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Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 7:30am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: Your ignorance is palpable. Lions do eat plants when their food source is scarce. In fact it is on record that lions or big cats do eat plants and herbs. Check these out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA08b5j8dcc http://www.animalliberationfront.com/Saints/Authors/Stories/LittleTyke.htm https://www.compassioncircle.com/vegan-pets-2/little-tyke-the-true-story-of-a-vegetarian-lion/ https://googleweblight.com/i?u=https://www.khouse.org/enews_article/2009/1449&hl=en-NG So the scriptures were right after all. The Bible is obviously correct and you are not. Carnivores especially lions can eat herbs and will not die. |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 7:40am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: The scriptures is just like any other man made book. It has so many lies it it. Nothing shows the bible to be false and Jesus a liar than the promise to those of you that believe in him to have the ability to do greater things than him. That includes YOU. You inability to do any of the incredible things written about Jesus shows that your belief is false and that Jesus was a liar, remember it was a PROMISE he made to those of you that believe. You can keep making things about me by using emotional outburst about me being in pains, sorrow, deep misery etc. It won't make them true. They are just yiur empty projections. I won't stop challenging your deeply held beliefs in ancient mythology, fiction and folklore. You are here trying to defend the ancient mythical narratives of the Jews that says all humans came from one man and one woman and stories that includes snakes conversing with humans and all and yet you want people not to laugh and mock you for holding unto such ridiculous fictional stories. The only person in misery, pains and sorrows is you because you have to hold onto obvious mythology and accept the thoughts, ideas and mythical stories written by ancient Jews as true. You get angry because others discard it while you have to hold on to other men and their mythical stories as true. You've made them your God and hold onto every nosense they wrote. I know it hurts you that you have a lower ancient Jews to think and reason for you. Keep wallowing in your pains and delusion. It remains your problem alone. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 7:42am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: It remains my problem alone you say? It hurts me you say? How can it hurt me yet you are the one lamenting and angry? |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by bintushop: 7:43am On Feb 05, 2018 |
Let me settle this once and for all. Animals and humans have pains for the same reason. They are all living things. Every living thing has feelings and should feel pains in one way or the other. There's nothing like 'She was cursed' Adam and Eve story is fairy tale. 7 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 7:51am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: So the bible is correct right? Let's take that and show me how correct the bible is. So accordingto the bible lions were originally created to eat herbs and plants as food. What happened and at what time did they suddenly change and started eating flesh? When did their dentation change to accomoadate a cannivourours lifestyle? Can a lion live ONLY on grass? Why do lions starve to death when there is no prey even though there are abundant grass? At what time in history did lions stop eating grass and started eating flesh? You must show that the bible is correct by providing this answers, since you know something about the reality of lions that we don't because the bible said so. So go ahead we are waiting. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 7:55am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: Of course it hurts you that is why you are projecting your pains, sorrow and misery of holding onto the mythical writings of others and making them your God on others that reject it and mock it. Do you have any God apart from the unknown writers of the bible and their obvious mythology and fiction? No you don't. The writer of the bible are your God and as such you have to throw their mythical writings always at others and hold onto it even when you know it disagrees with the reality you see around you. It hurts deeply and the only way to feel happy about it is to assume and project that those that challenge and mock it are also in pains like you are. 1 Like |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by gmoney12: 7:59am On Feb 05, 2018 |
1Sharon:wasn't joking...be Smart |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 8:02am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: No need to wait. I already did. If you had read the articles I posted this your comment would have been seen to be useless. This is from one of the articles.. Scientific dilemma From the other article They fed Little Tyke various grains, milk and eggs – a diet she thrived on. The milk and eggs would have provided Little Tyke with some of the B12 she needed, but not the taurine. Yet, Little Tyke lived strong and healthy for years. She would go out into the field and chew on grass stalks every day to condition her stomach. She also had no predatory nature, and lived in peace with the chickens and sheep and peafowl and kittens on the Westbeaus' ranch. A famous picture was taken one day when a lamb, Becky, curled up between Little Tyke's front paws, And After Becky Page, 21, brought home little Dante two years ago, she proceeded to try to fatten him on chicken and fish and tuna. Dante just turned up his nose at the stuff. Instead, he chowed down on a dish of leftover vegetables he found near her kitchen garbage. Now Dante only eats fruits and vegetables, which Page raises herself. He won't touch canned cat food. |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 8:04am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: Yet you are the one still ranting and lamenting |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by charytea(f): 8:13am On Feb 05, 2018 |
