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Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by maternal: 1:46am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Guitarlife: I don't know why you're confused. But I'll answer your question. 1. YES when necessary. I've seen females in my family almost get killed by their husbands because of the stigma of being a divorcee. If your life is in danger or you're simply not happy, and you think the marriage is irreparable; then YES people should get divorced. We only have one life to live. 2. My religion is nobody business. Stop turning this into a religious debate. But I do know religion can be skewed or manipulated into ones best interests. I cant stand people who pick and chooses parts of their religion/holy book to benefit their own interests. 3. LOL stand up to their man ? So a woman shouldn't have a voice or opinion ? So she should cook your food, have your child, do as you say, then open her legs at night for you. Then the cycle begins the follow day. The sec she says she doesn't want to do X, then she's "standing up to her man". I need you to elaborate what you mean by that. And yes most women stand up to their man in the west and form equality. She'd be stupid not too. Many woman have died for such a right. 4. YES. Any man who feels a woman loves to be treated unfairly is an idiot. Give a woman economic power and you'll see how she really feels about you. You think woman abroad are just more stronger than the woman in naija ? The woman abroad have a system that'll help them. 5. LOL Abeg go and sit down. Remain faithful to one partner ? A naija man ? Marriage for you is the ability to f^ck as many woman as you like. While your wife remains at home, submissive, while doing everything you say like a house girl. Who do you think you're fooling here ? Pop out of marriage at the slightest hint of unhappiness ? Bros, if your wife cheated on you with another man, would you stay and work it out ? Be honest with your answer Mr Saint. Why would any man want a woman to remain in a marriage she's not happy in ? Seriously. Is it insecurity ? I'm confused. 46 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by maternal: 1:52am On Dec 21, 2018 |
salford: Exactly ! You have to adapt to your environment or wherever you're living. In the west you need both partners to be working in most cases, unless you're rich. After doing 8 hour days, 1 hour commute each way, making it a total of a 10 hour day. These "men" will now want their wives to have dinner freshly made, their bathe water hot and ready, etc. Then before they sleep they'll want some toto. All this along with her 10 hour day, can make it easily a 12 hour day. Then if you have kids, oh boy. But if the woman says it's too much to handle, or come and give me help, she's now a witch, trying to be the head of the household. I tire for these cave men parading around as actual men. 43 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Tojued: 1:56am On Dec 21, 2018 |
@guitarlife, apologies and no strong opinions on my part, but I find your views on mariage troubling. Simply because they are based on so many pre-expectations! You seem to have formed this very rigid, narrow concept of marriage. Have you been married before? If you haven't, then I can tell you confidently that a key recipe to a happy marriage is building your own formular as a couple, not resting on any societal or religious expectations. And this formular is one you will only discover when you have an open mind, are willing to be flexible, and wake up everyday thinking of how to make your better half happy. Expecting the so called submission is a very strong expectation! What exactly is submission self? Biko, give me example lol. Pre-Expectations kill marital happiness. The mentors helping you build those expectations while you're single, you don't know the real shii going on in their home. And I do agree that divorce rates are low in Nigeria because women have nowhere to go plus boxed in mindset. It is unfortunate but true that a good number of our ladies are not truly empowered. Marriage is sacred true but be sure 90% of unhappy mariages here aren't sticking together just because of their religious convictions. After all 90% of Nigerians only claim their religion in name and not in action. Abi the only area we suddenly know how to obey God is not to divorce? In the same West where you're condemning lack of submission, couples have survived decades together! Not trying to argue or disregard/disrespect or change your view point, just sharing knowledge I personally had to learn the hard way. All the best and wishing you tons of happiness ahead. 60 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 2:20am On Dec 21, 2018 |
maternal: 17 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Bimz89: 2:23am On Dec 21, 2018 |
@Uchepixy please i am interested in an apartment at Mississauga. I also sent you an email. Please reply as soon as you can. Thanks |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 2:33am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Tojued:I have only expressed two views here... 1. My wife should submit as that is what my bible tells me(Let me state that submission is not slavery if you can't put this together then am sorry ). 2. I will love my wife and remain faithful to her only. Having stated this, can you let me know which of the two views you find in your own very words, troubling, very rigid, narrow concept ? To address the other points you have raised, they are mostly emotional and are probably a carry over of stories, experiences, and impressions you have formed cause I really can't imagine that the two points above will generate such a response. It is true that a lot of dysfunctional marriages abound in Nigeria but the fact 99% of men are unfaithful or beat their wives doesn't mean everybody does for Christ sakes. 9 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by maternal: 2:36am On Dec 21, 2018 |
