoulder.
I know how painful it is for your heart to be toyed with, Miss Brooks. I see a whole lot of hurt and misunderstanding here. If you truly love this man, let me know what happened. I’ll release him, and you can be happy together.
Baaba’s lips tremble, and suddenly tears come to her eyes.
She looks very vulnerable, and lost, and young.
Tears trickle down her face, and Judge Ossom takes a hankie and tries to wipe her tears.
His left hand is on her shoulder, and the handkerchief is in his right hand, and he is rather very close to Baaba when he touches her cheek with the hankie.
And that is when Baaba finally flips.
She gives a blood-cuddling scream and slams a knee into the judge’s groin, her eyes flaming, her face demented.
Judge Ossom yells and crashes to the floor, holding his throbbing groin.
(hissing dangerously)
Nooo, Daddyyyy! Take your filthy paws off Babs, you dirty stinking child f*****!!! You piece of shit!! I’ll kill you, Daddy, if you put your penis-snake inside Babs one more time! You’re sick, Daddy, and you need help! Babs is your daughter, you stupid mad incestuous fool! Babs is a baby, an innocent girl. Why do you f*** her, Daddy? You’re supposed to protect her, to love her, not destroy her, you piece of perverted shit!
She is now crying and speaking in a sing-song kind of voice, making the whole sight incredibly macabre.
The onlookers are now absolutely stunned and hushed, everyone sitting so still that it seems uncannily like they are carved from stone.
She raises her foot to crush the judge’s head, but Atakora holds her and pulls her back.
But she is as slippery as an eel, and she spins out of Atakora’s arms and delivers an uppercut to his jaws that sends Atakora crashing into the table.
She spins, wild-eyed, insane, as dangerous as a lioness, but when she sees Chris she suddenly goes rigid, and she relaxes.
She whimpers like a little girl, totally changed from the evil hellcat she had been just a moment ago.
She moves forward and falls against Chris, holding him tightly.
Oh Chris, my precious, my treasure, Baaba is so sorry! Chris made Babs so angry and hurt when he said he wouldn't marry Baaba. It wasn’t me, Chris. It was Babs who smashed Chris’ head and dragged him to the kitchen. It was not me, my love.... it was Babs! Babs is so bad!
Chris holds her, aghast at her sudden breakdown.
The judge stands up groggily, moaning with pain. Atakora drags himself up, and he tastes blood in his mouth.
Effe steps in front of Baaba.
What happened when you dragged Chris into the kitchen, Baaba?
Baaba screams and flings a hooked hand at Effe, aiming for her eyes, but Effe springs back quickly.
Shut up, shut up, shut up! It wasn’t Baaba! Don’t you come and accuse me in front of Chris, my darling! Baaba will never hurt Chris, you LovePeddler! It was Babs! Babs hates Chris so much! Babs does horrible things to Chris!
Effe holds up her hands in mid-air pleadingly, placatingly.
I’m sorry, Baaba! I know you’re good and loves Chris. Please forgive me. What did Babs do in the kitchen?
Baaba sniffs and plays with Chris’ buttons.
She speaks softly.
Once in the kitchen Babs injected Chris with an Indian aphrodisiac, so that even though he was almost unconscious, he had an erection. Then Babs removed all her clothes. I begged her to stop but she wouldn’t listen. She forcibly sat on Chris so that she’ll get lacerations in her vagina to look like rape. She continued doing that until she is convinced that a lab report will show traces of Chris’ semen in her, and also reveal lacerations of forced entry indicating rape. Hmmm. Babs is so wicked.
Her voice trails off and she pushes her hand through the space in Chris’ shirt and caresses his chest.
The room is dead quiet.
Everybody is stunned.
Go on, Babs, what happened next?
Baaba screams shrilly and spits in Effe’s direction.
I’m very sorry, Baaba. Forgive me. If you want Chris –
I loooove Chris Darling!
Yes, I know. And Chris loves you too, but you have to tell the truth or Chris will go to prison and you can’t get married then.
Well, afterwards, Babs heated some cocaine and injected it through Chris’ veins whilst he was lying on the floor unconscious, and then she scattered some cocaine around the kitchen. The cocaine was in her bag. Babs uses cocaine but Baaba doesn’t! Anyway, i saw Babs grabbing Chris’ hand and using his fingers to scratch her face so that her skin will get under Chris’ fingernails. And then she scratched Chris’s face too to make it look like he was raping her and she fought back.
Awuradze Nyankopon! Aba boshit nso nyi! Awuradze, maayε mbelεdze papa o!
Jesus, I’ll be damned!
Baaba, we saw a lot of bruises on Babs. Terrible bruises to her face, ribs and other parts.
Babs did that to herself.
Seriously? Surely that isn’t possible!
She did it herself! She did, she did!
I don’t believe you! I don’t believe you, Baaba! Tell Babs to show me how she did it!
You plastic LovePeddler! Babs will show you! Oh yes, Babs will show you!
And then, to everybody's horror, Baaba Brooks delivers a very violent and diabolical blow to her own face, causing blood to flow from her nose!
She ran and smashed herself against the witness stand, and crashed her own head down hard on the guard rail in front of the Jury with a sickening crunch.
And then she used her own fists, both of them, to hammer her own ribs repeatedly as blood trails down her face from a nasty cut that has opened up on her forehead.
That's enough, Babs! Please come back here!
Baaba walks in pain towards them.
She is bleeding from the cut in her nose and a deep gash on her forehead.
She smiles in a macabre way.
Let's get married, my darling Chris! I will marry you! Evil Babs tried to separate us by framing you for choosing this stupid Effe bitch over me. Effe doesn’t believe you. She doesn’t trust you. She doesn’t love you. Do you see what she did to you? She even tried to prosecute you, the damn bitch! How can you love someone like her? Marry me! Your love will drive Babs away for good!
Judge Ossom stares at her, then at Chris, and his face is stunned.
He tries to speak, but he just splutters.
My dearest sweetest Jesus! What did we do? Mr. Chris Bawa, we have wronged you most terribly.
Stunned, Chris takes a shuddering breath and looks at Effe with passionate adoration.
Effe smiles at him as silent tears of relief fall down her face.
Junior looks at the judge with sudden expectation.
Is my Daddy going to be freed? He's no longer going to prison, right?
A very shaken-up judge looks at the boy dazedly.
We’ve indeed committed a great crime against your father, little man! On behalf of this country, and on my own behalf, accept my apologies, Mr. Chris Bawa. You’re a free man.
Cuger's face looks like death as he steps forward.
Effe is looking as if carved from stone. She cannot move, and she is trembling so fiercely.
Her soul itself seems to be torn from her chest as she looks at Chris with eyes filled with pain and love.
She takes a faltering step towards him, and her face is a complete picture of a shattered soul, of relief, of indescribable love, of life.
(voice choked)

Up in the stands a stunned Afful looks at a totally shattered Steve.
You just lost her, bro.
Chris is looking down at Junior with a face filled with love.
Inspector, arrest Miss Baaba Brooks. Tomorrow we’ll let experts do an evaluation on her.
Cuger moves forward, trying to get to Baaba.
Effe touches Chris' chest.
And that is when Baaba goes completely berserk!
She screams and rushes forward, shoving Effe back so violently that Effe falls heavily.
Keep away from him! Keep away from Chris, you slut! He is mine! He is all mine! Keep your dirty hands from him!
Cuger grabs Baaba’s hand, trying to handcuff her.
Baaba hits Cuger in the jaw so hard that the policeman begins to fall, and that is when Baaba reaches out and draws out Cuger's police pistol.
Everything is happening so fast!
Effe is up on her feet, angrily turning towards Baaba.
Baaba draws back the hammer of the gun and swings it towards Effe.
Suddenly Effe finds herself staring at the hole in the barrel of the gun.
Chris screams and moves forward, hitting Baaba with his shoulder so that her gun hand is jerks sideways as she fires, and the bullet strikes a cast iron leg of the judge’s bench, ricochets off and passes cleanly through Junior’s chest!
Baaba is like a lioness. She regains her footing and aims the gun at Effe again.
There are screams everywhere!
People are beginning to stampede towards the door.
Everybody is screaming!
Eyram is screaming, Judge Ossom is screaming!
And Junior slowly sinks to the floor as blood courses down his body.
Effe is frozen, knowing that death is just a second away. She hasn’t noticed that Junior has been hit.
Chris has not noticed either that the first bullet has hit Junior.
Chris sees that his momentum has carried him towards Effe, and that he is too far away from Baaba to disarm her, and he cannot even get enough leverage to twist for a turning kick.
Without thinking, without hesitating, Chris flings himself at Effe as Baaba fires again.
The bullet meant for Effe smashes through Chris' back, just below his left shoulder blade, and then passes through the left side of his skull.
He smashes into Effe, sending both of them down.
He rolls off Effe painfully, and falls flat on his back, and remains still as blood pours out of his wounds.
Baaba drops the gun, her face filled with horror and fear.
She drops to her knees, her face crumbling as great tears fall down her face.
Oh, Chris! Oh, my love! What have I done? I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!
Effe has cradled Chris in her laps, and her hot tears fall on his still face as his blood pumps all over her, and her heart tears apart, and she is in an anguish she has never ever felt before.
Eyram’s scream makes her look up, and she sees Junior inert on the floor... and Effe screams and screams and screams.
Oh, no! Chris, my love! Oh, no!
Buabasah is looking on, aghast, ashamed and absolutely shattered.
Awurade Nyankopon, basia yi yε anyεn papaapa!!
He steps forward and delivers such a terrible left hook to Baaba's jaw that Baaba drops to the floor like a sack, losing consciousness immediately.
Effe still screams and screams!
Eyram and Rupert are on their knees. Eyram pushes Effe aside and attends to Chris whilst Rupert attends to Junior.
The members of the jury are all standing, looking on with abject misery.
Perhaps, the worst affected is Judge Annor Ossom.
He stands silently, shuddering under the crushing weight of his guilt.

