Griezwoman: A church member is accusing the founding pastor of Truth Assembly International Church, Owerri, Apostle Love Judah, of a number of things which include fraud and sexual assault.
Mrs Lisa Venison, a member of the church, said Apostle Judah deceived her into resigning from her high paying job and career as a pharmacist to come and work fully in his ministry. She accused him of deceiving other church members in the same way and defrauding them by constantly asking them to sow seeds.
She went on to allege that he sleeps with girls and married women in his church and threatens them with death if they speak out. He allegedly made two young girls in his church leave their families to move fully into his church where he began to have threesomes with them.
Mrs Venison claims she has evidence to back up her claims. She added that she's coming out now because Apostle Judah has absconded to the United States of America to begin deceiving a new set of people and she can't let him harm more people.
Read her allegations below:
My name is Pharm.(Mrs) Lisa Venison and I am a victim of Fraud, deceit and sexual harassment. My husband and I were members of Truth Assembly International Churches, Owerri - A place were we thought it was church.
The founding pastor, Apostle Love Judah (who is related to me) who always proclaimed himself as God, defrauded his members of their money through his incessant demands of seeds and what not. He sees "prophecies" and asked that we bring a seed for the prophecy to come to past. A common statement he makes is "bring a seed 2-3 times your age".
He is a selfish individual and does not approve of his members doing anything contrary to his belief. He spoke against going to school(meanwhile his children are currently schooling in the U.S), he also asked members of his church to resign from their jobs and come and spend time in the house of God yet he was still asking for seeds.
He made me resign from my highly paid job and a very successful career because he said he saw a 'vision' that i should do ministry with him . Apostle Love Judah defiles young women and sleeps with wives of his members/pastors and threatens them with death if they tell anyone.
He has been in this act until recently, 2 of the young girls who he deceived and made them leave their parents to move to his church, confessed that he has threesomes with them and beats them afterwards if they don't oblige to his further demands.They are scared to come out in public because of his death threats but I have reached out to their parents.
Other women also have the same story to tell. He made advances at me(which I have proofs of) which I declined but having recently gotten a lot of info and proofs of his escapades with young women and people's wives, I won't rest till he is brought to book. I am a wife, future mother to girls(who could have being his victims) and boys(who need to see an example of men like this being brought to book!), so I can't take chances.
P.S: He has absconded to the U.S (Dallas) with his family(wife, 2 teenage daughters and 2 teenage boys) to continue his evil agenda. He has started deceiving a new set of people in Dallas but I can't let him waste another set of lives, money,resources and mess with people's beliefs. He needs to be stopped!
Blame yourself for not using your Common sense. You are a pharmacist, I guess, and you are devoid of sense when you resign from your job/career for a stupid vision. Wait, don't we have enough pastors already, is God about to call every single Nigerian into ministry work or wtf exactly!!!
crooked pastor! but wait oo! members of his church were just foolish and gullible to have believed him, After all he didn't force them to sow the so called seed.
Last I heard of him was that he abandoned his wife abi na family sef and travelled to US to be with his new bae...a financier to his ministry bla bla bla. Anyways, till we stop jumping from one church to another....this mess won't stop.
Blame yourself for not using your Common sense. You are a pharmacist, I guess, and you are devoid of sense when you resign from your job/career for a stupid vision. Wait, don't we have enough pastors already, is God about to call every single Nigerian into ministry work or wtf exactly!!!
i wonder oo! soon there will be more pastors than church members. i think God has called me too.
Griezwoman: A church member is accusing the founding pastor of Truth Assembly International Church, Owerri, Apostle Love Judah, of a number of things which include fraud and sexual assault.
Mrs Lisa Venison, a member of the church, said Apostle Judah deceived her into resigning from her high paying job and career as a pharmacist to come and work fully in his ministry. She accused him of deceiving other church members in the same way and defrauding them by constantly asking them to sow seeds.
She went on to allege that he sleeps with girls and married women in his church and threatens them with death if they speak out. He allegedly made two young girls in his church leave their families to move fully into his church where he began to have threesomes with them.
Mrs Venison claims she has evidence to back up her claims. She added that she's coming out now because Apostle Judah has absconded to the United States of America to begin deceiving a new set of people and she can't let him harm more people.
Read her allegations below:
My name is Pharm.(Mrs) Lisa Venison and I am a victim of Fraud, deceit and sexual harassment. My husband and I were members of Truth Assembly International Churches, Owerri - A place were we thought it was church.
The founding pastor, Apostle Love Judah (who is related to me) who always proclaimed himself as God, defrauded his members of their money through his incessant demands of seeds and what not. He sees "prophecies" and asked that we bring a seed for the prophecy to come to past. A common statement he makes is "bring a seed 2-3 times your age".
