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Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Raintaker(m): 7:43am On Apr 10, 2018

Often Hadith of Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiallah ta’ala anhu) is quoted by opponents of Islam to argue that Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiallah ta’ala anhu) considered the Iraq as East and deemed it to be the place of emergence of tribulation Of Khawarij. It is true that Khawarij emerged from Iraq and there are Ahadith which establish this. But it is distortion of Ahadith when Ahadith stating Najd/East are said to apply to Iraq. Hence effort will be made to explain contexual relevance of various parts of Hadith and establish precise location and direction of from which the group of Satan – Khawarij were to emerge.

Versions Of Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar:

“Narrated Ibn Abi Nu'm: A person asked `Abdullah bin `Umar whether a Muslim could kill flies. I heard him saying (in reply). "The people of Iraq are asking about the killing of flies while they themselves murdered the son of the daughter of Allah's Messenger. The Prophet said, They are my two sweet basils in this world." [Ref: Bukhari, B57, H96] “Narrated Ibn Abi Na'm: I was present when a man asked Ibn Umar about the blood of mosquitoes. Ibn Umar said, "From where are you?" The man replied. "From Iraq." Ibn `Umar said, "Look at that! he is asking me about the blood of Mosquitoes while they (the Iraqis ) have killed the (grand) son of the Prophet. I have heard the Prophet saying, "They (Hasan and Husain) are my two sweet-smelling flowers in this world." [Ref: Bukhari, B73, H23] “Ibn Fudail reported on the authority of his father that he heard Salim b. 'Abdullah b. 'Umar as saying: O people of Iraq, how strange it is that you ask about the minor sins but commit major sins? I heard from my father 'Abdullah b. 'Umar, narrating that he heard Allah's Messenger as saying while pointing his hand towards the east: Verily. the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the group of Satan and you would strike the necks of one another; and Moses killed a person from among the people of Pharaoh unintentionally and Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said: "You killed a person but We relieved you from the grief and tried you with (many a) trial." (xx. 40). Ahmad b. Umar reported this hadith from Salim, but he did not make a mention of the words: "I heard". [Ref: Muslim, B41, H6943]

Explaining The Ahadith Of Iraqis – Major And Minor Sin:

Hadith records: “…O people of Iraq, how strange it is that you ask about the minor sins but commit major sins?” Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiallah ta’ala anhu) is displeased with being asked about minor sins by Iraqi/Iraqis. The Hadith of Bukhari reveals the minor sin he was being asked about was with regards to killing of flies/mosquitoes. The major sin toward which Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiallah ta’ala anhu) hinted was deliberate killing of sons of Fatimah (radiallah ta’ala anha) – Imam Hassan (radiallah ta’ala anhu) and Imam Hussain (radiallah ta’ala anhu) by Iraqis. And evidence of this is in another Hadith: "The people of Iraq are asking about the killing of flies while they themselves murdered the son of the daughter of Allah's Messenger.” The next part which connects to this portion of Hadith is the statement regarding Prophet Musa (alayhis salaam) being tried/tested because he unintentionally killed a person: “… and Moses killed a person from among the people of Pharaoh unintentionally and Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, said: "You killed a person but We relieved you from the grief and tried you with (many a) trial." What he is implying is that, Prophet Musa (alayhis salaam), a Nabi, killed a random person by mistake yet Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) tried/tested him with many hardships. But you Iraqis – bunch of nobodys in sight of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) - have committed major sin of killing sons of Fatimah (radiallah ta’ala anha), the daughter of Prophet of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) hence you were tried and will continue to be tried more serverly then Prophet Musa (alayhis salaam). Also he has implied, that your are concerned about minor sins but your concern should be the major sin – killing of Imam Hassan (radiallah ta’ala anhu) and Imam Hussain (radiallah ta’ala anhu).

Pointing Toward East Of Madinah, In Direction Of Najd:

Hadith states: “… that he heard Allah's Messenger as saying while pointing his hand towards the east: Verily. the turmoil would come from this side, from where appear the group of Satan and …” Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam) is also reported to have said: “… He said, "O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Sham (north)! O Allah! Bestow Your blessings on our Yemen." The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! And also on our Najd." I think the third time the Prophet said, "There (in Najd) is the place of earthquakes and afflictions and from there comes out the side of the group of Satan." [Ref: Bukhari, B88, H214] From these two Ahadith it is deduced, Najd is in direction of East from city of Madinah. Following Hadith records Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam) indicated the direction from which group of Satan would emerge while pointing toward house of Aysha (radialla ta’ala anha): “Narrated 'Abdullah: The Prophet stood up and delivered a sermon, and pointing to 'Aisha's house, he said thrice, "Affliction (will appear from) here," and, "from the side, where Satan's group will come out." [Ref: Bukhari, B53, H336] Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam) was seated on his pulpit in Masjid Nabvi and if he pointed toward the direction of house of Aysha (radiallah ta’ala anha) he would be pretty precisely pointing toward direction of Saudi capital, Riyadh. In other words, he would be pointing toward East from his pulpit to indicate region of Najd. Following links lead to maps which depict location of Najd, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Please visit the following, link, operated by David Rumsey. He owns a huge collection of historical maps. His website contains four hundered forty-four maps of Arabian Peninsula. It is strongly recommended that readers visit the link given and browse through the maps to find general direction/location of historical Najd. Alhasil based on all the available evidence would be sound to conclude, Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam) pointed toward the direction of Najd. And foretold that from this place Qarn (i.e. group, head, horn) of Satan would emerge.

