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Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 - Health (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Dollarship(m): 10:42am On Jul 05, 2018
I've been masturbating for 8 years if not 9 sef cheesy

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Nobody: 11:17am On Jul 05, 2018
Since you’re already addicted, why not put the addiction to good use and cure your PE and ED.

Google “EDGING”, learn all about it, practice it and come and tell us the outcome.

Please, please and please; do NOT pay for any book or drug yet until you have tried out the natural methods available to you!

Getting a girl is easy too. When you see a girl you like, I’m sure there is that moment of fear and indesicion on whether to meet her or not. Bruh it is during that moment you should throw caution to the wind and approach the girl (note you already have adrenaline pumping) and whatever you say, make her smile at least once and let the rest handle itself. You know how good masturbation feels? Well sex feels a 150 times better and more sometimes and even more when it’s raw sex. So only way to find out is to get you a girl. Remember, always play safe; use a condom.

Now like all addictions, stopping your masturbation addiction will be difficult. But wait, is it really an addiction? Forget what you read online or hear around you, masturbation is not bad. Even married men still masturbate. It helps you relieve sexual tension and helps you relax. For some people like me, it helps me think better by clearing my frustrations, relieving sexual tension and fulfilling my desires especially when the love of my life goes on a trip. It’s only a problem when you overdo it to the point you bruise the skin on your penis, bleed or break your penis. If you associate porn with masturbation, especially the unrealistic ones, it becomes a problem too. Masturbation defects is when you masturbate just to enjoy that sensation of sweet orgasm; unbeknownst to you, you’re training your brain to always look for this gratification the moment your penis picks up any little stimulation, hence Premature Ejaculation. Your brain also releases an enzyme, endorphin, same is found in some potent recreational drugs which also facilitates “addiction”.

Edging works best! Look up a comprehensive write up on edging while masturbating and you’ll thank me later.
For your addiction, you have to start small, take it a step at a time. Start with a day, don’t masturbate for day and after successfully suppressing your want for one day/24hrs, reward yourself with masturbating while edging. Now increase it to 2 and 4 and 8, just like that. I can guarantee you that on the 3rd day or 6th day etc, you will succumb and masturbate, it’s okay, don’t beat yourself up. Just start all over again and see how long you can go without masturbating. Discipline is also essential cos without it, you’d be relapsing carelessly. Try to avoid watching porn too! When you want to masturbate, do not arouse yourself and penis with watching porn. You must find a way to break from porn please.

I hope i have made a little sense here.

Thank you.

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Nobody: 11:20am On Jul 05, 2018

Judging from your write-up, the sexual issues that you are battling with are evidently induced by you. But do not worry for there are solutions to them.

You are suffering from premature ejaculation because you ejaculate quickly when you self-service and your brain has been hardwired into following this pattern each time you perform this sexual act. One effective technique of nipping this problem in the bud is to perform the kegel exercise and the hold and release method during masturbation.

The kegel exercise will fortify your PC muscles making it possible to having control of your ejaculation during a sexual intercourse/outercourse. The hold and release method would rewire your brain from ejaculating quickly to lasting longer.

The erectile dysfunction is caused by insufficient blood flow to the blood vessels in your penis. I suggest that you should visit a medical healthcare centre for appropriate diagnosis and treatment or, you can consume fruits and foods that will boost blood flow to your sexual organ.

Lastly, when you have regained your normal sexual life back, desist from masturbation by indulging in activities that will keep your mind astray from the act. Do not stay alone, keep away sexual objects/materials that will lead you to masturbating, exercise and make a resolve to stay away from it because of your previous experience.

I hope that this will really help.

Excessive kegal exercises can also cause PE so please beware.


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Melvinsofty: 11:38am On Jul 05, 2018
get a girlfriend man u need one badly..and fvck that shit of pe or ed u are getting yourself worked up..limit your online time and increase your offline time very important
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Nobody: 11:47am On Jul 05, 2018
I appreciate your suggestions so far and I'm surely gonna try them out!


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by nelsonebby(m): 12:07pm On Jul 05, 2018
I've been masturbating for 8 years if not 9 sef cheesy
Continue lying

Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by united442(m): 1:35pm On Jul 05, 2018
dude stay busy
keep yourself busy
busy,busy,busy and busy
if you exhaust you energy when engage in other work,you wont even have time to think abt it.
i know you currently cant woo a girl,but dude,try as much as possible to have a girlfriend you can trust,a girlfriend that like sex bt will love you..
trust me,you stop it..
that's what stop mine,i cant even remember when last i masturbated.
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by usmolad(m): 1:49pm On Jul 05, 2018
Hi everyone, I have to narrate my ordeal to you all. I'm really suffering here and I'm very sad at present. No one knows this cuz I'm always jovial. Seriously I suffer a lot!

