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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Pets / Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. (21735 Views)
Belgian Malinois Stud Needed In Lagos / Belgian Woman Banned From Zoo After 4-year 'affair' With Chimpanzee / Belgian Malinois Puppy (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by space9880: 12:22pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
agboedeh: security agents usually wants suspects apprenhended not mauled and mind you a malinois is intimidating and brave just try to watch videos of rotts and the rest doing bite work you will see that the Mali does it better. |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by space9880: 12:25pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
agboedeh: that is where the spirit of the fight comes in... how long can a kangal keep up the chase? a malinois can go on and on but how long can a kangal go? |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 1:46pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
ImFortress:I never said I was a breeder I never said I was better at dog breeding than anybody I've already made my point and none of you have Been able to discredit it so if you don't have any other thing to say apart from me getting my stuff from Google then don't mention me again The videos I posted were not animated where they? You said somethings I didn't agree with, I posted googled facts, you said that googled facts weren't enough, I posted the actual videos of the dogs, you're still talking about Google |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 2:07pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
IamAnderson:This is a summary of my argument, unless you can prove anything I said wrong, don't mention me again Someone was even saying the scenes were staged, did the dogs know they were staged? Anybody that has eyes can look at the pics to see the dogs doing everything you said they couldn't and that was my aim You're just angry because someone without any experience was right about something you claim to have years of experience in I am not a breeder in fact.....all of you probably have more experience than I can dream of having but you can't deny what I said was true I got all those videos from professional CO,kangal and Tibetan mastiff trainers I didn't animate them to decieve anybody The videos showed the dogs doing everything you all made seem they couldn't I also talked about the strengths of the malinois and I also admitted the things they where better at doing than big dogs Don't mention me again on this thread unless you can prove anything I said wrong |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 2:09pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
ImFortress:Are the screenshots I shared fake? |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 2:13pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
ImFortress:I have a feeling you aren't even reading my comments Because you weren't able to train the dogs to do all those things doesn't mean they can't do them, that's what I've been trying to tell olumoadebayo. The people that trained those dogs are more experienced than you and are apparently better at it than you but you're still trying to discredit them because I'm not the one? ![]() If you were arguing with one of those men that trained the big dogs and he showed you pictures of the dogs doing what they said they couldn't would you still be arguing? But I guess it's because you know I'm not a trainer that youre still saying that googled pictures and videos of the things happening aren't facts |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by jeff1607(m): 2:45pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
IamAnderson: to make you understand his point kindly answer this what is one of the things that usually happen to dogs when imported from overseas (with proven bloodlines),even after feeding the same thing it eat overseas? only first hand experience or studying a particular breed can give you an idea. you can't all answers on Google . |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 2:55pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
jeff1607:Yes, not all answers can be gotten from Google but this isn't one of them Again I'm not a trainer but I happen to be right about this in particular.... I don't know what you're still saying |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 3:11pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
Here's an example of what's going on; If you said birds couldn't eat snakes and I said otherwise, after showing you these pictures of real birds eating snakes would you still be asking for my degree in ornithology or believe immediately? Why is it so difficult for you now? Would you be asking me if I have taken care of up to 5 species of birds before? Would you be asking me if I am experienced in ornithology?