Contextual Relationship Of Entire Hadith:

First he implied the Iraqis would be tested severly for intentionally killing the sons of Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu). And in context of his statement regarding Khawarij, it is established that he wished to imply; the trial of Iraqis at the hands of Khawarij who had emerged from East of Madinah and from region of Najd was/is due to intentionally killing innocent sons of Fatimah (radiallah ta’ala anha). And Khawarij are only one of many trials which they have faced and will continue to face many more trials.

Striking The Necks Of One Another:

Hadith goes on to state that when group of Satan emerges, you (i.e. the Muslims, Iraqis, Arabs, Syrians) will strike necks of one another: “…Satan and you would strike the necks of one another; …” This indeed happened, the were battle between the army of Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu) and Khawarij. And the Iraqis were part of this army and helped to defeat the Khawarij. This is confirmed from another Hadith: “Abu Sa'id added: I testify that I heard this from the Prophet and also testify that 'Ali killed those people while I was with him. The man with the description given by the Prophet was brought to 'Ali. The following Verses were revealed in connection with that very person (i.e., 'Abdullah bin Dhil-Khawaisira At-Tarnimi): 'And among them are men who accuse you (O Muhammad) in the matter of (the distribution of) the alms.'” [Ref: Bukhari, B84, H67] “Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said that the Apostle of Allah made a mention of a sect that would be among his Ummah which would emerge out of the dissension of the people. Their distinctive mark would be shaven heads. They would be the worst creatures or the worst of the creatures. The group who would be nearer to the truth out of the two would kill them. The Apostle of Allah gave an example (to give their description) or he said: A man throws an arrow at the prey (or he said at the target), and sees at its iron head, but finds no sign (of blood there), or he sees at the lowest end, but would not see or find any sign (of blood there). He would then see into the grip but would not find (anything) sticking to it. Abu Sai'd then said: People of Iraq it is you who have killed them.” [Ref: Muslim, B5, H2324] Hence Abu Said (radiallah ta’ala anhu) reffered to the majority to mean whole. This establishes that Iraqis were not the Khawarij but they were the people who killed them.

Who Were The Khawarij And From Where Did They Come:

Khawarij were zealots/extremists, they were from tribe of Banu Tamim, their leader was Dhil Quwaishirah. Following map depicts the area inhabited by tribe of Banu Tamim in the time of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam), here, here, here, here. Note, location of Banu Tamim corroborate other details mentioned earlier in the article – Najd, East, toward direction of Aysha’s (radiallah ta’ala anha) house, and from direction of sunrise – evidence of which follows: “The Prophet stood up beside the pulpit and said, "Afflictions are there! Afflictions are there, from the side where ‘group of Satan will come out’, or said, ‘the side of the sun[rise]’." [Ref: Bukhari, B88, H212] A article fully explains sunrise detail mentioned in this Hadith, here. Basic facts established now moving to the main point. Hadith records Dhil Quwaisirah disrespected Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam) and a companion wished to kill him and Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam) said Dhil Quwaisirah has companions: “Narrated Abu Sa'id:While the Prophet was distributing something, 'Abdullah bin Dhil Khawaisira At-Tamimi came and said, "Be just, O Allah's Apostle!" The Prophet said, "Woe to you ! Who would be just if I were not?" 'Umar bin Al-Khattab said, "Allow me to cut off his neck!" The Prophet said, " Leave him, for he has companions, and if you compare your prayers with their prayers and your fasting with theirs, you will look down upon your prayers and fasting, in comparison to theirs.” [Ref: Bukhari, B84, H67] Note, beduins only kept in touch with their tribe. Their daily business was with members of tribes and they seldom ventured outside the territory of their tribe and for most of their life only associated with their own tribe members. Hence there is no doubt that Dhil Quwaisirah’s companions mentioned in the Hadith were none other then his tribal associates. There is also substantial evidence in the books of history and clasical scholars which establishes, most of the Khawarij were from Banu Tamim.

Battle Of Siffin And Emergence Of Khawarij:

The rightly guided (i.e. closer to the truth) Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu) the fourth Caliph and leader of pious believers Muawiyah (radiallah ta’ala anhu) met with their respectives armies at Al-Siffin in Syria. After three days battle arbitration was agreed but Khawarij in the army of Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu) opposed arbitration arguing, judgment is only for Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala). Arbitration failed due to a group of Khawarij in the army of Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu) attacking army of Muawiyah (radiallah ta’ala anhu). Khawarij then seperated from the main of Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu). Following Hadith points to this discord between to companions and emergence of Khawarij: “… While the Prophet was distributing (something, 'Abdullah bin Dhil Khawaisira At-Tamimi came and said, "Be just, O Allah's Apostle!" The Prophet said, "Woe to you ! Who would be just if I were not?"… "Allow me to cut off his neck!" The Prophet said, " Leave him, for he has companions, … These people will appear when there will be differences among the people (Muslims)." Abu Sa'id added: I testify that I heard this from the Prophet and also testify that 'Ali killed those people while I was with him. The man with the description given by the Prophet was brought to 'Ali. The following Verses were revealed in connection with that very person (i.e., 'Abdullah bin Dhil-Khawaisira At-Tarnimi)...'” [Ref: Bukhari, B84, H67] After the failure of arbitration Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu) and Muawiyah (radiallah ta’ala anhu) returned to their capitals and Khawarij camped in Iraq, in a village called Harura. These Khawarij began to massacre the surrounding population. Eventually forcing Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu) to face them in battle at Nehrawan and which resulted in their utter anahilation.


