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The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. - Religion (2) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. (44233 Views)

JW PIMO Reconsiders The Trinity Doctrine. Part 1 / How The Bible Shoots Down Jehovah Witnesses False Doctrine / Daddy Freeze: Prosperity Doctrine Is Fraudulent & Satanic From The Pits Of Hell (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by johnw47: 12:33pm On Aug 28, 2019

I somehow agree with you but am having a little doubt or concerns on your statement that " the word is the same eternal spirit that is God" can you elaborate on it pls.

your dad begat you, you and your dad are of the human spirit

Father God begat the Word, the Word and his Father are of the God Spirit, God is a Spirit

not two spirits - not two gods as false jw's believe


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Greatomotoy: 12:39pm On Aug 28, 2019
I wish I can type long!!! I will try to

Jehovah/Yahweh is the Father ( God the father)
Jesus Christ is the Son (God the Son)
Holy Spirit is God the Spirit
They are different personality in the God Head. As humans' are tripartite so is the God Head.
I get puzzled when some Christians say God is the 'same person' as Jesus Christ, when tons of scriptural verses had made it clear.

For Christians saying they are the same, I ask..... when we get to heaven are we going to see one Entity or 'Three Entity ( Father, Son and Spirit)?
Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by johnw47: 12:39pm On Aug 28, 2019

You failed to tell me how God is the head of Christ and still Christ is the same God of himself
does it make sense to you?

Christ is not the same God of Himself, oh most confused one

hint, two persons, one God, as in john 1:1 and many other scriptures showing Jesus to be God


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by malvisguy212: 12:48pm On Aug 28, 2019

So in a nutshell you are saying that Jesus Co-equal to God but decided to play the role of a son?
in Hebrew chapter one, it was God the father speaking here,
Now about the angels He says: “He makes
His angels winds, His servants flames of fire.”
8 But about the SON He says: “Your throne, O
GOD, endures forever and ever, and justice is
the scepter of Your kingdom.

who called the Jesus the son ? and what was the speaker called Him ? God!! does it mean that the speaker of that verse is leas God ?

Jesus is NEVER the father, He is the son. on His earthly ministry, the father is in Heaven ( the Lord's prayer prove it, " OUR FATHER WHO AT IN HEAVEN)

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 1:02pm On Aug 28, 2019

Do you have proof of that in the Bible?

My friend stop asking for further proof, you're one of Jehovah's Witnesses! angry

Anytime your oneness is spotted, it always carry the same blueprint.
©It's only your organization that's speaking with one accord! Romans 15:5-6, 1Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:3, Philippians 2:2 compared to John 17:20-23
©It's only your organization that's efficacious in developing thought provoking and convincing talks! Acts 26:24-28
©It's only your organization that's known globally as totally different from all other religionists! Act 24:4
©It's only your organization that's vilified globally even though most people can't explain why? Matthew 10:22, John 17:14-16

On top of it all your profile name is blueAgent, so if i arrest you now and start interrogating you, how are you going to deny that you belong to that single global family of peace loving worshippers having that same blueprint?

So you're guilty as charged! wink

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by johnw47: 1:37pm On Aug 28, 2019


©It's only your organization that's vilified globally


lying pharisee, false jw, mad™ max

hypercrit, you false jw's villify christians even on this forum

far more christians are villified and persecuted worldwide,
in saudi arabia, china, north korea, indonesia, etc.etc.
than you false jw's

when you false jw's are villified, it's because you lie habitually, are puffed up, are sewer mouth braggarts, etc.

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by blueAgent(m): 1:47pm On Aug 28, 2019

My friend stop asking for further proof, you're one of Jehovah's Witnesses! angry

Anytime your oneness is spotted, it always carry the same blueprint.
©It's only your organization that's speaking with one accord! Romans 15:5-6, 1Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:3, Philippians 2:2 compared to John 17:20-23
©It's only your organization that's efficacious in developing thought provoking and convincing talks! Acts 26:24-28
©It's only your organization that's known globally as totally different from all other religionists! Act 24:4
©It's only your organization that's vilified globally even though most people can't explain why? Matthew 10:22, John 17:14-16

On top of it all your profile name is blueAgent, so if i arrest you now and start interrogating you, how are you going to deny that you belong to that single global family of peace loving worshippers having that same blueprint?

