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Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk - Health (4403) - Nairaland

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Beryl15: 3:32am On Jun 09, 2018
After almost 4yrs of Ttc and 2failed ivf.....finally here....Team December ❤️
Booking 100 spaces for my ATC sisters....2018 is our year������
Congrats mama and wish you a smooth and healthy pregnancy. kiss team Dec, you people should come and carry your member.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Beryl15: 3:34am On Jun 09, 2018
thank you ma just that some elderly woman around will be telling me this one Oga travel na only your blood this your baby they use oh,so that kind statement really got me confused
And she now put you on high jump grin
when I was pregnant with my first I was told drinking cold water causes jaundice grin grin
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by nnekaike(f): 5:36am On Jun 09, 2018

And she now put you on high jump grin
when I was pregnant with my first I was told drinking cold water causes jaundice grin grin
I was told cold water will make my baby Autistic,see me depriving myself of water during my first and second trimester because ordinary water won't go down,I drank one sachet water every two days.The things we hear when we are pregnant ehen.


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by nnekaike(f): 5:37am On Jun 09, 2018
After almost 4yrs of Ttc and 2failed ivf.....finally here....Team December ❤️
Booking 100 spaces for my ATC sisters....2018 is our year������
Big congratulations mama and welcome.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 6:15am On Jun 09, 2018
Make una help me touch light abeg...am 38weeks +3, scan measures 39+3 and baby's weight is 3.7. Doc said I should come for induction by next week. He said baby will get bigger if am to wait till edd (19th). Am scared, I feel he's not giving me a lot of options. Am a FTM

Scan doesn't give accurate measurement of weight.
Although you're term now for all you know you can even fall into labour before induction.
You can let your Dr know you're open to induction but would rather wait till 40 weeks before you do it. We have people that birth 4. Kg babies and they are ftms so that shouldn't be a problem as long as you and baby are fit.

Good luck


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 6:16am On Jun 09, 2018
Good evening all
Where are the November mamas oh, add me to the group if there's any already.

May we all deliver safely
In shaa Allah

Welcome sis. Have a healthy and fruitful pregnancy


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 6:21am On Jun 09, 2018
I think you should follow your doctor's advice. Induction is just an artificial way of starting labour

Induction usually (not always) fails if its done too early.
I've seen from here that most inductions done at 40-42 weeks is usually (not always) successful while those done by 37-38 weeks usually (not always) fails.
After induction, there is no going back to rest or so, its CS. And if the only ish is the weight then that isn't much of a problem unless she has a small pelvis

Mummydd, another option is to ask your Dr to do a membrane sweep for you, it hastens labour if it works, if it doesn't work..you and lo can still hang out for a while.


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 6:22am On Jun 09, 2018
After almost 4yrs of Ttc and 2failed ivf.....finally here....Team December ❤️
Booking 100 spaces for my ATC sisters....2018 is our year������

Congrats and welcome on board mama.
May you carry to term and deliver with ease. Amin


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 6:23am On Jun 09, 2018

And she now put you on high jump grin
when I was pregnant with my first I was told drinking cold water causes jaundice grin grin

cheesy cheesy

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 6:23am On Jun 09, 2018
I was told cold water will make my baby Autistic,see me depriving myself of water during my first and second trimester because ordinary water won't go down,I drank one sachet water every two days.The things we hear when we are pregnant ehen.

Autistic ke?!
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 7:07am On Jun 09, 2018
Ftms checklist.

-cleaning your nips regularly in preparation for breastfeeding (you can start from third trimester especially if you're prone to contractions to avoid false/early labour as stimulation of the nips causes uterine contraction)

- once heard that massaging of the breast makes milk flow from day one ( I didn't do it for my first and I had a hard time making it flow, did it for my second and flow began few hours after birth). I know your breast might be sore right now but start gently and before you know it, sore breast will be a thing of the past.

- watch child birth videos on You-tube. It helps to mentally prepare you for what you're about to do. Seeing those women keep it together will give you the courage to do same. Also being able to keep track of your labour, knowing what stage you are gives you a sort of peace and inner strength. You know what to expect and the pain that comes with each stage.