It has been established, Khawarij were originaly from East of Madinah, from region of Najd, from central Arabia, beloned to the tribe of Banu Tamim. From Najd they went to Iraq, joined army of Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu), and marched to Syria (Al-Siffin). There they rebelled and came back to Iraq and fought against Ali (radiallah ta’ala anhu) and they were anahilated. These Ahadith do not indicate a single country or region rather three different regions, Arabia (Najd), Syria (Al-Siffin), Iraq (Nehrawan). This establishes that Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi was’sallam) had foretold from the tribe, region, direction, countries they would go to and rebel, and who will they fight, and who will kill the Khawarij.

Wama alayna ilal balaghul mubeen.
Muhammed Ali RazaviAbdullah bin Dhil Khawaisira At-Tamimi came and said,
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 8:32am On Apr 10, 2018
With all the panel beating we see there, one single hadeeth breaks your backs and it says:

The prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: oh Allaah bless us in our Makkah, and bless us in our madeenah, and bless us in our sham, and bless us in our Yemen, oh Allaah bless us in our sa'a and bless us in our mudd, then a man says: oh messenger of Allaah AND IN OUR IRAAQ, the prophet turned away from him, the man repeated it three times, every single time the man says "AND IN OUR IRAAQ" the prophet turned away from him, then the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: earthquakes and fitnah will happen therein, and from there the horn of shaytaan will appear "

This hadeeth is found in "al-ma'rifah wa at-taarikh" of imam Al-fasawiy rahimahullaah volume 2 page 746, as well as "Al-hilyah" of Abu na'eem volume 6 page 133, this hadeeth can also be found in "taarikh dimashq" of ibn asaakir volume 1 page 120, and other than them......

So find another copy paste faulting this particular hadeeth...

But note that the hadeeth is authentic according to the conditions of imam bukhari and imam Muslims in authenticating hadeeth....


Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Raintaker(m): 11:17am On Apr 10, 2018
With all the panel beating we see there, one single hadeeth breaks your backs and it says:

The prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: oh Allaah bless us in our Makkah, and bless us in our madeenah, and bless us in our sham, and bless us in our Yemen, oh Allaah bless us in our sa'a and bless us in our mudd, then a man says: oh messenger of Allaah AND IN OUR IRAAQ, the prophet turned away from him, the man repeated it three times, every single time the man says "AND IN OUR IRAAQ" the prophet turned away from him, then the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: earthquakes and fitnah will happen therein, and from there the horn of shaytaan will appear "

This hadeeth is found in "al-ma'rifah wa at-taarikh" of imam Al-fasawiy rahimahullaah volume 2 page 746, as well as "Al-hilyah" of Abu na'eem volume 6 page 133, this hadeeth can also be found in "taarikh dimashq" of ibn asaakir volume 1 page 120, and other than them......

So find another copy paste faulting this particular hadeeth...

But note that the hadeeth is authentic according to the conditions of imam bukhari and imam Muslims in authenticating hadeeth....
This why you need to do more studies and not just argue for argument's sake, there was no Iraq during the time of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W).
The region was renamed Iraq in 1920 by the British.
This your Hadith is obviously Fabricated and Fake.

1 Like

Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 11:38am On Apr 10, 2018
Abdelkabir, is it not strange that you and other maintained Hadith that mentioned Iraq rather than a popular Hadith which mentioned najd?. When nabi (saw) mentioned Sham and Yemen people understood them as we understand them now. But why is Saudi Arabia which was not known to the prophet changed today?. Why did they change or dumped najd as known back then to Saudi?. Is it not the same thing done by the Young Turks to change the name of Constantinople which is the Sunnah to Istanbul?. They did this to divert attention.

When people of Medina asked him (saw) "and our najd", definitely they were referring to najd close by which is present day Saudi. I don't understand the kind of schoolarship you people trying to force on us. Horn of shaytan originally emerged from Saudi region.

I see that you are now trying to cling to Iraq mentioned in the second narration while ignoring the former because your aren't that comfortable with that. The so called elevated land to describe Iraq najd is rubbish.

Don't worry, by the time the prince lock up your ulama who want to remain faithful to the Deen, maybe you will realize they have been najd all along. Today they called it saudi Arabia to divert attention of Muslim from najd but we aren't fools.