So you're guilty as charged! wink

For your information am not a Jehovah's Witnesses.
You have not given me any reason or proof of the trinity doctrine in the Bible


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by blueAgent(m): 1:57pm On Aug 28, 2019
in Hebrew chapter one, it was God the father speaking here,
Now about the angels He says: “He makes
His angels winds, His servants flames of fire.”
8 But about the SON He says: “Your throne, O
GOD, endures forever and ever, and justice is
the scepter of Your kingdom.

who called the Jesus the son ? and what was the speaker called Him ? God!! does it mean that the speaker of that verse is leas God ?

Jesus is NEVER the father, He is the son. on His earthly ministry, the father is in Heaven ( the Lord's prayer prove it, " OUR FATHER WHO AT IN HEAVEN)

This does not prove that Jesus is Co-equal with God.
We all bear our fathers name does that make us equal to our father in age, authority and power.

Do you know that born again Christaintity and Angels are called gods?
now does that make us equal in power and authority with God?

If born again Christains can be called gods than how much more Jesus who has God's divine nature in him the only BEGOTTEN of God, of cos he is God by the reason of him been beget by a God but that does not mean he is equal in power and authority with God.

Psalm 82:6
I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by blueAgent(m): 2:07pm On Aug 28, 2019

Christ is not the same God of Himself, oh most confused one

hint, two persons, one God, as in john 1:1 and many other scriptures showing Jesus to be God

My take is that God is one, who exist eternally and at a certain time he brought forth his son Jesus into existence this was before the World and every other thing including the Angels and Satan were made .
proverbs 8:22

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and
that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones,
or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were
created by him, and for him:
Colossians 1:16

1 Like

Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by malvisguy212: 2:10pm On Aug 28, 2019

This does not prove that Jesus is Co-equal with God.
We all bear our fathers name does that make us equal to our father in age, authority and power.

Do you know that born again Christaintity and Angels are called gods?
now does that make us equal in power and authority with God?

If born again Christaintity can be called gods than how much more Jesus who has God's divine nature in him the only BEGOTTEN of God, of cos he is God by the reason of him been beget by a God but that does not mean he is equal in power and authority with God.

Psalm 82:6
I said, “You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most
I ask a simple question. your son calling you father , does it make your son a less human ? Jesus calling God His Father does it make Him less God ?

what make us human , god ? the Bible make it clear that our origin BEGINS with God, but to the son, His origin is UNKNOWN , the bible address it as the ANCIENT OF DAYS.
Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by blueAgent(m): 2:12pm On Aug 28, 2019

your dad begat you, you and your dad are of the human spirit

Father God begat the Word, the Word and his Father are of the God Spirit, God is a Spirit

not two spirits - not two gods as false jw's believe

They are not two God's.
It is simply one God who has a Son called Jesus who by virtue of been the son of a God automatically is also a God but not in the same capacity and authority like his father.

Here is Jesus own words.

John 14:28
“Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come
again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I
said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. ”


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by malvisguy212: 2:20pm On Aug 28, 2019

For your information am not a Jehovah's Witnesses.
You have not given me reason any proof of the trinity doctrine in the Bible
Can we really understand the trinity ? We can't , how can a finite being understand an infinite God ? Our responsibility is to believe what God has said about Himself.

The old testament prove the fact that there is ONLY ONE GOD. Isreal is surrounded with many nation that worship different gods. God people needed to know that there is only ONE GOD:

Deut. 6:4
"Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God is ONE LORD"

This verse give two details about God. 1. The nature of God (God's ONENESS) and 2. Jehovah is the only God. The old testament emphasizing of the UNITY of God, is not silent with respect to the PLURALITY of God's Nature. The old testament lay the groundwork for the new testament revelation.