-read on breastfeeding a neonate. How to place him and proper way to latch. Also how to change diapers. The first few days can be so hard especially if your omugwo person doesn't arrive on time or ends up being unreliable.

-read on postpartum depression. It won't prevent it but hopefully it will help you recognize and manage it when it appears.

-read on all both VD and CS delivery. After my CS, I found out my pregnancy book has a whole chapter dedicated to CS and the so many things I should have known that would have helped me deal with the pain and emotional turmoil I was in. Nobody loves to go under the knife but these things happen so just be a Boys Scouts: Be prepared.

- always carry your dh along. The best thing that will ever happen to you after childbirth is a helpful partner. Cos you will get tired and cranky and frustrated but having someone willing to help makes it a lot more better. Split night duties and teach him to change diapers, burp a baby, use the carrier, cuddle etc. So from henceforth you might want to be dropping hints (some men are natural fathers and would do all these and more not because it is expected but because they love and enjoy being a father)

- how to take care of an epi site or your CS scar. Dos and don'ts. You'll still need to listen to your doctor tell you what to do but at least you'll be able to ask the right questions. .for example if Dr says do your sitzbath with warm water and salt and savlon, you'll know from previous knowledge that some people itch from using savlon and some would rather use cold water. You can ask what type of stitch was used on you.
You'll also have an idea on how soon you should start to feel better. You'll know what pain relievers are safest for a breastfeeding mom etc.

-be very alert during your labour. Nurses and Drs are human and prone to mistakes. Their mistake can coa them a suspension or their license but it will cost you much more. Ask questions. What drip/ drug is this? Why are you giving me? How will it help me? Ask politely.
I have used GH for my 2 birth and I'm always all eyes and ears with Google ready to check the drugs.
My first child, induction failed because nurse rushed the pitocin, I was the one that called the Drs attention to it and see the way he yelled at the nurse and told her to get morphine (a too grade analgesic) for me. Then I was wheeled into the theatre and given spinal ana (but it was recorded as general at first but because of my bp matter, spinal was recommended, nurse didn't change it from general to spinal in my file o). Got to the recovery room and was asked to sit up after some hours, I refused to because I argued I was given spinal and not general. The other lady that stood up to early battled headache and neck pain for weeks! (I saw her at immunization and she still had a stiff neck!). The nurse had to go back to the theatre nurse to confirm and correct.
For my second child VBAC. I was told to buy pitocin but I knew that there's no way a person with a previous scar could be induced in labour to avoid uterine rupture. I bought the pitocin and other drugs but hid it in the drawer instead of placing it on the bed like I should. I don't want an overzealous nurse or Dr to do me a favor without first reading my history. When my Dr asked me for my drugs, I will just jejely bring it out one by one. He told me to bring the others out and leave the pitocin in the drawer (he knows that shits happen in this side of the world). The pitocin was used to expel the placenta after birth.

Not just ask questions but read articles and short academic journals.
Watch You-tube videos.
This your vigilante, put it to good use.
Your maternity leave that has begun, use it o.
Hang out on the newborn thread.
And most of all, hold on to God's word. Have faith in Him.

Good morning moms.

66 Likes 17 Shares

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by whyworryPH(f): 7:26am On Jun 09, 2018
Good evening all
Where are the November mamas oh, add me to the group if there's any already.

May we all deliver safely
In shaa Allah

Welcome to our team mama. Our Cappo will add you to the list during roll call
Cc VannywealthDesi

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by whyworryPH(f): 7:28am On Jun 09, 2018
After almost 4yrs of Ttc and 2failed ivf.....finally here....Team December ❤️
Booking 100 spaces for my ATC sisters....2018 is our year������

You are welcome mama. We bless the name of the Lord on your behalf. Yes o, many more GTC mamas to join

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Trippleblessing(f): 7:37am On Jun 09, 2018
After almost 4yrs of Ttc and 2failed ivf.....finally here....Team December ❤️
Booking 100 spaces for my ATC sisters....2018 is our year������

Amen. We shall occupy our lands

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 7:49am On Jun 09, 2018
Congrats to mamas who just gave birth!