I know you are still pained by group dhikr debate from 2yrs ago. I can't help you man. And I have just read last week a salafi website acknowledged evidence I presented back then. I will save this for another day
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 11:40am On Apr 10, 2018
This why you need to do more studies and not just argue for argument's sake, there was no Iraq during the time of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W).
The region was renamed Iraq in 1920 by the British.
This your Hadith is obviously Fabricated and Fake.
the hadith came from nowhere. I just read it yesterday and found it strange. As you can see he is holding on to that narration rather than najd narration.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 11:59am On Apr 10, 2018
This why you need to do more studies and not just argue for argument's sake, there was no Iraq during the time of Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W).
The region was renamed Iraq in 1920 by the British.
This your Hadith is obviously Fabricated and Fake.

I guess the hadeeth quoted in your copy paste too is fabricated because ibn umar said "oh people of IRAAQ", holding on to irrational argument since this hadeeth breaks your back, and I am not arguing for argument sake I only intend to put this copy paste in check. Yeah that's the only thing you can do, deny the hadeeth, but its available in the books I have mentioned and the chain of narration is authentic....

If you can't tell us what exactly is wrong with the hadeeth academically, then your defense is as weak as spider webs....
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 12:03pm On Apr 10, 2018
Abdelkabir, is it not strange that you and other maintained Hadith that mentioned Iraq rather than a popular Hadith which mentioned najd?. When nabi (saw) mentioned Sham and Yemen people understood them as we understand them now. But why is Saudi Arabia which was not known to the prophet changed today?. Why did they change or dumped najd as known back then to Saudi?. Is it not the same thing done by the Young Turks to change the name of Constantinople which is the Sunnah to Istanbul?. They did this to divert attention.

When people of Medina asked him (saw) "and our najd", definitely they were referring to najd close by which is present day Saudi. I don't understand the kind of schoolarship you people trying to force on us. Horn of shaytan originally emerged from Saudi region.

I see that you are now trying to cling to Iraq mentioned in the second narration while ignoring the former because your aren't that comfortable with that. The so called elevated land to describe Iraq najd is rubbish.

Don't worry, by the time the prince lock up your ulama who want to remain faithful to the Deen, maybe you will realize they have been najd all along. Today they called it saudi Arabia to divert attention of Muslim from najd but we aren't fools.

I know you are still pained by group dhikr debate from 2yrs ago. I can't help you man. And I have just read last week a salafi website acknowledged evidence I presented back then. I will save this for another day

You are being restless for nothing, we are not holding to one hadeeth, rather we are using a clearer one for people like you that wish to change what was meant by the prophet.....najd was said in one hadeeth and iraaq mentioned in the other, what's wrong in taking to the clearer hadeeth especially when iraaq itself is a najd to madina?
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 12:12pm On Apr 10, 2018
the hadith came from nowhere. I just read it yesterday and found it strange. As you can see he is holding on to that narration rather than najd narration.

Even if you want to deceive yourselves you should at least be honest enough to correct your brother in deceit @Raintaker that said the word Iraaq came to be in 1920 and tell him this

As for the word "Iraq" in the hadith, i have to admit that Iraq had been use pre-sixth century according t my recent research.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 12:25pm On Apr 10, 2018

Even if you want to deceive yourselves you should at least be honest enough to correct your brother in deceit @Raintaker that said the word Iraaq came to be in 1920 and tell him this

right fine because that's public record. But the question remains that when the people asked nabi (saw) in Medina "OUR NAJD?". Where they referring to elevated area?
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 12:26pm On Apr 10, 2018

You are being restless for nothing, we are not holding to one hadeeth, rather we are using a clearer one for people like you that wish to change what was meant by the prophet.....najd was said in one hadeeth and iraaq mentioned in the other, what's wrong in taking to the clearer hadeeth especially when iraaq itself is a najd to madina?

right fine because that's public record. But the question remains that when the people asked nabi (saw) in Medina "OUR NAJD?". Where they referring to elevated area?
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 12:33pm On Apr 10, 2018
The so called elevated land to describe Iraq najd is rubbish.

Well the dictionary(check attachment and line underlined with red) says something else!

Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 12:41pm On Apr 10, 2018
right fine because that's public record. But the question remains that when the people asked nabi (saw) in Medina "OUR NAJD?". Where they referring to elevated area?

The only thing left for you to do now is deny, even tho the truth points to your chest like a dagger, you've been told of another hadeeth that specifically mentioned iraaq and precisely defined the intended meaning of najd, why not use your 'hardworking man approach' you always profess?

I mean, the salafs, scholars have always understood najd here to be iraaq, it was when sufi grave worshippers were looking for what how to make people run from shaykul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab rahimahullaah dhu rahmati waasi'ah, they now formed this theory which people like you are holding on to today...
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 2:56pm On Apr 10, 2018

The only thing left for you to do now is deny, even tho the truth points to your chest like a dagger, you've been told of another hadeeth that specifically mentioned iraaq and precisely defined the intended meaning of najd, why not use your 'hardworking man approach' you always profess?