Indeed, it is a most horrible turn of events!

JAILBIRD continues


Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 8:12am On Apr 20, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

The Chris Bawa rape trial came to a dramatic conclusion this morning at the Accra High Court. It has left many wondering about our justice system and questioning whether sometimes the wrong people end up in jail. Our Legal Reporter, Ledi Pedi, reports.
The picture changes to the chaotic scenes at the High Court as an ambulance is seen speeding off with a great crowd staring after it.
The face of Mr. Ledi Pedi appears on the screen.
That is the ambulance rushing Mr. Chris Bawa and his heroic eight-year-old son, Chris Bawa Junior, to the hospital, ending a case that has left a sour taste in the mouth of many a Ghanaian. It would be recalled that Mr. Chris Bawa, owner of the latest restaurant, JUNIOR'S, and current Grandmaster Champion of GojuFist, was accused of brutally raping Miss Baaba Brooks, a prisons officer. Mr. Bawa, who also served a prison term for various crimes but was released on a Presidential Pardon after serving half of his ten-year term, could not get any lawyer to represent him because all the lawyers he approached refused to take the case. In the end, Mr. Ben Buabasah, a new lawyer at the Attorney-General's office, was appointed to defend him. The prosecution was led by Mr Jeff Atakora after Lead Counsel, Miss Effe Kedem, who is the ex-wife of Mr. Bawa and whose appointment gave rise to many heated arguments over the ethical aspect of her representation, pulled out at the last minute. Mr. Bawa was found guilty and sentenced to the full twenty-five years stipulated under the Criminal Offences Act on rape, just as many Ghanaians were expecting. But, in a dramatic turn of events, young Chris Junior showed up with his mother and proved that, much to the horror of everybody, Miss Baaba Brooks suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, D.I.D, previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, MPD, and that this condition made her lie about the whole incident and that the horrendous wounds on her body attributed to Mr. Bawa were in fact, inflicted by herself. She ended up taking a police officer’s gun and fatally wounding Mr. Bawa and his son in a shocking attack inside the court. With me is Doctor Joe Dawson, to shed more insight on this dreadful condition.
The camera angle pans to show a tall, beefy man in spectacles. He has a round beard and sharp bright eyes.
Welcome to GTV NEWS, Doctor Dawson. We all witnessed the dramatic turn of events today. Can you please shed a little light on this D.I.D condition Miss Brooks is purportedly suffering from?
Well, Dissociative Identity Disorder is a mental condition characterized by at least two distinct dissociated personalities in a person that alternatively show in a person's behaviour. So, the person can portray two or more different persons. Today he might behave as this person, and then tomorrow he can behave like another person.
Interesting, and at the same time baffling. So, does such a person know that he or she portrays different entities?
In most cases, no. You heard that the prosecuting lawyer said Miss Brooks was interviewed using a lie detector test, and she passed it. That is because whatever the dominant personality is, at any particular time, she is wholly convinced of whatever she is saying, even if it is a blatant lie. Now, from what happened in court today, I can only make an educated guess which can be confirmed or otherwise by a thorough psychological test on Miss Brooks. Apparently, in her case, there are two personalities living inside her. One is Baaba, and the other is Babs. I’m convinced Miss Brooks was sexually abused by her father when she was a child. To protect herself from this traumatic experience, her mind warped and created Baaba and Babs. Baaba sees herself as pure, unblemished, but Babs was the one who was raped and traumatized, and so she switches between these two personalities....
Ken Kedem turns down the volume of the television and presses the power button that puts out the television.
His wife emerges from the bedroom, dressed for the hospital.
Mr. Kedem picks up his car keys and turns towards the door.
Minutes later, as they drive towards the hospital, his wife reaches across and takes his hand.
Her face is distraught from the tears she had shed.
Ken, I'm sorry. I'm absolutely sorry! You were right. I have hated Chris for no reason. I should’ve encouraged Effe to stay with him and not tried to tear them apart. I’m so sorry, dear.
Ken looks at her and smiles wanly.
It's alright, my dear. No need for blame games now. Your daughter needs a mother more than ever now.
Forty minutes later they enter the reception of the male ward.
There are a lot of people present, including Chris' mother and his sister.
Effe sees them from across the room where she is standing by the window.
One look at her and Mrs. Kedem knows her daughter's soul is absolutely shattered.
Effe walks unsteadily towards them, and then she falls into her mother's arms and begins to cry, totally broken.
Ivy guides her to a seat and holds her tightly as she cries.
(fighting back her own tears)
It's okay, my darling. It's okay. Everything's going to be fine. How're they?
They're still operating on them, Mom. I'm dying, Mama! Dear Lord, what have I done? If any of them dies I can't live, Mama! I just can't live!
Ken Kedem sits down beside them and gently pats her hair.
There, there, sweet-cakes, they won't die. Just hold in there.
The glass doors to the staff entrance opens, and Eyram and Rupert come out, still in their surgery gowns and looking absolutely drained.
All eyes turn to them, and Effe gets to her feet instantly, her heart thudding with fear as she sees the crushed look in their eyes, and she almost collapses.
Please. Are they okay?
Rupert smiles sadly, his kind eyes tortured.
We extracted the bullet successfully from Chris’ head. As for Junior the bullet luckily missed his heart, but it nicked his spine a bit. He's currently in a coma, but his stats are very good, and he’s a very strong and healthy boy, so we expect him to come out of the coma soon. We're certain of a full recovery. Chris is alright, but we’re a bit worried that he might lose his memory temporarily because of where the bullet lodged. We have induced him into a coma to let the swellings go down and the head to heal so that he might not permanently lose his memory. All we can do now is pray, but I can assure you they will be fine.
There are cries of relief from the people present.
Where are they? Can I see them, please?
They’re both in Ward 5. We joined two beds for them. You can look in briefly, but only family, please.
A few minutes later Effe and her parents enter Ward 5.
Behind them are Diana and Mrs. Lois Bawa whose eyes just wouldn't stop leaking tears.
Also with them are Wailer Vroom, Rupert and Eyram.
Chris is lying on the bed, absolutely still, wearing the blue admission gown. His eyes are shut, and he is connected to a lot of beeping machines.
Junior is lying beside him on the other bed, connected to the life-support machine, and he looks pale and tired.
Effe is blinded by tears as she stumbles forward and kneels by the side of the bed.
She reaches across and covers their hands with hers.
Eyram sees the gesture, and she scowls, turns and walks out of the ward.
Effe breaks down completely, and weeps her heart out.
She cannot stop, even when her father tries to console her.
She gets up and puts her head on Chris' shoulder, and weeps from her soul, so shattered and torn that her tears wets and stains the gown like blood.
The main door opens and Mrs. Lois Bawa enters, followed by Diana.
Their families are in the living-room, watching television.
The Reverend Brand Bawa, Stan Bawa, Ruben Essel, Diana's husband Kwaku Dossah, and their son Marlon.
Also present are Stan's wife Esther, and their daughter, Maame Serwaa.
Diana silently sits down besides her husband and puts her head on his shoulder. He puts a loving, comforting arm across her shoulders.
Her son looks at her with a sad face.
How’s Uncle Chris and Junior, Mama?
They'll be fine, MD. They'll be fine. They just need our prayers.
Mrs. Lois does not stop.
She continues towards her bedroom, and after a moment her husband gets up and follows her.
He finds her lying on her side on the edge of the bed.
He sits down beside her and puts a hand on her shoulder.
I'm sorry, Lois. As usual, you were right. I'm terribly sorry. I'll go and see him tomorrow, after I listen to what Elaine has to say.
Mrs. Lois jerks at the mention of Elaine's name, and she peers at her husband in incomprehension
What? Is Elaine coming here?
No, no. Haven't you heard? She's doing a programme this evening. She says she's going to show what happened to Chris the night he hit the poor girl with the car.
Madam Lois sits up suddenly, angrily.
What? What's wrong with that girl? Chris and his son are fighting for their lives and she wants to show something demeaning about him? And you're going to watch it?
I need to, dear. She says she has some new evidence that will blow our minds. If I'm going to be a father to my son, which I admit I haven't been in a long time, then I need to watch it, and if it's as terrible as I suspect it will be, I'll know how to protect Chris.
Dear Lord! What at all does she want from Chris?
She's never forgiven him for raping her, Lois. And I guess she's disappointed Chris wasn't jailed today, and so she's doing all she can to smear him with mud.
That girl is not a Christian! She just attends church!
We can't judge her, dear.
Do you have her number? I must call her right now! She must stop this nonsense! She has to let Chris have his peace, aaaba!!
He takes her in his arms and rubs her back gently as she begins to weep again.
It'll be alright, dear. It'll be alright.

JAILBIRD is completed here already - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird

1 Like

Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 10:39am On Apr 20, 2018
Tanks a Lot 4 dat long update. U too much

O GA ooo.

Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 9:36pm On Apr 22, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman


There is a gold-plated embossed name tag on the glass door that reads:




Effe slides the door open and enters the small but beautiful Lounge.

There are deep armchairs, a complex dressing-table, a desk with computer and printer and other fittings.

There is a tall, dark man in a beautiful African wear and black trousers sitting comfortably in one of the armchairs.

Elaine is sitting at the dressing-table as three beauticians attend to her.

She sees Effe through the mirror, and she shoos the women away and turns to face Effe.

She has a happy smile on her face that dies quickly when she sees how angry Effe is.


