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Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 5:18pm On Oct 08, 2018

This is the era when all souls are in pain and full of regrets. All this spiritual pain comes from the spiritual deprivation which mankind is faced with at the moment. According to the Bible, the reason the wickedness and evil was such a great force in the time of Noah lies in the fact that; “The sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose” (Genesis 6:2).

When the children of God, the born again of words of truth, left the knowledge of the true and complete gospel and took into their hearts the words of false Christians who compromised the truth with man’s thoughts, numerous pseudo gospel churches were born. Therefore God said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh” (Genesis 6:3). Jesus called His born again disciples “the light of the world” because they received the light of life only Jesus could give. But Christians today do not have this light of life. The light still shines in the darkness, but the darkness refuses to receive it.

Consequently, contemporary Christianity has fallen to a status of a mere religion. Therefore, although there are more Christians today than ever before, not all of them are saved. They are always studying and learning the Bible, but they never reach the knowledge of the truth and are wallowing in a mire of a hypocritical life of religion, while their hearts wander in ignorance and chaos. Most present day Christians are ignorant of how to be born again and what this blessing means.

All these wasted efforts stem from errors in theology. In the history of Christianity, many religious leaders have interpreted and systematized the word of God according to their own thoughts and the motivation of their flesh. They have divided Christianity into many denominations, increased their followers and reined them in with the regimental system of their denominations. They have justified their false teachings with theology and trained their followers through the secular and popular system called theological doctrines.

As a result, no one can be redeemed of his sins under this pattern of Christianity but can only suffer and lament under the unbearable burden of his sins. They are the ones who have the form of godliness but deny its power (2 Timothy 3:5). How godly they look from the outside! But present day Christianity is “full of extortion and selfindulgence” (Matthew 23:25). It is all because of the devil who has sowed seeds of deception.

Heretical Christianity disguises itself as orthodoxy. It antagonizes those who seek righteousness and stands in the way of the true words of life.

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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 5:28pm On Oct 08, 2018

Heretics within the Christian Church are those who believein Jesus as their Savior but not in the words of the truth of the gospel. They follow the lies of the devil and are never redeemed of their transgressions, but are held in captivity by their own sinfulness.

The true gospel is “the gospel of the water and the Spirit.” Anyone who does not have “the faith of being born again of the salvation of the water and the Spirit” is a heretic in the eyes of God. The true gospel is that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, came to this world in the flesh of a man and was baptized by the representative of humankind, John the Baptist at the Jordan. He took away all the sins of the world, carried them to the Cross and was crucified to save all people from their sins and the final judgment.

Therefore the Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). It is the will of God that we believe the truth that Jesus Christ entirely washed away all the sins of the world with His baptism and blood on the Cross in order to make us children of God.

However, today, most Christians believe that they can be saved by believing only in the Cross of Jesus, disregarding His baptism. They claim that all sins were washed away by the Son of God, Jesus, when He bled and died on the Cross. This is the pseudo gospel that is far from the true gospel that makes us truly born again of water and the Spirit. Therefore, Christianity, having been swept up in the current of theological fallacy, has become heretical.

Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 5:40pm On Oct 08, 2018
The devil, seizing his opportunity when Adam believed hislies and stepped away from the words of God, has led humankind away from the true life into the false gospel. Satan has long held people tightly in the mire of lies and false gospel, thus condemning us to destruction, sin, and death. In the same way, the devil tempts whoever accepts his lies as truth, causes them to fall into heresy, detains them in heresy and refuses to allow them to learn the truth.

This is just like the sinful works of the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel, Jeroboam. He was afraid that his people might return to the south kingdom, where the temple was, so he changed the sacrificial system that God gave the Israelites for their redemption. He made golden calves and forced his people to worship them, turning Christianity into a heretic religion. He instituted festivals for the Israelites on the dates of his own choosing, like the festival held in Judah. He also appointed priests from among those who were not the sons of Levi, thus turning all his people away from the true ritual of atonement.

Therefore Christianity has been fundamentally altered and stayed that way until now. It is such a lamentable thing.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 5:53pm On Oct 08, 2018

Did Jesus truly save us from sin ONLY through His blood on the Cross? If someone believes only in Christ’s crucifixion, can his sins be washed away clean? No. The disciples of Jesus never said that the blood of Jesus was the whole gospel. John testified that he saw and touched Jesus Christ, the word of life, the true light. He testified that Jesus Christ came by “water and blood.”