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by jeff1607(m): 3:35pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
IamAnderson: ok |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by Eveezy(m): 3:43pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
IamAnderson:You have made valid point. Kudos 1 Like |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 4:28pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
ImFortress: So you want to use Nigeria as a reference to show the effectiveness of a European dog? Let me tell you something, do you know about the west African dwarf goat?(ewu) That breed of goat has been in Nigeria for years and goat herders have raised them for generations. Do you know that recently, it was discovered that that breed of goat was native to only this part of the world? Do you know that the breed of goat is the highest milk producer amongst other breeds? If you go and tell a Nigerian farmer these things, the farmer will tell you that he has decades of experience under his belt and you are just a novice Does it still change the fact that the goat that was exported lived up to it's expectations? The goat is now in a zoo in England as a pet Meanwhile, in Nigeria the same specie of goat is still seen as trash and eaten anyhow Secondly, olumoadebayo's malinois where also hand picked and the inferior ones where out down so what's your point? If you pick a malinois out of nowhere do you think it'll be skilled? If the malinois where hand picked and trained from puppyhood why can't the COs? |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by AyobamiSky: 5:42pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
@ IamAnderson; my goodness, i beg to see people reason like you on this thread everyday. See sense. Bless your intellect. If anyone can truly prove credibly that all you have said above are lies and baseless facts, then such should. I wonder why anyone would compare a malinois to a kangal or co. its no different from comparing a defensive mildfielder who is quite a better 'all-rounder' and a Centre back who although can initiate an attack has his home on d defence. Keep you head up. Keep learning, get ur knowledge no matter d source. internet, mags, library, jokes, just get it. kudos for your knowledge and stance 3 Likes |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by agboedeh: 6:22pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
space9880:Yes ,security agents wants suspect apprehended and a kangal can be trained to do so.Look, y do u think its illegal to export kangals out of turkey,they are dangerous if nt properly trained. Coming to intimidation, U can't compare the intimidation a kangal gives to DAT of a malinios. So u are telling me DAT a trained malinios would do a better bite work than a trained rott..Very wrong. |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by agboedeh: 6:28pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
space9880:Well,u definitely can't compare the speed of the two breeds. A Mali is faster for sure but when it comes to guarding the yard and its a matter of life and death(i.e kill me or I kill ur people) the kangal is unbeatable. Pls stop comparing the kangal and Mali..they are nt in the same league. |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by IamAnderson(m): 6:30pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
AyobamiSky: Thank you so much, this means a lot to me ![]() |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by Eveezy(m): 6:48pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
Let it rest. They are great dogs, iamanderson has been consistent with his argument and has given good points. I give up. But anyways for the love of the breed, I want all to see the beauty in dis malinois puppies, note dt diz are puppies with no actual training yet, I will attach link nd screenshots of d video 1 Share
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by AyobamiSky: 7:07pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
@oluomoadebayo; why do you get so aggresive when your clearly favoured breed is criticised in any way?. Have you seen how red you can turn in your previous posts when that happens?. Do you think there really is a perfect dog breed?. or even one above criticism?. I smile when you do this, its funny. its quite similar to a tantrum. As regards all the lad up there mentioned, you are yet to disprove him and you know its bcs he is stating backed up facts. Facts r realistic, regardless of who states 'em, r what they r. You discredited that young man as having no experience, you went all sacarstic on him at a point, u tried to ridicule his knowledge by making a joke of it at a point but he stuck to his point. All these make me wonder, what energy you do transmit around your dogs. Personal experience u seem to always fall on. You keep asking if they have dogs and even ds Kangal. Well the reason why someone like you probably will probably never know that there are us, yes i said us and nt me who own Kangals in Naija-ile n exist on this forum is the same reason you wont see Rolls Royce adverts on TV(feel free to nt blv but ask yourself first if the cost of buying a kangal puppy and bringing it down is costlier than the ferraris, lambos, bentleys and d rolls you have seen in Naija-ile). In btw, wonder how that law enforcement guy got his tibettan mastiff?. I wonder if u have had a 35yr conscious experience in raising dogs and if doing so is a family tradition passed tru lineages in urs as is in my family(grand pop, pop, me and my unbelievable teen boys). Yet even i know that knowledge is gotten in 