Wow, girlfriend, you look pissed.



Elaine, it's enough.

Elaine gets to her feet and spreads her hands in a gesture of confusion.


Enough? What do you mean, Ef?

Effe plants herself squarely in front of her life-long friend.


Enough about Chris, Elaine. The man is in hospital, fighting for his life. My son too, in case you haven’t heard, is also in a coma. And you don’t care? You just don’t give a damn? You're going to do another dirty expose on him? Are you going to turn him into a beast again? Jesus, Elaine, the boy dated you once. Don’t you think he’s suffered enough?

Elaine's nostrils flare, and her lips move off her teeth in a rather unpleasant snarl.

All her bitterness and hatred come to the fore.



Chris Bawa is a beast, Effe! Always has been, always will be! Now he's living like a victim, everybody feeling sorry for him because of that damn mad Baaba! Well, I'm very sorry about Junior, but I don’t give a damn about Chris. I’m going to remind this country once again that the man should be back in prison where he belongs!



Such hatred, Elaine! Such bitterness! Why do you hate Chris so much? I can't believe it's only because you claim he raped you!



Claim? Did you say CLAIM? Damn you, Effe! You saw it yourself! You saw my tattered clothes, and you saw him on top of me with his damn dick inside me! And you say I CLAIM?


He was your boyfriend, Elaine! You know, Eyram once told me Chris doesn't need to rape any woman! Well, maybe he did rape you, but he told me that’s the way you liked your sex....crazy and kinky! You know something? This doubting of Chris has stopped with me. I’ve pledged to believe what he tells me. I’m going to believe in my man, Elaine, something I’ve stupidly not done all the years I’ve known him. I’ll believe him, trust him, and to hell with you. He has served five years in prison, Elaine. He's out now, and I made his life so miserable! My God, Elaine, I helped the court sentence that poor man to twenty-five years in prison because, although I pulled out, I prepared the case, and if it hadn't been for Junior, Chris would’ve been in prison right now! Don't you think he deserves a little break, Elly? He’s in a coma, Elly! Are you going to let this rot fester in you forever?



Get the hell out of here, Effe! I have new evidence that shows how that beast hit that girl and poked out a police officer's eye! I'm going to show that to the world, whether you like it or not! I'm going to destroy Chris Bawa, and until he's rotting in jail again, or dies, whichever comes first, I'm not going to let him have any peace!

Effe shakes her head, stunned by the woman's passionate hatred.


I pity you, Elaine, I really do. Go ahead, do your worst. But you should know one thing, girlfriend, as hard as you try to destroy Chris, I'm going to love him harder, okay? I'm going to love him so hard, and so passionately, that he wouldn't give a dog's ass what you, or anybody else for that matter, does to him. So, go on, do your worst, Elaine! No matter what he goes through, I’m going to be there for him. I’ll cover him so completely with my love that your hatred, and that of everyone else, will be as useless as a wink! But one thing is for sure, Elaine. After this interview, we cease to be friends. I’m going to hate you ten times more than you hate Chris.

She turns to leave, and notices that the strange man in the room is smiling rather mischievously at her.

She makes to walk away, but he stands up and extends his hand.



Hello, Madam Effe. My name is Wachipa Sey, and I'm sure glad to make your acquaintance.

Effe shakes his hand.



Have we met before?



Oh, no, ma'am. Actually, I'm the man who's going to be interviewed tonight by Elaine. I'm a bird watcher, you see, and I report to the National Geographic. I watch African migrating birds.


And you saw my husband hitting that poor girl and wounding that policeman?



Yes, ma'am. I saw it all.

Effe shuts her eyes for a moment, and when she looks at him again there are tears in her eyes, but she bravely refuses to let the tears fall.



Then, Mr. Wachipa, I beg of you, do not do anything to hurt Chris, please. He has paid for that mistake with five years of his life in prison. Is it the money? Whatever they're giving you for this exclusive please I'll double it. Chris has been hurt too much, especially by me. He's in a coma now, fighting for his life. He doesn't need to be hated again, please, I beg of you. Don't do this!



I'm sorry ma'am, but I think the world has to know what happened, no matter how unpleasant it will be. The world needs to know how evil Mr. Chris Bawa is.

Effe shakes her head, and does not say anything more.

She walks out with her head bent.

Elaine sits down again, and the make-up experts resume their work.

She sighs heavily.

She is shaking with intense anger and hatred, but she remembers Effe’s final words, and suddenly she is filled with dread.


Effe, Eyram, their parents and Rupert are huddled around the beds.

Effe kisses Junior on the forehead, and then she walks up to the bed where Chris is still lying immobile, the machines beeping all around him.

She has tears in her eyes as she sits on the bed, leans across and hugs Chris, putting her head on his chest.

Her tears fall silently.


Chris-Love... please, live. You and your son...don’t make me go mad, please. I love you very much, CB. I'll always love you. Live, my love... just live.

Rupert sighs and lays a hand on her shoulder.

He nods at Ken.

Ken Kedem sighs tremulously.



Come, my princess. Let’s go home, dear. You need to rest.

Effe does not budge.

She keeps on speaking tenderly to Chris.

After a while the others leave the Ward quietly, leaving Effe and her boys.

Wachipa Sey has some videos that'll prove Chris's ruthlessness and Wickedness.

JAILBIRD is completed here - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 9:50pm On Apr 22, 2018
Tanks boss. Ride on
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 9:31am On Apr 28, 2018
Boss, oya oooo
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Tosodan(m): 1:32pm On Apr 28, 2018
D silence is killing
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 6:13pm On Apr 29, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

It is the GIRL VIBZ show.
Elaine's advert of bringing new evidence of Chris' 'NIGHT OF EVIL' as she has termed it, has ensured that the studio is filled to capacity, and millions of viewers nationwide are watching.
It has been running for almost thirty minutes now, and still Elaine has not given any inkling of the great mystery.
Instead she had interviewed Adwoa Timtim and her father AGYA ATTAH TIMTIM about the events of that infamous night.
Finally, sensing that her audience is growing impatient, she stands up and faces the camera.
She smiles radiantly.
Now, for my big surprise. I know most of you have been waiting for this moment. Well, tonight, for the very first time ever, I'm going to show you video images, with sounds, of how Chris Bawa knocked down Adwoa Timtim, making her lose a leg, and how he brutally attacked a policeman, Chief Inspector Danso Cuger, and made him lose his left eye.
There is an excited buzz from the packed audience.
Seated in the front row, Afful and Steve exchange sudden glances.
What the hell is she talking about?
She's your wife! Surely, she must have told you about it?
No, no. She just told me she found some guy who's going to tell her some stuff about Chris' attacks on the girl and on Cuger. She never mentioned anything about any video.
(in an excited voice)
Ladies and gentlemen, without waiting any longer, let me welcome my special guest for tonight, Mr. Wachipa Sey!!!
The studio audience stand up and applaud as the doors slide open and a beaming Wachipa Sey emerges.
He has a laptop bag slung across his right shoulder.
He raises both hands and waves as he walks towards Elaine.
He stops besides her, and slowly the applause dies down, and the audience sits down again.
Elaine smiles into the camera and turns to Mr. Sey.
Welcome to GIRL VIBZ, Mr. Sey. I would like you to introduce yourself for my audience.
(smiling broadly)
I'm Wachipa Sey, a professional engineer who loves wildlife as a hobby. I've been filming birds and other wildlife animals for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC for eight years now.
Wow. I'm so excited! Tell me what you have for my audience today! We're so excited and can't wait to see what you have for us.
(smiling, excited)
Well, I couldn't believe it myself when I watched the videos. You see, I sometimes leave video cameras around my wildlife spots, because sometimes I need to video a whole lifestyle of my particular wildlife subject. Well, five or six years ago I was doing this documentary for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC about humming birds. That stretch of road along the Beach Road, where the infamous Chris Bawa accident took place, is a great spot for humming birds, and so I stationed some cameras there, hidden of course, and left them there for about two days. Normally the batteries last two days, before I change or recharge.
Wow! And your cameras captured the whole incident?
Yes, ma'am! And you wouldn't believe just how evil Mr. Chris Bawa is until you see this footage. You see, I forgot all about it because I had a new assignment. However, three days ago NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC asked for my footage on humming birds, and so I had to go back to my archives, and whilst editing I saw that my cameras had captured the whole Chris Bawa incident that evening. I had about twelve cameras positioned at vantage points, and they captured everything!
There is a great murmur of excitement from the audience. They all want to see the videos. They are now very interested!
And your videos show how drunk Chris was?
Everything, la! His drunkenness, his cocaine sniffing, his attack on the police ...everything!
(facing the camera)
I have only watched one of the videos myself because I wanted it to be a surprise to myself as well. So here we go! Sit down and get ready for this exclusive video on the thuggery and sheer malice of Mr. Chris Bawa!
The audience is hushed as Mr. Sey puts his laptop bag down.
See, because the cameras were a lot and captured various angles, I'll project them from my laptop where I've done some edits, and run a commentary as we move along.
(shaking her body)
Oooooh! I'm so excited!
Mr. Sey sets up his laptop and projector.
The television cameras move slowly around the audience.
There is expectation and tension.
Mr. Sey switches on his laptop, and as it boots Elaine keeps a running commentary about how the truth has to be told.
Mr. Sey opens a folder named THE BAWA SCENES on his laptop, and the image on the projector shows many video clips named CHRIS 1, CHRIS 2 and so on.
Alright! We're set to go! Are you all ready?
The audience cries in a loud unified voice: YEAAAAAAAHHH!!!
Mr. Sey double-clicks a video, and suddenly the image of a long stretch of road becomes visible. It is late afternoon, and not many cars are passing.
Presently two people are seen walking towards camera range, and a moment later they become visible.
They are, undeniably, a young Adwoa Timtim and her father.
Here it comes, here it comes, wait for it, wait for it... there!!
In the distance a huge car appears.
It is a black Jaguar saloon car.
Chris' car.
It is coming from behind the two people, weaving drunkenly across the road, as if the driver is either drunk or sleeping behind the wheel.
The studio audience is now screaming, shouting with horror.
Adwoa Timtim and her father are walking on the edge of the road, and they are safe, and are not aware that Chris' car is weaving drunkenly behind them.
Afful and Steve look at each other.
Oh, shit!
Agya Attah Timtim hears the car at the last moment and turns around. He sees Chris' car coming towards him and his daughter, and he runs straight into the bushes, leaving his screaming daughter behind.
The car strikes Adwoa and flings her into the bushes, and then it continues for a while and comes to a halt.
Its lights are blinking, and its horn is on.
There is very loud music blaring from inside the car.
The people in the audience are shouting.
Elaine's hands are covering her mouth with horror!
One of the back doors of the car opens, and Chris Bawa comes out. He is wearing just black jeans and a singlet, and white sneakers.
He is running fast towards the spot Adwoa Timtim has been hit.
Wachipa Sey pauses the video.
The studio audience is stunned.
They are looking at Wachipa Sey, and so is Elaine.
She shakes her head, as if in a daze.
Her throat has suddenly gone dry.
And her eyes are opened wide with horror.
She had watched the video on Mr. Sey’s laptop up to the point the car had hit the girl, and the video had ended.
She had assumed Chris had been driving, and she had been so excited.
She looks at Wachipa with horror as a sinking feeling in her guts tells her something is very wrong.
Something terrible is about to happen!