He is a selfish individual and does not approve of his members doing anything contrary to his belief. He spoke against going to school(meanwhile his children are currently schooling in the U.S), he also asked members of his church to resign from their jobs and come and spend time in the house of God yet he was still asking for seeds.
He made me resign from my highly paid job and a very successful career because he said he saw a 'vision' that i should do ministry with him . Apostle Love Judah defiles young women and sleeps with wives of his members/pastors and threatens them with death if they tell anyone.
He has been in this act until recently, 2 of the young girls who he deceived and made them leave their parents to move to his church, confessed that he has threesomes with them and beats them afterwards if they don't oblige to his further demands.They are scared to come out in public because of his death threats but I have reached out to their parents.
Other women also have the same story to tell. He made advances at me(which I have proofs of) which I declined but having recently gotten a lot of info and proofs of his escapades with young women and people's wives, I won't rest till he is brought to book. I am a wife, future mother to girls(who could have being his victims) and boys(who need to see an example of men like this being brought to book!), so I can't take chances.
P.S: He has absconded to the U.S (Dallas) with his family(wife, 2 teenage daughters and 2 teenage boys) to continue his evil agenda. He has started deceiving a new set of people in Dallas but I can't let him waste another set of lives, money,resources and mess with people's beliefs. He needs to be stopped!
The easiest way to deceive Nigerians and get away with all kind of atrocities is by calling yourself a Pastor or a Prophet. One day deliverance will come.
As bad as the allegations of mideeds by the pastor sound, unfortunately, none of it is a crime. He was playing on the weaknesses of his victims.
It should only serve as a warning to others not to fall victim by sheepishly doing everything a so called man of God says. There is a sucker born every minute.
[quote author=TinyHacker post=69810519]See this one ooo, did he force you to resign from your high paying job? Don't you have brain?[/quote
God bless o, that is the thread am lookingvfor. Did he force you? Dont u read your bible abi na wetin una de read for the church. useless pst with mumu members=hell fire citizens
You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.
For people will love only themselves and money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred or holy .
heartless, and hateful. Their words will be cruel, and they will have no self-control or pity. These people will hate everything good.
They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 2 Timothy 3 1-4.
Griezwoman: A church member is accusing the founding pastor of Truth Assembly International Church, Owerri, Apostle Love Judah, of a number of things which include fraud and sexual assault.
Mrs Lisa Venison, a member of the church, said Apostle Judah deceived her into resigning from her high paying job and career as a pharmacist to come and work fully in his ministry. She accused him of deceiving other church members in the same way and defrauding them by constantly asking them to sow seeds.
She went on to allege that he sleeps with girls and married women in his church and threatens them with death if they speak out. He allegedly made two young girls in his church leave their families to move fully into his church where he began to have threesomes with them.
Mrs Venison claims she has evidence to back up her claims. She added that she's coming out now because Apostle Judah has absconded to the United States of America to begin deceiving a new set of people and she can't let him harm more people.
Read her allegations below:
My name is Pharm.(Mrs) Lisa Venison and I am a victim of Fraud, deceit and sexual harassment. My husband and I were members of Truth Assembly International Churches, Owerri - A place were we thought it was church.
The founding pastor, Apostle Love Judah (who is related to me) who always proclaimed himself as God, defrauded his members of their money through his incessant demands of seeds and what not. He sees "prophecies" and asked that we bring a seed for the prophecy to come to past. A common statement he makes is "bring a seed 2-3 times your age".
He is a selfish individual and does not approve of his members doing anything contrary to his belief. He spoke against going to school(meanwhile his children are currently schooling in the U.S), he also asked members of his church to resign from their jobs and come and spend time in the house of God yet he was still asking for seeds.
He made me resign from my highly paid job and a very successful career because he said he saw a 'vision' that i should do ministry with him . Apostle Love Judah defiles young women and sleeps with wives of his members/pastors and threatens them with death if they tell anyone.
He has been in this act until recently, 2 of the young girls who he deceived and made them leave their parents to move to his church, confessed that he has threesomes with them and beats them afterwards if they don't oblige to his further demands.They are scared to come out in public because of his death threats but I have reached out to their parents.
Other women also have the same story to tell. He made advances at me(which I have proofs of) which I declined but having recently gotten a lot of info and proofs of his escapades with young women and people's wives, I won't rest till he is brought to book. I am a wife, future mother to girls(who could have being his victims) and boys(who need to see an example of men like this being brought to book!), so I can't take chances.
P.S: He has absconded to the U.S (Dallas) with his family(wife, 2 teenage daughters and 2 teenage boys) to continue his evil agenda. He has started deceiving a new set of people in Dallas but I can't let him waste another set of lives, money,resources and mess with people's beliefs. He needs to be stopped!