Jesus Christ came to this world to become the sin offering for all of us, and for this purpose He was baptized by John theBaptist at the Jordan and took on to Himself all the sins of the world. He then paid the wages of sin with His blood on the Cross. This is the true gospel. The Bible tells us that Jesus “came not only by water, but by water and blood,” and it is the Spirit who bears witness that Jesus is God, and these three, "the Spirit, the water, and the blood agree as one” (1 John 5:6-8 ) Only those who share the beliefs of the disciple John have true faith that can overcome the world.

Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 5:59pm On Oct 08, 2018

Can we take one out of these three and still be saved? Never. The Spirit, the water, and the blood are one. Any one of these could never stand as the complete gospel and we could never become sinless if we removed one of these three. If people did not believe in the baptism of Jesus through which all their sins were passed on to Jesus, could they become completely without sin?

God is calling to us. “‘Come now, and let us reason together,’ says the Lord, ‘though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword;’ For the mouth of the Lord has spoken” (Isaiah 1:18-20). Now, let us reason together with the written words of God. Has His Son, Jesus Christ, not washed away all our sins? How did He do so? Jesus Christ, who is God, came to this world in the flesh of a man and washed away all our sins with His baptism and death on the Cross.

For those who gladly obey the word of truth, God allows the blessings of the Millennium and everlasting life in the kingdom of heaven. But those who refuse to accept His love and salvation, or fail to come to Him with faith, shall be judged and thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 6:11pm On Oct 08, 2018
Therefore, in order to stay clear of temptation and the condemnation of heresy in this evil day and age, we should all follow the true gospel. We can overcome the lies of the devil and the filth of this world only by heeding the word of truth, believing it with all our heart, and confessing that we are born again of water and the Spirit. Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). Only when we are born again of “water and the Spirit,” can we overcome the world and become free of all the sins, chaos, and emptiness within us.

When the true light shines, darkness recedes. Light and darkness cannot coexist. No matter how deeply buried in darkness this age is, no matter how chaotic and empty you are, the moment you take your heart into “the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit,” your heart will be filled with the LIGHT of TRUTH. “For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 6:15pm On Oct 08, 2018

Lev 16:21

"and Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, confess over it all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions, concerning all their sins, PUTTING THEM on the HEAD of the goat, and shall send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man.

Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 3:38pm On Oct 09, 2018
Salvation from sin is already complete. The gate of Heaven is open. Whoever heeds the word of truth, confirms it in the Bible and believes in “the gospel of the water and the Spirit” can protect himself from the false gospel of the devil and be saved from all his sins. He can receive God’s blessings and enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Lord is calling us earnestly, saying, “Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1). Let us all turn back to “the gospel of the water and the Spirit!” Let us avoid the upcoming judgment of God and enter the world of His grace and amazing blessings!
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 6:56pm On Oct 10, 2018

Romans 8:28-30 >

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 7:08pm On Oct 10, 2018
Did God in fact elect only some of us? No. He elected all of us in Jesus Christ.

The theological theory of predestination and divine election, which is one of the basic theologies which make up Christian doctrine, has led many who want to believe in Jesus to misunderstand the word of God. This misguided theory has caused much confusion.

What untrue theologies say about predestination is that God elected the people He loves while condemning those He dislikes arbitrarily. This means that some who were elected are born again of water and the Spirit and accepted into Heaven while the others who were not elected are destined to burn in hell. If God in fact elects only some of us, we cannot help but agonize over the question, “Was I elected for salvation?” If we were not elected, it would be useless for us to believe in Jesus.

Thus this theory has made many people more concerned with whether they were elected by God than with faith itself. If we believe this how can we be free of doubts and believe only in God? How do we confirm that God really elected us? He would be God only to those elected, even though He says, “Is He the God of the Jews only? Is He not also the God of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also” (Romans 3:29). Because many people misunderstand the meaning of predestination and divine election, they fear they will be destroyed even though they believe in Jesus.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by OtemAtum: 8:15pm On Oct 10, 2018
There was never light in Christianity from the onset. Rather, it's filled with lies from its foundation.

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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by ichuka(m): 8:51pm On Oct 10, 2018
Christainity is Christ and the life of a Christain is also Christ.
How then can the light be lost?
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 3:10pm On Oct 11, 2018

Why are christian youths leaving the church in droves? Why are many Christians turning into atheists?( 1Cor 12:3 Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed.....)

Why are some christians still in agony of their sins whilst claiming to have been saved? Why are some Christians comfortable to live as sinners even when they should have been made sanctified and RIGHTEOUS? WHy is Christianity unable to truly solve the problem of sins for people and instead, have laid heaven burdens on them, thereby leaving many desolate and depressed?

