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I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Davedgr8(m): 10:29pm On Jan 25, 2018

You must be feeling smart right now. Waste of CGPA.
shift jor lemme scout for better comments by real guys


Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Geosystem(m): 11:00pm On Jan 25, 2018
How will i be with a girl without shagging her? I'm not a fool nau neither i'm i a jew guy.

Asin, who does that!
I am in such a relationship brother and am enjoying every bit of it. will be tying the not in two months time. Mind you we have been dating for 4yrs now and I have never asked for sex from her. so its possible and real.

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by kushme: 2:34am On Jan 26, 2018
My ex girlfriend whom i dumbed during our year 2 has been disturbing me since we resume this session. I've been avoiding her but she just won't give up. Deep within me, i knw she want a chance into my life only to seek revenge cos i disvirgined her.. We re both in our final year nd d level of stalking has intensified, knwing fully well this is d last chance she's got.

Yesterday, while i was with my goons in sch, she walked up to me dt she wants to discuss something wit me. I gave her a listening ear, but she said she can't say it to my face she'll call me. I told her no p.

Last night.. She sent this msg to me via whasApp..

"Aff always hold grudge against u.... For everything that happened to us.. Year after year I have been nursing it..... I just want to let u know.... I forgive you.. I want my peace of mind... Have a great life dear" ..

What could she be up to guys?

P.S : I left her cos she nags too much, wants to knw everythng about me nd notice my CGPA was back sliding. So, i had to back off b4 i get emotionally involved in d shiit..

Cc ubunja , sagamite

If the first fvck wasn't a rape, then you guys had a fair exchange( she was gettin' dick, you were gettin' pussy). I guess you both exchanged a lot of fvck faces(sex) thereafter. Though, she felt used and dumped(like the females do say) by your black arse.. Nigga, you're a damn player who's gettin' played by her emotions. grin

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by AryEmber(f): 7:00am On Jan 26, 2018
I have a feeling that if you didn't pop the cherry you will still be in that relationship for sure. even if your cgpa has responded to gravity's pull. I blame that your ex for opening her legs for u.
Thank you jare, who forced her to open her legs? Didn't she enjoy him too? Why did she claim to have forgiven him? Forgiven him for what exactly? I tire for my fellow ladies a lot of time, it's girls like her that would start saying virginity is overrated after losing theirs foolishly. Shio!
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by olasaad(f): 7:01am On Jan 26, 2018
see dis dude, so I have to wife her just because i deflowered her?

Which law states that?

Women law of course pls guys if you know you don't want to marry a lady and she is a virgin, let her go.


Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by olasaad(f): 7:12am On Jan 26, 2018
I never said i've graduated, stl in my finals..

my concern now is ur comprehension problem.. Ehya sorry.


Nice one bro
She no Sabi digest English na

two mumu so at 4level you don't know your cgpa, probably you are not in upper division
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by luminouz(m): 8:28am On Jan 26, 2018

two mumu so at 4level you don't know your cgpa, probably you are not in upper division

Ur mumu question warranted such
Sent u a PM dou grin
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by luminouz(m): 8:31am On Jan 26, 2018

I am in such a relationship brother and am enjoying every bit of it. will be tying the not in two months time. Mind you we have been dating for 4yrs now and I have never asked for sex from her. so its possible and real.
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by luminouz(m): 8:35am On Jan 26, 2018
...........so, you say you are a college student? Your grammar is ok, but please "spell" things out. It takes very little out of your time.

This is an embarrassing reflection on your professors. They don't mark you down for these atrocious spellings or that you haven't learned yet? Or are you dumbing it down for social media? You haven't graduate? Good. There's time to learn.

Whatever the case, I am flabbergasted! (in your social media language "I am shook".)

Now, with your post: Please read Toks2008: "sex is marriage". You should be ashamed of yourself to be proud enough to say you "deflowered" her. You should not toy with another's feelings. Sex is no game. And until you are "grown up" enough, please face your studies.

..... Go and apologize to her for the "damages" you have done to her by taking her virginity. Make amends and end things with her in peace and with integrity. And, sin no more. Using IJN....Just don't.

Don't come here forming "big boy" with your tall tale 'cause you are looking for locker room handshakes from your fellow dirty dogs for deflowering a lady. Shame on you.

Next time you post, come tell me what contributions you have made to society. Not damages you have inflicted on another.

