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Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. - Politics - Nairaland

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Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Sunnynwa: 4:46pm On May 22, 2018
President Muhammadu Buhari has praised late military dictator Sani Abacha for his work in building infrastructure.

Speaking at the villa on Tuesday when he hosted the Buhari Support Organisation (BSO), led by Hameed Ali, Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Buhari said that regardless of what anyone thinks about Abacha, it must be remembered that subsequent civilian presidents spent billions on naira in infrastructure yet have had little to show for it.

In a comment that appeared directed at former president Olusegun Obasanjo, Buhari specifically noted: “You know the rail was killed and one of the former Heads of State between that time was bragging that he spent more than 15 billion American dollars not Naira on power. Where is the power? Where is the power?”

The President also spoke about the nation’s buoyant crude oil earnings in the past, compared to the meagre earnings during his administration, wondering why past governments ended up in debt rather than a deep purse.

“I have to repeat what I want public to know here. Some of you may not have heard it. Either there is no power in your place or even in the television, I said and I challenge anybody to check from Europe, Asia and America. Between 1999 and 2014, Nigeria was getting 2.1 million barrels per day at average cost of $100 dollars per barrel,” he said.

“It went up to $143. So Nigeria was earning 2.1m million times 100 times 16 years seven days a week. When we came, it collapsed to $37-38 and it was oscillating between 40 and 54 sometimes. I went to the Governor of Central Bank; thank goodness I did not sack him; he is still there! I went with my cap in my hand but there were no savings, only debt.

“And you know more than I do the condition of the roads and some of them were not repaired since PTF days. No matter what opinion you have about Abacha, I agreed to work with him and the PTF road we did from here to Port Harcourt, to Onitsha, to Benin and so on... On top of other things in the institution, education, medical care and so on.

“You know the rail was killed and one of the former Heads of State between that time was bragging that he spent more than $15billion, not naira, on power. Where is the power? Where is the power? And now we have to pay the debts and this year and last year's budgets I took to the National Assembly were the highest in capital projects: more than N1.3trillion.

“Let anybody come and confront me publicly in the National Assembly. What have they been doing? Some of them have been there for 10 years. What have they been doing? So, really, this country, luckily for me, I said it about eight years [ago] that we have no other country than Nigeria, we should remain here and salvage it together no matter what you have outside.”


12 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by HonSuQMaDIQ(m): 4:47pm On May 22, 2018
grin cheesy
Avians of similar plumage congregate in cahoots

255 Likes 13 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by BankeSmalls(f): 4:57pm On May 22, 2018
And somebody was spinning us that this man is not the most corrupt man in Africa today?

237 Likes 13 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by softmind24: 4:59pm On May 22, 2018

Key board warrior over to you guys


Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by ZombiePUNISHER: 5:00pm On May 22, 2018
Buhari is not only a terrorist

But a sick one... Bloody thief

210 Likes 15 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Paperwhite(m): 5:03pm On May 22, 2018
Can Buhari reasonable correlate his "Abacha didn't stole a dime" statement with the staggering amount of returned looted funds traced to his despot dictator brother?
A friend to a thief is also a thief.

243 Likes 12 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Paperwhite(m): 5:05pm On May 22, 2018
“Let anybody come and confront me publicly in the National Assembly. What have they been doing? Some of them have been there for 10 years. What have they been doing?......”

Instead of this president to be showing or telling us what he has done he rather choose to obsesse Nigerians with what the NASS have or have not done.
You don't promotes nationalism this way.Buhari's lies & shamelessness have no beginning or ending.

110 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by SamuelAnyawu(m): 5:06pm On May 22, 2018
I will forever give my kudos to Abacha on PTF. Till date most Federal hospitals still use PTF Beds, Bedsheets and hospital equipments.... Some Schools still have ptf books in their libraries

129 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Nobody: 5:11pm On May 22, 2018
so buhari was abacha's side kick and partner in crime in the legendary looting business of 1990's.

33 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Sunnynwa: 5:45pm On May 22, 2018
Lalasticlala over to you.

1 Like

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Nobody: 5:58pm On May 22, 2018
sentiments apart, Abacha had some infrastructural developments on ground. most popular amongst them was the famed Gwarimpa housing estate he constructed for civil servants. he died and successive governments highjacked the projects and shared amongst their cronies.

65 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by OfficialRasheed: 6:22pm On May 22, 2018
B okoharam
U nemployment
H erdsmen
A rmed robbery
R ecession
I nsecurity

146 Likes 14 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by vedaxcool(m): 6:33pm On May 22, 2018
sentiments apart, Abacha had some infrastructural developments on ground. most popular amongst them was the famed Gwarimpa housing estate he constructed for civil servants. he died and successive governments highjacked the projects and shared amongst their cronies.

Sentiments is all you will see in this thread, Abacha stole but gave infrastructure others stole and gave nothing... Civilian governments disappoints massively.

69 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by fallout87: 7:11pm On May 22, 2018
Buhari is just corrupt to his core. From theft to power abuse he embodies corruption.

13 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by maestroferddi: 7:31pm On May 22, 2018
Every country deserves the kind of leaders they get.

Buhari has this impudence to fob off rubbish on our collective intelligence because most Nigerians are generally dumb.

53 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Mogidi: 7:42pm On May 22, 2018
Buhari said in the past that Abacha never stole any money.
Its a fact Buhari colluded with Abacha to steal those billions in the 90s when Buhari was Abacha's PTF chairman.
You can't say Abacha is corrupt and then exonerate Buhari who colluded with Abacha to steal our commonwealth.

43 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Obijulius: 7:42pm On May 22, 2018
Buhari please go and join Abacha and continue the good works!

Make I help Aisha ministry!

I don’t respond to mentions. Feel free to quote me though....

32 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by obembet(f): 7:42pm On May 22, 2018
Where jare BUHARI..

Though abacha is beta
Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by northvietnam(m): 7:43pm On May 22, 2018
Abacha wey be


ok Bubu kwantinue..

4 Likes 1 Share

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by CriticMaestro: 7:43pm On May 22, 2018
You wetin u do mumu


Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by nkwuocha: 7:43pm On May 22, 2018
This Una president mumuism na carry real horsepower.


Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by akeentech(m): 7:43pm On May 22, 2018
Like Buhari like Abacha

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by heffem(m): 7:44pm On May 22, 2018
Abacha built roads, hospitals.... Oga, which one you build?

22 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by slawomir: 7:46pm On May 22, 2018
Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by opyzy(m): 7:46pm On May 22, 2018
When people praise abacha, I'm like... angry

25 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by osemoses1234(m): 7:46pm On May 22, 2018
This ewu don start again


Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by Nobody: 7:47pm On May 22, 2018
Defending the present APC administration in a public bus should be included in 1000 ways to die besides whenever I see BUHARI or OSINBAJO on my television, I always rush to where I kept my PVC to check if it's still there.

38 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by StaffofOrayan(m): 7:47pm On May 22, 2018
Nigeria is the capital of Mediocre celebration
Abacha that Nigeria rejoiced when he died

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: Buhari Praises Abacha: He Built Roads, Hospitals. by anataala: 7:47pm On May 22, 2018
B okoharam
U nemployment
H erdsmen
A rmed robbery
R ecession
I nsecurity

3 Likes 2 Shares

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