The hebrew word for God is Elohim, plural in
form."In the beginning God CREATED" (Genesis
1:1). God is the omnipotent CREATOR! The
name for "God" found in Genesis 1:1 is the
Hebrew word "ELOHIM" the ending of this word
(..IM) is a plural ending,(more than one) just like
our english language "S" is the ending word for
plural. For example:

1. CHERUBIM (Exodus 25:18-20)
2. SERAPHIM (Isaiah 6:2,6)
3. TERAPHIM(judges 17:5)

The words end with IM , they are plural in form.
In Genesis 1:1 the verb "CREATED" is a
SINGULAR verb, and it means "HE (singular)
CREATED." Two answers may be given to the
question, "Who created the heavens and the

1. HE DID (singular) because the verb means
"HE CREATED." The verb does not mean
2. GOD DID (plural) because the word
ELOHIM is a plural word!

So, there is a sense in which God the Creator is
singular. There is only ONE God and He is the
Creator. There is no other God. It is also true
that there is a sense in which He is plural. This
brings us to our next point:

Deuteronomy 6:4 says: "Hear, O Israel: The
LORD [singular] our God [ELOHIM-plural] is ONE

God is Love, if God is two, our Love will be
DIVIDED and one will not Get our full devotion.
So YES, God is ONE and He deserve our Full

The Hebrew word"ONE"found in Deuteronomy 6:4
is a word that can be used to describe a
plural (composite) UNITY (a unity made up of
more than one component). For Example in
Genesis 11:5 "Behold, the PEOPLE IS ONE." The
people (plural) at Babel were united together as
ONE. It was a UNITY, but it was made up of
many people (a plural unity).

Another example is in Genesis 2:24 where the
same word "one" is found: "Therefore shall a
man leave his father and his mother and shall
cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh."
Here we have a plural unity. It is a ONENESS
made up of two persons" a husband and a wife"
They (plural) shall be one (singular) flesh. The
two are one.

Just as Genesis 11:5 speaks of a plural unity
(many people being ONE), and just as Genesis
2:24 speaks of a plural unity (two people being
ONE), so also Deuteronomy 6:4 describes God
who is a PLURAL UNITY. Later we will learn that
this plural unity is actually a TRI-UNITY.

In Isaiah 6:8 , we have a threefold
declaration of God's holiness: "And one cried
unto another, and said, HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is
the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of His
glory" (Isaiah 6:3). we learn elsewhere in
Scripture, namely that 1) God the Father is Holy
(John 17:11); 2) God the Son is Holy (Heb. 7:26
and compare Luke 1:35); 3) God the Holy Spirit
is Holy (as His very Name declares)

In Genesis , God is repeatedly mention as the
creator, and in Genesis 1:2 we saw how the Holy
spirit is actively involve " was moving in the face
of the water. And in john 1:1 we understand that
the Word (jesus) was God and everything were
created through Him.

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Janosky: 3:02pm On Aug 28, 2019

They are not two God's.
It is simply one God who has a Son called Jesus who by virtue of been the son of a God automatically is also a God but not in the same capacity and authority like his father.

Here is Jesus own words.

John 14:28
“Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come
again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I
said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. ”

The lying Pharisees ( who pretending to be Christians) will still come and argue with you for speaking the truth- the very words of Jesus Christ...

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Janosky: 3:11pm On Aug 28, 2019
I ask a simple question. your son calling you father , does it make your son a less human ? Jesus calling God His Father does it make Him less God ?

what make us human , god ? the Bible make it clear that our origin BEGINS with God, but to the son, His origin is UNKNOWN , the bible address it as the ANCIENT OF DAYS.

Malvis lie lie, "but to the son, His origin is UNKNOWN , the bible address it as the ANCIENT OF DAYS."

Daniel 7:13,14 Jesus Christ the son of man there is NOT the "Ancient of Days", stop twisting the holy Scriptures.