It all boils down to the fact that present-day Christianity has indeed lost the light of the true gospel of water and spirit which grants more ASSURANCE and the HOLYSPIRIT to all who understands and wholeheartedly believes in it.
Pls, open up your bible now, use it to read these free amazing e-books all containing the gospel of water and spirit, by downloading them from the site www.bjnewlife.org.



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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 3:17pm On Oct 11, 2018

Why is it that nowadays, the true ‘gospel of the water and the Spirit’ has become so rare and the false gospels have instead spread widely throughout the world?

After Jesus was resurrected and ascended to Heaven, the Apostles preached this ‘gospel of the water and the blood.’ If we read the New Testament carefully, we can see that not only did the writers of the Bible, including Paul, Peter and John, but all the Apostles and the workers of the Early Church, had clearly preached ‘the gospel of the water and the Spirit.’

Meanwhile, the devil had been contriving to alter the gospel incrementally and to take away the power of life from the Church. Thus, from the time of the Edict of Milan of 313 A.D., the Christian Church was caught up in a carefully laid trap of the devil. The political powers of the Roman Empire, in exchange for recognizing Christianity as the state religion, were able to attain political stability.

By specifying that “Baptize anyone who entered the church,” the Roman Empire maintained its unity over the diversity of its many colonies.

It was the result of these circumstances that caused the recitation of the Apostles’ Creed to be substituted as the basis of religious training. Because of that, ‘the gospel in strict accordance with the Bible,’ in other words, ‘the gospel of the water and the Spirit’—which gives us “the Power, the Holy Spirit and much assurance” (1 Thessalonians 1:5)—came to besubstituted by the false gospel. Just as Satan had planned, the false gospel, allowing no one to be born again, came to prosper throughout the world.

For over a thousand years after the Milan Edict, the Dark Ages of Christianity stifled the whole European world. Although a series of new reformation movements had arisen in many countries, urging people back to ‘the Word, Grace and Faith,’ none of them had found the true gospel, ‘the gospel of the water and the blood.’

This true gospel has been kept alive in the hands of a few who followed the words since the age of the Apostles. Just like a stream that has disappeared into the ground, which springs up again in the lower plains, it surfaced again in the Last Days to be proclaimed throughout the world.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by KingErnesto(m): 1:21pm On Oct 12, 2018
This is very insightful . The whole sin of the world was placed upon Jesus during his baptism in water ... I see that. What does our baptism in water now signifies? Pls enlighten me.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 2:36pm On Oct 12, 2018
This is very insightful . The whole sin of the world was placed upon Jesus during his baptism in water ... I see that. What does our baptism in water now signifies? Pls enlighten me.


Can you tell me what you teach about the relationship of our baptism to the baptism, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?

Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 2:44pm On Oct 12, 2018

Ephesians 1:3-5 says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.”

Therefore we should review the concept of theological predestination and divine election. We should first under- stand what the Bible says about predestination and divine election and strengthen our belief in salvation through the water and the Spirit.

What does Romans tell us? Some theologians devel- oped the unfounded theory of “unconditional election.” Is theology God, then? Theology itself is not God. Even before the creation of the world, God chose all of humankind in Jesus Christ and made up His mind to save all of us by making us righteous. Jesus loves us unconditionally. Don’t make Him a discriminating God. Unbelievers have faith in their own thoughts but believers put the basis of their faith in the written word of God.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 2:48pm On Oct 12, 2018

Is the theory of unconditional election true? No. Our Lord is not such a narrow-minded God. God chose all sinners in Jesus, not just a select few.

In Genesis 25:21-26, we read about the two sons of Isaac, Esau and Jacob. God chose Jacob while the two sons of Isaac were still in their mother’s womb. Those who misunderstand the word of God take this as the basis of the theory of unconditional election. This is like mixing a god of fate into Christianity.

If we believe that God chooses us on the basis of “unconditional election” and not in Jesus Christ, then it is the same as if we worship a god of fate and idols. God is not a god of fate. If we were to believe in a god of fate, we would be denying God’s plan for us and falling into Satan’s trap.

If people are not obedient to God’s will, then they are nothing more than the beasts which are destined to perish. Since we believers are not beasts, we should become true believers who read and believe the truth written in the Bible. Not to think first of the written truth in the Bible is to deliver oneself over to Satan. To have true faith, we should first think about the written truth in the Bible and follow the faith of those reborn in Christ.

Calvinism insists on limited redemption. This implies that the love of God and the redemption of the Lord do not apply to some. Can this be true? The Bible says, “God desires all men to be saved” (1 Timothy 2:4). If the blessing of redemption only applied to some, many believers would give up believing in Jesus. After all, who would want to believe in such a narrow-minded God? We have to have confidence that our God is not narrowminded. He is the God of Truth, Love, and Justice.