(voice trembling)
Good Lord! Chris was in the back seat! He wasn't the one driving the car! Who was the driver?
Wachipa Sey laughs, obviously enjoying himself.
Now that is what I also asked myself. Wait for it! Just wait for it!
He resumes playing the video.
The front passenger door of the car opens, and out steps Steve Hollison with a bottle of vodka in his hand.
The crowd gasps!
The driver's door opens, and the driver steps out.
He cannot even stand straight.
He looks very drunk, and he is holding a cylindrical package in his right hand which he tosses into the backseat.
He sways from side to side, and as he steps forward a little the studio audience gasps.
The driver of the car is Jonathan Afful!
It is he who knocked down Adwoa Timtim!
Jonathan Afful...
Elaine's husband!

The Jailbird has been completed here already - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird

1 Like

Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 6:22pm On Apr 29, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Effe comes out of Junior's bedroom.
Her face is heavy with the emotional pain she is going through.
Her parents are in the living-room with Eyram and Rupert.
She turns to go to her bedroom, and that is when she sees Eyram coming up the stairs.
Effe stares at her sister for a long time.
There is an unpleasant tension between them now, and although she has tried to break the ice Eyram just wouldn't let her near, and it is killing Effe.
Dad wants you.
Will be with him in a moment. I thought you left.
Eyram looks at her sister, and her eyes are not very friendly.
I'm not going back home, Ef. I'm going to the hospital to check on Chris....and Junior.
A look of sheer pain crosses Effe's face as she leans against the balustrade and regards her sister.
(in a small voice)
Rammy, please don't let us go down this road, I beg of you. Not at a time like this, please.
Eyram stops two steps below Effe, and she shakes her head sadly.
You should watch Elaine's show.
Effe shakes her head.
No, she sickens me. I had an argument with her earlier today. I didn't want her to show anything that would make people hate Chris again.
Well, you made her your sister. She was even closer to you than me, your twin sister. But guess what, it was just shown on the show that Chris wasn't driving the car that hit Adwoa Timtim. Jonathan Afful was in fact driving, and he was drunk.
Effe's face collapses further with shock.
She is shattered, and she shakes her head dazedly.
Eyram turns away from her and begins to descend the stairs.
It's still on TV, Ef, if you care to watch.
Trembling, gasping, dizzy, Effe rushes past her sister and goes to the living-room where her parents and Rupert are staring at the television with absolute shock.
The Reverend Brand Bawa is leaning forward in his seat as he stares at the television.
His daughter, Diana, who is staying over with her husband and son, is also almost lost in the chair as she stares at the screen with her eyes almost popping out of her face.
Her husband is on his feet, staring angrily at the television.
Now this is some deep shit... oops, sorry, pastor! Can you believe this? Chris wasn't driving the car? Jesus!
Oh, dear sweet Jesus!
The reverend cannot speak.
He is just trembling with emotions so strong that he is immobilized.
(taking Diana's hand)
You should go and wake your Mom up, Di. I think she needs to see this.
Still horrified, Diana gets up to go and call her mother.
There is a knock on the bedroom door.
Stan and Esther, who have just finished making love, and are huddled on the bed naked, quickly pull a huge cloth across their bodies.
They giggle as the cloth slips off Stan, revealing his buttocks, and he quickly pulls it to cover himself.
This daughter of yours, eh? Doesn't she ever sleep?
How can the poor girl sleep when you're moaning and groaning all over the place?
Stan playfully pinches the insides of her thighs.
Esther giggles and slaps his hand away.
(raising his voice)
Is that you, Maame?
Yes, Dad. Can I come in?
Come in, sweetie.
The door opens, and Maame sticks her head in.
They're showing some videos on GIRL VIBZ. The one we just watched shows that Uncle Chris was not the one driving the car that hit Adwoa Timtim and cut off her leg.
Stan almost jumps up, but Esther quickly holds him down, and Stan realizes suddenly that he is naked.
What are you talking about, my dearest pumpkin?
Watch the show. Uncle Chris was not the one driving.
She goes out and closes the door gently.
Where's the remote?
Stan picks it up from the floor and puts on the television in the bedroom.
Sergeant McBaiden looks at the stunned faces of the police officers on night duty watching the programme.
He forces a laugh and stands up with the pretext of going to the GENTS, and then slinks out the main door and rushes to his car.
He is trembling badly, and sweat is pouring all over his body. He takes out his phone, but he is so jittery that it clatters to the ground.
He bends, picks it, opens the car door and gets in.
He dials, and the phone rings and rings.
Pick it up, damn you! ****,****, ****... pick up the damn thing! Pick it up, **** damn oh **** ****!!
Finally the phone is picked.
What the f***, Ato! What do you want at this time of day?
Where the hell are you, Cuger? Where the **** are you?
I'm f****** my girlfriend, you bastard. What the ****'s the matter with you anyway?
Are you watching the programme?
Told you I'm screwing p**** motherf***er! What's eating you up?
Stop f****** around and watch the f***** TV! Hearbeat Television! That GIRL VIBZ bitch brought some bastard bird-watcher to her programme. The guy had cameras all over the stretch of road where we arrested Bawa. And guess what? Bawa wasn't driving the damn car!
(puzzled )
What the **** are you blabbering about, you idiot?
Okay, okay, okay! Hold on to your feathers! Lemme check it out!
The line goes dead.
McBaiden drives out of the police station still trembling with fear.

All eyes are on Afful and Steve.
Elaine is gazing furtively at Wachipa Sey and then at Afful.
She realizes what a fool she had been in falling into Wachipa's trap.
She now realizes that he had been playing her all along! This was the reason why he had edited the ending out of the same video she had watched!
And of course, the moment she had recognized Chris' car in the footage and saw it hitting Adwoa, she had been too excited and booked Wachipa for the show immediately!
How foolish she had been.
How absolutely stupid she had been!
She now knows that Wachipa Sey only wanted the chance to disgrace her and her husband.
Her lip curls inward distastefully as she looks across at Jonathan with furious and bitter eyes.
Her heart is beating with fear, and she feels the bitter heat of shame climbing up her neck and face.
She knows that she cannot stop the show because it will portray her as biased and undependable.
Much as it hurts her, she knows Wachipa Sey has her in a corner.
Even if she sacks him he will take his material to another station because it is incredibly the best news item in the country right then.
Wachipa Sey pauses the video, and turns to Elaine with a wacky grin on his face.

Are you paying attention? I want you guys to watch something very closely, and store this little bit of information.
He rewinds the video, pauses it, and plays forward again to where Afful is holding a cylindrical package in his hand, and then tosses it into the back seat of the car.
There! Right there! Did you see that? Mr. Afful tosses a packet of cocaine into Mr. Bawa's back seat! Now keep that in mind, and also remember that Mr. Bawa was charged with three major crimes, apart from drinking and driving. One, he was imprisoned for hitting Adwoa, and for possessing cocaine, and finally for beating up his Uncle almost to the point of death. Now, let's continued watching. I'll play Video Two now.
Elaine cannot move.
She watches in a horrified daze as the screen goes blank, and then Wachipa selects another video and begins playing.
Chris has dashed into the bushes, and a moment later he emerges, carrying the inert form of Adwoa Timtim.
He puts her down gently.
He runs to where Steve and a dazed Afful are standing.
Without warning Chris slaps Afful hard, followed by a backhand that drops Afful on his back.
In the video, Afful begins to cry, and Steve is trying to hold Chris back as he struggles to hit Afful again.
Chris is screaming, and his voice can be heard now.
You bastard! Didn't I tell you not to drive whilst you're stoned and drunk? Why did you lie to me that you were damn sober? Now you hurt that little girl! Are you mad?
He hits Afful again, opening up a cut on his cheek.
Steve is pulling Chris back, away from the whimpering Afful.
Stop it, Chris, stop it this instant! You're gonna kill him!
Get him off my face before I kill him!!
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Is she dead?
Chris is breathing hard.
She's hurt. She’s hurt really badly. There's a man with her, and he's coming back. Steve, get him out of here. If the cops find him so plastered and filled with that stupid coke he’s been sniffing all night he'll go to jail for using drugs. I'll take this rap. I’m not drunk. I’ll tell them I lost control of the car.