John5:26, the son Jesus revealed his origin, it is known.
"His origin UNKNOWN" is a fraud in the KJV.
That statement is NOT in any Hebrew manuscript or even the Septuagint.

Jesus Christ says his Father is "the only true God",John17:3. ( 1 Cor 8:6,'One God the Father') do you need to enroll in Adult Literacy Class to understand the expression "the ONLY true God" or "One God the Father"?

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 3:16pm On Aug 28, 2019

For your information am not a Jehovah's Witnesses.
You have not given me reason any proof of the trinity doctrine in the Bible


So you're not one of us!

Well you can never find anything like TRINITY in the Bible, because the author is just only ONE God! Deuteronomy 6:4 compared to Mark 12:28-30

Jesus is God's firstborn son{first and foremost creature directly made by God himself} just as Adam was the firstborn son of God{in the flesh}, Jesus was the first spirit creature God made! Proverbs 8:22 compared to Luke 3:38

God's holy spirit serves as an "Active Force".
For instance, each part of the human body serves different purposes:
Eyes~ Seeing
Mouth~ Speaking, Eating
Nose~ Breathing
Hands~ Working
Legs~ Movements and so on.

God as a spirit uses his active force to carry out whatever he wishes.
©Before creation it's only his active force that's moving here and there! Genesis 1:1-2

©In Egypt he used his active force to stop all other spirit forces that's enabling the magic practicing priests to imitate his miraculous signs before Pharaoh! Exodus 8:16-19

©God's active force enabled Balaam's donkey to speak! Numbers 22:28

©Samson was killing thousands of Philistines because God's active force was energizing him! Judges 16:28

©Elijah ran ahead of horses as God's active force enabled him! 1Kings 18:46

©God anointed his only begotten son at his baptism by means of the active force! Matthew 3:16-17

©After the establishment of Christianity God bless the Christians by using his active force to help them to accomplish unimaginable things!
Act 2:1-4, 3:1-8, 5:15

So the Holy Spirit is NOT a person like Jehovah and Jesus, it's just what God uses to accomplish his purposes.

Before his death, Stephen looked up into the heavens and he saw just two persons, God and Jesus standing by God's right hand! Act 7:56

But where is the holy spirit? Well it's just the force God used to enable Stephen see what ordinary eyes can't perceive! Act 7:55

God bless you!


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 3:23pm On Aug 28, 2019

They are not two God's.
It is simply one God who has a Son called Jesus who by virtue of been the son of a God automatically is also a God but not in the same capacity and authority like his father.

Here is Jesus own words.

John 14:28
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come
again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I
said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I

Please just ask them to explain who was Jesus referring to as "My father and your father,My God and your God" John 20:17

Who is the God and Father that Jesus was talking about being Father and God to Mary as well?

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by malvisguy212: 3:31pm On Aug 28, 2019

Malvis lie lie, "but to the son, His origin is UNKNOWN , the bible address it as the ANCIENT OF DAYS."

Daniel 7:13,14 Jesus Christ the son of man there is NOT the "Ancient of Days", stop twisting the holy Scriptures.

John5:26, the son Jesus revealed his origin, it is known.
"His origin UNKNOWN" is a fraud in the KJV.
That statement is NOT in any Hebrew manuscript or even the Septuagint.

Jesus Christ says his Father is "the only true God",John17:3. ( 1 Cor 8:6,'One God the Father') do you need to enroll in Adult Literacy Class to understand the expression "the ONLY true God" or "One God the Father"?
I pity you. concerning the origin of Jesus , what does Micah 5:2 say ? smh
Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Janosky: 3:35pm On Aug 28, 2019
in Hebrew chapter one, it was God the father speaking here,
Now about the angels He says: “He makes
His angels winds, His servants flames of fire.”
8 But about the SON He says: “Your throne, O
GOD, endures forever and ever, and justice is
the scepter of Your kingdom.

That's another corrupted verse twisted to support FALSEHOOD.
Hebrews 1:8 is a copy of Psalm 45:6.

