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Disbelieving In Quran As The Word Of God Create More Problems For The Christians by Abdulgaffar22: 12:03am On Apr 01, 2018 |
It is an indisputable fact that Qur’an came after the Bible. Therefore, if the Christians sincerely and truthfully believe in Qur’an as the last and final word of God sent to the generality of human being, then they must have no option other than to accept Islam and become Muslims. But if the Christians insist that the original author of Qur’an is not God, then they must compulsorily believe its author to be a great liar and impersonator who spoke in the name and identity of God. The reason is that Qur’an contains many verses which appear to be coming directly from God’s mouth. Examples of such verses are as follows; “O children of Israel! Remember My special favor which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill your covenant with Me as I fulfill My covenant with you, and fear none but Me. And believe in what I have sent down ( i:e this Qur’an) confirming that which is with you, and be not the first to reject it, nor sell My verses for a small price; and fear Me, and Me alone (Qur’an 2:40-41)”. And that was Our proof which We gave to Abraham against his people. We raise whom We will in degrees. Certainly your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. And We bestowed upon him Isaac and Jacob, each of them We guided. And before him We guided Noah, and among his progeny David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron. Thus do We reward the good doers. And Zachariah, and John and Jesus and Elias, all in the ranks of the righteous. And Ishmael and Elisha, and Jonah and Lot; each one of them We preferred above the nations. And also some of their fathers, and their progeny and their brethren, We chose them, and We guided them to a straight path. This is the guidance of God with which He guides whomsoever He wills of His servants. But if they had joined in worship others with God, all their deeds would have been of no benefit to them. They are whom We gave the book, and authority and prophet hood…They are those whom God had guided. So follow their guidance (Qur’an 6:84-90). O My servants who believe! Certainly, My earth is spacious. Therefore worship Me and Me alone. Every soul shall have a taste of death. Then to Us you shall be brought back (Qur’an 29:56-57). When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close to them. I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he called on Me. Therefore, let them also obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be walked in the right way (Qur’an 2:186). We did not send before you (O Muhammad-pbuh) any messenger but We inspired him that there is no God beside Me; therefore worship Me (Qur’an 21:25) These are just few verses selected randomly from the pages of the Holy Qur’an. You can see that almost all of the first person pronouns like “I”, “My”, “Me”, “Our”, “Us” and “We” in all the verses of Qur’an quoted above can never be referred CONTEXTUALLY to any other person except God. Therefore, anybody who denies the Qur’an as the word of God must compulsorily believe its author to be a liar and a great impersonator of God. This is the first point that I want all reasonable Christians to admit. It is either you believe in Qur’an as the word of God or you believe in it as the word of a great liar that impersonates God. There is no third alternative. But do you think the God of truth and wisdom would allow any deliberate liar to impersonate Him and then also allow such impersonator to praise all the Biblical prophets in the way the author of Qur’an has done? Is it possible for an impersonator and deliberate liar against God to be the author of those noble verses of Qur’an cited above especially when we call to mind that the first set of people the Qur’an was admonishing were idol-worshippers living in ancient Mecca? Has God ever sent a liar to guide the people who were in error to the right path? Besides, how could God have left such a great liar and His impersonator to survive for good twenty-three years and also allow his book to be protected from destruction since one thousand four hundred and thirty nine years ago till today? The reason why God permit the other religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Sikhism (etc) and their scriptures to exist is because their founders only stood out as spiritual teachers. They never claim that their scriptures came from God of Israel. Their scriptures do not contain words which appear to be COMING DIRECTLY FROM GOD’S MOUTH OF ISRAEL. But Qur’an is totally different. Qur’an contains many verses which appear to be coming directly from God’s mouth of Israel. Examples are quoted above. So Qur’an is unique in its claim as being the word of God. Therefore, to believe that Qur’an is not authored by God create more problems for the Jews and the Christians than it really solves! They have to explain why God would allow a liar to impersonate him for good 23 years and also allow his book to be protected from destruction since 1,439 years ago till today; yet God did not even allow Hananiah, who deliberately lied against Him, to live for just a year (Jeremiah 28:1-17). If God Almighty could