I mean, the salafs, scholars have always understood najd here to be iraaq, it was when sufi grave worshippers were looking for what how to make people run from shaykul Islam Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab rahimahullaah dhu rahmati waasi'ah, they now formed this theory which people like you are holding on to today...
this is not about any individual. So I don't get why you keep talking about Sufi, ibn wahab etc. My question is nabi(saw) mentioned Sham and Yemen, there was no dispute as to there locations and what they are. People didn't point to Africa when Yemen was mentioned. They didn't point to Europe when Sham was mentioned. They didn't interpret these two places to mean other places. Why is that when najd (their own town) was attributed to evil they now interpreted najd knowing too well a place called najd is right at their nose?. When they realized evil emerged from there they started interpreting najd. The famous hadith we all know is najd. Not Iraq.

And here you accused people of grave worshippers which means they are kufar. You would do yourself a big favor now to tell us those ulama at that time of ibn abdulwahab were all kufar?. Please tell us bcuz you just stylishly made compound declaration of kufr on majority and later you would backtrack from statement?.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 3:19pm On Apr 10, 2018
this is not about any individual. So I don't get why you keep talking about Sufi, ibn wahab etc. My question is nabi(saw) mentioned Sham and Yemen, there was no dispute as to there locations and what they are. People didn't point to Africa when Yemen was mentioned. They didn't point to Europe when Sham was mentioned. They didn't interpret these two places to mean other places. Why is that when najd (their own town) was attributed to evil they now interpreted najd knowing too well a place called najd is right at their nose?. When they realized evil emerged from there they started interpreting najd. The famous hadith we all know is najd. Not Iraq.

Stop saying "the famous hadeeth we all know", say the one you know, and knowledge don't end at what you know, hadeeth that mentioned Iraaq has been known for ages, so you should be humble enough to accept this hadeeth, I only brought up ibn Abdulwahhab because that was when the sufi grave worshippers started interpreting it as najd of Saudi since they knew he is from najd.

For the umpteenth time, there are many najds, and iraaq is one of them, the first hadeeth that mentions najd making it prone to unrestricted interpretation and we find another hadeeth that says iraaq hence restricting the intended meaning of " najd", what's difficult to understand there?

And here you accused people of grave worshippers which means they are kufar. You would do yourself a big favor now to tell us those ulama at that time of ibn abdulwahab were all kufar?. Please tell us bcuz you just stylishly made compound declaration of kufr on majority and later you would backtrack from statement?.

Any individual that is a grave worshipper is not an Aalim but a jaahil mubtadi' mushrik kaafir.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by AlBaqir(m): 4:07pm On Apr 10, 2018

Any individual that is a grave worshipper is not an Aalim but a jaahil mubtadi' mushrik kaafir.

# Like the following "mushrikuna":

1. Sahabi Bilal (RA):

# Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani:

Ibn Abu Shaybah transmitted it with a " SOUND CHAIN OF TRANSMISSION" the narration from Abi Salih as Samaan
from Malik al Dar the treasurer of Umar (ra) that : The people were gripped by famine during the tenure of 'Umar
(Ibn al-Khattab). Then a man walked up to the Prophet's grave and said, "O Messenger of Allah, please ask for rain from Allah for your Ummah who is in dire straits." Then he saw the Prophet (SAW) in dream… till the end of hadith. Sayf narrates in his Fatuh, the one who saw the dream was Bilal bin Harith al Mazni who was one of the sahaba.

Source: Fath ul Bari : Volume No.2, Page No. 495

2. Sahabi Abu Ayyub al-Ansari:

Imam al-Hakim documents:

It is attributed to Dawud bin Abu Salih. He says: one day Marwan came and he saw that a man was lying down with his mouth turned close to the Prophet’s grave. Then he (Marwan) said to him, “Do you know what are you doing?”

When he moved towards him, he saw that it was Abu Ayyub al-Ansari . (In reply) he said, “Yes (I know) I have come to the Messenger of Allah (s) and not to a stone. I have heard it from the Messenger of God (s) not to cry over religion when its guardian is competent. Yes, shed tears over religion when its guardian is incompetent.

3. Prominent Sunni Imam Shafi:

He describes his own experience about the blessings of the tomb of Imam Abū Hanīfah: I derive blessing from the person of Imam Abu Hanifah and I visit his grave everyday. When I face a problem, I offer two optional cycles of prayer and visit his grave and (while standing) I pray to Allah to solve my problem. And I have not even left the place that my problem is solved.

4. Sunni Prominent Imam Al-Hafidh Ibn Hibban

Ibn Hibban (rah) relates his own account of going to Al-Ridha’s (rah) grave, performing Tawassul through him and states that whenever “I was afflicted with a problem during my stay in Tus, I would visit the grave of Ali bin Musa ar-Ridho (Allah (SWT)’s blessings be upon his grandfather and him) and ask Allah (SWT) to relieve me of that problem and it (my dua) would be answered and the problem alleviated. And this is something I did, and found to work, many times

Source: [Ibn Hibban, Kitab uth-Thiqat Volume 008, Page No. 456-7, #14411]

Obviously, there were many more "grave worshipper mushriqun" among the Sahabah, Tabi'ieen and prominent Sunni scholars. Abi bee koni Rashidi? grin grin grin
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 4:19pm On Apr 10, 2018

Stop saying "the famous hadeeth we all know", say the one you know, and knowledge don't end at what you know, hadeeth that mentioned Iraaq has been known for ages, so you should be humble enough to accept this hadeeth, I only brought up ibn Abdulwahhab because that was when the sufi grave worshippers started interpreting it as najd of Saudi since they knew he is from najd.