JAILBIRD is already completed here - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird


Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 7:52am On Apr 30, 2018

® 18+ SNVL

© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman


People are now staring at Afful and Steve.

With a little curse Afful gets to his feet, keeping his head down, and begins to walk away.

Steve stands up and follows him.

Elaine watches as they leave, and then she gets to her feet.

She faces the camera bravely and smiles without conviction.


So, you see, GIRL VIBZ will always give you the truth, no matter who is at the centre of the controversy. We'll take some messages from our sponsors, and when we come back we'll continue showing you the incredible never-seen before videos of that most fateful night in the life of Mr. Chris Bawa, a man we have grown to hate, a man we know as The Beast... but, could we all have been mistaken?

As the cameras cut her off, and the commercials begin to roll on the screen, Elaine quickly heads towards the private entrance, and then she runs to the washroom.

She locks the door behind her, and then she sinks slowly to the floor and begins to weep bitterly.

She is in so much pain. The humiliation and the bitterness is tearing her heart apart. Oh, how she wishes she had listened to Effe!

Oh dear Lord! How she wishes that the ground will open up and swallow her up.

Television watchers country-wide wait with bated breaths and impatient hearts as the annoying adverts continue to play on the television.

Finally, Elaine's face appears again behind the camera.

Although her face is freshly-made up, there is no hiding the fact that her eyes look just a little bit too red, and that her eyelids look a little puffy too.

But she is a brave girl, and she is taking the harsh rebuttal quite nicely.

She smiles, but most people can discern that it is indeed a false smile.



Welcome back to GIRL VIBZ. The shocking videos our main guest, Mr. Wachipa Sey, has shown us reveals that on the night Miss Adwoa Timtim was knocked down, Mr. Chris Bawa was indeed not driving the car. Rather, behind the wheel was a drunk and doped up Mr. Jonathan Afful, a man you all know is my husband. With them that night was Mr. Steve Hollison, a man you all know is going to marry the former Mrs. Effe Bawa. We've also seen that Mr. Jonathan Afful tossed a package which Mr. Sey suspects to be cocaine into the back seat of the car. Are we going to see more intrigue? I know we all can barely wait. So, let's bring Mr. Wachipa Sey back, and see what his list of videos have for us.

The camera swings to Wachipa Sey.

He is still smiling, and he is looking at Elaine with blatant admiration.

He had expected her to break down totally under the unexpected onslaught of his attacks, but she is showing remarkable and unbelievable resilience that bring out his admiration.

Indeed, she has a strong spirit.

Wachipa Sey clears his throat and goes back to the folder on his laptop containing the videos.


(with a chuckle)

Thank you, Mrs Afful. So now Mr. Hollison and Mr. Afful have left the scene. Mr. Bawa goes back to check on the little girl who was struck down by the car. Her father, who ran off and left her alone in the face of danger, has now come back.

The camera swing first to Adwoa Timtim, who is sitting in her wheel-chair and whose head is downcast, and then it falls on her father.

Agya Attah Timtim rubs a hand across his face which is shiny with sweat. He is shaking visibly, and it is quite evident that he is under a lot of stress.

Here is a man who has accused Chris Bawa of not even apologizing for knocking down his daughter and making her lose a left leg.

Here is a man who had been interviewed countless times and whose story had been that he tried to save his daughter but the distance between them had been so great that by the time he got to her Chris Bawa had already run her over.



You see, this man always claimed that he tried to save his little girl, but he didn't. He fled and left her alone in the street. You should be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Timtim.

Agya Attah Timtim suddenly looks down, and the shame and guilt is now written all over his face.

Wachipa double-clicks on a video file, and as it begins to play the camera swings back to capture it for the thousands of people watching across the country to see.

Chris is seen putting Adwoa Timtim in a comfortable position as her father hovers around.

And then Chris takes his phone and calls the police to report the accident.



The police will bring an ambulance soon, okay? You'll be fine. I'm so sorry for your pain.

Agya Attah Timtim is now sitting on his haunches looking at his moaning daughter.

Chris is seen leaving the camera angle for some time, and then he returns with a black bag and a bottle of water.


Some painkillers, sweetie. Until the ambulance arrives. That leg is bleeding. I'm praying they arrive soon.

Chris helps the girl to take the tablets, then he covers her with a blanket he had brought.

And then he sits down on the grass besides her.

After a while the girl who is moaning with acute pain, smiles weakly at Chris.



I know you. You're that boxing fighter.

Chris looks at her and smiles.


GojuFist fighter, but now retired. l'm Chris Bawa.



I know. My name is Adwoa Timtim. My father is Agya Attah Timtim.

Chris reaches over and shakes the man's hand, and then he feels Adwoa's forehead.


My car is broken down. It wouldn't start up, otherwise I would've taken you to the hospital myself. But the ambulance will be here soon.


(moaning with pain)

Thank you very much.

Chris looks at her and smiles gently.


I'm rather sorry you are hurt, Adwoa. But don't worry, you're going to be alright, okay? I'll take care of you.

He picks up the black bag he had brought from his car, opens a zipper on it, and then he begins to take out bundles of money. It is a lot of money.

He spills it on the grass, and then after a moment he sighs and puts all the money back in the bag.

He zips the bag up and then he gives the bag to Agya Attah Timtim.



That's a lot of money, my friend. It represents the money I got from selling my company. My wife didn't want me to have any part in GojuFist. She’s scared I might get hurt. I was going to use that money to set up a new company to make her happy. But I guess I might not need that any more. Go on, old man, take it. Use it to take care of this girl.

Agya Attah Timtim snatches the bag like a hungry hawk that has sighted a wounded chick.

Adwoa Timtim shakes her head fiercely.



No, no, no, Mr. Bawa! That is too much! You can't do that, please! That's a lot of money! I beg of you, take it back!



I don't really need it, Adwoa, believe me. Today has been a very bad day for me. A most painful day. I feel like dying. I don't need that money. I just feel like I'll make a clean start in life, because my heart is broken.

And the stunned watchers see Agya Attah Timtim putting the bagful of money under him and sitting on it with a greedy look in his eyes.

The video ends, and the studio camera swings on Adwoa Timtim and her father, and both of them are looking absolutely shattered!

Adwoa refuses to look up as tears of shame drown her.

Her father’s head is bowed too, and his body is shaking rather terribly.

Elaine gets up from her seat, and her face is stunned as she looks at Agya Attah Timtim.



He gave you almost how much? A million Ghana Cedis? And you lied to the whole world that he never said sorry, and he never gave you a pesewa? Dearest God, how could you be so callous, Agya Timtim? How many organizations have donated monies to your daughter simply because you portrayed that Chris just walked away after making your daughter lose a leg?

Agya Timtim cannot speak.

The sweat is pouring off his face, and his eyes are haunted.

Some of the audience are now booing the father and daughter.

Adwoa is inconsolable in her grief. The handkerchief she is holding is very wet.

She blows her nose and finally looks up detectedly.



I'm so sorry! I've never wanted to hurt Mr. Bawa. He was so kind, and he told me intimate things that day. But my father... he warned me to keep quiet about it otherwise he would disown me and send me to the village to live with my Grandma, and I wouldn't be able to go to school!

Wachipa Sey laughs.



This man is the most despicable monster I've ever seen. In fact, when I saw these videos I was so very disgusted I told myself that if I ever see this man I will give him a promoted slap!

Elaine looks at the animal watcher.


She speaks of intimate things. Did Chris talk about intimate things? Did you capture it? Also, the police report claims Chris smashed Adwoa into a coconut tree, but I don't see any of that here!

Wachipa Sey looks at Elaine, and once again he is filled with admiration for the woman.

He knows that Elaine is very afraid.

He can see the fear lurking in Elaine's eyes, but she is being very brave again, seizing the moment and manoeuvring it nicely to suit her survival instincts.

He is quite intrigued and wonders how Elaine will react when she hears about what Chris had said about her in the video.

He shakes his head, selects another video, and plays it.

In the video Adwoa Timtim reaches out and touches Chris' arm.



Thank you, Mr. Bawa. Why has today been a painful day, Mr. Bawa?

Chris shrugs and gives a sad chuckle that sounds like a bark.



I'll tell you a story, Adwoa. I had a brother once. He was called Roland. I loved him more than any living person in the world.



Yes, I know. He got burnt in a tree house, together with three of his friends. A lot of people say you killed him.



How old are you, Adwoa?


Eleven, Mr. Bawa.


(voice breaking)

Do you think I really killed my brother, Adwoa?

The little girl, still in obvious pain, shakes her head.


No, Mr. Bawa. I've never believed that. I always defend you at school.

Tears come into Chris' eyes as he reaches over and tussles the girl's hair.



Thank you, Adwoa. You're right. I didn't kill Roland. He was my God! I hero-worshipped that brother of mine, and I still do. I'll tell you what happened, Adwoa, because you believe me. I'm never going to be able to tell this to any other human being, but because you're a wonderful girl who believes in me, I'll tell you. Promise me you wouldn't tell anyone.


I promise, Mr. Bawa.

Chris looks into space for sometime, and then he reaches inside his jacket and brings out a Compact Disc in its golden case.

He waves it at her.