3ways; Reasoning, Experience(personal and dat of others), and Rationality which is d filter basically. You dnt know as much as you think you do, blv me You even had to agitate for an attack session, on video and even wt a cash reward?. Haaaaaa!!! o fee tee( u want to shame yourself), IMAGINE(clearly stating that i wont) if i steered a couple of pple i knw towards ds challenge, people wt that Kangal and Co that you are soooo eager to prove a point against?. These are pple who would go for your jugular and push u till u agree to a kennel vs kennel. Young Man, u'd be out of of biz in 45mins. You think and blv a well trained dog is dangerous?. I'l show a dog bred( totured by d singular element of survivor against mother nature at her worst) to kill. Your 50k wld hardly seem like like a penny. And what were you thinking when you suggested the above; wat wld happen if a prospective client saw dat, ur biz partners or a screenshot was sent to the kennel club u belong to and if there are no cosequences to this that you worry about, you r not as reputable as u make urslf seem then. Learn more, live more, experience more. There is so much more than wat u think u know and the dog world aslmost as large as d human world 4 Likes |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by AyobamiSky: 7:08pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
@Space9880 and Eveezy, buttlicking wont get you anywhere, neither will dogmatism and trembling n being afraid to bare the truth, stand by it and oppose d opposite of it, so u can fall in line and tune with a perceived 'authority'. Not every darn tin a percieved isle of knowledge says is ryt, dts a fallacy. Na there una go old keep, trust me. its detestable and if u dnt blv me, ask yourselves how long you have been doing ds and how many people truly seek ur knowledge and see you as reputable in what you do. Start becoming better. 2 Likes |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by agboedeh: 7:21pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
@AyobamiSky,it was just a healthy argument which is finally concluded.From this argument, people reading comments would know true facts and have better understanding. 1 Like |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by Eveezy(m): 7:23pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
AyobamiSky:Butt licking? Really? Cos I spoke the truth? Do I know olumoadebayo from anywhere that I will butt lick? Dont get me angry, I yielded cos I was tired of dragging this issue, do not ever make a comparism of such to me, yall are deciding to see dis one sided. Please dont mention me if dis is wat u have to say. I do not like stepping on toes, I believe u re a respectable man, I gave my analysis based on my perception and not cos I intend to be one sided. I never discredited any breed, I gave comparism of a huge bouncer and a smaller skilled guy. But seems people involved in this argument are not seeing it from my point, its my bad because I probably wasnt able to buttress my point enough to convince people, I could gather my facts as well and bring them here, but am not taking this argument too serious. Am sorry if I may sound rude with this comment, but I never want to be associated with Butt licking, every single thing I have achieved today, were done on my own, those words "butt licking" really infuriates me. I have yielded, so please dont bring that ish of butt licking |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by agboedeh: 7:26pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
Eveezy:calm down |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by Eveezy(m): 7:43pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
agboedeh:Thanks bro, I will |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by oluomoadebayo: 7:45pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
AyobamiSky: Getting aggressive on a dog? You must be kidding. Do I tell you I’m interested in a dog fight? I’m promoting my business but you and the others are promoting fictions. |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by oluomoadebayo: 8:01pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
agboedeh: And I will instruct the new buyers not to breed or how do I control the bad gene? |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by agboedeh: 8:32pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
oluomoadebayo:maybe u can castrate them before selling |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by oluomoadebayo: 9:10pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
agboedeh: And you will buy a castrated dog? Please be honest. Most of you here are just here to attack the messenger. Just listen to yourself. |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by agboedeh: 10:33pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
oluomoadebayo:y wouldn't I buy a castrated dog.I have had castrated dogs in the past.Many of my colleagues owns castrated dogs.Nt everybody buy dogs inorder to breed them.Some people just want a loveable pet. pls wats wrong with a castrated dog?? pls am nt here to attack anyone.Wat did u do to me DAT will make me attack u. |
Re: Belgian Malinois Breeding Plan In Nigeria. by agboedeh: 10:43pm On Jan 28, 2019 |
Do u know what..when ur next litter arrives,after selecting the ones that are up to standard,just castrate the once remaining and put them for sale(nt as expensive as the working dogs tho) and also notify the public that they were castrated. Then come back here and tell me how it went. Pls its better to try than nt to try at all.Give them a living chance. |
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