For the umpteenth time, there are many najds, and iraaq is one of them, the first hadeeth that mentions najd making it prone to unrestricted interpretation and we find another hadeeth that says iraaq hence restricting the intended meaning of " najd", what's difficult to understand there?

Any individual that is a grave worshipper is not an Aalim but a jaahil mubtadi' mushrik kaafir.
You see, problem with thier interpretation is base on what goes on in Iraq at the time which is proven in another narration posted by raintaker, that people of Iraq asked about killing of mosquitoes, killing on Hussayn and other etc. This is the reason they arrived at this conclusion by mentioning Iraq. But i am just curios why many of those scholars till date and you too refrain from quoting many ahadith clearly show timeline of kingdom of Saudi and Imam Mahdi, earthquake in medina that throws out kufar and munafiqun, fire in the arabia and all that. These are fitna obviously but i barely see them quote these ahadith except few like Abdulrahim Green and Sheikh Faisal (Jamaican). Most other relatively quite on this. Even at the time of nabi(saw), didnt his own people caused fitan even from Najd present location?.

I know Iraqi have been through a lot and especially a movie predicting current calamities in Baghdad. The movie was made int he 50s titled "Seven Voyage Of Sinbad" onishigi as i used to call it a child. All the atrocities that goes on in Iran at least post 9/11 al kaida, is!si etc had roots from Saudi. Isnt alkaida linked and emerged from there which hadith say "horn of shaytan" by funding those people and their khawarij brothers?. The menace did not necessarily started from Iraq.

If you want i can start posting those ahadith that directly effect the ruling kingdom, then you gonna have to choose which najd the hadith is talking about. Even islamqa reluctants before saying najd refers to iraq, and based their proof on 2 scholars interpretation. The website didnt shy away from saying there are different interpretation. So just wait as najd unfolds.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by AlBaqir(m): 4:44pm On Apr 10, 2018

The region was renamed Iraq in 1920 by the British.
This your Hadith is obviously Fabricated and Fake.


If you can't tell us what exactly is wrong with the hadeeth academically, then your defense is as weak as spider webs....

1. The hadith to start with is Mar'foo.

2. The hadith that mentioned "Najd vis-à-vis East" is Mutawattir.

Interestingly, the chain that mentioned "Najd vis-à-vis East" has been tampered with in Musnad Ahmad (or whatever other sources that copied it); perhaps, that's one of the reason it is Mar'foo.

Pix Attached is the hadith in Sahih Muslim and the one in Musnad Ahmad

# Sahih Muslim's chain:

Ibn Numayr - Ishaq (Ibn Sulayman) - Hanzala - Salim - Ibn Umar - (then to the holy) Prophet

# Musnad's chain:

Ibn Numayr - Hanzala - Salim - Ibn Umar - (then to the holy) Prophet

Like Raintaker said, it is a false hadith.

Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 5:19pm On Apr 10, 2018

1. The hadith to start with is Mar'foo.

2. The hadith that mentioned "Najd vis-à-vis East" is Mutawattir.

Interestingly, the chain that mentioned "Najd vis-à-vis East" [s]has been tampered with in Musnad Ahmad (or whatever other sources that copied it)[/s]; perhaps, that's one of the reason it is Mar'foo.

Pix Attached is the hadith in Sahih Muslim and the one in Musnad Ahmad

# Sahih Muslim's chain:

Ibn Numayr - Ishaq (Ibn Sulayman) - Hanzala - Salim - Ibn Umar - (then to the holy) Prophet

# Musnad's chain:

Ibn Numayr - Hanzala - Salim - Ibn Umar - (then to the holy) Prophet

Like Raintaker said, it is a false hadith.

Ya Albaqir when a hadeeth is marfoo' what's the meaning? You are just too ignorant, wallaahi, a marfoo' hadeeth is a hadeeth that has an unbroken chain to the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, so thank you very much for admitting the hadeeth is marfoo'grin cheesy...

By the way, the hadeeth I quoted is not via numayr....
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 5:24pm On Apr 10, 2018

# Like the following "mushrikuna":

1. Sahabi Bilal (RA):

# Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani:

Ibn Abu Shaybah transmitted it with a " SOUND CHAIN OF TRANSMISSION" the narration from Abi Salih as Samaan
from Malik al Dar the treasurer of Umar (ra) that : The people were gripped by famine during the tenure of 'Umar
(Ibn al-Khattab). Then a man walked up to the Prophet's grave and said, "O Messenger of Allah, please ask for rain from Allah for your Ummah who is in dire straits." Then he saw the Prophet (SAW) in dream… till the end of hadith. Sayf narrates in his Fatuh, the one who saw the dream was Bilal bin Harith al Mazni who was one of the sahaba.

Source: Fath ul Bari : Volume No.2, Page No. 495

2. Sahabi Abu Ayyub al-Ansari:

Imam al-Hakim documents:

It is attributed to Dawud bin Abu Salih. He says: one day Marwan came and he saw that a man was lying down with his mouth turned close to the Prophet’s grave. Then he (Marwan) said to him, “Do you know what are you doing?”