What would make a married woman start sleeping with her pastor? What would make young girls leave the protection of their parents to start having threesomes with a so called pastor in his church ?
it is baffling. Some people will say I am blaming the female. But how can I not?
The nigga obviously did not rape them. They were too stupid.
Griezwoman: A church member is accusing the founding pastor of Truth Assembly International Church, Owerri, Apostle Love Judah, of a number of things which include fraud and sexual assault.
Mrs Lisa Venison, a member of the church, said Apostle Judah deceived her into resigning from her high paying job and career as a pharmacist to come and work fully in his ministry. She accused him of deceiving other church members in the same way and defrauding them by constantly asking them to sow seeds.
She went on to allege that he sleeps with girls and married women in his church and threatens them with death if they speak out. He allegedly made two young girls in his church leave their families to move fully into his church where he began to have threesomes with them.
Mrs Venison claims she has evidence to back up her claims. She added that she's coming out now because Apostle Judah has absconded to the United States of America to begin deceiving a new set of people and she can't let him harm more people.
Read her allegations below:
My name is Pharm.(Mrs) Lisa Venison and I am a victim of Fraud, deceit and sexual harassment. My husband and I were members of Truth Assembly International Churches, Owerri - A place were we thought it was church.
The founding pastor, Apostle Love Judah (who is related to me) who always proclaimed himself as God, defrauded his members of their money through his incessant demands of seeds and what not. He sees "prophecies" and asked that we bring a seed for the prophecy to come to past. A common statement he makes is "bring a seed 2-3 times your age".
He is a selfish individual and does not approve of his members doing anything contrary to his belief. He spoke against going to school(meanwhile his children are currently schooling in the U.S), he also asked members of his church to resign from their jobs and come and spend time in the house of God yet he was still asking for seeds.
He made me resign from my highly paid job and a very successful career because he said he saw a 'vision' that i should do ministry with him . Apostle Love Judah defiles young women and sleeps with wives of his members/pastors and threatens them with death if they tell anyone.
He has been in this act until recently, 2 of the young girls who he deceived and made them leave their parents to move to his church, confessed that he has threesomes with them and beats them afterwards if they don't oblige to his further demands.They are scared to come out in public because of his death threats but I have reached out to their parents.
Other women also have the same story to tell. He made advances at me(which I have proofs of) which I declined but having recently gotten a lot of info and proofs of his escapades with young women and people's wives, I won't rest till he is brought to book. I am a wife, future mother to girls(who could have being his victims) and boys(who need to see an example of men like this being brought to book!), so I can't take chances.
P.S: He has absconded to the U.S (Dallas) with his family(wife, 2 teenage daughters and 2 teenage boys) to continue his evil agenda. He has started deceiving a new set of people in Dallas but I can't let him waste another set of lives, money,resources and mess with people's beliefs. He needs to be stopped!
Sango says the truth to you today, the Bible doesn't speak to homosexuals in Romans 1 but Sodomites. Sodomites are cult prostitutes like the worshipers of Cybelle, the mother goddess, a satanic spirit that they performed all sorts of sodomy rites in order to fuel their local economy. In Greece it was the worship of Alphoditess that spawn their rebellion to the Most High, engaging in sodomy, which is oral, anal sex, along with sex with animals. This is what sodomy is, it's legal definition. Sodomization, an occult ritual, is what corrupts the society. Cult prostitutes are the propagators of sexual deviance, sexual disease and corruption high places, they are temple prostitutes.
Sacred prostitution, temple prostitution, cult prostitution,[1] and religious prostitution are general terms for a sexual rite consisting of sexual intercourse or other sexual activity performed in the context of religious worship, perhaps as a form of fertility rite
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing American psychiatrist Frances Cress Welsing was an American Afrocentrist psychiatrist. Her 1970 essay, The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism, offered her interpretation on the origins of what she described as white supremacy culture. Wikipedia Born: March 18, 1935, Chicago, IL Died: January 2, 2016, Washington, D.C. Books: The Isis (Yssis) papers Movies: 500 Years Later Education: Howard University (1962), Wendell Phillips Academy High School, Antioch College
Temple prostitutes as spoken of by Dr. Francis Cress Welsing when she points out the 9 areas of human activity controlled by the sodomites cults of Roman empire under Freemasonry, Eastern Stars, SkullnBones, Bohemian Grove, Greek Letter Organizations, Catholic Anglican, Episcopal Church Nuns and Priesthoods, College cults formed at Universities under Greek deity worship.
The Sodomites, cult prostitutes scatted out in all the 9 areas and are in control.
1. Economics 2. Education 3. Entertainment 4. Labor 5. Law 6. Politics 7. Religion 8. Sex 9. War/Counter-War