This is my twenty-fifth birthday present from my brother Roland, Adwoa. He was eighteen when he died. I was then twelve years old. He made this CD and left it with our family lawyer to give it to me when I turned twenty-five. Our lawyer brought it to me this morning. It is a special video he made for me. Now, I don't know why I'm telling you this, but I have to tell somebody, otherwise I'll go mad. Listen, when Roland died, we were all sad, okay? I think that evening I was so sad I couldn't eat or sleep. I was in the living-room at the mission house where I was staying with my parents and my siblings. You know, Roland and I always sit on the floor behind the chairs and fool around. He was like that, you know? He was the oldest, but he loved me so much, and went everywhere with me. Well, I was behind those chairs, and I fell asleep. When I woke up my parents, my siblings and that old fart Ruben Essel were in the living-room talking. They didn't know I was behind the chairs.

Chris stops.

He is seen throwing his head back and looking into the sky, but when he lowers his head tears can clearly be seen on his cheeks.

JAILBIRD is completed here already - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird


Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by itsmaoaom(f): 8:43am On Apr 30, 2018
This is shocking!!!!!!
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 3:30pm On Apr 30, 2018
Hmmmmm, Ayele, wicked word..

Tanks a lot 4d update boss
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Ofez: 11:44pm On May 01, 2018
bros wetin happen to the part 2 of jailbird?
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 5:11pm On May 03, 2018
Bro oya ooo
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by emperorblog(m): 6:30pm On May 03, 2018
read cool,and,interesting story here

Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 12:05pm On May 04, 2018

® 18+ SNVL

© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

®18+ SNVL

©Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

The Klever Magg


Mrs. Lois Bawa suddenly puts both of her hands on top of her head, and instantly great tears falls down her face.



Oh, my dearest Jesus Christ! No! No, no, no, Chris! Don't say you heard us that day!

Diana is also leaning forward as she stares at the television with horrified eyes.



Oh, Chris! Oh, Lord! What have we done?

The Reverend Brand Bawa bows his head suddenly, and although he does not speak his hands suddenly ball into tight fists, and his jaw works painfully.

He begins to shake with abject dejection.


Stan's body jerks as if he has been hit.

He grabs a pillow and hurls it across the room.

Esther holds his arm, alarmed.


Sweetheart, what is it? What's wrong?

Stan turns a dazed look on her and shakes his head with real pain on his face.



He was just twelve years old! He heard us that day? My God, Esther, what have I done to that boy? Oh, damn, damn, damn! Jesus! The pain he must have gone through! Oh, Jesus!


What're you talking about, darling? I don't understand!

Stan points at the television, and he is trembling badly.


Chris! He was behind the living-room chairs that day! The day Roland died! That evening! We were in so much pain! We didn't know he was behind those chairs! Dear Lord, we said horrible things!

Esther, who has never seen her husband so vulnerable, reaches out and takes him in her arms.


It'll be alright, baby. It'll be alright.


Everybody in the audience is silent.

Adwoa Timtim is seen reaching out and touching Chris' cheeks.


Sorry, Mr. Bawa. Maybe you shouldn't speak about it.

Chris smiles tremulously and wipes tears from his face.


I've kept it inside for thirteen years, Adwoa. It has become acidic, and corroding my soul. That day I heard what my family really felt about me. My father said he wished I had never been born. My uncle said I was Satan's trap to destroy my father's ministry. My sister said she wished I had died in the fire, and not Roland. My brother said I killed Roland, and I should just die and leave them alone, and if he has the chance he will bury me alive. And then my mother, the woman I loved above all human beings, she said... she said... she...

On the screen Chris cannot speak. He looks at Adwoa and his tears flow.

The little girl holds his hand. He bites his lower lip tightly.


It's okay, Mr. Bawa.


My mother... she said she never really planned to have me. She thought she was no longer going to have kids. She said they planned to have Roland, Diana and Stan. But me, she never planned to have me. She didn't even know she was pregnant until she was about three months into the pregnancy. And if she hadn't been a Christian she would've aborted me. I was a mistake, an unplanned beast. She wished she had gotten rid of me! That’s what my own mother said.


Rupert, who is drinking water, suddenly chokes and starts to cough as the terrible words hit him.

Ken Kedem shakes his head.



Ivy Kedem covers her mouth with her right hand and for the very first time since knowing Chris she feels her heart melting with compassion for him.


He was only twelve! What a terrible thing to hear your family say! No wonder he became a rebel!


(putting the bottle down)

That is absolutely cruel! Even if he hadn't been present, those words were absolutely unacceptable, absolutely wicked!

Effe sinks slowly to her knees, and she cannot see the television screen because her tears are blinding her.


Mrs. Lois Bawa screams and holds her stomach tightly.

Her face is crushed, and her tears flow like the passion of a storm.


Oh, Yaw Bawa! Chris, my son, my Prince, forgive me! I never meant that, Yaw! Oh, woe, woe, woe!! Forgive me, son!! I never meant any of that!!

Her husband gets up.

His face is old and haggard as he walks slowly to his wife and takes her in his arms.

She feels him shivering, and she looks up into his face, and she sees the pain and distress in his eyes, and she realizes he needs her even more.

She puts her arms around him and rests her cheek on his chest.



My God! I did that boy wrong. I ruined my son!

Old Ruben Essel stands up and yawns.



I'm feeling a bit tired. I think I'll turn in now.

Nobody really pays attention to him as he walks out the door.

He stands in the yard for a moment, gazing into the black sky which for once is full of stars.

His old face is haggard, and tears form in his eyes.


(voice choked)

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. Into Your hands, Father, I entrust my soul. Forgive your son, as only You can.

He sighs greatly and walks back into the living-room.

He goes through the southern end of the Mission house straight to his room.

He has a small library, and he walks through the darkness to the oak desk, pulls out a chair, and sits down.

He puts on the desk lamp, and then he takes a clean A4 sheet, picks up a pen from a tray on the desk, and then he begins to write.

What he writes is short and concise.

Next he picks a key from the tray and opens a drawer on his right side.

He lifts some note books and reaches for a snub-nosed pistol lying inside.

He picks up the pistol, slips the safety, and then he sits staring at the gun.

He begins to weep bitterly.


The audience is stunned.

The video has come to an end.

For many minutes, nobody can move.

Several people in the audience are visibly shaken, and most are either crying openly or trying to stem their tears.

Wachipa looks at Elaine, and sees that she is crying.

He knows she is not faking it.

He knows her tears are for a man she still loves but thought she hated, a man she is so angry with she has tried a million times to destroy as hate took over her love.

But she is finding out, really brutally, that she still has feelings for him, and this makes Wachipa so sad that for a moment he debates showing the other videos.

He stands and walks up to Elaine.



Maybe we should call for a commercial break. I need a word with you.

Elaine stares at him for a moment, and then she nods.

She stands up, wipes tears from her eyes, and faces the camera, her expression really sad indeed.


We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen. Let's take a few commercials, and then we'll continue with this sad story.

As the COMMERCIAL BREAK signal comes on the television, Elaine removes her microphone and stares at Wachipa Sey, who is walking to a portion of the studio where they will be alone.

Wordlessly she follows him.

She looks at him.



Listen, ma'am. The next two videos shows Chris speaking about how you tricked him into making love to you and pretended he raped you, just to make Effe leave him. I want you to know that.

Elaine's face collapses, and she looks down at her feet.

When she looks up at him her tears fall down her cheeks.


I loved Chris very much. We dated for a year. He's the only man I've ever loved. When he chose my friend, I lost my head.


You still love him, don't you?

Elaine brushes tears from her eyes, but still her tears fall.


I'll never stop loving him. I thought I hated him, but now I understand him. Please, I beg of you, don't show those videos.


Then you have to go to his wife, and confess, lady. If you agree to do that, I would skip those videos. If you don't I'll put the videos on social media.

Elaine reaches out and holds Wachipa Sey's arms.



Whatever happens, it's over between me and Jon. I'm going to make a clean start in life. Yes, from here I'll go to Effe and make a full confession about how I told Chris I'll inform Effe that he had a relationship with me if he didn't make love to me for the last time. I'll tell Effe that I planned it all for her to come and find us making love whilst I pretended to be in pain. I’ll tell her I tore up my own clothes and screamed as I made love to Chris, to convince Effe I was being raped. I’ll confess to Effe that I lied to her when I told her Chris was having an affair, and that all the other evidences were planted by Steve. I promise you, Mr. Sey, I'll tell Effe everything. Please, I beg of you, don't show it on television.

Wachipa Sey smiles sadly and holds out his hand.

Elaine shakes it.


Deal, Elaine. I'll be listening.

He walks away from her.

He sits behind his laptop and skips the next two videos.

He selects another video, and when the cameras come back to him, he double-clicks, and the video begins to play.