We have to believe in Jesus and the gospel of being born again of water and the Spirit and thus be saved from all our sins. Jesus is the Savior of all who are born again of water and the Spirit.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 12:14pm On Oct 13, 2018
According to Calvinism, if there were ten people, some of them would be saved by God while the others would be left to be burn in the fires of hell. This is untrue. It doesn’t make any sense to say that God loves some and discards others. Imagine that God is here with us today. If He decided to elect those who are sitting on the right side while making up His mind to send all those who are sitting on the left side to hell, would we treat Him as God? Wouldn’t those who were discarded raise their voices in protest? All creatures would cry out, “How can God be so unfair?”

Unconditional election is untrue because God elected all of humankind in Jesus Christ. Therefore anybody who is called by God in the name of Christ is elected. Then, who does God call to Him? He calls sinners, not the righteous. God does not call those who regard themselves as the righteous. God’s blessing of redemption is for sinners and those who are damned to hell. Election means God’s calls sinners in order to make them His righteous sons.

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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by Nobody: 3:43pm On Oct 13, 2018

According to Calvinism, if there were ten people, some of them would be saved by God while the others would be left to be burn in the fires of hell. This is untrue. It doesn’t make any sense to say that God loves some and discards others. Imagine that God is here with us today. If He decided to elect those who are sitting on the right side while making up His mind to send all those who are sitting on the left side to hell, would we treat Him as God? Wouldn’t those who were discarded raise their voices in protest? All creatures would cry out, “How can God be so unfair?”

Unconditional election is untrue because God elected all of humankind in Jesus Christ. Therefore anybody who is called by God in the name of Christ is elected. Then, who does God call to Him? He calls sinners, not the righteous. God does not call those who regard themselves as the righteous. God’s blessing of redemption is for sinners and those who are damned to hell. Election means God’s calls sinners in order to make them His righteous sons.

God had elected all mankind in christ?
which gospel is this?
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by Nobody: 3:45pm On Oct 13, 2018
Christianity has lost its light? this is how cults are formed. you don't know what Christianity is.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 5:53pm On Oct 14, 2018

Does God love only a selected few? No, the Lord is not so narrow- minded. God is Just.

God is Just. He is not the God who loves only unconditionally elected ones. He called sinners in the name of Christ. Without salvation through the redemption of Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of sins, how could we know God’s love and salvation? Never make Him an unjust God.

Try to find what is missing when you read Ephesians 1:3-5. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.”

What is missing? The missing word is “in Jesus Christ.” Unconditional election in Calvinism does not correspond with the words of the Bible. The Bible says, “He chose us in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world.” God chose all of humankind in Christ to be born again of water and the Spirit. Those who cannot help but be born sinners can be redeemed of sin and become His children. He included all of humankind in the list of those to be saved and elected them in Jesus Christ.

Because many theologians who insist on unconditional election say that only some are chosen, many people are trapped in the chaos of belief in completely irrational doctrines. These false theologians say that God chooses some and discards the others through unconditional election, while the truth of His word is that God chose all sinners in Jesus. Many people fall victim to untrue doctrine owing to their superstitious beliefs.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 1:22pm On Oct 15, 2018

Why did God love Jacob? Because Jacob knew of his unrighteousness. I recently read a book based on a story of unconditional election. A young man had a dream. An old woman appeared in the dream and told the young man to come to a certain place, and he went. Then the old woman told him that he was chosen by God. He asked the old woman how could God have elected him when he doesn’t even believe in God? She told him that God unconditionally chose him despite his faithlessness.

This is untrue. How could God arbitrarily condemn some people to hell and choose others for salvation? God elected everyone in Jesus. Theological election theory that excludes Jesus is false. It is untrue. But many theologians insist that God chose only some of us. That is not true. God wants to save everyone in Jesus.

Only those who don’t believe in the redemption of the water and the Spirit in Jesus will not be saved. God predestined all humankind for salvation through His Son, Jesus, and intended to make us His children even before He created the world. He planned to save humankind from all the sins of the world through the redemption of Jesus Christ. This is the truth as it is written in the Bible.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 11:32am On Oct 16, 2018
The righteous who are reborn in Christ are the chosen ones. But theologians insist that God chooses only some of us. They say, for example, that Buddhist monks are among those who God did not choose. But God also elected them in Jesus.