When he moved towards him, he saw that it was Abu Ayyub al-Ansari . (In reply) he said, “Yes (I know) I have come to the Messenger of Allah (s) and not to a stone. I have heard it from the Messenger of God (s) not to cry over religion when its guardian is competent. Yes, shed tears over religion when its guardian is incompetent.

3. Prominent Sunni Imam Shafi:

He describes his own experience about the blessings of the tomb of Imam Abū Hanīfah: I derive blessing from the person of Imam Abu Hanifah and I visit his grave everyday. When I face a problem, I offer two optional cycles of prayer and visit his grave and (while standing) I pray to Allah to solve my problem. And I have not even left the place that my problem is solved.

4. Sunni Prominent Imam Al-Hafidh Ibn Hibban

Ibn Hibban (rah) relates his own account of going to Al-Ridha’s (rah) grave, performing Tawassul through him and states that whenever “I was afflicted with a problem during my stay in Tus, I would visit the grave of Ali bin Musa ar-Ridho (Allah (SWT)’s blessings be upon his grandfather and him) and ask Allah (SWT) to relieve me of that problem and it (my dua) would be answered and the problem alleviated. And this is something I did, and found to work, many times

Source: [Ibn Hibban, Kitab uth-Thiqat Volume 008, Page No. 456-7, #14411]

Obviously, there were many more "grave worshipper mushriqun" among the Sahabah, Tabi'ieen and prominent Sunni scholars. Abi bee koni Rashidi? grin grin grin

Once I saw you are diverting the thread's attention I stopped reading it wallaahi, the thread is about najd not grave worshipping or tawassul and I can't waste my time on issue of tawassul with you, I prefer using that time to pick beans!

So albaqir tell us the meaning of a marfoo' hadeeth...
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 5:26pm On Apr 10, 2018
You see, problem with thier interpretation is base on what goes on in Iraq at the time which is proven in another narration posted by raintaker, that people of Iraq asked about killing of mosquitoes, killing on Hussayn and other etc. This is the reason they arrived at this conclusion by mentioning Iraq. But i am just curios why many of those scholars till date and you too refrain from quoting many ahadith clearly show timeline of kingdom of Saudi and Imam Mahdi, earthquake in medina that throws out kufar and munafiqun, fire in the arabia and all that. These are fitna obviously but i barely see them quote these ahadith except few like Abdulrahim Green and Sheikh Faisal (Jamaican). Most other relatively quite on this. Even at the time of nabi(saw), didnt his own people caused fitan even from Najd present location?.

I know Iraqi have been through a lot and especially a movie predicting current calamities in Baghdad. The movie was made int he 50s titled "Seven Voyage Of Sinbad" onishigi as i used to call it a child. All the atrocities that goes on in Iran at least post 9/11 al kaida, is!si etc had roots from Saudi. Isnt alkaida linked and emerged from there which hadith say "horn of shaytan" by funding those people and their khawarij brothers?. The menace did not necessarily started from Iraq.

If you want i can start posting those ahadith that directly effect the ruling kingdom, then you gonna have to choose which najd the hadith is talking about. Even islamqa reluctants before saying najd refers to iraq, and based their proof on 2 scholars interpretation. The website didnt shy away from saying there are different interpretation. So just wait as najd unfolds.

OK you've resorted to stories, you can't prove the hadeeth is false, your case is dismissed!
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 6:04pm On Apr 10, 2018

OK you've resorted to stories, you can't prove the hadeeth is false, your case is dismissed!
Escape route grin when you know for sure where i am driving at grin. The people that stretched and interpreted meaning of Najd, did they not tell stories before arriving at their conclusions? cheesy grin shocked shocked
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Empiree: 6:07pm On Apr 10, 2018

a marfoo' hadeeth is a hadeeth that has an unconnected chain to the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, so thank you very much for admitting the hadeeth is marfoo'grin cheesy.a numayr....
You did the same 2 yrs ago on dhirk debate but stubbornly clinged
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 6:08pm On Apr 10, 2018
Escape route grin when you know for sure where i am driving at grin. The people that stretched and interpreted meaning of Najd, did they not tell stories before arriving at their conclusions? cheesy grin shocked shocked

You are just too ridiculous and have a low personality.....

We are interested at what the hadeeth says, and the hadeeth specifies iraaq, you first wanted to fault the hadeeth, but you were flogged on that angle, then you try bring up irrelevances to the topic, Mr Empiree prove to us the hadeeth that specifies iraaq is a fraud then we might look at your story again...
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 6:09pm On Apr 10, 2018
You did the same 2 yrs ago on dhirk debate but stubbornly slinged

What did I say?
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by AlBaqir(m): 6:12pm On Apr 10, 2018

Ya Albaqir when a hadeeth is marfoo' what's the meaning? You are just too ignorant, wallaahi, a marfoo' hadeeth is a hadeeth that has an unconnected chain to the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, so thank you very much for admitting the hadeeth is marfoo'grin cheesy...

By the way, the way the hadeeth I quoted is not via numayr....

