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Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 6:25am On Apr 14, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Jesus! I wonder when reading His words and seeing things happening EXACTLY as He said "just like the days of Noah". Jehovah revealed HIS intentions to Noah,Noah started telling his contemporaries but instead of listening to know God's decision to solve the imminent problem they're arguing probably saying "we're also good people, God won't kill us all leaving you and your family",Jehovah asked Noah to build the Ark, Noah went and started cutting timbers building a massive structure, he started gathering animals, he entered the Ark but they were still making jest of him. Of course they knew Noah's family to be exemplary but it's Jehovah's decision that sounds impossible to them "everybody is building fine houses with solid foundation but stupid Noah built his own with woods and no foundations" they'll say. Well if you must know, pure worship is about(1) God's original plan before creation,(2)what happened along the line that lead us to where we are today(3)what God did to restore things (4)and how God's original plan will be established. Jesus said "just like the days of Noah" your attitude today reminds us of His words. What's God's plan to solve the global problem? you don't know, all you know is that your leaders told you Jesus will carry all of una to heaven and that heaven self na two, where some people dey enjoy and where some start all over suffering again inside fire and they will not die! Hmmmmmmmmm your teachings reveals what's in your hearts.Jeremiah 7:31 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 8:39am On Apr 14, 2018 |
Riofidelio: So because Jehovah asked Noah to build an ark that means Jehovah chose your organization? You guys need psychological help. 1. Did God reveal his original plan before creation to your leaders? When and how did he do this? 2. When did you become God's decision maker? 3. So you people are now in God's mind? 4. Did God ever tell you how his original plan will be established? Religion built on lies and assumptions. For someone to constantly tell people they await destruction because they refused to join a man made organization and follow the orders of 8 old men in new York proves that this person waiting for the death of non jws is a psychopath. Noah was one man and had a family. God never said he will use an organization that is a publishing company, a company that is incorporated l, founded by US citizens, currently ruled by 8 old men in new york and has headquarters in new york to ensure salvation. If God wanted us to to join any organization He would have told us via the scriptures. I pity for you. You can never live a normal life. Every morning you wake up, the only thing you are fixated on is death of non jws and how you will enter the new world. Why are you guys so preoccupied by death of non jws and Armageddon? No wonder majority of you guys suffer from anxiety disorders and depression. Anxiety disorders comes from the fact that you people are always expecting your jehovah to come slaughter and murder non jws while depression is as a result of your wishes never happening. Just like your founding fathers wished and died so will you continue to wish till you die |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 8:49am On Apr 14, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:2Peter 3:3-6 Your comments are well noted thanks! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 9:01am On Apr 14, 2018 |
Riofidelio:Buhaha. Mark my words you will keep wishing for death of non jws till your death bed and nothing will ever happen. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 1:46pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:One thing that's remarkable about Jehovah! HE always leave none JWs alone when they have nothing to do with US. History has shown that whenever they're standing against pure worship that's when Jehovah destroys them and another thing is before they perish they'll realize that the invisible and invincible mighty Spirit is killing them because they're opposing Jehovah's witnesses! Genesis 7:23 Exodus 14:14,25 Judges7:7 2Kings19:35 It would have made sense if you're saying you belong to the Camp of that same God but to deny the fact that God can't do what HE has done several times in past is tantamount to saying "Jesus was out of His mind" Matthew 24:27,Luke 17:26 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 2:42pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
O please, is this how the JW's react, a mighty spirit is roaming around murdering those apposing outside the Watchtower, really, threatening someone with death threats, is your best solution. Anybody that don't have anything to do with the JW's, is smart, it is not because God will leave them alone, it is actually common sense.. Riofidelio: 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 3:13pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
brocab:My friend, i quoted Jesus' comment so it's not about JWs anymore. It's about identifying those that are within Jesus' camp TODAY! If you're a contemporary of Jesus (a young man of about 33 years of age) saying that whoever refuses to follow Him will perish just like those that died in Noah's day(John 3:16-18) how would you feel? Most especially when you're already practicing a well established religion and your religious leaders are furiously criticizing this young man! Would it not make more sense meditating on the young man's claims rather than saying "God can't kill everybody and leave only your followers"? Moreover, do you believe those recorded events actually happened or thought they're mere fables? Please read them again and prayerfully meditate on what led to those events and think about that God who did those things, can HE still do the same again just as Jesus (who claims to be HIS son) said? Please instead of thinking of how to criticize Jehovah's witnesses, why not think of how to identify those who belong to that God today and join them to know Where the endtime life saving Ark is heading to? |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 4:25pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
Riofidelio: Nothing will ever happen to non jws. Your wish will never come true. Like I said you will keep wishing and hoping your jehovah will come for religious cleansing/ mass murder/ greatest genocide/ mass slaughter of non jws and nothing will ever happen. Your wish is evil. Your religion has removed every ounce of humanity left in you. You just a robot. For you to keep repeating that your god will slaughter people because they chose not to join your religious organization shows you are an unrepentant psychopath. Your passion is awaiting the slaughter of non jws. No empathy, no love, no compassion. Your religion is really a doomsday cult and you are not mentally stable 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 5:34pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Hallelujah! There remains nothing in your brains again except outright condemnation of God's word, whether you like it or not God's word has been written and it's clear that there's always been an organization practicing pure worship in every generation. Of course God often organized IMPERFECT descendants of Adam to put Satan to shame that no matter what condition there will always be few ones remaining on God's side. Agents of Satan can't erase all these facts from the Bible, so it's either you join God's people or stay clear but if you continue agitating against Jehovah's witnesses your time is close! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 9:19pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