If God unconditionally elected some without Jesus, we would not need to preach the gospel. If God had planned to elect someone without Jesus, sinners would not need to believe in Jesus. How then could His words of Love, Truth and Deliverance be fulfilled? Would there be any reason for the servants of God to preach the gospel in this world? Does it make any sense that God has already unconditionally elected the redeemed and the damned without Jesus?
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:01am On Oct 17, 2018
Sinners who believe in false doctrine say, “Look at Jacob and Esau. He chose one and discarded the other uncon- ditionally.” God didn’t elect us unconditionally, but elected us in Jesus Christ. We only have to look up the written words in the Bible. Romans 9:10-12 says, “And not only this, but when Rebekah also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), it was said to her, ‘The older shall serve the younger.’” God chose Jacob in Jesus. Jacob was a model of sinners who are unworthy and bereft of their own righteousness.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:02am On Oct 17, 2018
The reason God chose Jacob in Jesus, the reason He loved Jacob and hated Esau is that He already knew before they were created that Jacob would believe in Jesus and Esau would not believe in Him. There are many sinners in this world who believe in Jesus. Some of them are like Esau and the others are like Jacob. Why did God love Jacob? Jacob was unrighteous and knew of his unworthiness. Therefore he admitted that he was a sinner before God and asked for His Grace. That is why God saved Jacob.

But Esau relied more on himself than the Lord and didn’t hunger for the Grace of God. So God said He loved Jacob and hated Esau. This is the word of truth.

God predestined us all for salvation in Jesus. All sinners have to do is to believe in Jesus. Then God’s Truth and Justice will be instilled in their hearts. We sinners can do nothing but believe with all our hearts in being saved through Jesus. All we have to do is believe in redemption through Jesus.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:18pm On Oct 17, 2018

Is it true that a sinner can gradually become righteous? No. It is impossible. Once for all, God made sinners righteous and without blemish through the redemption of His baptism and His death on the Cross.

Satan deceives sinners with the gradual sanctification theory so that they cannot be saved from their sins. Gradual sanctification means that sinners gradually become holy after they believe in Jesus. The theory goes like this. Sinners cannot become righteous once for all but are saved only from original sin when they believe in Jesus. Actual sins are washed away through daily prayers of repentance and people gradually become sanctified. The crux of this theory is gradual sanctification. It sounds great that someone can believe in Jesus and gradually become a holier Christian.

This theory has deceived many Christians over the years, making them feel secure. That’s the reason why there are so many holier-than-thou Christians in Christianity. They think that one day they will simply be changed and sin no more. But they live out their lives as sinners and will be judged as sinners before God after they die.

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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 12:16pm On Oct 18, 2018
Read the true word in the Bible. In Romans 8:30, “Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.”

And in verse 29, “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” At first glance it seems there are steps to becoming righteous. But the Word tells us that righteousness was granted once for all. “Whom He called, these He also justified.” Jesus called sinners and made them righteous through His baptism at the Jordan and His death on the Cross. Therefore one who believes in redemption in Jesus becomes a glorified child of God. It is the Grace of God to redeem sinners and glorify them in this name. This is what God tells us.

But some Christians tell us to look at Romans 8:30. “There are steps to becoming sanctified. Doesn’t that mean we change gradually?” This is how they deceive. They tell people in the future tense that a sinner will become righteous with time. But the Bible tells us not in the future tense, but in the past perfect tense that we have been made righteous once for all. There’s a definite difference between the future concept and the past perfect one.

Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 9:01am On Oct 19, 2018
We should fully believe in the Bible. According to what is written, we can become children of God once and for all. This is totally different from the gradual sanctification theory. The gradual sanctification theory says that only original sin is forgiven when we believe in Jesus. This suggests that we should lead a religious life and repent for our sins every day, so that when we stand before God we will become righteous.

Because many people believe in this theory, they still remain sinners even after they begin to believe in Jesus. That’s why the gradual sanctification theory is untrue. The Bible clearly tells us that we become righteous and children of God by faith. Just as babies come into the world, children of God also become sanctified as soon as they realize and believe in the redemption of Jesus. The false gradual sanctification theory sprang from lies.
Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 1:54pm On Oct 20, 2018

What do we have to do to be completely sanctified? We have to believe in the redemption of the water and the Spirit.

Romans 8:1-2 says, “There is therefore now no condem- nation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.”

This tells us that God made all sinners righteous and delivered all who came to Jesus from the law of sin and death. The Bible tells us about complete redemption in Hebrews 9:12. “Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once and for all, having obtained eternal redemption.” This means that we who believe in Jesus are redeemed and admitted into Heaven.

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Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 8:40pm On Oct 20, 2018
Freely you have received, freely give." ( Matthew 10:8 )


Re: Christianity Has Lost The Light by estheragha: 2:18pm On Oct 21, 2018

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