JAILBIRD is completed here - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 12:06pm On May 04, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Chris is seen waving the CD again.
It is the birthday gift that Roland had given to a lawyer to be given to him.
So, I watched this movie that Roland, my brother, left me. You see, my parents and everybody else have been blaming me for killing my brother, and I believed it. Do you know why? Roland told me he and his three friends were going to pray, and so I should lock the door of the tree house from the outside, and come back in thirty minutes to open it. I just wanted to go for some food, and so I did what he asked me. I was in the kitchen eating when I heard the screams. The tree house was burning. And I felt responsible! I didn't know what happened, how the fire happened... and I felt so guilty!
Chris stops speaking.
Once again the eleven-year-old girl reaches out and gently touches his arm.
So when I received this video CD Roland made for me, I was so scared at first. Well, I watched the video, and it was made by Roland and his three friends. Rollie told me he and his friends planned it all. You see, they had petrol and matches in the tree house, and they had this medicine Rollie made from chemicals. Rollie was bright, you know, a genius. He could make all sorts of things. Well, on the video they all said they were sorry. You see, they had decided to end their lives, and so they would drink this chemical Rollie had created, and then they would set the tree house on fire with the petrol and matches. But the medicine would kill them before the fire burned them, you see, so it would be like they died in the fire but actually they died peacefully. They didn't want to come out, you see, so that is why Rollie asked me to lock the door from the outside. In the video he said he knew people would blame me, and that I would be hated, but he was sorry. He wanted me to know that he loved me, and he would always love me. He said I was his favourite person on earth. He didn't want me to blame myself and that was why they made the video, but he begged me to stay quiet. He didn't want me to tell our parents. He just wanted me to know the truth, but I should keep the truth! And do you know why four brilliant little men killed themselves inside that tree house? It was because of Ruben Essel, my mother's only brother, my uncle! He was sexually assaulting them! They felt so guilty because they knew it was wrong, but he told them that if they mentioned it to anyone, they would die! He had been raping them for a long time! You're young, Adwoa, and I know you don't understand any of this, but I have to get it off my chest! That is what happened! Ruben, that sick, old, homosexual bastard! He was doing really bad things to my older brother and his friends! And that is why Roland and his three friends killed themselves!!
Chris is shaking now.
His face is screwed up with pain, and he cannot keep his pain away.
So, that is why you beat up that old man?
Well, Effe, my wife, like I said earlier, had a fight with me in the morning, and after that there was the incident with Elaine, her best friend. I watched Roland's video in the hotel, and I went home to Effe. Only her could calm me down. But I found her with her mother, and she was saying a whole lot of things about how she wished she wasn't in love with me, and then she called her lawyer and told him she wanted a divorce immediately so he should come and bring her initial divorce forms. She was terribly hurt when she saw me with her friend, and so I don’t blame her so much. I was on the porch, and I heard everything. Well, if Effe didn't want me then there was no use being around because I was living for her and my son. I went to my father's place, and I found old Ruben in the living-room, and I remembered how he had made Roland lose his life... and I beat the living crap out of him. I would've killed him if my old man hadn't come in. I fled from the mission house, and I called my friends, and I met them, and we were going to the night club when the car hit you. I don't know what will happen to me. I mean, I beat that old man bad, and I'm sure I'll be arrested. I'll be happy to go to prison, you know, so that I wouldn't see Effe leaving me. Anyway, that's what happened to me, Adwoa, until this moment. My life has been absolutely horrible today!
The video glitches and spikes, and comes to a sudden end.
The studio is absolutely hushed.
The camera pans and settles on Elaine, who is sitting down completely absent-minded.
The camera quickly moves to the audience, and a studio extra runs to Elaine and frantically shakes her.
She looks up dazedly, and then she quickly adjusts her microphone and gets to her feet.
She walks to the middle of the studio and waits as the camera slowly settles on her again.
How wrong can we be? How horrendously have we wronged the man called Mr. Chris Bawa? Sentenced for ten years for being drunk and for using drugs, and for horrifically beating up an old man, and for assaulting a man of the law. Are there any more surprises for us before we discuss?
She moves to the side of Mr. Wachipa Sey and looks at him.
And this truth would never have come out if you hadn't put your cameras along that stretch of road. I still can't believe it. Do we have any more videos?
Oh, just a final video. It is about the arrest, and how that police officer got his eye busted. Just a very short video, really, and then we're done.
I see. Well, go on then. Let's watch it, and then we will discuss the substantive issues.
Stan is weeping like a baby.
Esther is so afraid; she has never seen him so broken up, so emotional, so inconsolable.
Please, Stan, cool it! Just exercise patience and control your emotions! Remember you have BP!
Stan looks at her through a wall of tears.
I've hated Chris, Esther. I've gone out of my way to make life hard for him at every opportunity! My God! What have I done to my own blood? Oh, Lord! And Uncle Ruben! Dear God, how could he do that to Rollie? And what fools we had been when we believed his bullshit story that Chris beat him because he tried to take some marijuana from him! My God! I'm going over to the Mission House! I want to see that man!
It's late, my love! Please wait till morning, I beg of you.
No, no! I have to see my parents, and Uncle Ruben, that horrible man!
He gets off the bed, still weeping, and pads to the bathroom.
Reverend Bawa, his wife, and Diana make a dash for Ruben Essel's room when the video comes to an end.
Reverend Bawa is shaking with uncontrollable rage!
To know that his brother-in-law is a homosexual who has abused one of his children, his favourite child, is too much for him.
Mrs. Lois Bawa cannot believe it.
It explains so much why Ruben has never been interested in marriage, in any woman! This is the evil he has been hiding all the time.
They crash into the bedroom, but he is not there.
They rush to the library.
Old Ruben Essel is lying face-down on his desk.
There is a hole in his temple, dripping deep blood.
There is a gun on the floor with his forefinger still in the trigger guard.
He is dead.
He has shot himself.
The Reverend Bawa moves to the desk and picks up the sheet of paper, the last thing Ruben has written.
He reads it aloud.
"I'm very sorry for the pain I've caused you. There hasn't been a second that has passed when I haven't felt guilty about the death of Roland, and I claim responsibility. I have sinned. I've indeed raped Roland and some of his friends, and also some young men in the church. The devil has invaded my soul, and I'm unworthy of life. Chris found out, and beat me up. He has been right all the time. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I love you all. Goodbye. Ruben."
The man of God hands the note to his wailing wife, and then he leaves the room to go and call the police.
The last video is rolling.
A police jeep has arrived, and two policemen get out.
They are Danso Cuger and Ato McBaiden.
They handcuff Chris, and then Danso calls the ambulance again as McBaiden goes to Chris' car and carries out a search.
McBaiden returns with the package of cocaine and shows it Cuger, who looks around furtively and draws McBaiden to one side.
The two are seen conversing, and then Cuger brings out a little transparent rubber sachet from the jeep. They tear the package of cocaine open, and then they put a little in the sachet, and tie it up.
Cuger then takes the rest of the cocaine and hides it in the police jeep.
He approaches Chris and push the little sachet of cocaine into Chris’ top breast pocket.
Chris, suddenly aware of what they're trying to do, begins to struggle as panic takes over him.
Cuger takes out his gun and begins to hit Chris repeatedly across the head with the butt of the gun.
McBaiden takes out a police baton and begins to also hit Chris in the ribs and the waist with it.
It is an unprovoked attack, senseless and unbelievable, causing those watching the television to whimper with shock.
Adwoa can be seen screaming at the cops to stop.
Chris suddenly shoves himself off the car. His hands are handcuffed behind him so he is restrained, but his boot shoots out, catching McBaiden in the balls.
The cop screams and falls.
Chris spins again and head-butts Danso fiercely.
As Cuger begins to fall Chris' shoots out his right elbow, catching the policeman in the left eye.
Danso screams as his left eye bursts, and a mixture of blood and grey matter shoot out. Danso covers his eye with his left hand and fires his gun, the bullet grazing Chris' skull and making him sag.
McBaiden, still kneeling, hits Chris' head with his baton, and Chris falls down unconscious.
Cuger pushes the sachet of cocaine deeply into Chris' pocket.
McBaiden helps Cuger to his feet, and both of them disappear from the angle of the camera.
A few minutes later McBaiden emerges with a bottle of alcohol which he opens and pours over the prostrate Chris, and then he pours some on Chris' face.
He bends and smears a white powder around Chris' lips.
McBaiden is then seen screaming at Adwoa Timtim and her father, waving a gun at them and telling them if they ever tell anyone about what had happened he and Cuger will find them and kill them.
Adwoa and her father huddle together in great fear.
Just then a police ambulance arrives, and more policemen get out.
Adwoa Timtim and Chris are taken away, and Agya Attah Timtim picks up the bag of money and follows some policemen away.
Everybody leaves the scene, and the camera is now focused on only grass, coconut trees and an empty stretch of road.
Wachipa Sey reaches over and closes the video feed.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the story of Chris Bawa. They said he beat his old uncle who was taking some weed from him, but according to Chris, he beat the man because the man is a horrible monster and a homosexual who assaulted young children. The police said he knocked Adwoa into a coconut tree because he was drunk and high on cocaine, but we see Adwoa was knocked down by Afful. Chris thought Afful was his friend, but even when he is prepared to take the blame for the accident, we see his best friend Afful tossing a package of cocaine into his back seat. Remember, if the cops hadn't been greedy and stolen the cocaine, leaving only the little cocaine in a sachet in Chris' pocket, Chris could have been imprisoned for about thirty years for possessing that amount of cocaine that wicked Afful left in his back seat. Chris was also charged with attacking a police officer, but he was actually defending himself from their beatings, wasn't he? He was accused of drinking and sniffing cocaine, but we all see the cops pouring alcohol on him and smearing his face with cocaine, which the other police officers saw when they came around. Chris Bawa, my friends. Framed, betrayed, and destroyed by the ones he loved most.
JAILBIRD is completed here - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 1:12pm On May 04, 2018
Hmmmmm, o ga ooo,, con dey suffer for wetin eno do

Chai, human being. Wicked pple

Tanks a lot for d update. God bless
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by scarffield(m): 10:25am On May 08, 2018
Oyinprince come nd finish your work nah.
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by skubido(m): 12:54pm On May 08, 2018
Baba oya na
Re: THE JAILBIRD - A Romance/ Crime Thriller by Oyinprince(m): 7:09am On May 09, 2018

