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Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by Ubenedictus(m): 11:13am On Jun 12, 2018 |
brocab: this is not the place where the holy spirit descended on the apostles. the holy spirit descended in the upper room, the upper room is in the care of the Catholic Franciscans. this is simply the meeting place like a catacomb of the Church in Jerusalem, this was where they met during persecution, this is where they baptised new Christian, celebrated the Eucharist etc. you can see the ancient Christian symbols there as you'll find in Catholic churches. but the simple issue is that the Church falls under the immediate control of the Orthodox Church, they have sole, autonomous control, in fact the Orthodox Church in Jerusalem is sometimes violent when it comes to their sites, during the time of the previous patriarch of Jerusalem, the Orthodox monks used to gang up and attack the Catholic monks and beat them up. any thing like such help will result in violence from the Orthodox.... so we stay clear of stuff that isn't in our care. |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 12:39am On Jun 13, 2018 |
I suppose this is why the catholic Church refuses to take care of the first Church! Plus does anybody in the Catholic Church believe Jews in Jerusalem? The only biblical reference to the actual events of Pentecost is {Acts 2:1–3} Pentecost is reminiscent of the Last Supper; in both instances the disciples are together in a house for what proves to be an important event. At the Last Supper the disciples witness the end of the Messiah’s earthly ministry as He asks them to remember Him after His death until He returns. At Pentecost, the disciples witness the birth of the New Testament church in the coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell all believers. Thus the scene of the disciples in a room at Pentecost links the commencement of the Holy Spirit’s work in the church with the conclusion of Christ’s earthly ministry in the upper room before the crucifixion. Ubenedictus:Is this your answer Uben, you expect me to believe this above, what the Catholic Church shows fear from the Orthodox Church, because of one lonely Church no-one seems to recognise it exist? And yet the Catholic Church has a large army and yet it takes one man to front the Orthodox Church alone and he posted this video, without getting himself beating up? Uben if you had watched the video they treated this man with respect, and they allowed this man to film the first Church, and now it's all over the net. Ubenedictus: |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by Ubenedictus(m): 1:18pm On Jun 13, 2018 |
brocab:you have the internet you can browse about Orthodox monks fighting in Jerusalem over sites. the site is in the care of the Orthodox Church, Catholics can't take it over, it took 12 yrs for the Orthodox Church to even allow the Church of the holy sepulchre to be painted and that Church is jointly managed not to talk of here where they have sole custody. the Orthodox Church can repair the Church, they have sole custody |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 1:52pm On Jun 13, 2018 |
I thought you believed the Catholic Church is the sole winner in Christianity? I see news with Pope Francis becoming the go between religions, so why can't he stand side by side with the Orthodox Church? It took one man to post a video up on you tube.. Ubenedictus: |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 2:10pm On Jun 13, 2018 |
With a little study I have found the only biblical reference to the actual events of Pentecost is {Acts 2:1–3} Pentecost is reminiscent of the Last Supper; in both instances the disciples are together in a house for what proves to be an important event. Which doesn't prove they received the Holy Spirit in the upper room. At the Last Supper the disciples witness the end of the Messiah’s earthly ministry as He asks them to remember Him after His death until He returns. At Pentecost, the disciples witness the birth of the New Testament church in the coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell all believers. Thus the scene of the disciples in a room at Pentecost links the commencement of the Holy Spirit’s work in the church with the {conclusion} of Christ’s earthly ministry in the upper room before the crucifixion. So really everybody is guessing where in which room the disciples received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the bible doesn't give us the exact place, but the conclusion where it may have been, 'I suppose if I was to look for information about anything, it's the locals who would know where the first Christian Church stood! and this video Church stands in Jerusalem! Where again the Orthodox believe this is the Church, Mary James and the disciples received the Holy Spirit. But concerning the above, this below, as soon as Jesus came back He breathed the Holy Spirit upon the disciples altogether in one place, now this happened before Pentecost. {John 20:19} Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews. {John 20:21-22} So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by Yale9(m): 5:26pm On Jun 13, 2018 |
Some people ehn... well, every great entity will face what it will face in the hands of ......... people. |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 10:56pm On Jun 15, 2018 |
Don't the Church teach you, to say any nice thing concerning anything about anybody in Christ! I suppose this is why you prefer to play the fool? Yale9: |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by Yale9(m): 5:50am On Jun 16, 2018 |
Brainlessness could be this real? Damn! |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 8:33am On Jun 16, 2018 |
"Yes" I know what you mean.. Did you hear the good news? |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 3:17pm On Jun 20, 2018 |
Early hours in the morning-I few days ago, I was dreaming, and the Lord gave to me {Isaiah 42:8-9} After I had searched the scriptures, I manage to find this written By David Wilkerson I thought it may interest some of us reading this page "What is the new thing that God is doing in his church? "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them" {Isaiah 42:9} God is about to do a new thing. And this new work will be so glorious, it's going to cause his people to praise him like never before: "Sing unto the Lord a new song, and his praise from the end of the earth, ye that go down to the sea, and all that is therein; the isles, and the inhabitants thereof" {Isaiah 42:10} God is telling us, "Let all my people worldwide sing my praises. Let me hear a new song from the sailors at sea, from people in every nation, from all the lands of the earth. "We know that in these last days, Satan is coming down to earth in a fierce rage {Revelation 12:12} He's full of great wrath because he knows his time is short. And he's going to send forth a flood of iniquity on the church. But God declares, "Let my people know the Lion of Judah is coming down, with all the