[quote author=Guitarlife post=74036197][/quote] You make no sense and contradict yourself. But I want you to still answer my one question. "Bros, if your wife cheated on you with another man, would you stay and work it out ? Be honest with your answer Mr Saint." Answer the question. |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 2:43am On Dec 21, 2018 |
maternal:Maternal is this what you are passing through, if this is a narration of what you are passing through I am deeply sorry but this is not what I mean by submission, I am not an animal. Submission simply means that the woman acknowledges that the man is the head of the home, while the man also has a duty to love his wife, it remains a delicate concept, a mystery , an art, a beauty that is almost lost in todays chaotic and material driven life. No doubt majority of families are barely pulling through and most are just wearing a shallow and fake smile to mask the inadequacies but usurping the natural order will not solve the problem. If a man/ woman marries the right partner taking up their roles in marriage will not be a problem, however, things are a lot more easier when each partner does understand their God given roles in marriage. Now if you are not a practising christian or have your spirituality at a low level this will not make much sense, I know. Its even worse if all you have always seen are dysfunctional marriages with the men beasts and according to you maternal the women angels/saints. 10 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 2:51am On Dec 21, 2018 |
maternal:I had typed almost half a page of response and I just wiped it off now, why did you ask this question ? I do not pray to be in such a position and I pray for the grace to remain faithful to my future spouse so I will not answer this question but believe me not all married men cheat. I am not saying women must stay in abusive marriages there some lines that should not be crossed, physical violence and infidelity are a no no. All marriages face challenges but for me this two are abomination that should not even happen. 5 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by AZeD1(m): 2:51am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Guitarlife:I believe marriage is a partnership. An equal one at that with both partners submitting to each other. That means they both have an equal say in how things should work and when there are differing opinions one would be chosen based on a set of predefined parameters. There's a saying "you do not hire smart people and tell them what to do" and I'll say do not marry a smart wife and start bossing her around. 34 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by orobs93(m): 3:00am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Influential101: Please how do I calculate the fee for cargoing to Canada BC precisely...and can I cargo red oil? |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 3:01am On Dec 21, 2018 |
AZeD1: ![]() ![]() Goodluck with what you think , mind I tell you that this is exactly the formula the west and north america practices, how come their rate of divorce is the highest in the world ? Have you ever been in a car where all the passengers can drive ? So how many of you drove the car ? Why did all of you not hold the steering simply because you all can drive ? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A vehicle with two people driving it will crash, there has to be an atmosphere of love and submission, the man knows to love his wife and protect her with his life the wife knows to support and submit, I repeat submitting is not a slave. Have you thought that the man can ask the woman to take the key and drive ? But one person has to lead, even a pack of wolves is not led by 2 it never works. 17 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by AZeD1(m): 3:12am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Guitarlife:The reason the West seems to have a higher rate of divorce is because they are not hypocritical like Africans. People who say things like this are the ones that think Africans and Africa are morally superior to the rest of the world yet Africa is the most backward place on earth. As for the car questions, you need to watch more car rallies and see what happens to drivers who don't listen to the co-driver. PS: Why are you moving to a society that thinks differently from you? If what they believe in the West is wrong, you would be staying back in Nigeria. 39 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 3:20am On Dec 21, 2018 |