obinna58:Your earthly parents who birth you never subjected you to pain when you disobey? |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by charytea(f): 8:17am On Feb 05, 2018 |
darkchild64:I know... That's why I am done talking to you. |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by Nobody: 8:25am On Feb 05, 2018 |
royalamour: I saw this thread late,,, have your question been answered? |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 8:25am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: I knew the source will never be credible. . No wonder you confessed that you are suffering from residual mental illness because it is only a mentally deranged mor0n that will go to a christian propaganda blog that is purely out to evangelize and speak christian propaganda and use it as a reference in a serious discussion. What am I to do with this useless christian propaganda blog of lies? I wasted my time reading off a lunatic christian blog. Na wa oo. From the ridiculous blog. "The Answer The caretakers of this gentle animal sought out animal experts, always asking them about diet. Finally, one young visitor set their mind at ease. With serious eyes he turned to them and asked, 'Don't you read your Bible? Read Genisis 1:30, and you will get your answer.' At his first opportunity Georges read in astonishment, 'And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.' At that point, after four years, the Westbeaus finally stopped worrying." So this is the blog that is your reference? You are truly mentally ill. I pity you. The writers of the bible have made you to accept their mythology, fiction and folklore, now some christian propaganda blog is making you to make a fool of you self with confidence by parroting their propaganda. Continue. 2 Likes |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 8:26am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: You were trying to project your pains, sorrow and misery on me. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 8:34am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: LMAO why not save yourself the embarrassment and simply google little tyke the vegetarian lion and cover your head in shame. Perhaps when you do only Christian sites or blogs would pop up In case you do not understand written literature you can view the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI1kcyKx1yQ |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 8:36am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: That is what you are and have been displaying it ever since. You are the one ranting and lamenting on my behalf Is that not a miserable life to live? Saying God does not exist yet cannot stop talking about him and complaining about him on my behalf. |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 10:54am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: If not that you are suffering from mental illness you would have watched the silly video you posted , and of you had watched the video you would have seen that it was the same thing that was written in the christian propaganda blog that was also written in the video verbatim. Let me tell you what is in the video since I actually watched it. The video contains ONLY STILL images of different LIONS not one and writings imposed on the images of the different images of the lions in a narrative fashion. A story was told using the still pictures. No where in the stupid video was any lion shown earing any grass or herbs. Only once was the lion shown drinking milk. I repeat at NO time was the lion shown to be eating grass in any of the images used to make the video narrative. Next time watch videos before you post them. You can take your lie lie propaganda video that some lie lie christians made and go away with it. 2 Likes |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 11:02am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: Only a mentally deranged person reasons like you do. How am I ranting and lamenting on your behalf? When did I complain about any God on your behalf? Telling you that your God does not exist is not complaining on your behalf Mr Olodo. I know it hurts you that you are talking and speaking on behalf of a God that supposedly exist and my pointing that out to you makes you so restless that you want to spin it and throw it back at me. This is such a ridiculous FAIL. I have never spoken or said anything on your behalf. I always speak to you and exchange words in writings with you, never said anything on yor behalf, but you akways speak on behalf of your God, tell people what it wants, how it operates, and all, the other time you even told Frank that it loves him endlessly. . Your God loves someone endlessly and yet you are the one telling the person. Can you hear how idiotic you sound? No wonder you are projecting your pains, sorrows and misery on other because it is really painful and sorrowful to always have to speak on behalf on an all powerful and mighty being that exist and can do all thingsyet it can not say Hi to anybody but will have to rely on a failure like you with mental illness to tell others that it loves them endlessly. Mor0nic Akuya you are. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by obinna58(m): 11:09am On Feb 05, 2018 |