Who asked u all these?
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Cowbuoy: 8:57am On Jan 26, 2018
shift jor lemme scout for better comments by real guys

Oga, call lalasticlala if you need real comments abi shey na advice... You'll even get more than enough sef... cheesy

cc: lalasticlala
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Davedgr8(m): 9:59am On Jan 26, 2018

If the first fvck wasn't a rape, then you guys had a fair exchange( she was gettin' dick, you were gettin' pussy). I guess you both exchanged a lot of fvck faces(sex) thereafter. Though, she felt used and dumped(like the females do say) by your black arse.. Nigga, you're a damn player who's gettin' played by her emotions. grin
Jah bless u mate. But honestly sha, i shagged her countless and multiple times with reckless abandon.

Then, she was playing wit one church boy's emotion, I was feeling for d dude so i was paying her in her own coin.

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Davedgr8(m): 10:12am On Jan 26, 2018

I am in such a relationship brother and am enjoying every bit of it. will be tying the not in two months time. Mind you we have been dating for 4yrs now and I have never asked for sex from her. so its possible and real.
MR NICE MAN be deceiving ursef okay.. This hoes ain't loyal.. I hope u won't get ursef high on sniper when u discover dt one badt guy has been shagging her all this while.

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Proudlyblack(f): 10:34am On Jan 26, 2018
I blame the mumu girl instead of her to auction her virginity, by now she could have been a millionaire she gave it to a Bleep boy all in the name of love

All virgins in the house if you know you don't want to keep your V status till marriage. Girl sell it, that hymen can make you a millionaire
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by AryEmber(f): 10:44am On Jan 26, 2018
I blame the mumu girl instead of her to auction her virginity, by now she could have been a millionaire she gave it to a Bleep boy all in the name of love

All virgins in the house if you know you don't want to keep your V status till marriage. Girl sell it, that hemen can make you a millionaire
How would market sell here when girls are foolishly losing it everyday? Who will buy what they can get free or cheaply?
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Nobody: 11:19am On Jan 26, 2018
Jah bless u mate. But honestly sha, i shagged her countless and multiple times with reckless abandon.

Then, she was playing wit one church boy's emotion, I was feeling for d dude so i was paying her in her own coin.
Nothing annoys hell out of me when I see my fellow guy bragging how he bleeped hell out of a girl,why the same girl was playing "no sex till marriage" with another dude !
What arrant nonsense ! undecided undecided....but that still don't justify ur action,man. You're bragging about ur "shallow smartness" here,and am being forced not to be believe ur last paragraph...

*On last paragraph:

Primary reason I will just spill out my terms & condition in a relationship with any lady that we have things in common....if u don't & not willing to meet keep up to them, I move on !!
I have never being scared to walk away from ANY lady ! Yea,I may miss u & feel the "heart ache" of losing u,and it ends there !

And at the end,I never regret my decisions...It's simply the BETTER decision.
Actually,no woman is indispensable !!

Feeling for the poor dude cry cry If ur last paragraph is actually the truth....

Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Davedgr8(m): 11:20am On Jan 26, 2018
How would market sell here when girls are foolishly losing it everyday? Who will buy what they can get free or cheaply?

So, your're an olosho
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Davedgr8(m): 11:22am On Jan 26, 2018
I blame the mumu girl instead of her to auction her virginity, by now she could have been a millionaire she gave it to a Bleep boy all in the name of love

All virgins in the house if you know you don't want to keep your V status till marriage. Girl sell it, that hemen can make you a millionaire
Chairwoman, Olosho Association of Nigeria(O.A.N) .. I hail o

by the way, @bolded, it's hymen nt hemen.. Oloshoism is gradually eating ur brain..

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Nobody: 12:06pm On Jan 26, 2018
MR NICE MAN be deceiving ursef okay.. This hoes ain't loyal.. I hope u won't get ursef high on sniper when u discover dt one badt guy has been shagging her all this while.

And that's the misconception !
What's the fuss about being a Badt guy ..Seriously,I still can't grab anything "meaningful " in that..
I sex girls around to feel good about myself ?? ..I beat up my woman so as to pass out my message as the "man " & the one in charge ??.. I go clubbing with girls ,lot of them,so that my fellow guyz hails me ?? I go smoking ,taking alcohol so that I will be "high " & fill with confident so that girls find me attractive

Can't u see that its all about the girl ,INDIRECTLY ...even if u may claim it's not so.But ACTUALLY it is !!!
What about my health ?? What about my future after am done moving from one Vagina to another ?? ..How guyz still gain confident from sleeping with random women beats my imagination !!