AZeD1:The bolded means alot to me, you agree we cannot have two drivers right ? We are making progress gradually . Now to the question of why the west has a higher divorce rate, it sounds somewhat counter-intuitive , are you saying that Westerners having higher divorce rate is a testament of their "non-hypocriticalness" ? There are very few women who do not have a problem with submitting to their spouses, that is the kind of woman that I want, its my desire. You are a guy so you can go around looking for a woman who questions your authority . Goodluck with finding one and goodluck to me too. ![]() ![]() 18 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by AZeD1(m): 3:32am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Guitarlife:The work of the driver is not more important than that of the co driver. As a matter of fact the co driver is in charge of the navigation so the co driver leads the way. The reason why the West seems to have a higher rate of divorce is because they don't lie to themselves. If they are not happy in the marriage they leave unlike here in Nigeria were a lot of people are in marriages for convenience sake. Like I said earlier, marriage is a partnership so there's no "Authority". You need to know what a partnership entails. 17 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by DadR: 4:53am On Dec 21, 2018 |
@guiterlife, maternal, azed1. Hmm, this is an interesting one. I'm following... 3 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by maternal: 4:55am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Guitarlife: You think you're smart, but you really aren't. Stop personalizing this. I've never experience these things personally, but I have a lot of friends who have been in different types of marriages. So please answer these questions and stop running your mouth all over the place. 1. Give me a clear example how the man is the head of the household ? 2. What is the natural order ? Again I want a clear example. 3. What exactly is the man's and woman's God given roles ? Other than child birth. Again I need clear examples. 4. What exactly is spirituality at a low level? Again, I need a clear example. Don't dance around these questions. 10 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by maternal: 5:01am On Dec 21, 2018 |
Guitarlife: You typed almost half a page of bullsh!t only to know i'd call you out, and you couldn't take yourself seriously. Nobody prays to be in X situation but they are. Answer the question ! The reason you can't/won't answer the question is because you're full of crap. If your wife cheated on you with another man you'd leave in less than 24 hours. Call your people from in-laws to friends in the village saying how she's an ashewo. Yet if it was you, you'd want to be forgiven and talk about all the God nonsense, head of the household, fight for the marriage, blah..blah.. and want your wife to stay and tolerate your sin/infidelity. You know nothing about Christianity or God. All you know how to do is manipulate God's words and the bible to benefit your best interests. 23 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by ceemac: 5:04am On Dec 21, 2018 |
maternal: I am kinda most interested in the bolded: 3. So she shouldn't cook? Maybe the man does not have to 'fend' as a duty for the family also. Did you say have YOUR child? I don't know when children became only the property of the man? You also mentioned open her legs at night? Is it only the man that enjoys the act? Can't you see from the previous post where a woman willingly forfeited 300k in Buhari's regime becos of 'soco'. If the man doesn't demand, the same woman will start raising suspicion that he is seeing someone outside.. 4. Don't you think there is a reason the creator created a man first? Or why all the Supernatural beings' messengers like Jesus, Mohammed, Budha etc. pointed to are depicted as men and not women. For the records, I am not and will never be a sexist, there will always be a space for the sun and moon in the universe. 5.Don't be stereotypical about Naija men, the country already has a bad image enough to further single out some set of people for castigation. Go and see how other nationalities are rushing the same 'Nigerian men' . A prophet really does not have regard in his own house. 19 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by maternal: 5:15am On Dec 21, 2018 |
ceemac: 3. The point is things can/should be split 50/50. Why must it only be the woman to cook ? Men do not fend fully for the family in the west. Unless you're rich it's a 2 house income. The rest is taken out of context. 4. If one isn't religious or an atheist, this point of view is pointless to them. Because one was born into X religion doesn't mean they believe everything within the religion. 5. Ironically the demands some naija men put on naija women, they can't try that on the other nationalities "rushing" for them. 20 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by vcole: 5:28am On Dec 21, 2018 |
@guitarlife your ex dodged a bullet and I would pop a bottle of champagne on her behalf. There is no logical reasoning to your argument and your mindset is simply put a result of social conditioning. I wouldn’t even bother to go into a q&a with you. @maternal @azed1 have already said enough. Good luck on your search for a neck to support your head aka submissive wife, after all it is your life. However maybe you should consider relocating back to naija after getting your Canadian citizenship sha cos this western life with high divorce rates and comparatively shorter gender gaps that is over a century ahead in development than your lower divorce rates third world religious country of origin may not be the best society to nurture Mrs guitar life, your marriage may just end up as a statistic you know. Mrs will not remain blind and deaf or dumb forever she will realize soon enough that she doesn’t have to take BS. @ceemac I read your first line and just didn’t have eye power to commit towards reading more. Just a little education cooking is for cooks. It is not a gender ascribed role and majority of the best cooks in the world are male, so go figure. In the end, whether a head is hiding under the cloak of a religious or cultural practice that confers unmerited power upon said head or not, the advocates of a headship and 1 captainship or 1 drivership are all doing so for their own self interest to remain in the seat of power because it simply feels good and comes with perks. Whether you admit it or not, that is the truth. Abeg my keyboard self don tire. You can reply oh or even throw insults sef but I won’t even care. #arguewithyourpastororimamorguruorwhoever 65 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by kylexy61(m): 5:51am On Dec 21, 2018 |