I can't even recall when I started watching porn but this week will make a complete 2 years that I have been masturbating. I felt this kind of regret when it was a year too. Please help me, I don't want it to persist again. I don't want to continue with it.

It's even got to a stage that I get aroused to anything exposure about the female. Merely looking at boobs at times, I'd have to control myself. I can't even stand a TV soft sexual act, I'd definitely be aroused. I'm hating on myself!

Before, when I engage in this act, I used to last long a little time but nowadays, I can't even stay two seconds. All I need to hear is the voice of the porn star and I'm done. I know that means I've already developed premature ejaculation (PE) .. Another one I notice nowadays is that I don't get the full control of my joystick as before, it's still standing but I feel it's lost some strength. I feel I have developed erection dysfunction (ED) also and I have never had sex before. I don't my future wife to be depressed about me!

I'm gonna be 21 in August, I don't want this thing to remain with me please help.. I have already lost enough with it. My final year result was pure rubbish, I was only lucky to make a 2.1 cuz i had had good results already in the past. Lots of times I have also contemptlated suicide or harming myself in a way to end this but I won't do that ever.

Even being in my early twenties, I'm far from being broke but I've never had a girlfriend. Just help me please!

drop your WhatsApp number. I have a solution to your plight
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by lolast188: 2:19pm On Jul 05, 2018

Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by bigcee(m): 2:24pm On Jul 05, 2018
I've been masturbating for 8 years if not 9 sef cheesy
Are you experiencing what he mentioned?
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by chikason68(m): 2:53pm On Jul 05, 2018
na anoda tin dey do u my guy, started when I was writing my ssce back in 2006 and up till this moment d journey has been a fulfiling one. I dey fap if I no get phussy around and nothing do me.. in fact, going to fap now.. you need pictures?


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Evangkatsoulis: 3:12pm On Jul 05, 2018
You are not doing it properly.
Don't stroke/press your shaft, rather rub the tip of your penus. That's where the pleasure is.

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Nobody: 3:41pm On Jul 05, 2018
It's been six years for me sometimes 7days a week three times a day
But you know what masturbation is not the problem masturbation is the solution to the problem of living under the false ideal of a materialistic society that sets standards sexually if i may say.
Nowadays i can go one month without touching myself why? Though there may be a spiritual aspect to it. i became busy i work out now, i meet people and avoid sexual innuendos of any form
I block useless girls who post suggestive pics or unfollow them completely. Block out and porn too it cuts down to the basic
Please playing video games won't help if i can recant i get turned when i play video games especially soccer I'm still in my process of recovery it's hard but you will get there

Brother just cultivate a healthy lifestyle
You pointed out you have money, money or not there is an underlying problem that is firmly stitched in the fabrics of your existence that drove you to this act find it, eliminate it and witness your own recovery
Hi everyone, I have to narrate my ordeal to you all. I'm really suffering here and I'm very sad at present. No one knows this cuz I'm always jovial. Seriously I suffer a lot!

I can't even recall when I started watching porn but this week will make a complete 2 years that I have been masturbating. I felt this kind of regret when it was a year too. Please help me, I don't want it to persist again. I don't want to continue with it.

It's even got to a stage that I get aroused to anything exposure about the female. Merely looking at boobs at times, I'd have to control myself. I can't even stand a TV soft sexual act, I'd definitely be aroused. I'm hating on myself!

Before, when I engage in this act, I used to last long a little time but nowadays, I can't even stay two seconds. All I need to hear is the voice of the porn star and I'm done. I know that means I've already developed premature ejaculation (PE) .. Another one I notice nowadays is that I don't get the full control of my joystick as before, it's still standing but I feel it's lost some strength. I feel I have developed erection dysfunction (ED) also and I have never had sex before. I don't my future wife to be depressed about me!

I'm gonna be 21 in August, I don't want this thing to remain with me please help.. I have already lost enough with it. My final year result was pure rubbish, I was only lucky to make a 2.1 cuz i had had good results already in the past. Lots of times I have also contemptlated suicide or harming myself in a way to end this but I won't do that ever.

Even being in my early twenties, I'm far from being broke but I've never had a girlfriend. Just help me please!


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Eking: 3:45pm On Jul 05, 2018
Hi everyone, I have to narrate my ordeal to you all. I'm really suffering here and I'm very sad at present. No one knows this cuz I'm always jovial. Seriously I suffer a lot!

I can't even recall when I started watching porn but this week will make a complete 2 years that I have been masturbating. I felt this kind of regret when it was a year too. Please help me, I don't want it to persist again. I don't want to continue with it.