# You better removed the chewing gum in your eyes.

# We have proven to you the break in the hadith of Musnad. Ishaq got missing inbetween . How it is RAISED (MAR'FOO) to the Prophet is what is alarming. And foolishly, you continuously parading the "unconnected" hadith as if it is useful. The hadith is purely forged.

Between Hanzala and Ibn Numayr ?

# And I know you can never read your bunch of graveworshippers Kuffar Mushriqun.

How did I derailed? You passed a fatwa that all grave worshippers are Mushriqun, and I helped you bring out examples from Sahabah and your Imams.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 6:18pm On Apr 10, 2018

# You better removed the chewing gum in your eyes.

# We have proven to you the break in the hadith of Musnad. Ishaq got missing between . How it is RAISED (MAR'FOO) to the Prophet is what is alarming. The hadith is purely forged.

Between Hanzala and Ibn Numayr ?

# And I know you can never read your bunch of graveworshippers Kuffar Mushriqun.

How did I derailed? You passed a fatwa that all grave worshippers are Mushriqun, and I helped you bring out examples from Sahabah and your Imams.

Chai! Albaqir, you first used the word "marfoo'" as if its a bad thing, when your ignorance was unveiled you want to change what you were saying, anyway too bad the hadeeth I quoted did not come with that chain, even the one you are trying to fault if I decide to look at it very I know nothing is wrong with it, but anyway my chain is different........so try harder.....

Once again thanks for admitting the hadeeth is marfoo', this way we are sure you agree the hadeeth is authentic...

By the way that place I wrote "unconnected" it should be "unbroken" I used the word wrongly!
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by AlBaqir(m): 6:27pm On Apr 10, 2018

Chai! Albaqir, you first used the word "marfoo'" as if its a bad thing, when your ignorance was unveiled you want to change what you were saying, anyway too bad the hadeeth I quoted did not come with that chain, even the one you are trying to fault if u decide to look at it very I know nothing is wrong with it, but anyway my chain is different........so try harder.....

Once again thanks for admitting the hadeeth is marfoo', this way we are sure you agree the hadeeth is authentic...

By the way that place I wrote "unconnected" it should be "unbroken" I used the word wrongly!

# Are you sleeping ni? I was talking about a particular hadith, and in this case IT IS BAD ni o. I quoted the two chain and faulted the one of Musnad in which a glaring name was missing. That alone should tell you I am faulting the hadith.

Yes in the case of that hadith which I said it is Mar'foo, it is simply attributed to the Prophet in an unconnected chain; that makes it WEAK MAR'FOO Hadith. That render it useless.

# The chain is broken, and that is why I used unconnected.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by AlBaqir(m): 6:33pm On Apr 10, 2018

So albaqir tell us the meaning of a marfoo' hadeeth...

# It is simply an hadith attributed to the Prophet.

* Imagine how you wanna smuggle this type hadith to compete with a Mutawattir hadith. Are you well at all?
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by AlBaqir(m): 6:43pm On Apr 10, 2018

By the way, the hadeeth I quoted is not via numayr....
# Hadith with no sanad grin grin Give us the sanad and prove its rijal. grin grin
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 7:14pm On Apr 10, 2018

# Are you sleeping ni? I quoted the two chain and faulted the one of Musnad in which a glaring name was missing. That alone should tell you I am faulting the hadith.

Yes in the case of that hadith which I said it is Mar'foo, it is simply attributed to the Prophet in an unconnected chain. That render it useless.

# The chain is broken, and that is why I used unconnected.

Oga marfoo when used by muhaddithoon is tantamount to it being authentic.(made an error here)

Plus when you saw marfoo in that text you thought its a bad thing but again, is that the hadeeth. I quoted on this thread?
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by AlBaqir(m): 7:32pm On Apr 10, 2018

Oga marfoo when used by [s]muhaddithoon is tantamount to it being authentic[/s].

Plus when you saw marfoo in that text you thought its a bad thing but again, is that the hadeeth. I quoted on this thread?

# @cancelled, not in all cases. Several Mar'foo ahadith abound in Muwatta of Imam Malik which your scholars questioned.

# Like I asked you once, since when do you become "Olumoran okan" that it was the Mar'foo I saw grin? You could see the way I compared two almost similar chain.

Your biggest problem and the problem of those who graded the hadith as " Mar'foo" (supposedly being authentic) is that they never see the loop between Ibn Numayr and Hanzalah (or perhaps they saw but kept silent for deceptive reasons). And you foolishly think all "Mar'foo hadith are sahih grin grin

# Like I said the hadith is useless. And now we want you to provide us with the chain and proove of the one you are shouting about.
Re: Contextualising The Hadith Of Abdullah Ibn Umar –NAJD by Nobody: 7:34pm On Apr 10, 2018

# Hadith with no sanad grin grin Give us the sanad and prove its rijal. grin grin

You are ridiculous, I gave references!

This is the isnaad of the hadeeth

Ibn umar – his son saalim – tawbah al-'ambariy – Abdullaahi ibn qaasim– Abdullaahi ibn shawdhab – his father – Abbas ibn walid ibn mazyad al-bayrutiy – Muhammad ibn ya'qub ibn Yusuf.

Tell us who is daeef among them.

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