I'm really enjoying this conversation. After being in Canada for just 4 months, I understand the reason why concepts like "submission" and "authority" don't really apply in marriages here. Both are contributing equally to the marriage, so to them, both should submit to each other. Neither the male nor female enjoys a monotonous authority to make major decisions concerning the family. If Naija women were to be given the same power as the Canadian women here, be rest assured the divorce rate in Naija may rise even higher than the Western countries. 28 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by salford: 5:53am On Dec 21, 2018 |
The arguments above further proves that the CBC was right after-all about the most common reason for divorce among immigrants. No matter how we twist it, some immigrant husbands especially from Africa, Asia and the Middle East would never accept a split of traditional responsibilities till strains start appearing in some marriages. The culture from back home is really strong. Mum has now realised that dad can't just be sat in the living room with remote control on one hand and legs on the table while she does all the work at home. I believe everyone has one or two things to learn from the arguments. Couples should endeavour to support themselves in Canada even if it requires splitting tasks into 50/50. Lets forget about pride, tradition or culture. it's all about working together to achieve success and a happy home. 59 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by jelmusboy(m): 6:04am On Dec 21, 2018 |
When you are all done with marriage 102, let's continue with immigration 202. 36 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by salford: 6:10am On Dec 21, 2018 |
jelmusboy: ![]() it's all part of the total immigration package of living in Canada. 25 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 6:13am On Dec 21, 2018 |
maternal:Yes I had to play rough, you were starting to hit below the belt, I bet you know how that feels now. I don't really care what your convictions are, if they work for you goodluck. now lets kiss and make up ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 12 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 6:14am On Dec 21, 2018 |
salford: This is a matured finale, I guess this is a good place to draw the curtain. We all learned a thing or two even if we are too proud to admit in public. ![]() ![]() ![]() I just absorbed what you wrote, well I take it you are trying to be Canadian (being courteous to women right ?) cos I really can't fathom where you got the impression I was encouraging men to lazy about and not help in the home, I said wives should submit to their husbands. The fact everyone seems to attempt to twist that simple sentence into me encouraging men to be lazy and as some have even alledged promiscuous is got me thinking this is some sort of conspiracy. I keep correcting the very same thing and every other person comes aboard and starts making the same erroneous claims that I have tried to correct. HellllloOoOoOOooooooooooo!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() 14 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by threadstone(m): 6:16am On Dec 21, 2018 |
There is something. 9 Likes 1 Share
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 6:17am On Dec 21, 2018 |
vcole:@vcole this is your personal opinion and I respect it. ![]() ![]() ![]() Oloun no more energy to type, I don goof for work untop this arguement, I dey wait my querry now ![]() ![]() ![]() lol @bolded you women need to calm down, you run the world I swear you do. 4 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Nobody: 6:23am On Dec 21, 2018 |
maternal:@Maternal I am really getting embarassed at how bitter you write, arguements doesn't always have to be a battle. The level of aggressive dramatization portrayed in your writings are far too toxic and extremely disturbing for the most part. I typed and erased cos I realised I was being drawn into this violent and aggressive communication style which really isn't my thing if you have observed my posts, I try to always retain my sense of humour so I am impressed for some minutes there you worked me up and had me loose it. I can't continue like that, we can still have this discussion but it would be nice if its in a more relaxed and friendly tone. ![]() ![]() ![]() 38 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by Hafsat24(f): 6:39am On Dec 21, 2018 |
salford: ![]() ![]() ![]() 4 Likes |
Re: Living In Canada/Life As A Canadian Immigrant by AZeD1(m): 6:49am On Dec 21, 2018 |
salford:This same "Authority" issue is what caused the killing of nurses by Nigerian men in the US. The men in the name of submission go back to Nigeria to marry one mgbeke and bring her to the US, after a few years in the US drinking star, "Obiageli's" eyes start to shine and realizes she's doesn't have to submit her salary to mazi or take his bs anymore, from there......... @guitarlife, I wish you all the very best and hope you find the wife for you. 9 Likes |
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