It's even got to a stage that I get aroused to anything exposure about the female. Merely looking at boobs at times, I'd have to control myself. I can't even stand a TV soft sexual act, I'd definitely be aroused. I'm hating on myself!

Before, when I engage in this act, I used to last long a little time but nowadays, I can't even stay two seconds. All I need to hear is the voice of the porn star and I'm done. I know that means I've already developed premature ejaculation (PE) .. Another one I notice nowadays is that I don't get the full control of my joystick as before, it's still standing but I feel it's lost some strength. I feel I have developed erection dysfunction (ED) also and I have never had sex before. I don't my future wife to be depressed about me!

I'm gonna be 21 in August, I don't want this thing to remain with me please help.. I have already lost enough with it. My final year result was pure rubbish, I was only lucky to make a 2.1 cuz i had had good results already in the past. Lots of times I have also contemptlated suicide or harming myself in a way to end this but I won't do that ever.

Even being in my early twenties, I'm far from being broke but I've never had a girlfriend. Just help me please!

Carrot and beetroot.. Blend, filter and drink juice everyday for 2 months.. Solved
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by pafo(m): 4:26pm On Jul 05, 2018
First, if I was your brother, I'd smack sh!t out of u. Completed university without having sex?! Is it small or what?

Before u can be sure you have e.d or p.e, u need to have sex with a woman u find physically attractive. You could have a problem if she is not attractive to you because of your mindset, but if she is, get into her and lets see what your problem is then.

Btw, mastubation causing p.e is a myth. If anything, it is a trick we use to last long in bed as it drastically reduces the excitement of going inside a woman and cumming quick. We can then be less selfish and work on her getting extra excited and ready to cum.

Masturbation is a key tool in pleasing a woman in experienced hands.



Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by damtan(m): 4:35pm On Jul 05, 2018
Lies. I've learnt that alot of lies are in this forum
You bear same name with someone dear to me. The difference is just that, he's not an idiot.


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Duru009(m): 5:05pm On Jul 05, 2018
*Original Chinese herbs For MEN *

-If you need a hard rock erection that will make you last very long in Sexx.

- Take one tablet 30min before sexx. You will last Upto 30mins to 1hr for 1st round. You will do as many rounds as you want.

- It will clean your sperm by making it thick.

-It makes your dickk bigger and turgid for action anytime.

-Just one tablet can last upto two weeks in your system.

- This drug is purely herbal without side effect . it will make you stronger and increase your libido constantly.

- lt ensures constant flow of blood to your penis. thereby making it turgid and strong whenever you want to have Sexx.

-lt contains 8 tablet in the sachet.
If you want to make your spouse, wife or girlfriend happy. "This is the final bus-stop" . A trial will certainly convince you. This Chinese drug has been existence for the past 20yrs.

- I beg ladies here to recommend this good herbal drug for their men.
It will make you happy.

Total cost is #8,500 because is an imported drug.
But am giving it out for #8000 for serious buyers.

*Buy now while stock last.
Chat me up now:

Its cheap and affordable for all (21+).

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by oodua1stson: 5:10pm On Jul 05, 2018
If you're truly serious about ending mastubating you'll do this

Go buy grinded pepper and keep it where u go to masturbate. Any time you feel the need to do it just dip your hands in that pepper

It's an extreme, last chance solution that needs you to put mind and soul into it.

It worked for someone I know


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by KaBabs1: 6:21pm On Jul 05, 2018
LMFAO. This one is a learner sha. How can you know you have PE when technically, you're still a virgin? An addicted wankēr with more than 6 years experience told you that you he doesn't have PE but you disregarded him saying you don't want to listen to people like hm. E be like say you never know why you open this thread. Perhaps you don't really need help. Shior. Masturbation is healthy fam. If you know, you know. Don't allow the society's view about it to get to you.

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by AntiIncognito: 7:00pm On Jul 05, 2018

HI I just sent you a pm

Alright whatsapp me:

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by dahmitch: 7:25pm On Jul 05, 2018
Do you really want help or people to type what you want ? Masturbation is only a bad habit like drinking and smoking. You cant have ED and still masturbate, the urge brings about erection. Simple Folic acid(1/day) and Vit B(1/2times) tablets is good for ED. Note Excess of everything is bad; masturbation is normal with young adults and it is controlled by the dopamine cells in human body, it shows you need a woman . I advice you get a girl friend if it borders u so much, you should know that sex also feels bad atimes after the act.

Also try reducing it from hourly to daily or daily to weekly and monthly by discipline before you know its going off, but d human body must feel aroused once in a while.
I wish you goodluck and don't let it border you.