And oh,never be emotional !! ACT like rock & a badt guy ! I should be ACTING for the rest of my life just to get more girls Bullshit !!

Am a nice guy ! Yea ,a very nice guy that understands his boundaries & knows what he wants in life ,women & relationship...
I don't see women as just for sex, I love ,I really love a woman that 's worthy to see things from my spectrum....
I build relationship ! True relationship !! because I know women I can do that with...
I get emotional ! Really emotional ! I share my fears,my insecurities, strength & plans with my woman ! I cry if I want to cry,I scream at the top of my voice if I want to scream !! Lol...I could be crazy,lmao...

And u know the funny thing ? Women can share their dreadest secrets in life with you !!! Just share ur life with them ! Sincerely do it !
Women can sense & perceive sincerity !!

Am a typical "nice guy" ,BUT I don't take shit from my fellow men,and women !
You don't put me down & go scot free...
You as a lady don't tell me we are "just friends" and I still stick around when I ACTUALLY don't see u as "just friend" to me. for what ?...I move on with life & life continues....You loss & I gain !! How u asked ??....that's a take home assignment 4 u cheesy
My point ??

There's nothing wrong being a nice guy ! You don't ACT it .You LIVE it !! You're decisive !! You have boundaries !! You're calm !! You think about ur life & wants FIRST !! & lastly in a relationship,you always remember ; you are the most important person there !! You respect ur opinion ! You don't fake !!
How do u achieve all these ?

You go out & do what makes u happy ! Go after what makes YOU happy !!
Currently,am in the department of Medical Radiography & Radiological sciences in Unn,but do I see my future there in the next 10 years ??
No !!

My next move ??
Switch to medicine & surgery these year which has already worked out (being optimistic) because I know that's were my life & dexterity is !!

Get my drift ??


Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Davedgr8(m): 12:16pm On Jan 26, 2018
No Sir. You're just consoling yourself for being a wussy.. Grow up man tongue

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Kingsley1000(m): 1:08pm On Jan 26, 2018
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Kingsley1000(m): 1:13pm On Jan 26, 2018
I blame the mumu girl instead of her to auction her virginity, by now she could have been a millionaire she gave it to a Bleep boy all in the name of love

All virgins in the house if you know you don't want to keep your V status till marriage. Girl sell it, that hemen can make you a millionaire
i know you are a HOELANDIAN,how much have u made?
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by ibietela2(m): 1:54pm On Jan 26, 2018
Jah bless u mate. But honestly sha, i shagged her countless and multiple times with reckless abandon.

Then, she was playing wit one church boy's emotion, I was feeling for d dude so i was paying her in her own coin.

Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by ibietela2(m): 1:55pm On Jan 26, 2018
I blame the mumu girl instead of her to auction her virginity, by now she could have been a millionaire she gave it to a Bleep boy all in the name of love

All virgins in the house if you know you don't want to keep your V status till marriage. Girl sell it, that hemen can make you a millionaire

Are you a virgin?
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by AryEmber(f): 2:53pm On Jan 26, 2018

So, your're an olosho
If selling your virginity for millions of naira instead of stupidly giving it away is the way olosholism works, then I take no offense.

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Geosystem(m): 3:02pm On Jan 26, 2018
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Geosystem(m): 3:07pm On Jan 26, 2018
MR NICE MAN be deceiving ursef okay.. This hoes ain't loyal.. I hope u won't get ursef high on sniper when u discover dt one badt guy has been shagging her all this while.

Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Sagamite(m): 10:38am On Jan 29, 2018
My ex girlfriend whom i dumbed during our year 2 has been disturbing me since we resume this session. I've been avoiding her but she just won't give up. Deep within me, i knw she want a chance into my life only to seek revenge cos i disvirgined her.. We re both in our final year nd d level of stalking has intensified, knwing fully well this is d last chance she's got.

Yesterday, while i was with my goons in sch, she walked up to me dt she wants to discuss something wit me. I gave her a listening ear, but she said she can't say it to my face she'll call me. I told her no p.

Last night.. She sent this msg to me via whasApp..