Pls do govt hospitals accept to take only deliveries. Or will they require complete payment of antenatal/tests fees even if she was attending antenatal elsewhere.

Thanks in advance.
Pls can I get an answer? It's for a sister.
Mama Zaynie , Liftedhands ...

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Adorablewifey(f): 7:51am On Jun 09, 2018

Hurray! Gradually, the ministry is moving to its permanent site grin.
Some of us are already in second trimester, just a few more to go.
We thank God for the journey so far and still thanking him for the journey yet to come.
It will end in praise for us all. Amen..

Our routine drugs is very important in this journey, let no MS be an excuse not to take it please. I guess we will do anything for our los, right?

Also, now that most of us if not all of us have crossed the 12 weeks mark, my beautiful mamas we should be looking at starting our antenatal soon.

Finally water, let us endeavor to take enough of it. You can chew on ice if you can't keep ordinary water down please.

At the same time let's welcome our new members to our team no loss, team supernatural everything and Hebrew women delivery.


Pls feel free to ask questions and make contributions, no man is an island on its own here and do enjoy you stay. Happy bumping.

01. suzy..............................Sex..................05/12/18
02. Spakuls.........................Sex.................28/12/18
03. Dunasy..................,..........................she's a testimony.
04. Laeroy...........................Sex.................Edd
05. Giddyperson..................Sex.......... .....21/12/18
06. Dartsy99........................Sex...............12/12/18
07. Adorablewifey........... ...Sex................20/12/18
08. Munarule.......................Sex.................Edd
09. exquizit..........................Sex................24/12/18
011. Phlota..........................Sex...............16/12/18
012. pweetyoge..................Sex............. ..21/12/18
015.Bennyandrew...............Sex......... .....11/12/18

Mamas please give us your Edd so as to update it on our list.

Please if your moniker was omitted, temper justice with mercy and signify. 

#TeamDecember For SupernaturalPregnancy And Delivery. 
We shall all carry to term in Jesus name, Amen


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by exquizit(f): 8:03am On Jun 09, 2018
After almost 4yrs of Ttc and 2failed ivf.....finally here....Team December ❤️
Booking 100 spaces for my ATC sisters....2018 is our year������

Congratulations teamie and welcome on board. We will all carry to term and birth our Los in due time. Our cappo will add you to the list when it's time for roll call.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Adorablewifey(f): 8:06am On Jun 09, 2018

Congratulations teamie and welcome on board. We will all carry to term and birth our Los in due time. Our cappo will add you to the list when it's time for roll call.
Mama grace us with your Edd please.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by exquizit(f): 8:10am On Jun 09, 2018

Hurray! Gradually, the ministry is moving to its permanent site grin.
Some of us are already in second trimester, just a few more to go.
We thank God for the journey so far and still thanking him for the journey yet to come.
It will end in praise for us all. Amen..

Our routine drugs is very important in this journey, let no MS be an excuse not to take it please. I guess we will do anything for our los, right?

Also, now that most of us if not all of us have crossed the 12 weeks mark, my beautiful mamas we should be looking at starting our antenatal soon.

Finally water, let us endeavor to take enough of it. You can chew on ice if you can't keep ordinary water down please.

At the same time let's welcome our new members to our team no loss, team supernatural everything and Hebrew women delivery.


Pls feel free to ask questions and make contributions, no man is an island on its own here and do enjoy you stay. Happy bumping.

01. suzy..............................Sex...............5/12/18
02. Spakuls.........................Sex..............28/12/18
03. Dunasy..................,..........................she's a testimony.
04. Laeroy...........................Sex...............Edd
05. Giddyperson..................Sex........ .....21/12/18
06. Dartsy99........................Sex...............Edd
07. Adorablewifey........... ...Sex......... ....20/12/18
08. Munarule.......................Sex................Edd
09. exquizit..........................Sex................Edd
011. Phlota..........................Sex..............16/12/18
012. pweetyoge..................Sex............ ..21/12/18
015.Bennyandrew...............Sex......... .....11/12/18

Mamas please give us your Edd so as to update it on our list.

