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Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge - Properties (4) - Nairaland

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Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by duwdu: 8:16pm On Mar 09, 2018

Cut the crap! angry The person who paid 78,000 naira last year, has his income increased by 400% for him to suddenly be slammed with a bill of almost 400,000 naira?? shocked Do they expect such a person to steal to pay that bill? Why are you and your governor so heartless?

The real oppressor is this Lagos state govt, that is insensitive to the plight of Lagosians. Do Lagosians have an inexhaustible supply of funds? Do you even know how many people have lost their jobs or source of income, in the past one year? Did people vote Ambode into Alausa, so that he could exploit them?

LOL... You don't get to determine or say or decree that what you earn, or your current financial state, should determine what you pay as tax on the property you own, otherwise even billionaires would claim they're currently not earning as much as they think they should be earning. gringringrin

But, I can see you're very angry, so I beg to excuse myself from this argument as far as you're concerned, at least for now.

Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by ivandragon: 8:21pm On Mar 09, 2018
not bad...

but Ambode should make the increment gradual... say 0.2% added every 5 years & those who are able to pay regularly for 5 years will have a exempt for 1 year & those that pay up to 5 years in advance get 1 year exempt & a discount...

it is hoped that within that time, the PPP of people in the area would also have risen to accommodate the additional increase & people are able to plan better...
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by LaudableXX: 8:26pm On Mar 09, 2018
LOL... You don't get to determine or say or decree that what you earn, or your current financial state, should determine what you pay as tax on the property you own, otherwise even billionaires would claim they're currently not earning as much as they think they should be earning. gringringrin

But, I can see you're very angry, so I beg to excuse myself from this argument as far as you're concerned, at least for now.


It is this kind of posture by people like you, that allow governors and elected officials get away with murder, and criminal performance. undecided Is there any section of the constitution or the law, that allows govt to impose arbitrary taxes unduly without any regard for the people? This lack of sensitivity to the plight of the people, is what causes demonstrations, riots and outright defiance to govt. sad Since you are one of Ambode's sycophants, please take this message to him: "He was not elected to impoverish Lagosians, with incessant price hikes of taxes."
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by LaudableXX: 8:27pm On Mar 09, 2018
not bad...

but Ambode should make the increment gradual... say 0.2% added every 5 years & those who are able to pay regularly for 5 years will have a exempt for 1 year & those that pay up to 5 years in advance get 1 year exempt & a discount...

it is hoped that within that time, the PPP of people in the area would also have risen to accommodate the additional increase & people are able to plan better...

You are making sense! sad
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by sunnymaja(m): 11:45pm On Mar 09, 2018
This is WICKED
Are you saying 9,000 is too much for owner occupiers house that worth 20m? Or the owner occupier and partly rented house that worth 20m to pay 30k? Let us begin to think positively
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by jimcaddy(m): 12:09am On Mar 10, 2018
And the funny thing is that most of these taxes ans levies are used to pay monstrous salaries and fund government expenditure. Little on capital projects.
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by ikorodureporta: 5:45am On Mar 10, 2018
Dis na halftruth joor. Why dem no explain penalty too
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by decepticos(m): 8:09am On Mar 10, 2018
This looks like a total rip off
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by hush15: 9:07am On Mar 10, 2018
Bravo!!! cheesy grin

An average Nigerian is naturally GREEDY, we always on the receiving end(we call on the government to build roads, clear gutters and sweep the dirty streets and house corners, RUBBISH!!!), and that's why Nigeria is still underdeveloped!
Go to other develop countries, you pay charges on each car, house you have! That's why an average citizen of those countries, have only one house or car, not that they lack money in acquiring more, but the advances in charge which is tantamount to liability cost!!
cry cry

We Must Grow! embarassed

Ambode, fire on, do your best! grin

Well, you are right that in foreign countries, you pay for everything but thats because they provide everything. Here they collect and you get nothing...

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Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by LaudableXX: 5:17pm On Mar 10, 2018
Well, you are right that in foreign countries, you pay for everything but thats because they provide everything. Here they collect and you get nothing...

Gbam!! cheesy Correct analysis! May the wisdom God gave you, never run dry! cool
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by LaudableXX: 5:19pm On Mar 10, 2018
Are you saying 9,000 is too much for owner occupiers house that worth 20m? Or the owner occupier and partly rented house that worth 20m to pay 30k? Let us begin to think positively

Who valued the house at 20 million? And have you met any landlord whose house is worth 20 million, coming online to tell you he was given an LUC charge of 9,000 to pay? Why do you guys swallow everything govt says or does, when experience has shown that the greatest proponents of propaganda, are people in govt?
Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by duwdu: 9:38am On Mar 11, 2018

It is this kind of posture by people like you, that allow governors and elected officials get away with murder, and criminal performance. undecided Is there any section of the constitution or the law, that allows govt to impose arbitrary taxes unduly without any regard for the people? This lack of sensitivity to the plight of the people, is what causes demonstrations, riots and outright defiance to govt. sad Since you are one of Ambode's sycophants, please take this message to him: "He was not elected to impoverish Lagosians, with incessant price hikes of taxes."

Why the name calling?

Re: Lagos State Government's Explanation Of Land Use Charge by bedspread: 7:13pm On Mar 11, 2018

Are you saying 9,000 is too much for owner occupiers house that worth 20m? Or the owner occupier and partly rented house that worth 20m to pay 30k? Let us begin to think positively
its much cos the same owner of a house is being tax from his business or job that he does...

Secondly why engage the services of a private firm? What is the job of Lirs? The guys u hiring will not do the job for free... who bares the cost? All costs are shifted to the citizens...
It's unfair...

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