power of heaven. The Redeemer is coming to Zion!" Don't think for a minute that God will allow Satan to take control of his church and ravage his children. The gates of hell will not prevail against Christ's body. And I believe the Lord is on his way to Zion right now to visit his people. Just as he did with Sodom, the Lord is coming to purge. And this time of purging will begin with his church. Right now, the Lord is beginning to burn up the chaff in his house. And he's going to do a new thing. Scripture tells us, "The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies" {Isaiah 42:13} Why is Jesus coming with such a mighty roar? And what will he be crying? He's going to cry out in jealousy over his people. You see, our Lord is in a jealous state over his church right now. And here is his jealous cry: "I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once" {Isaiah 42:14} What does this mean? Why would Jesus cry like a woman in travail? The Lord is telling us he's about to give birth to something new. While Satan is on the rampage, deceiving multitudes, God is telling his people, "A new, holy thing is being birthed under Satan's nose. This is one church he can't deceive. It is the prevailing church that's without spot or wrinkle." Up to now, the Lord has been silent. He has restrained his anger while false doctrines, false prophets, and wolves in sheep's clothing have shipwrecked multitudes in Christ's body. But now God is letting his voice be known. He's telling us: "Shepherds have turned my house into a den of iniquity. Yet I have held my peace. Materialistic preachers have corrupted my church all over the world with abominable doctrines. Yet I have kept still. I've been silent while mega-churches have removed the offense of the Cross from their congregations. I've restrained myself as complacent shepherds have allowed comedians and entertainers to bring lightness and frivolity into my holy house. "But no more! Now I'm stirred up. And I'm coming down to my house, to clean it up before I return for my bride. Be warned, I am coming to you with a holy jealousy. And I'm going to destroy all these false doctrines. I will bankrupt every robber and thief who has filled my pulpits. I'll dry up all their sources and cause their rivers of money to run dry." "I will make waste mountains and hills, and dry up all their herbs; and I will make the rivers islands, and I will dry up the pools.... They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, Ye are our gods" {Isaiah 42:15-17} Beloved, this is the new thing God is doing in his church. He's saying, "I will destroy and devour every ministry that's of flesh, hype and materialism. And I'm going to raise up shepherds after my own heart, faithful servants who know me. I will destroy all false gospels, and confuse and put to shame every false teacher. "Yet I won't forsake those millions of sincere people who were deluded by false doctrines. They didn't know better. And now they're going to hear my pure gospel. When they do, they'll repent and be ashamed of the shallow, frivolous gospel that led them astray. I'm going to lead them into truth." "I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them" {Isaiah 42:16} What an incredible promise. We see now why Isaiah prophesies, "Let the wilderness and the cities thereof lift up their voice...let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them shout from the top of the mountains. Let them give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise in the islands" {Isaiah 42:11-12} Dear fellow saints, God is doing a new thing right now. He's calling his people once again to forsake every idol and make their habitation the Rock, Jesus Christ. I urge you, be ready to obey his cry: "Let the inhabitants of the Rock sing!" And on this Rock I will build My Church.. _______________________________________________ |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by Yale9(m): 6:06pm On Jun 20, 2018 |
Eehyah! |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 4:24am On Jun 26, 2018 |
Don't I just love the truth about Christ! |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by Nobody: 7:24am On Aug 17, 2018 |
Yale9:Mary was special in what way? |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 12:54am On Oct 06, 2018 |
If you decide to marry outside your beliefs, pay attention to the Word of God before you make that decision? Don't just begin by looks-search everything you can find about the person you are about the spend the rest of your life with, take time to know them-find out about their family background, their ancestors, where they are from, whom they worshiped, whom they followed, did any of them go and see a medium a sorcerer, were they involved in witchcraft? Find out more about them-ask, have any of them fasted and prayed for deliverance 'from these ancestry curses, are any of them still practicing craft, the bible is clear; when our ancestors or our family line are under any type of curse. {Deuteronomy 5:8-9} “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below, You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, Marriages are not always given by God-many marriages are done in the Will of man-rebellion against God is an abomination. it's a sin-it's witchcraft that we bring upon ourselves when we choose to disobey God's Commandments.. {Deuteronomy 7:1-4} When GOD, your God, brings you into the country that you are about to enter and take over, he will clear out the superpowers that were there before you: the Hittite, the Girgashite, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite. Those seven nations are all bigger and stronger than you are. GOD, your God, will turn them over to you and you will conquer them. You must completely destroy them, offering them up as a holy destruction to GOD. Don’t make a treaty with them. Don’t let them off in any way. Don’t marry them: Don’t give your daughters to their sons and don’t take their daughters for your sons—before you know it they’d involve you in worshiping their gods, and GOD would explode in anger, putting a quick end to you. Many marriages are not from God: Priest Pastor's Elders may claim to have somewhat authority to marry God's people, but really, are they marrying men with men, women with women, children with adults, is this not a abomination against God, and yet the churches marry whom they wish.. It was important that Israel was to marry their own tribe of people, ''These day's people are making their own decisions without even seeking God's Will. So if you decide to marry-at least marry somebody under the same faith: when we choose not to walk with God-it is said: expect to stay under a curse!! but if the marriage is from God: then you are both choosing to stay under God's Covenant. |
Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by 9inches(m): 11:05am On May 08, 2019 |
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Re: Pentecostal Getting Married To A Catholic by brocab: 3:52am On Jan 23, 2023 |
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