® 18+ SNVL
© Aaron Ansah-Agyeman

Elaine is facing the camera now.
She makes no attempt to wipe the tears on her cheeks.
She has passed that now, and as Wachipa watches her he is filled with grudging admiration for her.
However, her face looks tired and resigned. The angle of her shoulders has lost that proud thrust. She is a broken woman.
Elaine does not smile; her sadness is too deep.
I took it upon myself to destroy Chris Bawa. Dearest Chris, handsome, sensual, rebel, charismatic ...a man loved by women, hated by men, an enigma. I've accused him every step of the way. Chris, innocent criminal. My heart is broken today. I have a confession to make, ladies and gentlemen. There are two videos which were not shown to you today because they document my part in this painful story. You see, a very long time ago, when we were in school, I dated Chris Bawa.
Wachipa Sey smiles, chuckles, and then he laughs slowly, shaking his head.
(softly to himself)
Crazy brave girl!
There is a hushed gasp from the studio audience. People are looking at her with absolute shock.
Elaine changes position as the camera follows her, and this time she brushes tears from her face.
I love Chris. I'll love him forever. Today he is in hospital, in a coma, fighting for his life. His son is also fighting for his life. It seems to me that trouble has located Chris, and decided to stay. But that ends tonight. Chris Bawa deserves better.
She is quiet for a long time, obviously overtaken by the depths of her emotions.
She had kept the festering sore in her heart for too long, and it has become corrosive. This is the time to scratch the sore open and allow the gaping wound to heal.
Effe sits beside a weeping Adwoa Timtim.
She takes a shuddering breath.
When he left me and I realized he was going to marry my best friend, and I simply I couldn't forgive him. I hated him, because my heart was broken. He begged me, telling me that he loved Effe, and there was nothing he could do about it. Well, on that fateful night he was arrested, something happened in the morning. He had a fight with his wife and left home and Effe called me to find him and bring him home. That fight started because I gave Effe photo-shopped pictures of Chris making love to teenaged Chinese girls.
There are cries of shock from the stunned audience, and someone even shouted ‘witch’.
Her lips are trembling, and she takes a deep breath again to calm her nerves.
You see, Effe didn't know then that Chris and I dated once. I called Chris and told him if he didn't tell me where he was, I would tell Effe about us, and so he told me he was lodging in a hotel. I went to him and I lied. Yes, I lied. I told him that he should make love to me for the last time, otherwise I would inform Effe about our relationship. I think he had watched the video Roland made for him just before I entered the hotel, and he was very agitated and lost. He was afraid to lose Effe too, and so he began to make love to me. I told him to wait. I went to the bathroom and tore up my clothes and panties. I left them in the sitting-room area of the hotel suite. I called Effe and asked her to come to the hotel because Chris was drunk and trying to rape me. I unlocked the door, and I then told Chris to make love to me like he used to when we dated... violently! He was already hurting about Roland, and he was drunk, and so he did make love to me, and Effe came and found me screaming and hitting and scratching Chris! He pulled him off me. He was drunk and confused. Effe left with me and told him she didn't ever want to see him again for raping me, her best friend. He tried to explain, but I was weeping a feigning pain, and Effe was so stunned and hurt that she just couldn’t control her emotions.
Elaine bows her head, and her shoulders shake as she cries silently.
The studio audience is stunned into silence, and she cuts such a pitiful sight that many suddenly feel sorry for her.
After a while, with her head still bowed, she cleans her face with a hankie and takes a sip of water from a glass.
She sits straight and smiles painfully at the camera,
We see from the videos that later Chris went home and heard Effe and her Mom talking about her divorcing him, and he went crazy. Yes, that is how terribly I behaved. That is how I contributed to the downfall of an innocent man. Today, I stand here condemned! Forgive me, Chris. Forgive me, Effe! I'm so sorry! Please, Effe, I’ve learnt a bitter lesson. Please,please...forgive me. I’m ashamed, I’m humiliated, and I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But please, forgive me, Effe!
And then Elaine begins to weep bitterly on live television.
It touches many hearts across the nation for her to bare her soul this way!
Some women in the audience, also weeping, stand up and go to her, and they hold her, and they console her.
The Director and Producer of the programme is overwhelmed when he fleetingly checks the programme ratings over the Internet on his phone.
The ratings have soared... GIRL VIBZ has just become the number one show in the country.
You clever girl, Elaine, sweetie! You turned a bad situation in your favour!
Wachipa Sey had offered to drop Elaine off because she is too uptight to drive.
She is sad, and stressed, and cannot simply breathe. It seems the world is crashing down on her shoulders.
Oh, Chris! What have I done to you?
She turns in her seat and looks at him.
His car is huge and luxurious.
He is handsome, and she has seen the way his eyes keep on devouring her.
You could've destroyed me. Why did you bring the tapes to me? You could've taken it to another TV station.
I always believed in making people pay. You were always cutting Mr. Bawa down, and when I saw the tapes I wondered how you would look like when you find out your own husband was behind the wheel... plus, I wanted a chance to get close to you.
I see. And why did you want to get close to me?
Wachipa, over-speeding, suddenly stops the car.
He gets down and slams the door.
He walks round to her side of the car, wrenches open the door, and then he holds her and kisses her...passionately, hungrily, violently.
Suddenly Elaine feels the need to be held, to be wanted, to be desired.
She responds to him, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him back fiercely.
One of his hands works at his buckle and zipper, and a moment later he drags himself out of the confines of his boxers.
She feels him on her thigh, hot and hungry.
She reaches down and hikes her dress up over her waist. She pulls her panties to one side and moves her hips forward, taking hold of him and guiding him.
He impales her with a grunt, unifying their bodies.
She responds with fervour, grinding against him, willing, urging him on.
She is too crushed.
She is so vulnerable. She is in so much pain.
There is a void in her heart.
She needs love, she needs attention.
She cries her heart out as Wachipa pounds into her, but her mind and heart are separated from the act.
She only sees that handsome face, those dimples, those long eyelashes, those sensuous lips, those tender hands, that sexy body....oh Chris, Chris, Chris!
They make love with the fury of animals, and they both scream in the throes of mutual orgasm.
He continues to hold her, panting.
She can feel him growing smaller inside her.
Finally, she sits back and watches as he tucks himself in, zips up and buckles up.
She suddenly feels used and sickened.
She had just met a man and within two days she has had sex with him.
Crushing despair and bitterness assails her.
Your husband is going to prison, you know. Everybody is going to forsake you. You’re going to have a very lonely life, Elaine
Elaine puts her head back and speaks in a hurt voice.
You're a crazy man, Wachipa Sey, whoever the f*** you are.
And you're equally crazy, Elaine f***ing Boateng! Crazy and sick. Get the f*** outta my car, b****!
Elaine bolts up in her seat and stare at him with horror.
He has just make love to her!
She can see the sudden hatred in his eyes.
He has changed from the kind man who has been looking at her with desire the past two days she has known him.
There is only disgust on his face now.
She shakes her head humbly.
Wachipa looks at her with absolute disgust.
Seven years ago I almost died. I was on admission at the hospital in need of money for a life-saving operation on my heart. No one wanted to help because it was expensive. I resigned myself to death. And then, out of the blue, Mr. Chris Bawa donated all his title defence money from one of his fights to my mother who, out of desperation, went to see him. He didn’t know me, but he saved my life! To me Chris Bawa is a damn hero, a semi god! I sat back and watched you and your evil husband and his stupid friend destroying my hero Chris! I wanted to kill y’all, but I was helpless! And then, Lord of mercies, I came across those videos, in my f***ing archives and I said, hallelujah, isn’t Karma a real a*s f***er!
Wachipa suddenly holds Elaine’s shoulders and pulls her out of the car, making her fall heavily.
His eyes are crazed now, and she whimpers with fear as he suddenly brandishes a knife.
He kneels down and presses the tip of the knife under her right eye,nipping the skin and causing a little blood to flow.
Elaine trembles with fear and panic.
Tears now fall heavily down her face.
(in agonized panic)
Please, please....don’t hurt me please!!
She is trembling with acute fear at the murderous look in on his face.
I wanna cut you up, you b****! You piece of cow dung! That Chris is my hero, He saved my life! And you wanted him in prison! But you don’t deserve my knife. I f***ed you. Go and tell them I raped you! I hope you get pregnant, and I hope you f***ing die trying to abort the child! Stupid little f***!
He gets up and enters his car.
He picks up her bag and throws it at her head, and then he guns the engine and leaves her.
Elaine wraps her arms around her knees.
She weeps like a baby!
Effe runs to her room and shuts the door.
She takes faltering steps forward and collapses on the floor in front of her bed.
No, no, no!
This can't be happening!
Elaine had lied! Chris hadn't raped her!
Everything she believed about Chris that had made her hate him so has now come tumbling around her feet.
The basic ingredients of trust and belief have never found a way into her heart in her relationship with him.
She had always believed others over him, always expected the worst of him...to the extent that she had almost led the prosecution against him, and if it hadn't been Junior he would've been in prison for now, to serve twenty-five years.
Her pain knows no bounds; her heart is being torn out of her chest.
And now!
Elaine had caused her to throw Chris out of her life, at the particular moment he had received a video from a dead brother he adored, a most terrible video that had torn him apart!
And Chris had gone amok, beating up his sadistic and wicked uncle, and taking up the blame for Afful's accident so that he could go to prison and get away from his pains!
The time he needed her most, she had cast him to the wolves!
Not once, not twice, but throughout her life with him!
Oh, Chris-Love! Forgive me! I'm so sorry, my love!
Tears drench her.
Effe weeps as memories come flooding back.
Chris...her Chris-Love!
Life had dealt him a cruel hand, but he had stood against the storms, and loved her through all her doubts and mistrust.
I never believed you, Chris. I was so mean to you. But not anymore! May God heal you and Junior and bring you back to me. Oh, I'm going to spend the rest of my life making you happy, Chris-Love. Nothing is ever going to separate me from you ever again. I promise you. I love you, Chris, always have, always will... till eternity!
JAILBIRD is completed here already - www.youngicee.com/category/the-jailbird

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