allow any deliberate liar to impersonate Him reasonably and perfectly and also allow the word of such impersonator to be protected from destruction since 1,439 years ago till today, then on what basis could any rational person distinguish such fake word of God from true word of God? Obviously, there would be no any difference between the two: This is exactly the reason why God would never permit such a reasonable and perfect impersonation to happen for such a long time. God may allow anybody to write or speak about Him as you may also allow your friend to write or speak about you. But if you as a truthful person would never allow your friend- talk less of your enemy- to impersonate you in order to deceive some innocent people, then why do you think the God Almighty, who is more truthful than you, would allow such a thing to happen to Him especially when God declare as follows; how can I let myself to be defamed? I will not yield My glory to another (Isaiah 48:11). Please read those verses of Qur'an cited at the beginning again and again. Has God not let Himself to be defamed if He allowed a deliberate liar to impersonate Him in such a reasonable and perfect manner? Has God not yielded His glory to another if He allowed a deliberate liar to impersonate Him and also allow such impersonator to praise all the Biblical prophets in the way the author of Qur'an has done and then still allow the word of such impersonator to be safe-guarded from destruction since 1,439 years ago till today as exactly prophesied in Qur’an 15:9: “Surely, We have revealed the reminder ((i:e the Qur’an) and We will most surely be its guardian”. In fact, God deliberately spare the life of His prophet till concluding verse of his mission was revealed to him where God Almighty declare as follows: This day, I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed My favor upon you, and I have chosen for you Islam as your religion(Qur’an 5:3). If the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a great impersonator and a great liar against God as Jews and Christians believe, then why would God have to wait for 23 years till this concluding verse of his mission was fabricated against Him especially when there were many great opportunities for God to terminate his life in one of the battles he fought with his enemies? If God would allow a liar to impersonate Him reasonably and perfectly, then He should have clearly informed us in the Bible just like Jesus informed us about his own impersonation: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, saying ‘I am the Christ’, and will deceive many (Matthew 24:4-5)”.See how Jesus declared in an unambiguous terms that many liars would impersonate him. If this is the case, how then can we be sure that all the words attributed to Jesus in all the books of the New Testament actually came from Jesus mouth and not from the mouth of a liar that impersonates him? However, you can never find a single biblical verse where God categorically inform us and foretell that a great liar is going to impersonate Him. If God of truth and wisdom would also allow a liar to impersonate Him, He should also have informed us in a very precise term in the Bible just like Jesus did. It is a well known fact that Qur’an is full of praising God and all the biblical prophets. It commands what is good and forbids what is bad. It encourages us to prepare for the Day of Judgment. It tells us about the heavenly Paradise which is meant for the righteous and the fire of hell make ready for the unbelievers. Therefore, if the author of Qur’an was truly an impersonator of God as all Christians must presume, then God of truth, power and wisdom should not have allowed such a deceptive and hypo critical book to be in existence from 1,439 years ago till today. God should have designed a way through which such a book would be utterly destroyed together with its author. But if we assume that God Almighty, in His infinite wisdom, deliberately allowed the word of so-called impersonator to be protected from destruction in order to serve as a test for the true believers in one and only God, then God should have pre informed us and warned us about this great impersonator in the Bible just like Jesus talked about his own impersonators in Matthew 24:4-5. But instead of warning us and pre-informing us about the so-called liar that is going to impersonate Him, God only demonstrated to us, through His dealing with Hananiah (the false prophet who spoke in the name of God in the Bible), that He would never allow such a thing to happen for a long time; Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet, ‘Listen, Hananiah! The Lord has not sent you, yet you have persuaded this nation to trust in lies. Therefore this is what the Lord says: I am about to remove you from the face of the earth. This very year you are going to die, because you have preached rebellion against the Lord. In the seventh month of that same year, Hananiah the prophet died (Jeremiah 28:15-17). You will notice that what happened to Hananiah (i:e untimely death) is exactly what God has already foretold about “a false prophet who impersonates and speaks in the name of God” as written in the book of Deuteronomy; But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, THAT SAME PROPHET SHALL DIE (Deuteronomy 18:20). Therefore, if God did not even allow Hananiah to live for just a year, then how could He have allowed the supposed author of Qur’an to impersonate Him and deliberately lie against Him for good 23 years? This is indeed a food for thought for the sincere Jews and Christians who truly believe in the existence of God! 1 Like |