@1) No Israelites reads Psalms 45:6 and concluded that their human king is God.
Because "Your throne oh God" is NOT genuine.
"God is (the foundation of) your throne" ,Your divine throne" is AUTHENTIC and CORRECT.

2) Jesus is an offspring of King David, prophesied to sit on the throne of David in Luke 1:30-33. Revelation 3:21.Jesus says "My Father's throne"

@3) @1Chronicles 29:23. 28:5, the throne of David is 'the throne of God', granted to offsprings of David.

@4) Psalms 45:6, says "your divine throne" ,or "God is (foundation of) your throne". (compare 1st Chronicles 29:23. 28:5).
That is what the Israelites/Jews were reading in Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8.

1 Like

Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Janosky: 3:46pm On Aug 28, 2019
I pity you. concerning the origin of Jesus , what does Micah 5:2 say ? smh

"As for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, seemingly
insignificant among the clans of Judah--
from you a king will emerge who will rule
over Israel on my behalf, one whose origins
are in the distant past."

"But you (Bethlehem) Ephrathah, the least of
the clans of Judah, from you will come for
me a future ruler of Israel whose origins go
back to the distant past, to the days of old"
Two different Bible translations ....
Malvis ,where you see "his origin is UNKNOWN"?

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Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by orisa37: 3:59pm On Aug 28, 2019
Jesus is God who plays multiple roles in this film because he's omnipotent.
Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by malvisguy212: 4:03pm On Aug 28, 2019

That's another corrupted verse twisted to support FALSEHOOD.
Hebrews 1:8 is a copy of Psalm 45:6.

@1) No Israelites reads Psalms 45:6 and concluded that their human king is God.
Because "Your throne oh God" is NOT genuine.
"God is (the foundation of) your throne" ,Your divine throne" is AUTHENTIC and CORRECT.

2) Jesus is an offspring of King David, prophesied to sit on the throne of David in Luke 1:30-33. Revelation 3:21.Jesus says "My Father's throne"

@3) @1Chronicles 29:23. 28:5, the throne of David is 'the throne of God', granted to offsprings of David.

@4) Psalms 45:6, says "your divine throne" ,or "God is (foundation of) your throne". (compare 1st Chronicles 29:23. 28:5).
That is what the Israelites/Jews were reading in Psalms 45:6 and Hebrews 1:8.
look, the Jews , ( the teachers of the law) they understand Jesus very well and they know His point that's why they wanted to stone Him.

if Jesus appear to you and ask this question :

Matthew 16:15
15 “But what about you?” he asked.
“Who do you say I am?”

that He is the Angel Michael ? simon Peter answer this question , " you are the Son of the living God" they understand Jesus very well. . As a result, the Jewish leaders tried to kill Him because in "calling God his own Father, [Jesus was] making himself equal
with God" nobody understand this laws more the Jews.

1 Like

Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Janosky: 4:10pm On Aug 28, 2019
look, the Jews , ( the teachers of the law) they understand Jesus very well and they know His point that's why they wanted to stone Him.

if Jesus appear to you and ask this question :

Matthew 16:15
15 “But what about you?” he asked.
“Who do you say I am?”

that He is the Angel Michael ? simon Peter answer this question , " you are the Son of the living God" they understand Jesus very well. . As a result, the Jewish leaders tried to kill Him because in "calling God his own Father, [Jesus was] making himself equal
with God" nobody understand this laws more the Jews.

Malvis said "the Jewish leaders tried to kill Him because in "calling God his own Father, [Jesus was] making himself equal with God"

** The Question is :
If Malvis is "calling God his own Father," is Malvis actually making himself equal with God"?

Malvis pls reply....


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 4:23pm On Aug 28, 2019

They are not two God's.
It is simply one God who has a Son called Jesus who by virtue of been the son of a God automatically is also a God but not in the same capacity and authority like his father.
yes Jesus is not God the Father but God all the same.
Jesus has same capacity as the Father and the Holy Spirit but has a different role which I think is based on the personality of the trinity.
God the Father is the Authority of God
God the Son is the word, the one who makes enacts the decisions of God.
God the Holy Spirit is the one who brings it to pass.
All three are in agreement in every way.