Please if your moniker was omitted, temper justice with mercy and signify. 

#TeamDecember For SupernaturalPregnancy And Delivery. 
We shall all carry to term in Jesus name, Amen

Thank God o, we're moving forward o but December is far sha. Hope you're good too cappo, trust Ms has subsided now, God will make the journey easy for us all.
Edd according to LMP is Dec 24, scan gave me Dec 19 don't know which one to follow. But I think I'll stick to Dec 24th o. What do you think?

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 8:17am On Jun 09, 2018
After almost 4yrs of Ttc and 2failed ivf.....finally here....Team December ❤️
Booking 100 spaces for my ATC sisters....2018 is our year������

2 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FashionTrend: 8:45am On Jun 09, 2018

Welcome to our team mama. Our Cappo will add you to the list during roll call
Cc VannywealthDesi

Thanks @whyworryph

Hope to be added soon

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FashionTrend: 8:48am On Jun 09, 2018

Welcome sis. Have a healthy and fruitful pregnancy

Thanks mama

1 Like

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 8:57am On Jun 09, 2018
Hello goodmorning .pls mamas in the house my LMP is nov 20/2017 and edd is 27/8/2018 ,dr said im 22wks gone and babycenter app said 28wks ,when I calculate It its also 28wks ,so I dont know which is correct ,pls help
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 9:03am On Jun 09, 2018
Congrats to mamas who just gave birth!

Pls do govt hospitals accept to take only deliveries. Or will they require complete payment of antenatal/tests fees even if she was attending antenatal elsewhere.

Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure but I do know they usually turn you back if they don't have your history. That's why they usually refer emergency cases to LUTH and they do threaten to collect all from you even if you don't come for antenatal.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 9:06am On Jun 09, 2018
Hello goodmorning .pls mamas in the house my LMP is nov 20/2017 and edd is 27/8/2018 ,dr said im 22wks gone and babycenter app said 28wks ,when I calculate It its also 28wks ,so I dont know which is correct ,pls help

LMP is most accurate. Did the Dr confirm this with a scan or through his calculation?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by temmy2103(f): 9:08am On Jun 09, 2018
Congrats to mamas who just gave birth!

Pls do govt hospitals accept to take only deliveries. Or will they require complete payment of antenatal/tests fees even if she was attending antenatal elsewhere.

Thanks in advance.

if it's Alimosho general hospital, you will pay it all like those registered there
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 9:10am On Jun 09, 2018

I'm not sure but I do know they usually turn you back if they don't have your history. That's why they usually refer emergency cases to LUTH and they do threaten to collect all from you even if you don't come for antenatal.
I thought as much. Thank you.


if it's Alimosho general hospital, you will pay it all like those registered there
Hmmm. Thanks mama.
We will ask our preferred hospital to see if they will be different.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FashionTrend: 9:18am On Jun 09, 2018

LMP is most accurate. Did the Dr confirm this with a scan or through his calculation?
How do one get the correct lmp calculation.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 9:18am On Jun 09, 2018

LMP is most accurate. Did the Dr confirm this with a scan or through his calculation?
Thru his calculation
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 9:32am On Jun 09, 2018

Thru his calculation

Don't worry your head about it, he most likely made a mistake.
Scan will confirm true ag. For now work with your LMP
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by zaynie(f): 9:34am On Jun 09, 2018

How do one get the correct lmp calculation.

Go on google, type in calculate edd.
It will bring out a calculator, just enter the date of your last menstrual period.(first day of the period)


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by FloraEC(f): 9:35am On Jun 09, 2018

And she now put you on high jump grin
when I was pregnant with my first I was told drinking cold water causes jaundice grin grin

I was told the same thing with my first. That draw soup or okra soup, snail will make my baby to drool. Plantain will give my baby oka on the head. If you sit and open your legs, your baby will have bowlegs.

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