charytea:Reread my post you got the wrong understanding |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 11:33am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: Calling you a dummy is an understatement Wait let me help you out of your misery. The fact is that you know this is a true story as documented and even the lion was used a lot in Hollywood for movies. You just want to keep talking your usual nonsense and wanting to be treated like a little child with a picture book. https://googleweblight.com/i?u=https://www.peopo.org/news/228047&hl=en-NG In your immensely ignorant state and desire to discredit the bible and the fact that a lion actually lived for 9 years on vegetables and ate no meat for this entire period and lost all its carnivorous and predatory instincts you are simply acting silly because the entire google says you are wrong and the story is true. Here are words from a vetenary doctor on this same issue and his true comments if it was real or not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRDD55VgWZY By the way, when they say the lion lived on VEGETABLES along what does that mean? Is there meat in vegetables? Is there blood in vegetables? I think you need to stop punishing yourself unnecessarily due to your hatred towards God and all he represents and accept that you are wrong. The whole world knows about little tyke and even Amazon calls it a true story as well as all other quarters. This was a lion that lived and died in the 50s and ever since her, other people have also seen and raised carnivores exclusively on vegetable diet as the other link I gave earlier talked about. You can keep denying and deceiving yourself and this means that you can recognise any other truth but if it is a truth that will validate the bible (even when it is true you will keep claiming it is lies) even when the entire www.google.com declares it as a true story. There must be something you know that google does not know |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 11:34am On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: Still lamenting and nagging on my behalf? |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by superhumanist(m): 11:47am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: My guy, you messed up. Lions are pure carnivores. You are mistaking them for dogs which are omnivorous. |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 11:54am On Feb 05, 2018 |
Dalaman, the most famous zoo curator in America called this lion (little tyke) the healthiest lion he had EVER SEEN! (I suppose he saw his imagination and probably was not sure of the lion he was seeing). And this was a lion who was raised on vegetables ALONE for nine years. Perhaps little tyke died and was brought back to life repeatedly for those 9 years (according to your claim that if lions eat vegetables they would die) By the way Zoo curators are often scientists, such as biologists or zoologists, and are responsible for overseeing all aspects of animal management. I had to add this last part before you claim he was not qualified or scientifically inclined enough to know or say such. Attached are pictures of little tyke from the American TV show "you asked for it " in 1955 where they let little chicks play and run around him and all he did was lick all of them with extreme care and another with his favourite companion, "the lamb".
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 11:55am On Feb 05, 2018 |
superhumanist: You need to go through all I have posted on this matter along with the videos and stop embarrassing yourself with this ignorance |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 11:59am On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: Will you stop repeating lies shamelessly as if your loves depends on it? The story is a lie. There are many pictures of the domesticated lion according to the story. There are pictures of the lion drinking milk, playing with people but NOT a single picture of the lion eating grass. Hpw do we know that it's true? Because some christian propagandistsaid it and you believe it? If they can show various pictures of the lion drinking milk at various stages as shown on the video why didn't they show the picture of the lion eating grass? No wonder you are always telling people that some imaginary God loves them endlessly. In your immensely ignorant state and desire to discredit the bible and the fact that a lion actually lived for 9 years on vegetables and ate no meat for this entire period and lost all its carnivorous and predatory instincts you are simply acting silly because the entire google says you are wrong and the story is true. I don't need to discredit Jewish mythology and folklore. It has already discredited it self that is why mordern day christian apologia re running away from the biblical tale and saying it's just an allegory. Lions were never created to eat grass, never, only the ones created in the mythical biblical tales and not the ones we know in our reality. Snakes do NOT and can not have a conversation with human beings on reality only in mythical stories. Stop trying too hard to justify ancient Jewish mythology and folklore. After all the Koran also says that ants speak with humans as well. So it is not only the ancient Jews that can make things up. Here are words from a vetenary doctor on this same issue and his true comments if it was real or not. Again you are going to post a video made by a christian whose main purpose is to evangelize by bringing some Dr to buttress lies and deceit. Firstly the lion lived decades before this Dr was born so anything he says is based on here say and not on his personal observation. Secondly there are christians with PhDs that work for the institute of creation science that swear that the science supports theit young earth creationist views of the earth being less than 10, 000 years old. Oladegbuualways post their videos here, so it's nothing new. In the reality that we now, lions do not feed on plants alone. Many pride of lions have been shown to starve to death in the wild when there are no prey, even when grass is abundant. No pride has ever been shown to survive only on grass. I think you need to stop punishing yourself unnecessarily due to your hatred towards God and all he represents and accept that you are wrong. The whole world knows about little tyke and even Amazon calls it a true story as well as all other quarters. This was a lion that lived and died in the 50s and ever since her, other people have also seen and raised carnivores exclusively on vegetable diet as the other link I gave earlier talked about. When did any God tell you that I hate it? When did Amazon release a general story saying that Tyke story is true? When? Who are the people that are raising lions exclusively on grass? Name the people and provide the pictures and videos of the people feeding te lions with grass exclusively. Remeber that yiur Tyke was shown drinking milk at various stages in its life but not once was it pictured eating grass. Show us the videos of the lions eating grass ONLY and rejecting meat so that we know that you are not a liar.