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by bammo: 8:52pm On Jul 05, 2018

Wow!!! "6 years"!!



Technically you have a Masters degree in Self pleasure, keep it up and you are heading for PHD then you can be called Dr Wanky..
haba mana �
Kaaaii ����
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by EmmySparky(m): 8:55pm On Jul 05, 2018

Wow!!! "6 years"!!



Technically you have a Masters degree in Self pleasure, keep it up and you are heading for PHD then you can be called Dr Wanky..
bro u get bad mouth o.. see how u analyze the matter


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by arrestdarrester: 10:29pm On Jul 05, 2018
This is not the time for drugs for PE and ED, rather its a time for Mind Renewal. Your mind has already been conditioned rather poorly towards the opposite sex. This would certainly affect your one on one relationship with the opposite sex. The good news here is you are asking for help. A good step in the right direction.

A whole renewal of your mind is what is needed now for you to stop the addictive act and also save the other aspects of your life (social, emotional and perception) that have been affected.

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Aare2050(m): 10:41pm On Jul 05, 2018
Ur name is even help....

.Are you an unemployed graduate or undergraduate full house wife/sit at home mothers, salary earner or hand craft shop owner? hoping to gain financial freedom before the end of this year?

act now, check my signature
Do not procrastinate
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Drsamuel20(m): 10:41pm On Jul 05, 2018
check my signature
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by sanpipita(m): 10:43pm On Jul 05, 2018
Go see a sex therapist
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by joshcaleb: 10:45pm On Jul 05, 2018
What you should be bothered with is the high cost of Vaselines or the lubricant that you are using in this harsh economy and not about the act of masturbation! Masturbation as an act is harmless. The best way to put an end to masturbation if you wish is not to see it as an evil act or being abnormal, the more you see it as evil, the more you fight with your conscience and the guilt follows after, that you've done an evil act. When it bothers you less, it gets off your mind. Nature is even in support of masturbation, have you wondered why you can't tickle yourself but you can excite your sexual organs?
bro sin is sin, God ultimately detest sin with the body, aka the temple of God

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by grandstar(m): 10:47pm On Jul 05, 2018
Hi everyone, I have to narrate my ordeal to you all. I'm really suffering here and I'm very sad at present. No one knows this cuz I'm always jovial. Seriously I suffer a lot!

I can't even recall when I started watching porn but this week will make a complete 2 years that I have been masturbating. I felt this kind of regret when it was a year too. Please help me, I don't want it to persist again. I don't want to continue with it.

It's even got to a stage that I get aroused to anything exposure about the female. Merely looking at boobs at times, I'd have to control myself. I can't even stand a TV soft sexual act, I'd definitely be aroused. I'm hating on myself!

Before, when I engage in this act, I used to last long a little time but nowadays, I can't even stay two seconds. All I need to hear is the voice of the porn star and I'm done. I know that means I've already developed premature ejaculation (PE) .. Another one I notice nowadays is that I don't get the full control of my joystick as before, it's still standing but I feel it's lost some strength. I feel I have developed erection dysfunction (ED) also and I have never had sex before. I don't my future wife to be depressed about me!

I'm gonna be 21 in August, I don't want this thing to remain with me please help.. I have already lost enough with it. My final year result was pure rubbish, I was only lucky to make a 2.1 cuz i had had good results already in the past. Lots of times I have also contemptlated suicide or harming myself in a way to end this but I won't do that ever.

Even being in my early twenties, I'm far from being broke but I've never had a girlfriend. Just help me please!

You're just being paranoid (Proverbs 18:1)

Get out and socialize well. That's the antidote and quit keeping to yourself
Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by Emilokoiyawon: 10:47pm On Jul 05, 2018
There is nothing wrong with you...calm down. Nothing wrong with masturbation. Unless you are addicted to the point that it affects your normal day to day life. If this is the case then take some of the advice above to cut back. 99 .9 % of sex is in the mind. And unless you have some physical issues, masturbation will not cause ED or even PE. In fact, men who are good in bed also tend to masturbate. Some of us hone our long lasting skills using masturbation.

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Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by sprints1: 10:47pm On Jul 05, 2018
masturbation relives anxiety and helps to decrease tension but when you allow your mind to be driven by it it becomes a problem..ur premature ejaculation is due to excessive masturbation and you have configured your mind to cum under 2 minutes...try and have real sex then think of something else why doing the act...


Re: Masturbation: I Think I Have PE And ED, I'm Just 20 by ukren(m): 10:48pm On Jul 05, 2018
You need Rude on herbal capsule. For more details call 08037744538

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