Riofidelio:When did God say he will destroy people who share different views from jws? When did God say not agreeing with jws is equivalent to obeying him? You are truly mentally unstable. How are we agitating against you? You think we are dumb to share in your non biblical teachings? Death threat because we share different views. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 9:38pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
Riofidelio: Well, all your evil thoughts towards non jws are only in your head and will remain there. Your religion is really a thought damaging religion. See the things you long for. Smh |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 11:01pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:What does it cost you too to claim the same thing? Muslims are claiming that whoever fails to follow Muhammad will burn in hell, you're not agitating against them.Christendom is claiming that whoever fails to follow Jesus will burn in hell and their Pastors are insisting people must come to their Church or face condemnation, you're not agitating against them.Jehovah's witnesses are claiming God will destroy non JWs you're crying as if you've never heard something similar before! Well i'll help you, just mention the name of your religious group and we'll give you assurance just like Rehab's family in Jericho but as for the destruction of non JWs it's certainly going to happen! 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 11:06pm On Apr 14, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:It's clear that if you're a contemporary of Jesus you'll do worse things to Christians than Paul did, because Jesus' view regarding the destruction of those opposing Him and His group cannot be overemphasized! John 3:16 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 1:16am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio: How will I do worse things? When it's you and your organization that wants non jws slaughtered by your god. So your god will just stay and say he will destroy/slaughter billions because they chose not to follow the orders of 8 old men in new York aka gb? How did holding contrary views to your gb become equivalent to opposing Jesus? Your evil thoughts towards non jws will never come to pass. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 1:24am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio: The mental illness is really deep. So you wake up every morning thinking about the destruction of non jws by your god? Your religion is one filled with hatred and mentally unstable people. No normal human being in your religion. You guys are robots. Your new system will stink of dead bodies. So you will be stepping on dead bodies wherever you go in your new system. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 6:42am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:I wish it would never come to pass too because i don't want to see people die but it's Jehovah's judicial decisions that evildoers will be destroyed(Psalm 37:8-11) that's why HE sent US to declare to them what HE wants to do as the condition we're having on Earth now isn't what HE purposed it to be.(Matthew 24:14,28:19/20) So just like the days of Noah that everyone outside the Ark died the same thing is about to happen. Luke 17:21,2Peter 3:5-7 What i expected to be a matter of serious concern to any normal person is how to be amongst those who will survive that destruction not bothering about God's decision for saving just few! Luke 13:23/24 After destroying every living thing on dry land NOBODY sued Jehovah to court for wiping away those who refused to listen to Noah, HE was only concerned about other living creatures that died along with that unrepentant rebellious. Genesis 8:20-22 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 6:59am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:It's OK we're sorry for hurting your feelings but we can't stop warning people just because you don't want to hear God's decision regarding the deplorable condition on Earth today! That's why i'm promising you that you should tell US about yourself so that we can beg Jehovah for you just like we did for Rehab and her family in Jericho but as for the coming destruction of non JWs even the entire Jehovah's witnesses worldwide can't change Jehovah's mind on that! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 7:26am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Mr/Mrs Hairyrapunzel, i really feel for you but there's little we can do to help your situation.If you believe in God we're ready to teach you about HIS ways from the Bible and if you don't believe we're still ready to teach you how we came to conclude that HE lives. So just humble yourself before Jehovah by welcoming HIS witnesses to learn about HIM from the Bible all that's written in it are real events that happened and believing in HIM means acknowledging the fact that such a Person with all those records of HIS past deeds can't change because HE never make mistakes so HE can still do what HE did before "if the situation warrants it". 2Peter 3:1-12 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 9:28am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Considering your comments i've noticed that you're not interested what is right or wrong from God's standpoint, so i'll like to tell you that HE is the Landlord of our well furnished planet Earth and that HE won't tolerate those who are ruining it to continue doing so forever. That's why Jehovah's witnesses (those who believes there must be standards) came to know HIM and HE gathered US together to form one global family, then HE revealed to US HIS plans to restore things back to normal. So don't think it's everyone claiming JW will survive that coming destruction "it's ONLY those who strongly believe in HIS decisions by acting in line with it and actively involved in warning those who don't know about it" It's just like when 12 spies were sent to Canaan 10 doubt Jehovah's ability to fulfill HIS plans but two came back with strengthening words to assure Jehovah's people that it's possible, of course you know the remaining part of that story. So whoever claims to be a Jehovah's witness but not fully convinced about Jehovah's judicial decisions can't survive that destruction, so don't think you're alone. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:08am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio: Why would God kill people because they don't agree with gb non biblical teaching? Are you God? So why should you be judging from his standpoint? When did he make you judge? When did God say he will kill people because they didn't pay allegiance to an organization? When did God tell you he will slaughter people because they don't distribute watchtower publications? You really need a mental health check cos you are mentally ill. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:11am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio: You said God never makes mistakes yet you claim he made a big mistake by not writing down that billions of people will die because they chose not to join an organization whose headquarters is in new York in his holy book Your jehovah is a psychopath who makes mistakes all the time. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:13am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio:When did God say his decision is to kill or slaughter people because they don't belong to watchtower organization? Show me where in the Bible or is it a story fabricated by your leaders? |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:18am On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio: So Your greatest wish is for your jehovah to commit the greatest genocide ever known to man. You guys are really mentally deranged. So every morning you wake up you look forward to the mass slaughter you always think of? So the reason for this genocide now is because people refused to join watchtower organization? Your jehovah is a pathetic loser. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 4:42pm On Apr 15, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:You need an urgent mental examining because i can't just imagine why you're so concerned and disturbed about the claims of a religious group that you're so sure are psychopaths! Normally no sane individual will think twice about what a confirmed lunatic is saying! Obviously you're stubbornly lying to your own soul my friend and that's so pathetic. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 4:51pm On Apr 15, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:If you're sincere with yourself, why are you so disturbed? It's only a lunatic that will feel concerned with the utterances from a fellow lunatic. Hairyrapunzel my friend, please stop deceiving yourselve because it's not going to benefit you in any way! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 4:56pm On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio: Murderer. Lol. Your wishes will only be inside your head. How am I lying to my soul? Your jehovah is a pathetic loser before na. Wanting to kill people for not joining watchtower and following the orders of 8 old men in new York who run a publishing company. You are just pained because I know your thoughts are insane. Only a mentally unstable person will wish for their god to kill people because they refused to pay allegiance to an organization. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 5:04pm On Apr 15, 2018 |
Riofidelio: A lunatic will never know the utterances of another lunatic. Only a sane person knows when another has become mentally unstable. Eg normal people take their mentally ill relatives to psychiatric hospitals to get help. You need serious psychiatric help. I will keep pointing out to you that you are a psychopath for saying your God will destroy people like in the days of Noah because they refused to agree with your non biblical teaching and governing body Bible interpretation. FYI God promised he will never destroy the earth like that again. I guess you don't ever read the bible so you don't know this. Sick religion that has sick followers. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 5:27pm On Apr 15, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Then why not just waka pass if you're so sure of what you're saying? You've been agitating because of what Jehovah's witnesses are claiming instead of walking away normally as if you've seen real psychopaths! You've been deceiving yourself for so long to the extent that you're no more thinking straight again "every normal person will walk away when they notice that someone is a lunatic,never will a normal person stand with lunatics and start arguing profusely the way you're doing" My friend STOP DECEIVING YOURSELF! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 5:39pm On Apr 15, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Jesus was arrested,beating,tried falsely,judged wrongly and executed by those who were not feeling comfortable with His claims. But notice Pontius Pilate,he see Jesus as just a mentally unstabled guy so he was not concerned with what Jesus is saying. What about majority in Judea? Jesus was like a psychopath to them! But to Satan's agents like you they're threatened by what harmless Jesus and His easygoing followers are claiming! You're calling the most peace-loving group on Earth murderers, those who's religion has taught them never to carry harmful weapons. Now it's clear i've been wasting my time with a lunatic! Farewell. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 1:19am On Apr 16, 2018 |
"Ho" you are perishing alright, but the problem is you can't see it, you may think God will destroy you-for instants, like in the day's of Noah's, but even then those people that drowned, didn't drown over night. "You believe God told you to preach the Watchtower gospel, then believe you are perishing, Jesus said: repent and turn from your wicked ways and cry out unto the Lord and ask for your forgiveness you sinners, and remember this blind man, the blind can only lead the blind.. Riofidelio:The point you are not understanding here, 'is, Jesus said: receive the Holy Spirit-go out unto the nations and "PREACH HIS GOSPEL. This can't be done: without having the Holy spirit, the Holy spirit teaches us all things.. {John 14:26} But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you. You need to ask yourself? Are you Holy Spirit filled preaching Jesus, or are you still in the flesh preaching Jehovah? Ask yourself why do you feel the need of magazines, when the KJ bible has all the answers that is needed to believe in Christ. The Watchtower magazines are full of cartoon stories-living with Doctor Do Little talking to the animals, do you think this is the literature Christ asked you to go out to preach ![]() Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 6:59am On Apr 16, 2018 |
brocab:Once you are surely doing fine in the work of the Lord, any effective technique is welcome! As long as those you're teaching are displaying the fruitage of God's Holy Spirit. Gal 5:22/23 So my friend the evidence is their it's you that can't see it. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 7:02am On Apr 16, 2018 |
Riofidelio: You say you don't carry weapons on earth yet you want your jehovah to slaughter people because they ain't jws. Your Anthony morris even said he will be beside his Jesus slaughtering non jws with his sword. |
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