Re: Disbelieving In Quran As The Word Of God Create More Problems For The Christians by Butterflyleo: 12:56am On Apr 01, 2018 |
[s] Abdulgaffar22:[/s] Believing the Quran as the word of God creates problems for Muslims and for you. 4 Likes |
Re: Disbelieving In Quran As The Word Of God Create More Problems For The Christians by felixomor: 6:25am On Apr 01, 2018 |
Butterflyleo: Exactly. |
Re: Disbelieving In Quran As The Word Of God Create More Problems For The Christians by enilove(m): 8:06am On Apr 01, 2018 |
Op , God allowed the Quran to exist till today because the name of the god of the Quran is Allah and the name of the God of the Bible is JEHOVAH and the two books are different. God says in the Bible that people do perish because they lack knowledge or understanding. If the God of the Bible were same with the god of the Quran , there would not be enmity between the two religions and contradictions BTW the two books : 1--- Muhammad killed uncountable number of Christians and Jews and instructed the Muslims to do the same and not to take the Christians and the Jews as friends. Only a devilish father will do or say something that would make his children to against one another . Why would God encourage Muhammad to be killing the Christians and the Jews if He was the God of the Arabs and the people of the Bible. 2--- The Bible condemn marrying another person's wife but this is allowed in the Quran. Muhammad is an example. 3--- The Bible tells us not to worship the moon and the stars but the Muslims worship the moon and the stars. They place this at the topmost part of every mosque. The appearance of the moon decided when to celebrate sum of their festivals. 4--- The God of the Bible says we should not bow down to any graven image but the Muslims bow to the kabaah 5 times a day and also tawaf it when on hajj. They also kiss the black stone. 5 --- The God of the Bible calls us His children but the god of the Quran calls his followers slaves. 6--- The God of the Bible loves to be praised and worship in Songs and in Hymns but the Muslims do not worship their god in songs and they don't make use of a Hymn book. 7-- In the Bible , Isaac was the son Abraham wanted to sacrificed to God but it was Ishmael in the Quran. 8 -- The God of the Bible is a miracle working God but the God of the Quran does not have power to perform miracle and wonders. The God of the Bible raised the dead and divided the Red sea but the God that called Muhammad could not heal him of a food poison. Jesus came to die and did not die by accident unlike Muhammad. 9--- The Bible says Jesus is the Son of God , the Quran says no. 10--- The Bible told us Jesus died for our sins but Quran which came about 600 years later , from a diff nation and people , says he did not die on the cross for our sins. 11-- The Bible says we should preach to spread the gospel but Quran says Muslims should fight and kill to spread Islam . Aside from the above points , Muhammad worshiped the name of another god different from the name of the God of the Bible and God killed him according to Muhammad's prophecy that if he was a false prophet , Got should cut his aorta and true to his word he was poisoned and kept testifying to it that his aorta is being cut. Muhammad's life style does not qualify him to be called a prophet. like having an erection towards a child of 6 years old when he was 51 years ( Grand pa ). He also married his adopted son's wife. He killed many innocent souls , who had no problem with him , in order to spread Islam . He encouraged adultery by approving of temporary marriage for his warriors. Another point to note is that , if there was nothing to hide in the Quran and it is perfect , there wouldn't be need to be adding and subtracting from the quran and also calling for some old copies of it to be burnt. I intentionally did not quote the Bible or the Quran and hadith to make this post concise , but if you doubt any of the facts above, I will provide the evidences. We are not serving the same God with the Muslims, period. 2 Likes |
Re: Disbelieving In Quran As The Word Of God Create More Problems For The Christians by rekinomtla(m): 11:55am On Apr 01, 2018 |
Op makes no sense. It's supposedly illogical for a christian to reject the Quran because it would mean he believes God allowed a false prophet to go about creating false revelations which he claimed came from God for about 20+ years. Yet at the same time it's completely logical for a Muslim to believe God allowed people to corrupt all his previous revelations. He supposedly allowed Christians to believe in a false corrupted revelation for over 600 years until Muhammad came with the supposedly true revelation. So it's illogical to believe God allows false revelations to be believed for 20+ years but logical to believe he allows false revelations to be believed for over 600 years. |
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