Here is Jesus own words.

John 14:28
“Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come
again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I
said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. ”
The Father is greater than Jesus because Jesus himself was made even lower than the angels in its earthly life.

Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

1 Like

Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Emusan(m): 6:30pm On Aug 28, 2019
I wish I can type long!!! I will try to

Jehovah/Yahweh is the Father ( God the father)
Jesus Christ is the Son (God the Son)
Holy Spirit is God the Spirit
They are different personality in the God Head. As humans' are tripartite so is the God Head.

If you understand it this way, then no need for the below question...

but Clarity sake...I'll address the question in short period.

I get puzzled when some Christians say God is the 'same person' as Jesus Christ, when tons of scriptural verses had made it clear.

Any Christian who says "The Father" (Note: I used Father here instead of God as you did) is the same PERSON as Jesus Christ vis-a-vis doesn't understand scripture well.

For Christians saying they are the same, I ask..... when we get to heaven are we going to see one Entity or 'Three Entity ( Father, Son and Spirit)?

In the Old Testament, nobody talks about Son of God or the person of Holy Spirit as we do today simply because the New Testament writers shield more light about the co-existing and co-eternal of the Three which would have resulted to Polytheistic view if Trinity doctrine wasn't adopted.

Now, to your question:
But because of the redemption role Christ is still playing until fulfillment of the whole promises of God.

The Bible recorded some kind of revelation about the presence of the Father in heaven but the only person the Bible says we'll see is Jesus Christ till every process is complete and "God MAY BE ALL IN ALL" 1 Corinthian 15:28

Adam Clarke puts it this way "...then the son Son, as being man and Messiah, shall cease to exercise any distinct dominion and GOD BE ALL IN ALL: there remaining no longer any distinction in the PERSONS of the glorious TRINITY...."

This is one of the verses many people who argue against Trinity don't understand.

My humble submission!


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Janosky: 7:13pm On Aug 28, 2019

1) Jesus is not God the Father but God all the same.
Jesus has same capacity as the Father and the Holy Spirit but has a different role which I think is based on the personality of the trinity.
God the Father is the Authority of God
God the Son is the word, the one who makes enacts the decisions of God.
God the Holy Spirit is the one who brings it to pass.
All three are in agreement in every way.


The Father is greater than Jesus because Jesus himself was made even lower than the angels in its earthly life.

Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

@1) According to solite3 thinking.(in line 3). he done give him "God(s)" division of labour .. Lols. NOT according to the Holy Scriptures..
Everyone take note!

"Jesus is not God the Father"
John 14:28, is Jesus a lesser God ?
In Jesus heavenly life, what is his current status?


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 7:38pm On Aug 28, 2019

@1) According to solite3 thinking.(in line 3). he done give him "God(s)" division of labour .. Lols. NOT according to the Holy Scriptures..
Everyone take note!

"Jesus is not God the Father"
John 14:28, is Jesus a lesser God ?
In Jesus heavenly life, what is his current status?

Just magine, TRINITY that was fabricated by the Third century Roman Catholic Church fathers, and defined as

Coeternal and Coequal! cheesy

Their problem is not the TRINITY per say!

Their main problem is how to work out what is virtuous like the true Christians just as Jesus has foretold!

They're envious of the effectiveness of Jehovah's Witnesses activities, as we're preaching and teaching with zeal, and making disciples who are also picking up the torture stake to join in the disciple~making work.

The only way to claim they're also preaching is by reciting the fallacies of their teachers amongst themselves but they can never win any faithful soul apart from anxious problematic individuals like themselves who are just seeking for imminent solutions to their unlimited problems! Isaiah 57:20 grin

So they'll continue to run faithlessly from one TRINITARIAN religion to another TRINITARIAN religion.