Where is the picture of tyke eating grass? You need to provide evidence instead of throwing lies all over the place. |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 12:06pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: What is this hot tripe? Many lions have been domesticated? Even in the wild some lions have been shown on video to display some kind of non violent gestures towards some of their prey. Many domesticated lions are harmless to people and other animals around them. But they still eat flesh regardless. Here is one of the pictures of tyke drinking milk at a certain stage in its life. There is no picture of tyke eating grass. If they claim the lion eats grass exclusively then why are they showing us it's picture drinking milk and not eating grass? Where is the image of the lion eating grass since that is the main purpose of the story? Where is it ? 3 Likes
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 12:07pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: So your mental illness now forces you to see things that aren't there abi? When did I nag on your behalf? 1 Like |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 12:08pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: You are free to keep arguing with your arrogant ignorance. Google has never ceased to be everyones friend and the good part is that it has no age restriction I have said what I have said and backed it up with evidence. Evidence you seem to think EVERYONE who ALL OVER GOOGLE say IS TRUE and A TRUE STORY AND OCCURRENCE which made this lion to be regarded as probably the most famous African lion in history and also gained him spots on Hollywood movies are lying. So go ahead and erase the entire google where little tyke is declared as a true story and argue with yourself I suppose everyone right from 1950 to date who said its a true story all did not verify prior to this. I suppose there is also a statement on the internet by those who also investigated and found it out to be a lie and they said LITTLE TYKE THE VEGETARIAN LION IS A LIE AND A HOAX. THIS LION WAS NOT ENTIRELY VEGETARIAN. maybe you have this rebuttal anywhere on Google right? Surely a famous story of this nature must have been investigated and there must be a statement out there. EVEN ONE that says it's a lie. Do you have it? |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 12:18pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: I know you are mentally ill but you need to focus. There are people all over Google who have claimed to be abducted by aliens and taken to other planets. There are people all over google who have claimed to have reincarnated from previous live with supporting evidence, there are people all over the internet who claim that various miraculous claim about the Koran. In fact a baby was said to be born in Nigeria with a miniature Koran in its hand, another was born with the words Allah clearly and boldly written on its body. You don't believe it do you? Because something is on Google and people talk about it doesn't make it true. Until yu provide a picture of tyke earing grass then you are on your own. If two pictures of tyke drinking milk at various stages of its life can be provided in the video , then a picture of tyke eating grass needs to be provided as well. Where are the pictures of tyke eating grass? 2 Likes |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 12:19pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
Finally dalaman you can go through Amazon about the book which chronicles little tyke and you would do well to read the comments section as well as every other thing on the page. https://www.amazon.com/Little-Tyke-Vegetarian-Lioness-Re-Quest/dp/0835606058 I leave you to your folly. Description
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by dalaman: 12:25pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
butterflyl1on: Shut up! I just want you to provide evidence to support your claim that the lion ate only grass for 9 years. The video you posted showed the lion drinking milk at two different stages of its life. It never showed the lion eating grass at all. WhY show us two different pictures of the lion drinking milk but fail to show us the pictures of the lion eating grass since that is the main point of the story? Was the story about the lion drink milk exclusively? Why did they provide pictures of the lion drinking milk but failed to provide pictures of the lion eating grass since that is what the entire lion story is about? Very telling. |
Re: Animals That Feel Pains Of Birth, Did They Eat The Forbidden Apple Too? by butterflyl1on: 12:29pm On Feb 05, 2018 |
dalaman: LMAO. You will just burst a blood vessel over your ignorance and obvious heady nature. What are vegetables? He was raised exclusively on a vegetable diet for NINE YEARS. define vegetables to me. Meanwhile also go through this also on amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1258428644/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_14_1/133-1042783-1102708?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=TYP3FW480J4JWACDTNKG&dpPl=1&dpID=61MSxJr%2BteL |
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