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The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 9:58pm On May 27, 2018

Are u a Christian?

I practice right hand witchcraft. It is not the one you think you know. The use of witchcraft for evil is known as left hand witchcraft and is common in Nigeria. grin
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by UDUJ(m): 10:00pm On May 27, 2018
Lilith Was Banished By God For Being More Willful

Lilith is said to have been the first woman in the world and was created by God at the same time as he created Adam from the dust. It is said that Lilith was then banished and rejected by God after Adam complained that she was stronger and more intelligent than Adam and she would not obey the commands of Adam.

The character was not mentioned in the modern Bible we use today because the story was said to go against the tradition of the European catholic church in that women must obey a man and women were in a lower position than men.
The traditional Bible has gone through many religious filters to ensure that it loses some of the important sections and pieces. However, there is a part that has been left in it that suggests God created not only a man but a woman, both being from the dust instead of the woman being from the rib as it has been suggested in the modern Bible.

Catholic churches censored the apocryphal texts. Lilith had been a woman who had a character that was firm, and she was intelligent and seemed to be superior to Adam. However, Adam was more dominant in character and had a carnal appetite. In intimacy, Lilith demanded that Adam be on her, and she could be on him, but Adam refused.

This was said to have caused conflict and so there was a separation of the two and Lilith was banned by God when Adam asked. The apocryphal book of Genesis states “Why should I lie beneath you? He asked: I was also made with dust, and therefore I am your equal … As Adam tried to force her to obey, Lilith, angry, pronounced the name of God, and left.”

When Lilith was gone, God realized that Adam was all alone again and chose to make him a companion. This time in order to ensure that is companion would be obedient he took one of Adams own ribs and created Eve.

Eve was the second wife of Adam and in the Bible was said to be the one behind the sin of the forbidden fruit. Adam was said to have lived with Eve without issue until they both got expelled from paradise and this was when humanity in permanent sin started.

Lilith was the first woman, before Eve, to exist but she was more intelligent and rebellious and had a better character than man, so she was punished and censored.

Please be careful what you post here. Lilith is a Demon.

From Wikipedia: Lilith (/ˈlɪlɪθ/; Hebrew: לִילִית‎ Lîlîṯ) is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (3rd to 5th centuries). Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness.[1] The character is generally thought to derive in part from a historically far earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in ancient Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia.


Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:01pm On May 27, 2018

This is the bible! The bible that was taken away by the catholic church to fit their doctrine.

Please do your research well, Lilith is Jewish mythology and NOT the bible.. Stop sinking every information you get online "hook, line and sinker." The cyber space program is censored. Some of the informations you get here are lies. Don't ask me how I know this.. Remember the Bible says TEST all spirits.
Stay blessed


Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:02pm On May 27, 2018

Please be careful what you post here. Lilith is a Demon.

From Wikipedia: Lilith (/ˈlɪlɪθ/; Hebrew: לִילִית‎ Lîlîṯ) is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (3rd to 5th centuries). Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness.[1] The character is generally thought to derive in part from a historically far earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in ancient Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia.

Who is the author? What are the sources? Are you aware that Wikipedia is a community driven website, which can lead information to be inaccurate? This could have been written by any regular person. Wikipedia is unreliable.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:03pm On May 27, 2018

Please do your research well, Lilith is Jewish mythology and NOT the bible.. Stop sinking every information you get online "hook, line and sinker." The cyber space program is censored. Some of the informations you get here are lies. Don't ask me how I know this.. Remember the Bible says TEST all spirits.
Stay blessed

The old testament was written entirely by Jewish people. Christianity came about from Judaism. Jesus was a Jewish man!
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by UDUJ(m): 10:03pm On May 27, 2018

Who is the author? What are the sources? Are you aware that Wikipedia is a community driven website, which can lead information to be inaccurate? This could have been written by any regular person. Wikipedia is unreliable.

I am well read on religious doctrines. Please take this demonic stuff elsewhere. We don't need it here. Thanks.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:07pm On May 27, 2018

I am well read on religious doctrines. Please take this demonic stuff elsewhere. We don't need it here. Thanks.

You must be a shell of a man to not be able to go out and actually think, research, and consider new information.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by ubunja(m): 10:10pm On May 27, 2018

If I may ask, I am very curious as to why you are so against women being equal and getting respected? I'm willing to answer your questions about feminism and equality if you can answer mine.
im all for equality of genders. but marriage is no place for equality.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:11pm On May 27, 2018
im all for equality of genders. but marriage is no place for equality.

Why do you think so?
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by ubunja(m): 10:13pm On May 27, 2018

Why do you think so?
no country has 2 presidents. no home has 2 heads.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:14pm On May 27, 2018
no country has 2 presidents. no home has 2 heads.