But when they now come face to face with Jehovah's Witnesses {true Christians} they will start agitating for their TRINITY God as if they know the real meaning of TRINITY. It's when you scrutinise their power of reasoning that you'll find out that NOT even one of them knew exactly what TRINITY truly means! cheesy


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Janosky: 7:42pm On Aug 28, 2019

Now, to your question:
But because of the redemption role Christ is still playing until fulfillment of the whole promises of God.

The Bible recorded some kind of revelation about the presence of the Father in heaven but the only person the Bible says we'll see is Jesus Christ till every process is complete and "God MAY BE ALL IN ALL" 1 Corinthian 15:28

Adam Clarke puts it this way "...then the son Son, as being man and Messiah, shall cease to exercise any distinct dominion and GOD BE ALL IN ALL: there remaining no longer any distinction in the PERSONS of the glorious TRINITY...."

This is one of the verses many people who argue against Trinity don't understand.

My humble submission!

Emusan dubious submission!
Eleyi gidigaan Twister !!!
1Cor15:27, destroys the lie of co-equal triune God.
"it is evident that this does not include the One ( his Father and God) who subject all things to him (Jesus) "
V28 the Son will hand over to his God and Father,
"then the son will also subject himself to the One (his God) who subjected all things to him"
The God and Father of Jesus was NEVER co-equal with his son, Jesus in the heavenly realm where the event of 1Cor15:27-28 took place.


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 7:51pm On Aug 28, 2019

@1) According to solite3 thinking.(in line 3). he done give him "God(s)" division of labour .. Lols. NOT according to the Holy Scriptures..
Everyone take note!

"Jesus is not God the Father"
John 14:28, is Jesus a lesser God ?
Read my reply above carefully.
I didn't make up any division of labour but what the bible set forth.

In Jesus heavenly life, what is his current status?
Jesus status in heaven?

He is both God and man not just the man he was before but the glorified man.

One of the condition for being an high priest according to Hebrews is that he a priest must be taken from among mankind ie must have human nature and as long as he lives he remains a priest till death.

Hebrews 5:1
For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins:

I believe one of the strongest contradiction against Jehovah witness teaching that Jesus was a spirit (micheal) is this.

For Jesus to be a priest continuously, He must retain his human nature forever hence, Jesus must have a physical resurrection and ascend to heaven in that state.

Jesus current status in heaven
1. He is lamb that took away the sin of the word
2. He is a priest still ministering in the temple in heaven
3 As a priest He is the mediator between God and man.
4. He is the Lord or Husband of the Christian church.
5 He is the king whose reign will extend to earth
6. He is the judge appointed by the father to judge all things.


Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 7:55pm On Aug 28, 2019

Emusan dubious submission!
Eleyi gidigaan Twister !!!
1Cor15:27, destroys the lie of co-equal triune God.
"it is evident that this does not include the One ( his Father and God) who subject all things to him (Jesus) "
V28 the Son will hand over to his God and Father,
"then the son will also subject himself to the One (his God) who subjected all things to him"
The God and Father of Jesus was NEVER co-equal with his son, Jesus in the heavenly realm where the event of 1Cor15:27-28 took place.
pls dont speak against what you dont know
1cor15 v 27 is about Jesus reign as the second Adam
Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Nobody: 8:00pm On Aug 28, 2019
Emussan good job dont be deterred God bless you
Re: The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. by Emusan(m): 8:04pm On Aug 28, 2019

Janosky dubious subtraction!
Eleyi gidigaan Twister !!!
1Cor15:27, destroys the lie of co-equal triune God.
"it is evident that this does not include the One ( his Father and God) who subject all things to him (Jesus) "
V28 the Son will hand over to his God and Father,
"then the son will also subject himself to the One (his God) who subjected all things to him"
The God and Father of Jesus was NEVER co-equal with his son, Jesus in the heavenly realm where the event of 1Cor15:27-28 took place.

After you finished ranting, go and learn when the scripture is talking about the eternal Word of God before becoming man and when it's talking about Him after becoming man.

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