"Aff always hold grudge against u.... For everything that happened to us.. Year after year I have been nursing it..... I just want to let u know.... I forgive you.. I want my peace of mind... Have a great life dear" ..

What could she be up to guys?

P.S : I left her cos she nags too much, wants to knw everythng about me nd notice my CGPA was back sliding. So, i had to back off b4 i get emotionally involved in d shiit..

Cc ubunja , sagamite

You are not interested in her.

Then move on and find your happiness. Life is not that hard.

No one wants a nagging girl.

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Sagamite(m): 10:41am On Jan 29, 2018

He's even arrogant about it.
Whom he dumped!


Anyways Op, your deceits and dumping is awaiting for you ahead.
Keep fucvking and dumping u hear?
Then sugar coat it with a reason.

Your conscience is judging you, that's why u don't want to believe she has forgiven u and moved on. You need some guys here to give u a pat on the back and tell u the same thing they always say here, don't mind her she's olosho. Na una language for here be that.

So it's possible she has moved on. Not everybody likes carrying grudge and hatred forever. Not every girl still remembers or linger onto the guy who popped her cherry in the past.

Continue whining!

Like if women themselves don't use that term arrogantly.

And as if women have a conscience when they are doing their own.

"Me, me, me, me, me" mentality at work.

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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Nobody: 10:48am On Jan 29, 2018

Continue whining!

Like if women themselves don't use that term arrogantly.

And as if women have a conscience when they are doing their own.

"Me, me, me, me, me" mentality at work.

Are you still on this topic? shocked

This topic is over and done with nah? .. There are new buzzing threads online.

It's his life. And none of my biz.

There are more pressing issues to attend to. Not this one Biko.

Move on Sagamite we've already wrapped up this topic Tay Tay.
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Sagamite(m): 10:51am On Jan 29, 2018
...........so, you say you are a college student? Your grammar is ok, but please "spell" things out. It takes very little out of your time.

This is an embarrassing reflection on your professors. They don't mark you down for these atrocious spellings or that you haven't learned yet? Or are you dumbing it down for social media? You haven't graduate? Good. There's time to learn.

Whatever the case, I am flabbergasted! (in your social media language "I am shook".)

Brilliant points!


Now, with your post: Please read Toks2008: "sex is marriage". You should be ashamed of yourself to be proud enough to say you "deflowered" her. You should not toy with another's feelings. Sex is no game. And until you are "grown up" enough, please face your studies.

..... Go and apologize to her for the "damages" you have done to her by taking her virginity. Make amends and end things with her in peace and with integrity. And, sin no more. Using IJN....Just don't.

Don't come here forming "big boy" with your tall tale 'cause you are looking for locker room handshakes from your fellow dirty dogs for deflowering a lady. Shame on you.

Next time you post, come tell me what contributions you have made to society. Not damages you have inflicted on another.

Nonsense point!

He does not need to apologise for shyt!

If she was the one, she would most likely not apologise.

When women do wrong, they usually only apologise when they are still interested or (at best, if at all) lamely if they are not interested.

They tend to only apologise for issues like this if they feel it can lead to calumny, if not, they just disconnect with the guy without any contrition.

I have said this shyt so many times:


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Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Sagamite(m): 11:02am On Jan 29, 2018

Are you still on this topic? shocked

This topic is over and done with nah? .. There are new buzzing threads online.

It's his life. And none of my biz.

There are more pressing issues to attend to. Not this one Biko.

Move on Sagamite we've already wrapped up this topic Tay Tay.

Well I just moved in today, after a week.

No wrapping can ever be as good as my intellectual wrapping.

So make una open up the wrapper and learn from me.
Re: I Broke Up With Her 2yrs Ago But She Just Won't Leave Me. by Nobody: 11:17am On Jan 29, 2018

Well I just move in today, after a week.

No wrapping can ever be as good as my intellectual wrapping.

So make una open up the wrapper and learn from me.

Intellectual on women affairs, smhhhh.
Guys And Baes are out there signing deals on monies. Increasing their bank accounts.
You are here busting your brains on one op with his ex girlfriend?
And you say, u are intellectual?

Anyways I don't have your time this morning .

For me, this is Monday morning and I have an important meeting coming up in the next 30mins.
Make yourself at home with nairaland relationship issues.
For me? Money must be made today, no time to waste here. The topic is yours, enjoy!
Am off. Byeee

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