But a president is chosen, he earns his title. It isn't just handed to him.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:16pm On May 27, 2018

You must be a shell of a man to not be able to go out and actually think, research, and consider new information.
Sister your logic is wacky

Christians practicing Christianity have corroborated the events In the Bible on numerous occasions. You don't practice Christianity, but some form of voodooism.

Thus, you cannot use disputed information to encourage Christians to change their orientation about our own holy book. If you have to dispute our accounts of creation, then you basically have to do it in its totality, which will make your story void aswell.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by ubunja(m): 10:18pm On May 27, 2018

But a president is chosen, he earns his title. It isn't just handed to him.
and you think a man is not chosen? does a woman just walk up to a man on the street and marry him?
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:18pm On May 27, 2018
Sister your logic is wacky

Christians practicing Christianity have corroborated the events In the Bible on numerous occasions. You don't practice Christianity, but some form of voodooism.

Thus, you cannot use disputed information to encourage Christians to change their orientation about our own holy book. If you have to dispute our accounts of creation, then you basically have to do it in its totality, which will make your story void aswell.

Your so called holy book has been edited for thousands and years and many mistranslations. あなたと地獄に
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:20pm On May 27, 2018
and you think a man is not chosen? does a woman just walk up to a man on the street and marry him?
That seems like a fair point. Shouldn't submission be an option? Feminism is about women having the option to do what they want be it being submissive to their husband or being equal if they want to.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by UDUJ(m): 10:23pm On May 27, 2018

You must be a shell of a man to not be able to go out and actually think, research, and consider new information.

If you say so.

Please read the text below and pay particular attention to the coloured boldfaces:

In an effort to explain inconsistencies in the Old Testament, there developed in Jewish literature a complex interpretive system called the midrash which attempts [/b]to reconcile biblical contradictions and bring new meaning to the scriptural text.

[b]Employing both a philological method and often an ingenious imagination, midrashic writings, which reached their height in the 2nd century CE, influenced later Christian interpretations of the Bible
. Inconsistencies in the story of Genesis, especially the two separate accounts of creation, received particular attention. Later, beginning in the 13th century CE, such questions were also taken up in Jewish mystical literature known as the Kabbalah.

According to midrashic literature, Adam's first wife was not Eve but a woman named Lilith, who was created in the first Genesis account. Only when Lilith rebelled and abandoned Adam did God create Eve, in the second account, as a replacement. In an important 13th century Kabbalah text, the Sefer ha-Zohar ("The Book of Splendour"wink written by the Spaniard Moses de Leon (c. 1240-1305), it is explained that:

At the same time Jehovah created Adam, he created a woman, Lilith, who like Adam was taken from the earth. She was given to Adam as his wife. But there was a dispute between them about a matter that when it came before the judges had to be discussed behind closed doors. She spoke the unspeakable name of Jehovah and vanished.
In the Alpha Betha of Ben Sira (Alphabetum Siracidis, or Sepher Ben Sira), an anonymous collection of midrashic proverbs probably compiled in the 11th century C.E., it is explained more explicitly that the conflict arose because Adam, as a way of asserting his authority over Lilith, insisted that she lie beneath him during sexual intercourse (23 A-B). Lilith, however, considering herself to be Adam's equal, refused, and after pronouncing the Ineffable Name (i.e. the magic name of God) flew off into the air.

Adam, distraught and no doubt also angered by her insolent behaviour, wanted her back. On Adam's request, God sent three angels, named Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof, who found her in the Red Sea. Despite the threat from the three angels that if she didn't return to Adam one hundred of her sons would die every day, she refused, claiming that she was created expressly to harm newborn infants. However, she did swear that she would not harm any infant wearing an amulet with the images and/or names of the three angels on it.

At this point, the legend of Lilith as the "first Eve" merges with the earlier legend of Sumero-Babylonian origin, dating from around 3,500 BCE, of Lilith as a winged female demon who kills infants and endangers women in childbirth. In this role, she was one of several mazakim or "harmful spirits" known from incantation formulas preserved in Assyrian, Hebrew, and Canaanite inscriptions intended to protect against them. As a female demon, she is closely related to Lamashtu whose evilness included killing children, drinking the blood of men, and eating their flesh. Lamashtu also caused pregnant women to miscarry, disturbed sleep and brought nightmares.

In turn, Lamashtu is like another demonized female called Lamia, a Libyan serpent goddess, whose name is probably a Greek variant of Lamashtu. Like Lamashtu, Lamia also killed children. In the guise of a beautiful woman, she also seduced young men. In the Latin Vulgate Bible, Lamia is given as the translation of the Hebrew Lilith (and in other translations it is given as "screech owl" and "night monster"wink.

It needs to be remembered that these demonic "women" are essentially personifications of unseen forces invented to account for otherwise inexplicable events and phenomena which occur in the real world. Lilith, Lamashtu, Lamia and other female demons like them are all associated with the death of children and especially with the death of newborn infants.

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Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:23pm On May 27, 2018

Your so called holy book has been edited for thousands and years and many mistranslations. あなたと地獄に
like I have stated earlier, the information regarding creation is well corroborated by Christians even as of today who claim to have spoken with the holy spirit.

If you believe those claims are false, then Christianity must be a scam. Therefore. the hidden story about creation never existed to begin with.

Don't you get it?

Your logic is defeated by your own arguments
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:26pm On May 27, 2018
like I have stated earlier, the information regarding creation is well corroborated by Christians even as of today who claim to have spoken with the holy spirit.

If you believe those claims are false, then Christianity must be a scam. Therefore. the hidden story about creation never existed to begin with.

Don't you get it?

Your logic is defeated by your own arguments
Christianity is a scam and the stories did not exist! I am not contradicting anything.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by kurupt1: 10:27pm On May 27, 2018

Please be careful what you post here. Lilith is a Demon.

From Wikipedia: Lilith (/ˈlɪlɪθ/; Hebrew: לִילִית‎ Lîlîṯ) is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud (3rd to 5th centuries). Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness.[1] The character is generally thought to derive in part from a historically far earlier class of female demons (lilītu) in ancient Mesopotamian religion, found in cuneiform texts of Sumer, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, and Babylonia.
Are u surprised..... Don't u know feminism is from the pit of hell.How can ladies be claiming equality but in reality men are smarter, stronger than women. What is equal about that!
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:29pm On May 27, 2018

Christianity is a scam!
That is what you were Insinuating because you claim what we know is not true or lies.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:30pm On May 27, 2018
Are u surprised..... Don't u know feminism is from the pit of hell,that has been packaged to look sweet.How can ladies be claiming equality but in the fucking stealing men are smarter, stronger than women. What is equal about that!

Men are proven to be physically stronger than woman, but intelligence isn't really an evolutionary thing.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:33pm On May 27, 2018

Christianity is a scam and the stories did not exist! I am not contradicting anything.
Which basically means this thread is not necessary.

if you are not contradicting yourself why come here to spread the information in the first place?
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:37pm On May 27, 2018
Which basically means this thread is not necessary.

if you are not contradicting yourself why come here to spread the information in the first place?

Educating you on your own religion. Actually, to be honest I don't know I just thought it was interesting.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by kurupt1: 10:39pm On May 27, 2018

Men are proven to be physically stronger than woman, but intelligence isn't really an evolutionary thing.
Men are more intelligent than women,women seem to be intelligent at times cos they have better speech skills than men.But when it comes to critical thinking which a huge aspect of intelligence, women are zero.Tell me an invention a woman has done in this world?
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by EzendiEgo1: 10:39pm On May 27, 2018
the way internet is making people informed, the church is in serious trouble, I cant doubt the op, but I will watch on the sidelines as the church exposed and then I will come outside, for now, i'm a good christian grin
Shut that mouth bro
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:42pm On May 27, 2018

I practice right hand witchcraft. It is not the one you think you know. The use of witchcraft for evil is known as left hand witchcraft and is common in Nigeria. grin
O, OK.
I have nothing to say to u.
But since u are not a Christian u shouldn't be talking about the bible instead, talk more about Ur right hand witchcraft.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:43pm On May 27, 2018

O, OK.
I have nothing to say to u.
But since u are not a Christian why are u talking about the bible?

I felt like it.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:45pm On May 27, 2018
Men are more intelligent than women,women seem to be intelligent at times cos they have better speech skills than men.But when it comes to critical thinking which a huge aspect of intelligence, women are zero.Tell me an invention a woman has done in this world?

The car ac system was invited by a woman, the strongest material on earth, Kevlar, was invented by a woman, solar heating was invented by a woman, and the modern refrigerator.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:47pm On May 27, 2018

Educating you on your own religion. Actually, to be honest I don't know I just thought it was interesting.
ok good night
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Nobody: 10:48pm On May 27, 2018

I read the article and felt the need to share. Correct me if need be.
Thanks for Ur sincerity but try to verify the authenticity of articles on internet before sharing because in this internet age, people can go all out to cause more harm with twisted information because they know that no matter how crazy they are, there must be curious followers who will want to take that information.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by Ivorianaija(f): 10:53pm On May 27, 2018
I'm going to bed and if anything happens you're all on your own.
Re: The First Independant Woman: Adam's First Wife Lillith by ubunja(m): 10:55pm On May 27, 2018

That seems like a fair point. Shouldn't submission be an option? Feminism is about women having the option to do what they want be it being submissive to their husband or being equal if they want to.
true. and that attitude, although not bad in itself, is detrimental for marrige

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